Spelling suggestions: "subject:"other batural ciences"" "subject:"other batural csciences""
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Krona eller krona? Alla ord leder till Rom : En interventionsstudie för ämnesordskunskap i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena / Crown or Crown? All words lead to RomeJaksic Bozovic, Lara, Rizzo Enqvist, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify effective teaching strategies for vocabulary acquisition for primary school-age children in natural sciences. Primarily, using qualitative method observation, it was empirically shown that the primary vocabulary instructions used during natural science studies were indirect incidental word learning activities such as conversation in the classroom. A test was standardized from Homegaard and Johansson Kokkinakis (2006) to asses and measure pupils’ breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge for vocabulary words that were used during science class. The conducted test showed that the pupils’ trough incidental word learning had low vocabulary acquisition, primarily because of the everyday language used in a scientific context, leading this study to aim to answer the following questions: Will providing explicit instructions for word acquisition increase pupils’ vocabulary? Which possible explanations are there for the vocabulary increase? An intervention practice was conducted to improve vocabulary acquisition, using five evidence-based suggestions for meaningful vocabulary intervention activities, provided by Steele and Mills (2011) and Becks, McKeown and Kucan (2002). The steps are based on explicit instructional activities which were used in teaching natural science. The same test that was used to asses and measure pupils’ breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge of vocabulary words was used after the intervention. The empirical results showed that instructional strategies providing explicit instruction were successful in increasing pupils’ breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge. Hence, this study identifies the empirical link between vocabulary instructions and vocabulary acquisition, as to increase the pupils’ breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge, by the acknowledgement of the difference between everyday language and scientific vocabulary with explicit teaching of the scientific language.
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Naturbetesmarker & vildsvin : En kvalitativ studie om vildsvinsskador på naturbetesmark från markägarnas perspektiv / Pasturelands & wild boars : A qualitative study about wild boar damages on pasturelands from the landowners´ perspectiveJohansson, Emil, Ågren, Jeanette January 2021 (has links)
Naturbetesmarker är ett av de artrikaste markslagen vi har, för att hålla dem öppna med betande djur finns ett miljöstöd från landsbygdsprogrammet utformat för att gynna den biologiska mångfalden. Vildsvinen (Sus Scrofa) har under de senaste årtiondena ökat markant, vilket har lett till stora ekonomiska konsekvenser för lantbruket genom skador på jordbruksmark. Av tidigare forskning kan vi se att skadorna inte påverkar den biologiska mångfalden negativt. Biologisk mångfald är en central del i det miljöstöd som lantbrukarna får för att hålla sina naturbetesmarker öppna. Men vad säger markägarna om vildsvinsproblematiken på naturbetesmark och hur ser de på framtiden? Studien utgår från markägarnas perspektiv, där vi undersöker hur markägarna upplever vildsvinsskador på deras naturbetesmarker och hur skadorna påverkar deras skötsel. Vi undersöker även hur markägarna upplever den rådgivning och stöd som de får från berörd myndighet samt vilka förändringar de vill se i vildsvinsförvaltningen. Vi valde i studien att använda oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer, där sex markägare intervjuades. Resultatet i studien visar att markägarna upplever att det största problemet är att skadorna är tidskrävande och kostsamma att rätta till. Det framkom även kritik mot dagens utformning av miljöstödet och att trycket från vildsvinsstammen måste minska för att man ska orka att hålla sina marker öppna i framtiden. Slutsatsen är att det måste till ett större helhetsgrepp kring vildsvinsförvaltningen för att minska skadorna och mer individuell rådgivning för den enskilda markägaren. / Pasturelands is a land with high biodiversity, in order to keep them open with herbivores, there is environmental support from Landsbygdsprogrammet designed to benefit the biological diversity. Wild boars (Sus Scrofa) have increased markedly in recent decades, which has led to major economic consequences for agriculture and it´s land. From previous research, we can see that the damage does not adversely affect biodiversity. Biodiversity is a central part of the environmental support that the farmers receive to keep their pasturelands open. But what does landowners say about the problems with wild boar on pasturelands and how do they look on the future? The study is based on the landowners ‘perspective, we examine how landowners experience wild boar damage to their pasturelands and how the damage affects their management. We also examine how landowners experience the advice and support they receive from the authority and what changes they want to see in wild boar management. In the study, we choose to use qualitative research interviews, in which six landowners were interviewed. The result of the study show that landowners feel that the biggest problem is that the damage is time-consuming and costly to repair. There was also criticism of today´s design of environmental support and the pressure from the wild boar population must be reduced in order to keep their land open in the future. The conclusion is that there must be a greater holistic approach to wild management to reduce the damage and more individual advice for the individual landowner.
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Läromedelsanalys : En studie om läromedel i NO för åk 1-3 / Analysis of teaching materials : A study of science teaching materials for grade 1-3Lind, Ida, Härling, Frida January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute with more knowledge about how different teaching materials in NOS can differ in terms of the connection to the core content and how it is represented in the form of images. The two teaching materials that we have chosen to review are "Puls NO-boken" and "Boken om NO". To examine these, we have produced two analysis tools based on the core content. We have made both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis is done on selected images from the two teaching aids that we have analyzed in more detail. The results show that “Boken om NO” uses simpler and clearer images than “Puls NO-boken” in the production of life cycles. In the quantitative analysis, we compare the two textbooks in general to get an overall picture of how the books differ in relation to the core content. The results show that “Boken om NO” includes all core content, while the “Puls NO-boken” excludes three parts of the core content. A conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that “Boken om NO” is a more favorable book for both students and teachers as it includes all parts of the core content and that the presentation of images is clearer. / Syftet med studien är att bidra med mer kunskap kring hur olika läroböcker i NO kan skilja sig åt vad gäller kopplingen till det centrala innehållet samt hur det representeras i form av bilder. De två läroböcker som vi valt att granska är “Puls NO-boken” samt “Boken om NO”. För att granska dessa har vi framställt två analysverktyg som utgår ifrån det centrala innehållet. Det har gjorts en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ analys. Den kvalitativa analysen är gjord på utvalda bilder från de två läroböckerna som analyserat närmare. Resultatet visar att ”Boken om NO” använder enklare och tydligare bilder än ”Puls NO-boken” i framställningen av livscykler. I den kvantitativa analysen jämförs de två läroböckerna generellt för att få en övergripande bild över hur böckerna skiljer sig åt i förhållande till det centrala innehållet. Resultatet visar att “Boken om NO” behandlar alla centrala innehåll medan “Puls NO-boken” utesluter tre delar av det centrala innehållet. En slutsats som kan dras utifrån studien är att ”Boken om NO” är en mer gynnsam bok både för elever och lärare då den inkluderar alla delar ur det centrala innehållet samt att framställningen av bilder är tydligare.
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Accuracy analysis and Calibration of Total Station based on the Reflectorless Distance MeasurementReda Adinew, Amezene, Bedada Damtie, Bekele January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Reflectorless EDM technology uses phase measuring or pulsed lasers to measure targets of a reflective and non-reflective nature. Reflectorless distance measurement provides rapid measurement by saving time and labour for surveyors. However, the accuracy of these types of measurements is under question because of the variety of constraints that affect the measurement. This paper attempts to show the techniques of total station calibration and to investigate the possible sources of error in reflectorless distance measurement. As a result, the effects of different color targets and angle incidence on distance measurement were checked. The precision of reflectorless distance measurement also investigated. In addition, comparison was made for manual and automatic target recognition measurement. Further experiment was performed on how to calibrate the total station instrument and the performance of the instrument was checked by KTH-TSC software. The experiments were evaluated by taking the reflector reading as ‘true value’ to check the accuracy of reflectorless measurement. The effects of colour surfaces on distance measurement have no significant difference. Besides, the result shows that the error in distance increased as the angle of incidence in the target increases. The result also indicates that automatic target recognition mode is the most advisable technique for precise measurement. Finally, an optimal number of seven target points was found for the calculation of prism constant. / Sammandrag Reflektorlös EDM-tekniken använder fas mätning eller pulsade lasrar för att mäta mål en reflekterande och icke-reflekterande karaktär. Reflektorlös avståndsmätning ger snabb mätning genom att spara tid och arbete för inspektörer. Emellertid är noggrannheten hos dessa typer av mätningar under fråga på grund av olika begränsningar som påverkar mätningen. Denna uppsats försöker visa de metoder för totalstation kalibrering och att undersöka eventuella felkällor i reflektorlös avståndsmätning. Som ett resultat var effekterna av olika färger mål och vinkel inverkan på avståndsmätning kontrolleras. Noggrannheten i reflektorlös avståndsmätning undersökt också. Dessutom gjordes jämförelse för manuell och automatisk måligenkännande mätning. Ytterligare experiment utfördes på hur man kalibrerar totalstationen instrumentet och prestanda instrumentet kontrollerades av KTH-TSC programvara. Experimenten utvärderades genom att reflektorn läsning som "sanna värdet" för att kontrollera riktigheten i reflektorlös mätning. Effekterna av färgytor på avståndsmätning har ingen signifikant skillnad. Dessutom visar resultatet felet i avståndet ökade infallsvinkeln i målet ökar. Resultatet visar också automatiskt måligenkännande läget är det mest lämpligt tekniken för exakt mätning. Slutligen ett optimalt antal av sju målpunkter hittades för beräkning av prismakonstanten.
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Teknikämnets förutsättningar i de lägre åldrarna : Från tekniklärarens perspektiv / The conditions of the technology subject in the younger ages : From the technology teacher´s perspectiveHögberg Tagner, Alexandra, Simonsson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about how technology teachers in grades 1-3 perceive their own teaching in the subject technology linked to conditions such as education, time frame, teaching materials, materials and equipment. The study was conducted with the help of qualitative interviews in which eight active and educated technology teachers in grades 1-3 participated. The interviews examined the teachers' individual views on the technology subjectaround the deficits that the Swedish Schools Inspectorate report from 2014 highlights. Furthermore, it was investigated how the teachers' attitudes are affected by the mentioned conditions and whether there were more factors that they considered influenced their teaching in the subject of technology. The analysis of the interviews was inspired by a phenomenography inspired model where the teachers' statements were analyzed and linked to previous research. The results of the survey show that the teacher's competence in the subject of technology is not decisive for whether the teacher feels safe and competent in teaching. The security and competence are rather clarified in how much education the teacher has in technology. It emerged that the conditions of the technology subject are affected by the economy, parts such as materials, equipment and further education are given lower priority financially by both teachers and school management. Conclusions drawn in this study are that technology teaching and teachers' attitudes are largely influenced by how the subject is prioritized by the schoolmanagement. If the subject is not prioritized more by teachers and school leaders, the subject will not be more visible than it already is.
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Påverkar information kring näringsinnehåll och ekologisk hållbarhet fysiskt aktiva konsumenters attityder till insekter som mat? / Does information about nutrient content and ecological sustainability affect physically active consumers' attitudes towards insects as food?Bengtsson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Nuvarande matkonsumtion världen över bidrar till den globala miljöförstöringen. För att kunna främja en hållbar utveckling behöver alternativa näringskällor nyttjas och insekter är ett näringsriktigt livsmedel med hög proteinkvalitet som kan ersätta andra traditionella animaliska produkter. Insekter som mat är i västvärlden vanligen förknippat med negativa attityder som avsky och neofobi vilket förhindrar en global kosthållning som innefattar insekter. Fysiskt aktiva konsumenter har ofta ett engagemang i att uppnå en balanserad kost med tillräckligt med energi och näring. Syftet med studien är att undersöka fysiskt aktiva konsumenter och deras attityder till insekter som mat och jämföra om dessa påverkas av information om näringsinnehåll och ekologisk hållbarhet. Studien syftar också till att ta reda på hur deras attityder kan användas för att kunna presentera insekter som mat på ett attraktivt sätt. Studien är genomförd som en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Enkäten föregicks, för hälften av deltagarna, av information om insekter som mat utifrån ekologisk hållbarhet och näringsinnehåll. Studien, i en jämförelse mellan de båda grupperna att den typ av information som deltagarna erhöll, inte gav någon signifikant inverkan på fysiskt aktiva konsumenters attityder till insekter som mat. Acceptans av mat är ett komplext fenomen och kräver att konsumenterna får tid att vänja sig ex vid att äta insekter genom att minska avskyn successivt. Resultatet visar att det kan göras genom att servera malda insekter i en välkänd livsmedelsprodukt. / Current food consumption worldwide contributes to global environmental degradation. In order to promote sustainable development, alternative nutritional sources need to be used and insects are a nutritious food with high protein quality that can replace other traditional animal products. Insects as food are in the western world usually associated with negative attitudes such as disgust and neophobia, which prevents a global diet that includes insects. Physically active consumers are often dedicated to a balanced diet with enough energy and nutrition. The aim of this study is to analyze physically active consumers and their attitudes to insects as food and compare whether these are affected by information on nutritional content and ecological sustainability. The study also aims to find out how their attitudes can be used to present insects as food in an attractive way. The study was conducted as a web-based survey. The survey was preceded, for half of the participants, by information about insects as food based on ecological sustainability and nutritional content. The study, in a comparison between the two groups, found that the type of information the participants received did not have a significant impact on physically active consumers' attitudes towards insects as food. Acceptance of food is a complex phenomena and requires consumers to have time to get used to eating insects, for example, by gradually reducing disgust. The results show that this can be done by serving ground insects in a well-known food product.
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Delicious Sustainability? : Synergies and goal conflicts between eating quality and environmental sustainability in Swedish beef productionResare Sahlin, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
Improved production and reduced consumption of beef is often highlighted as key aspects for tackling sustainability issues of the food system because the environmental impact of beef is ~100 times higher than plant-based foods. Both scientist and civil society organisations argue that eating “less but better” beef is important for sustainability. Better quality can encompass better eating quality as well as improved sustainability, but despite the two being very important for overall quality, very little research on interactions between them exists. No tools, applicable in Sweden, allowing for joint assessment have been developed. This study investigates the synergies and trade-offs between eating quality and environmental sustainability by using Swedish beef production as a case study. It reviews peer reviewed literature on factors that contribute to eating quality (flavour, tenderness and juiciness), and four factors that contribute to environmental sustainability (climate, biodiversity, feed/food competition and animal welfare). Based on the findings, an indicator-based sustainability assessment framework and a meat quality grading scheme differentiating Premium and Standard eating quality is developed, aimed to be practical tools for Swedish beef assessments. The study provides a systems-based understanding of synergies and trade-offs that may occur when “less but better” is presented as a strategy for tackling the environmental impact of beef. Results show that there are synergies between eating quality and biodiversity, animal welfare and with the right choices of feed, feed/food competition but with consequent trade-offs with climate impact. The discussion addresses the potential of enhanced eating quality to increase the profitability of Swedish beef production without consequent substantial negative impact on sustainability. The suggested methods have the potential to facilitate a shift from quantity- to quality-based consumption, but further empirical studies are required.
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Carbon storage in free water surface constructed wetlands in southern SwedenNowak, Katarzyna January 2021 (has links)
Background: Wetlands store significant amounts of carbon through plant respiration and anaerobic peat formation, however, there is little knowledge on which factors affect the carbon storage distribution within wetlands. Aims: To determine how much carbon and nitrogen wetlands can store over time and whether there are patterns of high and low carbon and nitrogen storage within wetlands. Methods: Peat samples of a defined volume, cut out from three constructed wetlands were dried, weighed and analysed for their carbon and nitrogen content. To determine whether there are any patterns in carbon and nitrogen storage distribution or differences between sampling points, their values as well as their ratios were statistically analysed using ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis. Results: On average 48.94 t C ha-1is stored at the constructed wetland facility which equates 3.06 t C ha-1 storage per year. There is no patterns in carbon storage within wetlands, however, the C:N mass ratio is lower at the inlet suggesting that high N concentrations in inflowing water increases N content. Conclusions: The carbon storage found is significantly lower than storage at natural inland and coastal wetlands, however, similar to anthropogenically affected wetlands. Standardisation across studies through using same sampling depths, vegetation cover measurement and climate classification may help to uncover patterns in carbon storage in the future. Focus should be placed on protecting wetlands rather than restoring them as the latter often fails to restore full functionality. This is especially important for cold climate wetlands which store significantly more carbon through slower plant respiration and subsequently slower re-uptake of carbon.
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Varför besöka naturreservat? : en studie om besökare i Skurugata och Stuverydsbäcken / Why visit a nature reserve? : a study about visitors in Skurugata and StuverydsbäckenMorgan, Jönsson January 2020 (has links)
Naturreservat är den vanligaste formen av skyddad natur i Sverige. Många naturreservat bildas med målet att bevara skyddsvärda arter. Vissa naturreservat har fler besökare än andra, detta leder till intressanta frågor om varför. Vad motiverar folk att besöka ett naturreservat? Denna undersökning är gjord i två som innehåller raviner och som därmed har relativt lika estetiska upplevelsevärden. I undersökningen har besökare räknats för att se hur många som besökt naturreservaten under två dagar. Studien består också av en enkätundersökning där enkäter delats ut till besökarna i båda naturreservaten. Frågorna i enkäterna handlade om vad som motiverar besökarna att ta sig till naturreservaten, om hur de tog sig dit samt hur besökarna fick kännedom om naturreservaten. Trots att besökarna enligt svaren i enkäterna tycktes nöjda med sina besök samt verkar ha samma motiveringar till sina besök, hade Skurugata fler besökare än Stuverydsbäcken. Oersaken till detta tros bero på att Skurugata är ett mer känt naturreservat än Stuverydsbäcken. / Nature reserves are the most common type of protected landscape designation in Sweden. Many of theise landscapes are protected as nature reserves based on the distribution of specific species. Further, some nature reserves have more visitors than others. These differense lead to interesting qestions. For example, what makes a nature reserve a popular destination? This question is at the base of this researchreport, based on a research in two Swedish nature reserves, Skurugata and Stuverydsbäcken, in Eksjö municipality, Jönköpings province. Visitors at these sites have been counted and many of the visitors have answeed questions about what motivates them to make a visit in the reserve. Also questions about how they travelled to the nature reserve and how they obtained information about the place wereas answered. The result of an analysis of this data shows that Skurugata has more visitors. The result of the questions shows that the motivations and visitor preferences areis not, however, very different. Most of the visitors of both sites reported enjoying being in the nature and and seeing specific features of the particular reserves (canyons). The key difference noted from the survey results was that many visitors to Skurugata did not have any knowledge about Stuverydsbäcken at all, while most of the visitors in Stuverydsbäcken had a knowledge about Skurugata. These similarities and differences are discussed.
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PERCEIVED BRIGHTNESS OF COLORED LIGHT : A study about the perceived brightness of near-monochromatic light in comparison to neutral white lightAlbunayah, Razan, C Lindén, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Recently, there has been a notable rise in the use of colored lighting for both indoor andoutdoor spaces. This trend necessitates a clear understanding of the principles behindselecting lighting levels that are both ergonomic and energy efficient. The objective ofthis study was to establish guidelines for planning colored light. An experiment wasconducted where the perceived brightness of three different near-monochromatic lightswere compared to white light. The stimuli covered a narrow visual field. 33 personsaged 18-40Y participated. Through the measurement of the participants' perception ofthe amount of colored light required -to achieve the same level of brightness as withwhite light- the study was able to determine a percentage-based relationship betweencolored and white light. The result showed that there were clear differences in theperceived brightness of the different colored lights, in line with earlier research withsimilar conditions. This implicates that the results may be used as a foundation whenplanning colored light.
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