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O pacto pela sa?de nas cidades-g?meas da fronteira do Rio Grande do Sul com a Argentina e o UruguaiPreuss, Lislei Teresinha 13 September 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-09-13 / Este estudo avalia o processo de implementa??o do Pacto pela Sa?de, na dimens?o Pacto de Gest?o do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS), junto aos sistemas locais de sa?de das cidades-g?meas na linha de fronteira do Brasil, no Rio Grande do Sul (RS) com a Argentina e o Uruguai, ?rea geogr?fica designada pelo Minist?rio da Integra??o Regional (MIR) como compondo parte da Fronteira Arco Sul (2005). O Pacto pela Sa?de, em seus tr?s componentes - Pacto pela Vida, em Defesa do SUS e de Gest?o, ? considerado um grande avan?o na gest?o e nas rela??es entre os entes federativos. Estabelece as responsabilidades de cada ente de forma a diminuir as compet?ncias concorrentes e a tornar mais evidente suas responsabilidades, contribuindo com o fortalecimento da gest?o compartilhada e solid?ria no SUS. A situa??o encontrada nas cidades-g?meas sinaliza para uma lacuna entre as proposi??es da normativa, que permite lan?ar a hip?tese analisada nesta pesquisa, que a descentraliza??o e a regionaliza??o previstas no Pacto de Gest?o, n?o garantiram maior autonomia aos governos locais, n?o havendo, assim, transfer?ncia efetiva de poder decis?rio na gest?o. A partir das categorias te?ricas - territ?rio e fronteira, sa?de, gest?o, resgata-se o hist?rico acerca dos fundamentos de gest?o, os paradigmas tradicionais e contempor?neos e definem-se gest?o e gest?o em sa?de. Aborda a pol?tica social e a gest?o da sa?de no Brasil, tendo como baliza a Constitui??o Federal de 1988, enquanto processos contradit?rios estabelecem diretrizes, planos e programas de sa?de e contemplam quest?es de cria??o e de utiliza??o de meios para concretizar os princ?pios de organiza??o desta pol?tica. Por fim, trata-se de discutir o objeto da investiga??o buscando apreende-lo a partir dos olhares dos sujeitos entrevistados.As descobertas da pesquisa apontam que as estrat?gias de descentraliza??o e regionaliza??o preconizadas no Pacto pela Sa?de podem ser importantes ferramentas para a melhoria do provimento de servi?os e garantia de direitos ? sa?de, por?m a implementa??o tem sido falha, desde o processo de ades?o, repercutindo mais uma vez para o acirramento das desigualdades nas cidades-g?meas da fronteira entre estado do Rio Grande do Sul com a Argentina e o Uruguai.
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Servi?o social e forma??o pol?tica : evid?ncias do debate atualCosta, Kizzy Vecchio da 22 January 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-01-22 / This thesis is situated in the line of research Social Work and Social Policy and its research problem identify how social work is appropriating the subject of political education. Effective up through desk research, the Bank of CAPES Theses in 2011/2012 period, identifying the productions of theses and dissertations that deal with the subject. The data collection was to test the recurrence of explanatory and empirical categories in the following titles and keywords: awareness (political) awareness, culture (policy), education (political, popular, social), participation (political, popular, social ), politicization, organization (social, political, popular) and social control. The objectives formulated to respond to the research problem are intended to identify the productions that support theoretical-methodological social work to reflect on their relationship with the subject of political education, the authors investigating underlying the collected products; identify, in production, in which the workspaces Social Worker highlights the debate on policy formation; and discuss the design of educational processes of participation and social organization mediated the intervention reports. The data from the analysis of social service productions, point to a superficial appropriation of the concept, is it articulates its core processes (participation, organization and education). There is a concentration of production in the analysis of public policies focused participation in the sphere of social control. The analysis made it possible to question how the subject of political education is being addressed nowadays by the area and what the challenges faced by social workers, but is still an incipient search for generalizations, it is believed that the universe of production in the area is much more wide. We tried to help with the systematization of the concept of training critical policy because it appears under different names and concepts. Therefore, the critical political formation is different because it is a social process guided by a political culture, that is, from values that claim democracy and human rights which include the process: participation, organization and education. This training calls for effective participation in guided access to information, critical reading of the real and autonomy for decision-making. At the same time, leads to a genuine education that encourages the human ontological creative impetus in a changing perspective. / A presente disserta??o situa-se na linha de pesquisa Servi?o Social e Pol?ticas Sociais e tem como problema de pesquisa identificar de que modo o Servi?o Social vem se apropriando do tema da forma??o pol?tica. Efetiva-se atrav?s de pesquisa documental, no Banco de Teses da CAPES, no per?odo de 2011/2012, identificando as produ??es de teses e disserta??es que versam sobre o tema. A coleta de dados teve como crit?rio a recorr?ncia das categorias explicativas e emp?ricas nos seguintes t?tulos e palavras-chave: consci?ncia (pol?tica), conscientiza??o, cultura (pol?tica), educa??o (pol?tica, popular, social), participa??o (pol?tica, popular, social), politiza??o, organiza??o (social, pol?tica, popular) e controle social. Os objetivos formulados para responder ao problema de pesquisa visam identificar as produ??es que embasam teorico-metodologicamente o Servi?o Social a fim de refletir sobre sua rela??o com o tema da forma??o pol?tica, investigando os autores que fundamentam as produ??es coletadas; identificar, nas produ??es, em que espa?os de trabalho o Assistente Social evidencia o debate sobre forma??o pol?tica; e problematizar a concep??o dos processos educativos de participa??o e organiza??o social mediados nos relatos de interven??o. Os dados, a partir da an?lise das produ??es do servi?o social, apontam para uma apropria??o superficial do conceito, pois n?o articula os seus processos fundamentais (participa??o, organiza??o e educa??o). H? uma concentra??o das produ??es na an?lise da participa??o voltada ?s pol?ticas p?blicas na esfera do controle social. A an?lise possibilitou problematizar de que modo o tema da forma??o pol?tica vem sendo tratado na contemporaneidade pela ?rea e quais os desafios postos aos assistentes sociais, todavia ainda ? uma pesquisa incipiente para generaliza??es, acreditando-se que o universo de produ??es na ?rea ? muito mais amplo. Buscou-se contribuir para com a sistematiza??o do conceito de forma??o pol?tica cr?tica pelo fato de o mesmo aparecer com diferentes nomenclaturas e concep??es. Portanto, a forma??o pol?tica cr?tica se diferencia por ser um processo social orientado por uma cultura pol?tica, ou seja, a partir de valores que afirmam a democracia e os direitos humanos que incluem os processos: participa??o, organiza??o e educa??o. Essa forma??o preconiza uma participa??o efetiva pautada no acesso ? informa??o, leitura cr?tica do real e autonomia para a tomada de decis?es. Ao mesmo tempo, conduz a uma educa??o aut?ntica que instiga o ?mpeto criador ontol?gico humano em uma perspectiva transformadora.
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Psicologia na assist?ncia social : pr?ticas em travessiaMotta, Roberta Fin 21 December 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-12-21 / The present dissertation deals with the relation between psychological practices and social politics, in a more specific way, the relation between the know-how of Psychology and the field of Social Assistance. To this end it covers theoretical reflections about the knowledge produced in the practices experienced, viewing the widening and deepening of the debates concerning the interfaces between psychology and social public politics. To exploit this theme, context and processes of the insertion of psychology in the Social Assistance field in the last decade were focused, using two data sources: scientific production and narratives. Regarding scientific productions, we sought to understand the specificities of the produced knowledge on the processes of constitution of psychological practices in the field of social assistance in Brazilian theses and dissertations published between 2004 and 2010. Using a systematic review method, we observed a shortage of studies in this area and we also noted peculiarities concerning working conditions, professional consolidation of psychology in the field of social assistance, interlocution with other areas and the everyday challenges faced in this field. The second section had as objective to understand how the processes of articulation between the construction and psychological practices and social assistance took place. The study relied on the professional experiences of Psychology professionals who work or have worked in the field of social assistance in Porto Alegre since the 1990s. As a methodological strategy, the collection and analysis of narratives was used, have as referencial theoretician, the social constructionist. Among the results of this work, we highlight the mismatch between the training and professional performance, the contradiction between the need to promote strategies for the everyday and collective construction together with the understanding of this process as a barrier to the work and, finally, the idea that public politics of social assistance is poorly explored and poorly articulated to the other social politics. This work reinforces the relevance of intensifying the debate on the insertion of psychological practices in the field of Social Assistance, viewing the critical reflection and the transformation of conceptions, places and social projects for the profession / A presente disserta??o aborda a rela??o entre as pr?ticas dos profissionais da Psicologia e as Pol?ticas Sociais, de modo mais espec?fico, as rela??es entre o saber-agir da Psicologia e o campo da Assist?ncia Social. Nesse sentido, contempla reflex?es te?ricas sobre o conhecimento produzido e as pr?ticas vivenciadas, tendo em vista a amplia??o e o aprofundamento dos debates acerca das interfaces da Psicologia com as Pol?ticas P?blicas Sociais. Para explorar o tema, enfocamos os contextos e os processos de inser??o e atua??o da Psicologia no campo da Assist?ncia Social, nas ?ltimas d?cadas, tendo em vista duas fontes de dados: produ??es cient?ficas e narrativas. No que se refere ?s produ??es cient?ficas, buscamos compreender as especificidades do conhecimento produzido sobre processos de constitui??o das pr?ticas do psic?logo no campo da Assist?ncia Social em teses e disserta??es brasileiras publicadas entre 2004 e 2010. Com apoio numa proposta de revis?o sistem?tica, observamos a escassez de estudos nessa ?rea e constatamos peculiaridades concernentes ?s condi??es de trabalho, ? consolida??o profissional da Psicologia no campo da Assist?ncia Social, ?s interlocu??es com outras ?reas e aos desafios cotidianos impostos e enfrentados nesse campo. A segunda se??o teve o intuito de compreender como se deram os processos de articula??o entre a constru??o das pr?ticas do psic?logo e a Assist?ncia Social. O estudo apoiou-se nas experi?ncias de profissionais da Psicologia que efetivam ou efetivaram saberes e pr?ticas no campo da Assist?ncia Social, a partir da d?cada de 1990, em Porto Alegre. Como estrat?gia metodol?gica, utilizamos a coleta e an?lise de narrativas, tendo como referencial te?rico, o construcionismo social. Dentre os resultados deste trabalho, destacamos os descompassos entre a forma??o e a pr?tica profissional, a contradi??o entre a necessidade de promover estrat?gias para constru??o cotidiana e coletiva concomitante ? compreens?o deste processo como obst?culo ao trabalho e, finalmente, a ideia de que a Pol?tica P?blica de Assist?ncia Social ? uma travessia pouco explorada e pouco articulada ?s demais Pol?ticas Sociais. O trabalho realizado refor?a a relev?ncia de intensificar o debate sobre a inser??o das pr?ticas dos psic?logos no campo da Assist?ncia Social, tendo em vista a reflex?o cr?tica e a transforma??o de concep??es, lugares e projetos sociais para a profiss?o
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A pol?tica criminal de drogas e a atua??o do DENARC/RS no combate ?s drogasBrand?o, Eduardo Guimar?es 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-09-12T16:27:41Z
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DIS_EDUARDO_GUIMARAES_BRANDAO_PARCIAL.pdf: 313185 bytes, checksum: b9046d6072ec1e11c7a8b1f25298be2a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T16:27:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / This study aims to analyze the drug policy and its consequences produced in combating the trade in illicit substances, mainly in the form of police action. Therefore, the aim of this study was the analysis of the forms of police action in the implementation of this policy, the identification of the subjects involved and the results produced by the police action with regard to made seizures and incriminated individuals. For this the research was divided into two chapters. At first chapter, there was a chronological review of the implementation of the criminal policy of drug over time in order to reflect on the reasons for its emergence. Also, we attempted to study the consequences generated because of criminal drug policy, analyzing the impacts from the alleged legislative intent, the outlawry, reduce the consumption of certain substances and violence. In the second chapter presents the field research conducted in the State Department of Narcotics Investigations (DENARC / RS) of the state civil police. We analyzed police investigations containing arrest records in the act and detailed terms. In addition to observing the practices and discourses produced by security agents to understand what the dynamics and motivations of their actions, who are incriminated subject, what are the nature and quantity of seized substances and objects, and finally, if there are and what are the criteria that guide the typical frameworks for trafficking and consumption of drugs. Thus, it was possible to realize the fragility of police action, manifested in superficiality of investigations In addition, there was little impact produced by the police actions in the traffic market that, in addition to small seizures made, occur - invariably - in the same places, vulnerable urban areas, reaching thus always the same social class individuals more low, with little study and people with police records, regardless of the amount of seized substances. / O presente trabalho tem como escopo a an?lise da pol?tica criminal antidrogas e suas consequ?ncias produzidas. Seu objetivo foi o estudo das formas de atua??o da pol?cia na implementa??o dessa pol?tica, a identifica??o dos sujeitos envolvidos e os resultados produzidos. Para tanto, realizou-se uma an?lise cronol?gica da implementa??o da pol?tica de guerra ?s drogas ao longo do tempo, objetivando refletir sobre as raz?es do seu surgimento. Em um segundo momento, buscou-se estudar as consequ?ncias geradas em raz?o da proibi??o das drogas, analisando-se os impactos a partir da pretensa inten??o legislativa de, com a criminaliza??o, reduzir o consumo de determinadas subst?ncias e a viol?ncia. A principal virtude deste estudo foi a pesquisa de campo realizada no Departamento Estadual de Investiga??es do Narcotr?fico (DENARC/RS) da pol?cia civil ga?cha, no qual foram analisados inqu?ritos policiais que continham autos de pris?o em flagrante e termos circunstanciados, al?m de observadas as pr?ticas e discursos produzidos pelos agentes de seguran?a para se entender quais as din?micas e motiva??es das suas a??es, quem s?o os sujeitos incriminados, quais s?o a natureza e a quantidade das subst?ncias e objetos apreendidos e, por fim, se existem e quais s?o os crit?rios que pautam os enquadramentos t?picos por tr?fico e consumo de entorpecentes.
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Ensaios sobre a transmiss??o das pol??ticas monet??ria e macroprudencial na atividade banc??riaVinhado, Fernando da Silva 01 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-12T17:54:31Z
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FernandodaSilvaVinhadoTese2016.pdf: 4671491 bytes, checksum: 0135cb044ecbfc6e099af8cff5435e2d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-12T17:54:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-01 / This thesis consists of two studies investigating the relationship between monetary and
macroprudential policy and the banking sector of the Brazilian economy. The first chapter
seeks to find empirical evidence exploring a data structure in cross-section as a source of
interrelations between systemic aspects of those policies and the behavior of banks. From
estimations panel VAR there is evidence that monetary and macroprudential policies
influence on the levels of exposure to financial risks, capital and financial stability of banks. It
is observed that there is a complement between the instruments of those policies and the
stabilization of inflation. Relationships involving banking metrics also reveal how the
formation of capital buffers favors financial stability. This confirms the importance of the
capital requirement as a tool to maintain a stable financial system. In the second section
applies a DSGE modeling that combines different literatures as a way to examine how
monetary and macroprudential policy shocks are conducted in noncompetitive banking. The
findings show that despite the recessionary effect on credit and product, contractionary shock
in interest rate and reserve requirement when pass through to the cost of bank credit in
financial markets operating in imperfect competition, may cause an immediate increase in the
spread and earnings of banks with increased formation of capital buffers, which favors the
stability of the financial system. Further the relevance of a capital requirement of shock to the
banking sector and real economy, the results also indicate that, due to different practices in
reserve requeriments rules and / or the magnitude of the capital requeriment ratio, there may
be different influences in the transmission of monetary and macroprudential policy shocks.
This shows the relationship and the need for suitable coordination between policies. It is also
noted that the study captures the effectiveness of macroprudential policy, for reserve
requirement or capital requiremen / Esta tese ?? composta por dois estudos que investigam as rela????es entre pol??tica monet??ria e
macroprudencial e o setor banc??rio da economia brasileira. No primeiro cap??tulo busca-se
encontrar evid??ncias emp??ricas explorando uma estrutura de dados em cross-section como
fonte de inter-rela????es entre aspectos sist??micos daquelas pol??ticas e o comportamento dos
bancos. A partir de estima????es VAR em painel encontram-se evid??ncias de que as pol??ticas
monet??rias e macroprudenciais exercem influ??ncia sobre os n??veis de exposi????o a riscos
financeiros, capital e estabilidade financeira dos bancos. Observa-se que h?? um complemento
entre os instrumentos daquelas pol??ticas e a estabiliza????o da infla????o. As rela????es envolvendo
m??tricas banc??rias revelam tamb??m como a forma????o de buffers de capital favorece a
estabilidade financeira. Isso ratifica a import??ncia da exig??ncia de capital como instrumento
para manuten????o de um sistema financeiro est??vel. No segundo cap??tulo aplica-se uma
modelagem em DSGE que combina diferentes literaturas como forma de examinar como os
choques de pol??tica monet??ria e macroprudencial s??o conduzidos na atividade banc??ria n??o
competitiva. Os achados mostram que apesar do efeito recessivo sobre o cr??dito e produto,
choques contracionistas em taxa de juros e requerimento compuls??rio, quando repassados
para o custo do cr??dito banc??rio em mercado financeiro operando em concorr??ncia imperfeita,
podem provocar aumento imediato no spread e lucro dos bancos, com maior forma????o de
buffers de capital, o que favorece a estabilidade do sistema financeiro. Al??m da relev??ncia de
um choque de exig??ncia de capital para o setor banc??rio e lado real da economia, os
resultados apontam tamb??m que, em raz??o de diferentes pr??ticas adotadas nas regras de
compuls??rio e/ou na magnitude da meta do ??ndice de Basil??ia, pode haver diferentes
influ??ncias na transmiss??o dos choques de pol??tica monet??ria e macroprudencial. Isso mostra
a rela????o e necessidade de adequada coordena????o entre as pol??ticas. Ressalta-se tamb??m que o
estudo captura a efic??cia da pol??tica macroprudencial, via requerimento compuls??rio ou
exig??ncia de capital, como instrumentos complementares ?? taxa de juros de pol??tica no
processo de estabilidade monet??ria.
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Narrativas sobre trabalho em sa?de nos estabelecimentos prisionais do Rio Grande do SulJesus, Luciana Oliveira de 10 January 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-01-10 / The increase in the prison population and, consequentially, the growing demand for a greater number of prisons is a very controversial subject nowadays in Brazil. At the same time, investments are being made aimed at public health policies within these establishments through the insertion of prison health teams, based on the Plano Nacional de Sa?de no Sistema Penitenci?rio PNSSP (National Penitentiary Health System Plan). The goal of this study was to learn about the experiences of health professionals working in penitentiary health units in Rio Grande do Sul and the context in which public health policies are being implemented in this field. The constructionist point of view is used as a starting point, based on the idea that social processes sustain the knowledge produced and reveal the importance of discussing the naturalization of social practices. Research was undertaken beginning with a qualitative approach and employing data collection method involving narrative interviews. Interviews were conducted with professionals that work in penitentiary health units in Rio Grande do Sul, all with a higher education and contracted by the government. In total, eight interviews were conducted. The analyses followed Sch?tze's proposal. The results show that the majority of professionals have an education geared towards the area of public policies and a few participants presented previous experiences in situations of social vulnerability, providing evidence of approximation with life aspects of their work in prisons. Results further highlighted the difficulties and challenges presented in the relationships between the health and security teams, and seek to approach integrated perspectives of both fields of work. In this sense, including the diverse discourses involving health in prisons was very relevant in being able to comprehend the production of care in the most diverse social spaces of security and in their connection with the network outside of prisons. Finally, the research sought to present reflections regarding possible transformations in the way relationships occur in prisons, in view of the fact that increasing health initiatives results in the establishment of more comprehensive communication between prisons and society / ? conhecido o aumento da popula??o prisional e, evidentemente, a demanda por maior n?mero de pris?es, sendo um dos temas pol?micos em pauta no Brasil, nos dias atuais. Ao mesmo tempo, s?o realizados investimentos voltados para as pol?ticas p?blicas de sa?de nesses estabelecimentos a partir da inser??o de equipes de sa?de prisional, tendo como base o Plano Nacional de Sa?de no Sistema Penitenci?rio (PNSSP). O objetivo da pesquisa foi conhecer experi?ncias de profissionais de sa?de que atuavam nas unidades de sa?de prisional do Rio Grande do Sul e o contexto no qual est?o sendo implantadas as pol?ticas p?blicas de sa?de neste campo. Parte-se da perspectiva construcionista tendo em vista que a ideia de que esta considera que os processos sociais sustentam o conhecimento produzido e revelam a import?ncia de problematizar a naturaliza??o de pr?ticas sociais. A pesquisa foi realizada partindo de uma abordagem qualitativa e teve como m?todo de coleta de dados a entrevista narrativa. Foram entrevistados profissionais que trabalhavam em unidades de sa?de prisional no Rio Grande do Sul, todos com ensino superior e contratados pelo poder p?blico. No total, foram realizadas oito entrevistas. As an?lises seguiram a proposta de Sch?tze. Os resultados demonstraram que a maioria dos profissionais possu?a uma forma??o voltada para o campo das pol?ticas p?blicas e alguns participantes apresentavam experi?ncias anteriores em situa??es de vulnerabilidade social, evidenciando aproxima??es com aspectos da vida do seu trabalho nas pris?es. Os resultados destacaram, tamb?m, as dificuldades e desafios apresentados na rela??o entre as equipes de sa?de e de seguran?a, e busca-se partir para perspectivas integradoras de ambos campos de trabalho. Nesse sentido, compreender os diversos discursos envolvendo a sa?de no espa?o prisional foi relevante por possibilitar a compreens?o sobre a produ??o de cuidado nos mais diversos espa?os sociais de seguran?a e na sua conex?o com a rede fora das pris?es. Finalmente, a pesquisa buscou desencadear reflex?es sobre poss?veis transforma??es da forma como as rela??es ocorrem nos pres?dios, tendo em vista que a amplia??o de a??es de sa?de acarreta no estabelecimento de maior comunica??o entre as pris?es e a sociedade
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Cons?rcios intermunicipais e produ??o de pol?ticas p?blicas: o Cons?rcio Intermunicipal de Produ??o e Abastecimento de S?o Lu?s - MA (CINPRA ? MA) e proposta para an?lise de implementa??o de cons?rcios p?blicos / Intermunicipal consortiums and public policy production: the intermunicipal consortium of production and supply and S?o Lu?s - MA (CINPRA - MA) and proposal for the analysis of the implementation of public consortiaBRITO, Alexsandro Sousa 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-04T18:28:51Z
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2017 - Alexsandro Sousa Brito.pdf: 3094346 bytes, checksum: 0f9f853f957ec57ce4331ad9d6437cdd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-04T18:28:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2017 - Alexsandro Sousa Brito.pdf: 3094346 bytes, checksum: 0f9f853f957ec57ce4331ad9d6437cdd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / CAPES / FAPEMA - Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento. Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico do Maranh?o / Public consortium are known for their ability to bring together local government and partnerships around a common problem that would be difficult to solve by the single action of a single entity. It was local government consortium experience analyzed, in our study, talk about Consortium of Production and Supply (CINPRA) it is from S?o Lu?s-MA and suggests parameters for analysis of the implementation of public consortium. It proposes, from the construction of these parameters, the identification of consortium not as instruments of policy but also as an arrangement of policy making, or democratic structuring of public policy. Parameters are indicative of the capacity of these arrangements to produce shared public policies, as the institutional design of the consortium may or may not favor the democratic structuring of these actions. In this sense, the analysis made here inserts the discussion of public consortium in the analysis of public policies, more specifically in the analysis of policy implementation. Thus, it was tried to understand the classic models of implementation of public policies and to propose a strategy of analysis of implementation that balance and equilibrium the democratic-participative aspect in the process of construction of the consortium. A brief historiography of the object of research is also made, analysis of some other national and international experiences is also made, looking for common elements to the different experiences recorded in the specific literature. It also analyzes the legal and institutional aspects arising from the promulgation of the regulatory legal framework of the consortium. CINPRA's analysis showed up the inability to institutionalize as a local for democratic structuring of policy produce together due to the inability to formulate a problem that will be, in fact, common and needed for a cooperation strategy. This research we have undertaken, verified that the supply problem, as posed by CINPRA, was not an issue capable of capturing the public interest of the local government level, as well as of the society itself, failing to constitute a public problem, which, in part, may explain the low capability of the consortium to bring the necessary attention to producing public policy between local government and partnerships. Therefore, the unusual problem was not enough to achieve a consistent agreement around the membership. / Os cons?rcios p?blicos s?o conhecidos pela capacidade de arregimentar entidades p?blicas e privadas em torno de um problema comum, que, dificilmente lograria solu??o pela a??o isolada de um ?nico ente. Analisa-se a experi?ncia de consorciamento intermunicipal a partir do caso do Cons?rcio de Produ??o e Abastecimento de S?o Lu?s ? MA (CINPRA) e sugere par?metros para an?lise de implementa??o de cons?rcios p?blicos. Prop?e, a partir da constru??o desses par?metros, a identifica??o dos cons?rcios n?o apenas como instrumentos de pol?tica mas tamb?m como uma pol?tica de produ??o de pol?ticas, ou como uma pol?tica de estrutura??o democr?tica de pol?tica p?blicas. Os par?metros s?o indicadores da capacidade desses arranjos em produzir pol?ticas p?blicas compartilhadas, ? medida que o desenho institucional dos cons?rcios pode favorecer ou n?o a estrutura??o democr?tica dessas a??es. Nesse sentido, a an?lise feita aqui insere a discuss?o dos cons?rcios p?blicos na an?lise de pol?ticas p?blicas, mais especificamente na an?lise de implementa??o de pol?ticas. Assim, buscou-se compreender os modelos cl?ssicos de implementa??o de pol?ticas p?blicas e propor uma estrat?gia de an?lise de implementa??o que sopesasse o aspecto democr?tico-participativo no processo de constru??o dos cons?rcios. Elabora-se ainda uma r?pida historiografia do objeto de investiga??o e faz-se, tamb?m, uma an?lise de algumas outras experi?ncias nacionais e internacionais, buscando elementos comuns ?s diversas experi?ncias registradas na literatura espec?fica. Analisa-se ainda os aspectos jur?dicos e institucionais decorrentes da promulga??o do marco legal regulat?rio dos cons?rcios. Um dos principais resultados alcan?ados na an?lise do CINPRA ? de que a incapacidade de se institucionalizar como um espa?o de estrutura??o democr?tica de coprodu??o de pol?ticas, passa, em princ?pio, pela inabilidade na formula??o de um problema que, de fato, fosse comum e impusesse a necessidade imperiosa de uma estrat?gia de coopera??o. Pela pesquisa que empreendemos, verificamos que o problema do abastecimento, como colocado pelo CINPRA, n?o foi uma quest?o capaz de capitanear o interesse p?blico dos munic?pios, tampouco da pr?pria sociedade, n?o conseguindo se constituir num problema p?blico, o que, em parte pode explicar a baixa capacidade do cons?rcio em arregimentar a aten??o necess?ria para uma pr?tica consorciada de produ??o de pol?tica p?blica. Logo, o problema ?(in)comum? n?o foi suficiente para lograr um pacto consistente em torno da agremia??o.
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"Tem gente que s? procura a gente na hora da dor": ajuda na sa?de e produ??o de capital pol?tico / "Some people only look for us when they are in pain": health aid and production of political capitalSARMENTO, Gilmara Gomes da Silva 01 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-16T12:41:26Z
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2017 - Gilmara Gomes da Silva Sarmento.pdf: 3226198 bytes, checksum: a9e31ca9ddfe5109b41c3f49bdb97509 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T12:41:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2017 - Gilmara Gomes da Silva Sarmento.pdf: 3226198 bytes, checksum: a9e31ca9ddfe5109b41c3f49bdb97509 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-09-01 / CAPES / This thesis presents an ethnographic study on the implications of aid in the political configuration of a municipality in the northern Rio de Janeiro state. As a starting point we find that most local politicians were involved in the provision of informal healthcare. There were different mediations to meet the demands of illness and death. Transporting patients to the doctor, getting places in hospitals, scheduling medical appointments or surgeries, helping in speeding up certain procedures, and paying for funeral expenses were some of the activities developed by these politicians. As the field research progressed, the centrality of the health field as an arena for the production of political capital was even more evident, since it was possible to verify that the electoral success of some of these personalities was associated almost exclusively with the assistance activities in this area. For many of these politicians, the reputation thus achieved was the main social resource mobilized as a form of political legitimation. However, insertion in this universe of "assistance" was not as simple as it seemed, because it demanded a certain ethical conduct. This kind of "assistance" could produce politicians, but it could also demoralize them; for while aid in moments of suffering and pain could generate an unpayable moral debt, at the least sign of interest the politician could have his/her reputation ruined, because these domains of life were conceived as nonnegotiable. Hence, this work tries to understand the moral logics that make it possible for practices of aid, favors, and social work in the health area to conform a modality of political entry and reproduction / Esta tese apresenta um estudo etnogr?fico sobre as implica??es da ajuda na configura??o pol?tica de um munic?pio do norte fluminense. Como ponto de partida a constata??o de que a maioria dos pol?ticos locais estava envolvida na presta??o de assist?ncia informal na ?rea de sa?de. Tratava-se de diferentes media??es para dar resolu??o as demandas de enfermidade e de morte. Transportar enfermos ao m?dico, conseguir vagas em hospitais, marcar consultas ou cirurgias, interceder na agiliza??o de determinados procedimentos e pagar despesas funer?rias eram algumas das atividades desenvolvidas por esses pol?ticos. Na medida em que a pesquisa de campo avan?ava, a centralidade do campo da sa?de como arena de produ??o de capital pol?tico ficava ainda mais evidente, pois foi poss?vel constatar que o ?xito eleitoral de algumas dessas personalidades estava associada quase que exclusivamente ?s atividades de assist?ncia nesta ?rea. Para muitos desses pol?ticos, o prest?gio assim conquistado era o principal recurso social mobilizado como forma de legitima??o pol?tica. No entanto, a inser??o neste universo da ?assist?ncia? n?o era t?o simples como parecia, pois demandava determinada conduta ?tica. Esse tipo de ?assist?ncia? podia produzir pol?ticos, mas tamb?m desmoraliza-los, pois ao mesmo tempo em que a ajuda em momentos de sofrimento e dor podia gerar uma d?vida moral impag?vel, ao menor sinal de interesse o pol?tico podia ter a reputa??o arruinada, porque esses dom?nios da vida eram concebidos como inegoci?veis. Sendo assim, a partir deste trabalho tentou-se apreender as l?gicas morais que possibilitavam que pr?ticas de ajuda, favores e trabalho social na sa?de pudessem conformar uma modalidade de entrada e reprodu??o pol?tica
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Agroecologia na agenda governamental brasileira: trajet?rias no per?odo 2003-2014 / Agroecology in the brazilian government agenda: 2003-2014 trajectoriesMOURA, Iracema Ferreira de 29 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-04T19:47:02Z
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2016 - Iracema Ferreira de Moura.pdf: 2444921 bytes, checksum: c61a9f7139de37ce4cebdd0c9158f2bd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-04T19:47:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Iracema Ferreira de Moura.pdf: 2444921 bytes, checksum: c61a9f7139de37ce4cebdd0c9158f2bd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-04-29 / In the context of the agrifood system and the Brazilian political situation, since 2003 agroecology is a contemporary approach inserted into the construction of public policies and interrelated to rural development, food sovereignty and Human Right to Adequate Food. Under this perspective, the general objective of this thesis is to comprehend how agroecology entered the governmental agenda and the formulation process of the National Policy on Agroecology and Organic Production (PNAPO) and the National Plan for Agroecology and Organic Production (PLANAPO). The specific objectives are: comprehend the influence of the institutional and political context in the building of the agenda; identify the historical background and agroecology founding aspects at the brazilian public policies after 1985; identify the main governmental decision-makers, actors and civil society groups who acted on the construction of PNAPO and PLANAPO; understand how the junction of the problems flows and alternatives was made to originate the Policy.The theoretical framework employed comprises the Gramscian concept of Estate, analysis of the neo-institutionalist public policies and of the public policy cycle, taking into consideration the referential of agrifood system, food issues and rural development. Two theoretical models were used as analytical references on the policy process, specifically for the governmental agenda definition (agenda setting) and the formulation phase: the Multiple Stream Model from Kingdom, and the Punctuated Equilibrium Model from Frank Baumgartner and Brian Jones. The results of the desk research of relevant literature, secondary sources and semi-structured interviews revealed that the agroecological approach gained space in some public policies since 2003. The convergent actions from the agroecological and organic movements, especially peasant and rural women organizations, together with the favorable political moment, were fundamental factors for the entrance at the governmental agenda and the formulation of PNAPO and PLANAPO. The transformation process of the governmental agenda into public policy occurred by means of open and transparent dialogue between civil society representatives and the federal government, in a political and historical context of a government that created dialogue mechanisms with society and opened up for agendas that were not accepted before. Apart from the limitations, conflicts and constraints, PNAPO and PLANAPO have the great merit of being the affirmation of an agenda that counteracts the agribusiness. They constitute a mark and a political achievement and put the agroecological agenda in another level at the public policies. However, the agroecological approach is not yet consolidated as a federal government strategic and central policy that sustains the transformations of the agrifood system and of the rural development aiming food sovereignty and the Human Right to Adequate Food. / A agroecologia constitui-se em um enfoque contempor?neo inserido na constru??o de pol?ticas p?blicas interrelacionado ao desenvolvimento rural, soberania alimentar e Direito Humano ? Alimenta??o Adequada (DHAA), no contexto do sistema agroalimentar e da conjuntura pol?tica brasileira a partir de 2003. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo geral desta Tese consiste em compreender como ocorreu a entrada da agroecologia na agenda governamental e o processo de formula??o da Pol?tica Nacional de Agroecologia e Produ??o Org?nica (PNAPO) e do Plano Nacional de Agroecologia e Produ??o Org?nica (PLANAPO). Os objetivos espec?ficos s?o: compreender a influ?ncia do contexto pol?tico e institucional para a forma??o da agenda; identificar os antecedentes hist?ricos e os aspectos fundantes da agroecologia nas pol?ticas p?blicas brasileiras ap?s 1985; identificar os principais decisores governamentais, atores e grupos da sociedade civil atuantes na constru??o da PNAPO e do PLANAPO; compreender como foi feita a jun??o dos fluxos de problemas e alternativas que deram origem ? Pol?tica. O marco te?rico utilizado engloba o conceito gramsciano de Estado, an?lise de pol?ticas p?blicas neoinstitucionalista e do ciclo da pol?tica p?blica, acrescidos do referencial de sistema agroalimentar, quest?o alimentar e desenvolvimento rural. Utiliza-se como refer?ncia anal?tica sobre processo de pol?ticas p?blicas (policy process), especificamente para a defini??o de agenda governamental (agenda-setting) e a etapa de formula??o, dois modelos te?ricos: o Modelo de Correntes M?ltiplas (Multiple Stream Model) de Kingdon e do Equil?brio Pontuado (Ponctuated Equilibrium Model) de Frank Baumgartner e Brian Jones. Os resultados da pesquisa documental, fontes secund?rias e entrevistas semiestruturadas evidenciaram que o enfoque agroecol?gico ganha espa?o em algumas pol?ticas p?blicas a partir de 2003. A atua??o convergente do movimento agroecol?gico e org?nico, com destaque para as organiza??es das mulheres trabalhadoras rurais e camponesas, aliada a um momento pol?tico favor?vel, foi fator fundamental para a entrada na agenda governamental e a formula??o da PNAPO e do PLANAPO. O processo de transforma??o da agenda governamental em pol?tica p?blica aconteceu por meio de um di?logo aberto e transparente entre os representantes da sociedade civil e do governo federal em um contexto pol?tico-hist?rico de um governo que criou mecanismos de di?logo com a sociedade e que se abriu para pautas antes n?o acolhidas. Apesar das limita??es, conflitos e lacunas, a PNAPO e o PLANAPO t?m o grande m?rito de serem a afirma??o de uma agenda que se contrap?e ao agroneg?cio. Constitui-se em marco e conquista pol?tica e colocou a agenda da agroecologia nas pol?ticas p?blicas em outro patamar. Entretanto, o enfoque agroecol?gico ainda n?o se consolidou como uma pol?tica estrat?gica e central do governo federal que sustente as transforma??es do sistema agroalimentar e do desenvolvimento, com vista ? garantia do DHAA e da soberania alimentar.
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An??lise do perfil cultural das organiza????es policiais e a integra????o da gest??o em seguran??a p??blica em Belo HorizonteSousa, Ros??nia Rodrigues de January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Gustavo Gomes (gustavolascasas@gmail.com) on 2013-10-01T12:03:30Z
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Perfil Cultural das Organiza????es Policiais e a Integra????o da Gest??o.pdf: 1221479 bytes, checksum: 767a00852c361fd764c3fd413ae6c66e (MD5)
license_rdf: 23599 bytes, checksum: 9e2b7f6edbd693264102b96ece20428a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Roger Guedes (roger.guedes@fjp.mg.gov.br) on 2013-10-01T13:16:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Perfil Cultural das Organiza????es Policiais e a Integra????o da Gest??o.pdf: 1221479 bytes, checksum: 767a00852c361fd764c3fd413ae6c66e (MD5)
license_rdf: 23599 bytes, checksum: 9e2b7f6edbd693264102b96ece20428a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-01T13:16:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Perfil Cultural das Organiza????es Policiais e a Integra????o da Gest??o.pdf: 1221479 bytes, checksum: 767a00852c361fd764c3fd413ae6c66e (MD5)
license_rdf: 23599 bytes, checksum: 9e2b7f6edbd693264102b96ece20428a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Funda????o Jo??o Pinheiro / O estudo das caracter??sticas da cultura das organiza????es policiais auxilia um maior conhecimento do funcionamento desse tipo de organiza????o. Assim, o objetivo desta tese ?? analisar o perfil cultural das organiza????es policiais em Minas Gerais, quais sejam a Pol??cia Militar e a Pol??cia Civil, caracterizando-as a partir do estudo de seus valores organizacionais, de suas configura????es de poder, al??m de seus ritos e mitos. Para caracteriz??-las foram aplicadas escalas validadas a 528 policiais militares e a 190 policiais civis da 1?? Regi??o Integrada de Seguran??a P??blica em Belo Horizonte. Foram realizadas tamb??m entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 19 policiais civis e militares. Os resultados revelaram que o valor organizacional preponderante nas duas organiza????es ?? o Valor Conformidade. Por sua vez, a configura????o de poder que mais caracteriza a Pol??cia Civil, bem como a Militar ?? a configura????o Autocracia. O valor preocupa????o com a coletividade ?? o que tem maior poder preditivo das configura????es de poder, na Pol??cia Civil e na Policia Militar. Os resultados foram discutidos e comparados entre as duas organiza????es policiais mineiras. A an??lise da dimens??o simb??lica das organiza????es permitiu aprofundar mais o conhecimento dessas organiza????es. Sugest??es para novas pesquisas foram propostas. / The study of the characteristics of the culture of police organizations helps a better understanding of how this kind of organizations work. Therefore, the main aim of this article is to analyse the cultural profile of the police organizations in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, which are the Military Police and Civil Police, and to characterize them by using their organizational values and their power configurations, myths and rites were analyzed too. In order to characterize them, validated scales were used with 528 military police officers and 190 civil police agents of the 1st Integrated Public Security Region in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Semi-structured interview were done with 19 police officers. The results revealed that the ruling organizational value in both organizations is the conformity value. Besides, the power configuration that better characterizes the Military and Civil Polices is the configuration Autocracy. The value concern about the society is the one which better explain power configurations, in Military and Civil Polices. The results of both organizations were discussed and compared. The symbolic dimension analyses allow deepening the organizations??? knowledge about their culture. Suggestions for further research were made. / Trabalho
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