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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Français langue étrangère au Viêtnam : recherches et propositions didactiques pour la lecture de textes littéraires. / French as a foreign language in Vietnam : researches and didactic proposals for the reading of literary texts

Nguyen Bach, Quynh Chi 15 January 2013 (has links)
Sur la base d'études et d'enquêtes menées à la faculté des lettres française de l'université des sciences sociales de hochiminh-ville, l'objectif de la thèse est de fonder en théorie des modes de lecture des textes (particulièrement des textes littéraires) susceptibles d'apporter aux apprenants matière à la diversification de leurs pratiques tout en leur donnant une connaissance du rôle de la lecture dans le processus d'apprentissage du français langue étrangère (fle). Cette orientation didactique suppose la définition et l'adaptation d'un ensemble de considérations théoriques relevant de l'approche linguistique et littéraire dans le cadre spécifique des études de fle au viêtnam.une attention particulière sera accordée à l'articulation entre enseignement/apprentissage de la langue et de la grammaire et l'ensemble des facteurs cognitifs et culturels mobilisés lors de la lecture des textes littéraires, ces derniers étant saisis dans leur dimension matérielle et sociale. / This thesis aims to reconsider the position and impact of literary texts in language teaching. Literary studies can be strengthened by reading literary texts, i.e. a complex activity which mobilizes at the same time non linguistic and linguistic skills, and contributes to increase the reader’s knowledge and capacities. This hypothesis is confirmed by the analysis of the result of the here proposed inquiries of ground which measure the impact of the literary reading in the learning of / in the French as a foreign language. At the same time, the accent is put on the contribution of the theories of the enunciation and the grammar of text in the service of the literary texts analysis in the aim of restoring the relation between linguistics and literature. By supplying tools of analysis, by suggesting some didactic proposals in the field of reading of literary texts, the thesis proposes examples, which highlight the fact that literature teaching consists in teaching either only works, but also way to read: it will be a question of passing from a static conception to a dynamic conception of the literature and its teaching.

Acquisition de la polysémie du verbe "prendre" par des apprenants du français L2 / Acquisition of the polysemy of the verb "prendre" by french as a second language learners

Redmond, Leslie 24 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se consacre aux enjeux de la polysémie verbale pour l’acquisition des langues secondes. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à la polysémie du verbe prendre. Cette thèse poursuit deux objectifs complémentaires. D’une part, notre premier objectif est de décrire la polysémie du verbe prendre au moyen d’une analyse en sémantique lexicale dans une approche cognitive. D’autre part, notre second objectif est d’évaluer l’incidence de la polysémie du verbe prendre sur les connaissances qu’ont les apprenants de ce verbe et d’isoler les différentes acceptions de prendre mises au jour par notre analyse sémantique, qui s’avèrent problématiques pour les apprenants du français L2. Par ailleurs, nous cherchons également à savoir si les problèmes liés à la polysémie chez les anglophones peuvent être liés à l’influence translangagière.L’analyse sémantique du verbe prendre porte sur l’ensemble des acceptions prédicatives du verbe. Notre corpus d’analyse provient de données lexicales issues de plusieurs dictionnaires de référence. Afin de délimiter le corpus d’acceptions soumis à l’analyse sémantique, nous avons effectué une analyse syntaxique permettant de départager les différents emplois du verbe prendre : les constructions à verbe support, les locutions verbales et les acceptions prédicatives. Puis, nous proposons une analyse sémantique monosémique des acceptions prédicatives du verbe prendre qui s’articule autour d’un noyau de sens tripartite qui ne correspond à aucune des acceptions spécifiques du verbe, mais qui est présent dans l’ensemble de ces acceptions. Chacune des parties du noyau de sens peut faire l’objet d’un fenêtrage de l’attention, qui nous permet de mettre au jour les différents sens du verbe. Nous avons également émis des hypothèses sur les différences entre le verbe prendre et ses équivalents en anglais. Pour atteindre le second objectif de notre travail, nous avons mené une expérimentation auprès de 191 apprenants du français langue seconde. Tous les participants ont complété trois tâches expérimentales : un test de closure afin de mesurer leur niveau de compétence langagière en français, une tâche de production écrite et une tâche de jugement d’acceptabilité. Les résultats des analyses de régression logistique et multinomiale montrent non seulement que l’analyse sémantique que nous avons proposée permet de prédire la connaissance des différentes acceptions du verbe par les apprenants du français L2, mais aussi que les apprenants anglophones et allophones ont un comportement différent par rapport aux types d’acceptions du verbe prendre, comportement que nous avons pu expliquer par l’influence translangagière chez les participants anglophones. / The present dissertation focuses on the acquisition of highly polysemous verbs by French as a second language learners. I am particularly interested in the polysemy of the verb prendre. This dissertation has two complementary objectives. On the one hand, the first objective is to describe the polysemy of prendre through a lexical semantic analysis within a cognitive framework. On the other hand, the second objective is to evaluate the impact of this polysemy on learners' knowledge of the verb’s different senses in order to isolate those which are the most problematic for French L2 learners. Furthermore, I also investigate whether the problems associated with polysemy for Anglophone learners can be explained through cross-linguistic influence. The semantic analysis of the verb prendre describes all the predicative uses of the verb and is based on lexical data from several dictionnaires. Prior to carrying out the semantic analysis, a battery of syntactic tests was used in order to categorize the different uses of the verb prendre into the following categories: support verb constructions, idiomatic expressions and predicative uses. I propose that the verb prendre has an abstract core meaning which can be divided into three parts. While this abstract core meaning does not correspond to any of the specific senses of the verb, it is present in all of them. I use the cognitive semantic concept of the windowing of attention in order to explain how each of the parts of the core meaning can be windowed in order to obtain the different senses of the verb. Moreover, this analysis allowed me to formulated hypotheses about the differences between the verb prendre and its equivalents in English.In order to meet the second objective of this dissertation, I conducted an experiment on 191 learners of French as a second language. All participants completed three tasks: a cloze test to measure their proficiency level in French, a guided written production task and an acceptability judgement task. The results of the logistic and multinomial regression analyses show not only that the semantic analysis proposed can predict participants’ knowledge of the different senses of the verb, but also that participants whose first language is English behave differently from those whose first language is another language, confirming the presence of cross-linguistic influence for the English-speaking participants.

Mot en semantisk karta för kontinuativer i germanska språk / Towards a semantic map of continuatives in Germanic languages

Syrén, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker kontinuativer i elva germanska språk genom en kvantitiv och kvalitativ analys av korpusdata. Syftet är att undersöka om den lexikala förändring som beskrivs hos kontinuativer i svenska av Britse (2022) kan observeras i andra germanska språk. Studien ämnar även undersöka polysemin hos kontinuativer och föreslå en semantisk karta för dessa i germanska språk. För att ge ett diakront perspektiv har det numera utdöda språket gotiska inkluderats. Studien baseras till stor del på beskrivningar av faspolaritet, i synnerhet kontinuitet, i van der Auwera (2021) och Van Baar (1997), men även Panova (under revision). Resultaten visar att den lexikala förändring som förut beskrivits observeras i svenska, norskt bokmål, nynorsk och danska. I resten av de undersökta germanska språken finns svaga tendenser eller inga tendenser alls. Studien visar även på rika polysemiska nätverk, vilket följer beskrivning- arna i Van Baar (1997) och Panova (under revision). Gotiska följer tvärspråkliga mönster och presenterar även möjliga källor till komparativa partiklar vars användning överlappar kontinuativa uttryck. / This thesis examines continuatives in eleven Germanic languages in a quantitative and qualitative analysis of corpus data. The purpose is to investigate if the lexical change described in continuatives in Swedish by Britse (2022) can be observed in other Germanic languages. The study also aims to examine polysemy in continuous expressions och suggest a semantic map for these in Germanic languages. The now extinct language Gothic has been included for a diachronic perspective. The study is largely based on descriptions of phasal polarity, par- ticularly continuity, in van der Auwera (2021) and Van Baar (1997), but also Panova (under revision). The results show that the lexical change is observed in Swedish, Norwegian Bokmål, Nynorsk and Danish. In the rest of the analysed Germanic languages, it is not observed. The study shows rich polysemous networks, that follow descriptions in Van Baar (1997) and Panova (under revision). Gothic follows cross-linguistic patterns and also presents possible sources of comparative particles who’s usage overlaps that of continuatives.

Лексикографический портрет нового слова : магистерская диссертация / Lexicographic portrait of new word

Kislitcyna, Ju. A., Кислицына, Ю. А. January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the complex analysis of the semantics of foreign vocabulary in the modern Russian language. The actual thematic groups of borrowings, functioning in the space of the Urals city, were identified, their ideographic description was given, and function in modern urban advertising was substantiated. The features of the development of non-equivalent borrowing and borrowing with equivalents in the host language were shown. The semantics of tokens mainstream and performance in modern speech was analyzed and lexicographic portrait of these words was done. / Диссертация посвящена комплексному анализу семантики иноязычной лексики в современном русском языке. Выявлены актуальные тематические группы заимствований, функционирующих в пространстве уральского города, дано их идеографическое описание и обоснованы функции в современной городской рекламе. Показаны особенности освоения безэквивалентных заимствований и заимствований, имеющих эквиваленты в принимающем языке. Проанализирована семантика лексем мейнстрим и перформанс в современной речи и составлен лексикографический портрет этих слов.

Category neutrality: A type-logical investigation

Whitman, Philip Neal 02 July 2002 (has links)
No description available.


ROCILDO ALVES LIMA FILHO 13 January 2025 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese objetiva fazer uma leitura de interface entre a Filosofia, a Teologia, com destaque para a Teologia Bíblica, a partir das reflexões hermenêuticas de Paul Ricoeur, um dos filósofos mais importantes do século XX, que com simplicidade se declarava aprendiz de teólogo e, particularmente, um ouvinte da Palavra, contida nas Sagradas Escrituras da tradição judaico-cristã. Acentuar-se-ão as conexões entre a hermenêutica filosófica e a hermenêutica teológica com suas especificidades, para, enfim, atingir o coração da proposta: a Hermenêutica Bíblica de Paul Ricoeur. Será articulada a diversidade dos discursos bíblicos nos quais se manifesta uma plurivocidade que ousa nomear Deus, sem nunca perder de vista uma complexa polissemia e o caráter inefável, portanto, indizível de Deus. Através de suas reflexões hermenêuticas, Ricoeur contribui enormemente com e para a Teologia Bíblica, evitando acentuar os discursos especulativos, dando prioridade a uma Teologia da Palavra fundamentada nas narrativas bíblicas que preservam o nome divino no registro escrito e tornam possível a experiência da fé mediada pelos textos bíblicos. Além disso, Ricoeur também colabora significativamente para a tradução bíblica, ao tratar dos critérios para o traduzível e o não traduzível literalmente. Fundamentais são as suas contribuições para a compreensão da problemática do mal e sua relação com o pecado e a culpa. Ainda abriu diversas perspectivas para a compreensão teológica da linguagem religiosa e para distanciar-se de qualquer espécie de fundamentalismo cristão. Finalmente, são de suma importância seus comentários sobre passagens bíblicas essenciais, com destaque para a criação, o pecado original, o nome de Deus, as parábolas, a regra de ouro, dentre outras. / [en] This thesis aims to read the interface between Philosophy, Theology and the Bible based on the hermeneutical reflections of Paul Ricoeur, one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century, who simply declared himself an apprentice theologian and, particularly, a listener of the Word, contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The connections between philosophical hermeneutics and theological hermeneutics with their specificities will be emphasized, to finally reach the heart of the proposal: Paul Ricoeur s Biblical Hermeneutics. The diversity of biblical discourses will be articulated in which a plurivocity is manifested that dares to name God, without ever losing sight of a complex polysemy and the ineffable, therefore, unspeakable character of God. Through his hermeneutical reflections, Ricoeur contributes enormously to and with Biblical Theology, avoiding accentuating speculative discourses, giving priority to a Theology of the Word based on biblical narratives that preserve the divine name in the written record and make possible the experience of faith mediated by biblical texts. Furthermore, Ricoeur also contributes significantly to biblical translation, by dealing with the criteria for what is literally translatable and what is not translatable. Fundamental are his contributions to the understanding of the problem of evil and its relationship with sin and guilt. It also opened up different perspectives for the theological understanding of religious language and for distancing oneself from any kind of Christian fundamentalism. Finally, his comments on essential biblical passages are of utmost importance, with emphasis on creation, original sin, the name of God, parables, the golden rule, among others.

Making sense of traditional Chinese medicine: a cognitive semantic approach

Altman, Magda Elizabeth 30 June 2004 (has links)
Cognitive linguists posit that language as a system of meaning is closely related to cognition and to the associated perceptual and physiological structures of the body. From the cognitive semantic viewpoint, cognitive processes underpin and motivate linguistic phenomena such as categorisation, polysemy, metaphor, metonymy and image schemas. The pedagogical implication of the cognitive semantic perspective is that understanding these cognitive motivations facilitates language learning. This dissertation uses an applied cognitive semantic approach to `make sense' of a traditional knowledge system, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM views human physiology as a holistic and dynamic system that exemplifies the same principles as the cosmos-environment. TCM models result in a categorisation of physiological phenomena based on a complex system of experiential and cosmological correspondences. I suggest that the holistic epistemology of cognitive linguistics is well suited to an understanding of these holistic models. From a pedagogical viewpoint, I argue that an analysis of the cognitive motivations which underpin TCM categorisations and the polysemy of some key TCM terms can help the student make sense of TCM as a meaningful system of thought and practice. Both the theoretical and applied approaches explored in this dissertation should have relevance to other traditional knowledge systems, particularly traditional medical systems. / Linguistics / M.A. (Linguistics)

客語「放」及其同類動詞:框架語義與構式之互動 / Piong3 ‘put’ and its Congeners in Hakka: Frames and Constructions

羅婉君, Luo, Wan Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文「客語「放」及其同類動詞:框架語義與構式之互動」以Fillmore (1985)提出的「框架語義」以及Goldberg (1995)等學者提出的「構式語法」觀點為基礎,分析客語「放」字構式呈現的多義現象。客語「放」字涉及「使動事件」:空間位移與狀態變化。本文著重分析「使動結構」與客語「放」字在動賓、動補及句子等構式中語意-句法的互動。同時藉助隱喻與轉喻的強化,說明客語「放」字延伸語意之間的關聯性,並進一步闡述客語「放」字在動賓結構中詞彙化為複合詞的現象。此外,本文亦檢視客語其他放置類動詞:方向同類動詞、工具同類動詞、方式同類動詞,經由審視其詞彙化類型與框架語義之互動,說明其語意內涵與句法上的表現。因此,本論文經由分析詞彙化類型與探討事件架構中參與角色的展現與否,說明客語放置類動詞語意與句法間的相互關係。 / English verbs describing putting, a prototypical exemplar of a caused-motion activity, have been pervasively found to be the first acquired and the most frequently used verbs in many languages. Their semantic compatibility with various syntactic structures reinforces the association between verbal meanings and the constructions, giving rise to a grouping of related but distinct senses (Goldberg et al. 2004). Piong3 (放) ‘to put’ in Hakka is abundant in semantics. The basic meaning of piong3 designates a common pattern of human experience: An animate entity exerts manual force upon a physical object and causes the object to move. Adopting Goldberg’s (1995) Constructions and Fillmore’s (1985) Frame Semantics, this study aims to account for the meaning relatedness latent in piong3 and explicate the shades of meaning rooted in the set of its congeners with different degree of family resemblance. It is argued that the delicate nuances denoted by piong3 are derived from the interaction between frames and constructions while the extended meanings of piong3 are linked to its typical use through various metaphors and metonymies such as CONTAINER, EVENT STRUCTURE, CHANGE OF STATE AS CHANGE OF LOCATION metaphors and ACTION FOR RESULT metonymy. Furthermore, with regard to congeners of piong3 in Hakka, it is maintained that differences in profiling and lexicalization patterns capture the primary difference between piong3 and its congeners. Specifically, piong3 does not lexicalize other semantic elements (i.e. path, means, manner, result, and etc.) into its lexical meaning whereas its congeners explicitly do so, in that three subtypes of the congeners can be identified: directional congeners, means congeners, and manner congeners.

事件相關腦電位探討中文雙字詞語義歧義性之腦側化現象 / Lateralization of the sense effect in reading Chinese disyllabic compounds: an event-related potential study

黃騭瑩, Huang, Chih Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過操弄雙字詞詞首的語意(sense)多寡和左右視野,試圖探討中文雙字詞的語意表徵和左右大腦對於多意詞(polysemy)的處理機制。實驗一顯示的左右腦結果和Pylkkänen等人在2006年的MEG研究相似,也就是左腦的多意詞促進效果,支持多意詞單一表徵的型態;然而,右腦卻呈現多意詞抑制的效果。這樣的現象產生兩者可能解釋:(1) 右腦還是屬於單一語意表徵,但由於右半腦處理語意的特性,導致和左腦得到不同的結果;(2)右腦的結果是來自於右腦屬於語意多重表徵(separate entries)的因素。為了要釐清這些說法,實驗二進一步的改變作業深度,讓受試者做詞類判斷作業,企圖讓受試者進行比較深層的語意處理。實驗二結果顯示,在改變作業深度之後,我們的確得到右腦語意促進效果,所以證明右腦的語意屬於單一表徵,在比較深層作業處理階段,因為左右腦處理語意的特性,使得右腦有機會呈現實驗預期的結果。另外,在動詞、名詞事後分析的結果中,我們也發現動詞、名詞的語意效果在大腦有不同的分布區位。名詞的語意效果分布在大腦中間偏後的位置;動詞則是主要分布在大腦前額一帶 總結以上發現,本研究的發現支持過去學者所提出的多意詞單一表徵的說法;第二、本研究對左右半腦處理語意特性,也符合過去的假設,也就是左腦擅長主要、細微的辨識,右腦則擅長維持次要、普遍語意。第三、本研究額外的發現是,動詞、名詞的語意效果在大腦有不同的分布,意味著不同的詞類在大腦可能有不同的表徵。 / Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………iv Tables…………….……………………………………………………………ix Figures …………………………………………………………………………x Chinese Abstract …………………………………………………………xii English Abstract ………………………………………………………xiii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………..……1 1.1 What are senses? Homonymy vs. Polysemy …………………….1 1.2 English words vs. Chinese compounds ………………………….3 1.3 Hemispheric processing of semantic ambiguity ……………4 2. REVIEW OF RELATED PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH ………………6 2.1 Neighborhood size effect in English …………………………6 2.2 Neighborhood frequency effect …………………………….……9 2.3 Event-related potentials (ERPs) vs. neighborhood size effect....11 2.3.1 Event-related potentials ………………………………….11 2.3.2 The advantages of electrophysiological techniques …12 2.3.3 Language-related ERP components ……………………….…12 2.3.4 The neighborhood size effect and. ERPs ……………..14 2.4 Neighborhood size effect in Chinese ……………………….16 2.5 Lexical ambiguity in English—homonymy vs. polysemy……… 22 2.5.1 Mixed results of ambiguity effects ………………………23 2.5.2 Polysemy—separate entries or single entry? …………25 2.5.3Some evidence for single entry hypothesis of senses…27 2.6 Lexical ambiguity in Chinese …………………….……………26 2.7 Hemispheric asymmetry in lexicon processing ……………33 3. EXPERIMENT 1 ………………………………………………………………38 3.1 Experiment 1... ..……………………………………….….....39 3.1.1 Participants …………………………………………………………39 3.1.2 Materials ……………………………………………………………39 3.1.3 Procedure ……………………………………………………………40 3.2 EEG recording parameters …………………………………………41 3.3 EEG data analysis procedure …………………………….....42 3.4 Results ……………………………………………………………………43 3.4.1 Behavioral data of sense effect ……………………………43 3.4.2 Behavioral data of lexicality effect ……………………44 3.4.3 Event-related potentials ………………………………….…45 N170 (150- 180 ms) …………………………………………………46 Frontal P200 (220-260 ms) …………………………………….……47 N400 …………………………………………………………………48 3.5 Discussion ……………………………………………………………51 4. EXPERIMENT 2 ……………………………………………………………57 4.1 Experiment 2 …………………………………………………………58 4.1.1 Participants ………………………………………………………58 4.1.2 Materials …………………………………………………………58 4.1.3 Procedure ……………………………………………………………59 4.2 Results …………………………………………………………………60 4.2.1 Behavioral data ……………………………………………………60 4.2.2 ERP data ……………………………………………………………61 N170 (150-180 ms) ………………………………………………....62 Frontal P200 (220-260 ms) …………………………………………63 N400 (350-500 ms) …………………………………………………63 4.3 Discussion …………………………………………………………………….65 Nouns and verbs ………………………………………………………67 4.4 Re-analyses …………………………………………………………69 4.4.1 Behavioral data ……………………………………………………69 4.4.2 ERP data ……………………………………………………………....71 Nouns …………………………………………………………………71 Verbs …………………………………………………………………74 4.5 Discussion 2 ………………………………………………………77 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ………………………81 5.1 Separate entries or single entry? …………………………81 5.2 Hemispheric processing of polysemy in different depth of tasks ………....82 5.3 Nouns and verbs ………………………………………………………84 5.4 Conclusions …………………………………………………………….85 References ……………………………………………….……………………86 Appendixes ………………………………………………………….…….94 / The current study used the manipulation of visual field and the number of senses of the first character in Chinese disyllabic compounds to investigate the representation of senses and the hemispheric processing of semantic polysemy. The ERP results in experiment 1 revealed crossover patterns in the LH and RH, which resembled the MEG data in Pylkkänen et al.’s study (2006). The sense facilitation in the LH was in favor of the assumption of single entry representation for senses. However, the inhibition in the RH yielded two possible interpretations: (1) the nature of hemispheric processing in dealing with semantic ambiguity; (2) the semantic activation from the separate-entry representation for senses. To clarify these possibilities, the depth of the task was changed. Experiment 2 was designed to push subjects to a deeper level of lexical processing through the word class judgment task. The results revealed the sense facilitation effect in the RH and suggested that in a deeper level, the RH had more possibility to observe the sense facilitation due to different efficiency of cerebral hemispheres in dealing with ambiguity. By chance, planned comparisons of the sense effect in different word classes suggested different distributions of the sense effects for nouns and verbs. For nouns, the sense effects were located in central-to-parietal areas while for verbs, the sense effects mainly were from the frontal area. In sum, the current study was in support of the account of single entry representation for senses, which was consistent with previous findings proposed by Beretta et al. (2005), Pylkkänen et al. (2006), and Rodd et al. (2002). Second, the research demonstrated that cerebral hemispheres played a role in semantic activation in a complementary way in which the LH was engaged in fine and focused semantic coding while the RH was more sophisticated in coarse coding and maintaining alternate meanings (e. g. Beeman & Chiarello, 1998; Burgess and Simpson, 1988). When the depth of tasks was changed, the RH advantage for the processing of semantically related senses was observed. Third, different distributions of the sense effects for nouns and verbs implied the distinct representations for different parts of speech in the brain.

En kontrastiv studie om temporala bisatser på svenska och bulgariska / A contrastive study of temporal subordinate clauses in Swedish and Bulgarian

Muhamer, Sibel January 2019 (has links)
Temporala bisatser är ett av flera sätt att ange tid, de andra sätten är bland annat tempus och temporala adverb. Genom att undersöka temporala bisatser i svenska och bulgariska är det möjligt att illustrera likheter och skillnader i användning och funktion av temporala bisatser. I och med att svenska och bulgariska är inte nära besläktade språk finns det flera kontraster mellan språken som är intressanta att utforska, t.ex. kontrasten mellan bulgarisk aspekt och avsaknad av aspekt på svenska. Studiens syfte är att undersöka användning och funktion av temporala bisatser på svenska och bulgariska som utförs genom att ta reda på temporala relationer, tempus och aspekt, expletiv negation, polysemi och frekvens hos temporala subjunktioner i temporala bisatser. Studiens syfte undersöks med hjälp av parallella texter och ordböcker på svenska och bulgariska. Resultatet visar både likheter och skillnader i användning och funktion av temporala bisatser i de två språken. Bland annat undersöks om motsvarande satser har samma eller olika temporala relationer i temporala satser på svenska och bulgariska. I det undersökta materialet är temporala bisatser något mer frekventa på svenska än på bulgariska. / Temporal subordinate clauses are one of several ways to specify time. Other possible ways are for instance tense and temporal adverbs. By investigating temporal subordinate clauses in Swedish and Bulgarian, it is possible to illustrate similarities and differences in the use and function of these clauses. Since Swedish and Bulgarian are not closely related languages, there are several contrasts between them that are interesting to explore, for instance the contrast between the Bulgarian aspect category and the lack of aspect as a grammatical category in Swedish. The aim of the study is to investigate the use and function of temporal subordinate clauses in Swedish and Bulgarian. To achieve this I investigate temporal relationships, tense and aspect, expletive negation, polysemy, and frequency of temporal subordinators in temporal subordinate clauses using parallel texts and dictionaries in Swedish and Bulgarian. The results show both similarities and differences in the use and function of temporal subordinate clauses. In corresponding sentences, the same or different temporal relationships are observed in clauses in Swedish and Bulgarian. In the material considered, temporal subordinate clauses are somewhat more frequent in Swedish than in Bulgarian.

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