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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energieffektiv byggnad i stadsmiljö

Gustafsson, Richard, Törnqvist, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
This report will present an energy efficient building in the centre of Kalmar city. It will become energy efficient because of the worldwide goal to reduce our energy using in our buildings. The values of architecture have been given a great part in this report. The building is supposed to be placed in Kvarnholmen in a unique environment in centre of Kalmar city. Because of the placement it is very important to show respect to the surroundings and the history of Kalmar.

Passivhus - lönsamt eller ej? : En jämförelse mellan ett passivhus och ett konventionellt hus

Ekblom, Anna, Ernér, Anna January 2010 (has links)
As a result of increased energy prices more and more energy-efficient homes are coveted. An energy-efficient alternative is passive houses, which is characterized by an extremely well insulated building envelope that recovers the heat without the use of radiators or under floor heating. But a passive house requires a higher investment cost than a conventional building project, since it will require more construction materials, training of construction workers, greater land area, and long construction period. But the lower operating cost expects to pay back the higher cost of investment. We therefore question how profitable a passive house is in relation to houses built according to modern conventional building techniques. The aim of our study is to investigate the viability of passive houses compared to convent­ional houses. By using economic tools we intend to pursue this question of profitability to see where, when and how costs and revenues emerge. Our report resulted in a case study where we looked closer at the passive house project Oxtorget and the conventional project Apollofjärilen, which both are owned by Finnveds­bostäder in Värnamo. Through interviews with Per-Magnus Rylander, project manager for Oxtorget, and Jan-Olof Fag, operation manager for Oxtorget, we got access to sufficient infor­mation about the two projects to compare the various profitability calculations, to finally discover which of the two projects that was most profitable. With the help of our collected empirical data and economic tools, we concluded that Oxtorget became an unnecessarily expensive passive house project. This is because Oxtorget was built in such an early stage that information and experience from passive technology was missing, which involved a cost to the construction team to learn new technologies. Besides, there were only two offers, which meant less competition and therefore a high price. But it is primarily Oxtorgets planning cost that has affected our profitability calculations adversely. Since the building was appealed it required two planning’s which made Oxtorgets investment cost more difficult to recoup. But thanks to government contributions and low rates, we could still come to the conclusion that Oxtorget was a profitable venture, but nowhere near as profitable as we initially expected. Finally, we found out that we believe that if a similar comparative study carried out in which the passive house project follows a normal building process we will see a significant change of the result. We have also realized that the rate plays a significant role on projects profitability. For this reason, we have finally found that minimized investment costs are the most important thing to ensure that a passive house is more profitable than a convent­ional house.

Energieffektivisering i befintliga byggnader : Möjligheter för Mimer att skapa lågenergihus vid ombyggnation

AL Hasan, Sheraz January 2010 (has links)
Detta examensarbete fokuserar på energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus som är uppförda under 1960-talet. Eftersom sektorn bostäder och service står nuförtiden för cirka 40 % av landets totala energianvändning, så är det värt att försöka åtgärda befintliga byggnader som läcker onödig stor energi. I den här rapporten redogörs för vilka möjligheter som kan leda till minskad energianvändning i byggnader vid omfattande ombyggnation. Det finns två viktiga anledningar till varför fastighetsbolagen bör satsa på energieffektivisering vilka är ekonomin och miljön. Syftet med detta arbete är att fokusera på att minska energianvändningen i ett flerbostadshus som är beläget i Skultuna. Boendesvanor gällande hushållsel kommer inte att tas upp i denna rapport. De föreslagna åtgärderna berör endast byggnadsteknik och installationsteknik. Nybyggnation av passivhus i kvarteret Berggrottan har redovisats för att ge insikt om de olika byggnadstyperna gällande energiförbrukning och byggnadsteknik. Passivhuskonceptet har diskuterats för att ge inspiration och vetskap om hur man kan applicera passivhustekniken vid ombyggnation och för att se om det är möjligt att skapa ett lågenergihus vid ombyggnation eller inte. Den undersökta byggnaden är en av de typiska trevåningars lamellhus som har producerats i stort antal under perioden 1960-1975. Detta arbete ska fungera som ett utvecklingsunderlag för Mimer som satsar på energifrågorna och vill göra besparingsåtgärder i sina gamla flerbostadshus särskilt de som förbrukar mycket energi. De studerade förslagen har indelats i två kategorier. Den ena handlar om byggnadstekniska åtgärder, vilka är tilläggsisolering av fasader, tilläggsisolering av vindsbjälklaget och byte av fönster. Den andra handlar om installationstekniska lösningar, vilka är montering av Wanpan golvlist och installering av solfångare. Resultatet från utförda energiberäkningar visar att transmissionsförlusterna minskas från 47 % till 24 % om de föreslagna byggnadstekniska åtgärderna följs. Dessutom besparas totalt 116 700 kr/år . Till slut kan konstateras att möjligheten att skapa lågenergihus finns, men om ytterligare åtgärder införs. Det är svårt att bestämma vilka åtgärder är effektivast eftersom det beror i första hand på vilka förutsättningar som finns. Varje byggnad är unik och har sina speciella förutsättningar, så därför är det viktigt att studera den som ett helt system.

Byggnadsekonomi : En jäförelse ellan passivhus och konventionella hus

Wilander, Stina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Med stigande energikostnader, och med påverkan av miljön är det viktigt att spara energi. Ett led i detta är</p><p>att bygga bostäder och andra byggnader mer energisnåla, eftersom dessa står för nästan 40 % av Sveriges</p><p>energianvändning.</p><p>Ett hinder för att bygga energisnålt är den ökade kostnaden vid produktionen, för exempelvis ökande mängd</p><p>byggnadsmaterial. Det är därför viktigt att inte bara titta på vad byggnadskostnaden blir, utan vad kostnaden blir</p><p>på sikt. Läggs extra pengar vid byggnationen på extra isolering och effektivare installationer, kommer</p><p>driftskostnaden av huset minska. Detta gör att inom en framtid kommer den dyrare byggnationen ha betalat sig.</p><p>Det visar sig att passivhus fungerar och att det betalar sig i längden att bygga passivhus. Det tar bara olika</p><p>lång tid beroende vilka faktorer som tas med vid beräkningarna. Men med samma ökning av elpriset som under</p><p>de gångna åren, återbetalar sig passivhuset på ca 16 år. Där efter sparas mer pengar in varje år i form av lägre</p><p>driftskostnader</p> / <p>Along with increasing energy costs, and effection on the environment, it is more and more important to save</p><p>energy. One thing we can do is to build so called passivehouses, as the houses takes up almost 40 % of the</p><p>total energy, spent in Sweden.</p><p>Increasing production costs stands in the way of building low-energy buildings. Therefore it’s important not</p><p>only to consider the cost of building the house, but also to look at what the yearly costs will be. If more money is</p><p>spent, during the production of the house, at extra isolation and more effective installation systems, the yearly</p><p>costs will decrease. That leads to the conclusion that the house is repaid in a certain amount of years. How long</p><p>it takes and which factors it depends on the most, will be revealed in this paper.</p><p>One of the conclusion is that the passivehouses works, and the extra money spent when building the house,</p><p>is repaid in about 16 years. The repayment time, depends on a huge number of scenarios, but the money will</p><p>still be repaid, it’s just a matter of time</p>

Energiberäkningar för passivhus / Energy calculations for passive houses

Wangmo, Sebastian January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Climate and environmental issues are of paramount importance. Researchers agree that we must all contribute to a reduction of gases that contribute to climate change. Energy consumption must decrease within all sectors and the promotion of renewable sources of energy must be introduced. Each sector should aspire to decrease its energy consumption. Energy consumption is strongly linked to waste gases that contribute to climate change. Passive houses are a part of the construction industry's methods to attain energy conservation. Passive houses are derived from low energy houses and super insulated houses. A passive house is intended to obtain heat from the inhabitants and through their activities. The house is built so that heat losses through the climate shell (doors, windows, walls, floors and ceilings) and the ventilation system are decreased. In order to get a good indoor environment it is important that the ventilation and heat recycling system working together, hold the energy consumption down. This is how faculty people usually present a passive house to someone who has not considered the concept before. I would like to turn the focus from heating to cooling. Houses with large glass facades facing south and a closed climate shell risk too high an indoor temperature. How do we plan houses so that they don’t need a cooling system? Is protection from the sun enough? During the planning of a passive house, efforts are made in order to let the house be dependent on a small heat battery during the coldest parts of the year. My approach to passive houses became an effort to see how solar radiation influences closed and highly insulated units. The heating of houses in my calculations was not influenced to any extent by the rotation of the building. When heating buildings the sun’s radiation only plays a small part. When the sun’s radiation is most concentrated no active heating is required. It is important to note that solar radiation cannot be depended upon at all times especially in winter. Of course, with sun protection, energy needed for heating will increase but energy for cooling will decrease. Sun radiation influences active cooling as shown in my software program. Increased sun radiation requires increased active cooling for alternatives in my study without sun protection. The alternatives with sun protection are not influenced as much by solar radiation as those without. Alternatives with strong sun protections are not as sensetive how the house is placed among the point of the compass. Solar radiation does not become equally considerable and impact to be decreased therefore.

Energiprestanda för lågenergihus : Hur bra stämmer de projekterade energivärdena? / Energy performance for low energy housing : How accurate are the projected energy values?

Johansson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
År 2011 stod bostadssektorn för dryga 34 % av Sveriges totala energianvändning. För att lyckas med Sveriges mål med att sänka energiintensiteten med 20 % till år 2020 kommer lågenergihusen att spela en viktig roll. Det har aldrig byggts så många lågenergibyggnader jämfört med nybyggda hus som under år 2012. Enligt en rapport hade nästan 40 % av 65 nyproducerade eller ombyggda lågenergihus i Sverige avvikelser från det projekterade energivärdet jämfört med det verkliga värdet när byggnaden väl hade tagits i drift.   Studien har utgått ifrån Peabs byggprojekt i Division Väst där lågenergihus och passivhus har behandlats. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att öka kunskapsnivån i byggbranschen genom att kartlägga hur bra energieffektiva hus klarar de projekterade värdena. Målsättningen har varit att kunna redovisa faktorer och förslag till förbättringar för att minimera avvikelser mellan projekterade och verkliga energivärden.   Genom berörda aktörer för de olika byggprojekten har data samlats in. Studien har därefter behandlat och beräknat eventuella avvikelser för projekten. Ett projekt, Barkassen 15, har även byggts upp i energiberäkningsprogrammet VIP-Energy. Utifrån ett grundfall har flera faktorer så som tappvarmvatten, hushållsenergi, COP, luftflöden mm ändrats och deras utslag på den totala energianvändningen har analyserats.   Resultat visar att 67 % av examensarbetets projekt har avvikelser i projekterat värde jämfört mot det verkliga. 2 av 6 projekt ligger inom felmarginalerna. Flödet på frånluftsvärmepumpen, hushållsenergin samt COP på frånluftsvärmepumpen gav störst utslag på den specifika energianvändningen för Barkassen 15. Ändrades flödet från projekterat värde till det uppmätta flödet ökade den specifika energianvändningen från 71 till 90 kWh/m2, år.   Slutsatsen som kan göras är att det finns många felkällor vid en projektering. Framförallt har brukaren en stor påverkan på energianvändningen. Examensarbetet visar också på svårigheter med att projektera värmesystem med COP. Genom att utforma krav på VVS-konsulter och projektörer att delta under garantitiden skulle ge erfarenhetsåterföring samt ökad kunskap om värmesystemen. Att införa fler mätpunkter i en byggnad hade underlättat för att utläsa vad som orsakar eventuella avvikelser, om det är brukaren eller installationer.

Passivhus i Örebro län : Undersökning av marknaden för fastighetsägare

Almestrand, Lovisa January 2009 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka vilken kunskap som fastighetsägare har om passivhus samt om det finns någon marknad för detta koncept i Örebro län. Miljö- och klimatproblemen i världen blir allt större och ett resultat av detta är den ständigt cirkulerande debatten om passivhus.  Lågenergihus är en nödvändig lösning för att energianvändningen ska kunna minskas, då bostadssektorn står för cirka 40 % av Sveriges totala energianvändning. Passivhus är en utveckling av lågenergihuset som byggs utan konventionellt uppvärmningssystem och har en låg energianvändning. Asplunds Bygg i Örebro bygger nu våren 2009 de första passivhusen i Örebro. Examensarbetet inleddes med att fastighetsägare kontaktades och intervjuer bokades. De muntliga intervjuerna genomfördes under en fyra veckors period på respektive fastighetsägares kontor. En egen fördjupning i ämnet gjordes parallellt med intervjuerna genom att studera passivhus i bl.a. litteratur, artiklar och på Internet. Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes, jämfördes och analyserades utifrån syftet med arbetet. Fastighetsägarna är positivt inställda till konceptet och anser att energifrågan är viktig, men kunskapen kring passivhus hos vissa är bristfällig. Avslutningsvis konstateras att utifrån resultatet av intervjuerna så verkar det som att det finns en framtida marknad för passivhus i Örebro län. Nyckelord: passivhus, lågenergihus, energianvändning, ventilationssystem, värmeåtervinning, tjock isolering. / This project aims to study the knowledge that property owners have of passive houses and if there is a market for this concept in Örebro County. Environmental and climate problems in the world are growing and a result of this is the constant circulating debate of passive houses. Low-energy houses are a necessary solution to reducing energy consumption, then the housing sector accounts for about 40 % of Sweden´s total energy use. Passive houses are a development of the low-energy house built without conventional heating systems and have a low energy use. Asplunds Bygg in Örebro is now building the very first passive houses in Örebro this spring 2009. The project began with contacting property owners to book interviews. The interviews were carried out over a four week period at the respective property owner's office. An independent in-depth were made parallel to the interviews by studying passivhus in literature, articles and on the Internet. The results of the interviews were compiled, compared and analyzed based on the purpose of the work. Property owners are receptive to the concept and believe that the energy issue is important, but that knowledge into passive houses of some is poor.  Finally found that from the results of the interviews it seems that there is a future market for passive houses in Örebro County.  Keywords: passive houses, low-energy houses, energy use, ventilation system, heat recovery, thick insulation.

Primärenergianvändning av passivhus i Sverige : Med fokus på Kvarteret Trettondagen

Jiang, Jia January 2013 (has links)
The building sector accounted for around a fourth of the total energy usage in Sweden in year 2010 (Energimyndigheten, 2012). Therefore it has become very interesting to achieve a lower energy usage in residential buildings. One way to achieve that is to build so called passive houses. By being very well insulated and have low leakage through the walls, they can reduce the energy usage for heating with a substantial amount. The first passive house was built during the 90’s in Germany; and in Sweden the first passive house was built in Gothenburg 2001. Both Sweden and EU have goals to reduce the overall energy usage and greenhouse emission by 2020 and 2050. The concept of the passive house is one way to achieve the goals. In short, the concept of the passive house in Sweden is: The air tightness for the walls should be tighter than 0,3 l/m2,s at 50 Pa overpressure The heat loss factor must not exceed 15 W/m2 Atemp for climate zone III The delivered energy must not exceed 50 kWh/m2 Atemp,year for purely non electrically heated systems in climate zone III The average u-value for windows should be as highest 0,8 W/m2,K. The term primary energy is a term that is frequently used in the EU when talking about energy usage. Apart from the above mentioned criteria, passive houses in Germany must also use less than 120 kWh/m2Atemp,year in primary energy. Primary energy usage for the passive houses is calculated by multiplying the energy usage with the respective primary energy factor. The primary energy factors were set to be the following: Electricity mix – 2,7 District heating mix – 0,79 District heating from waste – 0,04 Electricity from wind power – 0,05 The results show that the passive houses in Trettondagen and Oxtorget were the only ones that passed the German limit of 120 kWh/m2Atemp,year. The low energy usage in Trettondagen could be explained by the fact that the input values for calculating primary energy usage were simulated and not measured. Moreover, the passive house in Trettondagen was connected to the district heating from waste, which has a very low primary energy factor. The passive houses in Oxtorget were not connected to district heating and relied only on solar panels and heat recovery in the ventilation unit. An electric heater was installed in both the ventilation unit and the storage tank to provide extra heating. What set the passive house in Oxtorget apart from the others was that the electricity used in the houses only came from wind power. The low primary energy factor for wind power contributed to the extremely low primary energy of Oxtorget. The domestic electricity was relatively high in most of the passive houses, a reason to why they had problem with passing the German limit. One house had low enough domestic electricity usage to possibly pass the limit if the source of energy for heating was changed. It was the passive house in Falkenberg which was connected to district heating from biofuels (1,035). By switching to district heating from waste instead, the passive house in Falkenberg will then pass the limit. Primary energy usage for the passive houses in Oxtorget was also calculated with one half from electricity mix and the other half from electricity from wind power. Despite a large increase in primary energy, the passive houses still passed the limit. The passive house in Trettondagen was also calculated with switching district heating from waste to district heating mix. The primary energy increased a little bit but remained under the limit. The conclusion form this thesis showed that certain passive houses in Sweden were able to fall beneath the German limit for primary energy. One obstacle could be the high domestic electricity that has to decrease, perhaps by informing and involving the residents. Another problem is the absence of proper framework for calculating primary energy. There are some calculations mentioned in FEBY that resembles calculations for primary energy. The definitions though are too unclear and thus difficult to compare with the German standard.

Det samtida arkitektoniska koldioxidfria  passiva huset : Byggnation av ett familjehus med miljövänliga material / The modern architecture corbon dioxide free passive house : Construction of a family house with environmentally friendly materials

Callderyd, Alma January 2022 (has links)
Klimatkrisen har aldrig varit ett viktigare ämne, än vad den är nu. Ändå fortsätter vi att bygga med metall och betong trots att byggbranschen och byggherrarna är väl medvetna om utsläppen av koldioxid och växthusgaser. Men hur bygger man ett hus med så lite avtryck på miljön som möjligt? Examensarbetet syftar på behovet av att bygga med miljövänligare material i modern arkitektur i konceptet för passivhus.  Arbetsmetoden för examensarbetet har bestått av litteraturundersökningar, platsbesök och intervjuer med erfarna arkitekter och en passivhusexpert. Den data som samlats in kommer sedan att utmynna i ett gestaltningsförslag där ett passivhus kommer att designas utefter material av tång, kork, trä och cellulosaisolering. / The climate crisis has never been a more important topic than now. Nevertheless, buildings continue to be built with metal and concrete even though the construction industry and the customers are aware of the carbon dioxide that is emitted. But how do you build a house with as little imprint on the environment as possible? The thesis aims at the need to build with environmentally friendly materials in the modern architecture and the concept of passive houses.  The working method for the degree project has consisted of literature surveys, site visits and interviews with experienced architects and a passive house expert. The data collected will then be concluded in a design proposal where a passive house will be designed according to materials of seaweed, cork, wood and cellulose insulation.

Passivhuset i det långa loppet : - hur påverkar brukarens kunskap energiförbrukningen?

Hedkvist, Karin, von Gegerfelt,, Rebecca January 2012 (has links)
The scope of this investigation is to decide how and to what extent the energy consumption of a passive house is affected by the users’ knowledge and habits. To achieve this a literary study has been made and as a complement the planning of a passive house was completed. The result of a primary study of the rules and regulations that effect passive houses in Sweden shows that the user’s influence on passive houses is a completely unregulated area. Even though there is no regulation, a need for some general knowledge of the passive house concept has been expressed. To further investigate how the users’ knowledge and habits affect the energy consumption and if there is a difference between different households’ energy consumption , three main factors have been identified. The factors are as follows:  Indoor-temperature  Hot water consumption  Consumption of electricity for household appliances After the study of factors that influence unwanted user behaviors, different tools that can help to reduce user-related energy consumption has been investigated. As pointed out earlier a need for some knowledge of the passive house concept has been expressed as, if not necessary, at least very useful to the user in a passive house. That knowledge is transferred between builder- buyer, buyer-seller, landlords -tenants during different stages of a passive house’s life. The following means of communication are used:  Meetings  A user’s guide  Interactive – displays  Knowledgeable technicians What concerns the planning of the passive house, the house did not reach the Swedish passive house requirements, but none the less it was an important tool to gain further insight to factors that can affect the energy consumption in a passive house.

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