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Deltagarnas perspektiv av sysselsättningsverksamhet : Människor med olika former av psykisk ohälsa deltar i ett aktivitetshus för det sociala samspelet samt för det psykiska välmåendet / Participants’ Perspective of Daily Occupation : People with various forms of mental illness participate in a daily activity center for social interaction and for their mental well-beingemrulovic olsson, melissa January 2023 (has links)
<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?Emrulovic%20Olsson,%20M.%20Deltagarnas%20perspektiv%20av%20syssels%C3%A4ttningsverksamhet.%20En%20kvalitativ%20studie%20om%20deltagarnas%20perspektiv%20av%20betydelsen%20av%20daglig%20syssels%C3%A4ttning.%20Masteruppsats%20i%20Socialt%20Arbete,%2030%20h%C3%B6gskolepo%C3%A4ng.%20Malm%C3%B6%20universitet:%20Fakulteten%20f%C3%B6r%20h%C3%A4lsa%20och%20samh%C3%A4lle,%20institutionen%20f%C3%B6r%20socialt%20arbete,%202023.%20%0A%0AStudiens%20syfte%20%C3%A4r%20att%20utifr%C3%A5n%20deltagarnas%20perspektiv%20redog%C3%B6ra%20f%C3%B6r%20betydelsen%20av%20aktivitetshuset%20inom%20socialpsykiatrins%20daglig%20syssels%C3%A4ttning%20f%C3%B6r%20deltagarnas%20psykiska%20v%C3%A4lm%C3%A5ende.%20D%C3%A4r%20deltar%20deltagare%20f%C3%A5r%20bes%C3%B6ka%20ett%20aktivitetshus%20fyra%20dagar%20i%20veckan%20med%20personal%20med%20st%C3%B6ttar%20och%20motiverar%20deltagarna%20i%20vardagen.%20Studiens%20fr%C3%A5gest%C3%A4llningarna%20centrerar%20sig%20kring%20deltagarnas%20upplevelse%20av%20betydelsen%20av%20syssels%C3%A4ttningen%20utifr%C3%A5n%20tre%20teman;%20den%20sociala%20milj%C3%B6n,%20k%C3%A4nslor,%20v%C3%A4lm%C3%A5ende.%20Den%20teoretiska%20ramen%20inf%C3%B6r%20studien%20grundar%20sig%20i%20Antonovsky%20teori%20KASAM%20som%20st%C3%A5r%20f%C3%B6r%20k%C3%A4nsla%20av%20sammanhang%20medan%20den%20andra%20teorin%20h%C3%A4rstammar%20utifr%C3%A5n%20arbetsterapin%20d%C3%A4r%20%20Leufstadius%20och%20Argenzell%20beskriver%20sambandet%20mellan%20aktivitet%20och%20relation%20som%20relevant%20rehabilitering%20f%C3%B6r%20m%C3%A5lgruppen%20med%20psykisk%20oh%C3%A4lsa.%20Detta%20genom%20semistrukturerade%20intervjuer%20med%20deltagarna%20med%20st%C3%B6d%20fr%C3%A5n%20den%20kvalitativa%20forskningsmetoden.%20%0A%0AStudiens%20resultat%20visar%20att%20deltagare%20uttryckte%20syssels%C3%A4ttningen%20som%20ett%20%C3%B6ppet%20och%20mottagande%20plats%20f%C3%B6r%20alla%20typer%20av%20m%C3%A4nniskor%20som%20har%20sv%C3%A5righeter%20med%20psykisk%20oh%C3%A4lsa.%20Detta%20berodde%20p%C3%A5%20ett%20fungerande%20samarbete%20mellan%20personal%20och%20deltagare%20med%20en%20stark%20tillit%20och%20f%C3%B6rtroende%20till%20personalen.%20Resultatet%20visade%20p%C3%A5%20att%20deltagarna%20upplevde%20k%C3%A4nslor%20i%20form%20av%20gl%C3%A4dje%20och%20ans%C3%A5g%20att%20syssels%C3%A4ttningen%20f%C3%B6rb%C3%A4ttrade%20deras%20v%C3%A4lm%C3%A5ende.%20Sammantaget%20visar%20resultatet%20att%20syssels%C3%A4ttning%20%C3%A4r%20betydelsefullt%20i%20den%20mening%20att%20deltagarna%20k%C3%A4nner%20sig%20delaktiga%20i%20ett%20socialt%20och%20meningsfullt%20sammanhang%20vilket%20f%C3%B6r%20dem%20%C3%A4r%20en%20friskfaktor%20f%C3%B6r%20psykisk%20h%C3%A4lsa.%0A" data-classname="equation" data-title="" /> / <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?Emrulovic%20Olsson,%20M.%20The%20participants'%20perspective%20of%20daily%20occupation.%20A%20qualitative%20study%20on%20participants'%20perspectives%20of%20the%20importance%20of%20daily%20participation.%20Masters%20degree%20in%20Social%20Work,%2030%20h%C3%B6gskolepo%C3%A4ng.%20Malm%C3%B6%20University:%20Faculty%20of%20Health%20and%20Society,%20Department%20of%20Social%20Work,%202023.%0A%0AThe%20aim%20of%20the%20study%20is%20to%20describe%20participants'%20perspective%20on%20the%20importance%20of%20daily%20occupation%20within%20social%20psychiatry's%20daily%20work%20for%20the%20participants'%20psychological%20well-being.%20There,%20participants%20can%20visit%20the%20daily%20occupation%20four%20days%20a%20week%20with%20staff%20who%20support%20and%20motivate%20the%20participants%20in%20their%20everyday%20life.%20The%20study's%20questions%20focus%20on%20the%20participants'%20experience%20of%20the%20importance%20of%20daily%20occupation%20based%20on%20three%20themes;%20the%20social%20environment,%20emotions,%20and%20well-being.%20The%20theoretical%20framework%20for%20the%20study%20is%20based%20on%20Antonovsky's%20theory%20KASAM,%20which%20stands%20for%20sense%20of%20coherence%20while%20the%20other%20theory%20originates%20from%20work%20therapy%20where%20Leufstadius%20and%20Argenzell%20describe%20the%20connection%20between%20activity%20and%20relationship%20as%20relevant%20rehabilitation%20for%20the%20target%20group%20with%20mental%20illness.%20This%20is%20through%20semi-structured%20interviews%20with%20the%20participants%20with%20support%20from%20the%20qualitative%20research%20method.%20%0A%0AThe%20results%20of%20the%20study%20show%20that%20participants%20expressed%20the%20daily%20occupation%20as%20an%20open%20and%20welcoming%20place%20for%20all%20types%20of%20people%20who%20have%20difficulties%20with%20mental%20illness.%20This%20was%20due%20to%20a%20functioning%20collaboration%20between%20staff%20and%20participants%20with%20a%20strong%20trust%20and%20confidence%20in%20the%20staff.%20The%20results%20showed%20that%20the%20participants%20experienced%20emotions%20in%20the%20form%20of%20joy%20that%20the%20occupation%20improved%20their%20well-being.%20Overall,%20the%20results%20show%20that%20employment%20is%20significant%20in%20the%20sense%20that%20the%20participants%20feel%20involved%20in%20a%20social%20and%20meaningful%20context,%20which%20for%20them%20is%20a%20healthy%20factor%20for%20mental%20health.%20%0A" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />
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Des territoires dans le territoire : portrait géohistorique de la création des réserves autochtones au QuébecDacquet, Benjamin 09 November 2022 (has links)
Cette étude consiste en un portrait géohistorique de l'établissement des réserves autochtones au Québec. En appréhendant de façon critique ce fait déterminant de l'histoire des Premiers Peuples et de la société québécoise, nous souhaitons proposer une typologie sociospatiale plus à même d'en révéler les dynamiques de pouvoir sous-jacent et leurs implications. Le paysage étant un élément déterminant du contexte colonial, la géographie dispose de nombreux concepts et approches pertinents en vue de rendre compte de la complexité de l'aménagement du territoire qui y prévaut et des structures de pouvoir qui le régissent. Cette analyse géographique d'ensemble permet ainsi d'identifier la logique spatiotemporelle dans laquelle s'inscrit la création des réserves au Québec et les facteurs qui y ont contribué. En exposant les tendances et temporalités de la création des réserves au Québec et le rôle qu'y joue le contexte géographique, cette étude critique permet de dégager la façon dont les dynamiques raciales de l'État colonial se sont répercutées dans l'aménagement du territoire, ce qui entraine des effets qui sont encore structurants aujourd'hui pour la société québécoise. / This study presents a geohistorical portrait of the setting up of indigenous reserves in Quebec. Through the analytical apprehension of this decisive event in the history of First Nations and of the society of Quebec itself, we aim to offer a socio-spatial typology capable of unveiling underlying dynamics of power and their implications. The landscape itself being a highly determining element with regards to the colonial context, geography has many relevant concepts and approaches at its disposal to render the complexity prevailing over the layout of the land and of the power structures that administer it. This comprehensive geographical analysis thus permits the identification of the spatiotemporal course of events in which the creation of reserves in Quebec participates as well as its contributing factors. By exposing the tendencies and temporalities relative to the creation of "Indian reserves" of Quebec and the role played by their geographical background, this critical study highlights the impact of the racial dynamics within the colonial State and how they have affected territorial planning, generating structuring effects that still have repercussions in Quebec society to this day.
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Lung cancer risk associated with occupational exposures to cleaning agents and biocides : analysis of two case-control studies in Montreal, CanadaYeboah, Charles 09 1900 (has links)
Contexte: Les agents de nettoyage sont des substances qui aident l'eau dans le processus de nettoyage. Les biocides comprennent les substances utilisées pour désinfecter, désodoriser, stériliser et assainir. L'utilisation d'agents de nettoyage, de biocides et d'autres produits liés au nettoyage est omniprésente. Certaines études suggèrent que l'exposition professionnelle à des substances liées au nettoyage peut être associée au cancer du poumon. Objectif: Examiner l'association entre le risque de cancer du poumon et l'exposition professionnelle aux agents de nettoyage, aux biocides et à d'autres agents de nettoyage. Méthodes: Cette étude utilise les données de deux études cas-témoins basées sur la population sur le cancer du poumon (étude 1: 1979-1986; étude 2: 1996-2001) menées à Montréal. Dans les deux études, les cas comprenaient des hommes ayant reçu un diagnostic de cancer du poumon confirmé histologiquement dans 18 hôpitaux métropolitains de Montréal. Dans les deux études, un ensemble de témoins de population sélectionnés au hasard à partir de la liste électorale du Québec a été établi (étude 2: 762 cas et 899 témoins); tandis que dans l'étude 1, un groupe témoin de cancer supplémentaire a été sélectionné à partir d'un groupe d'autres patients diagnostiqués avec un autre cancer incident (857 cas, 533 témoins de population, 1349 témoins de cancer). Dans les deux études, des antécédents professionnels détaillés ont été recueillis au cours des entretiens; une équipe de chimistes et d'hygiénistes industriels a ensuite évalué l'exposition professionnelle à de nombreuses substances professionnelles, notamment des agents de nettoyage, des biocides, des alcools aliphatiques, de l'ammoniac, de la soude caustique, des cires et des produits de polissage. Une régression logistique multivariée nonconditionnelle a été utilisée pour estimer les ratios des côtes et les intervalles de confiance à 95% du risque de cancer du poumon associé à diverses mesures de l'exposition professionnelle à ces six agents, tout en ajustant pour les facteurs de risque établis. Les interactions selon l'intensité du tabagisme et l'état d'asthme ont été explorées avec l'inclusion de termes de produits croisés. Résultats: Dans l'ensemble, il n'y avait pas d'association cohérente soutenant le rôle de l'exposition professionnelle aux agents de nettoyage, aux biocides et à d'autres agents de nettoyage dans l'étiologie du cancer du poumon. Bien qu'il y ait eu des preuves que l'intensité du tabagisme peut modifier l'association entre la soude caustique et le risque de cancer du poumon dans l'étude 1; où, chez les fumeurs de faible intensité, une augmentation du risque par trois a été observée par rapport à une association nulle observée chez les fumeurs d'intensité moyenne à forte (pInteraction=0,03). Alors que, dans l'étude 2, les personnes exposées professionnellement à des alcools aliphatiques et qui ont déjà souffert d'asthme ont connu quatre fois du risque de cancer du poumon par rapport à une association nulle observée chez ceux qui n'ont jamais eu d'asthme (pInteraction = 0,04). Conclusion: Pris ensemble, les résultats de cette étude ne soutiennent pas le rôle de l'exposition professionnelle aux agents de nettoyage, aux biocides et à d'autres produits de nettoyage dans l'étiologie du cancer du poumon. / Background: Cleaning agents are materials that aid water in the cleaning process. Biocides include materials used to disinfect, deodorize, sterilize, and sanitize. The use of cleaning agents, biocides, and other cleaning-related agents is ubiquitous. Some studies suggest that occupational exposure to cleaning-related substances may be associated with lung cancer. Objective: To examine the association between lung cancer risk and occupational exposure to cleaning-related agents. Methods: This study uses data from two population-based case-control studies on lung cancer (Study 1: 1979-1986; Study 2: 1996-2001) carried out in Montreal. In both studies, cases included men diagnosed with incident histologically confirmed lung cancer identified across 18 Montreal metropolitan hospitals. In both studies, a set of population-based controls randomly selected from the Quebec electoral list was established (Study 2: 762 cases and 899 controls); while in Study 1, an additional cancer control group was selected from a pool of other patients diagnosed with incident cancer (857 cases, 533 population controls, 1349 cancer controls). In both studies, detailed lifetime job histories were collected during interviews; a team of chemists and industrial hygienists then evaluated occupational exposure to many occupational substances including cleaning agents, biocides, aliphatic alcohols, ammonia, caustic soda, and waxes and polishes. Unconditional multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for lung cancer risk associated with various metrics of occupational exposure to these six agents, while adjusting for established risk factors. Interactions by smoking intensity and asthma status were explored with the inclusion of cross-product terms. Results: Overall, there was no consistent association supporting a role of occupational exposure to cleaning agents, biocides, and other cleaning-related agents in lung cancer etiology. Though there was some evidence that smoking intensity may modify the association between caustic soda and lung cancer risk in Study 1, where, among never-low intensity smokers, a threefold increase in risk was observed in comparison to a null association observed among medium-heavy intensity smokers (pInteraction=0.03). While, in Study 2, those occupationally exposed to aliphatic alcohols and who have ever had asthma experienced a four-fold increase in lung cancer risk in comparison to a null association observed among those who have never had asthma (pInteraction = 0.04). Conclusion: Taken together, the results of this study do not support the role of occupational exposure to cleaning agents, biocides, and other cleaning-related agents in lung cancer etiology.
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[pt] Este trabalho aborda a questão da movimentação e acúmulo do lixo flutuante
na Baía de Guanabara e contextualiza a problemática da poluição da Baía e seu
entorno a partir de diversos temas inter-relacionados, como: o uso dos derivadores
e a sua analogia com o lixo flutuante; a existência de projetos que têm ajudado no
rastreamento do lixo flutuante na Baía a partir do mapeamento de correntes
superficiais e ventos; o saneamento da bacia hidrográfica da Baía, a qualidade da
água de seus afluentes e a análise da população que reside no seu entorno; o
entendimento de uma visão mais humanista e ecológica no redesenho das cidades
e também programas internacionais de revitalização de corpos d água degradados.
Dentro deste contexto, são feitas reflexões e análises integradas a partir de uma
modelagem da probabilidade de transporte de resíduos da Baía e da paisagem
encontrada em seu entorno, através da utilização de produtos cartográficos. Tais
análises consideram os dados levantados nos quatro mapas que são apresentados,
de forma a prover uma visão mais ampla e integrada do espelho d água e também
do entorno da Baía. O objetivo deste trabalho foi entender como o espaço territorial
e a ocupação urbana do entorno da Baía podem impactar a poluição do espelho
d água da Baía e por ela serem impactados de forma a contribuir com programas de
despoluição. Foi feito então um recorte em quatro regiões e realizada uma análise
integrada para cada, de forma a prover um melhor entendimento a partir da
exemplificação. A análise integrada proporciona uma visão mais abrangente da
questão da poluição, auxiliando os gestores dos programas de despoluição a
encontrarem relevantes informações para priorizar as ações a serem tomadas. / [en] This work approaches the issue of the movement and accumulation of floating litter in the Guanabara Bay, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It contextualizes the problem of the pollution in the Bay and surroundings, and it does so from several different interrelated issues, such as the use of ocean drifters and their analogy with the floating litter; the existence of projects that have been helping in the tracking of the floating litter in the Bay from the mapping of the surface currents and the winds; the sanitation efforts in the hydrographic basin of the Bay; the quality of the water in the rivers that debouch into the Bay and a better understanding of the population that live in the area; the necessity of a more humanistic and ecological view in the planning of those cities; and also international programs to revitalize degraded water bodies. One of the objectives of this dissertation is to understand how the territorial space and the urban occupation of the Bay s surroundings can impact the pollution in the Bay and be impacted by that pollution. So the entire region was divided in four areas and an integrated analysis was made for each area so that a better understanding could be provided by exemplification. Such integrated analysis provides a more comprehensive view of the pollution problem and helps the depollution program officers to find relevant information and better prioritize actions. The Guanabara Bay plays a strategic role not only around the towns and cities that are part of its hydrographic basins, but in the whole state of Rio de Janeiro and also the entire country. It is one of the most important marine ecosystems from the social, economic and environmental points of view. It is located in the Rio de Janeiro city metropolitan area, with the Brazilian coast s largest population concentration (about 10 million people, or 80 percent of the state s population). A national security area, the Bay shelters two naval bases, one navy shipyard, the Rio de Janeiro Port (the second largest in the country, with more than 2 thousand ship moorings annually), two airports (Antonio Carlos Jobim, and Santos Dumont), and other shipyards and marinas. The Guanabara Bay is also way for innumerous cargo and passenger ferryboats, fishing boats, and other boats for leisure and tourism. The water in the Bay is also used for water sports and aquaculture (fish farming). (KJERFVE, 1997; BERGAMO, 2006 apud CARVALHO, 2011).
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[pt] Considerando os conceitos de alienação, cotidiano programado, pseudoconcreticidade, heteronomia e sonambulismo espacial, vemos que todos convergem para um mesmo fenômeno presente na contemporaneidade, que se expressa pelo esvaziamento do sentido da vida, pela despolitização e a perda da própria humanidade do homem. O Capitalismo, por meio do Estado e das grandes empresas utiliza mecanismos de amoldamento social, garantindo a permanência do status quo. Ainda assim, no mesmo cotidiano que se oprime, há brechas para a resistência e para a subversão. Diante disso, esta pesquisa se põe a analisar a relação entre algumas manifestações da alienação, a busca pela sua subversão e a produção do espaço escolar, por meio do Movimento Ocupa. Para isso, acompanhamos de perto os 4 meses de ocupação das escolas estaduais do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2016. Nas ocupações os estudantes adotaram práticas autogestionárias, executando todas as tarefas necessárias para o funcionamento da escola, de acordo com o que deliberavam em assembleias. O Movimento através de suas intervenções no espaço escolar conseguiu que algumas de suas exigências fossem atendidas pelo Governo Estadual. Contudo, destacamos que o mais importante deste Movimento foi o próprio ato de ocupar. Trabalhamos com a tese de que o Movimento Ocupa configura-se como um momento de suspensão do cotidiano programado, onde os alunos, experenciando uma Geografia em ato, abriram a possibilidade para a
formação de novas consciências e à ressignificação do próprio ensino da Geografia escolar. / [en] Seeing that the concepts of alienation, programmed everyday life, pseudo concreteness, heteronomy and spatial sleepwalking, all converge to the same contemporary phenomenon that expresses the emptyness of meaning of life, the depolitization and the loss of mankind humanity. Capitalism, through State and big
companies use social molding mechanisms ensuring the maintance of status quo. Despite that in the same oppressed everyday life there are cracks for resistance and subversion. Before that, this research analyse the relation between some manifestations of alienation, the quest for its subversion, and school space
production through Ocupa Movment. For that, we closely follow the Rio de Janeiro State high-schools during 4 months in 2016. In this ocuppations, students adopted self-management (autogestionary) practices, doing all work needed to maintaing school operation, and take all decision in assemblies. Trough his interventions in the school space, the Movement make the State government attend some of theirs
demands. Yet, as we highlight here, the mos t importante things in this Movement was the occupation itself. We develops the thesis that the Ocupa Movment itself is a moment of suspension in programmed everyday life, where the students, making a Geography in action, could open the possibilities to the formation of new consciousness types and the ressignification of the teaching of school Geography. / [es] Considerando los conceptos de alienación, cotidiano programado, pseudoconcreticidad, heteronomia y sonambulismo espacial, vemos que todos estes convergem para um mismo fenômeno de la contemporaneidade, que se expressa em el vaciando del sentido de la vida, la depolitización y la perda de la humanidade del hombre. El Capitalismo, a través del Estado y de las empresas grandes utiliza mecanismo de moldeo social, assegurando la permanencia del status quo. Todavía lo mismo cotidiano que oprime tiene grietas donde hay resistencia y subversión. Delante de eso, esta investigación propone analisar la relación entre algunas manifestaciones de la alienación, la busqueda por su subversión y la producción del espacio escolar por médio del Movimiento Ocupa. Para eso, nosotros seguimos de cerca los 4 meses de ocupación de las escuelas del Estado de Rio de Janeiro em 2016. Em estas ocupaciones los estudiantes adoptarón prácticas de autogestión, para la ejecución de tareas requeridas para mantener la escuela funcionando, que eran deliberadas em asambleas. A través de las intervenciones del Movimiento em el espacio escolar, algunas demandas fueron satisfechas por el Gobierno del Estado. Sin embargo, destacamos que lo más importante del Movimiento fueron las próprias ocupaciones. Nosotros trabajamos com la tesis de que el Movimiento Ocupa es un momento suspención de lo cotidiano programado, donde los
estudiantes, haciendo uma Geografía en acto, abren las possibilidades de formación de nuevas conciencias y la resignificación de la enseñanza de la Geografía escolar.
1166 |
Le schème d’établissement des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent : le cas du site Irving dans la région de Saint-Anicet, au Sylvicole supérieur récentThibodeau, Marie-Ève 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de documenter et de comprendre le schème d’établissement des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent qui ont séjourné sur le site Irving à la fin du Sylvicole supérieur. La recherche a donc été organisée en trois volets. La première interrogation portait sur la compréhension du schème d’établissement à l’échelle du site. Pour atteindre l’objectif, une analyse de l’assemblage culturel du site a été effectuée et l’emplacement du site a été étudié. Le deuxième volet portait sur des relations possibles entre deux villages iroquoiens contemporains de la région, Droulers et Mailhot-Curran, et le site Irving. Des comparaisons morpho-stylistiques de la céramique ont donc été faites entre les trois sites. Finalement, le troisième volet de recherche était d’évaluer le type d’établissement du site Irving. Des comparatifs entre sites iroquoiens du Sylvicole supérieur récent ont donc été effectués. Nous avons répertorié divers types de sites documentés tels que des villages, des hameaux, des hameaux saisonniers et des camps spécialisés. Nous sommes venus à la conclusion que le site Irving est un hameau saisonnier horticole qui était probablement rattaché à un village environnant, possiblement celui de Mailhot-Curran. / The purpose of this thesis is to document and understand the settlements pattern of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians with a particular focus on those living at the Irving site during the Terminal late Woodland period. The research is comprised of three parts. The first research objective was to document the settlement pattern characteristics at the Irving site. In order to achieve this objective, an analysis of the site's cultural materials was carried out in reference to the site’s size and location. The second research topic focused on the possible relationships between two contemporary archaeological villages in the region, Droulers and Mailhot-Curran, and the Irving site, in which a morpho-stylistic comparison of the ceramics was conducted between these three sites. Finally, the third research topic focused on identifying the type of settlement site of the Irving site. Comparisons between Iroquoians sites of the Terminal late Woodland period and Irving were therefore carried out. In exploring various types of sites documented elsewhere, such as villages, hamlets, seasonal hamlets and specialized camps. We came to the conclusion that the Irving site appears to be have been a seasonal horticultural hamlet that was probably associated with a nearby village, possibly Mailhot-Curran.
1167 |
How a study on lived experiences impacted German occupation children – A mixed-method long-term approachKaiser, Marie, Glaesmer, Heide 09 January 2025 (has links)
Objective: Research on the impact study participation has on participants
has shown that, even though they may find it stressful during participation,
overall, they appear to benefit personally and emerge with a positive
cost-benefit-balance. In 2013, the first psychological study on German
occupation children (GOC), a potentially vulnerable and hidden study
population, was conducted, after which respondents shared a high volume of
positive feedback. In the context of a follow-up survey, the impact of study
participation on participants was investigated to determine the causes of this
distinctly positive outcome.
Methods: Mixed-methods approach using the standardized Reactions to
Research Participation Questionnaire (RRPQ) as well as open-ended questions
on expectations toward participation, and changes due to participation in
dealing with GOC background and in personal life. Analyses included N = 65
participants (mean age 68.92, 40% men) and were carried out with descriptive
measures for RRPQ and inductive content analysis for open-ended questions.
Results: Participants specified six motives for participation besides answering
the standardized form; 46.2% (n = 30) saw their expectations met.
Although participation was related to negative emotions during participation,
participants’ overall experience was positive; 89.2% (n = 58) stated an
inclination to participate again. 52.3% (n = 34) reported participation had
helped develop new ways of dealing with their GOC experiences; five
contributing factors were observed. Changes in private life were reported
by 24.6% (n = 16); three aspects were identified. The vast majority (81.5%;
n = 53) stated, following participation, they were able to disclose their
GOC background to others. Participants placed emphasis on four aspects of
this experience.
Conclusion: Although study participation was described as emotionally
challenging during participation, participants felt that the overall impact it had
on them was positive. The study was the first of its kind and thus presented
an opportunity for a previously hidden population to step out of the dark,
simultaneously gaining insight that helped them better understand themselves
as GOC, and thereby increase their capacity for self-acceptance. Participants
Frontiers in Political Science 01 frontiersin.org
Kaiser and Glaesmer 10.3389/fpos.2022.853562
also benefitted from learning about the study’s findings and connecting with
other GOC through activities that ensued. In conclusion, results suggest that
vulnerable and/or hidden populations benefit from specific attention to their
lived experiences even at higher age
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Essays on technological change and factor reallocationsSandwidi, Narcisse 06 1900 (has links)
The first paper demonstrates how, through the capital reallocation channel, increased automation in routine occupations has reduced employment and wages in non-routine occupations. Automation in routine occupations absorbs capital from non-routine occupations, reducing employment and wages in the latter. This mechanism is referred to as automation cross-occupation spillovers. Between 1980 and 2010, automation reduced average labor income by 21%. Cross-occupation spillover accounts for two-thirds of this drop. Furthermore, I find that automation has contributed to the rise of inequality in the United States. Indeed, automation accounts for 30.3% of the increase in occupational labor income inequality between 1980 and 2010.
The second paper reconciles two stylized facts that characterize modern economic growth, balanced growth, and structural change, in a context where the factor intensities differ. I extend the neoclassical growth model to two sectors with different factor intensities, and I derive the dynamics of the sectoral TFPs that ensure aggregate balanced growth. I derive the condition on the TFP growth such that balanced growth is consistent with structural change. The condition of balanced growth in a two-sector model with different factor intensities is that the aggregate TFP growth minus the wage growth weighted by the aggregate labor share is constant. In this framework, structural change occurs through two channels. The first is the change in the sectoral TFP ratio and the second is the change in the relative cost of factors. The empirical analysis confirms that the model replicates the stylized facts aforementioned.
The third paper shows, both theoretically and empirically, how corporate tax cuts contributed to structural change. For nearly a century, the United States has consistently reduced corporate taxes while maintaining the labor income tax. This shift in tax structure has an uneven impact on goods and services production, contributing to the divergence of sectoral value-added. Indeed, the factor intensity of the goods-producing sector and the service-producing sector differs, thus, changes in corporate taxes affect them differently.
A 1% increase in the corporate tax retention rate raises the value-added of the services sector by 0.27 percentage points relative to the value-added of the goods sector. / Dans le premier article, nous examinons comment l’automatisation dans les professions routinières, en réallouant le capital, entraîne une diminution de l’emploi et des salaires dans les professions non routinières. En effet, l’automatisation des professions routinières mobi- lise le capital des professions non routinières, ce qui réduit l’emploi et les salaires dans ces dernières. Ce mécanisme est appelé effets indirects de l’automatisation entre les professions. De 1980 à 2010, le revenu moyen du travail a diminué de 21% en raison de l’automatisa- tion. Les effets indirects en représentent les deux tiers. En outre, l’automatisation contribue à l’accroissement des inégalités de revenus aux États-Unis. En effet, 30,3% de l’augmentation des inégalités de revenus entre les professions entre 1980 et 2010, est imputable à l’automatisation. Le second article concilie deux faits stylisés qui caractérisent la croissance économique contemporaine: la croissance équilibrée et le changement structurel, dans un contexte où les intensités des facteurs de production varient selon les secteurs. Le modèle de croissance néoclassique est étendu à deux secteurs avec des fonctions de production différentes. Nous dérivons la dynamique de la Productivité Totale des Facteurs (PTF) de chaque secteur qui permet d'assurer une croissance équilibrée. Nous dérivons ensuite la condition de croissance de la PTF afin que la croissance équilibrée soit compatible avec le changement structurel. Dans un modèle à deux secteurs avec des intensités de facteurs différentes, la condition de croissance équilibrée est que la croissance de la PTF agrégée moins celle des salaires pondérée par l'intensité du travail soit constante. Dans cette situation, le changement structurel est expliqué par deux variables. La première est le ratio de la PTF des secteurs, et la seconde est le coût relatif des facteurs. L'analyse empirique montre que le modèle reproduit les faits stylisés mentionnés. Le troisième article met en évidence, tant sur le plan théorique qu'empirique, comment la réduction de l'impôt sur les sociétés a contribué au changement structurel. Les États-Unis ont continuellement diminué l'impôt sur les sociétés tout en conservant l'impôt sur le revenu du travail depuis près d'un siècle. La modification de la structure fiscale a un effet disproportionné sur la production du secteur des biens et celle du secteur des services, ce qui entraîne une disparité de la valeur ajoutée entre les deux secteurs. En effet, les intensités des facteurs de production de biens et celles des facteurs production de services sont différentes, ce qui implique que les variations de l'impôt sur les sociétés affectent ces deux secteurs différemment. Une hausse de 1% du taux de rétention de l'impôt sur les sociétés entraîne une augmentation de 0,27 point de pourcentage de la valeur ajoutée du secteur des services par rapport à celle du secteur des biens.
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Taking Control, Women of Lorient, France Direct Their Lives Despite the German Occupation (June 1940-May 1945)Le Corre-Cochran, Victoria Ann 31 March 2003 (has links)
This thesis argues that from June 1940 when German soldiers occupied Lorient, France until May 8, 1945 when the Lorient "Pocket" surrendered, although the women of this port city faced drastic changes, they took control of their everyday lives. They did what it took to feed and clothe their families, working, standing in lines, buying on the black market, bartering, demonstrating, and recycling. They developed relationships with German soldiers which ran the gamut. Due to aerial raids in the context of the Battle of the Atlantic, they sought shelter, buried their dead, took care of their wounded, looked for new lodging, and helped each other. They even tried to have some fun. After evacuation in early 1943, scattered to the four winds, in the American held "Lorient Sector," they served as advocates for others and made inquiries to the American 66th Infantry Division Counter-Intelligence Service. At the Liberation women were easy targets for blame, and some from Lorient were punished, notably for "horizontal collaboration" with Germans. When the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Liberation of Lorient was celebrated in 1995, the story of the women of Lorient was essentially left out. / Master of Arts
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Das Brjansker Gebiet unter der Besatzungsherrschaft der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1943Stopper, Sebastian 06 June 2013 (has links)
Während des deutsch-sowjetischen Krieges war ab Herbst 1941 das Gebiet um die russische Stadt Brjansk von der Wehrmacht besetzt. Die 2. Panzerarmee verwaltete dieses Territorium über den Kommandanten des rückwärtigen Armeegebietes 532. Wie überall im besetzten Gebiet verübten die Einsatzgruppen des SD zahlreiche Morde und es kam zum Massensterben der Kriegsgefangenen in den Durchgangslagern. Starke, in den ausgedehnten Waldmassiven versteckte sowjetische Partisanenverbände erschwerten die Beherrschung des ausgedehnten Raumes. Aufgrund des Mangels an deutschen Soldaten wurden zahlreiche Bewachungseinheiten aus Einheimischen und Kriegsgefangenen gebildet. Der Kommandeur der Armee Generaloberst Rudolf Schmidt ging sogar so weit, einen von der russischen Bevölkerung vollständig selbst verwalteten Bezirk zuzulassen. Kollaboration mit den deutschen Besatzern war ein weit verbreitetes Phänomen, während gleichzeitig in den Wäldern die Partisanen herrschten. Die Sicherungsverbände führten zahlreiche Antipartisanenunternehmen durch, die meist ohne anhaltende Erfolge blieben, aber in deren Verlauf zahlreiche Zivilisten als vermeintliche Partisanen getötet wurden. Obwohl die Besatzungsherrschaft der Wehrmacht in diesem Gebiet von der in Berlin beschlossenen Generallinie der Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung und Vernichtung in vielem abwich, wurde nicht für eine ausreichende Ernährung der Bevölkerung gesorgt. Dem Hunger und dem Partisanenkrieg fielen bis zum Rückzug der Wehrmacht im Herbst 1943 tausende Zivilisten zum Opfer. / During the German-Soviet war by autumn 1941 the area around the Russian city Bryansk was occupied by the Wehrmacht. The Second Tank Army administrated this territory through the commander of the backward area of the army 532. Like everywhere in the occupied territories the Einsatzgruppen of the SD committed numerous murders and it came to the widespread deaths of the prisoners of war in the transit camps. Strong Soviet partisan groups hidden in the vast forest massifs complicated the control of the vast area. On account of the lack of German soldiers numerous guarding units from locals and prisoners of war were formed. The commander of the army senior general Rudolf Schmidt went even so far of admitting a district completely administered by Russians themselves. Collaboration with the occupying forces was a widespread phenomenon, while at the same time in the woods the partisans ruled. The guarding troops carried out numerous anti-partisan operations which mostly remained without during success but killed numerous civilians as putative partisans in the course. Although the occupation of the Wehrmacht in this area in many aspects deviated from the in Berlin concluded general line of exploitation, suppression and destruction, it was not provided for a sufficient supply of food for the population. Until the retreat of the Wehrmacht in autumn 1943 thousand of civilians fell victim to hunger and partisan warfare.
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