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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


賴淑蓉, Lai , ShuRong Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技不斷進行,資訊電腦、資訊與網路通訊科技的整合應用,除了改變現今生活的全貌,而同時深入改變企業或政府組織的角色,以及其經營之道的理念與做法,此外嶄新的管理與決策工具,也輔助高階主管的管理作業。而一個成功的企業或政府組織為能彈性因應外在競爭及劇變環境,需使其內部之資訊互通整合,以達組織間之企業流程、工作流運作順暢,而發揮企業之最大效率。藉由新科技的輔助,企業除內部工作流流線化外,對外也可增加其回應能力,以及提高其競爭能力。 本研究採個案研究方式,依據所提出之建立工作流模型及工作流管理系統之方法,選定一個案組織進行驗證。以整合性跨部門之業務流程出發,建立組織之業務流程模型,經流程分析及問題探討後,提出一套建議未來合理之業務流程模型,依未來合理之業務流程建立工作流模型,並進一定定義及強化資訊系統自動追蹤及稽催之角色,設計工作流管理系統。於所有活動均被正式定義以及追蹤管理之下,對於各項活動執行之作業成本及其績效,均能明確記載,因此可提供每年或外在環境改變時,進行對業務流程之檢討,再啟動本研究提出之方法,而每一次之檢討,可助於組織重新設計執行績效更佳之業務流程及工作流。

臺北市公有路邊停車場經營管理機制評選之研究 / Ranking and Selecting the Management of Taipei ,s Public Curb Parking Lot

陳美珍, Chen, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要是要建構一個在考慮經濟面及效率面下,評估公有路邊停車場經營管理績效的機制。當考慮經濟面及效率面時,包含權利金委外、開單勞務委外及人力派遣與政府自辦的比較,何者較具有經營管理優勢。本文選擇以這四個制度為分析對象的理由,主要是源自於公共選擇理論。另外,評估方法則應用層級分析法來評估這四個經營管理機制。而在考慮經濟與效率為目標下,評估指標分別從投入與產出這二個面向著手,其中投入面向之評估指標有人力、設備及費用,產出面向之評估指標則有每格位開單率及每人每日營收金額等。以臺北市西門地區做為實證分析對象,透過問卷調查24名專家學者對評估指標的權重,再以簡單加權法求算各個替選方案評點,研究結果發現,開單勞務委外為最優方案,其次為權利金委外,而政府自辦在經濟及效率面向,與其他三個方案比較結果,顯示最不具有經營管理優勢。 / This thesis is aimed at construct the scheme of evaluating the management economy and efficiency for public curb parking lot. Those which draw up the parking charge list including of royalty, labor-outsourcing and leased work, are compared with the government manages oneself, when consideration economy and efficiency which alternative has the superiority of operation and management. The rationale to choice these four alternatives as evaluative object is the public choice theory. Moreover, the consideration of performance evaluation has three indicators such as manpower, facility and expenditure under the schema of input, and two indicators such as the rate of draw up the parking charge list for a parking space and each person of daily earning under the schema of output. Further, analysis hierarchy process and SAW are applied for the appraisal method. In empirical study, 24 experts replied our questionnaire survey. The result suggest that the priority alternative is labor outsourcing and the government manages oneself is inferior to other three alternatives. We develop a framework to promote a better understanding of the important of public curb parking lot performance management. Using the review literature and the results an empirical study of Taipei’s curb parking lots, we developed the framework presented herein, in hope that if would stimulate more interest in this area.

Polyfunkční bytový dům ve Slatině / Polyfunctional residential building in Slatina

Náprava, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to design and evaluate a new multipurpose apartment building in Slatina. The object, which includes a parking lot, will be used for housing and recreational/sport purposes. The thesis also deals with basic evaluation of the object from the point of view of construction physics, fire safety and structural stability. The building is designed as a detached construction with graded floors. There is one ground floor and four elevated ones. The entire object is mirror-symmetrical on a transverse axis. The ground floor is designated to include a storage area of the apartment building, mechanical rooms and sanitary facilities of the fitness centre. The fitness centre itself is located on the first floor, along with a gym, administrative area and two special-purpose apartments. The remaining floors are intended for housing purposes. Wall construction system has been chosen for the object. The ground floor is based on a foundation plate made of watertight concrete („bílá vana“) while the supporting system is constituted by reinforced concrete walls. All ceiling constructions are constituted by monolithic plates made of reinforced concrete. Peripheral and inner supporting walls of the upper floors are lined with ceramic blocks HELUZ. Inner communication network consists of prefabricated reinforced concrete staircase and an elevator shaft. Roof construction consists of a flat DUO roof and a green roof.

Les parcs relais, outils clés de politiques intermodales de déplacement urbain

Margail, Fabienne 11 October 1996 (has links) (PDF)
La métropolisation, fruit des mouvements de concentration et d'étalement des populations et des activités qui depuis une vingtaine d'années affectent les grandes villes françaises, s'est accompagnée de bouleversements des modes de vie ainsi que de modifications structurelles des besoins de déplacement quotidien des personnes. Individualisation des comportements, éclatement des structures relationnelles, désynchronisation spatiale et temporelle des rythmes... ont débouché sur un éparpillement des flux de mobilité dans de vastes bassins de vie qui tendent à être investis de façon globale en recourant à plusieurs réseaux de transport collectif ou plus souvent à l'automobile. Ces évolutions ont conduit à l'aggravation des difficultés de circulation et de stationnement dans et vers les secteurs les plus denses où sont déployés les réseaux de transport en commun les plus performants. C'est dans ce contexte socio-organisationnel que des stratégies de parcs relais, visant à organiser la complémentarité des moyens de transport collectif et individuel, ont été mises en oeuvre dans les agglomérations et régions françaises. Ils peuvent concrétiser trois principaux types d'enjeux pour leurs différents promoteurs potentiels entre lesquels un compromis de réalisation et gestion doit être trouvé : optimisation de la rentabilité de l'offre de transport sur laquelle sont rabattus les flux diffus, organisation de l'intermodalité et de transferts modaux pour améliorer la desserte territoriale, orientation du développement urbain par réaffectation d'espaces ou territorialisation en des noeuds de réseaux. Ils fonctionnent dans les faits en instruments de maintien de noyaux urbains concentrés dont ils facilitent l'accessibilité ; mais plus largement, à l'échelle fonctionnelle des régions urbaines, ils instaurent un modèle d'organisation hiérarchisée des réseaux dans lequel un déplacement peut être réalisé en utilisant successivement transport collectif et automobile, chacun dans leur domaine géographique d'efficacité socio-économique maximum. La confrontation des échecs ou succès mitigés, finalement obtenus en France, avec les expériences en la matière de pays tant planificateurs (Allemagne, Suisse) que libéraux (Etats-Unis, Royaume Uni), nous montre que des innovations techniques, organisationnelles et institutionnelles doivent être introduites aux étapes de localisation, conception et exploitation de ces pivots de chaînes modales, également interfaces avec le territoire. Elles devront assurer dans le même temps leur intégration dans des politiques locales de déplacement à resituer au sein de réflexions globales sur le fonctionnement et le devenir des aires urbaines.

臺北市公有停車場管理員工作滿意、工作壓力與組織公民行為關聯性之研究 / The study of relationship of satisfaction, job stress and organizational citizenship behavior for the public parking administrator in Taipei.

王淳美, Wang, Chun May Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以臺北市公有停車場管理員為研究對象,探討不同個人屬性的管理員在工作滿意、工作壓力與組織公民行為上的差異性,及工作滿意、工作壓力對組織公民行為的影響情形,經由問卷調查蒐集資料,於103年3月6日發出642份問卷,3月14日回收,有效問卷計585份(回收率91.1%)。並以描述性統計、Pearson積差相關分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,獲致研究結論如下: 一、個人屬性中以「年齡」、「年資」及「工作屬性」在各變項及構面上有顯著的差異。 二、工作滿意與各構面對組織公民行為與各構面均呈現顯著之正相關。 三、工作壓力與組織公民行為間有顯著的負相關,「人際關係」及「組織氣氛」與組織公民行為各構面均呈現相當顯著之負相關。 四、在聯合預測力的分析結果,工作滿意的預測力高於工作壓力,並以工作滿意的「工作內容」最能正向影響組織公民行為,工作壓力的「人際關係」對組織公民行為最具負向預測力。 依據研究結論提出實務建議,期能對機關的管理效能有所助益。 關鍵字:公有停車場管理員、工作壓力、工作滿意、組織公民行為 / This research takes the public parking administrator in Taipei as the object to discuss their personalities contributes the job satisfaction, job stress and the difference of the organizational citizenship behaviors, and it also discuss the influence about the job satisfaction, job stress to the organizational citizenship behaviors. The research is implemented by questionnaire that issued for 642 on March 6, 2014 and collected on March 14. The valid questionnaire is five hundreds and eight-five (585) and in 91.1% response rate. The data is analyzed by the descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Correlation Aanalysis,Independent t Test, One Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Aanalysis and the conclusion are as follows: 1. The personal "age", "seniority" and "job properties" have significant differences in all variables and structure. 2.Job satisfaction and organizational citizen behavior showed a significant positive correlation between two of them. 3.There is a significant negative correlation between job stress and organizational citizen behavior. The "human relationships" and "organizational ambience" and the various structures of organizational citizen behavior showed a fairly significant negative correlation. 4.The analysis results in joint predictive power, the predictive job satisfaction is higher than the job stress, and “job content” in job satisfaction has the most positive impact on organizational citizen behavior. The "interpersonal" in the job stress has the most negative predictive power to organizational citizen behavior. Based on above findings, some recommendations are proposed and expected it helps the management level to improve the organization’s effectiveness. Keywords: The public parking administrator , Job stress, Job satisfaction, Organizational citizenship behavior.

Augmenting Cartographic Resources and Assessing Roadway State for Vehicle Navigation

Seo, Young-Woo 01 April 2012 (has links)
Maps are important for both human and robot navigation. Given a route, drivingassistance systems consult maps to guide human drivers to their destinations. Similarly, topological maps of a road network provide a robotic vehicle with information about where it can drive and what driving behaviors it should use. By providing the necessary information about the driving environment, maps simplify both manual and autonomous driving. The majority of existing cartographic databases are built, using manual surveys and operator interactions, to primarily assist human navigation. Hence, the resolution of existing maps is insufficient for use in robotics applications. Also, the coverage of these maps fails to extend to places where robotics applications require detailed geometric information. To augment the resolution and coverage of existing maps, this thesis investigates computer vision algorithms to automatically build lane-level detailed maps of highways and parking lots by analyzing publicly available cartographic resources, such as orthoimagery. Our map-building methods recognize image patterns and objects that are tightly coupled with the structure of the underlying road network by 1) identifying, without human intervention, locally consistent image cues and 2) linking them based on the obtained local evidence and prior information about roadways. We demonstrate the accuracy of our bootstrapping approach in building lane-level detailed roadwaymaps through experiments. Due to expected abnormal events on highways such as roadwork, the geometry and traffic rules of highways that appear on maps can occasionally change. This thesis also addresses the problem of updating the resulting maps with temporary changes by analyzing perspective imagery acquired from a vision sensor installed on a vehicle. To robustly recognize highway work zones, our sign recognizer focuses on handling variations of signs’ colors and shapes. Sign recognition errors, which are inevitable, can cause our system to misread temporary highway changes. To handle potential errors, our method utilizes the temporal redundancy of sign occurrences and their corresponding classification decisions. We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our approach highway workzone recognition through testing with video data recorded under various weather conditions. Two major results of this thesis work are 1) algorithms that analyze orthoimages to produce lane-level detailed maps of highways and parking lots and 2) on-vehicle computer vision algorithms that are able to recognize temporary changes on highways. Our maps can provide detailed information about a route, in advance, to either a human driver or a self-driving vehicle. While driving on highways, our roadway-assessing algorithms enable the vehicle to update the resulting maps with temporary changes to the route.

The financing of a nonpure public good : the case of roads

Naude, C. M. (Clifford Marnetz), 1965- 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the financing of roads in terms of public finance economic theory. The theory of public goods is applied to the case of roads and it is concluded that roads possess significant elements of privateness and are therefore nonpure public goods. Given that roads are nonpure public goods, and that the market for roads has natural monopoly characteristics, it is proposed that user charges have a role to play in the financing of roads. Road user charging techniques such as licence fees, fuel levies, tolls, area licensing, parking charges and weight-distance charges are evaluated. The advantages of user charging versus tax earmarking and general fund financing are examined. A road financing system for South Africa is proposed, whereby National roads are financed by user charges, and Provincial and Local roads are financed partly by user charges and partly by general taxes. / Economics and Management Sciences / Thesis (M.Com.)--University of South Africa, 1996.

Praças de estacionamentos como estratégia para melhoria no trânsito de áreas centrais / Parking Lots as Strategy for Improving Traffic of Downtown

Mendes, Flávia Bruno 26 March 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The traffic problems are of general scope in several cities in the world, especially in central area, usually more congested. This work aims to simulate an operational alternative that provides improved flow of vehicles in the central area. It is proposed the elimination of parking lots regulated rotary (called Blue Zone ) on the streets and main avenues in the downtown area and meeting this need with the implementation of parking garages/lots in buildings and / or underground garages in places near the central area. Identify the best location for such a development strategy includes facility location approach to logistics and optimization of the distance pathway. It can be pointed out urban politics for Land Use and Transportation, urban planning and needs applied to determine strategic locations for new enterprises considering the logistics. Some strategies of traffic management adopted in Brazil, United States and Europe are generally discussed with their benefits and limitations. The strategic locations were selected considering Clustering and Facility Location approaches using software TransCAD. Reduction of blue zones allows increasing the capacity of lane and therefore, improving the performance in central area. This benefit can be measured through the simulation, using Traffic Software Integrated System, taking into account Traffic Engineering. That is the case of downtown in Uberlandia. Comparing the proposed and real scenario it could be reduced delay and waiting time, fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The results pointed the better scenario of the central area and also showed it is important to review the land use/transportation. It is necessary to adopt integrated politics to improve the performance of the routes due the increased flow vehicles and traffic problems. The relocation of parking lots is a current alternative which improves the vehicles flow and the mobility in downtown. / Os problemas no trânsito são de amplitude geral em diversas cidades mundiais, principalmente na área central, normalmente, mais congestionada. Este trabalho pretende simular uma alternativa operacional que proporcione melhoria do fluxo de veículos na área central. Para isso, propõe-se a retirada dos estacionamentos regulamentados rotativos (Zona Azul) nas ruas e avenidas principais da área de estudo e o atendimento desta necessidade com a implantação de bolsões de estacionamentos em edifícios garagens e/ou garagens subterrâneas em locais próximos a área central. Identificar o melhor local para um empreendimento desta natureza engloba estratégias de localização de instalações com abordagem em logística e de otimização da distância de caminhamento. Destaca-se a importância das políticas urbanas, como o planejamento urbano e a legislação de uso e ocupação do solo. Algumas estratégias de gerenciamento de tráfego adotadas no Brasil, Estados Unidos e países da Europa são abordados juntamente com seus benefícios e limitações. Os locais estratégicos para estacionamento foram selecionados com base nos procedimentos de Clustering e Facility Location do software TransCAD. Com a retirada das vagas dos estacionamentos rotativos ao longo do meio-fio, obtém-se um aumento na capacidade das vias, devido ao maior número de faixas de tráfego e, portanto, melhor desempenho operacional nas vias da área central. Este benefício é mensurado com abordagem em técnicas de engenharia de tráfego através da simulação no Traffic Software Integrated System (TSIS), adotando o caso típico da área central da cidade de Uberlândia. Analisando-se os dois cenários (cenário real e cenário proposto), percebeu-se uma redução do tempo de espera e atraso, aumento da velocidade média, redução do consumo de combustível dos veículos e das emissões de gases poluentes (HC, CO e NO). Os resultados indicaram melhoria do fluxo de veículos e maior aproveitamento do espaço viário na área central. Este trabalho mostrou ainda, que é importante rever a legislação de uso e ocupação do solo, adotando políticas integradas de transporte para melhorar as condições operacionais das vias. A realocação dos estacionamentos é uma alternativa eficaz e imediata, que melhora o fluxo de veículos e a mobilidade na região central da cidade, deslocando a demanda por vagas para locais isolados fora da área densa. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Parkering i Norrköping : Processen att skapa ett mobilt användargränssnitt för att underlätta reseplanering / Parking in Norrköping : The process of creating a mobile interface to facilitate trip planning

Farhadi, Anna, Norin, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Under sommaren 2014 kommer Norrköping locka många turister till staden genom ett flertal stora evenemang, till exempel Bråvallafestivalen och Harry Potter: The Exhibition. Som besökare från en annan stad kan det vara svårt att hitta lämpliga parkeringsplatser i sådana situationer. I nuläget har Norrköpings kommun en karta över parkeringsplatser på deras hemsida. Denna är endast anpassad till webbläsare och ger en översiktlig bild över var parkeringar finns utplacerade i de mest centrala delarna av staden. Att söka upp kartan på en mobil enhet, lokalisera sig på kartan, välja lämplig parkering och sedan hitta till denna kan vara svårt och tidskrävande för den som har bråttom eller inte hittar i staden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram ett användarvänligt gränssnitt för en mobil applikation som ska underlätta parkeringsprocessen för förare som bor i eller besöker Norrköping. Till studien har sekventiella blandade metoder använts och designprocessen har baserats på både en målinriktad och användarcentrerad designmetod. En enkät, intervjuer och andvändbarhetstester har använts som datainsamlingmetoder för att på bästa sätt utveckla ett gränssnitt som möter användarens behov. Studien har resulterat i ett gränssnitt för en parkeringsapplikation som kan användas i planeringssyfte och som navigationshjälp. Design- och interaktionsval är grundade på användarnas mål och preferenser. Slutsatsen är att i en stressfylld situation är det viktigt att informationen är lättöverskådlig, tydlig och kräver minimal ansträngning av användaren samtidigt som antal steg för att nå informationen bör minimeras. Överflödiga funktioner bör sorteras bort. Olika användare har även olika inställningar till användandet av mobila applikationer för reseplanering och parkering. I första hand vänder sig majoriteten av mobilanvändare till Google för informationssökningar således bör den enklaste lösningen vara att Norrköpings kommun upprättar en mobilanpassad hemsida med information om parkeringar i staden. Dock finns det komplexa funktioner i applikationen som inte går att efterskapa på en mobil hemsida och även för att nå en bredare målgrupp blir skapandet av en applikation nödvändigt. / With a series of prestigeous events such as the Bråvalla Music Festival and the European premiere of Harry Potter: The Exhibition, Norrköping will, during the summer of 2014, attract many tourists. As a visitor, it may be difficult to locate appropriate parking spots in situations like these. Norrköpings Municipality currently has a map on their website with an overview of parking spots in the central areas of the city. This map, however, is only suited for viewing on big screens. To search for the map on a mobile device, find an appropriate parking and then correctly navigate to its location may serve difficult for a user who is new to the town or pressed for time. The purpose of this study is to create a user-friendly interface design for a mobile application that aims to facilitate the parking process for drivers who live in, or are visiting, Norrköping. The study uses a sequential mixed method approach and the design process is based on a goal-directed and user-centered design. Surveys, interviews and usability testing have been employed to collect research in order to create an interface that meets the needs of the user. The study resulted in the creation of an interface for a parking application that can be used for planning purposes as well as navigation. Choices for design and interactivity are based on the users' goals and preferences. The study concludes that a stressful situation requires information to be clear, easily understood and call for minimum effort from the user's side. Redundant information should be removed and the steps it takes to obtain information should be reduced. Different users have different attitudes towards the use of mobile applications for planning and parking. The majority of interviewees would in a similar situation rely on a Google search for information. From this we can conclude that the easiest solution would be for Norrköping's Municipality to create a mobile website with information about parking in the city. However, in order to reach a broader target group and to incorporate certain complex functions and features, the creation of an application becomes necessary.

Energibalans och inomhusklimat i ett parkeringshus under jord med behovsstyrd ventilation / Energy balance and indoor climate in a parking garage underground with demand-controlled ventilation

Pohjanen, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är gjort hos VVS-konsulterna Skellefteå AB. Det behandlar projektering av ett parkeringshus med hänsyn till värme och ventilation och en jämförelse av ventilationssystem på ett parkeringshus som är planerad att stå klar 2019. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur man projekterar ett parkeringshus ventilation och om det går att spara energi och utgifter genom att använda sig av behovsstyrd ventilation istället för konstant ventilation. Eftersom det är dyrare att investera i behovsstyrd ventilation kommer det också undersöka återbetalningstiden för den investeringen. För att göra undersökningarna har programmet IDA ICE använts för att rita upp en modell av byggnaden och simulera dess energianvändning för att senare jämföra resultaten och se skillnaderna mellan de olika ventilationssystemen. Ett förslag har framtagits på hur ventilationen kan dras och hur fläktluftvärmare ska installeras och hur rören ska dras. Resultatet från simuleringarna gav den totala energiförbrukningen minskade med 705 000 kWh/ med behovsstyrd ventilation jämfört med konstant ventilation. Fläktens energianvändning minskade med 75% och uppvärmningsenergin minskade med 72%. Investeringen för behovsstyrd ventilation jämfört med konstantflödes ventilation är 600 000 kr dyrare och får utifrån beräkningarna i detta arbete en återbetalningstid på 1 år. Livslängden på ventilationssystemet antas vara 25–30 år. / This graduate work was conducted in cooperation with the VVS-Consultants Skellefteå AB. It deals with the design of a parking garage regarding heat and ventilation and a comparison of ventilation systems in a parking garage that is scheduled to be ready 2019. The purpose of the work is to investigate how to design a parking garage ventilation and if you can save energy and expenses by using demand-controlled ventilation instead of constant ventilation. As it is more expensive to invest in demand- controlled ventilation, it will also investigate the repayment period for that investment. To do the studies, the IDA ICE program has been used to draw a model of the building and simulate its energy use to compare the results later and see the differences between the different ventilation systems. A proposal has been made on how ventilation can be drawn and how the radiators are to be installed and how the pipes are to be drawn. The result of the simulations resulted in total energy consumption decreased by 705,000 kWh / with demand-controlled ventilation compared to constant ventilation. The fan's energy consumption decreased by 75% and the heating energy decreased by 72%. The investment for controlled ventilation compared to constant flow ventilation is 600,000 kr more and, based on the calculations in this work the repayment period is 1 year. The life expectancy of the ventilation system is assumed to be 25-30 years.

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