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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vuxna personers upplevelser av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ 2 : En litteratursöversikt / Adults’ experiences of living with diabetes type two : A literature review

Ali, Faria, Nuur, Nimco January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes är ett folkhälsoproblem som ökar kraftigt i världen. 90% avbefolkningen som har diabetes har diabetes Mellitus typ 2 i världen. Orsaken är låg fysisk aktivitet, dåliga levnadsvanor, tobaksanvändning, övervikt och ärftlighet. Diabetes mellitus typ 2 kan medföra olika komplikationer såsom hjärt-kärlsjukdomar, högt blodtryck och amputation samt njurskador. Personerna som lever med diagnosen behöver balanserad blodsockernivå och rätt behandling för att undvika komplikationer. För att patienten ska få rätt behandling är det viktigt för sjuksköterska att tillämpa personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Att beskriva vuxna personers upplevelser av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ 2. Metod: Litteraturöversikten omfattade 10 vetenskapliga artiklar från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL Complete som besvarade syftet. Dataanalys utfördes med hjälp av Fribergs analysmodell. Resultat: Resultatet delades upp i 5 huvudteman: att leva med förändringar och begränsningar i vardagen, Att anpassa sig till en ny kost, Att lära sig leva med en förändrad kropp, att hantera egna känslor och andras attityder och att ha begränsad kunskap. Sammanfattning: Sammanfattningsvis har litteraturöversikten påvisat att diabetes mellitus typ 2 är en folkhälsosjukdom som kan orsaka en rad olika komplikationer som väcker känslor som oro och rädsla hos patienten. Behandlingen kräver att patienten är villig att hantera sin egenvård och utföra livsförändring som är ett väldigt svårt och krävande moment. Patienten behöver stöd och kunskap från sjuksköterskan för att kunna hantera sin vård. Personer som lever med diabetes mellitus upplever att de är oroliga och rädda för framtida komplikationer, att de i många fall inte har kunskap om hur de ska hantera sin sjukdom samt att sjukdomen förändrar och begränsar vardagen. / Background: Diabetes is a public health problem that is increasing rapidly in the world. 90% of the population with diabetes have diabetes mellitus type 2. The cause of diabetes mellitus type 2 is low physical activity, bad lifestyle, tobacco use, overweight and hereditary. Diabetes causes many complications such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and amputation as well as kidney damage. People living with this diagnosis need a balanced blood sugar level and the right treatment to avoid complications that may occur. For the patient to receive the right treatment, it is important for the nurse to apply person-centered care and the patient's perspective. Aim: To describe adults' experiences of living with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Method: The literature review applied 10 scientific articles from the databases PubMed and CINAHL Complete that answered the purpose. Data analysis was performed using Friberg's analysis model. Results: The results were divided into 5 main themes: Living with changes and limitations in everyday life, adapting to a new diet, learning to live with a changed body, dealing with one's own feelings and the attitudes of others and having limited knowledge. Conclusion: In summary, the literature review has shown that diabetes mellitus type 2 is a public health disease that can cause a variety of complications that arouse emotions such as anxiety and fear in the patient. The treatment requires that the patient is willing to manage their self-care and perform a life change that is a very difficult and demanding step. The patient needs support and knowledge from the nurse to be able to manage their care. People living with diabetes mellitus type 2 experience that they are worried and afraid of future complications.

Defining the role of a genetic counselor within comprehensive care teams: perspectives of the provider team and patients

Hudson, Paul E. 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Patienters erfarenheter av vården vid förstagångsinsjuknande i psykos : En litteraturstudie / Patient experiences of care during the first episode of psychosis : A literature study

Persson Lannér, Anna, Hultén, Tua January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykossjukdom är en av de allvarligaste psykiatriska sjukdomarna. Trots att det finns effektiva behandlingsstrategier får inte alla med psykossjukdom specialiserad vård, vilket kan ha allvarliga konsekvenser för deras livslängd och välbefinnande. Diskriminering och stigma kring psykossjukdom kan påverka patientens hälsa och prognos. Det är viktigt att tidigt upptäcka och behandla psykossjukdomar för att minimera funktionsnedsättning och förbättra prognosen. En utmaning inom vården för personer med förstagångsinsjuknande är att bibehålla terapeutisk allians och främja återhämtning. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av vården vid förstagångsinsjuknande i psykos. Metod: En litteraturstudie med strukturerat tillvägagångssätt och kvalitativ ansats. 15 originalartiklar inkluderades och tematisk dataanalys genomfördes enligt Braun och Clarke. Resultat: Litteraturstudien sammanställer tidigare forskning inom området och efter dataanalys framkom tre teman: Värdefulla relationer, Hjälpande insatser, Hinder och utmaningar för delaktighet med respektive subteman. Slutsats: Erfarenheterna från vården för personer med förstagångsinsjuknande med psykos berör relationer till personal och medpatienter, praktiskt stöd och psykoedukation, och faktorer som rädsla för vården, bristande tillit och kontinuitet. / Background: Psychotic disorders are among the most severe psychiatric illnesses. Despite the availability of effective treatment strategies, not all individuals with psychotic disorders receive specialized care, which can have serious consequences for their longevity and well-being. Discrimination and stigma surrounding psychotic disorders can impact the patient's health and prognosis. Early detection and treatment of psychotic disorders are crucial to minimize disability and improve prognosis. One challenge in the care of individuals experiencing first-episode psychosis is maintaining therapeutic alliance and promoting recovery. Aim: The objective was to describe patients' experiences of care during first-episode psychosis. Method: A literature study with a structured approach and qualitative approach. 15 original articles were included and thematic data analysis was conducted according to Braun and Clarke. Results: The literature review compiles previous research in the field, and after data analysis, three themes emerged: Valuable relationships, Supportive interventions, and Barriers and challenges to engagement, each with respective sub themes. Conclusions: The experiences of healthcare for individuals with first-episode psychosis involve relationships with staff and fellow patients, practical support and psychoeducation, as well as factors such as fear of healthcare, lack of trust, and continuity.

Quality in palliative care from the patient perspective : Instrument development, perceptions of care received and the importance of care

Sandsdalen, Tuva January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim was to investigate the quality of palliative care from the patient perspective, to adapt and psychometrically evaluate the Quality from Patients’ Perspective instrument specific to palliative care (QPP-PC) and investigate the relationship between the combination of person- and organization-related conditions and patients’ perceptions of care quality. Methods: In the systematic literature review (I), 23 studies from 6 databases and reference lists in 2014 were synthesized by integrative thematic analysis. The quantitative studies (II–IV) had cross-sectional designs including 191 patients (73% RR) from hospice inpatient care, hospice day care, palliative units in nursing homes and home care in 2013–2014. A modified version of QPP was used. Additionally, person- and organization-related conditions were assessed. Psychometric evaluation, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Main findings: Patients’ preferences for palliative care included living a meaningful life and responsive healthcare personnel, care environment and organization of care (I). The QPP-PC was developed, comprising 12 factors (49 items), 3 single items and 4 dimensions: medical–technical competence, physical–technical conditions, identity–oriented approach, and socio-cultural atmosphere (II). QPP-PC measured patients’ perceived reality (PR) and subjective importance (SI) of care quality. PR differed across settings, but SI did not (III). All settings exhibited areas of strength and for improvement (II, III). Person-related conditions seemed to be related to SI, and person- and organization-related conditions to PR, explaining 18–30 and 22-29% respectively of the variance (IV). Conclusions: The patient perspective of care quality (SI and PR) should be integrated into daily care and improvement initiatives in palliative care. The QPP-PC can measure patients’ perceptions of care quality. Registered nurses and other healthcare personnel need awareness of person- and organization-related conditions to provide high-quality person-centred care. / Knowledge about patients’ perceptions of palliative care is limited and valid instruments are needed. The aim of this thesis was to investigate quality of palliative care from the patient perspective, adapt and evaluate an instrument to measure patients’ perceptions of quality in palliative care (QPP-PC), and investigate the relationship between the combination of person- and organization-related conditions and patients’ perceptions of care quality. A systematic literature review and quantitative methods were used. Patients’ preferences in palliative care included help living a meaningful life and responsive personnel, care environment and organization of care. The QPP-PC was developed and identified patients’ perceptions of areas of strength and for improvement in hospice inpatient and day care, palliative units in nursing homes and home care settings. Perceptions of care quality seemed to be related to person- and organization-related conditions, and differed across settings, although subjective importance did not. The patient perspective of care quality should be integrated into daily care and quality work, and QPP-PC can be used in such work. Registered nurses and other healthcare personnel need awareness of person- and organization-related conditions to provide high-quality person-centred palliative care. / Den overordnede hensikten var å undersøke kvalitet i palliativ behandling og omsorg fra pasientens perspektiv, å utvikle og psykometrisk evaluere spørreskjemaet Kvalitet ut fra Pasientens Perspektiv (KUPP) for palliativ omsorg (KUPP-PO), samt å undersøke sammenhengen mellom person- og organisasjonsrelaterte forhold og pasientenes erfaringer av kvalitet. Metode. I den systematiske oversiktsartikkelen (I) ble 23 studier fra seks databaser og referanselister syntetisert i 2014 med integrativ tematisk analyse. De kvantitative studiene (II-IV) hadde et tverrsnittsdesign som inkluderte 191 pasienter (svarprosent: 73) fra hospice-døgnavdeling, hospice-dagavdeling, lindrende enheter i sykehjem og hjemmetjeneste i 2013 til 2014. En modifisert versjon av KUPP ble brukt. I tillegg ble person- og organisasjonsorienterte forhold kartlagt. Deskriptiv og  inferensiell statistikk, samt psykometrisk evaluering ble anvendt. Hovedfunn. Pasientene ønsket at palliativ behandling og omsorg skulle omfatte hjelp til å leve et meningsfullt liv og at helsepersonell, omsorgsmiljø og organisering av omsorgen var lydhør for og handlet eller var tilrettelagt i samsvar med deres preferanser (I). KUPP-PO ble utviklet og omfattet 12 faktorer (49 spørsmål), 3 enkeltstående spørsmål og fire dimensjoner; medisinsk-teknisk kompetanse, fysisk-tekniske forhold, identitetsorientert tilnærmingsmåte og sosiokulturell atmosfære (II). KUPP-PO målte pasientenes erfaringer og subjektiv betydning av kvalitet. Pasientens erfaringer av kvaliteten med palliativ behandling og omsorg varierte utfra kontekst, men subjektiv betydning varierte ikke. Alle omsorgskontekstene viste styrker og forbedringsområder (II, III). Personrelaterte forhold så ut til å være forbundet med subjektiv betydning mens person- og organisasjonsorienterte forhold så ut til å være forbundet med erfaring med behandling og omsorg, og forklarte respektivt 18–30/22-29% av variansen (IV). Konklusjon: Kvalitet fra pasientens perspektiv (subjektiv betydning og erfaring) bør integreres i daglig behandling og omsorg og i forbedringstiltak i palliativ omsorg. KUPP-PO kan måle pasientenes erfaringer i kvalitetsutviklingsarbeid. Sykepleiere og annet helsepersonell trenger å være bevisst person- og organisasjonsrelaterte forhold for å utføre personsentrert behandling og omsorg av høy kvalitet.

Betydelser av bröstcancer i ett livssammanhang / Meanings of breast cancer in a life context

Lilliehorn, Sara January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse how a group of women experience that their every-day lives are affected during and after primary breast cancer treatment. The thesis is a consecutive, longitudinal study that takes an explorative qualitative approach. Seventy-one women younger than 60 years of age with primary breast cancer were consecutively included in the study. The women were interviewed four or five times over a period of 4 to 6 years from end of radiotherapy. The analyses of the interviews were inspired by grounded theory and narrative analysis.  The thesis encompasses four papers. Paper I focused on the women’s contact with health care. The results of this study indicate that it is crucial for patients in a vulnerable situation to be admitted into a supportive system – ‘admitted into a helping plan’ – that, more or less explicitly, displays a well-thought-out plan of care. This is a process built on individual relationships with members of the health-care staff, but it ends up in a relationship to health care as a helping system, a ‘safe haven’ to attach to. Study II explored the women’s ideas about what motivated and discouraged their return to work. The results illustrate that the meaning of work fluctuates over time and that the processes of returning to work are conditioned by the patients’ individual life situations. Returning to work was regarded as an important part of the healing process because of how it generated and structured the women’s everyday lives. Returning to work meant demonstrating well-being and normalcy after breast cancer. Study III examined how life was lived and valued during and after treatment for breast cancer compared to pre-cancer life. The analysis showed that being afflicted with breast cancer was evaluated from a context of the women’s former everyday lives and stressed that how the women experienced breast cancer was a matter of personal circumstances. Study IV focused on how the women experienced and dealt with their altered bodies. The results showed that the women followed three different body-mind trajectories that depended to a significant extent on the severity of side effects and bodily alterations that resulted from their treatments. Being afflicted by breast cancer implies vulnerability and losses, but it can also involve benefits and provide new perspectives on life. How the overall breast cancer experience is valued seems to be very much a matter of circumstances in everyday life. This thesis highlights circumstances that focus in particular on contacts with health care, the body, the work situation, and the family situation.

Informerat samtycke och informerade val under graviditet och förlossning : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Informed consent and informed choices during pregnancy and childbirth : A quantitative questionnaire based study

Crafoord, Viveca January 2018 (has links)
Kvinnor har rätt till informerat samtycke och informerade val när det gäller undersökningar och behandlingar under graviditet och förlossning både utifrån FNs mänskliga rättigheter och utifrån svensk lagstiftning. Kvinnan har historiskt befunnit sig långt ned i den hierarkiska ordningen inom förlossningsvården. Det råder en riskkultur i det västerländska moderna samhället som även märks av i vården av gravida och födande kvinnor. Kvinnor genomgår många olika undersökningar och behandlingar under graviditet och förlossning av vilka några har oklar evidens. Barnmorskan har en viktig roll i att ge kvinnor möjlighet till informerat samtycke och informerade val när det gäller undersökningar och behandlingar under graviditet och förlossning. Det behövs mer kunskap om hur kvinnor i Sverige ges möjlighet till detta. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om kvinnor ges möjlighet till informerat samtycke och informerade val när det gäller undersökningar och behandlingar under graviditet och förlossning. Studien utfördes som en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie och datainsamlingen gjordes med hjälp av enkäter. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med både deskriptiv och analytisk statistik. Resultatet antyder att kvinnor inte ges möjlighet till informerat samtycke och informerade val utifrån begreppens rätta bemärkelse när det gäller ett flertal specifika undersökningar och behandlingar under graviditet och förlossning förutom när det gäller rutinultraljudsundersökningen. Kvinnor uppfattar dock att de ges möjlighet vara delaktiga i beslut rörande undersökningar och behandlingar överlag under graviditet och förlossning. Hierarkiska ordningar och riskkulturen som råder i förlossningsvården är tidigare påvisade faktorer som kan utgöra hinder för kvinnors möjligheter till informerat samtycke och informerade val under graviditet och förlossning. Med en vård baserad på ett patientperspektiv kan kvinnors ställning samt autonomi stärkas. För en hållbar utveckling är kvinnors möjligheter at t göra informerade val angående sin sexuella och reproduktiva hälsa avgörande. / Women have the right to informed consent and informed choice with regard to examinations and treatment during pregnancy and childbirth on the basis of the human rights conducted by The United Nations, and according to Swedish law. Women have historically been far down in the hierarchical order in the birthing care system. There is a risk culture in Western modern society that is also noticeable in the care of pregnant women and women giving birth. Women undergo a variety of examinations and treatments during pregnancy and childbirth, some of which have unclear evidence. The midwife has an important role to give women the opportunity for informed consent and informed choices regarding examinations and treatments during pregnancy and childbirth. There is a need for more knowledge about how women in Sweden are given the opportunity to do so. The aim of the study is to investigate whether women are given the opportunity for informed consent and informed choices with regard to examinations and treatments during pregnancy and childbirth. The study was conducted as a quantitative cross-sectional study and questionnaires were used for data collection. The collected data was analysed with both descriptive and analytical statistics. The results suggest that women are not given opportunities for informed consent and informed choices based on their true sense when it comes to several specific examinations and treatments during pregnancy and childbirth except for the routine ultrasound examination. Nevertheless do women perceive that they are given opportunities to participate in decision making regarding examinations and treatments in general during pregnancy and childbirth. Hierarchical schemes and risk culture that prevails in the birthing care system is earlier identified factors that may pose obstacles to women's opportunities for informed consent and informed choice during pregnancy and childbirth. Through a care based on a patient perspective, the status of women and women's autonomy would be strengthened. For sustainable development, women's opportunities to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health are crucial.

Patienters(18+) upplevelse av andlig omvårdnad inom somatisk slutenvård : en integrativ litteraturöversikt

Klason, Pamela, Lundqvist, Evelyne Lorene January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att ge andlig omvårdnad ligger i sjuksköterskans ansvar. Trots alltmer forskning som visar att en tillfredställande andlig omvårdnad har positiv inverkan på hälsa, har detta dock ofta försummats inom vården. Begreppet andlighet kan ha olika betydelser och behöver därför uppfattas i sin bredd. Syfte: Beskriva vuxna patienters (18+) upplevelse av andlig omvårdnad inom somatisk slutenvård. Metod: En integrativ översikt bestående av nio kvalitativa originalartiklar från USA, Singapore, Kanada, Nederländerna, Iran och Australien. Data samlades genom CINAHL, Medline och manuell sökning. Analys gjordes efter inspiration av Friberg och Whittemore och Knafl analysmodeller. Resultat: Andlig omvårdnad kunde av patienterna upplevas positiv, negativ eller obefintlig beroende på olika faktorer. Patienterna i studien upplevde andlig omvårdnad genom att få möjlighet till uttryck av sin andlighet, genom att få möjlighet till relationer, genom att få ha sin värdighet i behåll och genom sjuksköterskans närvaro. Andlig omvårdnad ska utföras utifrån en personcentrerad vård eftersom uttryck av andlighet kan variera mellan individer. Slutsats: För att kunna prata om andlig omvårdnad behöver både personalen och patienter ha förståelse för vad andlighet kan innebära. Sjuksköterskan behöver få kunskap och verktyg för att lätt kunna införa andlig omvårdnad i sitt arbete och känna sig trygg med att utföra en holistisk vård dvs att se hela människan. Detta skulle resulterar i mer tillfreställda patienter.

Personers upplevelser av behandling och vård vid venösa bensår : en litteraturstudie / Persons with venous leg ulcers experiences of treatment and care : a litterature review

Jansson, Hanna-Cecilia, Willborg, Freja January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund   Allmänsjuksköterskor kommer ofta i kontakt med personer med venösa bensår. Behandling och vård av dessa personer sker ofta inom primärvård, öppenvård eller hemsjukvård, men även på vårdavdelningar och andra sjukvårdsinstanser. Venösa bensår är en följd av underliggande kronisk venös insufficiens. Det är därför stor risk att såren återkommer efter läkning och behandlingen måste därför i många fall bli livslång. Trots detta finns få studier som fokuserar på personers upplevelser av behandling och vård vid venösa bensår.   Syfte  Syftet är att beskriva personers upplevelser av behandling och vård vid venösa bensår. Metod  För att sammanfatta den forskning som i dagsläget finns kring ämnet har en litteraturöversikt gjorts. Sökningar har utförts i de vetenskapliga databaserna Pub Med och CINAHL och 16 artiklar identifierades. Dessa har kvalitetsgranskats genom Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsinstrument. Resultat Litteraturöversiktens tre huvudkategorier, förhoppning och uppgivenhet, att leva ett begränsat liv och att inte bli sedd som person berättar om upplevelser som många personer med venösa bensår har av behandling och vård. Personer upplever att behandling och vård på något sätt begränsar eller påverkar dem. Vårdens kontinuitet, god kommunikation, och relationen till sjuksköterskan är av betydelse för upplevelsen av behandling och vård. Det finns brister i individanpassningen av behandling och vård som påverkar personer med venösa bensårs förtroende för vården. Många personer uppger en ovisshet som gör det svårt att hantera behandlingen psykologiskt. En stark önskan om läkning av de venösa bensåren är gemensamt för många studiedeltagare. Slutsats Det fattas specifik forskning om personers upplevelser. Sjuksköterskor som behandlar personer med venösa bensår saknar kunskaper om deras tillstånd och rekommenderad behandling. I denna litteraturöversikt framkommer ett behov av att skifta fokus från läkning av det venösa bensåret till personens livskvalitet. Sjuksköterskor behöver mer kunskaper om venösa bensår och en större förståelse för den livssituation som många personer med venösa bensår befinner sig i. Ökad nivå av personcentrering i behandling och vård av personer med venösa bensår bör därför eftersträvas, och förutsättningar måste skapas för sjuksköterskor att kunna erbjuda den specialiserade och kvalitativa vård som krävs. / Background Registered nurses frequently come into contact with persons living with venous leg ulcers, as these wounds are primarily treated and cared for by nurses. Persons with venous leg ulcers often experience underlying chronic venous insufficiency, which is the main cause of venous leg ulcers. This means that even once healed venous leg ulcers are likely to reoccur, and treatment is often life-long. In spite of this, very few studies and research projects focus on the person’s experiences of their ailment in relation to the treatment they receive. Aim To highlight persons’ experiences related to the treatment and care of venous ulcers.  Method To summarize the research knowledge of this subject, a review of current literature was undertaken. Searches have been conducted in several online-based databases. Through the databases PubMed and CINAHL 16 articles were identified and then analyzed. Results Many persons with venous leg ulcers feel that treatment and care affects or impedes them in some way. Three core categories were identified as signifying for the result: hopefulness and uncertainty, an impaired life, and not being viewed as a person. Continuity of care, quality of communication, and the nurse-patient relationship are all key contributors to the experiences of treatment and care that persons with venous leg ulcers describe. The result implies that treatment and care of persons with venous leg ulcers is not satisfyingly individualized, which reduces the level of confidence that these persons feel for their healthcare providers. Persons with venous leg ulcers report that experiences of uncertainty make the treatment hard to handle psychologically. A strong desire for permanent healing is shared by persons with venous leg ulcers.  Conclusions There is a shortage of specific research aimed at the experiences of persons with venous leg ulcers of aspects relating to their treatment and care. Many nurses lack vital knowledge regarding the treatment and care of these individuals. In this review a need for a shift of focus is perceived, from simply the healing of the venous leg ulcer, into also considering the quality of life of persons with venous leg ulcers. Nurses are in need of more knowledge of the condition, and more insight into the lives of persons with venous leg ulcers. A person-centred approach should therefore be sought, and conditions must be provided for nurses to expand their knowledge and be able to offer a more specialized and qualitative level of treatment and care.

Lumbar spinal stenosis : Body mass index and the patient's perspective

Knutsson, Björn January 2015 (has links)
During recent decades, lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) has become the most common indication for spine surgery, a change that coincides with a higher worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity. Thus, surgical treatment of LSS in the overweight and obese population is common and increasing in scope. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate whether body mass index (BMI) is related to the development of LSS, and whether BMI is linked to outcome after surgery for LSS. We further evaluated whether there are specific experiences of LSS from a patient perspective. Data were obtained for all patients registered in the Swedish Spine Register who had undergone surgery for LSS between January 1, 2006 and June 30, 2008. After adjusting for differences in baseline characteristics, patients with obesity showed both poorer results after surgery and a higher rate of dissatisfaction than patients with normal weight (odds ratio 1.73; 95% confidence interval, CI, 1.36-2.19). Furthermore, patients with obesity in the cohort reported modest weight loss at follow-up (2.0 kg; 95% CI, 1.5-2.4), and only 8% reported a clinical important weight loss 2 years after surgery. Our analysis of 389,132 construction workers, showed that overweight (incidence rate ratio, IRR 1.68; 95% CI, 1.54-1.83) and obesity (IRR 2.18; 95% CI, 1.87-2.53) were associated with an increased future risk in developing LSS when compared with patients with normal weight. To gain insight into the patients' perspective of LSS, we performed interviews with 18 patients who were on a waiting list for LSS surgery. The transcripts, analyzed with content analysis, revealed that living with LSS is a physical, mental and social challenge in which resources to cope with the condition are of major importance. In summary, obesity is associated with poorer results after surgery, and patients with obesity report modest weight loss during follow-up. In addition, obesity is associated with an increased risk to develop LSS. Our findings revealed that being a patient with LSS, naturally involves considerable suffering and pain, but it also implies being a person with his or her own resources who is able to cope with these adverse conditions.

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