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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subsídios da semântica cognitiva para a disposição das acepções nos Learner's Dictionaries

Oliveira, Ana Flávia Souto de January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo buscar subsídios na concepção de polissemia da Semântica Cognitiva para auxiliar na disposição das acepções de itens lexicais polissêmicos em learner’s dictionaries. Para tanto, ele, inicialmente, analisa de que forma os quatro principais dicionários que compreendem esse genótipo – CALD (2008), COBUILD (2006), LDCE (2009) e OALD (2005) – apresentam suas acepções, considerando duas variáveis: (i) o emprego de uma solução homonímica ou polissêmica para a estruturação dos verbetes e (ii) a divisão e ordenação das acepções. A partir das análises, percebe-se que a solução empregada por essas obras varia, havendo a adoção tanto da solução polissêmica, com e sem divisão interna nos verbetes, quanto da solução homonímica, por critério morfológico e semântico. Quanto às acepções, por um lado, as formas como os dicionários dividem e relacionam os significados são diferentes e, por outro, os critérios utilizados pelas obras para a ordenação das acepções não se mostram plenamente satisfatórios, pois algumas delas não explicitam quais critérios são empregados na ordenação das acepções e a utilização do mesmo critério (de frequência) por diferentes obras gera resultados distintos. Além disso, para que a frequência pudesse ser empregada como critério objetivo, seria necessária a delimitação de parâmetros quantitativos ainda não disponíveis. A seguir, são levantadas questões teórico-metodológicas que surgem ao abordar a organização microestrutural, destacando que a discussão da ordenação das acepções nos dicionários é dependente de outras variáveis, como sua vinculação a uma teoria do significado lexical e da definição lexicográfica. Por fim, o trabalho busca delimitar quais das características da visão prototípica de estrutura lexical podem ser transpostas ao âmbito lexicográfico para lidar com o problema da representação da polissemia nos learner’s dictionaries.Apresentam-se propostas de verbetes criados com base em critérios estabelecidos por nós para a transposição das noções semântico-cognitivas para a ordenação das acepções. / In this thesis, we aim at contributing to sense ordering of polysemous lexical items in learner‘s dictionaries based on the conception of polysemy as developed by Cognitive Semantics. First we analyze in which way the four main dictionaries known under the label of learner‘s dictionary present their senses – CALD (2008), COBUILD (2006), LDCE (2009) e OALD (2005). We consider two variables in this analysis: (i) the use of a homonymic or a polysemous solution for structuring the entry and (ii) the sense division and ordering. From the analysis, we find out that the solutions applied in the dictionaries vary, for they adopt both a polysemous solution, with and without a division within the entry, and a homonymic solution, through morphological and semantic criteria. Regarding the senses, on the one hand, the way the dictionaries split and relate them is different. On the other hand, the criteria used in the dictionaries for ordering senses showed to be unsatisfactory, because some of the works do not explicit which criteria they apply in sense ordering, and because the use of the same criterion (frequency) in different dictionaries yields distinct results. Moreover, in order to use frequency as an objective criterion, the definition of quantitative parameters, which are still not available, would be made necessary. Hereafter, we discuss theoretical-methodological issues raised when it comes to sense ordering: this microstructural organization is dependent upon other variables, such as its relation to a theory of word meaning and a theory of lexicographical definition. At the end of this work, we present the characteristics of the prototypical conception of lexical structure that could be applied to lexicography to deal with the problem of representing polysemy in learner‘s dictionaries. We, then, propose some entries developed according to criteria we established in order to use cognitive semantic notions in sense arrangement.

Desambiguação automática de substantivos em corpus do português brasileiro / Word sense disambiguation in Brazilian Portuguese corpus

Viviane Santos da Silva 19 August 2016 (has links)
O fenômeno da ambiguidade lexical foi o tópico central desta pesquisa, especialmente no que diz respeito às relações entre acepções de formas gráficas ambíguas e aos padrões de distribuição de acepções de palavras polissêmicas na língua, isto é, de palavras cujas acepções são semanticamente relacionadas. Este trabalho situa-se como uma proposta de interface entre explorações computacionais da ambiguidade lexical, especificamente de processamento de linguagem natural, e investigações de cunho teórico sobre o fenômeno do significado lexical. Partimos das noções de polissemia e de homonímia como correspondentes, respectivamente, ao caso de uma palavra com múltiplas acepções relacionadas e ao de duas (ou mais) palavras cujas formas gráficas coincidem, mas que apresentam acepções não relacionadas sincronicamente. Como objetivo último deste estudo, pretendia-se confirmar se as palavras mais polissêmicas teriam acepções menos uniformemente distribuídas no corpus, apresentando acepções predominantes, que ocorreriam com maior frequência. Para analisar esses aspectos, implementamos um algoritmo de desambiguação lexical, uma versão adaptada do algoritmo de Lesk (Lesk, 1986; Jurafsky & Martin, 2000), escolhido com base nos recursos linguísticos disponíveis para o português. Tendo como hipótese a noção de que palavras mais frequentes na língua tenderiam a ser mais polissêmicas, selecionamos do corpus (Mac-Morpho) aquelas com maiores ocorrências. Considerando-se o interesse em palavras de conteúdo e em casos de ambiguidade mais estritamente em nível semântico, optamos por realizar os testes apresentados neste trabalho apenas para substantivos. Os resultados obtidos com o algoritmo de desambiguação que implementamos superaram o método baseline baseado na heurística da acepção mais frequente: obtivemos 63% de acertos contra 50% do baseline para o total dos dados desambiguados. Esses resultados foram obtidos através do procedimento de desambiguação de pseudo-palavras (formadas ao acaso), utilizado em casos em que não se tem à disposição corpora semanticamente anotados. No entanto, em razão da dependência de inventários fixos de acepções oriundos de dicionários, pesquisamos maneiras alternativas de categorizar as acepções de uma palavra. Tomando como base o trabalho de Sproat & VanSanten (2001), implementamos um método que permite atribuir valores numéricos que atestam o quanto uma palavra se afastou da monossemia dentro de um determinado corpus. Essa medida, cunhada pelos autores do trabalho original como índice de polissemia, baseia-se no agrupamento de palavras co-ocorrentes à palavra-alvo da desambiguação de acordo com suas similaridades contextuais. Propusemos, neste trabalho, o uso de uma segunda medida, mencionada pelos autores apenas como um exemplo das aplicações potenciais do método a serem exploradas: a clusterização de co-ocorrentes com base em similaridades de contextos de uso. Essa segunda medida é obtida de forma que se possa verificar a proximidade entre acepções e a quantidade de acepções que uma palavra exibe no corpus. Alguns aspectos apontados nos resultados indicam o potencial do método de clusterização: os agrupamentos de co-ocorrentes obtidos são ponderados, ressaltando os grupos mais proeminentes de vizinhos da palavra-alvo; o fato de que os agrupamentos aproximam-se uns dos outros por medidas de similaridade contextual, o que pode servir para distinguir tendências homonímicas ou polissêmicas. Como exemplo, temos os clusters obtidos para a palavra produção: um relativo à ideia de produção literária e outro relativo à de produção agrícola. Esses dois clusters apresentaram distanciamento considerável, situando-se na faixa do que seria considerado um caso de polissemia, e apresentaram ambos pesos significativos, isto é, foram compostos por palavras mais relevantes. Identificamos três fatores principais que limitaram as análises a partir dos dados obtidos: o viés político-jornalístico do corpus que utilizamos (Mac-Morpho) e a necessidade de serem feitos mais testes variando os parâmetros de seleção de coocorrentes, uma vez que os parâmetros que utilizamos devem variar para outros corpora e, especialmente, pelo fato de termos realizados poucos testes para definir quais valores utilizaríamos para esses parâmetro, que são decisivos para a quantidade de palavras co-ocorrentes relevantes para os contextos de uso da palavra-alvo. Considerando-se tanto as vantagens quanto as limitações que observamos a partir dos resultados da clusterização, planejamos delinear um método sincrônico (que prescinde da documentação histórica das palavras) e computacional que permita distinguir casos de polissemia e de homonímia de forma mais sistemática e abrangendo uma maior quantidade de dados. Entendemos que um método dessa natureza pode ser de grade valia para os estudos do significado no nível lexical, permitindo o estabelecimento de um método objetivo e baseado em dados de uso da língua que vão além de exemplos pontuais. / The phenomenon of lexical ambiguity was the central topic of this research, especially with regard to relations between meanings of ambiguous graphic forms, and to patterns of distribution of the meanings of polysemous words in the language, that is, of words whose meanings are semantically related. This work is set on the interface between computational explorations of lexical ambiguity, specifically natural language processing, and theoretical investigations on the nature of research on the lexical meaning phenomenon. We assume the notions of polysemy and homonymy as corresponding, respectively, to the case of a word with multiple related meanings, and two (or more) words whose graphic forms coincide, but have unrelated meanings. The ultimate goal of this study was to confirm that the most polysemous words have meanings less evenly distributed in the corpus, with predominant meanings which occur more frequently. To examine these aspects, we implemented a word sense disambiguation algorithm, an adapted version of Lesk algorithm (Lesk, 1986; Jurafsky & Martin, 2000), chosen on the basis of the availability of language resources in Portuguese. From the hypothesis that the most frequent words in the language tend to be more polysemic, we selected from the corpus (Mac-Morpho) those words with the highest number occurrences. Considering our interest in content words and in cases of ambiguity more strictly to the semantic level, we decided to conduct the tests presented in this research only for nouns. The results obtained with the disambiguation algorithm implemented surpassed those of the baseline method based on the heuristics of the most frequent sense: we obtained 63% accuracy against 50% of baseline for all the disambiguated data. These results were obtained with the disambiguation procedure of pseudowords (formed at random), which used in cases where semantically annotated corpora are not available. However, due to the dependence of this disambiguation method on fixed inventories of meanings from dictionaries, we searched for alternative ways of categorizing the meanings of a word. Based on the work of Sproat & VanSanten (2001), we implemented a method for assigning numerical values that indicate how much one word is away from monosemy within a certain corpus. This measure, named by the authors of the original work as polysemy index, groups co-occurring words of the target noun according to their contextual similarities. We proposed in this paper the use of a second measure, mentioned by the authors as an example of the potential applications of the method to be explored: the clustering of the co-occurrent words based on their similarities of contexts of use. This second measurement is obtained so as to show the closeness of meanings and the amount of meanings that a word displays in the corpus. Some aspects pointed out in the results indicate the potential of the clustering method: the obtained co-occurring clusters are weighted, highlighting the most prominent groups of neighbors of the target word; the fact that the clusters aproximate from each other to each other on the basis of contextual similarity measures, which can be used to distinguish homonymic from polysemic trends. As an example, we have the clusters obtained for the word production, one referring to the idea of literary production, and the other referring to the notion of agricultural production. These two clusters exhibited considerable distance, standing in the range of what would be considered a case of polysemy, and both showed significant weights, that is, were composed of significant and distintictive words. We identified three main factors that have limited the analysis of the data: the political-journalistic bias of the corpus we use (Mac-Morpho) and the need for further testing by varying the selection parameters of relevant cooccurent words, since the parameters used shall vary for other corpora, and especially because of the fact that we conducted only a few tests to determine the values for these parameters, which are decisive for the amount of relevant co-occurring words for the target word. Considering both the advantages and the limitations we observe from the results of the clusterization method, we plan to design a synchronous (which dispenses with the historical documentation of the words) and, computational method to distinguish cases of polysemy and homonymy more systematically and covering a larger amount of data. We understand that a method of this nature can be invaluable for studies of the meaning on the lexical level, allowing the establishment of an objective method based on language usage data and, that goes beyond specific examples.

Idiom Comprehension In Bilingual And Monolingual Adolescents

Fusté-Herrmann, Belinda 21 February 2008 (has links)
A majority of Latino adolescents are reading below a proficient level, according to federal data, and there is a significant gap between overall reading proficiency of Latino and non-Latino, Caucasian adolescents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the linguistic underpinnings of Latino students' text comprehension. A positive relationship appears to exist between idiom comprehension and academic achievement, as well as idiom comprehension and reading comprehension, in typically developing, monolingual adolescents. Since reading comprehension and idiom comprehension share many of the same linguistic processes, idiom comprehension may provide a unique perspective for investigating Latino adolescents' reading comprehension. Using the Global Elaboration Model (GEM, Levorato, Nesi, & Cacciari, 2004) as the conceptual framework, the present study examined the relationship between idiom comprehension and reading comprehension with a population that had not been studied in this manner: bilingual (Spanish-English) adolescents in West Central Florida and their monolingual (English-only) peers. The GEM posits that idiom comprehension develops in tandem with other linguistic development requiring inferencing ability; and that idiom x comprehension ability can be predicted by reading comprehension ability. The present research design included the evaluation of idiomatic familiarity, semantic transparency, and contextual support, as well as three other linguistic measures: a) a reading comprehension task, b) an error detection task, and c) a synonym task. Results indicated that the three linguistic measures predicted 33% of the variance in idiom comprehension accuracy; and error detection was the strongest predictor of idiom comprehension accuracy. Furthermore, monolinguals outperformed bilinguals on all measures. The synonym task, a measure of lexical depth, best predicted language group membership. There was a three-way interaction among idiomatic familiarity, semantic transparency, and contextual support; and a three-way interaction among familiarity, transparency, and language group. Lastly, the three linguistic measures significantly predicted the bilinguals' amount of English experience, with qualitative differences emerging between sequential and simultaneous language learners. Findings lend support to the psychological reality of the GEM and provide insight into the linguistic foundations of reading comprehension in Spanish-English bilinguals.

Punning Exploiting External and Internal Metaphors : A Study of Groucho Marx's Use of Metaphor Reversal

Larsson, Kalle January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study has been to analyse metaphorical strings which have been interpreted literally, a process referred to as metaphor reversal. This was first described by Löflund (1999:18) and the specific term was later coined by Alm-Arvius (2006:6). Metaphor reversal is basically a subcategory of the broader term polysemy punning.</p><p>When a metaphor unexpectedly is interpreted literally, a humorous effect takes place and a pun is created. Especially if the metaphorisation in question has an entrenched figurative meaning, the unexpectedness of the literal interpretation is greater and the pun more obvious. The examples of these puns exploiting metaphor reversal have been taken from films featuring the verbal comedian Groucho Marx (GM), who frequently used this type and other kinds of puns in his films.</p><p>The terms internal and external metaphor, coined by Alm-Arvius (2003:78), have been used in order to distinguish between two different types of metaphorisations. Internal metaphor refers to metaphors with obvious internal collocational clashes and external metaphor refers to metaphors without such clashes, which can thus be given a literal as well as a figurative reading. However, this is not a clear-cut distinction and occasional overlapping between the two categories is common. Therefore, a continuum has been given which shows the overlapping category ‘more figurative external metaphors’. These are metaphors without collocational clashes, but with entrenched figurative meanings which make them metaphorical and not literal.</p><p>GM does not only revert external metaphors; he also reverts internal metaphors although this category contains collocational clashes which should make a literal interpretation impossible. Internal metaphor puns tend to be more absurd than external metaphor puns due to the collocational clashes which make the literal interpretation less probable. Reverted external metaphors are referred to as REM and reverted internal metaphors as RIM.</p><p>Most examples analysed are metaphorisations with idiom status with clearly preferred figurative meanings. Consequently, their figurative meanings are deeply entrenched and should not be altered. However, these figurative meanings are altered by GM in his punning; they are reverted and interpreted literally. This indicates that one of the few occasions when it is accepted or even possible to interpret a metaphorical idiom literally is in punning.</p>

Swedish Dimensional Adjectives

Vogel, Anna 04 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to give a thorough and detailed account and analysis of the semantics of twelve Swedish dimensional adjectives: hög ‘high/tall', låg ‘low', bred ‘broad/wide', smal ‘narrow/thin', vid ‘broad', trång ‘narrow', tjock ‘thick', tunn ‘thin', djup ‘deep', grund ‘narrow', lång ‘long' and kort ‘short'. Focus has been placed on their spatial, non-metaphorical sense. The study was written within the framework of cognitive linguistics, where lexical definitions may be given in terms of prototypical and peripheral uses. Four sources of data have been considered: a corpus, consisting of contemporary fiction, an elicitation test, designed for the purpose, dictionary articles on the pertinent adjectives, and the author's own linguistic intuition as a native speaker. The methodology has involved categorisation of combinations of adjective and noun, based upon three major themes: orientation, function, and shape. In order to determine prototypical uses, precedence has been given to the outcome of the elicitation test over the corpus search. For both sources, frequency has played an important part. The ranking of senses as stated in the dictionary articles has also been considered. The results indicate that the dimensional adjectives differ quite markedly from each other, as opposed to a structural view where the adjectives traditionally have been regarded as forming a neat patchwork. Adjectives overlap each other for some uses (högt gräs ‘high grass', långt gräs ‘long grass' and even djupt gräs ‘deep grass'), while there are also situations in which no dimensional adjective can describe an object. Furthermore, adjectives forming pairs, such as djup – grund ‘deep – shallow', do not exhibit full antonymy, despite the fact that dimensional adjectives are traditionally cited as examples par excellence concerning antonymy.

Swedish Dimensional Adjectives / Svenska dimensionsadjektiv

Vogel, Anna January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to give a thorough and detailed account and analysis of the semantics of twelve Swedish dimensional adjectives: hög ’high/tall’, låg ’low’, bred ’broad/wide’, smal ’narrow’ vid ’broad’, trång ’narrow’, tjock ’thick’, tunn ’thin’, djup ’deep’, grund ’narrow’, lång ’long’ and kort ’short’. Focus has been placed on their spatial, non-metaphorical sense. The study was written within the framework of cognitive linguistics, where lexical definitions may be given in terms of prototypical and peripheral uses. Four sources of data have been considered: a corpus, consisting of contemporary fiction, an elicitation test, designed for the purpose, dictionary articles on the pertinent adjectives, and the author's own linguistic intuition as a native speaker. The methodology has involved categorisation of combinations of adjective and noun, based upon three major themes: orientation, function, and shape. In order to determine prototypical uses, precedence has been given to the outcome of the elicitation test over the corpus search. For both sources, frequency has played an important part. The ranking of senses as stated in the dictionary articles has also been considered. The results indicate that the dimensional adjectives differ quite markedly from each other, as opposed to a structural view where the adjectives traditionally have been regarded as forming a neat patchwork. Adjectives overlap each other for some uses (högt gräs ’high grass’, långt gräs ’long grass’ and even djupt gräs ’deep grass’), while there are also situations in which no dimensional adjective can describe an object. Furthermore, adjectives forming pairs, such as djup – grund ’deep – shallow’, do not exhibit full antonymy, despite the fact that dimensional adjectives are traditionally cited as examples par excellence concerning antonymy.

Polysémie et structuration du lexique : le cas du Wolof / Polysemy and structuration of the lexicon : the Wolof case

Bondéelle, Olivier 13 May 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur le rôle de la polysémie dans la structuration du lexique. La thèse propose de faire une évaluation qualitative de la polysémie, en la comparant aux autres relations qui structurent le lexique. Cette entreprise doit permettre de vérifier que les liens de polysémie ne doivent pas être modélisés indépendamment des liens de dérivation ou de conversion. Les résultats de l'évaluation montrent que la frontière entre polysémie et conversion est poreuse.Les comparaisons entre relations utilisent les propriétés de l'analogie, bien adaptée pour caractériser les rapports entre relations. Ce sont les liens qui connectent les lexies qui font l'objet d'une comparaison. Un lien de polysémie est ce qui connecte deux lexies en relation de polysémie. Ce lien peut être comparé à un lien qui connecte deux autres lexies en relation de conversion.La langue d'étude est le wolof, langue atlantique d'Afrique de l'ouest. Cette langue est un terrain propice à une telle recherche. Un large éventail de procédés morphologiques structurent le lexique (dérivation par suffixation, dérivation par alternance consonantique, conversion par changement du morphème de classe nominale).L'apport descriptif de ce travail est d'explorer les champs des artefacts et des émotions du wolof, champs jamais décrits auparavant du point de vue de la structuration du lexique pour une langue africaine. La méthodologie consiste à décrire les sens des unités lexicales et les liens sémantiques qui les connectent par un métalangage unique, celui de la métalangue sémantique naturelle (NSM), introduit ici pour le wolof. / Emphasizing on the key role of polysemy in forming the lexicon is the main goal to be achieved in this dissertation paper. The paper suggests a qualitative evaluation of polysemy in comparing it with other relations that form the lexicon. The research confirms that the polysemic links must not be modeled independently from derivative links or conversational links. This evaluation leads us to reveal that the boundary between polysemy and conversation is porous. The properties of analogy has been used to compare the relations, which is well adapted in characterizing the links between the relations. They are the links that connect lexis which form the objects of a comparison. A polysemic link is a link by which two lexis are connected to each other in a polysemic relation. This link can be compared to a link that connects two other lexis in a conversional relation. In this paper, Wolof, an Atlantic language in West-Africa, is studied. This language provides a fertile breeding ground for our explorations. A large scale of different morphological processes form the lexicon (like suffix derivation, derivations from consonant alternation and conversion by changes in nominal class morphemes).The descriptive contribution of this research is to explore the semantic fields of artifacts and emotions in Wolof lexicon. These fields have never been described in an African language taking the lexicon formation into consideration.The methodology applied here is to describe both the meanings of the lexical units and the semantic links by which they are connected by a unique metalanguage. That unique metalanguage is called the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM), which is applied here to Wolof.

As relações semânticas de polissemia e homonímia para um tratamento de heterossemânticos na interface português espanhol / .

Silva, Eliane Barbosa da 01 December 2004 (has links)
This works presents a comparative analysis of heterosemantic words from portuguese and spanish. The research was motivated as a result of observing either the change or the displacement of meaning which occurs in substantially similar words in both languages, as well as by observing their relative frequency both in texts and in the (spoken / written) productions of natives and students of a foreign language. The main inquiry specifically turns to a lexical-semantic problem. Namely, what would probably be the reasons for a semantic discrepancy between two substantially identical words in genetically related languages? Is the problem of divergence in the meaning of these lexemes specifically semantic or do other linguistic levels imbricate? Do these lexemes comprise any kind of semantic or of meaning relations, which explains this phenomenon? If so, how does this relation occur either in both languages or in one of them in particular? Thus, this work intends to comparatively describe these lexemes by classifying and analysing them through semantic relations of polysemy and homonymy, and also identify the reasons for their change or displacement of meaning. The corpus of analyses is constituted of paired portuguese and spanish lexical words, phonetically or graphically similar, which are considered as being heterosemantic for their similarity on the expression level (sound) and different on the contents level (meaning). The etymology of these words is described as well their primary and secondary meanings, which, in turn, are exemplified by sentences observed in the formal and informal use of language, spoken or written, which are found in books, texts and dictionaries, as well as in the speakers spontaneous utterances of these languages. The work presents an eminently explanatory character toward the treatment of data, basically under a diachronic and structuralist perspective, since it turns to historical and etymological aspects, by making explicit the reasons of the changes or displacement of meaning. It is also intended with this work, to have this semantic divergence explained through the semantic relations of polysemy and homonymy. On one hand, the work is theoretically founded on the postulates of the Applied Linguistics, focalizing at the interference/interlanguage notion and at the delimitation and classification of heterosemantics. On the other hand, it searches the General Linguistics and the Semantic Linguistics when specifically dealing with lexical-semantic matters in the light of the semantic line referred to as pre-Structuralist, preconized by Saussure , and in the discussions by Ullmann, Guiraud, Lyons. The linguistic sign and its nature, the arbitrariness and mutability, the linguistic value, the semantic relations of polysemy and homonymy are, among other topics discussed. Thus, from the comparative analysis of data, the heterosemantics are classified in: homonymous and polysemics, which are divided into four sub-groups stemmed from distinct linguistic processes. In summary, the true heterosemantics (the homonymous ones) arise from phonetic evolution, or from semantic divergences in their origin; the accidental heterosemantics (the polysemic ones) become as they are from semantic evolution, displacement of meaning, or distinct semantic features. Portuguese is also thought to have more motivated lexemes than spanish, for the degree of arbitrariness and motivation is different in both languages; although the confronted languages have a number of cognates in common, it is also confirmed that they become heterosemantic, because of semantic displacement or changes which have occurred in each language in particular. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho apresenta uma análise comparativa de palavras heterossemânticas do português e do espanhol. A pesquisa foi motivada face à observação da mudança ou deslocamento de sentido ocorrido em palavras substancialmente semelhantes nas duas línguas, e sua relativa freqüência em textos, e em produções (falada ou escrita) de nativos e aprendizes de uma língua estrangeira. O questionamento principal volta-se especificamente para um problema léxico-semântico. Isto é, quais seriam as possíveis causas para a divergência semântica entre duas palavras substancialmente idênticas em línguas geneticamente relacionadas? O problema da divergência de sentidos nesses lexemas é especificamente semântico ou outros níveis lingüísticos se imbricam? Há algum tipo de relação semântica ou de significado nesses lexemas que explique esse fenômeno? Se há, como essa relação ocorre nas duas línguas, e/ou em cada língua particular? Assim, procura-se descrever comparativamente esses lexemas classificando-os e analisando-os através das relações semânticas de polissemia e homonímia, e identificar as causas que promovem a mudança ou o deslocamento de sentido neles. O corpus constitui-se de pares de palavras lexicais do português e do espanhol semelhantes fonética ou graficamente, e consideradas heterossemânticas por serem semelhantes no plano da expressão (som) e divergentes no plano do conteúdo (significado). Descreve-se sua etimologia, seus sentidos primários e secundários, exemplificando cada um dos sentidos com sentenças observadas no uso formal e informal da língua, escrito ou falado, presentes em livros, textos e dicionários, e ainda no uso espontâneo de informantes dessas línguas. O trabalho apresenta um carácter eminentemente explicativo quanto ao tratamento dos dados, diante de uma perspectiva, basicamente, diacrônica e estruturalista pois volta-se para aspectos históricos e etimológicos, explicitando as causas das mudanças ou deslocamento de sentido. Procura-se comprovar também que essa divergência semântica pode ser explicada através das relações semânticas de polissemia e homonímia. Fundamenta-se, teoricamente, por um lado, nos postulados da Lingüística Aplicada, visando à questão da interferência/interlíngua, à delimitação e classificação dos heterossemânticos. Por outro lado, ao tratar especificamente sobre as questões léxico-semânticas, recorre-se à Lingüística Geral e à Semântica Lingüística, dentro da linha semântica denominada pré-Estruturalista preconizada por Saussure, e em discussões de Ullmann, Guiraud, Lyons. Discute-se sobre o signo lingüístico e sua natureza, sobre arbitrariedade e mutabilidade, valor lingüístico, sobre as relações semânticas de polissemia e homonímia, as causas de mudanças ou deslocamento de sentido, e outras questões que envolvem o problema. Assim, da análise comparativa dos dados, classificam-se os heterossemânticos em: homônimos e polissêmicos, e estes, em quatro subgrupos advindos de processos lingüísticos distintos. Em síntese, os heterossemânticos propriamente ditos (homônimos) surgem por evolução fonética, ou por divergências semânticas na origem ou base; os heterossemânticos acidentais (polissêmicos) tornam-se tais por evolução semântica, deslocamento de sentido, ou traços semânticos distintos. Acredita-se também que o português possui mais lexemas motivados do que os mesmos do espanhol, pois o grau de arbitrariedade e motivação é diferente em ambas; confirma-se ainda que apesar de as línguas confrontadas terem inúmeros cognatos entre si, os mesmos tornam-se heterossemânticos, devido ao deslocamento ou mudanças semânticas ocorridos em cada língua particularmente.

A polissemia e a representa??o espacial das preposi??es 'de' e 'para' do portugu?s brasileiro

Jeremias, Daiana do Amaral 27 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Diego dos Santos Borba (dborba@uffs.edu.br) on 2017-04-13T20:17:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JEREMIAS.pdf: 1290468 bytes, checksum: 911798db957a7a07487d5a06e4da71ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-13T20:17:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JEREMIAS.pdf: 1290468 bytes, checksum: 911798db957a7a07487d5a06e4da71ba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-27 / Esse trabalho apresenta uma proposta de descri??o da polissemia das preposi??es ?de? e ?para? do portugu?s brasileiro, atrav?s da abordagem localista de Jackendoff (1983; 1992). De acordo com nossa pesquisa, as preposi??es ?de? e ?para? podem ser consideradas como itens poliss?micos, pois cada uma dessas preposi??es, individualmente, pode atribuir diferentes significados ao seu objeto de refer?ncia, e esses significados podem estar ligados cognitivamente por meio de uma representa??o espacial conceitual de trajet?ria. Segundo Ilari et al. (2008), as preposi??es ?de? e ?para? s?o preposi??es que ocupam posi??es de ponto de origem e ponto final, respectivamente, em uma trajet?ria espacial de eixo horizontal. No entanto, o uso b?sico dessas preposi??es, ou seja, aquele em que conseguimos interpretar um significado diretamente ligado a um espa?o f?sico, pode ser estendido para outros significados, que podem ser interpretados conceptualmente como espaciais. Para uma interpreta??o metaf?rica do esquema imag?tico de trajet?ria, Jackendoff (1983; 1992) prop?e a Hip?tese de Rela??o Tem?tica, em que os significados espaciais conceituais das preposi??es, podem ser explicados atrav?s de campos sem?nticos distintos. Essa possibilidade de extens?o, para significados espaciais conceituais, ? baseada na experi?ncia corporificada dos falantes, pois quando interpretamos, de maneira conceitual, um item lexical, afirmamos que o mundo real nos fornece o substrato para nossas percep??es sensoriais e as conceitua??es decorrentes dele. Atrav?s dessa experi?ncia, constru?mos inconscientemente experi?ncias estruturais de significados, que s?o esquemas imag?ticos, e proje??es metaf?ricas (JOHNSON, 1987). Desse modo, levantamos a hip?tese de que os diferentes significados estabelecidos pelas preposi??es ?de? e ?para? podem ter rela??o entre si, isto ?, o mesmo esquema de imagem, corroborando a ideia de polissemia dessas preposi??es. Propomos que, atrav?s da corporifica??o, o falante ? capaz de estender, cognitivamente, o significado de um item lexical para outros significados conceituais, ou seja, o uso espacial b?sico de uma preposi??o pode ser estendido para usos metaf?ricos, cuja interpreta??o, de car?ter espacial, pode ser resgatada atrav?s dos campos sem?nticos propostos por Jackendoff (1983; 1992). Os campos sem?nticos que tratamos nessa pesquisa s?o: Temporal, Possessional, Identificacional, Circunstancial e Existencial. Desse modo, estabelecemos como objetivos de pesquisa: a) a apresenta??o das rela??es de significados estabelecidas pelas preposi??es ?de? e ?para?; b) a apresenta??o do processo cognitivo de experi?ncia corporificada; c) a apresenta??o do esquema imag?tico dessas duas preposi??es e d) a conex?o dos campos sem?nticos n?o espaciais, das rela??es de significados dessas preposi??es, com uma abordagem localista. Como metodologia de pesquisa, faremos an?lises das rela??es sem?nticas de senten?as do portugu?s brasileiro, em que as preposi??es ?de? e ?para? estabelecem rela??es de significado, buscando identificar, por meio da teoria de Hip?tese de Rela??o Tem?tica, a rela??o dos significados conceituais, de seus respectivos campos sem?nticos, com os significados espaciais de base. / This work employs Jackendoff?s localist approach (1983; 1992) to advance a proposal for a description of the polysemy of prepositions ?from? and ?to? in Brazilian Portuguese. According to our research, prepositions ?from? and ?to? can be considered polysemic items, given that each of these prepositions, individually, can attribute different meanings to its object of reference and these meanings can be cognitively related by a spatial-conceptual representation of trajectory. According to Ilari et al. (2008), the prepositions ?from? and ?to? occupy the origin and the final positions, respectively, in a spatial trajectory of the horizontal axis. However, the basic use of these prepositions, that is, the one in which we are able to interpret a meaning directly related to a physical space, can be extended to other meanings that can be conceptually interpreted as spatial. For a metaphoric interpretation of the imagetic scheme of the trajectory, Jackendoff (1983; 1992) proposes the Thematic Relation Hypothesis, according to which the spatial-conceptual spaces of prepositions can be explained through distinct semantic fields. This possibility of extension for spatial-conceptual meanings is based on the embodied experience of the speakers, because when we interpret conceptually a lexical item, we state that the real world furnishes us a substratum for our sensorial perceptions and for the conceptualizations that follow from it. Through this experience we unconsciously build structural experiences of meanings that are imagetic schemes, and metaphoric projections (JOHNSON, 1987). Thus, we hypothesize that the different meanings established by prepositions ?from? and ?to? can be related among themselves, that is, they have the same image scheme, corroborating the idea of a polysemy for these prepositions. We propose that through embodiment the speaker is able to extend cognitively the meaning of a lexical item to other conceptual meanings, that is, the basic spatial use of a preposition can be extended to metaphoric uses whose interpretation, of a spatial character, can be recovered through the semantic fields proposed by Jackendoff (1983; 1992). The semantic fields we shall deal with in this work are: Temporal, Possessional, Identificational, Circumstantial and Existential. Thus, we establish as the goals of our research as follows: a) to present the meaning relations established by prepositions ?from? and ?to?; b) to present the congnitive process of the embodied experience; c) to present the imagetic scheme of these two prepositions and d) the connection of non-spatial semantic fields, of the semantic relations of these propositions, within a localist approach. As our research methodology, we will analyze the semantic relations of Brazilian Portuguese sentences in which prepositions ?from? and ?to? establish meaning relationships, trying to identify, through the theory of the Thematic Relation Hypothesis, the relation of conceptual meanings, their respective semantic fields, with special base meanings.

Verbo-suporte e expressões cristalizadas: um enfoque sintático-semântico-discursivo / Support-verb and usual cristallized expressions: analysis proposal of discursive and semantic values

Hilda Monetto Flores da Silva 31 July 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de análise dos valores semânticos e discursivos de construções com verbo-suporte e de expressões cristalizadas correntes na língua portuguesa do Brasil. O corpus analisado é constituído de textos de gêneros variados colhidos em jornais e revistas publicados desde 2003, nos quais se evidencia o aparecimento cada vez mais freqüente dos usos verbais em foco. Parte-se do pressuposto teórico de que o verbo é o nó a ser desatado, pois, ao contrário, do que muitos autores vêm relatando em relação ao verbo-suporte, não há um completo esvaziamento semântico, mas uma nova forma de dizer em que se privilegia o uso conotativo do verbo que passa de pleno a leve, segundo a nomenclatura de vários estudiosos, que lhe atribuem valor de auxiliaridade. Enquanto o uso dos verbos-suporte no Brasil vem-se fixando no léxico, outras formas cristalizam-se, enriquecendo o vocabulário, inovando falares, o que aproxima estas expressões de uma classe aberta. O verbo somado a alguns nomes ou participando de expressões, longe de se esvaziar, estendem ou modificam a significação no processo discursivo. / This dissertation presents an analysis proposal of discursive and semantic values of wordings using a support-verb and of usual crystallized expressions in the Portuguese language in Brazil. The corpus analyzed is composed by texts of different classes, collected from newspapers and magazines published since 2003, which evidence the increasing appearance of the verbal uses focused. This work starts from the theoretical presupposition that the verb is a knot to be undone; differently from what many authors have been reporting relatively to the support-verb, there is not a complete semantic emptying, what exists is a new way of speaking, in which is privileged the connotative use of the verb, which changes from heavy to slight, according to the nomenclature used by many scholars, who attribute it a value of assistance. While the use of support-verbs in Brazil has been focusing lexical aspects, other different ways have appeared, enriching the vocabulary and reforming ways of speaking. This brings these expressions closer to an open class. The verb added to some nouns or taking part in expressions, far from emptying itself, enlarges or modifies its meaning in the discursive process.

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