Spelling suggestions: "subject:"outside"" "subject:"autside""
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Ochrana spotřebitele ve spotřebitelských smlouvách / The protection of a consumer in consumer contractsŠafrová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the protection of a consumer in consumer contracts with the fact that it is based on Czech law as well as on European Union legislation, because there are directions, which had to be implemented into the legal order of the Czech Republic. First of all I deal with basic characteristic of the legal regulation of consumer protection and its sources. The issue of consumer contracts is divided into three parts. The first one is just about contracts and rules, which determine all consumer contracts. The second part describes specific types of consumer contracts and finally I outlined perspective of a next development of this problem. I also try to focus on European aspect of regulation of consumer contracts and I found out, that Czech lawmaker has got a massive lack of knowledge in the implementation.
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Accepting the Failure of Human and State Bodies: Interactions of Syphilis and Space in "Hamlet" and "The Knight of the Burning Pestle"Radford, Laura E. 15 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is, first, to explore the presence and meaning of Foucault’s heterotopia within William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”and Beaumont and Fletcher’s “The Knight of the Burning Pestle.” The heterotopia is a privileged space of self-reflection created by individuals or societies in crisis. In each play, the presence of crisis is explained though the metaphor of syphilis; to which individual characters respond by entering the reflective space of the heterotopia in order to countenance and “cure” their afflictions. The second purpose of this thesis is to examine the ways in which the crises acted upon the stage reflect pressing social anxieties of late – Elizabethan and early- Jacobean England: succession to the throne and shifting market structure. Both playwrights create heterotopic space for their audience through the structure of their dramatic work, and ask their audience to enter this reflective space, and consider –and learn from – their remarks upon the state of society.
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Consumo alimentar e estilo de vida: um estudo longitudinal com estudantes universitários / Diet and lifestyle: a longitudinal study of college studentsGabrielle Aparecida Cardoso 14 April 2016 (has links)
A universidade é um local de aprendizagem no qual conhecimento acadêmico, social e cultural permeia a relação entre os estudantes, onde estes terão a oportunidade de vivenciar diferentes situações durante o curso. A maior preocupação é como esta experiência influenciará o estado nutricional com a possível mudança dos hábitos cotidianos, como abuso de bebidas alcoólicas, uso irrestrito de suplementos vitamínicos e alimentares e a alimentação inadequada. O consumo alimentar de universitários foi o foco desta pesquisa que teve como objetivo geral identificar as principais mudanças do consumo de alimentos/ bebidas e estilos de vida por meio de estudo de coorte, envolvendo estudantes ingressantes nos cursos de graduação da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" - ESALQ/USP, e como objetivos específicos desenvolver, validar e aplicar um instrumento com a finalidade de identificar medidas comportamentais relacionadas aos hábitos de consumo alimentar, atividade física, situação socioeconômica e relacionar as informações obtidas ao estado nutricional do estudante; descrever o consumo dentro e fora do domicílio. Participaram da pesquisa estudantes com idade entre 18 e 30 anos. Um questionário foi aplicado juntamente com a avaliação antropométrica para mensuração do peso, altura e classificação do estado nutricional por meio do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Este protocolo foi repetido após 8 meses de curso para que fosse identificada a situação do estado nutricional de cada indivíduo relacionada às mudanças do comportamento alimentar. Os dados coletados foram armazenados em base de dados no Microsoft Excel, sendo analisados por meio do Statistical Analysis System. Os dados quantitativos foram expressos em média e desvio-padrão (DP) com cálculos de intervalos de confiança de 95%. O teste do qui-quadrado foi utilizado para comparar a distribuição da prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade quanto à variável sexo, associando-se ao IMC. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de Pearson para verificação de concordância entre peso e altura aferidos e referidos. Foi realizada análise de regressão múltipla para identificação da mudança de consumo entre as fases, assim como para peso corporal. Utilizou-se o nível de significância de 5%. Observaram-se entre as duas fases quantidades preocupantes de nutrientes ingeridos aquém ou além dos limites preconizados para ambos os sexos; destaque para o elevado consumo de sódio, e insatisfatório de carotenóides. No caso dos carotenóides, houve crescimento significativo da contribuição da categoria 3 para as alunas. O consumo de cafeína na segunda fase foi maior, predominando o fornecimento pelos alimentos ultraprocessados. De forma geral houve aumento do consumo de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados. Observou-se aumento (significativo a 5%) no consumo de lipídios. Constatou-se diminuição na prática de exercícios físicos e aumento na ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, e destas com energéticos e no tabagismo. Concluiu-se que o ingresso na universidade contribui para a mudança nos hábitos alimentares e estilos de vida de maneira negativa, sendo necessária intervenção adequada visando a promoção da saúde dos estudantes. / The college is a learning place where academic, social and cultural knowledge exists in the relationship between students, where they will have the opportunity to experience different situations during the course. The biggest concern is how this experience will influence on the nutritional status with the possible change in daily habits, such as alcohol abuse, unrestricted use of vitamin and food supplements and inadequate nutrition. Dietary intake of students was the focus of this research aimed to identify the main changes in the consumption of food, beverage and lifestyles through cohort study, involving freshman students in undergraduate courses of the Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz \" - ESALQ/USP, and specific objectives are to develop, validate and apply an instrument in order to identify behavioral measures related to food habits, physical activity, socioeconomic status and relate the information obtained to the nutritional status of the student, describe consumption inside and outside the home. the participants were students, aged between 18 and 30 years. A questionnaire was administered along with the anthropometric for measuring weight, height and classification of nutritional status using the Body Mass Index (BMI). This protocol was repeated after 8-month course to be identified the situation of the nutritional state of each individual related to eating behavior changes. The collected data were stored in a database in Microsoft Excel (2007 version), and analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System software (version 9.3). Quantitative data were expressed as mean and standard deviation (SD) with calculation of 95% confidence intervals. The chi-square test was used to compare the distribution of the prevalence of overweight and obesity and gender, associating with BMI. We used the intraclass correlation coefficient of Pearson to check correlation between weight and height measured and reported. It was performed multiple regression analysis to identify the change in consumption between phases, as well as body weight. Used the significance level of 5%. They were observed between the two phases worrying amounts of nutrient intake below or above the recommended limits for both sexes; especially the high sodium intake, and poor carotenoids. In the case of carotenoids, a significant growth of the category 3 contribution to the students. Caffeine consumption was higher in the second phase, predominantly supply the ultra-processed food. Overall there was an increase in the consumption of processed foods and ultra-processed. There was an increase (significant at 5%) in the consumption of lipids. Found a decrease in physical exercise and increased intake of alcohol, and those with energy and tobacco. It was concluded that entry into the university contributes to the change in eating habits and lifestyles in a negative way, requiring appropriate intervention to combat harmful habits to aiming to promote the health of students.
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Skolans arbete med att motverka utanförskap inom rastverksamheten : En kvalitativ studie om hur man inom fritidshemmet jobbar för att motverka social exkludering och utanförskap bland elever / The school's work in combating exclusion in the break operations : A qualitative study on how to work within School Age Educare to counter social exclusion and exclusion among studentsGharagozli, Minoo January 2020 (has links)
The break is an important element in educational activities. Previous research shows that the free form of the break gives much more leeway for students to act independently but that it is sometimes at the expense of some students. The purpose of this study is to further investigate how one works within the recreational home to counter social exclusion and exclusion among students at the break. The study has an emphasis on data collected from interviews. These have been conducted with professionals working in the leisure home. Results are reported in four themes identified in the processing of collected empirical data. The study concludes that staff attach great importance to norms. Regarding the work towards creating exclusion, much of their work during the break refers to being an active part of the students' play. This is to be able to communicate inclusive norms and create a common sense among the students. / Rasten är ett viktigt element inom pedagogiska verksamheter. Tidigare forskning har betonat att rastens natur och den frihet som medföljer utgör en plattform för elever att ta till större handlingsutrymme som ibland kan resultera i att vissa elever blir socialt exkluderade. Det blir således ibland blir på bekostnad av de elever som hamnar utanför och socialt exkluderas från gemenskapen. Denna studie har som syfte att närmare undersöka hur man inom fritidshemmet jobbar för att motverka social exkludering och utanförskap bland elever på rasten. Studien bygger på insamlade data från genomförda intervjuer med verksamma inom fritidshemmet. Resultat redovisas i fyra teman som identifierats vid bearbetning av insamlade empiri. Studien konkluderar att personalen fäster stor vikt vid normer. Beträffande arbetet mot att utanförskap skapas avser stor del av deras arbete under rasten till att vara en aktiv del i elevernas lek. Detta för att kunna förmedla inkluderande normer och skapa en samsyn bland eleverna.
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Návrh na rozšíření portfolia služeb společnosti Grantech s.r.o. působící v oblasti dotačního poradenství / The Proposal to Extend the Portfolio of Services Grant Ltd. operating in the Field of Grant ConsultancyVobůrka, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The thesis covers a proposal of extention of portfolio of services of GRANTECH limited liability company. It is divided into three parts. The first one is based on theoretical starting points. It describes in details some chosen methods which explore inside and outside surroundings of the company. In the second part of the thesis, it means in the analytical part, these methods apply to the company itself. The third part contains suggestions of extension of services portfolio which will lead to an increase of competitive ability. The thesis represents a document which will help the company owner to realise the suggested changes.
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Rozvoj obchodních aktivit společnosti Rajnošek s.r.o. / Development of Business Activities of Company Rajnošek s.r.o.Budínková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
Master’s thesis is focused on business development of the Rajnošek s. r. o. company. This thesis is divided into four parts. At the beginning there is a description of the problem and there is also introduced the main aim of this thesis and related aims. The next part includes theoretical statements on which the practical part is based on. The practical part deals with issue of the basic information about chosen company and its analysis of current status. At the final part of this thesis are presented the proposals which should guarantee new customers and reduce the seasonal risks.
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Utomhus lek i lekläroböcker : Dokumentanalys utifrån en fritidshemmeskontext / Outside play in play-educational books : A document analysis based on a leisure-time centers contextNilsson, Julius, Malteson, Ludvig January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur utomhusleken har tagit plats i lekläroböcker mellan år 1990 och 2020. Studien har sin koppling till fritidshemmet då lekläroböcker har samma åldersspann som fritidshemmet. Studien är grundad i kvalitativ forskningsmetod där vi använt oss av dokumentanalys som metod för insamling av empirin. Det empiriska materialet har vi sedan valt att tolka och analysera utifrån Øksnes (2011) tolkning av den karnevalistiska lekteorin. Resultatet av studien är att leken sker både inomhus och utomhus i olika konstellationer. Leken styrs av olika personer, allt från barn/eleverna själva till skolpersonal och föräldrar. Det finns olika syn på lek, vissa böcker ser lek som ett verktyg, andra som nöje och vissa nämner inget om detta. De olika böckerna har olika perspektiv på deltagarantal, där de olika böckerna benämner grupplek, parlek och ensamlek. Lekläroböckerna beskriver lek som kultur, lek som någonting gammalt eller benämns inte det. Studien avslutas med en diskussionsdel där resultatet sätts i relation till tidigare forskning. / The purpose of this degree paper is to study how outside play has been described in play-educational books between the years 1990 and 2020. The study has a connection to leisure-time centers because the play-educational books have the same age span as the leisure-time centers. The study is based on a qualitative research method as we have used document analysis as our method for gathering empirics. We have chosen to interpret and analyze the empirical material based on Øksnes (2011) interpretation of the carnival play theory. The results of the study are that play may occur both inside and outside in different constellations. The play is controlled by different people, from children/pupils themselves to school personnel and parents. There exist different views of play, some books view play as a tool, others as pleasure and some don't mention it at all. The books have different perspectives on the number of the participants, where the different books mention group play, pair play, or playing alone. The play- educational books describe play as culture, play as something ancient or doesn't mention it. The study is concluded by a discussion where the results are placed in relation to earlier research.
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Gymnasieelevers metakognition och motivation för att förstå talad engelska : En jämförelse av elever som använder sin engelska utanför skolan och elever som inte gör det / Upper Secondary School Students ́ Metacognition and Motivation in Understanding SpokenEnglish : A Comparison of Students who Use English Outside School and Students who Do NotSundström, Annelie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med innevarande studie är dels att belysa gymnasieelevers medvetenhet om hur de gör för att förstå talad engelska och hur denna medvetenhet samspelar med motivation,dels att åskådliggöra vilken betydelse det har för förståelse, motivation och förmåga att använda sin engelska utanför skolan. Genom en enkätundersökning av 132 gymnasieelever har jag kommit till slutsatsen att gymnasieelever, oavsett förmåga att förstå talad engelska, är väl medvetna om hurde gör detta och att de i hög grad drivs av inre motivation. Flickoroch pojka rskiljer sig åt med avseende på hur de använder sin engelska utanför skolan och hur svårt de upplever att det är att förstå talad engelska. Skillnaden ligger i att flickor inte spelar onlinespel i samma utsträckning som pojkar och att flickor också upplever en högre grad av svårighet med avseende på att lyssna och förstå. Elever på högskoleförberedande gymnasieprogram är mer medvetna om hur de gör för att förstå än andra gymnasielever och elever som använder sin engelska utanför skolan uppger en lägre grad av motivation. / The purpose of this study is to illustrate Upper Secondary School students’ awareness of what methods they use to understand spoken English and how that awareness correlate with motivation. Furthermore, it is to illustrate what significance it has for understanding, motivation and ability to use ones English outside school. By implementing a questionnaire, investigating 132 students, I found that students at Upper Secondary School, regardless of ability, are well aware what they do to understand spoken English and that they to a large extent are driven by intrinsic motivation.Boy sand girls differ regarding how they use their English outside school and how difficult they experience understanding of spoken English. The difference is that boys play online games to a larger extent than girls. Girls also find understanding spoken English more difficult than boys. Students at training lines preparing for university are more aware of the methods they use to understand than other students and students who use their English outside school declare a lower degree of motivation.
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Posthumanistická umělecká praxe: Neposedné hranice planetárních subjektů / Posthuman Art Praxis: Restless Boundaries of Planetary SubjectsSirůček, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
Our impact on the planet's functioning has allegedly become so profound that during the last years the scientific community has been considering assuming a shift from the Holocene - our current geological epoch - to the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. According to philosopher Bernard Stiegler, this "era of Humans" is not only visible in the devastation of natural ecosystems, but also through the destruction of human skills and methods of transmitting knowledge. The Anthropocene, which was initiated by the industrial revolution, thus passed through the industrialization of culture, and has disrupted our understanding of the world. Philosopher Rosi Braidotti proposes that with the advent of this new era, we ought to be aware of not only the ever-present environmental catastrophes, but that we also ought to use it as a tool for reappraising what it means to be Human. According to her, the Western subject was created as a product of the Humanist cultural hegemony which defined it within a logic of binary opposition. In light of these ideas, this Master's thesis attempts to show that art can provide us methods for redefining our relationship to each other, as well as to the wider world, and help us navigate the contours of the ongoing crisis. The work uses Posthumanist thought and its affiliated...
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The Rediscovery of South African Cultural Identity in Zakes Mda's Ways of DyingValjee, Kiren M 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Since the release of Nelson Mandela in 1990 and his subsequent election to the presidency in 1994, South Africa certainly has not achieved the hopes and dreams of its people or for the rest of the continent. But despite bleak conditions, there are many who still have hope for their country. One of those people is Zakes Mda, and his hope is reflected in his novels. Yet, his novels remain complex. They do not provide all-encompassing solutions or answers to the problems that face the nation. But they do address questions with possibilities, suggestions, and innovation. The South Africa he creates, both in the past and the present, embodies what the real South Africa is and isn’t, and what it has the potential to be. Mda is not afraid to be critical of his own people, he is not afraid to face the history of his country with an equally critical lens, and even more importantly, he is not afraid to face the future of his country with that same critical gaze. This open approach to the people of his country, to its history, and current policies opens up his narrative to imagination, allowing his characters to re-envision themselves more completely and form a more complete and encompassing cultural identity that was previously denied to them.
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