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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppfattning om egenvård och behov av vård hos personer som injicerar droger : En intervjustudie

Nordin, Cornelia, Ragnarsson, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund Personer som injicerar droger uppsöker vården mindre frekvent än övriga befolkningen men löper ökad risk för ohälsa utifrån olika riskbeteenden såsom att dela injektionsmaterial och bruka olagliga substanser. Ohälsa som uppkommer kopplat till injicering av droger orsakar lidande hos individen samt stora kostnader för sjukvården. Förmåga att ta hand om egenvård påverkar möjligheten att bibehålla hälsa och inkluderas i samhället. Syfte Att utforska hur egenvård uppfattas av personer som injicerar droger samt vilket behov av vård dessa personer ger uttryck för. Metod Kvalitativ intervjustudie med explorativ ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 12 personer som besökte sprututbytesmottagningen vid Karolinska universitetssjukhuset i Stockholm. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier: Önskan om att bibehålla hälsa trots substansbrukssyndrom, Behov av specifik kompetens och personcentrerad vård och Behov av specifik vård och säkra miljöer. I kategorin Önskan om att bibehålla hälsa trots substansbrukssyndrom beskrivs att egenvård uppfattas som att använda droger säkert och att i övrigt upprätthålla en god fysik och psykisk hälsa. I kategorin Behov av specifik kompetens och personcentrerad vård framkom att specifik omvårdnadskompetens och kunskap om substansbrukssyndrom inom hälso- och sjukvården efterfrågas. I kategorin behov av Specifik vård och säkra miljöer beskrivs att personer som injicerar droger efterfrågar tillgång till vård anpassad efter de specifika behov och hälsorisker som droganvändning medför.  Slutsats Egenvård uppfattas som att bibehålla hälsa genom att injicera droger på ett säkert sätt, minska riskbeteende samt att undvika att exkluderas från samhället genom att ta hand om utseende, hygien och sträva mot en meningsfull vardag. Respondenterna uttrycker behov av personcentrerad vård, värdigt bemötande samt kompetens avseende droganvändande hos vårdpersonal. En personlig och kontinuerlig kontakt ses som essentiellt för att förbättra upplevelsen av vård hos denna målgrupp. / Background People who inject drugs are less able to access healthcare than the general population, but are at increased risk of illness related to risk behaviors such as sharing injection equipment and use of illegal substances. Illness caused by injection drug use is related to individual suffering as well as increased health care costs. The ability to perform self-care affects the ability to maintain health and being included in society. Aim The aim was to explore how self-care is percieved by people who inject drugs, as well as the needs of healthcare expressed by these individuals.  Method Qualitative interview study with explorative design. Semi structured interviews were conducted with 12 people visiting a needle exchange clinic at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. The interviews were analyzed using content analysis. Results The analysis resulted in three categories: A wish to maintain good health despite substance use disorder, Need for specific competence and patient-centered care and Need for specific care and safe environments. The category A wish to maintain good health despite substance use disorder showed that self-care was perceived as using drugs in a safe way and to maintain a good physical and mental health overall. The category Need for specific competence and patient-centered care describes a wish for specific nursing skills and increased knowledge of substances use disorders within the health care system. The category Need for specific care and safe environments demonstrate that people who inject drugs are requesting access to healthcare adjusted to their specific needs and health risks. Conclusions The respondents perceive self-care as maintaining health by injecting drugs safely, reduce risk behavior and avoid being excluded from society by caring for appearance, hygiene and striving for a meaningful life. The respondents in this study express the need for person-centered care, dignified treatment and drug use expertise within the health care system. An individual and continuous contact at the needle exchange clinic is essential to improve the experience of health care for these individuals.

Varför vänder sig individen till 112 vid upplevd ohälsa : En intervjustudie med personer som av ambulanspersonal har bedömts som ”icke akuta”

Karlsson, Anette, Lilja, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
Vården ska ges på den nivå som bäst är anpassad efter patientens individuella tillstånd. Patient väljer ibland att vända sig till akutsjukvården då vårdbehovet egentligen inte är akut utan bättre kan behandlas inom primärvården. Tidigare forskning påvisar att patienter föredrar att söka sig till akutsjukvården framför primärvården då den är mer lättillgänglig samt att den uppfattas som bättre. Att det är flera personer som är inblandade i beslutet att kontakta larmcentralen samt att det är ett svårt beslut framkommer också i tidigare studier. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att beskriva patientens beslut att ringa larmcentral i stället för att ta kontakt med primärvården. Deltagarna i studien hade alla tackat ja och var inkluderade i projektet Vård på Rätt Vårdnivå och vi kom på så sätt i kontakt med dem. Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ intervjustudie och är baserad på åtta informanter. Resultatet påvisar att beslutet att ringa larmcentralen i stället för att kontakta primärvårdens vårdcentral kan förstås som att 112 samtalet ersätter vårdcentralen som har begränsningar eller saknar akutmottagningens resurser. Att ringa larmcentralen kan också vara ett uttryck för ohälsa eller att ha förlorat kontrollen. Ofta är det någon annan än patienten som tar beslutet att ringa 112. Vårdcentralen väljs bort bland annat på grund av sämre tillgänglighet och begränsat vårdutbud i förhållande till akutmottagningen. Flera jourmottagningar i primärvårdens regi, ett ökat samarbete mellan akutsjukvården och primärvården samt regelbundna hälsokontroller som skall ges tätare med stigande ålder är förslag till kliniska implikationer. [Summary in English:] Care should be given at the best level suitable to the individual patient condition. Sometimes the patients choose to contact Emergency care when the actual need is not that urgent and can be better treated within the Primary care. Earlier research shows that patients prefer to get in contact to Emergency care prior to Primary care as it is easier to access and that it is perceived as a better option. Earlier studies also show that it’s difficult decision and more persons are often involved to decide to contact Emergency care. The purpose of this study is to describe the patient's decision to call the Emergency care instead of the Primary care. Persons participating in the study have all accepted and were already included in the project "care at the right level", and that was how we got in touch with them. The study was performed as a qualitative interview and based on eight informants. The result shows that the decision to call the Emergency care instead of the Primary care can be recognized as the 112 call replace Primary Care that is limited or do not the same resources as Emergency care. To call the Emergency care can also be an expression of suffering or that the patient lost control. Often it is someone else than the patient who makes the decision to call 112. The Primary care that is chosen away means limited availability and limited care in relation to Emergency care. More emergency receptions handled by the Primary care, greater corporation between emergency care and primary care and regular health checks more frequent as age increase is some proposals to clinical implications. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot distriktssköterska

Att bli värdigt bemött : En tvärsnittstudie om bemötande på akutvårdsavdelningar ur patientens perspektiv

Olsson, Beatriz, Hayton, Cathrine January 2009 (has links)
<p>Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire. The results show that patients who were cared for, answered positively in terms of the patient-nurse relationship, when they felt welcome to the department (62,1 %), when they were treated with deference and respect (59,3 %) and when the nurses showed they cared (57 %). A total of 11 % of the patients experienced a violation of their integrity and a sense of powerlessness towards health care. The results confirm previous research which emphasizes the importance of paying attention to patients' needs and requests before the dissatisfaction and lack of good patient-nurse relationship has arisen. This is necessary in order to improve and develop the positive experience of caring for the patient, and thus raise the quality of care.</p> / <p>Klagomål till patientnämnden visar på att det finns brister i bemötandet vilket också styrks av tidigare forskning. Det förefaller att det kan vara svårt för sjukvården att leva upp till hälso- och sjukvårdslagen som kräver att vården ska vara av god kvalitet, grundas på respekt, värdighet och utformas så att patienten själv får vara med och ta beslut. För att bidra till mer kunskap om ett värdigt bemötande avser denna studie att belysa vad patienten värderar som ett gott bemötande.<strong> </strong>Syftet var att beskriva hur patienter värderar bemötandet och hur de beskriver att de blivit bemötta av personalen under sin vårdtid på en akutvårdsavdelning. Studien är en deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie med en kvantitativ ansats där populationen bestod av patienter som vårdats på akutvårdsavdelningar i Landstinget Västmanland under 2007. I studien ingick 93 patienter som vid slutet av vårdtillfället tillfrågats om de ville besvara en enkät. Resultatet visar att det som patienterna skattade att de var mest nöjda med (stämmer precis) ifråga om bemötandet var det välkomnande de fick när de kom till avdelningen (62,1 %), att de blev bemötta med aktning och respekt (59,3 %) samt att vårdarna brydde sig om dem (57 %). Trots det upplevde 11 % av patienterna kränkning av integritet och vanmakt i vården. Resultatet bekräftar tidigare forskning och poängterar vikten av att uppmärksamma patientens behov och begär innan ett missnöje har uppstått. Detta för att kunna förbättra och även utveckla en positiv upplevelse av bemötande för patienten och därmed höja vårdkvaliteten.</p> / Axelina

Att förstå patienters bristande deltagande i individualiserat rehabiliteringsprogram

Oldfors Engström, Lena January 2002 (has links)
<p>The aim of this investigation was to elucidate and describe those patients who had discontinued their participation and/or paticipated infrequently in physiotherapy treatment based on their own activity and responsibility. The ambition was to understand the phenomenon of compliance/adherence from various perspectives in behavioural as well as social science.</p><p>In study I the phenomenon compliance/adherence was studied in relation to Health Locus of Control and Health Belief variables. This study was based on a questionnaire that was answered by all patients before beginning of treatment. Questions concerning the patients´conceptions about both health locus of control and health beliefs were the focus.The definitions of compliance/adherence were completed treatment period and exercise frequency, respectively. Those patients who completed the treatment were also studied regarded exercise frequency.</p><p>The results of study I showed that those who discontinued their treatment reported a higher perceived threat from their health condition (higher level of dysfunction (higher pain intensity) and a higher perceived severity of their health condition (higher level of dysfunction, worse general health) than those who completed treatment. The results also showed that those who exercised once a week or less often valued the significance of the caring situation as lower (HLC), perceived a higher threat from their health condition (higher pain intensity), a higher severity of their health condition (higher level of dysfunction, worse general health, greater distrution of impairment), more barriers to treatment (lower expectations), and had certain differences in demographic variables (younger individuals, more women) than those who exercised more often (HB).</p><p>Study II investigated patients´descriptions of their reasons for discontinuing the treatment, whether those reasons varied, and if so how they varied. Sixteen patients who had discontinued their treatment were interviewed with open-ended questions. The inteviews began with a question about the background to the physiotherapy treatment. There were questions concerning carrying out the treatment as well as concerning what they thought about their impairment. The patients were also asked about their priotities in daily life, as these wre presumed to be anobstacle to the treatment over a shorter or longer period of time. The third domain concerned how they experiebced the patient/physiotherapist relationship. The interviews were anlysed qualitatively.</p><p>Analysis of study II resulted in four different descriptions of reasons for treatment discontinuation. A) It was about time to end treatment and continue on alone. B) The treatment was not the most important activity to spend time on. C) An agreement with the physiothreapist to discontinue treatment due to lack of effect. D) No viewpoint as to why they discontinued the treatment. In further analysis of category D, this group appeared to experience varoius forms of powerlessness. They felt their trustworthiness was often questioned. They experienced frustration in their life situation as others made the important descisions and they themselves had little to say.They defended themselves by talking about their own conceptions of the reasons for their impairment and what should be done about them. In comparing category D with categories A, B, C it was found that those in the latter three categories experienced varying degrees of control in different situations, whereas those in category D did not experience a feeling of control.</p><p>Conclusion: The concept of compliance in physiotherapy is ambiguous. The concept involves one part defining what will concern the other part. It is clear that the physiotherapist and the patient do not always agree about the aim of the treatment. Instead, we should develop the concept of concordance in encounters with the patients and abandon the reasoning of compliance.</p>

Akut omhändertagande : i mötet mellan patienter, närstående och olika professioner på skadeplats och på akutmottagning

Elmqvist, Carina January 2011 (has links)
Aim:  To describe and develop understanding of  the patient’s first encounter with the involved persons at the scene of an accident and at the emergency department; with a special focus on describing the meaning of emergency care of patients in these caring contexts.  Method: The thesis uses a reflective lifeworld research (RLR) approach founded on phenomenological philosophy. The purpose with this approach is to describe the essential meaning and the variations of a phenomenon. Interviews with a lifeworld perspective were used for data collection and analyzed according to the RLR approach for searching for the essence of the phenomenon.  The four essences in the studies (I-IV) establish a general structure for the phenomenon. Findings:  Emergency care is characterized by an organisation, whose goal and resources are focused on life-saving, and that encounters a human being with needs of emergency care as well as existential support. The responsibility in emergency care means an intertwining of doing and being.  The one who is in charge takes responsibility for performing or “doing” medical actions, and by “being” close and present in the situation the patient can at the same time feel an existential support. The responsibility for the injured or ill body is handed over to a chain of persons with more and more specialized competence and resources. This hand-over entails a relief for all involved but fails in one link in the chain, namely to explicitly hand back  the responsibility to the patient.  When the patient’s condition allows the distance to be larger the responsibility pales and the existential support decreases. A gap between doing and being arises where the patient is left to regain control and independence. The intertwining of doing and being, which appears as soon as the one in charge is close and present to the patient, facilitates the hand-over to the patient who in a natural way is able to receive the responsibility with possibilities to be able to conclude the encounter. Conclusions: A new understanding of emergency care appears which entails more than just life support measures.  Emergency care includes different ways of communication in order to hand over the responsibility and complete the care chain back to the patient in a safe way. The results highlight the importance of empowering patients with a confirming, communicative contact throughout the whole caring process in order for them to retain their identity. There are also implications for educating students and personnel in inter-professional communication and work. In order to assist the intertwining between doing and being there are needs for the development of supportive structures for inter-professional reflection, which in turn would improve the interaction between patients and professionals in their encounter.

Living with irritable bowel syndrome : A patient perspective on everyday life, health care encounters and patient education

Håkanson, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Riskfyllda möten : en studie om unga människors upplevelser av sexuellt överförbara infektioner och sexuellt risktagande

Hammarlund, Kina January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of the present thesis is to contribute to the knowledge in young people´s experiences, thoughts and norms regarding sexually transmitted infections (STI) and sexual risk-taking. The specific aims are two-fold. The first aim is to explain and understand young Swedish men and women´s lived experience of an STI, in this case genital warts (I, II). The second is to explain and understand the values and attitudes of young men and women to sexual risk-taking (III) in relation to perceptions of gender (IV).   The theoretical perspectives are a reflective lifeworld approach, hermeneutic and gender perspectives. The thesis is based on individual interviews (I, II) and focus groups (III, IV).  The results show that a young person infected by an STI, will experience encounters at different levels. A person with an STI is forced to meet him/herself and their own prejudices. Loss of innocence is highly significant and symbolic for women, while other person´s attitudes are more important for men (I, II). Also, being a disease carrier is of great significance, which has an impact on their views of future meaningful relationships (II).      Sexual risk-taking, such as it was expressed in the focus groups with young people, revealed a pattern that is described as a ‘game’. In that game, a dialogue might feel more intimate than intercourse. These teenagers often view their one night stand partners as objects, as opposed to love relationships where they are viewed as subjects, i.e. persons to be cared for. Engaging in sexual risk-taking often starts at a club where these teenagers pretend that they are spontaneous (III). This game is further illuminated in a secondary analysis with a gender perspective. There are frequent misunderstandings between young men and women that are based on gender constructions, which derive from lack of communication. Hence, they have to take part in a balancing act while shaping their sexual identity and trying to maintain their self-esteem. For these young women, this also concerns not getting a bad reputation. In this act of balance, it is difficult to discuss sexuality and how to protect one’s sexual health (IV). The discussion emphasizes that a professional caring dialogue with young people about STI: s and sexual-risk taking must have reference in the young person´s own reality. Thus, professional health care workers who meet a young person infected with an STI appear to face a challenging task. This involves helping reduce anxiety by defusing the situation, and at the same time to make the person understand the importance of using a condom in order to prevent STI: s.

Experiences of diabetes care - patients' and nurses' perspectives

Hörnsten, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
Background: In order to provide good diabetes care it is important for the health care professionals to share patients’ personal understanding of living with diabetes, which differs from a professional understanding of the illness. Patients’ beliefs about health, illness, control and cure are predictive of the outcome of lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment. Narratives about illness could be used to elucidate what people believe to be central to their experience of an illness and its management. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate experiences of diabetes and diabetes care among people with type 2 diabetes and district nurses responsible for diabetes care within primary health care. Methods: Forty-four patients diagnosed with diabetes during the previous 2 years were interviewed about their personal understanding of illness and experiences of care. They also participated in an intervention study consisting of group sessions during 9 months. The intervention focused on the patients’ understanding of living with diabetes and was directed at the patients and their nurses (n = 5). The outcome variables haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), lipids, blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) as well as well-being, treatment satisfaction and diabetes symptoms of the intervention group were compared with those in a control group (n = 60). Another ten patients were interviewed about their views of their lives. Seventeen nurses in diabetes care were interviewed about their views of their work with patients. The narrative, thematic interviews and focus group interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Findings: Patients’ personal understanding of illness included the categories “image of the disease”; “meaning of the diagnosis”; “integration of the illness”; “space for the illness”; “responsibility for care”; and “future prospects”. Patients’ narratives about their lives included views of knowledge, and capacity, motivation and courage, aspects important for effective self-management. Patients’ views on clinical encounters in diabetes care, interpreted as satisfying or not, included the themes “being in agreement v. in disagreement about the goals”; “being autonomous and equal v. being forced into adaptation and submission”; “feeling worthy as a person v. feeling worthless”; “being attended to and feeling welcome v. being ignored”; and “feeling safe and confident v. feeling unsafe and lacking confidence”. The results of the intervention study with group sessions showed improvements in metabolic balance and treatment satisfaction in the intervention group. At the 1-year follow-up the mean difference between groups in HbA1c was 0.94% (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.58–1.29). Nurses’ views of their work included the themes “Perspectives on illness and caring are not easily integrated into views of disease and its treatment”; “Nurses view their knowledge as more important than the patients’ knowledge”; Nurses’ conscience is challenged by some of their nursing decisions”; “The individuality of each patient is undermined when patients are regarded as a collective group”; and “Nurses are confirmed in their role of nurses by patients who assume a traditional patient role”. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the understanding of illness and care differs between patients and nurses working in diabetes care; furthermore, that an intervention involving patients and their nurses based on patients’ personal understanding of illness is effective with regard to metabolic control and treatment satisfaction. The cost of the intervention is moderate. Also, we believe that it is possible to clinically implement this intervention within the existing resources for primary health care.

Att bli värdigt bemött : En tvärsnittstudie om bemötande på akutvårdsavdelningar ur patientens perspektiv

Olsson, Beatriz, Hayton, Cathrine January 2009 (has links)
Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire. The results show that patients who were cared for, answered positively in terms of the patient-nurse relationship, when they felt welcome to the department (62,1 %), when they were treated with deference and respect (59,3 %) and when the nurses showed they cared (57 %). A total of 11 % of the patients experienced a violation of their integrity and a sense of powerlessness towards health care. The results confirm previous research which emphasizes the importance of paying attention to patients' needs and requests before the dissatisfaction and lack of good patient-nurse relationship has arisen. This is necessary in order to improve and develop the positive experience of caring for the patient, and thus raise the quality of care. / Klagomål till patientnämnden visar på att det finns brister i bemötandet vilket också styrks av tidigare forskning. Det förefaller att det kan vara svårt för sjukvården att leva upp till hälso- och sjukvårdslagen som kräver att vården ska vara av god kvalitet, grundas på respekt, värdighet och utformas så att patienten själv får vara med och ta beslut. För att bidra till mer kunskap om ett värdigt bemötande avser denna studie att belysa vad patienten värderar som ett gott bemötande. Syftet var att beskriva hur patienter värderar bemötandet och hur de beskriver att de blivit bemötta av personalen under sin vårdtid på en akutvårdsavdelning. Studien är en deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie med en kvantitativ ansats där populationen bestod av patienter som vårdats på akutvårdsavdelningar i Landstinget Västmanland under 2007. I studien ingick 93 patienter som vid slutet av vårdtillfället tillfrågats om de ville besvara en enkät. Resultatet visar att det som patienterna skattade att de var mest nöjda med (stämmer precis) ifråga om bemötandet var det välkomnande de fick när de kom till avdelningen (62,1 %), att de blev bemötta med aktning och respekt (59,3 %) samt att vårdarna brydde sig om dem (57 %). Trots det upplevde 11 % av patienterna kränkning av integritet och vanmakt i vården. Resultatet bekräftar tidigare forskning och poängterar vikten av att uppmärksamma patientens behov och begär innan ett missnöje har uppstått. Detta för att kunna förbättra och även utveckla en positiv upplevelse av bemötande för patienten och därmed höja vårdkvaliteten. / Axelina

Upplevelse av palliativ vård hos patienter behandlade för obotlig cancer på hospice eller inom den slutna vården - en litteraturstudie

Alm, Anna, Vorén, Rose-Marie January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att utifrån litteratur beskriva upplevelser av palliativ vård hos patienter med obotlig cancer och som vårdas på hospice eller inom den slutna vården, samt att utifrån litteraturen belysa vad dessa patienter anser att en god palliativ vård innefattar. Metod: Beskrivande litteraturstudie baserad på 14 artiklar sökta i databaserna Cinahl, PubMed, PsycInfo och via manuell sökning. Resultatet av analysen sammanställdes i 5 huvudkategorier innehållande 23 underkategorier. Huvudresultat: Patienterna upplevde att en adekvat smärtlindring utan förbehåll och dröjsmål var det viktigaste i den palliativa vården. En god kommunikation och interaktion mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten låg till grund för att en god vård skulle kunna utvecklas. Tillit till sjukvårdspersonalens kompetens och förmågor hade avgörande betydelse för patienternas upplevelse av trygghet. Autonomi hade en central roll för patienterna då delaktighet i vården skapade känsla av kontroll och mening. Miljön på hospice bidrog till att patienterna förlorade sin identitet. Att finna mening med sitt lidande bidrog till att patienterna succesivt accepterade sin situation och kunde finna frid i sin vetskap om det oundvikliga.   Slutsats: Den mellanmänskliga kommunikationen och sjuksköterskans kompetens har nyckelroller för patienternas upplevelse av god palliativ vård. Mer forskning krävs för att möta det växande behovet av kvalificerad palliativ vård. / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of terminal cancer patients’ receiving palliative care in hospice or in an in-patient care unit, and illuminate what these patients believe that good palliative care involves. Method:  The Literature study had a descriptive design and was based on 14 scientific articles that were retrieved from the databases Cinahl, PubMed, PsycInfo and by manual search. The results of the analysis were compiled into 5 categories containing 23 subcategories. Main Result: Patients experienced that the issue of most importance in palliative care was to obtain adequate pain relief without reservation or delay. Good communication and interaction between the nurse and the patient was the basis for good health care to be developed. Trust in health professionals' skills and abilities were essential to patients' perceptions of security. Autonomy was central for the patients’ participation in their health care, and it created a sense of control and meaning. The environment at the hospice had a negative impact on the patients’ self-image and made them lose their identity. Finding meaning in their suffering helped the patients gradually to accept their situation in order to find peace in their knowing of the inevitable. Conclusion: The interpersonal communication and nursing skills is of crucial importance for patients' perceptions of good health care. More research is needed to meet the growing request of qualified professional palliative care.

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