Spelling suggestions: "subject:"andproperty rights"" "subject:"inproperty rights""
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從產權結構論都市更新之權利變換制度 / Application The Property Theory on the Rights Transformation System of Urban Renewal鍾中信, Chung, Chung Shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過理論與實證只是證明目前權利變換存在的不合理現象,至於權利變換的性質或定性應該是屬何種,例如:合夥、代理(承攬)或互易,則非本研究的範圍,有待後續的先進繼續探討。 / The development of urban is proceeding with the time, there are areas that can not accommodate the needs of urban life activities nowadays in the urban, thus those areas need to renew are continually generated. We could see from the view that land resource in the urban are limited, urban renewal help forward rationalize land use and raise the use intensity, thus urban renewal is one kind of revive types of land resource. Urban renewal is the mainstream in the development of modern Taiwan real estate; in order to improve the old town in the early urban development, and promote the sustainable urban development, urban renewal will be the consequential trend in the urban development policy in the future. However, “Urban renewal is not a goal, it is a tool.” The main goals of urban renewal shall be building up urban function, improving living environment and advancing well-balanced urban development. The emphasis of urban renewal shall be in which way (tool) to achieve the above goals. Right transformation is one kind of ways to improve urban renewal, in this study we use the view from the structure of property rights in Property Theory to discuss its effects in the Right transformation system manipulation.
This essay is mean to explain that form the Urban Renewal Act (The Act for short) clause 3 about right transformation definition, the land owner, legal building owner, other owner and implementer are kind of “partnership” relation in renewal unit, but according to the rules in The Act 30 and 32 clauses, implementer become OEM command the control right in the whole rights transformation in manipulation process, implementer pursuits benefit or in the premise of maximize profit, implementer has to hide the benefit behind the cost, to obtain the residual benefit. Property right structure theory is the basis of this study, analyzed by the finished case study to explain the above exist fact for the reference of amendment hereafter.
The emphasis of this study is to explain there is a new property right generated after integrating the produce factors in rights transformation, and this new property right is co-owned by the oblige who participated the right transformation. As the control right and the residual income right in the right structure, the implementer command the control right and the land owner command the residual income right, when implementer and the land owner can not command the control right and the residual income right at the same time, the benefit conflict will make the different profit goal or the different profit function between the implementer and the land owner. The system should be designed to minimize the obstacle of private negotiated resource allocation. In other words, it should be designed as a same profit goal or function to make the implementer and the landowner to exert themselves for this career, thus make for the advance of the urban renewal career.
Through the theory and real demonstration in this study is only to prove the existing unreasonable phenomena in rights transformation, as for the character or the qualitative of right transformation shall be, for example, partnership, agent(to take full charge of responsibility)or trade, is not in the study range, and need the fellow successor to discuss about .
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La contrefaçon des droits de propriété intellectuelle : étude comparative en droits français et thaïlandais / Infringement of intellectual property rights : a comparative study in french law and thai lawButr-Indr, Bhumindr 26 June 2012 (has links)
La contrefaçon est un phénomène de dimension internationale qui constitue aujourd’hui plus qu’hier un véritable fléau. Il apparaît que les principaux pays de provenance des contrefaçons saisies dans l’Union Européenne sont les pays d’Asie,notamment la Thaïlande. Cette recherche a pour but d'étudier les problèmes juridiques relatifs à la contrefaçon des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Ceci nous amène à poursuivre la recherche suivant deux axes. La première partie a pour but de mettre en évidence la comparaison de la définition de la contrefaçon en France et en Thaïlande. Elle se décompose en deux sous-parties, la première s'attachant à décrire la qualification de l’atteinte constitutive de contrefaçon selon les droits concernés (le terme « contrefaçon » en lui-même, tant en France qu’en Thaïlande, désignant différentes formes d’atteintes à un droit patrimonial de propriété intellectuelle). Pour identifier les atteintes constitutives de contrefaçon, notamment l’élément matériel, nous mettons l’accent sur 4 points: l’existence de la création, la diffusion de la création, l’usage de la création et la participation à l’action contrefaisante. S’agissant de l’élément intentionnel de contrefaçon, il semble présenter de multiples facettes. La seconde définit la preuve de la contrefaçon. On observe alors les moyens de preuve de la contrefaçon : la loi prévoit deux séries de mesures principales que nous pouvons regrouper en moyens de preuve en matière civile et pénale. Par ailleurs, il y a des moyens de preuve alternatifs entre les deux régimes. Ce sont des procédures douanières.La seconde partie a pour objet la prise en considération de la répression par les juridictions civiles et pénales. Elle se décompose donc en deux sous-parties : la première concerne les sanctions prononcées par les juridictions pénales. Nous avons déjà étudié la procédure pénale et les sanctions applicables à la contrefaçon. Il se trouve que la situation en Thaïlande est totalement différente de la situation française, notamment concernant la jurisprudence en matière pénale. Il semblerait que la majorité des décisions soient des sanctions prononcées par les juridictions pénales. La seconde sous-partie concerne quant à elle la réparation des atteintes à la propriété intellectuelle. Nous constatons que le préjudice subi, en France tout comme en Thaïlande constitue en un gain manqué . En outre l’évaluation du préjudice en France et en Thaïlande est difficile (préjudice subi en matière de marque, préjudice moral et fixation de l’indemnisation de peine privée). / Counterfeiting is an international problem. It appears that the main countries of origin of counterfeit goods seized in the European Union are the Asian countries, including Thailand. The research explains concisely the entire key factors to this whole problem. The research is divided into two parts; in the first place, I will outline pointly the definition of Intellectual Property Rights law (IPRs law) infringement between French and Thailand. Firstly, we focus on the structure of IPRs infringement. The term "counterfeit" in himself both in France and Thailand indicating different forms of an intellectual property rights liability conception. To identify violations constitute infringements, including the material element, we focus on four points, the existence of the creation, dissemination of the creation, use of creation, participation in the infringing action . With regard to the intentional element of infringement, iconcerned the intention of counterfeiter by the civil and criminal aspects as well as the objectives of my research would analysis on two components. First, the application of substantive issues embodies in the civil action. The second is the criminal action. The intention of counterfeiter are also intersect into two parts of action. The secondly,, we research to the proof of infringement. There provides two measures of proof in civil matters and evidence incriminal matters. In addition, there are a customs procedures as an alternative measure of proof . In the second place, we mainly concerned the IPRs law enforcement: Firstly we concerns the penalties imposed by criminal courts. We have already studied the criminal proceedings. In addition, we studied the penaltiesfor counterfeiting. We find that the criminal proceedings in Thailand is totally different from the criminal proceedings in France. In addition, we studied the penalization of IPRs law. We find that the situation in Thailand is totally different from a France, especially in criminal jurisprudence. It seems that the majority of decisions are the penalties imposed by criminal courts. Secondly were search about categories of damages and criteria for proof of damages. We find that the damages, in France as well as in Thailand, is the recovery of profit. Also the difficulty of assessing the damage, in France as well as in Thailand, are the damage of Trademark law, moral right damage and punitive damage.
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中國大陸山東省鄉鎮企業產權改革之研究 / The Research of Townships and Villages Enterprises Property Rights Reform in Mainland China Shandong Province李焱求, LEE, HYUK-KU Unknown Date (has links)
開始於70年代末和80年代初的改革有效地重整了中國大陸農村經濟。農村工業部門成為80年代中國大陸經濟中最具活力的部門之一,而中國大陸農村工業的發展是以鄉鎮集體所有的企業為先導的。然而,80年代末和90年代初,鄉鎮企業的外部環境開始變得日益嚴峻起來。並且,隨著改革開放和市場經濟快速發展,鄉鎮企業原有制度安排存在的低效率問題日益顯現出來,私有企業和國有企業不斷提高的競爭力,以及中國大陸宏觀經濟的週期性問題,而顯著地降低了鄉鎮企業的效益。由於鄉鎮企業所面臨的問題的增多,一些地方政府開始意識到如果鄉鎮企業要繼續成為農村發展的強大動力,產權改革是必要的。當中央政府於1996年採取了「抓大放小」的政策後,產權改革試點的政治基礎大大擴展了,中國大陸的鄉鎮企業也開始出現明顯的組織和所有制的改革。到2001年,以產權制度為主要內容的鄉鎮集體企業改革進一步擴大,其中涉及產權制度的改革已達90%。本論文將描述並分析鄉鎮企業產權制度改革過程,以及改制後的影響。 / In Shandong and most other parts of China, rural industrial growth was led by enterprises that were collectively owned by townships and villages (TVEs).However, during the late 1980s and the early 1990s, increased competition from private and state-owned enterprises, management problems, and the cyclical nature of the Chinese macro-economy significantly reduced the profitability of TVEs. As the problems facing TVEs multiplied, some local governments began to realize that property rights reform might be necessary and desirable if TVEs are to continue to be a strong engine of rural growth. When the central government adopted its “Zhua-da-fang-xiao” policy in 1996, the political space for experimentation in property rights reform expanded significantly, and China’s TVEs began to undergo significant organizational and ownership changes. By the end of 2001, about 90 percent of TVEs in Shandong had undergone property rights reform. The purpose of this and its companion volumes is to describe and to analyze the process of property rights reform among township-village enterprise in Shandong and to study the consequences of the reform.
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Mezinárodní civilní procesní právo v Evropské unii. Vymáhání a soudní ochrana práv průmyslového vlastnictví se zaměřením na mezinárodní soudní příslušnost / International civil procedure in the European Union. Enforcement and Litigation in the Matters of the Industrial Property Rights with a Focus to the JurisdictionKalapáčová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work is to provide a general view on legislation of enforcement of industrial property rights within the European Union with a closer focus to regulation of jurisdiction of courts to dispute resolution. The work deals with a current legislation, with jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and of czech courts and in the end it deals also with de lege ferenda and proposals of means how to improve the current legislation and make it more effective, so the competitive position of the European Union towards asian countries and towards the United States of America would strenghten.
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Sociální kapitál a rozvojová pomoc / Social capital and development assistanceŠtourač, František January 2010 (has links)
Objective of the first part is to find suitable definition of capital. For this reason is here made a brief summary of the history of economic thoughts about capital. Then is selected the proper definition according to previously defined requirements and criteria. Second part is based on the formerly founded definition of capital, which then helps to clarify the social capital definition. Moreover are in this following part analyzed main contributions to this topic. The final part focuses on the role of social capital in the development assistance. Here are described not only the results of the Official development assistance, but also some alternative approaches. At the end are proved by measuring and comparison the previously obtained theoretical outcomes. These are made on the case of sub-Saharan Africa countries.
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Towards the effective utilisation of trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights flexibilities to improve access to essential medicines in GhanaKuudogrme, Barbara Bangfudem January 2018 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Access to medicines is an essential component of the basic human right to health and a key determinant of the importance attached to the health care system of a country. It essentially entails the availability and acceptability of the essential medicines on the market and the ability of patients to afford such medicines when needed. Globally, countries face access to medicine challenges partly because of patents which undoubtedly accounts for excessive pricing of medicine. As such, efforts have been made to ensure the accessibility of medicines through the Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) flexibilities of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Beyond these interventions, it is incumbent on Members of the WTO to domesticate the flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement before their utilisation because by their very nature, they cannot be self-executed.
With an estimated population of 29.6 million, about 310 000 people in Ghana are living with HIV. The country’s health facilities record 40 per cent of outpatient visits each year and about 14 550 per 100 000 of the population are infected with tuberculosis with cancer on the rise. These diseases require medicines which are mostly patented yet Ghana has access to medicine problems despite the existence of a national health insurance system. Ghana has however not fully incorporated the TRIPS flexibilities in its national legislations and therefore unable to fully utilise the flexibilities as an option to access essential medicines. Questions therefore remain as to why and how Ghana can utilise the flexibilities to improve access to medicines.
Based on an examination of the WTO’s patent system and legislations of Ghana, this mini- thesis contends that, the extent of incorporation of the flexibilities are inadequate due to the existence of lacunas in the Ghanaian legislations. Furthermore, a comparative assessment with South Africa supports an understanding that conditions are not ripe for full utilisation of all the flexibilities. It further argues that the utilisation of the TRIPS flexibilities by Ghana has been rendered ineffective due to administrative, political, economic and social challenges which adversely affects the full utilisation of the flexibilities incorporated and those yet to be incorporated. It is therefore important that Ghana adopts holistic approaches taking into consideration best practices if the TRIPS flexibilities must be effectively utilised.
This mini-thesis concludes that, the TRIPS flexibilities are necessary for accessing essential medicines in Ghana to promote the right to health and that a review of Ghana’s current legislations to fully incorporate the TRIPS flexibilities and addressing other non-legal challenges are the required linchpin for effective utilisation of the TRIPS flexibilities.
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Estratégias empresariais e o direito de propriedade sobre a terra no Brasil / Business strategy and the land property rights in BrazilGraça, Carolina Torres 23 April 2019 (has links)
Como a qualidade das instituições influencia a escolha estratégica para a proteção do direito de propriedade sobre a terra no Brasil? Na maior parte dos países, o Estado é o guardião do direito de propriedade sobre a terra porque usufrui vantagens no exercício da atividade e proporciona ganhos para a sociedade. Contudo, fragilidades institucionais atenuam a eficácia da proteção legal, levando a tentativas de captura de direitos imperfeitamente protegidos e fomentando ações de proteção pelos seus detentores, log criando cenário favorável a disputas. Dada a existência de fragilidades na definição e proteção dos direitos de propriedade sobre a terra no Brasil, este estudo analisa a relação entre o ambiente institucional e o emprego de arranjos privados para satisfazer a necessidade dos possuidores de direitos. Ele está dividido em quatro partes. A primeira, apresenta a evolução da teoria sobre a Análise Econômica dos Direitos de Propriedade e como foi incorporada à literatura de análise estratégica. Discute sob a ótica teórica as consequências de haver deficiência na proteção de direitos de propriedade pelo Estado. A segunda parte apresenta como os direitos de propriedade sobre a terra no Brasil foram formados e o ambiente institucional em nível nacional e internacional. Em seguida, caracteriza o setor de florestas plantadas e as disputas por terras a ele associadas. A quarta parte discute as estratégias privadas para suprir a debilidade do Estado na proteção de direitos, e é composta por um modelo teórico e por três estudos de caso de empresas brasileiras do setor de florestas plantadas. O modelo teórico relaciona a qualidade das instituições, o emprego de múltiplos mecanismos de proteção, o custo de transação para proteção de atributos alocados em domínio público e a importância dos mecanismos privados para a proteção dos direitos de propriedade. A última parte apresenta os resultados. O estudo empírico conclui que a qualidade das instituições (i) fundamenta a escolha estratégica e a adaptação organizacional para proteção de direitos de propriedade; (ii) determina o custo de transação para proteção do direito de propriedade através dos mecanismos formais; e, com destaque, (iii) determina a importância dos mecanismos privados para a proteção dos direitos de propriedade sobre a terra. / How does the quality of institutions influence the strategic choice for the protection of land property rights in Brazil? In most countries, the state is the steward of the property right over land because it enjoys advantages in the exercise of the activity and provides gains for society. However, institutional fragilities reduce the effectiveness of legal protection, leading to attempts to capture imperfectly protected rights, and promoting the adoption of protective measures on the part of their holders, thus creating a favorable scenario for disputes. Given the existence of vulnerabilities in the definition and protection of land rights in Brazil, this study analyzes the relationship between the institutional environment and the use of private arrangements to meet the needs of right holders. It is divided into four parts. The first one presents the evolution of the theory on Economic Analysis of Property Rights and how it was incorporated in the literature of strategic analysis. It discusses from a theoretical perspective the consequences of there being deficiencies in the protection of property rights by the State. The second part shows how land property rights in Brazil were formed and the institutional environment both at national and international levels. Next, it characterizes the plantation forests sector and disputes over land associated with it. The fourth part discusses private strategies to address the vulnerability of the state in protecting rights. It is composed of a theoretical model and three case studies of Brazilian planted forest based companies. The theoretical model addresses the quality of institutions, the use of multiple protection mechanisms, the transaction cost for protection of attributes allocated in public domain and the importance of private mechanisms for the protection of property rights. The last part presents the results. The empirical study concludes that the quality of the institutions (i) supports the strategic choice and the organizational adaptation for the protection of property rights; (ii) determines the transaction cost of protecting property rights through formal mechanisms; and, especially, (iii) determines the importance of private mechanisms for the protection of land property rights.
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Vymáhání práv k průmyslovému vlastnictví / Enforcement of rights in industrial propertyKrušina, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Thesis title: Enforcement of rights in industrial property Enforcement of rights in industrial property could reasonably be said to be as one of the most recent legal issues, notably with regard to the increasing number of infringements of this industrial property rights. Individual solutions of protection and enforcement of rights in industrial property are adapted over time in light of new priorities and developments (at international, EU and national level). The fight against counterfeiting cannot be dealt with only at a national area level. That was the reason why Directive 2004/48/EC of the European parliament and of the council on the enforcement of intellectual property rights was therefore adopted. This thesis deals with issues of enforcement of rights in industrial property and is divided into three main chapters. Firstly, it was necessary to examine issues of intellectual property rights in general terms and interpret the principal definitions regarding these rights. Secondly, a full picture of legislation at the international and national level and at the level of the EU was described, with regard to the relevant aspects related to the enforcement of rights in industrial property. Thirdly, the specific field of private enforcement of industrial property rights - Law No. 221/2006 Coll.,...
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Direitos de propriedade, estratégia e ambiente institucional / Property rights, strategy, and institutional environmentMonteiro, Guilherme Fowler de Avila 15 September 2010 (has links)
A presente tese investiga como o Ambiente Institucional influencia o modo de governança de direitos de propriedade e a estratégia das firmas. O estudo divide-se em duas partes. A primeira parte empreende uma investigação teórica que se constitui em três etapas. Primeiro, examina-se o modelo de direitos de propriedade de Barzel (1994, 1997, 2003). Segundo, analisa-se uma abordagem de estratégia competitiva baseada em direitos de propriedade (Property Rights Perspective; Foss e Foss, 2001). Especificamente, argumenta-se que tal abordagem representa uma extensão do modelo de Barzel e demonstra-se que os conceitos introduzidos na etapa anterior possibilitam uma formulação mais geral da Property Rights Perspective, conduzindo a uma definição de estratégia competitiva que concilia as noções de strategizing e economizing (Williamson, 1991). A terceira etapa, por fim, examina particularmente o estabelecimento de estratégias de proteção de direitos de propriedade. Um modelo heurístico baseado em Williamson (1996) é proposto e com base nele três formas básicas de proteção são definidas em função da qualidade do Ambiente Institucional: estratégia centrada no sistema legal, no estabelecimento de mecanismos privados e no abandono de atributos valiosos. A segunda parte da pesquisa busca evidências empíricas que suportem o modelo teórico. O estudo examina três casos de proteção de direitos de propriedade sobre a tecnologia transgênica em sementes de soja: EUA, Brasil e Argentina. Cada um dos casos representa, respectivamente, uma forma de proteção de direitos como definido pelo modelo heurístico. A pesquisa examina também evidências econométricas que consolidam a análise empírica. De forma geral, o presente estudo desenvolve uma abordagem para o exame da apropriação de valor, colocando-se na interface entre a Economia de Direitos de Propriedade, o estudo da Estratégia e a análise do Ambiente Institucional. / The current thesis investigates how the Institutional Environment influences the mode of governance of property rights and the strategy of firms. The study is divided into two parts. The first part undertakes a theoretical investigation consisting of three steps. In the first step, the author examines the model of property rights developed by Barzel (1994, 1997, 2003). In the second step, an approach to competitive strategy based on property rights (Property Rights Perspective, Foss and Foss, 2001) is analyzed. Specifically, the author states that this approach represents an extension of Barzels model and demonstrates that the concepts introduced in the previous step allow a more general formulation of the Property Rights Perspective, leading to a definition of competitive strategy that reconciles the notions of strategizing and economizing (Williamson, 1991). The last step examines particularly the establishment of strategies for protection of property rights. A heuristic model based on Williamson (1996) is proposed and three strategies for protection of property rights are defined in terms of the quality of the Institutional Environment: strategy based on the legal system, on the establishment of private mechanisms, and on the abandon of valuable attributes. The second part of the research seeks empirical evidence to support the theoretical model. The study examines three cases of protection of property rights on genetically modified (GM) technology in soybean seeds: the US, Brazil, and Argentina. Each case represents, respectively, a strategy as defined by the heuristic model. The research also examines econometric evidence that consolidate the empirical analysis. Overall, the current study develops an approach for examining the appropriation of value, placing itself in the interface between the Property Rights Economics, the study of Strategy, and the assessment of the Institutional Environment.
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Escassez de água e mudança institucional: análise da regulação dos recursos hídricos no Brasil.Scare, Roberto Fava 03 June 2003 (has links)
A crescente demanda por recursos hídricos, tanto em quantidade como em qualidade, aumenta a disputa dos usuários pela sua utilização. A percepção da escassez faz com que a água passe a ser considerada um recurso natural com valores econômico, estratégico e social. Segundo Alston & Mueller (2002), quando os recursos se tornam mais escassos, o regime de direitos de propriedade vigente pode reduzir o valor do ativo. As perdas incentivam os envolvidos a mudar esses os direitos procurando uma forma mais ajustada à realidade. A percepção da escassez tem levado governos do mundo todo a reorganizar o ambiente institucional e definir novos direitos de propriedade por meio de um sistema de gestão participativo e descentralizado que estimule a utilização do recurso de forma racional. Contudo, esse processo não é homogêneo e simultâneo. O momento de institucionalização e o grau de complexidade de cada ambiente variam muito, tanto nacional como internacionalmente. Neste estudo, busca-se identificar as causas da variação entre os ambientes institucionais em diversos países, bem como identificar a relação entre a escassez e a modificação na regulação do ambiente em estados brasileiros. Apoia-se o estudo no aporte teórico da evolução do ambiente institucional apresentado por North (1990; 1994), na definição de direitos de propriedade proposta por Eggertsson (1990), no surgimento e na análise econômica dos direitos de propriedade apresentados por Barzel (1997) e no modelo de oferta e demanda de direitos de propriedade proposto por Alston, Libecap & Mueller (1999). A pesquisa foi dividida em dois momentos. Primeiro, realiza-se uma pesquisa qualitativa do histórico da evolução do ambiente institucional internacional, buscando apoio para o entendimento das mudanças ocorridas no Brasil e da evolução do caso brasileiro até chegar ao sistema atual de gestão dos recursos hídricos. Segundo, apresenta-se a análise quantitativa da influência da escassez nos momentos de proposição e promulgação das leis estaduais. Busca-se, ainda, identificar a influência da escassez na velocidade de tramitação das leis e na complexidade do ambiente institucional. Conclui-se que, apesar de o processo de modificação do ambiente não ocorrer de forma linear, a escassez tem significativa influência na velocidade de mudança do ambiente e no seu grau de complexidade. / The growing demand for water resources, both in aspects of quantity and quality, increases the dispute of users for utilization of the good. The perception of scarcity causes water to be considered a natural resource with economic, strategic, and social value. Alston & Mueller (2002) state that when resources become more or less scarce, the reigning regime of property rights can reduce the value of the asset. The losses encourage those involved to change the property rights, seeking a form more adjusted to reality. This perception has led governments around the world to reorganize the institutional environment and redefine new property rights through a system of participative and decentralized management that stimulates the utilization of the resource in a rational manner. However, this process is not homogeneous and simultaneous. The moment of institutionalization and the degree of complexity of each environment, both nationally and internationally, vary greatly. This study seeks to identify the causes of the variation among the institutional environments in various countries and identify the relation between scarcity and modification in the regulation of the environment in Brazilian states. The study is based on the theoretic approach of evolution analysis of the institutional environment presented by North (1990; 1994), on the definition of property rights proposed by Eggertsson (1990), on the emergence and economic analysis of property rights presented by Barzel (1997), and on the model of supply and demand of property rights proposed by Alston, Libecap & Mueller (1999). To this end the study is divided in two parts. First, a qualitative study is conducted of the history of the evolution of the international institutional environment, seeking an understanding of the changes that occurred in Brazil and the evolution of the Brazilian case until reaching the present system of water resource management. Second, a quantitative analysis is done of the influence of scarcity on the proposing and passing of state laws. The study further seeks to identify the influence of water scarcity on the velocity with which laws go through the system and on the complexity of the institutional environment. The study concludes that while the process of environment modification does not occur in a linear fashion, scarcity possesses a significant influence on the velocity of environmental change and on its degree of complexity.
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