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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acting Against Principles : How the violation of conversation rules in dialoguecreates a clever TV character

Hagman, Gustav January 2014 (has links)
This paper studies the use of violations of conversation principles in the written dialogue of Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones. The aim is to establish if and how these violations aid in making him seem clever. The character's dialogues are matched against three theoretical principles: Politeness Theory, The Cooperative Principle and Turn-taking Principles. The findings suggest that by breaking basic principles of conversation, Tyrion provides entertaining dialogue and manages to create unexpected solutions to different threatening situations. Results show an even distribution of strategic violations, among the three theoretical approaches, which could suggest that the dialogue is consciously written to help make the audience feel impressed by the character's features. Tyrion's violations of conversation principles is a contribution in what makes him seem witty. This ability in the character seems to be closely linked to a lack of fear for any negative social consequences. The character's ability to act free from rules of social behavior could be considered one of the reasons behind his popularity among fans of the show.

A leadership analysis of George Orwell's Animal Farm

Aranda, Assed, Karlsson, Jasper Mauro January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to research the writing of George Orwell by analysing the four main pigs in his novel Animal Farm from a linguistic and rhetorical perspective. The paper's purpose is to explore occurrences of chosen phenomena tied to linguistic and rhetorical theory, with the goal to create an understanding of how Orwell portrays his characters exercising leadership and how their communicative strategies differ or coincide. In order to investigate occurrences of linguistic and rhetorical phenomena, the method of qualitative content analysis with a directed approach will be applied. This method of choice leaves room for interpretation based on the chosen theories and can assist in answering the research question. The results incline towards the pigs in Orwell’s novel applying various forms of linguistic and rhetorical strategies, often to persuade, manipulate and/or deceive the animals. Additionally, it is prevalent that there are both similarities and differences in the pigs' use of leadership as well as the use of linguistic and rhetorical strategies. Lastly, the paper will discuss and reflect on the results in order to draw conclusions and answer the research question.

Los verbos modales en las introducciones y en las conclusiones de los artículos científicos de turismo

Domínguez Morales, María Elena 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las perífrasis modales, sus significados y la existencia de variación en las secciones mencionadas del artículo científico en un corpus de las secciones denominadas "introducción" y "conclusión" del artículo de investigación en la disciplina de turismo. Estos textos se han extraído de revistas en el campo y con un índice de impacto notorio en la especialidad. Las perífrasis modales reflejan el punto de vista del hablante. Como parte de la metodología, se usan herramientas de lingüística de corpus que permiten la gestión de los textos y su consulta, además de la extracción de ejemplos concretos que ilustren las formas, las categorías semánticas y las funciones que se encuentren en los textos estudiados. Sin embargo, dado que el contexto es fundamental para poder identificar los significados modales, parte del análisis de los textos requiere de un reconocimiento visual directo de cada caso, pues una misma perífrasis modal puede indicar diferentes significados. El análisis y discusión de los datos se nutre de estudios en lingüística funcional que permitan dar cuenta de los usos y funciones. Las conclusiones indican que, en efecto, existe variación no solo en cuanto a las formas usadas en cada una de las introducciones y en las conclusiones, sino también con respecto al significado. En este sentido, se constata que la modalidad dinámica es más frecuente en las introducciones, según frecuencias relativas, y la modalidad epistémica es más frecuente en las conclusiones. Igualmente, se han detectado varias funciones estrechamente relacionadas con los significados modales. Así, la función de mitigación y cortesía lingüística se relaciona en mayor medida con la modalidad epistémica y lo mismo ocurre con la formulación del significado inferencial, que refiere a la necesidad epistémica. La expresión de la factualidad y de la imposibilidad se nutren de la modalidad dinámica, mientras que la predicción, la organización de los contenidos, la autoridad y la recomendación se manifiestan con el uso de la modalidad deóntica. / [CA] L'article d'investigació en el camp dels estudis de turisme no ha sigut prou estudiat, malgrat ser una disciplina que representa un sector de desenvolupament econòmic per a nombrosos països. Altres gèneres textuals relacionats amb el registre turístic com el resum, els fullets i les pàgines webs en el registre turístic, els últims amb gran rellevància pel seu clar impacte social i econòmic dels estudis turístics, han rebut major atenció. La investigació científica en turisme, no obstant això, proveeix a les organitzacions, ja siguen públiques o privades, d'informació rellevant per a la millora de l'activitat que es tradueixen en recomanacions que, amb freqüència, s'aporten en les conclusions d'aquests treballs. S'entén, per tant, que existeix una relació directa entre el progrés del sector i la investigació empírica, la qual cosa, al seu torn, indica l'interés per la publicació acadèmica periòdica. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball, s'inclou una caracterització formal del gènere en una estructura de seccions. Aquest estudi es complementa amb una anàlisi de les estructures lèxic-gramaticals recurrents en cadascuna de les seccions de l'article científic i les variables lèxiques i sintàctiques que caracteritzen al text dins del registre científic, tant per la complexitat com pel nivell d'elaboració que exhibeix la llengua usada en aquests treballs. Aquestes estructures persegueixen indicar la perspectiva dels autors, entre altres aspectes. Dit això, l'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar les perífrasis modals, els seus significats i l'existència de variació en les seccions denominades "introducció" i "conclusió" de l'article d'investigació en la disciplina de turisme. Aquests textos s'han extret de revistes en el camp i amb un índex d'impacte notori en l'especialitat. Les perífrasis modals reflecteixen el punt de vista del parlant. Com a part de la metodologia, s'usen eines de lingüística de corpus que permeten la gestió dels textos i la seua consulta, a més de l'extracció d'exemples concrets que il·lustren les formes, les categories semàntiques i les funcions que es troben en els textos estudiats. No obstant això, atés que el context és fonamental per a poder identificar els significats modals, part de l'anàlisi dels textos requereix d'un reconeixement visual directe de cada cas, perquè una mateixa perífrasi modal pot indicar diferents significats. L'anàlisi i discussió de les dades es nodreix d'estudis en lingüística funcional que permeten donar compte dels usos i funcions Les conclusions indiquen que, en efecte, existeix variació no sols quant a les formes usades en cadascuna de les introduccions i en les conclusions, sinó també respecte al significat. En aquest sentit, es constata que la modalitat dinàmica és més freqüent en les introduccions, segons freqüències relatives, i la modalitat epistémica és més freqüent en les conclusions. Igualment, s'han detectat diverses funcions estretament relacionades amb els significats modals. Així, la funció de mitigació i cortesia lingüística es relaciona en major mesura amb la modalitat epistémica i el mateix ocorre amb la formulació del significat inferencial, que es refereix a la necessitat epistémica. L'expressió de la factualidad i de la impossibilitat es nodreixen de la modalitat dinàmica, mentre que la predicció, l'organització dels continguts, l'autoritat i la recomanació es manifesten amb l'ús de la modalitat dóntica. / [EN] The research article in the field of tourism studies has not been sufficiently studied, despite being a discipline strongly connected with a sector of economic growth for many countries. Other textual genres related to the tourism register such as the summary, brochures and web pages in the tourism register, the latter with great relevance for their clear social and economic impact of tourism studies, have enjoyed more scholarly attention. Scientific research in tourism, however, provides organisations, whether public or private, with relevant information for the improvement of the activity, which translates into recommendations that are often included in the conclusions of these studies. It is held, therefore, that there is a direct relationship between the development of the sector and empirical research, which, in turn, shows the interest in academic publications in leading journal. For this reason, this paper includes a formal characterisation of the genre into sections. This study is supplemented with a description of the recurrent lexicalgrammatical structures in each of the sections of the scientific article and the lexical and syntactic variables that characterise the text within the scientific register, both in terms of the complexity and the level of elaboration exhibited in the language used in these works. These structures are intended to signal the authors' perspective, among other aspects. That said, the aim of this paper is to analyse modal verbs, their meanings and the existence of variation in the "introduction" and "conclusion" sections of the research article in the discipline of tourism. These texts have been taken from leading journals in the field and with a clear impact index in the discipline. Modal verbs reflect the speaker's point of view. As part of the methodology, corpus linguistics tools are used to allow the management of the texts and their consultation, as well as the excerption of concrete examples illustrating the forms, the semantic categories and the functions found in the texts studied. However, given that context is fundamental to the identification of modal meanings, part of the analysis of the texts requires direct visual recognition in each occurrence, as the same modal verb may entail several meanings. The analysis and discussion of the data is informed by studies in functional linguistics which allow us to count on the uses and functions of the different modal forms. The conclusions indicate that there is indeed variation not only in terms of the forms used in each of the introductions and conclusions, but also in terms of meaning. In this sense, it is found that dynamic modality is more frequent in the introductions, according to their relative frequencies, and epistemic modality is more frequent in the conclusions. Likewise, several functions closely related to modal meanings have been detected. Thus, the function of mitigation and linguistic politeness is most closely related to epistemic modality, as is the formulation of inferential meaning, which refers to epistemic necessity. The expression of factuality and impossibility are nourished by the dynamic modality, while prediction, content while prediction, content organisation, authority and recommendation are manifested using deontic modality. The thesis is structured in five chapters, and bibliographical references are included finally in this dissertation. / Domínguez Morales, ME. (2021). Los verbos modales en las introducciones y en las conclusiones de los artículos científicos de turismo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172247

Les interactions verbales en France et en Grande-Bretagne : étude comparative de quatre petits commerces français et britanniques / Verbal interaction in France and Great Britain : a comparative study of four French and British independent shops

Gagne, Christophe 07 July 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans une perspective comparative et interculturelle. Sa mise en œuvre repose sur l’idée que c’est en observant ce qui se passe dans les interactions du quotidien que l’on peut mieux comprendre le rapport que les cultures entretiennent, et mettre au jour ce que les comportements observés dans chacune des cultures étudiées ont de spécifique. En s’appuyant sur l’analyse minutieuse et détaillée d’enregistrements effectués dans quatre sites commerciaux français et britanniques, l’étude tente de comprendre le comportement langagier des participants en le mettant en relation avec divers éléments du contexte (éléments relevant du micro-contexte : matériel discursif contigu aux énoncés étudiés ; du contexte situationnel : agencement du site, nombre de participants, finalité de l’interaction ; du macro-contexte : place occupée par les interactions de commerce dans les cultures en question, par les sites, valeurs culturelles d’arrière-plan). La finalité de cette étude (qui aborde les rituels d’entrée et de sortie d’interaction ; les remerciements ; la réalisation d’actes de langage directifs : questions, requêtes, offres ; les séquences conversationnelles) est d’obtenir une meilleure compréhension des profils communicatifs relatifs aux cultures française et britannique. / This thesis, which is of a contrastive and intercultural nature, is informed by the idea that it is by observing the behaviour of interactants in everyday interactions that the relationship between cultures can best be approached, and the specificity of the forms of behaviour encountered explored. Through the careful and detailed analysis of recordings taken in four different shops (French and British), the study aims to understand the linguistic behaviour of the participants by linking it to various contextual elements (micro-contextual elements: discursive material that surrounds the utterances analysed; situational elements: site layout, number of participants, interaction’s finality; macro-contextual ones: status of service encounters and of the types of shops selected, cultural values that underpin explored behaviour). The purpose of the study (which analyses opening and closing rituals; thanking; the way directive speech acts such as questions, offers and requests are performed; conversational sequences) is to provide a better understanding of the communicative styles that can be associated with French and British cultures.


吳士宏, WU, SHI-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要依據語言行為理論(theory of speech acts) 及語言使用的客氣理論(politeness theory) ,探討一段以要求為主題的對話中,要求者不同果斷性 (assertiveness) 的言語行為,與對話雙方性別此二因素,如何影響知覺此對話的受試(1) 記憶要求者所說目標論辭的百分比高低與論辭果斷性的強弱;(2) 推論對話雙方的權力高低與關係親密度;(3) 評價要求者所採用的言語行為與預測對話雙方長期關係的後果。 本研究採3 (言語行為的果斷性:標準果斷、同理果斷、不果斷)×4 (要求者對接 收者的性別訊息:男對女、男對男、女對女、女對男)的受試者間實驗設計,參與實 驗的三百六十位大學生受試,先閱讀某一種實驗處理情況的文字對話,然後再填寫一 份包含回憶論辭作業與各種社會判斷題目的問卷。經二因子便異數分析與單純主要效 果模式(simple main effect model)考驗的結果發現:(1) 受試對果斷性愈強的目標論辭,回憶的百分比愈高,且同理果斷的論辭由「男對女」此由「男對男」中的男要求者說出,有更高的回憶百分比;(2) 性別訊息對受試所回憶目標論辭的果斷性、權力高低、親密度、言語行為的評價與後果,比接收者的權力更高,且雙方關係愈親密;(4) 受是本人較喜歡女要求者與男接收者互動時採用同理果斷,甚於採用不果斷的言語行為;(5) 不論接收者是男或女,女要求者採用不果斷比採用標準果斷的言語行為,更有利於長期關係的後果。 鑑於上述結果,實驗者討論了本研究的意涵(implication) 與可能的限制,並對相關議題的研究者與果斷性訓練(assertiveness training;AT) 的應用者提出建議;特別是,過去十多年來為AT重視的標準果斷,並未此另兩種果斷性的言語行為,有更佳的立即評價;而近年來也頗受AT強調的同理果斷,亦未有最好的長期關係後果。實驗者認為,AT中的女性學員,學習較具果斷性的言語行為,其負面的評價與後果之議題,直的深思。

Apologising in British English

Deutschmann, Mats January 2003 (has links)
The thesis explores the form, function and sociolinguistic distribution of explicit apologies in the spoken part of the British National Corpus. The sub-corpus used for the study comprises a spoken text mass of about five million words and represents dialogue produced by more than 1700 speakers, acting in a number of different conversational settings. More than 3000 examples of apologising are included in the analysis. Primarily, the form and function of the apologies are examined in relation to the type of offence leading up to the speech act. Aspects such as the sincerity of the apologies and the use of additional remedial strategies other than explicit apologising are also considered. Variations in the distributions of the different types of apologies found are subsequently investigated for the two independent variables speaker social identity (gender, social class and age) and conversational setting (genre, formality and group size). The effect of the speaker-addressee relationship on the apology rate and the types of apologies produced is also examined. In this study, the prototypical apology, a speech act used to remedy a real or perceived offence, is only one of a number of uses of the apology form in the corpus. Other common functions of the form include discourse-managing devices such as request cues for repetition and markers of hesitation, as well as disarming devices uttered before expressing disagreement and controversial opinions. Among the speaker social variables investigated, age and social class are particularly important in affecting apologetic behaviour. Young and middle-class speakers favour the use of the apology form. No substantial gender differences in apologising are apparent in the corpus. I have also been able to show that large conversational groups result in frequent use of the form. Finally, analysis of the effects of the speaker-addressee relationship on the use of the speech act shows that, contrary to expectations based on Brown & Levinson’s theory of politeness, it is the powerful who tend to apologise to the powerless rather than vice versa. The study implies that formulaic politeness is an important linguistic marker of social class and that its use often involves control of the addressee.

Pragmatika anglických tázacích dovětků v překladu / The Pragmatics of English Tag Questions in Translation

Urešová, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the pragmatics of English tag questions in translation by analyzing their pragmatic function. Our approach is based on the theoretical assumption that Czech lacks straightforward linguistic counterparts of English tag questions. The quantitative and qualitative corpus-based research strives to produce interesting findings about possible relations between pragmatic function, polarity and the form of tag questions in English, original Czech and translated Czech texts. Therefore, we propose and verify several hypotheses about these relations. This thesis broadens theoretical knowledge about tag questions by contributing to research on translation universals and improves translation practice by presenting translators with a paradigm, i.e., a class of possible solutions to the problem of translating English tag questions into Czech.

Komunikační strategie politiků v interakci. / Communicative strategies of politicians in interaction.

Lokajová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Abstract. The aim of this M.A. thesis is to apply on the sample of five transcribed interviews with American politicians the typology of strategies devised by social psychologists P. Bull and K. Mayer (1993) for 'non-replies' of British politicians in the genre of a political interview and to determine whether this typology could be qualitatively correlated to specific linguistic means (the use of passive, pronominal shifts, hedges). The responses of politicians are examined within the CDA method also in relation to the macro-principles of evasion (dissimulation), coercion, legitimation and delegitimation, which are claimed to be valid in political discourse by P. Chilton (2004) in order to discover whether Bull and Mayer's social typology could be related to these principles and to the strategies of face-management (Brown and Levinson 1987). It is expected that politicians will boost their positive image in the interview and coerce the public in the agenda shift (Clayman, Heritage 2002) through every response in the interview. A question which according to Bull and Elliott (1996) consists of face threat is also expected to be attacked; quantitative results are presented which verify this assumption. In addition, as thirty strategies were observed to have been employed by Mrs Thatcher and Neil Kinnock in...

Zdvořilost v dánštině ve srovnání s češtinou / Politeness in Danish in Comparison with Czech

Halamíčková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare linguistic means of expressing politeness in Czech and in Danish. The term politeness covers both norms defining socially acceptable behaviour and strategies that speakers use to achieve their goals and avoid conflicts. After defining the term politeness, I briefly introduce the most influential theoretical approaches to politeness since the 1960s. The second chapter brings an overview of linguistic means of expressing politeness in Czech and in Danish. The last, most comprehensive part of the thesis is concerned with selected areas typically connected to politeness, i.e. greetings and forms of address, expressing thanks and reacting to them, orders, bans, and requests. In Czech, a polite request usually contains the particle prosím (please). This word has no equivalent in spoken Danish; however, Danish speakers can make use of other expressions, such as particles godt, nok, lige and vel, or the expression vil du være sød/venlig (would you be so kind). They can also use some of the conventional means of expressing a request indirectly. Many of those strategies are common to both languages, especially formulating the requests as a question, perhaps in a negative form. Polite requests in Czech are characterized by the use of conditional, Danish requests typically...

Pojetí a způsob vyjádření zdvořilosti v komunikaci ve švédštině a češtině / Aspects and Instruments of Courtesy in Communication in Swedish and Czech

Malíková, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to examine the approach to politeness in Swedish and in Czech and to compare its features in both languages. In the theoretical part there are presented the most influential approaches to politeness. The next two chapters focus on practical examples. In the first of these there are summarized linguistic means which are used to express politeness in Czech, and they are compared with Swedish. The second one deals with several specific speech acts, in which courtesy applies. The different ways of expressing politeness in Czech and Swedish are described on the base of the literature and also on my own questionnaire. Not only the spoken but also the written form of the communication is ranged in the dissertation. Key words: communication, courtesy, politeness, Czech, Swedish, language, form of address, formal terms, written communication, greeting

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