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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stödjande samtal inom vuxenpsykiatrisk öppenvård : Psykiatrisjuksköterskans perspektiv / Supportive conversation in adult psychiatric outpatient care : The psychiatric nurse’s perspecitve

Hedén, Ida, Holmqvist Lid, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad används stödjande samtal som en omvårdnadsåtgärd. Det har framkommit i forskning att patienter upplever god effekt av stödjande samtal. Däremot saknas det forskning kring vad ett stödjande samtal är, utifrån psykiatrisjuksköterskans perspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa vad ett stödjande samtal är utifrån psykiatrisjuksköterskans perspektiv. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats har använts. Datamaterialet har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Psykiatrisjuksköterskor inom vuxenpsykiatrisk öppenvård har intervjuats i två regioner i sydvästra Sverige. Tio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer att psykiatrisjuksköterskor anser att det stödjande samtalet ska stärka och identifiera patientens egna resurser. Relationen mellan psykiatrisjuksköterskan och patienten är betydelsefull. Det stödjande samtalet beskrivs som otydligt, saknar struktur och syfte samt tenderar att ha en låg status då det ibland används i väntan på annan behandling. Samtidigt framkommer att det finns en stor frihet med det stödjande samtalet då det inte behöver anpassas till ramar som i en terapi. Konklusion: Det stödjande samtalet är en betydelsefull uppgift där psykiatrisjuksköterskan är bäst lämpad att utföra samtalet. Detta på grund av det omvårdnadsperspektiv psykiatrisjuksköterskan besitter. Det stödjande samtalet är en insats som bör prioriteras inom den vuxenpsykiatriska öppenvården. / Background: In psychiatric nursing, supportive conversations are used as a nursing measure. Research has shown that patients experience a good effect of supportive conversations. On the other hand, there is a lack of research on what a supportive conversation is from the psychiatric nurse's perspective. Aim: The aim of this study was to shed light on what a supportive conversation is from the psychiatric nurse's perspective. Method: Qualitative method with inductive approach has been used. The data material has been analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Psychiatric nurses in adult psychiatric outpatient care have been interviewed in two regions in southwest of Sweden. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted. Result: The results show that psychiatric nurses believe that the supportive conversation should strengthen and identify the patient's own resources. The relationship between the psychiatric nurse and the patient is of great importance. The supportive conversation is described as unclear, lacks structure and purpose and tends to have a low status as it is sometimes used while the patient is waiting for other treatment. At the same time, it becomes clear that supportive conversation offers a great deal of freedom as it does not need to be adapted to the framework as in a therapy. Conclusion: The supportive conversation is an important task where the psychiatric nurse is best suited to carry out the conversation. This is due to the nursing perspective of the psychiatric nurse. The supportive conversation is an initiative that should be prioritized in adult psychiatric outpatient care.

Sjuksköterskor och skötares upplevelser av möten i psykiatrisk öppenvård : En intervjustudie

Bäckman, Jenny, Nyman, Nyman January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors och skötares upplevelser av möten med patienter i psykiatrisk öppenvård.   Bakgrund – I psykiatrisk öppenvård möter sjuksköterskor och skötare många olika människor med individuella behov. Sedan tidigare forskning har det framkommit att patienters känsla av trygghet uppkommer genom faktorer som personalens inställning och empati. Relationen mellan personal och patient är viktig för patientens känsla av att bli tagen på allvar samt att bli bekräftad. För personer som lever med psykisk sjukdom är det viktigt med en långsiktig relation som grundar sig i förtroende och öppenhet. En god relation kan byggas om personalen kan befinna sig på patientens nivå och få patienten att känna sig viktig och betydelsefull. En fungerande allians tar tid att utveckla, men den utgör sedan en god grund för ett gott samarbete och har goda effekter på psykisk ohälsa.   Design – Kvalitativ design med fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt användes.   Metod – 8 intervjuer genomfördes med sjuksköterskor och skötare i psykiatrisk öppenvård på tre öppenvårdsmottagningar i norra Sverige under december 2015 – februari 2016 och analys gjordes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.   Resultat – I psykiatrisk öppenvård ansågs relationen mellan vårdare och patient utgöra en stor grund, och fram för allt att det var en trygg relation. Denna trygghet kunde bland annat skapas genom vårdarnas tillgänglighet till patienterna. Fyra kategorier identifierades; Bemöta patienter, Upplevelser av att göra bedömningar, Upplevelser av att vara i patientens hemmiljö och Upplevelser av att arbeta i öppenvård.   Slutsats – Det arbete som sjuksköterskor och skötare utför genom möten med patienter i psykiatrisk öppenvård är betydelsefullt för så många människor med psykisk ohälsa. Genom att få ta del av vårdarnas upplevelser kan det bidra med ökad förståelse om deras betydelse för patienternas psykiska mående. Men samtidigt deras utsatthet då de kan försättas i problematiska situationer. Resultatet kan på så sätt bidra till att relevanta utbildningar och insatser kan identifieras och förhoppningsvis implementeras i verksamheterna. / The aim of this study was to investigate the nurses and assisted nurse mentals experiences of encounters with patients in psychiatric outpatient care.   Background – In psychiatric outpatient care nurses and assisted nurse mentals meets many different people with individual needs. Since previous research has shown that patients' sense of security generated by factors such as staff attitude and empathy. The relationship between staff and patients is important for the patient's feeling of being taken seriously and to be confirmed. For people living with mental illness, it is important to have a long-term relationship based on trust and transparency. A good relationship can be built if the staff can be at the patient level and make the patient feel important and significant. A working alliance takes time to develop, but it then forms a good basis for a good working relationship and has good effects on mental health.   Design – A qualitative design with a phenomenological approach was used.   Method – 8 interviews were conducted with nurses and assisted nurse mentals in psychiatric outpatient care in three outpatient clinics in northern Sweden during December 2015 - February 2016 and analyzed using qualitative content analysis.   Results – In psychiatric outpatient care the relationship between caregiver and patient was considered as a significant basis, and above all that it was a secure relationship. This security could, among other things be created by carers’ availability to patients. Four categories were identified; Meet patients, Make the right assessments, Be in the patient's home environment and Work in outpatient care.   Conclusion – The work that nurses and assisted nurse mentals carrying through in their meetings with patients in psychiatric outpatient care is important for so many people with mental illness. By getting the benefit of carers’ experiences it may contribute to a better understanding of their importance to the patients’ psychological being. But at the same time their vulnerability as they can be placed in problematic situations. The results can therefore contribute to relevant educations and initiatives can be identified and hopefully implemented in the clinics.

Final Scholarly Project: Examining the Need for Change by Describing the Attitudes and Perceptions of Team Communications Related to Patient Care and Safety Among Ambulatory Clinic Healthcare Staff

Seivers, Peter J. 27 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

"Oavsett hur bra vi än samverkar" : En studie om samverkan mellan sjukvård och kommun vid utskrivningar från psykiatrisk slutenvård / Collaboration between healthcare and social service when discharging psychiatric patients

Nilsson, Ida January 2022 (has links)
This study examines collaboration between social services, inpatient- and outpatient psychiatric care regarding to discharge from psychiatric inpatient care. The research questions examined in the study were how professionals working in these organizations perceive the discharge process with regards to limiting factors, facilitating factors and their experiences of how the patient have experienced discharge. The study is based on two focus group interviews with professionals working in psychiatric inpatient- and outpatient care and three individual interviews with professionals working in the social services. The results show that facilitating factors for collaboration are clear communication, when patients already have contact with the social services since before, and when the professionals already have an established professional relationship. Poor communication, unclear responsibilities, and lack of respectfor each individual profession, were the main limiting factors. The legislative requirement for a fast discharge process was a limiting factor due to social care efforts long lead time. / Den här studien undersöker samverkan mellan socialtjänst och psykiatrisk sluten- och öppenvård när patienter ska skrivas ut från psykiatrisk slutenvård. Forskningsfrågan för studien är hur professionella som arbetar inom dessa verksamheter ser på utskrivningsprocessen utifrån begränsande och främjade faktorer samt hur de tror att utskrivningarna upplevs av patienterna. Studien bestod av två fokusgrupper med professionella från psykiatrisk sluten- och öppenvård samt tre individuella intervjuer med socialsekreterare. Resultaten visar att främjande faktorer för samverkan är när det finns tydlig kommunikation, när patienter redan har kontakt med socialtjänsten sedan tidigare samt när samverkansaktörerna har upparbetade relationer. Bristande kommunikation, oklara ansvar och brist på respekt för yrkesroller var begränsande faktorer i samverkan. Lagstiftningenskrav på en skyndsam utskrivningsprocess var en begränsande faktor utifrån långa uppstartstider för vissa sociala omsorgsinsatser.

Patientens upplevelse av egenvård vid ett sviktande hjärta : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / The patient's experience of self-care with a failing heart. : A qualitative litterature review

Keljmendi, Adelina, Lennartsson, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtsvikt är en diagnos som ökar i takt med att populationen i världen blir äldre. Patienter med hjärtsvikt kan via egenvård uppnå symtomlindring. Kommunikationen från sjukvården kring hur patienten ska uppnå en god egenvård är bristfällig.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelser av egenvård vid hjärtsvikt för vuxna patienter inom öppenvården. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med en induktiv ansats.  Resultat: I resultatet framkom fyra huvudkategorier, “Förståelse och kunskap kring egenvård”, “Behov av stöd för att utföra egenvård”, “Behov av att känna sig delaktig” och “Begränsningar i det vardagliga livet” med tillhörande subkategorier.  Slutsats: För att uppnå en god egenvård krävdes stöd från hälso-sjukvården samt anhöriga. Patienten behövde få känna sig delaktig i egenvården. Informationen kring egenvård från sjukvården ansågs bristande. / Background: Heart failure is a diagnosis that increases as the world's population ages. Patients with heart failure can achieve symptom relief through self-care. Communication from the healthcare system regarding how the patient should achieve good self-care is deficient.  Aim: The aim was to describe experiences of self-care in heart failure for adult patients in outpatient care.  Method: A qualitative literature review with an inductive approach.  Results: The result was four main categories, "Understanding and knowledge of self-care", “Need for support to carry out self-care", "Need to feel involved" and "Limitations in everyday life" with associated subheadings.  Conclusion: In order to achieve good self-care, support from health care and relatives was required. The patient needed to feel involved in self-care. Information about self-care from the healthcare system was considered insufficient.

Medizinische Versorgungszentren im raumbezogenen Kontext / Eine GIS-basierte Analyse am Beispiel ambulanter Gesundheitsversorgung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Schmitz, Julia 15 May 2024 (has links)
Der ambulante Versorgungssektor hat in den letzten Jahren einen strukturellen Wandel der Angebotsformen hin zu Kooperationsmodellen erfahren. Ein Beispiel dafür sind Medizinischen Versorgungszentren (MVZ). MVZ sind auf städtische Gebiete konzentriert. Welche Kriterien für die Ansiedlung von MVZ entscheidend sind und inwiefern sie die ambulante Versorgungsstruktur beein-flussen, ist bisher nicht umfassend wissenschaftlich untersucht worden. Im Rahmen der Studie wurden Standortfaktoren von MVZ, deren raum-zeitliche Ausbreitung und ihr Einfluss auf die Sicherstellung der ambulanten Versorgung untersucht. Als Untersuchungsgebiet dient Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Es wurde ein mehrstufiger Analyseansatz umgesetzt, der aus qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden besteht: einer systematischen Literaturrecherche, einer Bestandsanalyse inklusive einer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung, einer GIS-gestützten Analyse der Standortfaktoren, einer Analyse raum-zeitlicher Ausbreitungsmuster, einer Ärztebefragung sowie Experteninterviews. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass auch in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern eine verstärkte Ansiedlung von MVZ in Städten stattfindet, jedoch im Laufe der Zeit zunehmend dezentrale Regionen gewählt werden. Dabei wurde in raum-zeitlicher Hinsicht eine signifikante Zunahme an MVZ in der Nähe zu Mittelzentren nachgewiesen. Die Standortanalyse konnte belegen, dass bei der Ansiedlung von MVZ weiche personenbezogene und harte Standortfaktoren entscheidend sind. Die Auswertungen von Behandlungsfällen und Bedarfsplanungsanteilen konnte aufzeigen, dass der Einfluss von MVZ auf die Sicherstellung in mittel-/großstädtischen Regionen am geringsten ist, während er mit zunehmender Ländlichkeit steigt. Jedoch wurde anhand der Ärztebefragung eine reduzierte Arbeits-stundenzahl für MVZ-Ärzte nachgewiesen. Insgesamt konnte die Studie den Mehrwert eines mehrstufigen Analyseansatzes sowie die Notwendigkeit der weiterführenden Forschung und der Bedeutung von MVZ im Bundesland aufzeigen. / The outpatient care sector has experienced changes of the supply structure in recent years towards cooperation models. One example of this are Medical Care Centres (MVZ). MVZs are concentrated in urban areas. Which criteria are crucial for the settlement of MVZs and how this form of operation influences the structure of outpatient care has not yet been scientifically investigated. The study therefore aimed to identify location factors, to analyse their spatio-temporal spread and to examine their influence on the assurance of outpatient care. The analyses were performed using the example of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. A multi-level analysis approach was implemented, consisting of various qualitative and quantitative methods: a systematic literature research, an analysis of the existing situation including accessibility modelling, a GIS-based analysis of location factors, an analysis of spatio-temporal dispersion patterns, a survey of doctors as well as expert interviews. The results of the study show that in the study area, MVZs are more frequently located in towns and cities, but that decentralised regions are increasingly being chosen over time. In this context, a significant increase in MVZ locations in the vicinity of medium-sized centres was demonstrated in spatial-temporal respect. The location analysis was able to show that soft person-related and hard location factors play a significant role in the settlement of MVZs. The evaluations of treatment cases and demand planning proportions were able to demonstrate that the influence of MVZs on ensuring outpatient care is lowest in medium-sized/large urban regions, while there is an increasing influence with greater rurality. However, a reduced number of working hours for MVZ physicians was demonstrated based on the physician survey. Overall, the study was able to show the added value of a multi-level analysis approach as well as the need for further research and the relevance of MVZs in the federal state.

Psykologers berättelser om att arbeta med självmordsnära patienter : ”Förr eller senare så händer det”

Påhlman, Katrin, Åkesson, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Det inträffar omkring 17 000 självmordsförsök i Sverige per år och hälften av dessa leder till psykiatrisk vård. Suicidriskbedömningar görs i psykiatrisk öppenvård av bland annat psykologer. Genom fem intervjuer undersökte vi ett i stort sett outforskat område: hur psykologer inom psykiatrisk öppenvård upplevde sitt arbete med suicidnära patienter. Vi använde tematisk analys för att analysera materialet vilket resulterade i två huvudteman: Att jobba på gränsen – med undertemana Mellan liv och död, Mellan arbete och fritid och Mellan att vara psykolog och människa – respektive Att balansera mellan acceptans och intervention – med undertemana Förr eller senare så händer det samt Resurser och coping. En återkommande dimension i temana var Emotionella reaktioner. Resultatet ger en bild av att psykologerna känner oro för patienterna och att denna oro kan användas som en del i suicidriskbedömningen. Vår tolkning är att psykologernas arbete kan spilla över på deras fritid och att detta i förlängningen kan tänkas ge konsekvenser så som medkänsleutmattning. Vi har tolkat psykologernas berättelser som att de använder copingstrategier för att återhämta sig från sin arbetsbelastning. I vårt resultat framträder en bild av att arbetet med suicidnära patienter kan vara vardag för psykologer inom psykiatrin. Vidare kan arbetet utgöra en känslomässig belastning för psykologer som är annorlunda jämfört med den belastning som uppstår i arbetet med icke-suicidnära patienter. / About 17,000 suicide attempts occur in Sweden each year, half of which lead to psychiatric care. Psychologists are one of the professional groups that conduct suicide risk assessments in psychiatric outpatient care. In this study we examine an relatively unexplored area: how psychologists in outpatient psychiatric care experience their work with suicidal patients. A thematic analysis of five interviews was conducted. The analysis resulted in two main themes: Working at the boundary – with sub themes Between life and death, Between work and leisure time and Between being a psychologist and a human – and Balancing between acceptance and intervention – with sub themes Sooner or later it will happen and Resources and coping. A recurring dimension in all themes was Emotional reactions. The findings provide a picture that the psychologists worry about the patients and that this worry can be used as a part of the suicide risk assessment. Our analysis shows that the psychologists’ work can spill over into their leisure time. This may eventually have effects, such as compassion fatigue. Our interpretation of the narratives suggests that the psychologists use coping-strategies to recover from their workload. The results also show that working with suicidal patients can be part of the daily work of psychologists in psychiatric care. Further more, our analysis shows that working with suicidal patients can include an emotional exhaustion on psychologists that is different from the exhaustion that might arise in the work with non-suicidal patients.

看診時間長短與門診品質相關性研究 / The Effects of Physicians’ Visiting Time Length

林錦鴻, Lin,Chin-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
適度的壓縮醫療資源,可以讓醫療資源使用得更有效率,進而產生更好的醫療品質;然而過度的壓縮醫療資源,卻會造成醫療品質的惡化。 因為醫療資源和醫療品質有高度的正相關,充足資源的投入,能提昇醫療品質,但在現行保險計量支付(Fee for Service)的制度下,醫療院所常藉由每節門診病人看診人次的增加,來得到較高的獲利和報酬,這種對醫療資源的壓縮經營方式,會對醫療品質產生某些負面的影響。本研究利用簡單的醫師看診時間控制方式,可以清楚的看到在不同的時間壓縮之下,醫師的醫療行為對於醫療品質所產生的直接影響。 醫師對每個病人投入的時間,是無法由其它資源的投入所取代的,換句話說,醫師時間的投入是決定醫療品質的一個重要因素,可以做為醫療院所對門診投入的資源指標。疾病的正確診斷率相對於病人問卷和回診率高低應該是個比較有信度和效度之門診品質評量標準,所以在衡量醫療資源的投入如何影響醫療品質的評估上,本研究把醫師時間的投入做為醫療院所對門診投入的資源指標,而正確的診斷率(確診率)則作為衡量門診品質的標準。透過醫師看診時間控制的方式,分析ICD-9(The International Classification of disease, Ninth Revisione:國際疾病分類第九版)代碼的比對結果,可以正確反應醫師疾病認定和醫師診斷的差異程度,進而探討醫師時間投入和門診品質的關係。 / Objective: The quality of health care is directly proportional to physicians’ time input. The reduction of physician time per patient will affect outpatient diagnostic accuracy. Materials & Methods: This study was designed to detect the difference of group A (Control) & group B (Experiment) diagnostic accuracy in 4 specific time lengths by analyzing the difference in ICD-9 (The International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision) codes assigned by the physicians to each patient. A method was developed to control average physician time per patient using 8, 4, 2 and 1 minute average visit time intervals. This process was repeated in non-informed physicians (group C & group D) to access the difference between informed and non-informed physicians. Results: There are significant differences in diagnostic accuracies between the control and experimental groups with the variation of time length by Chi-Square (X=20.16, 23.89, p< 0.05). There are no significant differences in diagnostic accuracies between the four different times when informed and non-informed physicians are compared (Fishers Z = 0.467, 1.001, 1.072 and 1.054, p> 0.05) Conclusion: The length of physician time per patient interaction plays an important factor for determining the quality of outpatient care.

Samverkan gällande barn och unga - Exemplet Bloton Öppenvård / Collaboration on children and young people - example Bloton Open

Glasberg, Ida January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyze the understanding of how curators at Bloton Open Care look at collaboration with actors linked to their work. A qualitative method was used and the data was based on semi-structured interviews with six curators from Bloton Open Care and additionally one of the managers.   The findings point to that collaboration is crucial in the work with children and families if the child or family is in contact with several social service organizations. The curators emphasize the importance of being able to see their own part in collaborative work and consequently being humble while helping others. The understanding of others is grounded in transparency of the participant's shortcomings as well as the company´s. The prerequisites for collaborative work become more efficient if the purpose behind the collaboration is clear and all participants in the collaboration are familiar with the matter.

Avaliação do resultado terapêutico de um ambulatório antitabágico multidisciplinar / Assessment of outpatient smoking cessation clinic, in a general hospital

Lotufo, João Paulo Becker 03 November 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O tabagismo é reconhecido, atualmente, como um dos maiores problemas de saúde em todo o mundo. Há uma \"epidemia\" global de uso de tabaco nos países em desenvolvimento, no século 21. OBJETIVOS: Analisar: as características gerais dos indivíduos matriculados espontaneamente em um ambulatório antitabágico; a eficácia geral do tratamento antitabágico e dos medicamentos; as mudanças nas características dos participantes antes e após a Lei Ambiente Fechado Livre do Cigarro em São Paulo e os níveis de cotinina urinária em fumantes ativos, passivos e controles. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de coorte histórica cujo critério de inclusão foi a matrícula no ambulatório antitabágico do HU USP, no período de 2004 a 2011. Os dados foram coletados por meio de consulta a protocolos padronizados e ao sistema informatizado do serviço. Foram analisados os resultados de dosagens de cotinina e creatinina realizadas em amostras biológicas. RESULTADOS: Dentre os 1736 pacientes atendidos houve predomínio de mulheres (62,1%), brancos (75,3%) e indivíduos com idade entre 41 e 60 anos (63,1%). Aproximadamente 80% iniciaram o tabagismo antes dos 20 anos e 75% apresentaram grau de dependência moderado a grave. Dentre os 620 indivíduos acompanhados a partir de 2009, 34,5% abandonaram o tabagismo. Dentre eles, 21,5% obtiveram êxito até o quarto contato com o ambulatório. O uso de vareniclina e terapia de reposição de nicotina (TRN) aumentaram a probabilidade de sucesso (RRR= 2,73 e 2,78, respectivamente; p < 0,001 para ambas). Quanto maior o número de reuniões frequentadas no ambulatório, maior a probabilidade de sucesso terapêutico (p < 0,001). A análise da dosagem da cotinina urinária mostrou concentrações de cotinina urinária 18,7 vezes maior no grupo de tabagistas ativos comparados aos tabagistas passivos. CONCLUSÃO: O sucesso do ambulatório antitabágico do HU manteve-se em acordo com grande parte dos índices de sucesso terapêutico presentes na literatura médica. O abandono do hábito de fumar foi fortemente associado ao número de contatos dos fumantes com o grupo e a terapêutica medicamentosa. A cotinina urinária mostrou-se um bom marcador do tabagismo ativo / INTRODUCTION: Smoking is recognized today as one of the major health problems worldwide. There is a global \"epidemic\" of tobacco use in developing countries in the 21st Century. OBJECTIVES: Analyze: the general characteristics of individuals spontaneously enrolled in an outpatient smoking cessation clinic; the overall effectiveness of the smoking cessation treatment and medication; the changes in the characteristics of participants before and after the Smoke-Free Environment Act in São Paulo and the levels of urinary cotinine in active and passive smokers and controls. CASES AND METHODS: A historical cohort study was conducted, of which the inclusion criterion was the registration in the outpatient smoking cessation Clinic in the HU USP, in the period from 2004 to 2011. Data were collected by consultation of standardized protocols and of the computerized service system. The results of cotinine and creatinine measurements performed on biological samples were analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 1736 patients treated, there was a predominance of women (62.1%), whites (75.3%) and individuals aged between 41 and 60 years (63.1%). Approximately 80% began smoking before age 20 and 75% showed moderate to severe degree of dependence. Among the 620 individuals monitored from 2009 on, 34.5% quit smoking. Among them, 21.5% obtained success up to the fourth contact with the clinic. The use of varenicline and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) increased the probability of success (RRR= 2.73 and 2.78, respectively; p < 0.001 for both). The greater the number of meetings attended at the clinic, greater the probability of treatment success (p < 0.001). The analysis of urinary cotinine dosage showed urinary cotinine concentrations 18.7 times higher in the active smokers group, compared to the passive smokers group. CONCLUSION: The success of the smoking cessation clinic in the HU remained largely in accordance with most therapeutic success rates found in medical literature. Quitting smoking was strongly associated to the number of contacts of the smokers with the group and drug therapy. Urinary cotinine proved to be an accurate marker for active smoking

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