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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification et caractérisation des mécanismes d'action des molécules appats, les SiDNA, dans l'inhibition des voies de réparation des cassures simple-brin / Identification and characterization of bait molecules mechanisms of action, the SIDNA, in the inhibition of single strand break repair pathway

Croset, Amélie 06 May 2013 (has links)
La plupart des traitements anticancéreux, comme la chimiothérapie ou la radiothérapie, sont cytotoxiques et causent des dommages à l'ADN dans le but d’induire la mort des cellules tumorales. Cependant, l’efficacité d’activité de réparation de l'ADN des tumeurs entraine des résistances intrinsèques et acquises aux traitements. L'une des étapes précoces de la réparation de l’ADN est le recrutement de protéines au niveau du site de dommage. Ce recrutement est coordonné par une cascade de modifications et est contrôlé par des protéines senseurs telles que la protéine kinase ADN dépendante (DNA-PK) et / ou la poly (ADP- ribose) polymérase (PARP). Dans ce manuscrit, nous avons identifié et caractérisé le mécanisme d'action de petites molécules d'ADN (les siDNA), mimant des cassures double brin (appelé Dbait) ou simple brin (appelé Pbait), dans l’inhibition des voies de réparation des cassures simple brin (SSBR/BER). Nous démontrons que les molécules Dbait recrutent et activent à la fois PARP et DNA-PK, contrairement aux molécules Pbait qui ne recrutent que la PARP. L'étude comparative de ces deux molécules permet d'analyser les rôles respectifs des deux voies de signalisation: les deux molécules recrutent les protéines impliquées dans la voie de réparation des cassures simple brin (comme PARP, PCNA et XRCC1) et empêchent leurs recrutements aux niveaux des lésions chromosomiques. Les molécules Dbait inhibent par ailleurs le recrutement des protéines impliquées dans la voie de réparation des cassures double brin (NHEJ et HR). Pbait et Dbait désorganisent la réparation de l’ADN et sensibilisent les cellules tumorales aux traitements. L’inhibition de la réparation des cassures simple brin semble dépendre d’un piégeage des protéines directement sur les siDNA ou indirectement sur les polymères PAR. L’inhibition des voies de réparation des cassures double brin (DSB) semble par contre se faire de façon indirecte ; cette inhibition résulterait plutôt de la phosphorylation des protéines de réparation des DSB de part l’activation de DNA-PK. Les molécules Dbait et Pbait induisent un effet de létalité synthétique des cellules tumorales BRCA mutées. Cependant, la mutation BRCA semble être suffisante mais non nécessaire pour induire la sensibilité des cellules tumorales aux traitements Dbait. En effet, nous avons démontré que les molécules Dbait peuvent aussi sensibiliser les cellules ne présentant pas de mutation BRCA mais ayant toutefois une forte instabilité génétique. Nous avons trouvé une corrélation entre le niveau basal de protéines de réparation de l'ADN (ɣH2AX, PARP et PAR), le taux basal de cassures à l’ADN, la présence de micronoyaux (MN) et la sensibilité des cellules tumorales au traitement Dbait. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que cette instabilité génétique, déterminé par la quantification de MN dans des biopsies tumorales, pourrait être un biomarqueur prédictif de l’effet du Dbait, non seulement dans les cancers du sein, mais aussi dans les glioblastomes, les mélanomes, les mélanomes uvéaux et les cancers du côlon. / Most conventional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, are cytotoxic and cause DNA damages in the tumoral treated cells, which ultimately lead to their death. However, several intrinsic and acquired resistances of tumors to these treatments are due to the tumor efficient DNA repair activities. One of the major early steps of DNA repair is the recruitment of repair proteins at the damage site and this is coordinated by a cascade of modifications controlled by sensor proteins such as DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and/or poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). In this manuscript, we identify and characterize the mechanism of action of short interfering DNA molecules (siDNA), mimicking double-strand breaks (called Dbait) or single-strand breaks (called Pbait) in Single Strand Break Repair pathway (SSBR/BER) inhibition. We demonstrate that Dbait bound and induced both PARP and DNA-PK activities, whereas Pbait acts only on PARP. The comparative study of the two molecules allows analysis of the respective roles of the two signaling pathways: both molecules recruit proteins involved in single-strand break repair (such as PARP, XRCC1 and PCNA) and prevent their recruitment at chromosomal damage. Dbait, but not Pbait, also inhibits recruitment of proteins involved in double-strand break (DSB) repair. By these ways, Pbait and Dbait disorganized DNA repair, thereby sensitizing cells to treatments. SSB repair inhibition depends upon a direct trapping of the main proteins on both molecules and an indirect trapping in PAR polymers. DSB repair inhibition may be indirect, resulting from the phosphorylation of DSB repair proteins by activated DNA-PK. The DNA repair inhibition by both molecules is confirmed by their synthetic lethality with BRCA mutations tumoral cell lines. However, BRCA mutation could be sufficient but not necessary to induce breast cancer cell lines and tumors sensitivity to Dbait treatment. In fact, we demonstrate that Dbait molecules could also have a stand-alone effect in BRCA wild type cells with a high genetic instability. We found a correlation between DNA repair proteins basal level (ɣH2AX, PARP and PAR), DNA break basal level, presence of micronucleus (MN) and tumoral cell lines sensitivity to Dbait treatment. We hypothesis that this genetic instability, determined by MN in tumor biopsies, could be a predictive biomarker of Dbait stand-alone effect, not only in breast cancer treatment, but also in glioblastoma, melanoma, uveal melanoma and colon cancer treatment.

Mathematical modelling of blood coagulation and thrombus formation under flow in normal and pathological conditions / Modélisation mathématique de la coagulation sanguine et la formation du thrombus sous l'écoulement dans les conditions normales et pathologiques

Bouchnita, Anass 04 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la modélisation mathématique de la coagulation sanguine et de la formation de thrombus dans des conditions normales et pathologiques. La coagulation sanguine est un mécanisme défensif qui empêche la perte de sang suite à la rupture des tissus endothéliaux. C'est un processus complexe qui est règlementé par différents mécanismes mécaniques et biochimiques. La formation du caillot sanguin a lieu dans l'écoulement sanguin. Dans ce contexte, l'écoulement à faible taux de cisaillement stimule la croissance du caillot tandis que la circulation sanguine à fort taux de cisaillement la limite. Les désordres qui affectent le système de coagulation du sang peuvent provoquer différentes anomalies telles que la thrombose (coagulation exagérée) ou les saignements (insuffisance de coagulation). Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous présentons un modèle mathématique de coagulation sanguine. Le modèle capture la dynamique essentielle de la croissance du caillot dans le plasma et le flux sanguin quiescent. Ce modèle peut être réduit à un modèle qui consiste en une équation de génération de thrombine et qui donne approximativement les mêmes résultats. Nous avons utilisé des simulations numériques en plus de l'analyse mathématique pour montrer l'existence de différents régimes de coagulation sanguine. Nous spécifions les conditions pour ces régimes sur différents paramètres pathophysiologiques du modèle. Ensuite, nous quantifions les effets de divers mécanismes sur la croissance du caillot comme le flux sanguin et l'agrégation plaquettaire. La partie suivante de la thèse étudie certaines des anomalies du système de coagulation sanguine. Nous commençons par étudier le développement de la thrombose chez les patients présentant une carence en antihrombine ou l'une des maladies inflammatoires. Nous déterminons le seuil de l'antithrombine qui provoque la thrombose et nous quantifions l'effet des cytokines inflammatoires sur le processus de coagulation. Puis, nous étudions la compensation de la perte du sang après un saignement en utilisant un modèle multi-échelles qui décrit en particulier l'érythropoïèse et la production de l'hémoglobine. Ensuite, nous évaluons le risque de thrombose chez les patients atteints de cancer (le myélome multiple en particulier) et le VIH en combinant les résultats du modèle de coagulation sanguine avec les produits des modèles hybrides (discret-continues) multi-échelles des systèmes physiologiques correspondants. Finalement, quelques applications cliniques possibles de la modélisation de la coagulation sanguine sont présentées. En combinant le modèle de formation du caillot avec les modèles pharmacocinétiques pharmacodynamiques (PK-PD) des médicaments anticoagulants, nous quantifions l'action de ces traitements et nous prédisons leur effet sur des patients individuels / This thesis is devoted to the mathematical modelling of blood coagulation and clot formation under flow in normal and pathological conditions. Blood coagulation is a defensive mechanism that prevents the loss of blood upon the rupture of endothelial tissues. It is a complex process that is regulated by different mechanical and biochemical mechanisms. The formation of the blood clot takes place in blood flow. In this context, low-shear flow stimulates clot growth while high-shear blood circulation limits it. The disorders that affect the blood clotting system can provoke different abnormalities such thrombosis (exaggerated clotting) or bleeding (insufficient clotting). In the first part of the thesis, we introduce a mathematical model of blood coagulation. The model captures the essential dynamics of clot growth in quiescent plasma and blood flow. The model can be reduced to a one equation model of thrombin generation that gives approximately the same results. We used both numerical simulations and mathematical investigation to show the existence of different regimes of blood coagulation. We specify the conditions of these regimes on various pathophysiological parameters of the model. Then, we quantify the effects of various mechanisms on clot growth such as blood flow and platelet aggregation. The next part of the thesis studies some of the abnormalities of the blood clotting system. We begin by investigating the development of thrombosis in patients with antihrombin deficiency and inflammatory diseases. We determine the thrombosis threshold on antithrombin and quantify the effect of inflammatory cytokines on the coagulation process. Next, we study the recovery from blood loss following bleeding using a multiscale model which focuses on erythropoiesis and hemoglobin production. Then, we evaluate the risk of thrombosis in patients with cancer (multiple myeloma in particular) and HIV by combining the blood coagulation model results with the output of hybrid multiscale models of the corresponding physiological system. Finally, possible clinical applications of the blood coagulation modelling are provided. By combining clot formation model with pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD) models of anticoagulant drugs, we quantify the action of these treatments and predict their effect on individual patients

Limited sampling strategies for estimation of cyclosporine exposure in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients : methodological improvement and introduction of sampling time deviation analysis

Sarem, Sarem 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Prospecção de genes biossintéticos de policetídeos a partir de fungos isolados de cana-de-açúcar. / Screening of polyketides biosynthetic genes from sugarcane derived fungi.

Juan Diego Rojas Rojas 03 November 2010 (has links)
A partir de 280 isolados fúngicos de cana-de-açúcar, 18 cepas foram avaliadas quanto á presença de genes da policetídeo sintase por meio da técnica do PCR. Estes fungos foram identificados taxonomicamente por uma abordagem polifásica, classificando-os dentro de quatro ordens e nove gêneros. A avaliação da atividade biológica demonstrou a presença de metabolitos com propriedades antibióticas quando enfrentados a micro-organismos patogênicos. Segundo a análise de correspondência múltipla, esta atividade poderia estar associada com a local de isolamento dos fungos. Foram detectadas 36 seqüências similares a genes PKS a partir de 17 destes fungos. A análise filogenética do domínio KS, conduzida pelo método de neighbor-joining, indicou que 16 seqüências se acomodaram dentro do grupo monofilético dos PKS envolvidos na produção de policetídeos não reduzidos e as outras 10 seqüências se acomodaram dentro do grupo monofilético dos PKS envolvidos na produção de policetídeos reduzidos. A análise do domínio CMT também apontou que as seqüências podiam se acomodaram em grupos de PKS dependendo do grau de redução do policetídeo, todas as seqüências CMT se relacionaram com PKS envolvidos na produção de policetídeos reduzidos. As análises dos modelos estruturais também demonstraram que as seqüências estavam altamente relacionadas com estruturas protéicas da família das enzimas de condensação, destacando a presença de uma hélice característica que carrega o resíduo de cisteína, responsável pela atividade de condensação. Extratos orgânicos obtidos de cultivos dos fungos foram avaliados parar detectar a presença de compostos tipo lovastatina. Por meio de cromatografia CCDS, detectaram-se bandas de 10 extratos com o mesmo deslocamento que a lovastatina padrão, mas apenas 6 destas foram confirmados por CLAE. O isolado A. flavus CBMAI 1023, foi selecionado para a realização de experimentos de produção a maior escala onde foi possível isolar e caracterizar um novo policetídeo. / From a group of 280 sugarcane-derived fungi 18 strains were assessed for the presence of polyketide synthase genes by PCR approaches. These fungi were identified taxonomically by a polyphasic approach classifying into four orders and nine genres. Biological activity tests showed the presence of antibiotic metabolites against pathogenic microorganisms and the relationship of this activity might be linked with the fungal isolate location by multiple correspondence analyses. 36 sequences similar to PKS genes fragments were detected from 17 of these fungi. A neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis of the KS domain showed that 16 sequences fit on the monophyletic group of PKS evolved with production of non reduced polyketides, and the other 10 sequences fit on the monophyletic group of PKS evolved with the production of reduced polyketides. CMT domain analysis also pointed that the sequences fit with groups of PKS depending on polyketide reduction grade, all ten related to PKS evolved with the synthesis of reduced polyketides. Protein structural analysis also pointed out that these sequences are closely related with proteins from condensing enzyme family, highlighting the presence of a characteristic helix elbow that bears the cysteine residue responsible for the condensation activity. The fungi were also tested for their capacity of producing lovastatin compounds where chromatographic TLC detected bands from 10 extracts with the same dislocation compared to a lovastatin, but only 6 were confirmed by HPLC. The A. flavus CBMAI (1023) were selected for upscale production experiments, from where it was possible isolate and characterize a new polyketide compound.

Comparison of Multiple Models for Diabetes Using Model Averaging

Al-Mashat, Alex January 2021 (has links)
Pharmacometrics is widely used in drug development. Models are developed to describe pharmacological measurements with data gathered from a clinical trial. The information can then be applied to, for instance, safely establish dose-response relationships of a substance. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a common biomarker used by models within antihyperglycemic drug development, as it reflects the average plasma glucose level over the previous 8-12 weeks. There are five different nonlinear mixed-effects models that describes HbA1c-formation. They use different biomarkers such as mean plasma glucose (MPG), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), fasting plasma insulin (FPI) or a combination of those. The aim of this study was to compare their performances on a population and an individual level using model averaging (MA) and to explore if reduced trial durations and different treatment could affect the outcome. Multiple weighting methods were applied to the MA workflow, such as the Akaike information criterion (AIC), cross-validation (CV) and a bootstrap model averaging method. Results show that in general, models that use MPG to describe HbA1c-formation on a population level could potentially outperform models using other biomarkers, however, models have shown similar performance on individual level. Further studies on the relationship between biomarkers and model performances must be conducted, since it could potentially lay the ground for better individual HbA1c-predictions. It can then be applied in antihyperglycemic drug development and to possibly reduce sample sizes in a clinical trial. With this project, we have illustrated how to perform MA on the aforementioned models, using different biomarkers as well as the difference between model weights on a population and individual level.

Abordagem PK-PD do propofol na revascularização do miocárdio para estudo da influência da circulação extracorpórea na ligação às proteínas plasmáticas e no efeito hipnótico / PK-PD Model to investigate the free propofol plasma levels versus the hypnotic drug effect in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting concerning the influence of CPB-hypothermia on drug plasma binding.

Silva Filho, Carlos Roberto da 16 May 2017 (has links)
Durante a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea e hipotermia (CEC-H) ocorre alteração na efetividade do propofol e na sua farmacocinética realizada a partir das concentrações plasmáticas do propofol total no decurso do tempo. A ligação do propofol à proteína plasmática parece estar alterada em consequência de diversos fatores incluindo a hemodiluição e a heparinização que ocorre no início da circulação extracorpórea, uma vez que se reportou anteriormente que a concentração plasmática do propofol livre aumentou durante a realização da circulação extracorpórea normotérmica. Por outro lado, a infusão alvo controlada é recomendada para manter a concentração plasmática do propofol equivalente ao alvo de 2 &#181g/mL durante a intervenção cirúrgica com CEC-H. Se alterações significativas na hipnose do propofol ocorrem nesses pacientes, então o efeito aumentado desse agente hipnótico poderia estar relacionado à redução na extensão da ligação do fármaco as proteínas plasmáticas; entretanto, o assunto ainda permanece em discussão e necessita de investigações adicionais. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi investigar as concentrações plasmáticas de propofol livre em pacientes durante a revascularização do miocárdio com e sem o procedimento de CEC-H através da abordagem PK-PD. Dezenove pacientes foram alocados e estratificados para realização de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea (CEC-H, n=10) ou sem circulação extracorpórea (NCEC, n=9). Os pacientes foram anestesiados com sufentanil e propofol alvo de 2 &#181g/mL. Realizou-se coleta seriada de sangue para estudo farmacocinético e o efeito foi monitorado através do índice bispectral (BIS) para medida da profundidade da hipnose no período desde a indução da anestesia até 12 horas após o término da infusão de propofol, em intervalos de tempo pré-determinados no protocolo de estudo. As concentrações plasmáticas foram determinadas através de método bioanalítico pela técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A farmacocinética foi investigada a partir da aplicação do modelo aberto de dois compartimentos, PK Solutions v. 2. A análise PK-PD foi realizada no Graph Pad Prisma v.5.0 após a escolha do modelo do efeito máximo (EMAX sigmóide, slope variável). Os dados foram analisados utilizando o Prisma v. 5.0, p<0,05, significância estatística. As concentrações plasmáticas de propofol total foram comparáveis nos dois grupos (CEC-H e NCEC); entretanto o grupo CEC-H evidenciou aumento na concentração do propofol livre de 2 a 5 vezes em função da redução na ligação do fármaco às proteínas plasmáticas. A farmacocinética do propofol livre mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos no processo de distribuição pelo prolongamento da meia vida e aumento do volume aparente, e no processo de eliminação em função do aumento na depuração plasmática e redução na meia vida biológica no grupo CEC-H. A escolha do modelo EMAX sigmóide, slope variável foi adequada uma vez que se evidenciou alta correlação entre os valores do índice bispectral e as concentrações plasmáticas do propofol livre (r2>0.90, P<0.001) para os pacientes investigados. / During coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) profound changes occur on propofol effect and on kinetic disposition related to total drug plasma measurements in these patients. It was reported that drug plasma binding could be altered as a consequence of hemodilution and heparinization before starts CPB since free propofol plasma levels was increased by twice under normothermic procedure. In addition, the target controlled infusion (TCI) is recommended to maintain propofol plasma concentration (2 &#181g/mL) during CABG CPB-H intervention. However, whether significant changes that occur in propofol hypnosis in these patients could be related to the reduction on the extension of drug plasma binding remain unclear and under discussion until now. Then, the objective of this study was to investigate propofol free plasma levels in patients undergoing CABG with and without CPB by a pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD) approach. Nineteen patients were scheduled for on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG-CPB, n=10) or off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCABG, n=9) were anesthetized with sufentanil and propofol TCI (2 &#181g/mL). Blood samples were collected for drug plasma measurements and BIS were applied to access the depth of hypnosis from the induction of anesthesia up to 12 hours after the end of propofol infusion, at predetermined intervals. Plasma drug concentrations were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography, followed by a propofol pharmacokinetic analysis based on two compartment open model, PK Solutions v.2; PK-PD analysis was performed by applying EMAX model, sigmoid shape-variable slope and data were analyzed using Prisma v. 5.0, considering p<0.05 as significant difference between groups. The total propofol plasma concentrations were comparable in both groups during CABG; however it was shown in CPB-group significant increases in propofol free plasma concentration by twice to fivefold occur as a consequence of drug plasma protein binding reduced in these patients. Pharmacokinetics of free propofol in CPB-H group compared to OPCAB group based on two compartment open model was significantly different by the prolongation of distribution half-life, increases on plasma clearance, and biological half-life shortened. In addition, the kinetic disposition of propofol changes in a different manner considering free drug levels in the CPB-H group against OPCAB group as follows: prolongation of distribution half-life and increases on volume of distribution, remaining unchanged biological half-life in spite of plasma clearance increased. BIS values showed a strong correlation with free drug levels (r2>0.90, P<0.001) in CPB-H group and also in OPCAB group by the chosen EMAX model sigmoid shape-variable slope analyzed by GraphPad Prisma v.5.0.

Uso da vancomicina nas infecções por \'Staphylococcus aureus\' e epidermides em pacientes queimados: monitoramento das concentrações plasmáticas após infusão intermitente / Use of vancomycin in staphylococcus aureus and epidermides infection on burns patients: therapeutic drug monitoring in plasma after intermitent infusion

Bertoluci, Daniele Ferreira de Faria 07 August 2007 (has links)
O paciente grande queimado está entre os de maior risco de contrair infecção hospitalar, sendo que, aproximadamente 80% dos óbitos nestes pacientes são decorrentes de infecção. Devido à prevalência de S. aureus meticilina resistente (MRSA) nas unidades de queimados prescreve-se a vancomicina como fármaco de 1ª linha. Entretanto como a farmacocinética se encontra profundamente alterada geralmente ocorre a falência terapêutica e surgimento de resistência antimicrobiana. O objetivo do presente estudo foi monitorar as concentrações plasmáticas através da análise em CLAE-UV e realizar a modelagem farmacocinética da vancomicina, administrada nestes pacientes. Para tanto, validou-se método analítico que se mostrou linear, preciso, exato e suficientemente sensível para o monitoramento das concentrações plasmáticas da vancomicina nos pacientes. Investigaram-se 9 pacientes adultos grandes queimados após cirurgia de debridamento; os pacientes foram informados em detalhes sobre o estudo e assinaram o TCLE, e incluídos no protocolo. Coletaram amostras sangüíneas seriadas para a farmacocinética (PK solutions 2.0). A estatística descritiva (Microsoft Excell, Office for Windows, versão 2000) forneceu os resultados expressos através da média +/- DP: 16 mg/L±11, para o pico (referência 20-40mg/L) e 2,6 mg/L±1,5 para o vale (referência,5-10mg/L), abaixo da CME nestes pacientes. Os parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram o volume aparente de distribuição que se mostrou aumentado em cerca de 3,5 vezes, (1,4 L/Kg ± 0,8 versus 0,33-0,45L/kg, referência, a depuração plasmática mostrou-se aumentada em cerca de 2,5 vezes (3,2±1,65 mL/min.kg versus 1,3 - 1,5mL/min.kg, referência, enquanto a constate de eliminação e a meia-vida biológica se mantiveram inalteradas. Este estudo indica que o regime posológico e tipo de infusão endovosa devam ser revistos, utilizando a farmacocinética como ferramenta importante. Recomenda-se ainda que a terapia dose ajustada seja baseada no controle terapêutico destes pacientes em todas as fases da internação, principalmente após cada cirurgia de debridamento. / Nosocomial infections shows high incidence in burn patient, and approximately 80% of mortality of them is due to severe infections and sepse. High prevalence of methycilin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) occurs in the intensive care units for burn patients and vancomycin is largely prescribed as first choice drug for severe infections and sepse. In general occurs therapeutic fail, since the pharmacokinetics is altered in these patients and arise the antimicrobial resistance. The main of the present study was to perform therapeutic plasma vancomycin monitoring by HPLC-UV and also PK- modelling after 1g every 12 hours, 1 hour infusion. Bioanalitical method was validated showing good linearity, precision, accuracy, good stability and robustness. Additionally method required 200&#181;L of plasma and showed sensitivity enough for vancomycin plasma monitoring. Nine large burn patients were included in the study after they signed the informed written consent term to participate of the protocol. The follow up was done after debridment surgery. Blood samples were collected from venous catheter at time dose interval to investigate the pharmacokinetics (PK solutions 2.0) and also to determine the peak and trough. Descriptive statistics was performed applying Microsoft Excell, Office for Windows, versão 2000. Data obtained were 16 mg/L±11 peak (reference 20-40mg/L) and 2.6 mg/L±1.5 trough that was lower than MEC since the reference ranges from 5 to 10mg/L). Pharmacokinetic parameters were volume apparent of distribution, that was increased by 3.5 times (1.4 L/Kg ± 0,8 against the reference values 0.33-0.45L/kg), plasma clearance was also increased by 2.5 times (3.2±1.7mL/min.kg versus 1.3 - 1.5mL/min.kg, reference values), while elimination rate constant and biological half-life remained unchanged in those patients. Based on data obtained in the study, author recommends a revision on dose schedule and also concerning intravenous drug infusion using the pharmacokinetics as a powerful tool and the therapeutic plasma vancomycin monitoring for dose adjustments in all phases of the follow up of burn patient, mainly after each surgery debridement.

Implication of DNA damage and repair in viability and differentiation of muscle stem cells / Implication des dommages à l’ADN et leur réparation sur la viabilité et la différentiation des cellules souches musculaires

Sutcu, Haser 20 September 2018 (has links)
Les cassures double-brin (DSB) sont des dommages dangereux de l’ADN et représentent un facteur de risque pour la stabilité du génome. Le maintien de l'intégrité du génome est essentiel pour les cellules souches adultes, qui sont responsables de la régénération des tissus endommagés et de l'homéostasie tissulaire tout au long de la vie. La régénération musculaire chez l'adulte repose sur les cellules souches musculaires (cellules satellites, SCs) qui possèdent une remarquable capacité de réparation des DSB, mais dont le mécanisme sous-jacent reste inconnu. Ce projet de thèse consistait à étudier comment la différenciation musculaire est affectée lorsque la réparation des DSB est altérée, et quels sont le(s) mécanisme(s) et les conséquences de ce défaut de réparation sur la régénération musculaire. Au cours de cette étude, il est apparu de façon originale que les facteurs de réparation des DSB peuvent affecter la myogenèse, indépendamment de leur fonction dans la réparation de l'ADN. La présente étude a porté sur le rôle de la protéine kinase dépendante de l'ADN (DNA-PK), un facteur crucial pour la réparation non-homologue des DSBs (NHEJ), au cours de la différenciation musculaire chez la souris. L’étude a ciblé l'activation des SCs et la régénération musculaire in vitro et in vivo et a également abordé la régulation de cette kinase. Le rôle "canonique" de la DNA-PK, et donc du NHEJ, dans les SCs a également été étudié en présence de lésions de l'ADN radio-induites. Le rôle d’ATM, une kinase qui orchestre les réponses cellulaires aux DSB, a également été abordé dans le contexte de la régénération musculaire. Ces résultats confirment la notion émergente du rôle multifonctionnel des protéines de réparation de l’ADN dans d’autres processus physiologiques que la réparation elle-même, ce qui m’a également permis de réaliser une étude bibliographique. Ce travail i) identifie de nouveaux régulateurs de la myogenèse et ii) contribue à la compréhension de la résistance des cellules souches musculaires au stress génotoxique. Ces résultats pourraient avoir des implications dans l'amélioration des thérapies cellulaires de la dysfonction musculaire en agissant sur les régulateurs nouvellement découverts. / DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are dangerous DNA damages and a risk factor for genome stability. The maintenance of genome integrity is crucial for adult stem cells that are responsible for regeneration of damaged tissues and tissue homeostasis throughout life. Muscle regeneration in the adult relies on muscle stem cells (satellite cells, SCs) that have a remarkable DSB repair activity, but the underlying mechanism is not known. The aims of the present PhD project were to investigate how muscle differentiation is affected when DSB repair is impaired, and which are the mechanism(s) and the consequences on muscle regeneration. During this study, a novel possibility has arisen, namely that DSB repair factors affects myogenesis independently of their DNA repair activity, suggesting a novel function, not previously anticipated, of these factors. The present study has addressed the role of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), a crucial factor in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair of DSBs, in muscle differentiation in the mouse. Studies have targeted SC activation and muscle regeneration in vitro and in vivo and also addressed the regulation of this kinase. In parallel the more “canonical” role of DNA-PK, and thereby of NHEJ, has been investigated in SCs via radiation-induced DNA damage. The role of ATM, a kinase that orchestrates cellular responses to DSBs in muscle regeneration has also been addressed. These results support the emerging notion of multifunctional repair proteins in a variety of physiological processes beyond the repair process itself, on which I have conducted a bibliographical study. This work i) identifies novel regulators of myogenesis, and ii) helps understanding the resistance of muscle stem cells to genotoxic stress. It has potential implications for improving cellular therapies for muscle dysfunction by acting on the newly discovered regulators.

Modélisations mathématiques de l'hématopoïèse et des maladies sanguines

Demin, Ivan 11 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la modélisation mathématique de l'hématopoïèse et des maladies sanguines. Plusieurs modèles traitant d'aspects différents et complémentaires de l'hématopoïèse y sont étudiés.Tout d'abord, un modèle multi-échelle de l'érythropoïèse est analysé, dans lequel sont décrits à la fois le réseau intracellulaire, qui détermine le comportement individuel des cellules, et la dynamique des populations de cellules. En utilisant des données expérimentales sur les souris, nous évaluons les rôles des divers mécanismes de retro-contrôle en réponse aux situations de stress.Ensuite, nous tenons compte de la distribution spatiale des cellules dans la moelle osseuse, question qui n'avait pas été étudiée auparavant. Nous décrivons l'hématopoïèse normale à l'aide d'un système d'équations de réaction-diffusion-convection et nous démontrons l'existence d'une distribution stationnaire des cellules. Puis, nous introduisons dans le modèle les cellules malignes. Pour certaines valeurs des paramètres, la solution "disease-free" devient instable et une autre solution, qui correspond à la leucémie, apparaît. Cela mène à la formation d'une tumeur qui se propage dans la moelle osseuse comme une onde progressive. La vitesse de cette propagation est étudiée analytiquement et numériquement. Les cellules de la moelle osseuse échangent des signaux qui régulent le comportement cellulaire. Nous étudions ensuite une équation integro-différentielle qui décrit la communication cellulaire et nous prouvons l'existence d'une solution du type onde progressive en utilisant la théorie du degré topologique et la méthode de Leray et Schauder. L'approche multi-agent est utilisée afin d'étudier la distribution des différents types de cellules dans la moelle osseuse.Finalement, nous étudions un modèle de type "Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics" du traitement de la leucémie par l'AraC. L'AraC agit comme chimiothérapie et induit l'apoptose de toutes les cellules proliférantes, saines et malignes. La pharmacocinétique donne accès à la concentration intracellulaire d'AraC. Cette dernière, à son tour, détermine la dynamique des populations cellulaires et, par conséquent, l'efficacité de différents protocoles de traitement.

Modelagem multiescala de fen?menos eletrocin?ticos em meios porosos carregados eletricamente: aplica??o a meios porosos argilosos

Mariano, July Herbert da Silva 12 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-11T17:32:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JulyHerbertDaSilvaMariano_DISSERT.pdf: 1467170 bytes, checksum: 580209f3bb69ab431e0c78eef36c48f4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-15T21:55:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JulyHerbertDaSilvaMariano_DISSERT.pdf: 1467170 bytes, checksum: 580209f3bb69ab431e0c78eef36c48f4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-15T21:55:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulyHerbertDaSilvaMariano_DISSERT.pdf: 1467170 bytes, checksum: 580209f3bb69ab431e0c78eef36c48f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Nesta disserta??o de mestrado, propomos uma modelagem computacional multiescala de fen?menos eletrocin?ticos em meios poroso carregados eletricamente. Consideramos um meio poroso r?gido e incompress?vel saturado por uma solu??o eletrol?tica contendo quatro solutos i?nicos monovalentes totalmente dilu?dos no solvente.Inicialmente, desenvolvemos a modelagem da dupla camada el?trica com a inten??o de computar o potencial el?trico, densidade superficial de cargas el?tricas e, considerando duas rea??es qu?micas, propomos um modelo 2-pK para calcular as adsor??es qu?micas que ocorrem no dom?nio da dupla camada el?trica. De posse do modelo nanosc?pico, desenvolvemos um modelo na microescala, onde as adsor??es eletroqu?micas de ?ons no dom?nio da camada dupla, rea??es de protona??o/deprotona??o e potencial zeta obtidos na escala nanosc?pica, s?o incorporados ao modelo na escala microsc?pica atrav?s das condi??es de interface fluido/s?lido do problema de Stokes e no transporte dos ?ons, modelado pelas equa??es de Nerst-Planck. Usando a t?cnica de homogeneiza??o de estrutura peri?dicas juntamente com a hip?tese de periodicidade do meio, deduzimos um modelo na escala macrosc?pica com respectivos problemas de c?lulas para os par?metros efetivos das equa??es macrosc?picas.Finalmente, fazendo uso do modelo 2-pK, simulamos os fen?menos de adsor??es eletroqu?micas em uma caulinita saturada por uma solu??o aquosa na micro escala. Em seguida fazemos duas simula??es macrosc?picas em regimes ?cidos e b?sico com a intens?o de observar a influ?ncia dos fen?menos na escala nano/microsc?pica sobre a macroescala. / In this master thesis, we propose a multiscale mathematical and computational model for electrokinetic phenomena in porous media electrically charged. We consider a porous medium rigid and incompressible saturated by an electrolyte solution containing four monovalent ionic solutes completely diluted in the aqueous solvent. Initially we developed the modeling electrical double layer how objective to compute the electrical potential, surface density of electrical charges and considering two chemical reactions, we propose a 2-pK model for calculating the chemical adsorption occurring in the domain of electrical double layer. Having the nanoscopic model, we deduce a model in the microscale, where the electrochemical adsorption of ions, protonation/ deprotonation reactions and zeta potential obtained in the nanoscale, are incorporated through the conditions of interface uid/solid of the Stokes problem and transportation of ions, modeled by equations of Nernst-Planck. Using the homogenization technique of periodic structures, we develop a model in macroscopic scale with respective cells problems for the e ective macroscopic parameters of equations. Finally, we propose several numerical simulations of the multiscale model for uid ow and transport of reactive ionic solute in a saturated aqueous solution of kaolinite. Using nanoscopic model we propose some numerical simulations of electrochemical adsorption phenomena in the electrical double layer. Making use of the nite element method discretize the macroscopic model and propose some numerical simulations in basic and acid system aiming to quantify the transport of ionic solutes in porous media electrically charged.

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