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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivation ur medarbetarnas perspektiv : En kvalitativ fallstudie om medarbetare och deras upplevda motivation till arbetet

Nylander, Peter, Andersson, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Innehavandet av motiverade medarbetare anses vara en organisatorisk framgångsfaktor. Enligt tidigare forskning är organisationer med motiverade medarbetare 30–40 procent mer produktiva än organisationer med omotiverade medarbetare. Motivationen anses även ha positiva effekter på medarbetarnas personliga utveckling, prestationer, arbetstillfredsställelse och välmående. Tidigare forskning som utgår ifrån Self-Determination Theory (SDT) redogör för att tre grundläggande psykologiska behov, autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet bidrar till en ökad arbetsmotivation. Det är även bevisat att yttre faktorer i sociala miljöer kan främja respektive hämma medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation, enligt SDT. Trots att tidigare forskning har påvisat att medarbetarnas motivation är betydande för organisationer, samt har positiva effekter för medarbetarnas utveckling, prestation, arbetstillfredsställelse och välmående finns det begränsad kvalitativ forskning som förklarar hur medarbetare motiveras. Forskarna för denna studie anser att resultaten från tidigare studier förklarar vad som bidrar till en ökad arbetsmotivation hos medarbetarna men ger inga utförliga förklaringar om vilka arbetsrelaterade faktorer medarbetarna upplever som motivationshöjande. Syftet med studien blir således att bidra med en ökad förståelse och kunskap om hur medarbetare motiveras av de psykologiska behoven av autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet samt hur yttre faktorer som organisatoriska värderingar och lön bidrar till en ökad eller minskad inre motivation. Forskarna har genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie och har med hjälp av intervjuer besvarat studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Studiens resultat och slutsatser visar på hur medarbetarna kan motiveras utifrån de psykologiska behoven av autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet samt hur organisatoriska värderingar och erhållen lön bidrar till en ökad eller minskad inre arbetsmotivation. / To maintain motivated employees is considered an organizational success factor. According to previous research, organizations with motivated employees are 30-40 percent more productive than organizations with amotivated employees. Motivation is also considered to have positive effects on employees' personal development, performance, job satisfaction and well-being. Previous research based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) explains that three basic psychological needs, autonomy, competence and relatedness contribute to increased work motivation. It is also proved that external factors in social environments can promote or inhibit employees' motivation, according to SDT. Although previous research has shown that employee motivation is significant for organizations, as well as having positive effects on employee development, performance, job satisfaction and prosperity, limited qualitative research explains how employees are motivated. The researchers for this study believe that the results of previous studies explain what contributes to an increased work motivation among employees but does not provide detailed explanations which work-related factors employees feel as motivating. The aim of the study is thus to contribute to increased understanding and knowledge of how employees are motivated by the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and how external factors such as organizational values and wages contribute to increased or decreased internal motivation. The researchers have done a qualitative case study and with the help of interviews answered the purpose and research questions of the study. The results and conclusions of the study show how employees can be motivated based on the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and how organizational values and wages are contributing to increased or decreased internal work motivation.

O papel mediador da confiança na relação entre percepção de valores organizacionais e atitudes diante de mudanças organizacionais / The mediating role of trust in the relationship between perception of organizational values and attitudes towards organizational changes

Alves, Gizele Maria de Oliveira Simões 12 September 2017 (has links)
A capacidade das organizações em se modificar e se reinventar de maneira contínua influencia diretamente em seus resultados e competitividade. Neste enfoque, o presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar o papel mediador da confiança na relação entre percepção de valores organizacionais e de atitudes frente a mudanças organizacionais. Participaram do estudo 189 trabalhadores voluntários de diversas organizações, os quais responderam instrumentos precisos e validados e que foram disponibilizados no Survey Monkey. Para análise dos dados foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas, correlações de Pearson e análises de regressão padronizadas e hierárquicas e o Teste Sobel para verificar a significância da mediação. Resultados confirmaram o modelo proposto, apresentando efeitos de mediação nas atitudes de ceticismo, na presença do valor realização e das mediadoras confiança na ética e oportunismo, e de aceitação, na presença de confiança na ética e na competência organizacional. Desta forma, este estudo, além de aprofundar o conhecimento do processo psicológico frente a mudanças pode instrumentalizar gestores na condução de processos de mudança nas organizações. / The ability of organizations to continuously modify and reinvent themselves has a direct influence on their results and competitiveness. In this approach, the present study aimed to verify the mediating role of trust in the relationship between perception of organizational values and attitudes towards organizational changes. Participated in the study 189 volunteers workers from various organizations, who responded to reliable and valid tools available in Survey Monkey. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations and standardized and hierarchical regression analyzes and the Sobel Test to verify the significance of mediation. Results confirmed the proposed model, in which mediation was corroborated in the attitude of scepticism, in the presence of value and mediators trust in ethics and opportunism, and acceptance, in the presence of trust in ethics and organizational competence. In this way, this study, in addition to deepening the knowledge of the psychological process in the face of change, can instrumentalise managers in the process of change in organizations. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

Os valores que norteiam a gestão organizacional de micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) de cunho familiar no Grande Rio

Viana, Gustavo Gomes Manhães 27 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joel de Lima Pereira Castro Junior (joelpcastro@uol.com.br) on 2016-07-25T20:56:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GustavoVianna.pdf: 1349146 bytes, checksum: 00a539006e5936a613a648ef04144b95 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca de Administração e Ciências Contábeis (bac@ndc.uff.br) on 2016-07-27T18:22:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GustavoVianna.pdf: 1349146 bytes, checksum: 00a539006e5936a613a648ef04144b95 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T18:22:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GustavoVianna.pdf: 1349146 bytes, checksum: 00a539006e5936a613a648ef04144b95 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi o de identificar e analisar as relações entre os valores pessoais de donos de MPE’s de cunho familiar no Grande Rio e os valores organizacionais predominantemente percebidos por seus funcionários. A metodologia aplicada foi o SVS (Schwartz Values Survey) – Inventário de Valores de Schwartz, que no Brasil foi introduzido, testado e validado por Álvaro Tamayo. Os resultados de campo mostraram oposições entre os valores pessoais disseminados pelos donos e os efetivamente percebidos pelos empregados, para determinados indicadores considerados como relevantes para o autor. / The main objective of this research was identify and analyse the relations between personal values of the owners of Small and Micro familiary companies in Rio de Janeiro, the predominant organizational values perceived by their employees and the metodology applied was the SVS (Schwartz Values Survey), which in Brazil was intruducted, tested and guaranteed by Álvaro Tamayo. The results showed differents perceptions between the owner personal values and the ones effectively perceived by the employees in the author point of view for some relevant indicators.

Performance compétente : Relations avec valeurs, pratiques et identité dans le service de police / Competent performance : Its relationship with values, practices and identity at the Police Officers' service

Nascimento, Thiago 01 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'identifier l'influence des manifestations de la culture de l'organisation, en matière de valeurs et de pratiques organisationnelles, ainsi que de l'identité professionnelle et organisationnelle sur la performance professionnelle par les compétences, c'est-à-dire la performance compétente, au sein de la police. 916 policiers militaires du District Fédéral de tous les niveaux hiérarchiques ont participé à cette recherche. Des analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatoires ont été utilisées pour vérifier les évidences de la validité des mesures des constructions qui composent le modèle théorique. Les résultats trouvés suggèrent que les variables antécédentes (valeurs organisationnelles, pratiques organisationnelles, identité professionnelle et identité organisationnelle) permettent de faire des prédictions quant à la performance professionnelle. Aussi bien l'identité organisationnelle que l'identité professionnelle ont permis de faire une médiation (médiation simple et en chaîne) entre les dimensions sous-jacentes aux valeurs et aux pratiques organisationnelles et la performance au travail. Les pratiques organisationnelles ont plus de pouvoir de prédiction que les types de motivations par rapport à la performance professionnelle. Le test des modèles généraux et des modèles détaillés (modèles concurrents) a démontré que les constructions du modèle étaient stables et invariantes, ce qui permet leur utilisation dans différents contextes. Enfin, des limitations de recherche ont été montrées, leurs implications sont d'ordre théorique, méthodologique et de gestion, ce qui demande la mise en place de nouvelles recherches. / The purpose of this research was to identify and describe the influence of the manifestations of the culture, represented in this work by organizational values and practices, organizational and professional identity regarding the professional performance competencies of the professional in his service as a policeman. In total, 916 military police officers from Distrito Federal of all hierarchical levels of the police organization were questioned about organizational values, organizational practices, professional identity, organizational identity and professional performance competencies. The scales were tested using exploratory factorial analysis and confirmatory factorial analysis in order to validate the theoretical model using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that the variables of organizational values, organizational practices, professional identity and organizational identity can predict professional performance competencies. Organizational identity and professional identity have mediated (simple mediation and chain mediation) the relation between subjacent dimensions of values and organizational practices regarding performance at work. The organizational practices have predicted the professional performance competencies better than the organizational values subtypes. The tests of the general model and the parsimonious models (concurrent models) have demonstrated the stability and the invariance of the constructs of the model, indicating their usability in other contexts. After the conclusion are proposed the research limitations, theoretical, methodological and managerial implications, as well as an agenda to attend the gaps of the research.

Les dimensions négligées de l'évaluation de la performance : les valeurs et la qualité de vie au travail

Thiebaut, Georges-Charles 11 1900 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est l’élaboration d’un modèle logique de mesure du maintien des valeurs, ainsi que son opérationnalisation afin d’entreprendre l’évaluation de la performance des systèmes de santé. Le maintien des valeurs est l’une des quatre fonctions de la théorie de l’action sociale de T.Parsons permettant d’analyser les systèmes d’action. Les autres fonctions sont l’adaptation, la production et l’atteinte des buts. Cette théorie est la base du modèle EGIPSS (évaluation globale et intégrée de la performance des systèmes de santé), dans lequel cette thèse s’insère. La fonction étudiée correspond, dans l’oeuvre de T.Parsons, au sous-système culturel. Elle renvoie à l’intangible, soit à l’univers symbolique par lequel l’action prend son sens et les fonctions du système s’articulent. Le modèle logique de mesure du maintien des valeurs est structuré autour de deux concepts principaux, les valeurs individuelles et organisationnelles et la qualité de vie au travail. À travers les valeurs individuelles et organisationnelles, nous mesurons la hiérarchie et l’intensité des valeurs, ainsi que le niveau de concordance interindividuelle et le degré de congruence entre les valeurs individuelles et organisationnelles. La qualité de vie au travail est composée de plusieurs concepts permettant d’analyser et d’évaluer l’environnement de travail, le climat organisationnel, la satisfaction au travail, les réactions comportementales et l’état de santé des employés. La mesure de ces différents aspects a donné lieu à la conception de trois questionnaires et de trente indicateurs. Ma thèse présente, donc, chacun des concepts sélectionnés et leurs articulations, ainsi que les outils de mesure qui ont été construits afin d’évaluer la dimension du maintien des valeurs. Enfin, nous exposons un exemple d’opérationnalisation de ce modèle de mesure appliqué à deux hôpitaux dans la province du Mato Grosso du Sud au Brésil. Cette thèse se conclut par une réflexion sur l’utilisation de l’évaluation comme outil de gestion soutenant l’amélioration de la performance et l’imputabilité. Ce projet comportait un double enjeu. Tout d’abord, la conceptualisation de la dimension du maintien des valeurs à partir d’une littérature abondante, mais manquant d’intégration théorique, puis la création d’outils de mesure permettant de saisir autant les aspects objectifs que subjectifs des valeurs et de la qualité de vie au travail. En effet, on trouve dans la littérature de nombreuses disciplines et de multiples courants théoriques tels que la psychologie industrielle et organisationnelle, la sociologie, les sciences infirmières, les théories sur le comportement organisationnel, la théorie des organisations, qui ont conçu des modèles pour analyser et comprendre les perceptions, les attitudes et les comportements humains dans les organisations. Ainsi, l’intérêt scientifique de ce projet découle de la création d’un modèle dynamique et intégrateur offrant une synthèse des différents champs théoriques abordant la question de l’interaction entre les perceptions individuelles et collectives au travail, les conditions objectives de travail et leurs influences sur les attitudes et les comportements au travail. D’autre part, ce projet revêt un intérêt opérationnel puisqu’il vise à fournir aux décideurs du système de santé des connaissances et données concernant un aspect de la performance fortement négligé par la plupart des modèles internationaux d’évaluation de la performance. / The purpose of my thesis is to develop a logical model to measure the latency that we also call the values maintenance and its operationalization in order to evaluate health systems performance. Latency is one of the four functions of the general theory of action developed by T. Parsons. His theory is the basis of the EGIPSS model (Comprehensive and Integrated Assessment of the Performance of Health Systems), in which my thesis is inserted. The function of latency is viewed by Parsons as a sub-cultural system. This function reflects the intangible or symbolic universe in which the action takes its meaning. It connects the four functions of the system together. The logical model for measuring latency is structured around two main dimensions, individual and organizational values and quality of life at work. Through individual and organizational values, we measure the intensity and the hierarchy of values, and the level of concordance between individuals and the degree of congruence between the individual and organizational values. Quality of work life is composed of several concepts to analyze and assess work environment, organizational climate, job satisfaction, behavioural responses and health status of employees. The measurement of these aspects has led to the design of questionnaires and thirty three indicators. Thus, my thesis presents each of the selected concepts, as well as, their articulation and measurement tools that were built to assess the latency function. Finally, I present an example of the operationalization of the measurement model and the results of the evaluation which have been taken place in two hospitals in the state of Mato Grosso of south in Brazil. This thesis ends with a reflection on the use of evaluation as a management tool supporting performance improvement and accountability. This project involved a dual challenge. On the one hand, the conceptualization of the construct of maintenance of values from an extensive literature, but lacking of theoretical integration, and the creation of measurement tools to capture all aspects of objective and subjective values and quality of work life. Indeed, we find in the literature many disciplines and multiple theoretical approaches such as industrial and organizational psychology, sociology, nursing, theories of organizational behavior, organizational theory, which developed models to analyze and understand the perceptions, attitudes and human behavior in organizations. Thus, the scientific interest of this project arises from the creation of a dynamic and integrated model which synthesizes different theoretical fields addressing the issue of the interaction between individual and collective perceptions at work, the objective conditions of work and their influence on attitudes and behaviors at work. In addition, this project has an operational interest because it aims to provide to decision-makers knowledge and evidences on aspects of performance that have been neglected by most international models for performance evaluation.

Mantinely přijímání darů v českých neziskových organizacích klimatického hnutí / Guidelines for accepting gifts in czech nonprofit organizations of climate movement

Vondrová, Jana January 2022 (has links)
The thesis deals with the boundaries for accepting donations in the Czech non-profit organizations of the climate movement. Czech leaders, unlike the European ones, are rather inattentive to the climate crisis. In recent years this is reflected in immergence of new organizations which creates pressure to address this situation. In order for organizations to advance their agenda, they need a network of donors to support them. The aim of this thesis is to understand what values and practices in these organizations regulate the acceptance of gifts, as well as to understand the motivations of their approach in specific situations.

L'étude de la relation entre la culture organisationnelle et la violence au travail

Cloutier, Geneviève 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’étudier la relation entre la culture organisationnelle et la violence au travail. Plus spécifiquement, les résultats permettent de déterminer comment la perception des cultures organisationnelles de type groupal, développemental, hiérarchique et rationnel de l’approche des valeurs concurrentes de Cameron et Quinn (1999) s’associent aux conflits interpersonnels et au harcèlement physique et sexuel dans les organisations. Les données proviennent de l’Étude SALVEO, menée par l’Équipe de recherche sur le travail et la santé mentale de l’Université de Montréal. À notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a étudié les perceptions des cultures organisationnelles globales des entreprises. Les études antérieures se sont intéressées à certains traits spécifiques des cultures, telles que l’acceptation, la tolérance et la banalisation de la violence, sans considérer intégralement la culture organisationnelle. Il est possible d’utiliser le modèle de Cameron et Quinn (1999) avec l’échelle de Marchand, Haines et Dextras-Gauthier (2013) pour mesurer la perception que les travailleurs se font de leur culture organisationnelle pour pouvoir les associer avec les niveaux de conflits interpersonnels et de harcèlement physique et sexuel par la suite. Les analyses multiniveaux de cette recherche ont révélé que la culture groupale s’associe à des niveaux plus bas de conflits interpersonnels et la culture développementale à des niveaux plus élevés. Bien que les résultats ne soient pas significatifs pour tous les types de culture organisationnelle, les entreprises qui adoptent des caractéristiques de la culture groupale, telles que le soutien social, la participation des travailleurs et la justice organisationnelle, semblent mieux prévenir le phénomène de la violence au travail. D’autre part, l’intégration d’un grand nombre de variables contrôles a permis de déterminer que les facteurs individuels et organisationnels les plus associés à la violence sont : le fait d’être une femme, d’être jeune, d’être syndiqué, l’effort au travail et l’injustice organisationnelle. / This master’s thesis aims to study the relation between the organizational culture and workplace violence. More specifically, the results allow us to determine how the organizational culture of groupal, developmental, hierarchical and rational type of the competing values framework of Cameron and Quinn (1999) joins the interpersonal conflicts and physical or sexual harassment in organizations. The data results come from the SALVEO surveys led by the research team on work and mental health of University of Montreal (ERTSM). Most studies were interested in some specific features of culture, such as the acceptance and tolerance of violence without considering the organizational culture. It is possible to use the model of Cameron and Quinn (1999) with the Marchand, Haines and Dextras-Gauthier scale (2013) to calculate the perception that the workers have of their organizational culture to be able to measure them with the levels of interpersonal conflicts and physical or sexual harassment afterward. Multilevel analyses revealed that the perception of the groupal culture shows lower levels of interpersonal conflicts and the developmental culture, higher levels. Although the results are not significant for all types of organizational culture, companies which adopt the characteristics of the groupal culture, such as social support, workers participation and organizational justice, seem to better prevent the phenomenon of workplace violence. Moreover, the integration of a large number of control variables allows us to determine that the individual and organizational factors that are most associated with violence are : being a woman, being young, being a member of a union, having a work overload and the presence of organizational injustice.

L'étude de la relation entre la culture organisationnelle et la violence au travail

Cloutier, Geneviève 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’étudier la relation entre la culture organisationnelle et la violence au travail. Plus spécifiquement, les résultats permettent de déterminer comment la perception des cultures organisationnelles de type groupal, développemental, hiérarchique et rationnel de l’approche des valeurs concurrentes de Cameron et Quinn (1999) s’associent aux conflits interpersonnels et au harcèlement physique et sexuel dans les organisations. Les données proviennent de l’Étude SALVEO, menée par l’Équipe de recherche sur le travail et la santé mentale de l’Université de Montréal. À notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a étudié les perceptions des cultures organisationnelles globales des entreprises. Les études antérieures se sont intéressées à certains traits spécifiques des cultures, telles que l’acceptation, la tolérance et la banalisation de la violence, sans considérer intégralement la culture organisationnelle. Il est possible d’utiliser le modèle de Cameron et Quinn (1999) avec l’échelle de Marchand, Haines et Dextras-Gauthier (2013) pour mesurer la perception que les travailleurs se font de leur culture organisationnelle pour pouvoir les associer avec les niveaux de conflits interpersonnels et de harcèlement physique et sexuel par la suite. Les analyses multiniveaux de cette recherche ont révélé que la culture groupale s’associe à des niveaux plus bas de conflits interpersonnels et la culture développementale à des niveaux plus élevés. Bien que les résultats ne soient pas significatifs pour tous les types de culture organisationnelle, les entreprises qui adoptent des caractéristiques de la culture groupale, telles que le soutien social, la participation des travailleurs et la justice organisationnelle, semblent mieux prévenir le phénomène de la violence au travail. D’autre part, l’intégration d’un grand nombre de variables contrôles a permis de déterminer que les facteurs individuels et organisationnels les plus associés à la violence sont : le fait d’être une femme, d’être jeune, d’être syndiqué, l’effort au travail et l’injustice organisationnelle. / This master’s thesis aims to study the relation between the organizational culture and workplace violence. More specifically, the results allow us to determine how the organizational culture of groupal, developmental, hierarchical and rational type of the competing values framework of Cameron and Quinn (1999) joins the interpersonal conflicts and physical or sexual harassment in organizations. The data results come from the SALVEO surveys led by the research team on work and mental health of University of Montreal (ERTSM). Most studies were interested in some specific features of culture, such as the acceptance and tolerance of violence without considering the organizational culture. It is possible to use the model of Cameron and Quinn (1999) with the Marchand, Haines and Dextras-Gauthier scale (2013) to calculate the perception that the workers have of their organizational culture to be able to measure them with the levels of interpersonal conflicts and physical or sexual harassment afterward. Multilevel analyses revealed that the perception of the groupal culture shows lower levels of interpersonal conflicts and the developmental culture, higher levels. Although the results are not significant for all types of organizational culture, companies which adopt the characteristics of the groupal culture, such as social support, workers participation and organizational justice, seem to better prevent the phenomenon of workplace violence. Moreover, the integration of a large number of control variables allows us to determine that the individual and organizational factors that are most associated with violence are : being a woman, being young, being a member of a union, having a work overload and the presence of organizational injustice.


ANDREA CHERMAN 05 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] O Código de Ética Corporativa, seu modelo e orientação ética, forma de implementação e instrumentos utilizados para suportá-lo, inseridos no programa de gestão ética, influenciam no comportamento ético dos stakeholders internos e, conseqüentemente, na Tomada de Decisão Ética nas atividades diárias da organização. Este estudo avalia se os valores expressos no documento de ética de fato orientam a ação prática, gerando decisões éticas na relação com o consumidor final. A análise dá-se pelo cruzamento de três perspectivas: do gestor de ética sobre o expresso no código e os instrumentos de suporte; a percepção do Código de Ética pela área jurídica, responsável por intermediar o conflito com o consumidor; e a realidade prática extraída dos processos públicos abertos pelos consumidores nos órgãos de defensoria. A análise foi realizada em quatro grandes organizações, de origens e características distintas, todas pertencentes ao Setor de Planos Privados de Assistência à Saúde, o qual historicamente concentra grande número de reclamações dos consumidores, uma vez que está concebido sobre uma base de conflitos de interesses. O estudo revela que as organizações que adotam instrumentos de gestão ética, inseridos em um programa consistente, obtêm suporte ao código de ética e legitimam a incorporação dos valores entre os membros da organização, resultando positivamente na tomada de decisão ética. Aquelas organizações que não adotam instrumentos de gestão ética para suportar o código de ética de modo consistente, não conseguem legitimar a conduta ética e incorporá-la no comportamento dos funcionários, resultando na tomada de decisão não ética. / [en] The Corporate Code of Ethics, its format and ethical orientation, implementation framework and supporting tools included in the ethics management program, have a strong influence in the internal stakeholder ethical behavior, and, consequently, it reflects on the Ethical Decision Making Process in organizational daily activities. This study evaluates whether the values expressed in the ethics document, in fact, conduct the real practice in generating ethical decisions in the relationship organization- consumers. The analysis is done crossing three perspectives: from the ethics manager, the code content, values and supporting tools; from the lawyer advisory, the perception about the code of ethics, as it is the area in charge of mediating the conflicts with consumers; and the practiced reality extracted from the public prosecuting processes opened by consumers. This analysis was carried out in four large companies, with different histories and characteristics, but all pertaining to the same sector. The Sector of Private Health Care System concentrates a large number of consumers complaints, once the sector is built on a conflict of interest basis. This study reveals that the organizations, which adopt ethics supporting tools included in a consistent program, obtain support to the code of ethics and are able to legitimate the values among the organizational members. It results positively on the ethical decision making process. Those organizations that do not adopt supporting tools in a consistent way are not able to legitimate the ethical conduct and do not incorporate it to the employees behavior, generating non-ethical decision- making.

Organizational Values in a Family-Owned Aquatic Center A Case Study : A Neo-Institutionalist view on the influence of meaning systems, as manifested by organizational values, in a Family-Owned Aquatic Center

Hoyos de la Garza, Ernesto January 2020 (has links)
The main objective of this case study is to understand how organizational values of a family business are influenced – or are the outcome of – the interactions between the controlling family, their employees, and the social context by which they are surrounded. To investigate this topic a case study research design was applied and a family-owned and -managed Aquatic Center was selected as the company in focus. First, the organizational values were determined through the application of semi-structured interviews and observations. The units of analysis for the case study were the Top Management Team (TMT) and the employees of the organization. The former is composed by three members of the controlling family and the latter by the employees who are in most contact with the TMT and the clients of the Aquatic Center. After the Thematic Analysis of the empirical data eight organizational values were identified. These organizational values, along with excerpts from the interview, were analyzed from a Neo-Institutionalist lens and three meaning systems were identified to be influencing the organization and its structures. These three meaning systems were labeled as (1) Swimming the Sport; (2) Health Club Business; and (3) The Owning Family. The set of rules, enforcement mechanisms, and effects that these three meaning systems have on the overall organization were also defined.

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