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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revisiting the gentleman : a study of hegemonic masculinity in the works of Jane Austen

Olguin, Suyin 12 1900 (has links)
L’augmentation grandissante de l’attention portée dans les études sur la masculinité tant à la littérature féminine qu’à ses auteurs incite les chercheurs à se pencher de nouveau sur l’icône qu’est le gentilhomme, sur la réponse qu’offre la littérature du XVIIIe siècle face à cette idéalisation de la masculinité, et comment ces standards ont contribué à façonner nos propres perceptions des différenciations des rôles sexuels. Ce mémoire présente une analyse des personnages masculins des romans de Jane Austen, Emma, Persuasion et Mansfield Park, à travers le concept de « masculinité hégémonique » de R.W. Connell, concept qui a eu un impact certain dans les recherches retraçant comment l’histoire et l’hégémonie ont fabriqué les attentes sociales et nationales envers l’homme anglais. Les livres expliquant la conduite à avoir pour être un gentilhomme viril ont sans aucun doute perpétué ces idéaux. À travers l’étude de la politesse, de la sincérité et de l’héroïsme, perpétuellement renouvelés afin de correspondre aux nouveaux idéaux de la masculinité, cette thèse étudie les livres éducatifs influents, notamment de Locke, Knox et Secker, afin de comprendre de quelle façon la masculinité hégémonique est devenue une partie intégrante du discours et de l’éducation à l’époque de la Régence anglaise. Les œuvres d’Austen ne cesse de rappeler la vulnérabilité de l’hégémonie en rappelant constamment au lecteur l’importance des expériences et de la croissance personnelle, et ce, peu importe le sexe. Néanmoins, ses romans correspondent tout de même à ce que devrait être une éducation appropriée reposant sur les règle de conduite, l’autonomie, le travail et la sincérité; lesquels, tel que l’histoire analysée dans ce mémoire le démontrera, appartiennent également aux idéaux du nationalisme anglais et de la masculinité. / The increasing amount of attention to literature and female novelists in masculinity studies invites academics to revisit iconic figures like the gentleman in order to explore how literature responds to idealizations of manliness in eighteenth-century society and how these standards contribute to our own view of gender differentiation. This thesis analyses male characters in Jane Austen’s Emma, Persuasion and Mansfield Park under the scope of R.W. Connell’s concept of “Hegemonic Masculinity,” a concept that has been influential in the study of how history and hegemony influence social and national expectations of English masculine character. Conduct books that instructed genteel men how to be a manly gentleman perpetuated these ideals. Through the study of how politeness, sincerity, and heroism were continuously transformed to incorporate new ideals of manhood, this thesis examines influential conduct books by Locke, Knox, and Secker in order to understand how hegemonic masculinity became an essential part of Regency masculine education and discourse. Austen’s works highlight the vulnerability of hegemony by reminding the reader about the importance of human experience and growth regardless of gender. Nevertheless, her novels respond to appropriate education that instructs on principle, self-governance, industry, and sincerity, all of which, as the history addressed in this thesis demonstrates, also belonged to ideals of English nationalism and masculinity.

Dėstytojų vertinimai svetainėje dėstytojai.lt / Assessment of Lecturers on the Website dėstytojai.lt

Rekašienė, Edita 02 June 2014 (has links)
Pasirodžius lingvistinio mandagumo teorijai, pasaulyje tokio pobūdžio tyrimai tapo labai populiarūs, tačiau lingvistinė pragmatika tebėra naujas reiškinys lietuvių kalbotyroje, visai mažai dėmesio skiriama pragmatiniams elektroninio diskurso tyrimams, ypač retai lingvistiniu aspektu tiriami interneto komentarai. Tačiau juos tirti verta dėl šio žanro populiarumo ir dėl to, kad jie parodo kasdien vartojamą kalbą bei veikia kalbinius mūsų visuomenės įpročius. Analizuoti interneto komentarus nuspręsta ir dėl jiems būdingo anonimiškumo, kadangi buvo siekiama patikrinti, ar asmens įvaizdžio apsaugos teorija veikia ir tada, kai adresantas slepiasi po pseudonimu. Šiame darbe pristatomas interneto svetainėje dėstytojai.lt esančiuose studentų komentaruose dėstytojams skirtų vertinimų tyrimas. Vertinimai analizuoti leksiniu-gramatiniu, lingvistinio mandagumo ir funkciniu aspektais. Buvo tiriama, kokie žodžiai ir jų junginiai dažniausiai vartojami vertinant dėstytoją, kaip teigiami-neigiami vertinimai sąveikauja tekste, kaip nuo jų sąveikos priklauso bendras komentaro turinio teigiamumas-neigiamumas. Taip pat buvo tiriama, kaip studentų komentaruose veikia lingvistinio mandagumo teorija: kokias strategijas naudoja studentai, pateikdami neigiamus vertinimus (kurie iš esmės yra asmens įvaizdžiui grėsmingi šnekos aktai), kokiais būdais jie yra švelninami. Išanalizuotas ir funkcinis neigiamų vertinimų aspektas – nustatyti šnekos aktai, kuriais realizuojami neigiami vertinimai, ištirta jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / When linguistic politeness theory has emerged, it became very popular all over the world, but it’s still a new phenomenon in Lithuanian linguistics. Little attention from pragmatic point of view is paid to the electronic discourse, especially to the interactive internet commentaries. However, they are worth analyzing because of the popularity of their genre and because they reflect the everyday language, also they are affecting the speech habits of our society. It was also decided to analyze interactive commentaries because of their anonymity factor, as it was expected to verify if the politeness theory works when the addressers are hiding behind their pseudonyms. Therefore, this study aims to represent the analysis of the assessments of lecturers in the interactive student commentaries on the website dėstytojai.lt. The analysis includes research of what words and phrases are commonly used for the assessment of lecturers, and research of how do positive and negative assessments interact in texts – how the negativity-positivity of the overall content of the commentary depends on their interaction. It has also been analyzed how the linguistic theory of politeness manifests itself in these commentaries: what strategies are used for the negative assessments (that are considered as face threatening speech acts), what criticism mitigating devices are used in them. It has been analyzed what the speech acts are used to actualize negative assessments in researched commentaries and how... [to full text]

漢語兒童請求時的禮貌 / Mandarin-speaking children's politeness in requests

陳郁彬, Chen, Yupin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣漢語兒童在日常家庭對話中,對父母行使請求時的語言表現及禮貌現象,以了解漢語兒童的語用發展歷程與現象。研究的重點主要是在兒童表達請求的言語行為時所使用的語言形式,以及人際關係中會影響兒童禮貌表現的因素及其反應在語言形式的使用情形。透過對兩位以漢語為母語的兒童長期互動的觀察,本研究發現,兒童在表達請求時,採用多元的語言形式,包含祈使句、直述句、帶有語尾助詞的祈使句、以及表達個人慾望或需求的陳述句。考量這些語言形式使用的情境後進一步發現,兒童傾向在一般的日常對話中多以表達個人慾望的陳述句為表達請求的主要語言形式,而在合作互動的情境中,主要的請求語言形式則絕大多數為祈使句;這樣的語言功能分工,在兩歲半左右可以明顯觀察得到。 另外,透過兒童語言形式表達禮貌的觀察顯示,兒童普遍會依照人際互動的一些因素來選擇表達請求時所適用的語言形式,尤以有效性及地位高低為主要的兩個考量因素。觀察中發現,兒童大量使用祈使句及表達個人慾望需求的陳述句來表達請求,而其他的語言型式相對上則少得許多,主要的因素很有可能是這兩類的語言型式,在他們與父母互動中最能有效達到他們的溝通目的。此外,兒童也會依照他們在表達請求時與他們父母間的地位高低來考量請求所要使用的語言形式。儘管觀察結果指出,兒童傾向使用能有效達到溝通互動目的的語言形式來表達他們的請求,必要時,他們也會依照互動雙方的地位關係進行語言形式的微調,這樣的語言表現有明顯的系統性;而這樣的系統性,進而突顯了兒童約略在三歲前即對禮貌在語言形式使用的影響有了初步的系統與了解。 除了句法結構外,兒童也會透過詞彙單位來傳達他們在請求所應注意的禮貌,例如,必要時,他們會使用「幫」、「請」、及「我們」來修飾或削弱請求時可能對對方所造成的影響。這些詞彙的使用在發展上屬於略晚才習得的語言形式。 最後,研究的結果也指出,雖然兒童表達請求時,使用較為間接而有禮的語言形式,未必較能有效地達到他們的溝通目的,但是如果在表達請求的同時,也進一步說明理由者,達到溝通目的的機率則有明顯的增加。另外,從語言形式和表達請求的情境及人際地位的互動中發現,兒童表達請求的基本語言形式極有可能為表達個人的慾望與需求的陳述句,儘管祈使句在所觀察的語料中使用的頻率最高。這樣的論點,不但符合其他文獻中針對兒童語言發展的發現,也貼近兒童語言發展為連續過程的觀點,且也反應了人類語言發展的基本歷程。 / This study aims to investigate Mandarin-speaking children’s requests and their linguistic politeness so as to contribute to the understanding of children’s pragmatic development as well as linguistic development. The present study is mainly concerned with what linguistic devices children utilize to issue requests in spontaneous interactions with their parents and what interpersonal factors may have an influence on children’s uses of request forms. These two issues were discussed through examinations over children’s spontaneous interactions with their parents in family settings. On the basis of the longitudinal data produced by two children, it has been found that when requesting, children draw upon various linguistic devices, primarily including simple imperatives, WANT statements, imperatives with sentence-final particle, and declaratives. Such a variety of request forms can be observed from an early age on, at around two years old, but demonstrates no remarkable development, judged simply by these formal devices used at different ages. When situational contexts are also taken into account, nevertheless, a developmental pattern regarding the request forms is thus revealed. In terms of situational contexts, children are found to use simple imperatives primarily to convey their requests when involved in interactive activities with their parents, whereas they tend to utilize both simple imperatives and WANT statements when having common talks with their parents. Such a division of labor can be noticeably observed when children are about two and half years old. As to children’s linguistic politeness when making requests, the results reveal that children are aware of the influence of certain interactional and interpersonal factors on the appropriate use of linguistic forms. Children are inclined to draw upon comparatively more effective forms to issue their requests, and therefore children by and large request with pure imperatives and WANT statements, since these two request forms may effectively obtain the desirable compliance from their parents. In addition to effectiveness, children may also take interpersonal status and request cost into consideration when judging which request forms to use in the immediate context. Such consideration of interpersonal status when determining the appropriate request forms to use may thus reflects children’s awareness of politeness at around the age of three. In addition to syntactic structures, children are also found to draw upon lexical items to show their deference to politeness. Children may use such lexical forms as qing ‘please’, bang ‘to help with’ and women ‘let’s; we’ to mitigate the illocutionary force in their requests. These forms, despite their low frequencies in the data, may thus reveal children’s sensitivity to politeness when making such a face-threatening act as requests. The use of these polite lexical forms also discloses a comparatively late development in linguistic politeness; children may not use such polite forms until they reach the second half of their second year. A late development is also observed in the respect of children’s use of reasons to justify their requests. The results show that children’s justification may generally increase the effectiveness of their requests, but such use is infrequent and only observed at a later age, around the age of three. Finally, the results of the investigation into the data may suggest that WANT statements are highly likely an earlier developed request form and the prime linguistic forms children rely on to issue their requests, given the findings that children tend to request with WANT statements when interacting with parents at a lower status as a child and that children’s use of request forms are prone to the effect of interpersonal status. Such a suggestion may not only conform to the findings in previous studies with regard to children’s linguistic development in requests, but also accord with the general developmental pattern of human languages.

Apologising in British English

Deutschmann, Mats January 2003 (has links)
The thesis explores the form, function and sociolinguistic distribution of explicit apologies in the spoken part of the British National Corpus. The sub-corpus used for the study comprises a spoken text mass of about five million words and represents dialogue produced by more than 1700 speakers, acting in a number of different conversational settings. More than 3000 examples of apologising are included in the analysis. Primarily, the form and function of the apologies are examined in relation to the type of offence leading up to the speech act. Aspects such as the sincerity of the apologies and the use of additional remedial strategies other than explicit apologising are also considered. Variations in the distributions of the different types of apologies found are subsequently investigated for the two independent variables speaker social identity (gender, social class and age) and conversational setting (genre, formality and group size). The effect of the speaker-addressee relationship on the apology rate and the types of apologies produced is also examined. In this study, the prototypical apology, a speech act used to remedy a real or perceived offence, is only one of a number of uses of the apology form in the corpus. Other common functions of the form include discourse-managing devices such as request cues for repetition and markers of hesitation, as well as disarming devices uttered before expressing disagreement and controversial opinions. Among the speaker social variables investigated, age and social class are particularly important in affecting apologetic behaviour. Young and middle-class speakers favour the use of the apology form. No substantial gender differences in apologising are apparent in the corpus. I have also been able to show that large conversational groups result in frequent use of the form. Finally, analysis of the effects of the speaker-addressee relationship on the use of the speech act shows that, contrary to expectations based on Brown & Levinson’s theory of politeness, it is the powerful who tend to apologise to the powerless rather than vice versa. The study implies that formulaic politeness is an important linguistic marker of social class and that its use often involves control of the addressee.

The pragmatic particles 'enfin' and 'écoute' in French film and TV dialogue

Connors, Marianne Dorothy January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of the pragmatic particles (PPs) 'enfin' and 'écoute' in French film dialogue, and their translations in British English subtitles. Using a corpus of nine films and eight episodes drawn from two television series – all released in the UK between 2005 and 2015, and equating to approximately twenty-two hours – the study identifies tokens across a much wider range of contexts than has previously been possible using traditional corpora. The main contribution is an analysis of PP functions. The results for 'enfin' show a different functional distribution of the particle to other corpora, with corrective 'enfin' occurring significantly less frequently. The relatively large number of tokens of performative and emotional (or affective) 'enfin' allows for an elaboration of these two categories, and a tendency is observed for 'enfin' to appear as an apparent disagreement mitigator in discussions between peers. With regard to 'écoute', it is argued that écoute1 functions as a face-threat mitigator in unequal relationships and écoute2 as an FTA, although the particle is multifunctional and some tokens exhibit characteristics of both categories. Attention is given to combinations of 'enfin' and 'écoute' with other particles: while there is a clear tendency for disagreement-mitigating 'enfin' to co-occur with 'mais', and for the precision and restrictive subcategories of the corrective to co-occur with 'je veux dire', other previously documented combinations ('enfin bon' and 'ben écoute') are not frequently occurring in the present corpus. The thesis also makes a significant contribution to the field of Audiovisual Translation (AVT). The English subtitles show high rates of omission for both particles consistent with previous research, with disagreement-mitigating 'enfin' particularly vulnerable to omission. However, the analysis reveals a surprising pattern regarding 'écoute': a clear division of labour between ‘look’ (used to translate more confrontational tokens) and ‘listen’ (more conciliatory and socially distant). The study includes an experimental analysis of the subtitles relative to their character limits, demonstrating a potential new approach for researchers wishing to investigate the impact of various subtitling constraints.

Linguistic Strategy and Leadership : A study of how politeness in management affects subordinates' motivation

Young, Celina January 2009 (has links)
Communication in professional settings is essential to arriving at end results. Managers use speech acts to delegate, instruct, and in other ways get subordinates to perform everyday tasks. The present study aims to investigate how speech acts are performed using different politeness strategies, how these politeness strategies affect the motivation in subordinates, and how politeness can be used strategically in specific situations. The results indicate that politeness strategies used by managers are important for the motivation of subordinates and that different situations and different individuals call for different politeness strategies. Thus it is necessary for managers to make conscious and strategic linguistic choices adapted to specific situations and individuals.

Desaparecimento da flexão verbal como marca de tratamento no modo imperativo - um caso de variação e mudança no português brasileiro / Loss of verbal flexion mark as imperative in the way of treatment - a case of variation and change in Bbrazilian portuguese

Henrique Santos Braga 11 August 2008 (has links)
A partir de um corpus composto por textos dramáticos, produzidos na região sudeste brasileira entre 1850 e 1975, nossa pesquisa se destina a estudar o uso que os falantes fizeram, ao longo desse período, das formas do singular do modo imperativo. A motivação para esse estudo se deve ao fato de que, em certas variantes do português brasileiro nas quais se trata o interlocutor primordialmente pelo pronome você, é já constatado um processo de variação entre a forma imperativa oriunda do indicativo associada ao tratamento em segunda pessoa do singular e a forma oriunda do subjuntivo tida como terceira pessoa do singular. Dada essa sincronia, já analisada por alguns trabalhos, nosso intuito foi investigar usos de épocas anteriores, visando a identificar se, ao longo do tempo, além da variação é possível ainda observar um processo de mudança lingüística envolvendo essas formas verbais. Para tratar do fenômeno em questão, optamos pela Teoria Multissistêmica (cf. CASTILHO, 2006), uma abordagem funcionalista que assume a língua como um sistema complexo, no qual os subsistemas gramatical, lexical e semântico-pragmático, embora sejam correlacionados, não estabelecem relações determinísticas. Buscamos ainda sugestões metodológicas da sociolingüística variacionista para quantificar os dados em análise. / From a corpus comprised of dramatic texts produced in Brazils southeast region between 1850 and 1975, our research aims to study speakers usage of the imperative mood in the singular form. The motivation of this thesis is due to the fact that among certain variations of brazilian Portuguese language the interlocutor is treated mainly by the pronoun você. Moreover, a process of variation has already been noticed between the imperative form derived from the indicative mood associated with the treatment in the second-person singular and the form derived from the subjunctive mood considered as the third-person singular. Given this synchrony that has already been analyzed in other papers, our target was to investigate the usage in previous times aiming to identify if besides the variation it is still possible to observe a language changing process involving this verbal forms. To treat the phenomenon in question we have opted for the multisystemic theory (cf. CASTILHO, 2006), a functional linguistics approach that assumes language as a complex system in which the grammatical, lexical and semantic-pragmatical subsystems, in spite of being correlated, dont establish a deterministic relationship. We have still searched for methodological suggestions from the variacionist sociolinguistic to quantify the data being analyzed.

Transgredir, jamais! Interação e cortesia linguísticas nos manuais de etiqueta / Transgress, never! Linguistic interaction and politeness inside etiquette manuals

Renira Appa de Moraes Cirelli 02 August 2012 (has links)
A presente tese discute a comunicação como fator dependente da interação e da cortesia linguísticas inseridas nos manuais de etiqueta, visando a identificar explícita e implicitamente as estratégias interacionais apresentadas por três autores, escolhi-dos como corpus, os quais compõem três guias de comportamento: 1)Marcelino por Claudia: o guia de boas maneiras de Marcelino de Carvalho interpretado por Claudia, de Claudia Matarazzo; 2)Etiqueta Século XXI: um guia prático de boas ma-neiras para os novos tempos, de Celia Ribeiro; 3)Sempre, às vezes, nunca: etiqueta e comportamento, de Fabio Arruda. Destes três manuais, foram escolhidas algu-mas partes que cabiam à análise proposta. A pesquisa busca embasamento nas perspectivas da Análise da Conversação (AC) e na Sociolinguística Interacional (SI). Essas bases possuem duas linhas dorsais, com estudos sobre interações e cor-tesia linguística. Dá-se ainda uma visão panorâmica dos três livros pertencentes ao corpus, com uma breve análise da variação linguística. Investiga-se também a utili-dade desses manuais na melhoria dos níveis de interação social. A análise dos mar-cadores de cortesia percorre os critérios de correção, atenuadores, modalizadores, formas de tratamento e situações de ameaça às faces, visando a encontrar respos-tas para os questionamentos da pesquisa. Quanto aos aspectos comportamentais da cortesia são pouco mencionados, exceto os que estão inseridos no contexto fala ou na intenção de fala. O estudo parte de um ponto de vista sobre a cortesia linguís-tica; teoria de ameaça às faces positiva e negativa, concentrando-se na linguagem de interesse social e na interação entre indivíduos ou grupos. / This thesis discusses communication as an interaction-dependent factor and linguis-tic politeness inserted in etiquette manuals, in order to explicit and implicitly identify the interactional strategies presented by three authors chosen as corpus, which is comprised of some parts chosen from three manuals of behavior: 1) Marcelino by Claudia: the guide to good manners by Marcelino de Carvalho interpreted by Clau-dia, by Claudia Matarazzo; 2) 21st Century Etiquette: a practical guide to good manners for modern times, by Celia Ribeiro; 3) Always, sometimes, never: etiquette and behavior, by Fabio Arruda. This research seeks to establish the bases for per-spectives in Conversation Analysis (CA) and in Interactional Sociolinguistics (IS). These theorical bases have two dorsal structures or chief ideas, with studies on lin-guistic interactions and politeness. It gives still a birds-eye view of the three books belonging to the corpus, with a brief analysis of linguistic variation. It also investigates the usefulness of these manuals in the improvement of social interaction levels. The analysis of politeness markers traverses the criteria for correction, attenuators, modalizations (a speakers attitude towards their own utterance), forms of treatment, and faces threatening acts (FTA), in order to find answers to the researchs posing questions. Behavioral aspects of courtesy are mentioned only when inserted into speech context or its intention. The study originates from a point of view about lin-guistic politeness; threatening theory on positive and negative faces, focusing on the language of social interest, with the purpose of continuity of interaction between indi-viduals or groups.

Estratégias de polidez e a variação de nós x a gente na fala de discentes da Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Santos, Kelly Carine dos 24 March 2014 (has links)
Nowadays, there are two ways of referring to the first person plural in Brazil’s spoken Portuguese language pronoun paradigm: nós, the most traditional way to refer to I plus one person or more people, and a gente, an innovative way which also designates I plus one person or more people. Such alternation related to the first person plural has been already studied from the sociolinguistic point of view, which can also be verified through pragmatic studies, taking into consideration that from politeness, a pragmatic variable, it can be inferred which contexts favour the use of one form or another. Brown and Levinson (2011 [1987]), while discussing politeness as a linguistic strategy used so that both speaker and listener´s faces are preserved, in order to establish communication without conflicts, considered that three strategies can influence the linguistic contexts with politeness value: power relations among speakers, social distance and cost of imposition. Besides these pragmatic strategies, we considered the pair sex/gender as a factor that may also be significant to politeness strategies choice. Due to the lack of studies about the variation of nós/a gente from the politeness perspective, and understanding the need of discussing such topics in sociolinguistic studies, we intend to analyse, from Brown and Levinson’s (2011 [1987]) model of politeness, the influence of more polite and less polite contexts in the frequency of nós/a gente forms usages as well as the effects of this type of data collection, so that it could be verified the importance of pragmatic factors in sociolinguistic analysis. In this study, our scope of analysis were corpora samples taken from Social Network of University Students Informants (ARAUJO; FREITAG; SANTOS, 2013), comprised by interactions that capture the nuances of politeness, which are essential to this study – and Itabaiana / SE’s Intellectual Speakers (ARAUJO; BARRETO; FREITAG, 2012) – comprised by sociolinguistic interviews, which followed sociolinguistic variation methodology of collection (LABOV 2008 [1972]). In this sense, it is noteworthy that both samples were recorded speech data from informants of students’ community of practice of campus Professor Alberto Carvalho (UFS). The quantitative analysis of variation orientation indicates that the contexts with a high degree of politeness (a speaker who knows the topic but does not have a bond with their opposite sex counterpart) favoured the application of an innovative variant (a gente), which perhaps was an approach strategy. The results also show that the collection methodology in social network resulted in higher productivity of a gente when compared to data collection method of sociolinguistic interviews. Therefore, we conclude that the results point to a high application of a gente form in the community of practice of Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) students, and these data can be analysed from a pragmatic bias through a new data collection methodology. / Atualmente, há no paradigma pronominal do português falado no Brasil duas formas de referência à 1ª pessoa do plural: a forma nós, forma mais tradicional de se referir a um eu mais outra ou outras pessoas, e a forma a gente, forma inovadora que possui a mesma carga semântica da sua variante. Tal alternância de referência à 1ª pessoa do plural, já estudada do ponto de vista sociolinguístico, pode ser verificada também por meio dos estudos pragmáticos, uma vez que a partir da polidez, uma variável pragmática, é possível inferir quais contextos favorecem a utilização de uma ou outra forma. Brown e Levinson (2011 [1987]), ao tratarem a polidez como uma estratégia linguística utilizada com o objetivo de preservar a face do falante e a face do ouvinte, no intuito de estabelecer uma comunicação sem atritos, consideram que três estratégias podem influenciar nos contextos linguísticos com valor de polidez: as relações de poder entre os falantes, a distância social e o custo de imposição. Além dessas estratégias pragmáticas, consideramos o sexo/gênero como fator que também pode se mostrar significativo na escolha de estratégias de polidez. Em virtude da ausência de estudos sobre a variação de nós/a gente sob a perspectiva da polidez, e entendendo a necessidade de trazer tais discussões para os estudos sociolinguísticos, nos propomos a analisar, a partir do modelo de polidez de Brown e Levinson (2011 [1987]), a influência de contextos mais polidos e contextos menos polidos na frequência de uso das formas nós/a gente, bem como os efeitos do tipo de coleta de dados, verificando, assim, a importância dos fatores pragmáticos na análise sociolinguística. Tomamos como corpus de análise deste estudo as amostras Rede Social de Informantes Universitários (ARAUJO; FREITAG; SANTOS, 2013) – formada a partir de interações a fim de atender às necessidades de captar as nuanças de polidez indispensáveis para esse estudo – e Falantes Cultos de Itabaiana/SE (ARAUJO; BARRETO; FREITAG, 2012) – formada a partir de entrevistas sociolinguísticas, seguindo a metodologia de coleta da Sociolinguística Variacionista (LABOV, 2008 [1972]) – ambas constituídas de dados de fala de informantes da comunidade de prática de alunos do Campus Prof. Alberto Carvalho/UFS. A análise quantitativa de orientação variacionista aponta que os contextos de maior polidez (falante com domínio do tópico, com laços fracos de relacionamento e do sexo oposto ao do seu interlocutor) favoreceram a aplicação da variante inovadora, talvez como uma estratégia de aproximação. Os três contextos de polidez – positivo, negativo e encoberto - também favoreceram a aplicação da variante a gente; a qual também foi favorecida pelo fator sexo/gênero, em relações simétricas com mulheres e entre pessoas com alto grau de distância social. Os resultados também evidenciam que a metodologia de coleta em rede social resultou em maior produtividade da forma a gente, em comparação ao método de coleta de dados a partir de entrevistas sociolinguísticas. Concluímos, assim, que os resultados apontam para uma alta aplicação da forma a gente na comunidade de prática de alunos da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, e que esses dados puderam ser analisados pelo viés pragmático a partir de uma nova metodologia de coleta de dados.

Variação na expressão da 1ª pessoa do plural : indeterminação do sujeito e polidez

Mendonça, Josilene de Jesus 24 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The indeterminacy of the subject is a phenomenon linked to notions of person, generalisation and specificity of the reference. In addition to such syntactic-semantic aspects also may be related with the pragmatic notion of politeness, because the speaker can use the strategies of indeterminacy of the subject of the first person plural: as a way of demonstrating the proximity/distance from the information given, including generic reference groups of greater or lesser scope, as negotiations necessary for the balance of communication while preserving the faces of the interlocutors. To investigate the correlation between indetermination of the subject, politeness and the variation in the first person singular, we use the sample speech Data of students of Atheneu Sergipense, which takes as its starting point the concept of community of practice, whereby a group of people share a common social enterprise; considering two pickup lines: the speech community (homogenized stratification) and of community of practice (socio-personal relations). Occurrences of the first person plural: with generic reference have been encoded according to linguistic, social and pragmatic variables, in order to establish correlations between linguistic forms and their social values and pragmatists within the community studied. After encoding, the data were subjected to statistical treatment of GoldVarb X program, in order to identify the variables that influence on the variation in the expression of the first person singular with generic reference. Control of variables specifier deictic characteristics, definiteness and referential group give evidence that the way the us presents greater frequency of use in contexts [+ defined], with probability of 0.61; in contexts with deictic specifiers (personal deictics - 0.71, spatial – 0.64 and temporal - 054), as well as in less comprehensive reference contexts, with a greater degree of inclusion of the speaker (students - 88.2%; Family - 86.7%; 81.8%; class students of Atheneu (78.1%). These results suggest that the use of pronominal form us as a resource of indeterminacy of the subject occurs in contexts with a lesser degree of generalization, reference denoting greater inclusion of the speaker in the generic reference group. In relation to social variables, sex/gender female factors, as well as the type of sociolinguistic interview collection favored the use of the pronoun us. The results on the basis of the pragmatic variables suggest that the us has increased frequency of use in interactions with distant degree of familiarity between the interlocutors, in situations where the speaker is without the domain of the topic and in international contexts with a greater degree of imposition of the communicative act, confirming our general hypothesis concerning the probability of use of us in contexts more polished. By examining structural, social and pragmatic factors, whereas two methodological models, our research shows significant by itself to the study of the forms of the first person plural: with generic reference, since the inclusion of the speaker in generic referent acts as politeness strategy, in which the speaker approaches or if distance from the propositional content, as negotiations necessary for the balance of communication preserving the faces of the interlocutors. / A indeterminação do sujeito é um fenômeno atrelado às noções de pessoa, generalização e especificidade da referência. Além de tais aspectos sintático-semânticos, também pode estar relacionado com a noção pragmática de polidez, visto que o falante pode utilizar as estratégias de indeterminação do sujeito de 1ª pessoa do plural como forma de demonstrar sua proximidade/distância da informação dada, incluindo-se em grupos referenciais genéricos de maior ou menor abrangência, conforme negociações necessárias para o equilíbrio da comunicação, preservando as faces dos interlocutores. Para investigar a correlação entre indeterminação do sujeito, polidez e a variação na 1ª pessoa do plural, utilizamos a amostra Dados de fala de estudantes do Atheneu Sergipense, que toma como ponto de partida o conceito de comunidade de prática, segundo o qual um grupo de pessoas compartilham um empreendimento social comum; considerando duas linhas de coleta: a de comunidade de fala (estratificação homogeneizada) e a de comunidade de prática (relações sociopessoais). As ocorrências de 1ª pessoa do plural com referência genérica foram codificadas de acordo com variáveis linguísticas, sociais e pragmáticas, a fim de estabelecer correlações entre as formas linguísticas e seus valores sociais e pragmáticos dentro da comunidade estudada. Após a codificação, os dados foram submetidos ao tratamento estatístico do programa GoldVarb X, a fim de identificarmos as variáveis que influenciam na variação na expressão da primeira pessoa do plural com referência genérica. O controle das variáveis deiticidade do especificador, definitude e grupo referencial dão indícios de que a forma a gente apresenta maior frequência de uso em contextos [+ definidos], com probabilidade de 0,61; em contextos com especificadores dêiticos (dêitico pessoal – 0,71, espacial – 0,64 e temporal – 0,54), bem como em contextos referenciais menos abrangentes, com maior grau de inclusão do falante (alunos – 88,2%; família – 86,7%; turma – 81,8%; alunos do Atheneu (78,1%). Esses resultados sugerem que o uso da forma pronominal a gente como recurso de indeterminação do sujeito ocorre em contextos com menor grau de generalização da referência, denotando maior inclusão do falante no grupo referencial genérico. Em relação às variáveis sociais, os fatores sexo/gênero feminino, bem como o tipo de coleta entrevista sociolinguística favoreceram o uso do pronome a gente. Os resultados em função das variáveis pragmáticas sugerem que a variante a gente apresenta maior frequência de uso em interações com grau distante de familiaridade entre os interlocutores, em situações em que o falante se encontra sem o domínio do tópico interacional e em contextos com maior grau de imposição do ato comunicativo, confirmando nossa hipótese geral a respeito da maior probabilidade de uso de a gente em contextos mais polidos. Por analisar fatores estruturais, sociais e pragmáticos, considerando dois modelos metodológicos de coleta, nossa pesquisa se mostra significativa para o estudo das formas de 1ª pessoa do plural com referência genérica, haja vista que a inclusão do falante em referente genéricos funciona como estratégia de polidez, em que o falante se aproxima ou se distancia do conteúdo proposicional, conforme negociações necessárias para o equilíbrio da comunicação, preservando as faces dos interlocutores.

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