Spelling suggestions: "subject:"paul ricoeur"" "subject:"haul ricoeur""
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Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt / The Politics of Biotechnology and the Transformative Power of NarrativesJohansson, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden’s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden’s politics of GMO through a narrative approach. I have reconstructed and carried out a Comparative analyzes of these narratives. This was the first of two objectives with this thesis. The other objective was to relate the political practice with the contribution and insights of Paul Ricoeur as a point of departure. My effort has been to build upon his contribution of narrative philosophy and fruitful conceptual resources and to reach an understanding of the advantage of a narrative approach in politics. This advantage lies in that it can provide an understanding of the narrative aspects in our daily lives. This would bring sensitivity and reflexivity to the political context. With this sensitivity and reflexivity it hopefully can separate irresponsible politics from responsible politics. This could be done by incorporate the result from this study. A responsible environmental politics departs from the precautionary principle in decision-making, gaining knowledge from interdisciplinary research and tries to correspond to the narrative structures in people’s daily lives. The narrative approach brings a deeper understanding for that political thought and practice is not reducible to other forms of human action.</p>
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Abus sexuels et conversion religieuse : une approche narrative fondée sur la triple mimèsis de Paul RicœurRochon, Claude 12 1900 (has links)
Bien qu’on ait longtemps considéré le désespoir ou la souffrance comme un facteur de précipitation de l’expérience religieuse, aucune étude n’a été effectuée sur les liens entre une expérience d’abus sexuels et une conversion religieuse subséquente. Une revue de la littérature sur la dynamique religieuse des abus sexuels révèle deux paradigmes opposés : la religion comme ressource ou comme facteur de risque. De même, un examen des études sur la conversion indique trois dichotomies : un converti actif ou passif, une conversion soudaine ou progressive, et la conversion comme phénomène normal ou pathologique. Or, un recensement des témoignages anecdotiques de victimes d’abus sexuels qui ont subséquemment vécu une conversion suggère que l'interaction entre les deux événements est plus complexe.
Pour dépasser ces dichotomies paradigmatiques, nous préconisons une approche narrative. Plus spécifiquement, nous utilisons le concept d’identité narrative développé par Paul Ricœur. Ce concept s’inscrit dans la dynamique ricœurienne de triple mimèsis, laquelle assure une fonction de liaison entre le champ pratique et le champ narratif. De façon générale, notre stratégie méthodologique consiste à déterminer comment, à partir d’éléments biographiques issus de la préfiguration (mimèsis I), le sujet configure son récit pour donner sens à son expérience (mimèsis II) et la refigure pour aboutir à une identité de survivant ou de converti (mimèsis III).
Sept entrevues non directives ont été effectuées auprès de personnes qui ont subi des abus sexuels durant leur enfance et qui ont plus tard vécu une conversion religieuse dans le milieu évangélique. À partir de l'analyse en trois étapes mentionnée ci-dessus, nous évaluons la contribution positive ou négative des divers éléments narratifs et, surtout, de leur interaction à la construction de l’identité narrative du sujet. Nous en concluons que le rapport entre des abus sexuels subis durant l’enfance et une conversion ultérieure n’est pas si simple que la littérature pourrait le laisser soupçonner. La conversion peut s’avérer salutaire à la survie du sujet et contribuer à la guérison du traumatisme sexuel qu’il a subi. Toutefois, certains éléments religieux peuvent faire obstacle au processus de recouvrement. Ces éléments nocifs varient d’un sujet à l’autre, et ce qui est délétère pour l’un peut être bénéfique pour l’autre, selon la configuration du récit. / Although despair or discontent has long been thought to be a precipitating factor for religious experience, there has been no systematic investigation of the possible links between sexual abuse and religious conversion. A review of literature on the religious dynamics of sexual abuse reveals opposite paradigms: religion as risk factor and religion as resource. Likewise, a review of conversion studies reveals three such dichotomies: active or passive convert, sudden or gradual conversion, and conversion as normal or pathological. Anecdotal evidence from the literature suggests that the interaction between sexual abuse trauma and a subsequent conversion is more complex.
To transcend these paradigmatic dichotomies, a narrative approach is advocated. More specifically, I use the concept of narrative identity as developed by Paul Ricœur. This concept relates to the Ricœurian notion of triple mimèsis, which links the practical and narrative fields. Starting from biographical elements from the narrative (mimèsis I), how does the subject configure his account to make sense out of his experience (mimèsis II) and refigure it to construct a survivor/convert identity (mimèsis III).
Seven non-directive interviews were conducted with people who have suffered sexual violence during childhood and who subsequently experienced a religious conversion. From the aforementioned three-step analysis, the positive or negative contribution of the narrative elements – but mostly their interaction – to the subject’s narrative identity can be evaluated. We conclude that the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and a later conversion is not as simple as the literature would lead us to believe. Conversion can be beneficial to the subject’s survival and contribute to the healing of the sexual trauma. However, some religious elements can hinder the recovery process. These harmful elements vary from one person to another, and what is harmful for one can be beneficial for another, depending on the life story’s configuration.
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Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt / The Politics of Biotechnology and the Transformative Power of NarrativesJohansson, Anders January 2002 (has links)
This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden’s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden’s politics of GMO through a narrative approach. I have reconstructed and carried out a Comparative analyzes of these narratives. This was the first of two objectives with this thesis. The other objective was to relate the political practice with the contribution and insights of Paul Ricoeur as a point of departure. My effort has been to build upon his contribution of narrative philosophy and fruitful conceptual resources and to reach an understanding of the advantage of a narrative approach in politics. This advantage lies in that it can provide an understanding of the narrative aspects in our daily lives. This would bring sensitivity and reflexivity to the political context. With this sensitivity and reflexivity it hopefully can separate irresponsible politics from responsible politics. This could be done by incorporate the result from this study. A responsible environmental politics departs from the precautionary principle in decision-making, gaining knowledge from interdisciplinary research and tries to correspond to the narrative structures in people’s daily lives. The narrative approach brings a deeper understanding for that political thought and practice is not reducible to other forms of human action.
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Abus sexuels et conversion religieuse : une approche narrative fondée sur la triple mimèsis de Paul RicœurRochon, Claude 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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La question de la justice : Paul Ricoeur lecteur de John RawlsLeneveu-Duval, Julien 04 1900 (has links)
C’est au tournant des années 1990 que Paul Ricœur s’est intéressé à Théorie de la justice de John Rawls. Tout en étant fondamentalement en accord avec la valeur morale, déontologique et politique des principes de justice de Rawls, Ricœur s’oppose à l’approche « purement procédurale » de la justice pour les institutions telle qu’elle se développe à l’aide de l’interprétation rawlsienne de la théorie du contrat social. Si l’approche déontologique de la justice comme équité priorise une conception formelle de la justice pour les institutions, elle ne peut toutefois pas, selon Ricœur, s’affranchir des fondements téléologiques qui justifient la formulation et le choix rationnel des principes rawlsiens. En reprenant l’argumentaire de Théorie de la justice, Ricœur relève la dépendance de la procédure formelle de Rawls à une série de présupposés éthiques fondamentaux qui justifient téléologiquement la rationalité des principes. Ces présuppositions ne mettent pas en ruine la position de Rawls, au contraire, ils relèvent d’une circularité « naturelle » propre à la problématique de la distribution des biens sociaux (justice distributive), indispensable à l’élaboration d’une conception politique de la justice et à l’intelligence démocratique du contrat social. Contre la démonstration empirique de la procédure formelle de la « position originelle » sous le « voile d’ignorance » à partir de laquelle devrait résulter le choix rationnel et unanime des principes de justice, Ricœur propose de rétablir la primauté du sens de la justice pour le sujet de droit/contractant. Sans réfuter la priorité déontologique des principes de justice pour les institutions, Ricœur veut rétablir la valeur éthique de la justice pour les individus à partir d’une herméneutique du soi et d’une anthropologie philosophique qui posent le besoin de l’institution au sein même de la constitution du sujet à « vivre une vie bonne, avec et pour autrui, dans des institutions justes ». / At the turn of the 1990s, Paul Ricœur became interested in John Rawls' Theory of Justice. While fundamentally agreeing with the moral, deontological, and political value of Rawls' principles of justice, Ricœur opposes the "purely procedural" approach to justice for institutions as developed through Rawls' interpretation of social contract theory. If the deontological approach to justice as equity prioritizes a formal conception of justice for institutions, it cannot, however, according to Ricœur, break free from the teleological foundations that justify the formulation and rational choice of Rawlsian principles. Returning to the argument of Theory of Justice, Ricœur identifies the dependence of Rawls' formal procedure based on a series of fundamental ethical presuppositions that teleologically justify the rationality of the principles. These presuppositions do not undermine Rawls' position; on the contrary, they are part of a "natural" circularity specific to the issue of the distribution of social goods (distributive justice), a process which is indispensable in the elaboration of a political conception of justice and in the democratic understanding of the social contract. Against the empirical demonstration of the formal procedure of the "original position" under the "veil of ignorance" from which the rational and unanimous choice of the principles of justice should result, Ricœur proposes to re-establish the primacy of the sense of justice for those subjected to law/contractors. Without refuting the deontological priority of principles of justice for institutions, Ricœur aspires to restore the ethical value of justice for individuals from a hermeneutic of the self and a philosophical anthropology that posits the need for the institution within the very constitution of the subject to "live a good life, with and for others, in just institutions”.
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De la faillibilité au serf-arbitre : le tournant herméneutique de Paul RicoeurYelle, Jean-François 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de montrer que le premier tournant herméneutique de Paul Ricœur en 1960 gravite essentiellement autour de la problématique de la volonté mauvaise. Nous soutenons autrement dit que Ricœur a initialement donné une tournure herméneutique à sa philosophie pour penser le serf-arbitre, c’est-à-dire pour penser la liberté captive d’elle-même. Afin de rendre compte adéquatement de ce tournant, notre attention sera principalement dirigée vers le deuxième tome de la Philosophie de la volonté de Ricœur, Finitude et culpabilité. Notre question se pose ainsi : comment et pourquoi, dans une problématique du mal, Ricœur entame-t-il son tournant herméneutique? Pour y répondre, nous expliciterons le parcours de Ricœur allant de L’homme faillible à La symbolique du mal. Nous verrons dans un premier temps que si le philosophe arrive à thématiser le concept de faillibilité à partir d’une ontologie de la disproportion, si la réflexion a accès à la possibilité du mal, il n’en ira pas de même pour le noème inintelligible que constitue le mal moral. Afin de penser la faute, nous verrons que Ricœur se tournera vers l’herméneutique en se mettant à l’écoute du langage de l’aveu. Ainsi, dans la deuxième partie de notre mémoire, nous expliciterons les trois moments de compréhension (phénoménologique, herméneutique et réflexif) propre à l’herméneutique philosophique de Ricœur de 1960. / The purpose of this dissertation is to show that the first hermeneutics turn of Paul Ricœur in 1960 essentially revolves around the problematic of bad will. We argue ie that Ricœur initially gave a hermeneutics twist to his philosophy to think the servile will, that is the freedom captive of itself. To properly account for this turn, our attention was mainly directed to the second volume of the Philosophy of the Will of Ricœur, Faillible man and The symbolism of evil. Our question is this : how and why, in a problematic of evil, Ricœur starts his hermeneutics turn? To answer this question, we will explain the course of Ricœur from Fallible man to The Symbolism of evil. We will see at first that if the philosopher comes to thematize the concept of fallibility from an ontology of disproportion, if the reflection has access to the possibility of evil, it does not go well for the unintelligible noema that is moral evil. To think of the fault, we will see that Ricœur will turn to hermeneutics is by listening to the language of confession. Thus, in the second part of our dissertation, we will explain the three stages of understanding (phenomenological, hermeneutics and reflexive) to own philosophical hermeneutics of Ricœur 1960.
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Den sjunde världsdelen : Västgötar och Västergötland 1646-1771. En identitetshistoriaJacobsson, Benny January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis considers regional identity in early-modern Sweden, taking its case from the province (landskap) of Västergötland 1646–1771. The aim is to investigate verbal expressions of regional identity. A theory on the construction of regional identity is suggested from the research results, and typological categories of regional identity are established. Contrary to popular concepts of identity being constructed in relation to an outer “other”, it is argued that identity is formed from self-images. Identity is expressed in the first person (I, we), and includes an insider’s perspective of the place occupied. As the thesis shows, the theory of regional identity is substantiated by the duality of the patria-concept. Patria, Fatherland, was employed for the smaller home province as well as for the greater realm. The realm however, always could claim priority to amor patria, Love of the Fatherland. Thus, any construction of regional identity using the neighbouring provinces as a contrasting “other” would have been counter-productive to the construction of the overarching national identity. This manifold patria-concept is of Roman origin, and made its influence through the Latin language well into early-modern time. A great variety of sources in Latin and Swedish have been consulted, including orations and dissertations, minutes of the academic senate and West Geat student nation (Västgöta nation) at Uppsala University, topography, manuscripts and letters. An in-depth study has been made of the writing processes leading up to dissertations and topographical descriptions.</p>
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Den sjunde världsdelen : Västgötar och Västergötland 1646-1771. En identitetshistoriaJacobsson, Benny January 2008 (has links)
This thesis considers regional identity in early-modern Sweden, taking its case from the province (landskap) of Västergötland 1646–1771. The aim is to investigate verbal expressions of regional identity. A theory on the construction of regional identity is suggested from the research results, and typological categories of regional identity are established. Contrary to popular concepts of identity being constructed in relation to an outer “other”, it is argued that identity is formed from self-images. Identity is expressed in the first person (I, we), and includes an insider’s perspective of the place occupied. As the thesis shows, the theory of regional identity is substantiated by the duality of the patria-concept. Patria, Fatherland, was employed for the smaller home province as well as for the greater realm. The realm however, always could claim priority to amor patria, Love of the Fatherland. Thus, any construction of regional identity using the neighbouring provinces as a contrasting “other” would have been counter-productive to the construction of the overarching national identity. This manifold patria-concept is of Roman origin, and made its influence through the Latin language well into early-modern time. A great variety of sources in Latin and Swedish have been consulted, including orations and dissertations, minutes of the academic senate and West Geat student nation (Västgöta nation) at Uppsala University, topography, manuscripts and letters. An in-depth study has been made of the writing processes leading up to dissertations and topographical descriptions.
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De la faillibilité au serf-arbitre : le tournant herméneutique de Paul RicoeurYelle, Jean-François 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de montrer que le premier tournant herméneutique de Paul Ricœur en 1960 gravite essentiellement autour de la problématique de la volonté mauvaise. Nous soutenons autrement dit que Ricœur a initialement donné une tournure herméneutique à sa philosophie pour penser le serf-arbitre, c’est-à-dire pour penser la liberté captive d’elle-même. Afin de rendre compte adéquatement de ce tournant, notre attention sera principalement dirigée vers le deuxième tome de la Philosophie de la volonté de Ricœur, Finitude et culpabilité. Notre question se pose ainsi : comment et pourquoi, dans une problématique du mal, Ricœur entame-t-il son tournant herméneutique? Pour y répondre, nous expliciterons le parcours de Ricœur allant de L’homme faillible à La symbolique du mal. Nous verrons dans un premier temps que si le philosophe arrive à thématiser le concept de faillibilité à partir d’une ontologie de la disproportion, si la réflexion a accès à la possibilité du mal, il n’en ira pas de même pour le noème inintelligible que constitue le mal moral. Afin de penser la faute, nous verrons que Ricœur se tournera vers l’herméneutique en se mettant à l’écoute du langage de l’aveu. Ainsi, dans la deuxième partie de notre mémoire, nous expliciterons les trois moments de compréhension (phénoménologique, herméneutique et réflexif) propre à l’herméneutique philosophique de Ricœur de 1960. / The purpose of this dissertation is to show that the first hermeneutics turn of Paul Ricœur in 1960 essentially revolves around the problematic of bad will. We argue ie that Ricœur initially gave a hermeneutics twist to his philosophy to think the servile will, that is the freedom captive of itself. To properly account for this turn, our attention was mainly directed to the second volume of the Philosophy of the Will of Ricœur, Faillible man and The symbolism of evil. Our question is this : how and why, in a problematic of evil, Ricœur starts his hermeneutics turn? To answer this question, we will explain the course of Ricœur from Fallible man to The Symbolism of evil. We will see at first that if the philosopher comes to thematize the concept of fallibility from an ontology of disproportion, if the reflection has access to the possibility of evil, it does not go well for the unintelligible noema that is moral evil. To think of the fault, we will see that Ricœur will turn to hermeneutics is by listening to the language of confession. Thus, in the second part of our dissertation, we will explain the three stages of understanding (phenomenological, hermeneutics and reflexive) to own philosophical hermeneutics of Ricœur 1960.
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大德蘭的精神生活與靈修實踐-《七寶樓台》的現代性閱讀 / St.Teresa's Inner Life and Spiritual Practise-A Modern Study of 《El Castillo Interior》林世齡 Unknown Date (has links)
十六世紀西班牙神秘主義學家德蘭阿烏馬達‧賽伯達(Teresa de Ahumada y Cepeda)於1622年被封為聖女大德蘭(St. Teresa of Ávila)或稱耶穌的聖大德蘭(Saint Teresa of Jesus)。一生以事奉天主為畢生奮鬥目標,她從靜觀祈禱裡領晤天主的恩寵,是一位神秘體驗的神秘主義者。大德蘭用33年的時間專注於內心默想祈禱和與天主在靈性上的結合,進而改革加爾默羅會,開創了一個嶄新的、更默觀的生活方式,而遍佈天主教世界。《七寶樓台》是大德蘭在天主的臨在經驗下完成的著作,其著作沒有深奧抽象的思辨理論,而主要是對神祕體驗現象的直觀性與隱喻性描述。基於這種神祕體驗與靈性生活的倡導,大德蘭也因此常被視為基督宗教神秘主義者的代表人物之一。
關鍵詞:大德蘭、七寶樓台、神祕主義、神祕體驗、靈修、宗教現象、詮釋學、呂格爾 / Sixteen century Spanish mystic- Teresa de Ahumada y Cepeda was canonized St. Teresa of Jesus by Gregory XV in 1622. She prayed for God in all her life and received His grace by contemplative prayer. She is also a practical mysticism.
St. Teresa spent 33 years to pray for God, and concentrated on meditation piety to be with Him in spirit. By reforming Carmelo, the new meditative way of profound lives which created by her, gradually spread around the entire Catholic world. She wrote, Interior Castle, when God came to her in pray. The book is full of metaphor in book without any abstractive theories. Teresa became one of the representatives in Spanish mysticism due to her concentration on inner life and mystical experience.
I will investigate the Christian Mysticism background of Teresa, the interpretation of Interior Castle, meditation piety of Christian, and related theories of religion hermeneutics such as Paul Ricoeur’s. By reflecting on the explanation of soul ascent and theological language, the thought of Teresa would be exposed. My purpose here is to introduce some significant arguments about faith, language and reason of Christianity by several theorists. I should focus on essentials of Teresa’s thought and mystical experience, the trend of spiritual movement and religion phenomenon initiated by Teresa. From a modern cultural perspective, the value and meaning of Interior Castle, should be reveal by this work.
Key words: St. Teresa, Interior Castle, mysticism, mystical experience, meditation
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