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Modeling and Control of a PMSynRel Drive for a Plug-InHybrid Electric VehicleZhao, Shuang January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents two transient models for a prototype integrated charger for use in a plug-in hybrid-electrical vehicle application. The models can be useful in order to develop control algorithms for the system or to recommend improvements to the machine design. A flux map based method, obtaining input data from simulations using the finite element method (FEM) is used to model the grid synchronization process. The grid side voltage can then be predicted by incorporating spatial flux linkage harmonics. The model is implemented in Matlab/Simulink and compared to stand alone FEM simulations with good agreement. The charging process is modeled using an inductance based model also requiring FEM simulations as input data. Since the flux linkages in the grid and inverter side windings are dependent on each other, the presented transient model is linearized around a specific operating point. This model is also implemented in a Matlab/Simulink environment. Sensorless control of a PMSynRel drive is also studied in this thesis. Focus is put on operating limits due to magnetic saturation when operating at low speeds. The rotating and pulsating voltage vector injection methods for sensorless control are studied in detail. A technique to map the feasible sensorless control region is proposed which utilizes the resulting position error signal rather than data of differential inductances. This technique is implemented experimentally and compared to corresponding FEM simulations with good agreement. The impact of spatial inductance harmonics on the quality of the position estimates is also studied. A method to predict the maximum position estimation error due to the inductance harmonics is proposed based on simplified analytical models. A technique is presented and experimentally verified which can compensate for this effect by injecting a modified rotating voltage carrier. Lastly, the impact of saturation in the rotor structure on the initial magnet polarity detection is investigated. The experimental results, in good agreement with the corresponding FEM simulations, indicate that the impact of saturation in the magnet bridges of rotor is the dominant phenomenon at lower peak current magnitudes. / QC 20110928
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Novel Computational Methods for the Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems using Computational Intelligence and High Performance Computing TechniquesGreen, Robert C., II 24 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Impacts of Driving Patterns on Well-to-wheel Performance of Plug-in Hybrid Electric VehiclesRaykin, Leonid 27 November 2013 (has links)
The well-to-wheel (WTW) environmental performance of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is sensitive to driving patterns, which vary within and across regions. This thesis develops and applies a novel approach for estimating specific regional driving patterns. The approach employs a macroscopic traffic assignment model linked with a vehicle motion model to construct driving cycles, which is done for a wide range of driving patterns. For each driving cycle, the tank-to-wheel energy use of two PHEVs and comparable non-plug-in alternatives is estimated. These estimates are then employed within a WTW analysis to investigate implications of driving patterns on the energy use and greenhouse gas emission of PHEVs, and the WTW performance of PHEVs relative to non-plug-in alternatives for various electricity generation scenarios. The results of the WTW analysis demonstrate that driving patterns and the electricity generation supply interact to substantially impact the WTW performance of PHEVs.
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Impacts of Driving Patterns on Well-to-wheel Performance of Plug-in Hybrid Electric VehiclesRaykin, Leonid 27 November 2013 (has links)
The well-to-wheel (WTW) environmental performance of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is sensitive to driving patterns, which vary within and across regions. This thesis develops and applies a novel approach for estimating specific regional driving patterns. The approach employs a macroscopic traffic assignment model linked with a vehicle motion model to construct driving cycles, which is done for a wide range of driving patterns. For each driving cycle, the tank-to-wheel energy use of two PHEVs and comparable non-plug-in alternatives is estimated. These estimates are then employed within a WTW analysis to investigate implications of driving patterns on the energy use and greenhouse gas emission of PHEVs, and the WTW performance of PHEVs relative to non-plug-in alternatives for various electricity generation scenarios. The results of the WTW analysis demonstrate that driving patterns and the electricity generation supply interact to substantially impact the WTW performance of PHEVs.
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Développement de chargeurs intégrés pour véhicules hybrides plug-in / Development of integrated chargers for plug-in hybrid vehiclesMarzouk, Mounir 08 October 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse consistent en la conception et la réalisation d’une chaîne de tractionintégrée pour véhicule hybride plug-in. L’étude s’oriente vers une solution de convertisseur mutualisé,dans l’objectif de partager la traction et les modes chargeurs de batteries, la structure en NPC à 3niveaux est retenue. Le chargeur monophasé se base une topologie de redresseur à MLI monophaséavec trois bras entrelacés, avec l’utilisation des enroulements du moteur pour le filtrage. En chargeurtriphasé nous adaptons la topologie pour réaliser un montage en double boost triphasé. Pour chaqueconfiguration, les passifs sont dimensionnés pour répondre aux contraintes en courant BF et HF. Lecontrôle adopté se base sur les correcteurs résonants. Enfin, un prototype de 5 kW a été réalisé pourvalider les différents modes de l’application.Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons une solution de chargeur isolé sans étage continu auprimaire à double ponts actifs (DAB). La topologie est modélisée au premier harmonique et unecommande assurant l’absorption sinusoïdale est étudiée. Une configuration isolée triphasée permetl’accès aux puissances plus élevées ainsi que la réduction des ondulations de courant BF en sortie. / This thesis consists on the design and realization of a plug-in hybrid vehicle integrated tractiondrive supply. The work turns to a solution of a mutualized converter, in the objective to imagine asolution which shared drive and battery chargers modes, the three-level NPC topology has beenretained. The single phase charger is based on an interleaved PWM rectifier, and motor windings areused as smoothing inductors. A double-boost PFC configuration is introduced to ensure the threephasecharger. Passives are sized in each configuration in order to take in account the whole currentconstraints (LF and HF). The PFC behavior is based on the resonant controllers. Then, a 5 kWprototype has been realized to validate the different application modes.In a second part, a single-stage isolated charger based on a Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) isproposed. The topology is modeled to the fundamental and the PFC control law is studied. A threephaseconfiguration is simulated in order to achieve higher charging powers and to reduce batterycurrent low-frequency ripple.
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Modèles et protocoles pour les interactions des véhicules électriques mobiles avec la grille / Models and protocols for interactions with mobile electric vehicles gridSaid, Dhaou 17 December 2014 (has links)
L’apparition massive des véhicules électriques (VEs) sur les marchés peut avoir un impact important sur le fonctionnement des réseaux d’électricité actuels qui devront ajuster leur fonctionnement à la nouvelle demande massive d'électricité provenant des VEs. Par contre, les VEs peuvent aussi être vus comme une nouvelle opportunité dans le futur marché d’électricité. En effet, une décharge/recharge intelligente peut permettre aux VEs d’être un support de stockage d’électricité important, valable et permanent dont la capacité croit en fonction du nombre des VEs. Ce projet a comme objectifs de : (1) proposer un schéma d’interaction V2G intégrant des techniques permettant de : (a) adapter le fonctionnement de la grille aux contraintes temporelles et spatiales relatives au processus de recharge des VEs dans un milieu résidentiel. (b) optimiser les opérations de chargement/déchargement entre les VEs et la grille dans les deux sens. (2) Proposer de nouveaux schémas de communication sans fil, entre les VEs et la grille intelligente loin des bornes de recharge, qui soient basés sur les standards de communications véhiculaires (VANET) ainsi que sur d’autres standards de communication à grande échelle. On introduira des techniques d’accès à la grille intelligente pour négocier le coût de recharge/décharge des batteries et aussi pour planifier la motivation du consommateur afin de favoriser la stabilité de la grille / In the next years, electric vehicles (EVs) will make their appearance on the market. This even will have significant impact on the operation of the existing electricity networks which have to be updated to reach the new massive electricity demand. Moreover, EVs can also be seen as a new opportunity in the future electricity market. Indeed, a smart EV discharge / charge process can be enable a large power, valuable, and permanent storage media. The project's objectives are to: (1) propose a scheme integrating V2G interaction techniques: (a) adapt the grid functionality to the temporal and spatial constraints to the EV charging process in a residential setting. We seek to satisfy different power demands of EVs connected to the mains without stressing too smart grid, (b) optimizing the loading / unloading between EVs and the grid in both directions. (2) To propose new patterns of wireless communication between EVs and smart grid away from the charging stations, which are based on the standards of vehicle communications (VANET), as well as other communication standards on a large scale. Access to smart grid technologies will be introduced to negotiate the cost of charge / discharge, the waiting time of service, locations and also to plan consumer motivation to promote the grid stability
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Methodik für die Analyse zukünftiger technologischer Potenziale von FahrzeugantriebskonzeptenSchneider, Dimitri 12 April 2022 (has links)
Ein wichtiger Aspekt bei der Beurteilung und Gegenüberstellung von Fahrzeugantriebskonzepten sind Prognosen zu deren zukünftigen Entwicklung hinsichtlich gesellschaftlicher, ökonomischer und technischer Kriterien. Zukünftige technologische Potenziale von Fahrzeugantriebskonzepten und damit verbundene technologische Begleitaspekte nehmen hierbei eine wichtige Rolle im Rahmen der Antriebskonzipierung der frühen Konzeptphase ein. In dieser Arbeit wird eine in weiten Teilen simulationsbasierte Methodik für die Ermittlung und Analyse entsprechender Potenziale entwickelt. Die Methodik bildet dabei eine Kombination aus Expertenbefragungen und einer Metaanalyse für die Identifikation von Prognosen zu Antriebsstrangkomponenten sowie Verfahren der Modellierung und Simulation für die Ermittlung von Prognosen zu Fahrzeugantriebskonzepten. Die Praxistauglichkeit sowie der Nutzen der Methodik werden anhand von zwei exemplarischen Anwendungen präsentiert. Die erste Anwendung umfasst die Analyse eines beispielhaften PHEVs hinsichtlich der zukünftigen Potenziale im Bereich des Kraftstoffverbrauchs und der rein elektrischen Reichweite. Die zweite Analyse stellt ein exemplarisches BEV und ein FCHEV in Bezug auf die zukünftigen Potenziale hinsichtlich der Reichweite und der Antriebsstrangherstellkosten gegenüber. Darüber hinaus erfolgen in beiden Anwendungen Analysen zu Grenzpotenzialen, technologischen Ursachen, Fehlereinflüssen und weiteren technologischen Fragestellungen.:1 Einleitung
2 Forschungsumfeld, Handlungsbedarf und Vorgehensweise
3 Grundlagen, technischer Stand und Perspektiven der Fahrzeugantriebstechnologien
4 Methodisches Vorgehen und Methodikaufbau
5 Anforderungsspezifische Modellierung im Simulationsmodell
6 Prognosen zu Antriebsstrangkomponenten
7 Systematische Analyse der zukünftigen Potenziale von Antriebskonzepten
8 Anwendung und Ergebnisdiskussion
9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
A Programmiertechnische Umsetzung
B Bewertung von Antriebskonzepten
C Datenbasis und Ergebnisse der Methodikanwendung / An important aspect in the assessment and comparison of vehicle powertrain concepts are forecasts with respect to the future development of these concepts regarding societal, economical as well as technological criteria. In this context, future technological potentials of vehicle powertrain concepts and related technological issues and effects play an important role, especially within the early powertrain conception phase. This work presents a mainly simulation-based methodology for the evaluation und analysis of respective technological potentials. The methodology comprises a combination of expert surveys and a meta-analysis for the identification of powertrain component forecasts and methods in the field of modelling and simulation for the evaluation of powertrain concept forecasts. Two exemplary applications are conducted to present the practicability and utility of the methodology. The first one comprises the analysis of an exemplary PHEV regarding its future potentials with respect to the fuel consumption and the purely electric range. Within the second one, an exemplary BEV and an exemplary FCHEV are compared with regard to future range and powertrain costs potentials. In addition to that, within both methodology applications, analyses with respect to technological limits, technological reasons, fault effects and further technological issues are conducted.:1 Einleitung
2 Forschungsumfeld, Handlungsbedarf und Vorgehensweise
3 Grundlagen, technischer Stand und Perspektiven der Fahrzeugantriebstechnologien
4 Methodisches Vorgehen und Methodikaufbau
5 Anforderungsspezifische Modellierung im Simulationsmodell
6 Prognosen zu Antriebsstrangkomponenten
7 Systematische Analyse der zukünftigen Potenziale von Antriebskonzepten
8 Anwendung und Ergebnisdiskussion
9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
A Programmiertechnische Umsetzung
B Bewertung von Antriebskonzepten
C Datenbasis und Ergebnisse der Methodikanwendung
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Assessing the potential of fuel saving and emissions reduction of the bus rapid transit system in Curitiba, BrazilDreier, Dennis January 2015 (has links)
The transport sector contributes significantly to global energy use and emissions due to its traditional dependency on fossil fuels. Climate change, security of energy supply and increasing mobility demand is mobilising governments around the challenges of sustainable transport. Immediate opportunities to reduce emissions exist through the adoption of new bus technologies, e.g. advanced powertrains. This thesis analysed energy use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of conventional, hybrid-electric, and plug-in hybrid-electric city buses including two-axle, articulated, and biarticulated chassis types (A total of 6 bus types) for the operation phase (Tank-to-Wheel) in Curitiba, Brazil. The systems analysis tool – Advanced Vehicle Simulator (ADVISOR) and a carbon balance method were applied. Seven bus routes and six operation times for each (i.e. 42 driving cycles) are considered based on real-world data. The results show that hybrid-electric and plug-in hybrid-electric two-axle city buses consume 30% and 58% less energy per distance (MJ/km) compared to a conventional two-axle city bus (i.e. 17.46 MJ/km). Additionally, the energy use per passenger-distance (MJ/pkm) of a conventional biarticulated city bus amounts to 0.22 MJ/pkm, which is 41% and 24% lower compared to conventional and hybrid-electric two-axle city buses, respectively. This is mainly due to the former’s large passenger carrying capacity. Large passenger carrying capacities can reduce energy use (MJ/pkm) if the occupancy rate of the city bus is sufficient high. Bus routes with fewer stops decrease energy use by 10-26% depending on the city bus, because of reductions in losses from acceleration and braking. The CO2 emissions are linearly proportional to the estimated energy use following from the carbon balance method, e.g. CO2 emissions for a conventional two-axle city bus amount to 1299 g/km. Further results show that energy use of city bus operation depends on the operation time due to different traffic conditions and driving cycle characteristics. An additional analysis shows that energy use estimations can vary strongly between considered driving cycles from real-world data. The study concludes that advanced powertrains with electric drive capabilities, large passenger carrying capacities and bus routes with a fewer number of bus stops are beneficial in terms of reducing energy use and CO2 emissions of city bus operation in Curitiba.
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