Spelling suggestions: "subject:"On devolution"" "subject:"On bevolution""
1631 |
O pensamento radical de Thomas Paine (1793-1797): artífice e obra da Revolução Francesa / The radical thought of Thomas Paine (1793-1797): author and outcome of the French RevolutionCarvalho, Daniel Gomes de 08 December 2017 (has links)
Esta tese examina três escritos de Thomas Paine (1737-1809) elaborados durante a Revolução Francesa, os quais representam as reflexões mais radicais de seu pensamento religioso, político e social. Em primeiro lugar, será analisado o panfleto The Age of Reason, expressão máxima de seu radicalismo religioso, que teve sua primeira parte escrita em 1793 e a segunda em 1794. Contrapondo-se, por um lado, às religiões reveladas e, por outro lado, à descristianização do período jacobino, nesse texto o deísmo é apresentado como a face religiosa da democracia vindoura. Em segundo lugar, será analisado o texto Dissertation on the First Principles of Government, redigido e publicado em 1795, a mais acabada exposição da teoria democrática. A um só tempo contrário ao liberalismo termidoriano e crítico do que fora o jacobinismo, nesse texto Paine opõe-se categoricamente àqueles que pensavam a propriedade privada como um direito natural que poderia ser equivalente ou mesmo superior aos direitos naturais de liberdade e a igualdade. Por fim, será analisado o texto Agrarian Justice, expressão máxima de seu radicalismo social, produzido no inverno de 1795-1796 (publicado em 1797). Em reação tanto ao liberalismo irredutível dos termidorianos, quanto às propostas igualitaristas de Graco Babeuf, o texto apresenta-se como uma proposta de erradicação da pobreza sem romper com os princípios do que seria política liberal. Pretende-se captar o sentido do pensamento de Paine no contexto da Revolução Francesa e discutir a validadade da afirmação de Eric Hobsbawm na Era das Revoluções, segundo a qual Paine, radical nos Estados Unidos, seria um moderado girondino na França. Na contramão da maioria das interpretações correntes, a pesquisa objetiva repensar a figura de Paine, mostrando sua relevância como intérprete da Revolução Francesa e como nome fundamental para a história do pensamento político, religioso e social. / This thesis examines three writings of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) elaborated during the French Revolution, which represents the most radical reflections of his religious, political and social thought. In the first place, the pamphlet The Age of Reason will be analyzed, that contains the maximum expression of his religious radicalism, which have had its first part written in 1793 and the second in 1794. Contradicting, on the one hand, to the revealed religions, and, on the other hand, to the dechristianization of the Jacobin period, in this text, deism is presented as the religious face of the coming democracy. Secondly, the text Dissertation on the First Principles of Government will be analyzed, the most complete exposition of his democratic theory, drafted and published in 1795. Contrary to Thermidorian and critical of what Jacobinism was, in this text Paine categorically opposes those who thought private property as a natural right that could be equivalent or even superior to the natural rights of freedom and equality. Finally, the text Agrarian Justice will be analyzed, the maximum expression of its social radicalism, produced in the winter of 1795-1796 (published in 1797). In reaction to both the irreducible liberalism of the Thermidorians and the egalitarian proposals of Graco Babeuf, the text presents itself as a proposal to eradicate poverty without breaking with the principles of what would be liberal politics. This analysis seeks to capture the meaning of Paine\'s thinking in the context of the French Revolution and to discuss the validity of Eric Hobsbawm\'s statement in the Age of Revolutions that Paine, radical in the United States, would be a \"moderate Girondist\" in France. Contrary to current interpretations, this research aims to rethink the figure of Paine, showing his relevance as an interpreter of the French Revolution and as a fundamental name for the history of political, religious and social thought.
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L’évolution du système de vulgarisation agricole face aux nouveaux défis de l’agriculture et aux enjeux de l’agroécologie dans les pays du Sud et de l’Est de la Méditerranée : le cas de la Syrie et de la Tunisie / The evolution of the agricultural extension system in the face of new challenges agriculture and the stakes of agroecology in the countries of the South and East of the Mediterranean : the case of Syria and TunisiaAlaadrah, Najwa 05 November 2018 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’analyser l’évolution du système de vulgarisation agricole en contexte méditerranéen, en termes d’organisation, de dimensions du conseil et de méthodes d’intervention à partir d’une analyse régionale des systèmes syrien et tunisien. Cette évolution répond à des changements profonds du modèle de production agricole, basé historiquement sur les principes de la Révolution verte, qui s’oriente vers des modèles agro-écologiques. Nous nous situons dans le mouvement dit de la « transition agroécologique », qui propose un cadre de développement associant les dimensions socioéconomiques et environnementales. Elle permet d'envisager une meilleure intégration de l'agriculture et de ses enjeux dans le projet de développement territorial. Concevoir et mettre en œuvre cette approche nécessite de changer profondément la gestion des systèmes de production. Pour assurer ces changements, les agriculteurs ont besoin de nouveaux dispositifs d’accompagnement. L’analyse de l’évolution des systèmes de vulgarisation est conduite à partir d’un cadre théorique et méthodologique construit en référence aux théories du développement, notamment évolutionniste, pour tenir compte des forces générales qui déterminent les actions locales, et historiciste, pour donner place aux trajectoires de développement et aux combinaisons territoriales singulières. Ce cadre suppose que le développement ne dépend pas de producteurs prêts à adopter des innovations exogènes mais plutôt à participer à son élaboration. Cette participation répond à deux besoins : i) l’adaptation de l’innovation à la particularité des situations comme la transition agroécologique le préconise, ii) la décentralisation de la gestion des biens socio-environnementaux, vers des formes de communs. Face à ces enjeux de transformation des systèmes agricoles, on peut s’attendre à ce que l’organisation de la vulgarisation agricole s’est adaptée par le passage d’un système piloté principalement par un dispositif public, basé sur une seule dimension de conseil technique et sur des méthodes diffusionnistes de vulgarisation de masse, à un système composite proposant plusieurs dimensions de conseil et de méthodes d’intervention individuelles ou communes basées sur la co-construction du conseil. L’analyse est conduite en prenant appui sur un travail empirique adapté à la situation des deux pays d’étude, circonscrit sur la région d’Al Ghâb en Syrie et de Nabeul en Tunisie. Les résultats sont assez proches dans les deux pays où l’évolution du secteur agricole se réalise par petites touches qui tiennent plus de la substitution de pratiques plus économes et plus respectueuses du milieu que les précédentes, mais elle n’a pas été accompagnée par une évolution marquante du système de vulgarisation agricole. Le dispositif étatique occupe toujours une position de monopole en Al Ghâb, et dominante à Nabeul. L’évolution organisationnelle de ce système se borne, dans les deux régions, à la déconcentration des services, avec une timide privatisation sur le terrain de Nabeul. Dans les deux régions d’études, le dispositif étatique utilise classiquement des méthodes collectives de conseil basées sur le modèle « Training and Visit » et se limite à une dimension technique basée principalement sur les recettes de la Révolution verte ; leur contribution à l’évolution des pratiques agricoles vers l’agroécologie n’est pas notable. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the evolution of the agricultural extension system in a Mediterranean context, in terms of organization, types of advice and methods of intervention drawn from a regional analysis of Syrian and Tunisian systems. This evolution responds to profound changes in the agricultural production model, historically based on the principles of the Green Revolution, which is evolving towards agro-ecological models. We situate this work in the movement known as the "agro-ecological transition", which proposes a framework of development associating socio-economic and environmental dimensions. This movement allows us to envision a better integration of agriculture and its stakes in the territorial development project. To design and implement the agro-ecological approach requires a profound change in the management of production systems. To ensure these changes, farmers need new support schemes. The analysis of the evolution of the extension systems is conducted from a theoretical and methodological framework constructed with reference to development theories, notably especially evolutionist, which take into account the general forces that determine local actions, and historicist, which give pace to development trajectories and singular territorial combinations. This framework assumes that the development does not depend on producers willing to adopt exogenous innovations but rather to participate in its elaboration. This participation meets two needs: i) the adaptation of innovation to the particularity of situations as the agroecological transition advocates ii) the decentralization of the management of socio-environmental goods, towards common forms. To deal with these challenges of transforming agricultural systems, we can be expected that the organization of agricultural extension has adapted by the passage of a system driven primarily by a public device, based on a single type of technical advice and on diffusionist methods of mass of extension, to a composite system offering several types of advice and individual or joint intervention methods based on the co-construction of the advice. Our analysis is based on an empirical work adapted to the situation of the two countries under study, circumscribed to the regions of Al Ghâb in Syria and Nabeul in Tunisia. The results are quite similar in both countries where the evolution of the agricultural sector occurs through small changes that rely more on the substitution of practices more economical and more respectful of the environment than previous practices, but these changes have not been accompanied by a significant evolution of the agricultural extension system. The state apparatus still occupies a monopoly position in Al Ghâb, and dominant in Nabeul. The organizational evolution of this system is limited, in both regions, to the deconcentration of services, with a timid privatization on the site of Nabeul. In both regions of study, the state apparatus uses classically collective counseling methods of advice based on the "Training and Visit" model, and is limited to a technical dimension based mainly on the proceeds of the Green Revolution, their contribution to the evolution of agricultural practices towards agroecology is not notable.
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No Quarter: the Story of the New Orleans GreysBarnes, Travis S. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis document is to explain the process of making the documentary film, No Quarter: The Story of the New Orleans Greys. The document is organized by having the prospectus and the film proposal at the beginning, with the body describing how the film was made based on the prospectus. The purpose of the film is to tell the history of a unit of volunteers in the Texas Revolution, the New Orleans Greys. The document describes the methods used to make the film and how it will be distributed to the intended audience. As the thesis explains, the film changed slightly from the prospectus, however the resulting film was successful in telling the history of the little-known New Orleans Greys.
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La gestion routière du département de la Haute-Garonne 1790-1796 / The management of roads in the Département of Haute-Garonne between 1790 and 1796Kim, Daebo 19 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la gestion des routes du département de la Haute-Garonne de 1790 à 1796. Dans ce département né du nouvel ordre territorial et administratif qui s’impose en France en 1790 et formé d’une partie de deux anciennes provinces hétérogènes, la Guyenne et le Languedoc, l’administration locale se voit confier le rôle de maintenir les infrastructures de transport en bon état. Pour ce faire, elle doit faire face aux nombreuses difficultés qui peuvent empêcher localement l’exécution des travaux routiers. Ses compétences à cet égard dépendant étroitement du degré de centralisation de l’administration centrale des ponts et chaussées, composée du ministre de l’Intérieur et du Corps des Ponts et Chaussées. Au cours de la Révolution française, ce jeu de pouvoir entre Paris et le département subit l’influence des contextes national et local, tels que les crises politiques ou la guerre. Le pouvoir local ne peut prendre les mesures qu’il juge nécessaire pour assurer la bonne gestion de son réseau routier que dans les limites de la politique routière imposée par Paris. / This thesis is a study of the management of roads in the “département” of Haute-Garonne between 1790 and 1796. This “département” had been created as a part of the new territorial and administrative order in France established in 1790, and it was made from parts of two former different provinces, Guyenne and Languedoc. In Haute-Garonne the local administration was entrusted with the role of maintaining the infrastructures for transport. To this end the “département” had to face various difficulties that could impede the execution of road works in the locality. Its powers in this respect depended closely on the degree of centralization of the national administration of roads and bridges, an administration composed of the Minister of the Interior and the “Corps des Ponts et Chaussées”. During the French Revolution this power relationship between Paris and Haute-Garonne was dictated by a combination of national and local contexts, including political crises and war. The local authorities could take measures they deemed necessary to ensure the proper management of their road networks only when these were within the limits set by the road policy decided on by the national authorities in Paris.
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Proměny obsahu a forem práce v důsledku čtvrté průmyslové revoluce / The Changes of the Content and the Forms of Work as a Result of the Fourth Industrial RevolutionKavalcová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution fundamentally changes the world of work. Recent technological innovations have a significant impact on global economy, all areas of the national economy and on our everyday life. This diploma thesis deals with these impacts on the labour market in connection with the advancing trend of automation and digitization of work. Discussion on the future development of the revolution is in the sphere of expertise highly polarized. Versions that represent a negative view of the issue include image of massive job replacement, lack of talent and the rise of socio-economic and other inequalities. On the other hand, there are concepts that emphasize the positive impact on the labour market. The aim of this diploma thesis is to classify the trends in the working relations through the comparison of these two opinion streams and the systematic arrangement of the arguments presented by them. The final part addresses the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Czech Republic. KEY WORDS the Fourth Industrial Revolution, automation, digitization, future of work, labour market, flexibility at work, new trends in employment
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Valdsaský klášter mezi Českým královstvím a Svatou říší římskou: Politický, hospodářský a sociální vývoj kláštera a jeho panství v 15. století / The Waldsassen Abbey between Kingdom of Bohemia and Holy Roman Empire. The Political, Economic and Social Development of the Abbey and Its Manor in the 15th CenturyHrdlička, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to analyse the development of abbey in Waldsassen since the end of 14th century to the finish of George's of Podiebrad reign. Author struggled to describe on the basis of analysis of above all unpublished monastic sources, which are deposited in State archive in Amberg, various aspects of life in Waldsassen convent. Apart from the economic base and its changes, which are well covered by amount of sources, also social a political relations to secular power in the Holy Roman Empire - roman rulers and princes are studied. Then the basis deals with contacts of monastery with the Crown of Bohemia and its aristocracy and also with the position of Waldsassen in the Order and its cooperation with other Cistercian monasteries. Matters dealt with the papal throne are not forgetten, too. Detailed analysis was dedicated to parish network and the land register of Waldsassen, which presents the valuable source for former economic relationships and toponyms of "Stiftland" and Upper Palatine. The fourth chapter is also comprehensive, describing Waldsassen during the Hussite wars and eliminates some myths about this period in the region. Closing parts of this thesis are dedicated to the renewal of abbey domain and to the effort, which was invested mutually to maintain good relations...
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Why the Fuse Blew: the Reasons for Colonial America’s Transformation From Proto-nationalists to Revolutionary Patriots: 1772-1775Davis, Camille Marie 08 1900 (has links)
The most well-known events and occurrences that caused the American Revolution are well-documented. No scholar debates the importance of matters such as the colonists’ frustration with taxation without representation, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the Coercive Acts. However, very few scholars have paid attention to how the 1772 English court case that freed James Somerset from slavery impacted American Independence. This case occurred during a two-year stall in the conflict between the English government and her colonies that began in 1763. Between 1763 and 1770, there was ongoing conflict between the two parties, but the conflict temporarily subsided in 1770. Two years later, in 1772, the Somerset decision reignited tension and frustration between the mother country and her colonies. This paper does not claim that the Somerset decision was the cause of colonial separation from England. Instead it argues that the Somerset decision played a significant yet rarely discussed role in the colonists’ willingness to begin meeting with one another to discuss their common problem of shared grievance with British governance. It prompted the colonists to begin relating to one another and to the British in a way that they never had previously. This case’s impact on intercolonial relations and relations between the colonies and her mother country are discussed within this work.
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Novas finanças: um estudo sobre a fragilidade da hipótese de mercados eficientes / The new finance: a study about the fragility of the efficiency market hiperlinkCosta, Tiago Alves 29 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-29 / The finance science, as all sciences, shows an evolutionary line and according to
Kuhn (1970), it is marked by shortly periods of knowledge accumulation. However,
according to the author, such periods are inserted with scientific revolutions. In other
words, the scientific evolution is stamped by revolutions which abandon oldfashioned
paradigm and create new ones. The revolution is followed by a period
where the researches are guided by the new paradigm and its purpose is strengthen
the own paradigm. In other way, the finance science has today a central paradigm
well-known by efficiency market hyperlink (EMH) which was witnessed and
adopted by the entire scientific community around the 70 s. And since those times,
almost entire research done in finance, mainly until the de 90 s, was leaded and done
to validate the EMH. This dissertation attempted to evidence that the finance
evolutionary line proposed by Haugen (2000) follows the same principle evidenced
by Kuhn (1970), and in the present-day, the EMH find itself in a period which
precede the scientific revolution which is called by time crisis by Kuhn (1970). This
time crisis could weaken the EMH and open a space to create a new paradigm. This
way, the proposal of dissertation is to prove how the revolutionary process will
happen in finance too, soon after, to prove what would the candidates more inclined
to replace the EMH be as a central paradigm in finance. To do so, this work
considered only two candidates: the behavioral finance and the chaos theory. To do
this analyze it was used the schooling principles nominated by Mckinley, Mone
and Moon (2002). Such authors propose that a thought must display a combination
of novelty, continuity, and scope to achieve school status in organizational theory.
The purpose of this dissertation is to do a theory ransom which intends to show the
fragility of the EMH as a central paradigm that orients the finance researches. The
dissertation concludes that the current finance faces a crisis, and in this period, the
behavioral finance displays the biggest chance to replace the EMH in the near
future, however, the chaos theory provides the bigger promise considering a far
future / A ciência das finanças, como toda ciência, apresenta uma linha evolutiva que de acordo
com Kuhn (1970) é marcada por períodos de breve acumulação de conhecimento.
Porém, de acordo com o autor, tais períodos são intercalados com revoluções
científicas. Em outras palavras, a evolução científica é marcada por revoluções que
abandonam antigos paradigmas e criam novos. Posteriormente à revolução, segue se um
período onde as pesquisas são guiadas pelo novo paradigma com o propósito de
fortalecer o próprio paradigma. De outra forma, a ciência financeira possui hoje um
paradigma central conhecido como a hipótese de mercados eficientes (HME) que foi
reconhecida e adotada pela comunidade científica por volta da década de 70. E desde
aquela época, quase toda pesquisa feita na área, principalmente até a década de 90, foi
guiada, e feita para validar e fortalecer a própria HME. Nesse sentido, este trabalho
procurou evidenciar que a linha evolucionária das finanças proposta por Haugen (2000)
segue o mesmo princípio evidenciado por Kuhn (1970), e que no momento atual, a
HME encontra-se em um período que antecede a revolução científica e que é chamado
de período de crise por Kuhn (1970). Esse período de crise, que antecede as revoluções,
poderia enfraquecer a HME e abrir espaço para a criação de um novo paradigma. Sendo
assim, o trabalho também propõe a evidenciar como que o processo de revolução
poderá acontecer em finanças, e em seguida, também propõe quais seriam os candidatos
mais propensos a substituir a HME como paradigma central em finanças. Para tanto, o
trabalho considerou apenas dois candidatos: as finanças comportamentais e a teoria do
caos. Para fazer tal análise, foram utilizados os princípios de escolarização propostos
por Mckinley, Mone e Moon (2002). Tais autores propõem que um pensamento tem que
possuir três características (novidade, continuidade e escopo) para ser considerado uma
escola em teoria organizacional. O propósito do trabalho é de um resgate teórico básico
que procura evidenciar a fragilidade da HME enquanto paradigma principal norteador
das pesquisas em finanças. Assim sendo, o trabalho conclui que as finanças atuais
enfrentam uma crise, e que nesse período, as finanças comportamentais apresentam a
maior chance de substituir a HME em um futuro próximo, porém, a teoria do caos
fornece uma promessa maior considerando um futuro mais distante
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"Guerra de todo o povo": a influência das lutas políticas e sociais na nova doutrina de defesa nacional venezuelanaBuzetto, Marcelo 15 June 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The focus of this research is the strategic importance of national defense in the
development of so-called "Bolivarian Revolution", a process underway in
Venezuela. We intend to use as a reference several theoretical works that are
in the field of Marxism, and authors who, while not having total affinity with this
current of contemporary thought, made a significant contribution to the study of
Art of War and the Theory of Strategy. The key to our work will be an evaluation
of the Bolivarian New Military Doctrine and its relation to the strategy known as
"War of All the People" (WAP). We also seek to check what are the
contradictions and innovations brought about by the process of political,
economical and social transformation in Venezuela for the study of national
defense in an anti-imperialist perspective / O foco desta pesquisa é a importância estratégica da defesa nacional no
desenvolvimento da chamada Revolução Bolivariana, processo em curso
na Venezuela. Pretendemos utilizar como referência teórica diversas
obras que se encontram no campo do marxismo, além de autores que,
mesmo não tendo total afinidade com esta corrente do pensamento
contemporâneo, deram uma contribuição significativa para o estudo da
Arte da Guerra e da Teoria da Estratégia. O principal em nosso trabalho
será uma avaliação da Nova Doutrina Militar Bolivariana e sua relação
com a estratégia conhecida como Guerra de Todo o Povo (GTP).
Também procuramos verificar quais são as contradições e as inovações
trazidas pelo processo de transformação política, econômica e social na
Venezuela para o estudo da defesa nacional numa perspectiva
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A questão indígena-camponesa e a luta pelo socialismo: apontamentos sobre a contribuição de José Carlos MariáteguiFerreira, John Kennedy 30 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-30 / In the present study we examine some contributions of the Marxist José Carlos Mariátegui concerning the construction of the worker-peasant alliance formulated by III International Communist as regards to Peru and the others countries of Latin America.
Mariátegui s effort involves debates made at the beginning of the twenties with nationalist and communist sectors, union and indigenous leaderships concerning themes as socialism, antiimperialism, worker peasant and revolution.
We start from the analysis of his main work, Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality, in view to demonstrate the fundamental presence of indigenous-peasant question in the center of his theoretical and pratical struggle for socialism / No presente estudo, examinamos algumas contribuições do marxista José Carlos Mariátegui a respeito da construção da aliança operário-camponesa formulada pela III Internacional Comunista em relação ao Peru e demais países da América Latina.
O esforço de Mariátegui envolve debates realizados no início dos anos 20 com setores nacionalistas e comunistas, lideranças sindicais e indígenas, sobre temas como socialismo, antiimperialismo, aliança operário-camponesa e revolução.
Partimos da análise de seu principal trabalho, Sete ensaios de interpretação da realidade peruana, com vistas a demonstrar a presença fundamental da questão indígena-camponesa no centro de sua luta teórica e prática pelo socialismo
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