Spelling suggestions: "subject:"barking."" "subject:"arking.""
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Polyfunkční dům / Polyfunctional buildingMichna, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
The assignment of my diploma thesis was to design a polyfunctional building. Function of the building is based on the requirements of the Land Use Plan Brno, cadastral zone Židenice. The aim of the design was to improve the quality of public space in the area by creating parks, urban parterre with services, parking and by bringing missing features to the area. The building is located in the centre of the plot. The main facade is oriented to the main street. Design creates new parking on the ground and in the underground garage. On the first floor are rentable spaces for commerce and services. At 2nd and 3rd floor are open space offices with the possibility of spatial variability solutions. Architectural expression of the building is simple, consisting as a compact mass with parterre subsided, useful in terms of energetical sustainability. The facade of the building is made as a combination of a transparent double skin facade and opaque ventilated facade with fibre cement panels. Structural system is a precast concrete frame with a cast-in-place reinforced concrete shear core. Foundation is made as a reinforced concrete pads and strips. Ceiling is made of a precast prestressed hollow core slabs.
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Podnikatelský inkubátor / Business incubatorUhlíř, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The project is working on complete documetation of administrative building with two store rooms on groud level and underground automatical parking lot. Documentation is procesed in level of detailed drawing design. In building is designated 16 separated office rooms with supportive facilities. The footprint of house is 510 m2. On flat roof is placed a green vegetation layer. As support construction is used reinforced concrete frame with two way slabs. The proposal places emphasis on the static solution, building layout, fire safety, energy saving and safety in use. Dawings have been processed in software for design – Graphisoft Archicad.
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De osynliga parkeringsautomaterna : En studie om orienterbarhet i en innerstadsmiljöLundén, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet handlar om hur man med hjälp av ett skyltsystem på tre nivåskillnader, i ögonhöjd, på marknivå och på en förhöjd nivå kan underlätta navigeringen till parkeringsautomater i Stockholms innerstad. Denna studie är skriven inom ämnet Informationsdesign med inriktning mot Rumslig gestaltning. Förstagångsbesökares svårighet med att hitta till parkeringsautomater är det praktiska problem som legat till grund för detta arbete. De metoder som använts i denna studie är rumslig analys, innefattande observation samt platsanalys. Även benchmarking, kundresa, intervju, surveyundersökning samt användartest har använts för empirisk datainsamling. Studien har resulterat i ett designförslag som har i syfte att underlätta besökarnas navigering från det att de har parkerat sitt fordon till att de nått parkeringsautomaten. Detta ska medföra att färre kommer bli försenade eller missa sådant som de planerat och på så sätt kommer det även minska stressnivån för samtliga. Stressen som uppstår när en känner sig vilse ska alltså minimeras med hjälp av mitt skyltsystem. / This thesis is about how a three-level sign system; at eye level, at ground level and at an elevated level, can facilitate navigation to parking meters in Stockholm's inner city. This study is written in the field of Information Design with specialization in Spatial Design. The first-time visitor’s difficulty in finding parking meters is the practical problem that underlies this work. The methods used are spatial analysis, including observation as well as site analysis. Benchmarking, customer experience audit, interview, survey and user tests have also been used for empirical data collection. The study has resulted in a design proposal aimed at facilitating visitor’s navigation from the time they have parked their car until they have reached the parking meter. Stress that occurs when one feels lost in a city environment should be minimized with the help of my design proposal. This will result in fewer missed plans for the visitors and an overall better experience of paying for your parking in Stockholm’s inner city.
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Propuestas para reducir la congestión vehicular en la implementación de un estacionamiento público subterráneo en la Av. Pardo y Aliaga a partir de un estudio de impacto vialChihuantito Martinez, Kenyo Ludwin, Cortez Vilela, Miguel Angel 18 February 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis realiza el análisis y evaluación de la implementación de un estacionamiento subterráneo en el distrito de San Isidro, propuesta por la Municipalidad, en la Av. Pardo y Aliaga desde la Av. Los Conquistadores hasta la Av. Santa Cruz. El fin de este análisis, es incentivar la implementación de este tipo de infraestructuras para mejorar el sistema vial a futuro en San Isidro y solucionar la deficiencia de estacionamientos que tiene el distrito.
Mediante el uso del HCM 2010 se busca calcular los niveles de servicio en cada intersección que este dentro del área de influencia, tomando estos datos como base para lanzar propuestas de solución al problema de la congestión.
Para Obtener una mejor visión de los resultados se ha optado utilizar el programa Vissim 2020, para modelar el flujo vehicular de manera microscópica y comparar los resultados mediante una simulación.
Finalmente, como conclusiones se propone una solución que se encuentre de acuerdo a la realidad de cada intersección analizada, desde el punto de vista técnico. De esta manera se propone continuar con la implementación de un estacionamiento subterránea y en un futuro la implementación de un By Pass que disminuya los niveles de servicio en dicha zona de influencia. / This thesis carries out the analysis and evaluation of the implementation of an underground parking lot in San Isidro district, specifically on Pardo y Aliaga Av. The purpose of this analysis is to encourage the implementation of this type of infrastructure to improve the future road system in San Isidro and solve the parking deficiency that the district has.
By using the HCM 2010, it is sought to calculate the service levels at each intersection that is within the area of influence, taking this data as a basis to give solution proposals.
To obtain a better vision of the results, we chose to use the Vissim 2020 software, to model the vehicular flow in a microscopic model and compare the results by a simulation.
Finally, as conclusions, a solution is proposed that is found in accordance with the reality of each analyzed intersection, from a technical point of view. In this way, it is proposed to continue with the implementation of an underground parking lot and in the future the implementation of a By Pass that reduces service levels in said area of influence. / Tesis
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Integration des ruhenden Verkehrs in die Verkehrsangebots- und VerkehrsnachfragemodellierungSchiller, Christian 26 October 2004 (has links)
This work describe a theoretical model to integrate the parking traffic into the traffic demand modelling. Placed at program VISUM served from the PTV AG Karlsruhe for the traffic system modelling and rating, as well as the EVA demand model developed by LOHSE. / In dieser Arbeit wird ein modelltheoretischer Ansatz beschrieben, der neben dem fließenden Verkehr, auch den ruhenden Verkehr innerhalb der Verkehrsangebots- und Verkehrsnachfragemodellierung berechnet. Dazu dient das von der PTV AG Karlsruhe zur Verfügung gestellte Programm VISUM zur Verkehrsnetzmodellierung und Umlegung, sowie das von LOHSE entwickelte EVA-Modell zur Verkehrserzeugung, -verteilung und -aufteilung als Grundlage.
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Feasibility Study Property Löjtnanten 1 / Genomför barhetsstudie Fastigheten Löjtnanten 1Malmeby, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
The property "Löjtnanten 1" is situated in Västra Skogen, Solna, and is owned by the Solna municipality. The question at issue answered in this study is "Is it profitable to convert the multistory car park "Löjtnanten 1" to a dwelling-‐house?". Several matters are addressed to answer that question, amongst other things the demand for condominiums in the area, the effect of competing supply, the acceptable price per square meter from a market point of view, and how the issue of parking may be resolved. The study has been made with support from JM AB, a developer of housing and residential areas in the Nordic region. As described in the vision, the project will increase the attractiveness of the area by the refurbishment of the nearby centre and commercial premises. The area is one of the development areas in the Master Plan for Solna, "ÖP 2006". The market analysis performed shows that the project is feasible if the turnover of residents in the applicable areas exceeds 5 percent. The project is also economically viable at a price level of SEK 38 000 – 42 000 per square meter. The project calculation shows a limited profit and presumes that the municipality price the land at a break-‐even level factoring in the long term positive effects provided by a refurbishment of the nearby centre. / Fastigheten Löjtnanten 1 ligger belägen i Västra Skogen, Solna, och ägs av Solna kommun. Frågeställningen som besvaras i arbetet är ”Är det ekonomiskt lönsamt att omvandla parkeringshuset Löjtnanten 1 till bostäder?”. För att svara på den frågan har marknadsområdet undersökts för projektet, vidare har storleken på efterfrågan för nyproducerade bostadsrätter i området skattats liksom effekten av konkurrerande utbud. Arbetet belyser också vilket kvadratmeterpris som marknaden är beredd att betala samt hur parkeringsfrågan kan lösas. Studien är genomförd med stöd av JM AB, projektutvecklare av bostäder och bostadsområden. Enligt visionen i arbetet skulle projektet öka attraktiviteten i området genom en samtidig upprustning av närförortscentrumet och de kommersiella lokalerna. I Solna översiktsplan, ÖP 2006, anses området vara ett av utvecklingsområdena i Solna kommun. Den genomförda marknadsanalysen visar att projektet kan genomföras om omsättningen i det befintliga bostadsbeståndet inom marknadsområdet är högre än 5%. Projektet är ekonomiskt genomförbart vid en prisnivå inom intervallet 38 000 – 42 000 kr/kvadratmeter boyta. Projektkalkylen visar på en begränsad vinst och förutsätter att kommunen sätter markpriset till en ”break--‐even nivå”samt beaktar långsiktiga positiva effekter av ett upprustat närförortscentrum.
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[pt] A dissertação em questão aborda o tema de carsharing, relacionando as políticas públicas para estacionamento de veículos do sistema e as teorias de ocupação e uso do solo. O estudo aborda o histórico do sistema desde a sua aparição na Europa a partir do final da década de 1940 até à presenta data, contextualizando a sua inserção junto à antropologia do consumo e às teorias do planejamento ambiental e urbano. O objetivo do estudo é relacionar as boas práticas para a operação do sistema de carsharing, levando em consideração as diferentes teorias de uso e ocupação do solo e as diferentes políticas de estacionamento adotadas em diversas cidades. O trabalho baseia-se em variados estudos a respeito do tema de carsharing e nas práticas adotadas em municipalidades no Brasil e no exterior. Os dados apresentados neste estudo foram coletados em sites de municipalidades, artigos e publicações relacionadas ao tema. Os dados coletados são apresentados por meio de exemplos e tópicos com a ótica da mobilidade urbana sustentável. As conclusões apontam para as práticas ideais e as alternativas para a inserção do sistema de carsharing a rede de transportes públicos das cidades atuais. / [en] According to the IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 2004, 23 percent of greenhouse gas emissions effects related to energy were originated in the transport sector. More than half of these emissions were generated by the use of light vehicle ride and motorcycles, defined as individual motorized transport. Half of the energy consumed in the transport sector is intended for individual motorized transport. However, it is carrying less than 25 percent of the world s passengers. Despite this low number, traffic accidents are responsible for one million deaths annually and ten million injured people. This number is part of a list of the ten leading causes of death recorded and reported by health agencies around the world, a rate next to malaria and HIV. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Cities in Brazil in conjunction with the National Department (National Traffic Department) in the year of 2005 shows that the costs of traffic accidents in Brazilian roads reached the number of twenty-two billion reais, a figure that represented 12 percent of the Brazilian GDP, taking into account the loss of production associated with the death of individuals or the interruption of its activities, the costs for health care and care with vehicles.
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Utveckling i parkeringsplaneringen vid bostadsområden i städer kontra mindre orter / Development in planning of parking spaces in residential areas in cities versus smaller townsPetersson, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Parking planning for new residential constructions is intensively discussed between develops, architects, and municipalities. In a big city, the land value is higher and it is more profitable to build apartments instead of parking places, but parking space can increase the value of the apartment. The purpose of this work was to analyse how the planning of a parking space in a big city compared to a smaller town differs today versus 10 years ago. Results of interviews were that the parameters such as municipal parking regulations and access to public transport govern the parking planning. All the municipalities, contractors and architects agreed that in the future more municipalities will work with flexible parking standards. The conclusion is that it is the municipality’s parking norm and access to public transport that affects parking planning. The largest change and development in the last 10 years is an increased investment into mobility solutions in form of charging stations and carpools.
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Vad krävs för att nya pendlarparkeringar i Gävle kommun skall fungera?Öberg, Sara, Andersson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Pendling in till stadens centrum orsakar trafikköer och dålig luft samtidigt som fordonstrafik står för en av de största utsläppskällorna av växthusgaser i Sverige. Pendelparkeringar representerar ett mer miljövänligt alternativ men det utnyttjas inte till fullo. Detta examensarbete har som syfte att undersöka hur användandet av pendlarparkeringar kan främjas, som ett led i ett mer hållbart resande inom Gävle kommun. Studiens mål är att skapa ett kunskapsunderlag som kan guida kommunen att främja utvecklingen i praktiken. Examensarbetet utgick från aspekter kopplat till pendlarparkeringar, framtagna i förstudien till detta arbete. Studien syftar till att svara på forskningsfrågorna Hur har de sex slumpmässigt utvalda svenska kommunerna arbetat med (de sedan tidigare utpekade) aspekterna kostnad, beteende, tid och tillgänglighet för att främja användandet av pendlarparkeringar? och Hur ser potentiella användare av pendlarparkeringar i Gävle kommun på vikten av kostnad, beteende, tid och tillgänglighet för att motivera deras användande? Examensarbetet består av två olika metoder, en enkätundersökning för potentiella användare och en intervjustudie med de sex slumpmässigt utvalda svenska kommunerna. Två kommuner deltog via videosamtal och resterande fyra deltog via mail. Både kommunerna och respondenterna av enkäten ansåg att billig parkeringsavgift och bra biljettsystem var viktigt för att bilburna skall välja att använda pendlarparkeringar. Samtliga kommuner tryckte även på vikten av god tillgänglighet till kollektivtrafik samtidigt som respondenterna i enkätundersökningen tyckte att turtätheten i kollektivtrafiken var viktig. Aspekter som kostnad, tid och bekvämlighet är val som prioriteras högt medan miljö inte får lika stort fokus. Studien visar på att individer gör val efter det som gynnar dem själv. / Commuting into the city center causes traffic jams and bad air at the same time as vehicle traffic accounts for one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden. Shuttle parking represents a more environmentally friendly alternative but it is not fully utilized. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the use of commuter parking can be promoted, as part of a more sustainable travel within Gävle municipality. The aim of the study is to create a knowledge base that can guide the municipality to promote development in practice. The degree project was based on aspects linked to commuter parking, developed in the feasibility study for this project. The study aims to answer the research questions How have the six randomly selected Swedish municipalities worked with (the previously designated) aspects cost, behavior, time and accessibility to promote the use of commuter parking? and How do potential users of commuter car parks in Gävle municipality view the importance of cost, behavior, time and accessibility to justify their use? The degree project consists of two different methods, a survey for potential users and an interview study with the six randomly selected Swedish municipalities. Two municipalities participated via video calls and the remaining four participated via email. Both the municipalities and the respondents of the survey considered that cheap parking fees and a good ticket system were important for car users to choose to use commuter parking. All municipalities also emphasized the importance of good accessibility to public transport, while the respondents in the survey thought that the frequency of public transport was important. Aspects such as cost, time and convenience are choices that are given high priority, while the environment does not receive as much focus. The study shows that individuals make choices based on what benefits them.
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Apark-car: Aplicación que permita identificar estacionamientos públicos y privados y el estado de los mismos en Lima Metropolitana y el CallaoArce Postigo, Renzo, Falcon Garcia, Cielo Lucero, Menacho Huaynatte, Adriana Ross, Sedán Cuya, Rodrigo Alonso, Vivas Ventocilla, Juan Andrés 29 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de nuestro plan de negocio llamado Apark-Car, el cual tiene como visión permitir la identificación de estacionamientos públicos y privados en Lima Metropolitana. A través de este proyecto se buscará resolver el tiempo perdido que hay al buscar estacionamiento, así como el desconocimiento de los distintos conductores acerca de los lugares para estacionarse, las tarifas, así como la cantidad de horas permitidas y las posibles multas que se impongan por cumplir infracciones de estacionamiento. Para la validación de la idea de negocio de Apark-Car, se realizaron diversas entrevistas, tanto a expertos del sector, como a potenciales clientes o usuarios. Obtuvimos resultados de suma importancia para que nuestro equipo de investigación corrija errores.
Por otro lado, elaboramos distintos experimentos para determinar la respuesta del público ante las distintas propuestas de valor y poder conocer el cumplimiento de las hipótesis planteadas.Por último, con la finalidad de establecer si nuestra idea de negocio resulta viable dentro del mercado peruano, logramos desarrollar a través de planes financieros,marketing y de desarrollo operacional conocer los distintos elementos y áreas que ayudarán con la sostenibilidad del Apark-Car en el tiempo.
Por último, el presente trabajo contará con la proyección de ventas y los respectivos flujos de cajas, donde podremos visualizar a detalle el financiamiento de nuestra idea de negocios y los gastos que se realizarán. / Our present research work has as its main objective the development of our business plan called Apark-Car, which has as its vision to allow the identification of public and private parking lots in Metropolitan Lima. Through this project we will seek to solve the time wasted when looking for parking, as well as the lack of knowledge of the different drivers about the places to park, the rates, as well as the number of hours allowed and the possible fines imposed for parking violations. For the validation of Apark-Car's business idea, several interviews were conducted, both with experts in the sector and with potential customers or users. We obtained very important results for our research team to correct errors.
On the other hand, we elaborated different experiments to determine the public's response to the different value propositions and to know the fulfillment of the hypotheses proposed. Finally, with the purpose of establishing if our business idea is viable in the Peruvian market, we were able to develop financial, marketing and operational development plans to know the different elements and areas that will help with the sustainability of Apark-Car in time.
Finally, this work will have the sales projection and the respective cash flows, where we can visualize in detail the financing of our business idea and the expenses that will be incurred. / Trabajo de investigación
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