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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between organizational climate and multicultural education on student achievement in elementary age children of military parents (comp) schools

Imperial, Dorothy L. 02 December 2005 (has links)
No description available.

國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營關係之研究 / A Study on Relationships between the Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Health Climate and School Innovative Management in Elementary School

顏童文, Yen, Tung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解當前國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之現況;分析不同背景變項在國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之差異;探討國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之關係;研究國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之預測分析;與推論國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之路徑關係。 本研究採取文獻分析法及問卷調查法。根據文獻資料架構理論基礎,編製「國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營調查問卷」,依全省分北、中、南、東四大區域,共抽取93所國小,合計1408位國小教師,對於國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之看法。回收資料經由描述性統計、變異數分析、相關分析、逐步多元迴歸,以及LISREL潛在變項模式等統計方法,所得研究結果如下: 一、國民小學組織動態能耐以「科技應用」為最高,其次為「創新學習」、「學校定位」及「知識管理」,而「行政整合」相對較低。 二、國民小學組織健康氣候以「教師的凝聚力」最高,其次為「同儕領導」、「資源的影響性」及「重視學業成就」,而「機構主體性」相對較低。 三、學校創新經營以「資訊科技創新經營」最高,其次為「外部關係創新經營」、「行政管理創新經營」及「教學分享創新經營」,而「校園規劃創新經營」相對較低。 四、年長、資深及兼任行政之教師所知覺的整體組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候及學校創新經營的程度較高。 五、私立學校之教師所知覺的整體組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候及學校創新經營的程度較高。 六、位於都市、小型學校及新設學校所知覺的整體組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候及學校創新經營的程度較高。 七、組織動態能耐、健康氣候與學校創新經營間具有高相關。 八、組織動態能耐與健康氣候能有效預測學校創新經營。 九、國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營量表之二階驗證性因素分析模式適配度佳。 十、組織動態能耐透過組織健康氣候,有助於推動學校創新經營。 研究者依以上研究結果,分別針對主管教育行政機關、校長、教師以及未來研究者提出若干建議。茲分述如下: 壹、對於主管教育行政機關之建議 一、將動態能耐健康氣候學校創新經營納入學校評鑑指標 二、以辦學績效為指標來調整公私立學校的教育資源分配 三、為老舊學校重新注入一股新的活力以提升其創新能耐 貳、對於學校校長之建議 一、安排年長與資深教師協助新進教師經驗傳承 二、提供教師充足的教學資源與協助其專業成長 三、營造有創意的活力校園與人性化的健康校園 四、不因少數家長無理的要求而改變既有的政策 五、透過行銷策略建立學校品牌和提升學校形象 參、對於學校教師之建議 一、應用資訊及網路科技融入教學以增進教學效能 二、由校園資訊與通訊科技平台分享教學相關資訊 三、掌握外在環境的快速變遷建立獨特的創新能耐 肆、對於未來研究者之建議 一、研究對象可再擴大 二、研究議題加深加廣 三、研究方法可更多元 關鍵字:國民小學、組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候、學校創新經營 / The main purposes of this study are: (1) to understand the present condition of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (2) to analyze the diversity of different background variables in dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (3) to discuss the relationships between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (4) to investigate the Predicted Analysis of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (5) to conclude the path relationships between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school. The present study applied literature analysis and questionnaire survey method. According to related literature, the theoretical foundation was constructed and 「Elementary School Dynamic Capabilities, Organizational Health Climate, and School Innovative Management Survey Questionnaire」was organized. Ninety-three elementary schools were chosen randomly from north, central, south, and east regions in Taiwan. Totally there were 1408 elementary school teachers. Subjects’ viewpoints about Elementary School dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management were collected. The data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistic, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, Stepwise regression, and LISREL8.71.The results are shown below: 1.About dynamic capabilities in the elementary school , technology application is the highest,then innovative learning, school positioning, and knowledge management. And administrative integration is comparatively lower than the others. 2.About organizational health climate, teacher affiliation is the highest, then collegial leadership, influence of resources, and emphasis on academic achievement. Subjectivity of institution is comparative lower than the others. 3.About school innovative management, information technology innovative management is the highest, then external relationship innovative management, administrative management innovative management, and teaching sharing innovative management. And campus planning innovative management is comparatively lower than the others. 4.Teachers, who are senior, experienced, or have administrated jobs, perceive dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management higher than young, unexperienced teachers. 5.Private school teachers’ perception of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is higher than public school teachers. 6.Teachers’ perception about integral dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is higher when they teach in urban, small-scale, and newly-built schools. 7.There is high correlation association between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management. 8.Dynamic capabilities and organizational health climate can effectively predict school innovative management. 9.The fit measures of the two-order confirmatory factor analysis model of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is good. 10.By organizational health climate, dynamic capabilities can promote school innovative management According to studied results, some suggestions are addressed for educational administrated institutions, principals, teachers, and future researchers. 1.For educational administrated institutions (1)Bring dynamic capabilities, health climate, and school innovative management into school evaluation indicators. (2)Allot educational resources for public and private schools by school achievement. (3)Rebirth old schools and promote their innovative capabilities. 2.For principals (1)Create opportunities for senior and experienced teachers to share and pass down their experience. (2)Provide teachers with sufficient teaching resources and help them to advance professional development. (3)Construct creative, animate, humanistic, and health campus. (4)Do not change prime policies due to some parents’ unreasonable demands. 3.For school teachers (1)Integrate information and Internet technology into teaching to enhance teaching efficiency. (2)Share teaching resources through campus information platform. (3)Know the outside environment is changed in high-velocity and create unique innovative capabilities. 4.For future researchers (1)There should be more subjects. (2)Researched issue can be deeper and broader. (3)Researched methodologies can be more multi-dimentional. Keyword:the elementary school, organizational dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, school innovative management

Percepções de suportes organizacional e social no trabalho como antecedentes da percepção de saúde da organização

Moraes, Elton Ramos 14 September 2007 (has links)
The concept of organizational health had its origin in the organizational effectiveness definition, which was originated in the Fifties. Conceived as an expanded effectiveness , the concept of organizational health, recent in literature, is still in need of studies, which allow its definite implantation in the scope of organizational behavior, and mainly, studies that clarify its nature, antecedents and consequences. In the attempt of fulfilling part of this agenda, this study had as objective testing an explanatory model, which foresaw the perceptions of organizational and social support in the work, as being the antecedent to the perception of organizational health. The participants of this study were in its total 160 workers of several companies from the Triângulo Mineiro: 59,1% of participants from feminine gender and 40,9% from masculine gender, both with an average age of 28,9 years old and postgraduation as the most frequent degree of education. The instrument of data collection was composed by a questionnaire containing the three scales that were used to measure the perceptions of two factors of organizational health, three factors of social support in the work and the perception of organizational support. To achieve the proposed objective multivariate analyses have been carried through. The results of this study reveal that the main variable for both the factors of organizational health perception was the perception of organizational support. The impact of the perception of social support in the work was smaller than compared to that one. Implications of this study, as academic as applied, have been discussed and an investigation agenda was suggested. / O conceito de saúde organizacional teve suas raízes na definição de efetividade organizacional, originário nos anos 50. Concebido como uma efetividade expandida , o conceito de saúde organizacional, recente na literatura, ainda carece de estudos que permitam a sua definitiva implantação no âmbito do comportamento organizacional e, principalmente, esclareçam sua natureza, seus antecedentes e conseqüentes. Na tentativa de preenchimento de parte desta agenda, este trabalho teve por objetivo testar um modelo explicativo que previa as percepções de suportes organizacional e social no trabalho como antecedentes da percepção de saúde organizacional. Participaram desse estudo, 160 trabalhadores de diversas empresas do Triângulo Mineiro, sendo 59,1% do gênero feminino e 40,9% do gênero masculino, com idade média de 28,9 anos e pós-graduação como o grau de instrução mais freqüente. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi composto por um questionário contendo as três escalas que mediram os dois fatores da percepção de saúde organizacional, os três fatores da percepção de suporte social no trabalho e a percepção de suporte organizacional. Para o alcance do objetivo proposto, foram realizadas análises multivariadas. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que o principal regressor para ambos os fatores da percepção de saúde organizacional foi a percepção de suporte organizacional. O impacto das percepções de suporte social no trabalho foi bem menor quando comparados àquele. Implicações destes resultados, tanto acadêmicas quanto aplicadas, foram discutidas, bem como foi sugerida uma agenda de investigações. / Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada

Vad gör medarbetare och chefer sjuka och varför går de till jobbet? : En kvalitativ fallstudie som undersöker orsaker till sjukfrånvaro och föreslår åtgärder inom en kommunal vård- och omsorgsorganisation / What makes employees and managers sick and why do they attend at work? : A qualitative case study that examines causes of sickness absence and proposes measures to reduce it within a municipal healthcare organization

Karlsson, Isabel January 2020 (has links)
Sjukfrånvaron inom de svenska kommunala vård- och omsorgsorganisationerna ökar. Samtidigt har en organiserings- och styrningsförändring skett inom dessa organisationer de senaste decennierna i form av införandet av New Public Management (NPM) och dess reformer. Studien syftade till att genom en kvalitativ fallstudie få en ökad förståelse för hur psykosociala och organisatoriska faktorer tillsammans kunde ha inverkan på en kommunal vård- och omsorgsorganisations sjukfrånvaro för organisationens medarbetare inom kontaktyrken och dess chefer. Detta utifrån att identifiera vad organisationens sjukfrånvaro orsakades av samt för att föreslå åtgärder för att förebygga framtida sjukfrånvaro. För att uppfylla syftet och studiens frågeställningar genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt 19 intervjupersoner som representerade de arbetsgrupper med organisationens högsta och lägsta sjuktal under 2019 samt de chefsgrupper med organisationens högsta och lägsta sjuktal under 2019. Empirin analyserades utifrån den teoretiska referensramen. Denna innefattade tidigare forskning samt teorier gällande NPM, struktureringsteori, psykosociala sjukfrånvarofaktorer, organisatoriska sjukfrånvarofaktorer, psykosociala friskfaktorer, organisatoriska friskfaktorer samt organisationshälsa. Studiens resultat visade på tre framträdande psykosociala sjukfrånvarofaktorer för medarbetare respektive chefer, fyra organisatoriska sjukfrånvarofaktorer för medarbetare respektive chefer, fyra psykosociala friskfaktorer för medarbetare respektive chefer samt fyra organisatoriska friskfaktorer för medarbetare och fem organisatoriska friskfaktorer för chefer. Resultaten visade att de psykosociala och organisatoriska sjukfrånvaro- och friskfaktorerna påverkade varandra, att det fanns ett samband mellan chefers och medarbetares upplevda arbetsmiljö samt att sjukfrånvaron framförallt kunde härledas till strukturer medan frisknärvaron istället kunde härledas till individers handlingar. Tio åtgärder för att minska sjukfrånvaron inom kommunala vård- och omsorgsorganisationer presenterades utifrån studiens resultat och potentiell vidare forskning har föreslagits. / Sickness absence within the Swedish municipal healthcare organizations is increasing. At the same time, there has been a change in organization and governance within these organizations in recent decades in the form of the introduction of New Public Management (NPM) and its reforms. The study aimed to gain a better understanding of how psychosocial and organizational factors together could have an impact on a municipal healthcare organization's sickness absence, regarding employees in the human service profession and its managers, through a qualitative case study. This to identify what was causing the organization's sickness absence and on proposing measures to prevent future sickness absence. To fulfill the purpose and study questions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of 19 informants representing the working groups with the organization's highest and lowest sickness numbers in 2019 and the management groups with the highest and lowest sickness numbers in 2019. The empirical data was analyzed based on the theoretical frame of reference. This included previous research as well as theories of NPM, structuring theory, psychosocial sickness absence factors, organizational sickness absence factors, psychosocial health factors, organizational health factors and organizational health. The study's results showed three prominent psychosocial sickness absence factors for employees and managers, four organizational sickness absence factors for employees and managers, four psychosocial health factors for employees and managers, four organizational health factors for employees and five organizational health factors for managers. The results showed that the psychosocial and organizational sickness absence and health factors affected each other, that there was a connection between managers and employees perceived work environment and that the sickness absence could primarily be attributed to structures, while work attendance instead could be attributed to individuals' actions. Ten measures to reduce sickness absence within municipal healthcare organizations has been presented based on the results of the study, as well as suggestions for further research.

Differences among teachers' perceptions of school climate: Does support for the local teacher union make a difference?

Griffith, Jason S. 05 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Hälsa, hälsoperspektiv och hälsoarbete i en mansdominerad organisationskultur : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hälsa inom hälsa och säkerhet med yrkesverksamma i byggindustrin / Health, health perspective and health work in a male-dominated organizational culture : Qualitative interview study on health in health and safety in the construction industry

Lääveri, Sabina, Jonsson, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how male-dominated organizations approach health and safety. It seeks to create a foundation for how male-dominated organizations can respond to challenges related to health. To achieve this, semi-structured interviews have been conducted  with nine practitioners within health and safety, and we interpreted the resulting data through coding and thematizing. The analysis shows that views on health within male-dominated organizations can be sorted into salutogenic and pathogenic perspectives. Overall, there is a larger focus on safety within the field of health and safety, which may be due to male-dominated culture, stigma or a lack of knowledge regarding health and how to promote it. / Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma inom hälsa och säkerhet tänker kringoch arbetar med hälsa. Studien berör även frågor gällande hälsoarbetet i en mansdomineradindustri och en målsättning med studien är att tillföra en grundförståelse för hur hälsa inommansdominerade yrken kan se ut, vad för utmaningar som kan förekomma och vad förutvecklingsmöjligheter som finns. För att besvara studiens syfte har det genomförtssemistrukturerade intervjuer med nio yrkesverksamma som arbetar med hälsa och säkerhet. Detinsamlade materialet analyserades sedan med hjälp av kodning, tematisering och etttolkningsperspektiv. Tolkningen av resultatet visar att synen kring hälsa och hälsoarbete gick attdela in i både ett salutogent och patogent perspektiv. I sin helhet finns ett större fokus påsäkerhetsarbetet inom hälsa och säkerhet i byggindustrin som beror på en stark kultur kopplattill det mansdominerade yrket samt stigma och bristfällig kunskap kopplat till hälsa ochhälsoarbetet.

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