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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of regional co-operation in the resolution of the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Strzeminska, Anna Dominika Boldireff 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the early 1960s, when the majority of African countries gained independence from colonial powers, the continent has been in turmoil. Conflicts have been extensive, and detrimental to economic, political and above all, social development. Today, Africa is under more pressure than ever to find solutions for these conflicts. The situation is complicated by the complex and difficult challenges brought on by a rapidly globalising world. Also conflicts have often been characterised by internal, as well as regional proportions. Coupled with this, the threats facing Southern Africa are of such a nature that they transcend national boundaries, and have a tendency to effect entire regions as opposed to individual states. Thus threats no longer endanger states, but rather their people. fn view of this, conflict resolution requires a regional approach as well, in order to ensure a viable and lasting solution. This thesis attempts to evaluate the contribution of regional co-operation to conflict resolution in Southern Africa. Two concepts imperative to this evaluation are regionalism and security. Both are examined and juxtaposed. The author determines that the concepts have changed dramatically since the end of the Cold War period, and that new regionalism and new security approaches need to be considered in addressing conflicts, since traditional interpretations have become obsolete, particularly in the developing world. Furthermore, an examination of the international, regional and sub-regional organisations, concerned with conflict management on the continent, is carried out. The United Nations and the Southern African Development Community, together with their efforts in Southern Africa analysed. The author takes the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a case study, and concludes that the persisting conflict has ensued precisely because regional co-operation was inadequate. The states and leaders involved did not take into account the regional dimensions of the conflict, and also ignored threats to human security. Regional co-operation was at a minimal, and involvement has until now been predominantly unilateral and statist, marked by personal interests, and not those of the population. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die vroeë sestigerjare, toe die meerderheid Afrikalande onafhankliheid van koloniale magte verkry het, was die kontinent in onrus gehul. Dit was omvattende konflik - konflik wat nadelig was vir ekonomiese, politieke en veral sosiale ontwikkeling. Vandag, meer as ooit tevore, is Afrika onder druk om oplossings te vind vir hierdie konflikte. Die situasie word gekompliseer deur die uitdagings gestel deur 'n vinnig globaliserende wêreld. Die konflik word dikwels deur interne sowel as streeksafmetings gekenmerk. Hiermee saam is die bedreigings wat op Suidelike Afrika 'n invloed het van so 'n aard dat dit nasionale grense ignoreer en die geneigdheid het om totale streke, in teenstelling met individuele state, te beïnvloed. Hierdie bedreigings stel dus nie state in gevaar nie, maar eerder hul mense. Om 'n lewensvatbare en blywende effek te hê, benodig konflikoplossing dus ook 'n streeksbenadering aan te neem. Hierdie tesis poog om die bydrae van streekssamewerking, ten einde konflikoplossing in Suidelike Afrika te bewerkstellig, te evalueer. Beide word ondersoek en in verband gebring. Die skrywer bevind dat die konsepte drasties verander het sedert die einde van die Koue Oorlog tydperk, en dat nuwe regionalisme en nuwe sekuriteit benaderings oorweeg moet word, aangesien tradisionele interpretasies verouderd, veral in die ontwikkelende wêreld, is. Verder word internasionale, regionale en sub-regionale organisasies wat gemoeid is met konflikhantering op die kontinent, ook ondersoek. Die Verenigde Nasies en die Suidelike Afrika Ontwikkelings Gemeenskap (SADe), tesame met hul pogings in Suidelike Africa, word geanaliseer. Die skrywer maak gebruik van die konflik in die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo as gevallestudie, en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat konflik ontstaan het juis omdat regionale samewerking nooit werklik gerealiseer het nie. Die betrokke state en leiers het nie die streeksdimensies van die konflik in ag geneem nie, en ook menslike sekuriteit bedreigings ignoreer. Regionale samewerking was beperk tot In minimum, en betrokkenheid was tot nou toe oorwegend eensydig en staats georienteerd, en gekenmerk deur persoonlike belange, en nie dié van die bevolking nie.

Expanding the European Union's Petersberg tasks: requirements and capabilities

Papastathopoulos, Stavros 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / This thesis analyzes the "updated Petersberg tasks" included in the draft treaty establishing a Constitution for the European Union. The original Petersberg tasks called for forces capable of humanitarian and rescue missions, peacekeeping operations and tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking. The updated tasks add conflict prevention, joint disarmament, military advice and assistance, post-conflict stabilization, and support to third countries in combating terrorism. The thesis focuses on the requirements of these tasks and the capabilities of the European Union's civilian agencies and military forces to execute them. It explores the meaning of the new missions, their specific capability requirements, and the prospects for the European Union to meet these requirements. It concludes that the European Union is currently capable of undertaking the missions that require mostly civilian tools or medium-level military forces for their conduct. The European Union does not at present have the relevant capabilities for the missions that demand more advanced military forces. / Major, Hellenic Army

Transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding training/education implications /

Hedenberg, Ralph F. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Naval Postgraduate School, 2000. / Title from title screen (viewed Aug. 20, 2003). "December 2000." Includes bibliographical references. Also issued in paper format.

Manipulation of ethnic identity during the colonial reform of administration (1926-1931) and conflict in Rwanda.

Binenwa, Jean Bosco N. January 2004 (has links)
This study aimed to highlight factors used by the Belgian authorities to divide Rwandans during the Colonial Reform Process between 1926 and 1931. More specially, it is aimed at identifying how they mobilised Hutu, Tutsi and Twa social classes and transformed the ethnic identities. To achieve this goal, unstructured interviews and a questionnaire were used. In addition, several data analyses were also used to measure and decipher the attitudes of both the interview and survey's respondents. The results indicated the conflict started when the Belgian colonisers implemented indirect rules that highlighted a selected elite from the Tutsi Tribe. This group benefited from social and economic advantages which totally excluded the Hutu and Twa tribes. With the reform, the previous traditional structure was destroyed, and with the new administration only Tutsi chiefs remained whereas Hutu and Twa chiefs were rendered obsolete. Tutsi were seen as born chiefs. On the contrary, they judged the Hutu good for manual work and exploited them as a labour force. For a deep acceptance of this new order, colonisers reinforced ethnic policies with ideological assumptions which defined Tutsi as the superior race. In this regard, several ethnologists and anthropologists attempted to prove the Hamitic origin of the Tutsi, allowing Belgians to use the "Hamitic Myth", which assumed that the Tutsi was the only group able to understand development and to command at the request of the colonial state. In addition, Belgians decided to issue identity cards which clearly stated the bearer's tribal origin. This undoubtedly influenced people to develop ethnic feelings and disposed the most fiercely rival groups (Hutu and Tutsi) to ethnic competition that led to outbreaks of violence in 1959 when Belgians shifted their allegiance from Tutsi to Hutu as the fomer was asking for independence. The scarcity of environmental resources increased the desire to monopolise control of the country as this was continually perceived as only means of access to resources. This led Rwandan politicians to use ethnicity as a way to secure power. Consequently, a culture of ethnic violence became entrenched. This culminated in genocide from April to July 1994. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.

L'Union européenne et le soutien aux capacités africaines de maintien de la paix: Espaces sectoriels et processus d'institutionnalisation au sein de la politique étrangère européenne / European Union and support to African peace-keeping capacities: social fields and institutionalisation processes in the EU foreign policy

Loisel, Sébastien 21 November 2014 (has links)
A partir du milieu des années 1990, l’Union européenne (UE) s’est progressivement affirmée comme l’un des principaux partenaires des organisations régionales africaines en matière de paix et de sécurité. Des pratiques de soutien aux capacités africaines de maintien de la paix notamment se sont développées au niveau européen avec la création d’instruments dédiés et l’engagement de moyens financiers de plus d’1,1 Md€. Ces pratiques relèvent de ce que l’on appelle communément de la coopération militaire, mais elles sont apparues bien avant que ce domaine d’activité soit explicitement évoqué dans les traités. Elles ont en outre la particularité de s’être institutionnalisées non seulement dans le cadre de la Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense (PSDC), mais également dans celui de la coopération européenne au développement alors que ce dernier se limite traditionnellement à des activités de nature civile. Elles fournissent à ce titre un objet privilégié pour étudier les processus d’institutionnalisation à l’oeuvre au sein de la politique étrangère européenne en dehors des modifications successives des traités et du découpage des politiques qu’ils consacrent. Ces processus d’institutionnalisation renvoient en effet ici aux processus par lesquels sont produites et transformées les règles formelles et informelles qui régissent les pratiques au sein d’un espace social donné (Stone Sweet et al. 2000 ;Fligstein, 2001).<p><p>L’émergence et l’institutionnalisation de ces pratiques au niveau européen ne peuvent être réduites à une logique fonctionnelle ni au produit de rapports de force interétatiques, institutionnels ou bureaucratiques. Leur compréhension nécessite de prendre en compte la différenciation des espaces sociaux (ou secteurs) qui structurent les jeux d’acteurs au sein de la politique étrangère européenne autour d’enjeux, de règles et de luttes spécifiques (Buchet de Neuilly, 2005a ;Mérand, 2008a). Le soutien de l’UE aux capacités africaines de maintien de la paix apparaît dans cette perspective comme le produit de luttes récurrentes au sein et à l’intersection des secteurs du développement et de la sécurité qui en ont partiellement reconfiguré les représentations dominantes et les règles établies. Ces luttes ont mobilisé des acteurs distincts en réaction à des chocs externes différents ou interprétés différemment selon les secteurs considérés. Elles ont également suscité des résistances spécifiques et abouti à des pratiques sectoriellement différenciées.<p><p>Au-delà de leur enjeu manifeste, celui du maintien de la paix en Afrique, l’émergence et l’institutionnalisation de ces pratiques révèlent ainsi certains des jeux sectoriels et intersectoriels qui se déploient au sein de la politique étrangère européenne autour de la définition des modalités légitimes d’usage et de contrôle de ses ressources. Au sein du secteur du développement, ces luttes se sont concentrées sur la légitimité d’utiliser des fonds dédiés à la coopération pour financer des activités de nature militaire. Au sein du secteur de lasécurité, elles ont porté sur l’agrégation au niveau européen de ressources diplomatiques et militaires nationales au détriment de modes d’action bilatéraux et d’arènes de coordination non spécifiquement européennes comme l’OTAN ou l’ONU. A l’intersection de ces deux secteurs enfin, elles se sont cristallisées autour du degré de contrôle des diplomates sur les ressources propres à l’aide au développement ou, en d’autres termes, autour du degré d’autonomie dont bénéficient les acteurs de développement européens vis-à-vis de la PESC/PSDC. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

UN Transitional Administrations: enjoying immunity or impunity? : A legal study on UN Transitional Administrations and their post-colonial impact on victims’ access to justice

Tomsson, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
United Nations peacekeeping forces and operations, have long had a history of crimes against civilians by its personnel, not least concerning crimes of sexual exploitation and abuse. While human rights violations are grave despite their origin, there is a specific element of impunity and distrust when the same people who comes to ‘protect’, are the same people who become perpetrators. In this sense, it is notably interesting and important to examine victims’ rights to access justice when crimes have been committed by UN Personnel. The primary aim is to explore to what extent the fore-mentioned victims have the possibility to access justice within the legal system of UN Transitional Administrations. These UN operations are chosen since it is particularly important to examine the extent to which victim’s may access justice when the UN exercises governmental powers and acts as a quasi-state. An underlying aim is to explore how the eventual inconsistencies within this system may be colored by postcolonial tendencies. In this sense, the study is conducted through a doctrinal method with a postcolonial perspective, examining the normative aspects of law in the light of a critical lens. The legal basis and the legal obligations of UN Transitional Administrations are compared to the International Standard on Victims’ rights and evidence on how victims’ rights to access justice is practiced within these administrations. Finally, the aim is to evaluate the result of this analysis from the standpoint of postcolonial theory.

Criminal jurisdiction of the visiting SADC Armed Forces over their members during peace time : a case study of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Botswana

Ngoai, Madila Asiel 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The study aims to investigate criminal jurisdiction of the visiting SADC armed forces during peace time focusing only on the Republic of Botswana and the Republic of South Africa. Since the adoption of the Declaration and Treaty of SADC, the armed forces of both Botswana and South Africa at times find themselves on each other’s territory. Once in each other’s territory the question of criminal jurisdiction becomes imperative. The two countries seem not to agree on the content of status of force agreements while cooperating in terms of the SADC Treaty. The contentious point is that the death sentence is still a competent sentence for certain offences under certain circumstances in terms of Botswana laws, whereas in South Africa the death sentence was declared unconstitutional. In the absence of any agreement, South African armed forces may face a death sentence while in Botswana and Botswana authorities might not be able to carry out a death sentence over their members for offences committed while in South Africa. In trying to answer the question of criminal jurisdiction while on each other’s territory during peace time, a study of the evolution of jurisdiction is undertaken. The laws of both countries are considered, especially the application and protection afforded by their respective constitutions. The approach followed by the UN in sending a peace-keeping force to conflict areas is analysed. A micro-comparison of agreements concluded by selected countries, more especially the NATO agreement, is undertaken. Treaties as a source of international law are analysed to show that rights can be extended and be limited by agreement. The study concludes by recommending that concurrent criminal jurisdiction with certain qualification seems to be the accepted norm and compromise amongst the international community, and that the two countries may consider this approach as the basis for such agreement. / Public, Constitutional, & International Law / LL.M

Criminal jurisdiction of the visiting SADC Armed Forces over their members during peace time : a case study of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Botswana

Ngoai, Madila Asiel 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The study aims to investigate criminal jurisdiction of the visiting SADC armed forces during peace time focusing only on the Republic of Botswana and the Republic of South Africa. Since the adoption of the Declaration and Treaty of SADC, the armed forces of both Botswana and South Africa at times find themselves on each other’s territory. Once in each other’s territory the question of criminal jurisdiction becomes imperative. The two countries seem not to agree on the content of status of force agreements while cooperating in terms of the SADC Treaty. The contentious point is that the death sentence is still a competent sentence for certain offences under certain circumstances in terms of Botswana laws, whereas in South Africa the death sentence was declared unconstitutional. In the absence of any agreement, South African armed forces may face a death sentence while in Botswana and Botswana authorities might not be able to carry out a death sentence over their members for offences committed while in South Africa. In trying to answer the question of criminal jurisdiction while on each other’s territory during peace time, a study of the evolution of jurisdiction is undertaken. The laws of both countries are considered, especially the application and protection afforded by their respective constitutions. The approach followed by the UN in sending a peace-keeping force to conflict areas is analysed. A micro-comparison of agreements concluded by selected countries, more especially the NATO agreement, is undertaken. Treaties as a source of international law are analysed to show that rights can be extended and be limited by agreement. The study concludes by recommending that concurrent criminal jurisdiction with certain qualification seems to be the accepted norm and compromise amongst the international community, and that the two countries may consider this approach as the basis for such agreement. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LL.M

Pratiques et usages de l'Europe dans le maintien de la paix: la coopération franco-irlandaise au Tchad / Practices and usages of Europe in international peacekeeping: Franco-Irish cooperation in Chad

Rayroux, Antoine 12 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les opérations militaires menées par l’Union européenne et s’interroge sur leurs effets dans deux domaines :le processus d’européanisation et l’évolution du maintien de la paix. Pour les partisans du choix rationnel, l’européanisation reflète les préférences des principales puissances européennes, qui s’imposent aux autres États, surtout dans le domaine des politiques de défense. Pour les constructivistes à l’inverse, la gestion en commun des crises internationales entraîne des adaptations et un certain rapprochement des façons de faire nationales.<p>Pour solutionner ce débat, cette recherche expose et défend une approche sociologique des opérations militaires de l’UE, qui s’inspire du tournant pratique en relations internationales et des usages de l’Europe en études européennes. Cette approche insiste sur le contexte de l’interaction, les stratégies sociales des acteurs, et le bien-fondé d’une méthode interprétative qui s’appuie sur l’expérience de ces acteurs. La démonstration empirique repose sur une analyse qualitative comparative de deux cas opposés :les acteurs français et irlandais dans le cadre de l’opération militaire EUFOR Tchad/RCA, dont ils eurent la charge.<p>La recherche conclut que l’européanisation n’est pas un phénomène linéaire et homogène, et que sa forme dépend avant tout du contexte et des acteurs observés. Au niveau politique et décisionnel (à Bruxelles), les logiques nationales l’emportent, chaque acteur tentant de mettre à profit ses ressources opportunes (matérielles, idéelles, symboliques) pour faire valoir ses préférences nationales. Cependant, plus on s’éloigne de Bruxelles (vers l’état-major de l’opération militaire et plus encore vers le terrain), plus les militaires, principaux acteurs concernés, développent des pratiques communes qui se superposent à leurs singularités et préférences nationales. Le contexte opérationnel du maintien de la paix génère des dynamiques de socialisation et d’apprentissage qui favorisent l’émergence d’usages communs de l’Europe militaire. Ces usages constituent les fondements d’une approche « européenne » du maintien de la paix, combinaison hybride de pratiques importées d’autres contextes (national, OTAN, ONU), et de pratiques nouvelles, spécifiques à l’UE. Cependant, cette européanisation sociologique demeure essentiellement au niveau des militaires. Elle n’entraîne pas de convergence au niveau formel, politique et décisionnel, où les dynamiques nationales restent dominantes. /<p><p>This dissertation is about European Union-led military operations and their effects on two issues: processes of Europeanization and the evolution of peacekeeping. For rational choice scholars, Europeanization reflects the preferences of Europe’s main powers, which impose those preferences on other states, especially when it comes to defence policies. On the opposite, constructivists argue that handling international crises collectively results in adaptations and a certain rapprochement of national ways to do things.<p>To sort out this debate, this research puts forward and defends a sociological approach to EU military operations, which is inspired by the practice turn in international relations and usages of Europe in European studies. This approach emphasizes the context of interaction, actors’ social strategies, and the merits of an interpretive method grounded in actors’ experiences. The empirical demonstration rests upon a qualitative and comparative analysis of two most different cases: French and Irish actors during the military operation EUFOR Tchad/RCA, in which they got involved.<p>The research concludes that Europeanization is not a linear and homogenous phenomenon, and that its shape mostly depends on the context and actors under scrutiny. At the political and decisional level (in Brussels), national logics prevail, and each actor tries to take advantage of its opportune resources (material, ideal, symbolic) in order to enforce its national preferences. However, the further one moves away from Brussels (towards the operation’s headquarters or the field), the more military actors – the main actors concerned with EU operations – develop common practices that come on top of their national singularities. The operational context of peacekeeping yields dynamics of socialization and learning, which themselves make common usages of military Europe possible. These usages make up the grounds of a “European” approach to peacekeeping, which is a hybrid combination of existing practices imported from other contexts (national, NATO, UN) and new, EU-specific practices. However, this Europeanization tends to remain mostly at the military’s level. It does not bring about convergence at the formal, political and decisional level, where national dynamics still prevail.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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