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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Alva Mamani, Angie, Desposorio Mosquera, Jazmin Milagros, Garcia Daneri, Jose Alonso, Genit Hemmerde, Christian Adrien, Montellanos Muñoz, Milagros Estefania 29 November 2021 (has links)
El presente documento presentará la idea de negocio que se desarrolló a lo largo del curso, MediLine, un proyecto que busca impulsar la rehabilitación física de todas las personas que padecen de alguna lesión, enfermedad o operación quirúrgica de manera online. Para ello, se desarrolla una plataforma virtual que brinda el espacio, servicio y productos necesarios para que cualquier persona pueda realizar su terapia física de manera exitosa. Lo que busca, MediLine, es cuidar la salud de todas las personas e incentivar la recuperación física de ellas que por falta de información, distancia, dinero o otros motivos no pueden realizarla. Para ello, se realizaron diversos métodos de investigación, tales como entrevistas y encuestas; además se plantearon hipótesis para conocer la viabilidad del negocio. Asimismo, se analizó el mercado objetivo para poder desarrollar diferentes estrategias de ventas y qué necesidades tiene el segmento. Finalmente, mediante el análisis financiero se confirmará la viabilidad asegurando el crecimiento del proyecto en el transcurso de los años. / This document will present the business idea that was developed throughout the course, MediLine, a project that seeks to promote the physical rehabilitation of all people who suffer from an injury, illness or surgery in a virtual way.. To do this, a virtual platform is developed that provides the space, service and products necessary for anyone to successfully perform physical therapy. What MediLine seeks is to take care of the health of all people and encourage the physical recovery of those who, due to lack of information, distance, money or other reasons, cannot do it. For this, various research methods were carried out, such as interviews and surveys; In addition, hypotheses were raised to determine the viability of the business. Likewise, the target market was analyzed to be able to develop different sales strategies and what needs the segment has. Finally, the financial analysis will confirm the viability ensuring the growth of the project over the years. / Trabajo de investigación

Salud GO

Cisneros Ccahuana, Barbara Ibon, Montes Salvador, Quinnie Gina, Luque Pampamallco, Diana, Tamayo Lopez, Milagros Stefany, Zarate Casaverde, Giancarlo 17 July 2021 (has links)
La idea de negocio propuesto en el presente trabajo responde como solución a una necesidad insatisfecha de personas que lograron superar la enfermedad del COVID-19 y manifiestan secuelas ocasionadas por la enfermedad, por lo cual se requiere de terapias de rehabilitación desde casa que ayude en una recuperación gradual asistida. Por ello, hemos realizado el proyecto Salud GO, el cual consiste en brindar un servicio de terapias físicas virtuales por medio de una aplicación con información elemental sobre rehabilitación post COVID. En la App Salud GO, se podrán encontrar sesiones grabadas de ejercicios de rehabilitación y atención virtual con un médico según la especialidad médica requerida, las cuales podrán ser: Cardiovascular, respiratoria, física y psicológica. El principal canal digital de Salud GO es el aplicativo móvil, el cual estará disponible en Android y IOS, con una interfaz intuitiva y de fácil uso, asegurando así una buena experiencia para el usuario quien podrá realizar la terapia desde la comodidad de su hogar, de esta manera de busca evitar las aglomeraciones y disminuir el riesgo de un nuevo contagio. Salud GO, contará con un plan gratuito de acceso limitado a video clases grabadas y de pago con acceso ilimitado a todas las funciones incluyendo la atención médica en línea. Estará dirigido a los hombres y mujeres digitales de nivel socioeconómico A y B entre 25 a 55 años que habitan en Lima Metropolitana y desean recuperarse de alguna secuela post-COVID a través de una atención online por profesionales de la salud. / The business idea proposed in this work responds as a solution to an unmet need of people who managed to overcome the COVID-19 disease and manifest sequelae caused by the disease, for which rehabilitation therapies are required from home to help in a assisted gradual recovery. For this reason, we have carried out the Salud GO project, which consists of providing a virtual physical therapy service through an application with basic information on post-COVID rehabilitation. In the GO Health App, you can find recorded sessions of rehabilitation exercises and virtual care with a doctor according to the required medical specialty, which may be: Cardiovascular, respiratory, physical and psychological. The main digital channel of Salud GO is the mobile application, which will be available on Android and IOS, with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, thus ensuring a good experience for the user who can perform therapy from the comfort of their home. in this way, it seeks to avoid crowds and reduce the risk of a new contagion. Salud GO, will have a free plan with limited access to recorded and paid video classes with unlimited access to all functions including online medical care. It will be aimed at digital men and women of socioeconomic level A and B between 25 and 55 years old who live in Metropolitan Lima and want to recover from any post-COVID sequelae through online care by health professionals. / Trabajo de investigación

Программа профилактики травматизма коленного сустава у юных баскетболистов : магистерская диссертация / Knee joints injury prevention program for young basketball-players

Красовский, В. Д., Krasovskiy, V. D. January 2017 (has links)
Basketball is one of the most injury-risk team sports. Taking into consideration high frequency of knee joint injuries in both young and professional basketball-players and especially issues of overloads of locomotor apparatus in adult basketball, it is crucially important to develop and propose an effective prevention programs to avoid acute injuries and traumas of knee joints. The proposed study was focused on the development of special training prescriptions and recommendations for coaches and physical trainers aimed to implement prevention methods in the training process. The study was conducted in the Ural Federal University Sports Technologies Research Lab. Twenty young athletes born in 2002 from basketball youth sport schools (Yekaterinburg, Russia) were recruited for the study. The significant interrelations between functional state, oxygen transport and utilization systems and power of working muscles were established for the first time. A novel prevention program of knee joint injuries was introduced, effectiveness of which was proved during the study. / Баскетбол входит в пятерку самых травмоопасных командных, контактных видов спорта. Актуальность исследования обусловлена высокой частотой травматизма коленного сустава, как у молодых, так и у профессиональных баскетболистов. В особенности это грозит игрокам молодежных составов, так как при переходе в профессиональную команду растёт объем интенсивности нагрузки на опорно-двигательный аппарат и зачастую отсутствуют программы профилактики травматизма. Данная работа посвящена разработке рекомендаций по построению тренировочного процесса и внедрение в него программы профилактики травматизма для снижения степени риска повреждения коленного сустава. Исследование проводилось на базе лаборатории «Технологии восстановления и отбора в спорте» ЦКП ФГАОУ ВО УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина. В исследовании приняли участие 20 юных спортсменов 2002 года рождения, воспитанники детско-юношеских спортивных школ (г. Екатеринбург). Впервые была установлена связь между общим функциональным состоянием организма спортсмена, системой транспорта и утилизации кислорода работающими мышцами и силой мышц нижних конечностей. Была разработана и внедрена в тренировочный процесс программа профилактики травматизма коленного сустава, эффективность которой была доказана в ходе исследования.

Физическая реабилитация лиц, перенесших COVID-19-ассоциированную пневмонию : магистерская диссертация / Physical rehabilitation of survivors of COVID-19-associated pneumonia

Конюхова, Д. А., Konyukhova, D. A. January 2022 (has links)
Значительная доля людей, столкнувшихся с коронавирусной инфекцией имеют осложнение в виде COVID-19-ассоциированной пневмонии и нуждаются в доступной и квалифицированной реабилитации. Цель работы - оценить влияние программы физической реабилитации на толерантность к физическим нагрузкам и функциональное состояние кардио-респираторной системы пациентов, перенесших COVID-19-ассоциированную пневмонию. В исследовании приняли 20 пациентов, перенесших COVID-19-ассоциированную пневмонию. В работе использовались следующие методы исследования: оценка толерантности к физической нагрузке оценивалась с помощью теста шестиминутной ходьбы, для оценки степени одышки после нагрузки использовалась шкала Борга, определяли сатурацию в покое и после проведения теста шестиминутной ходьбы, оценивалась частота сердечных сокращений до и после тестирования, а также выраженность одышки при повседневной деятельности оценивалась по шкале mMRC. Согласно полученным результатам, разработанная программа реабилитации повлияла на повышение толерантности к физическим нагрузкам, улучшение функционального состояния кардио-респираторной системы и субъективной переносимости физической нагрузки у пациентов, перенесших COVID-19-ассоциированную пневмонию. / A significant proportion of people who have experienced coronavirus infection have a complication in the form of COVID-19-associated pneumonia and need affordable and qualified rehabilitation. The aim of the work was to evaluate the impact of the physical rehabilitation program on exercise tolerance and the functional state of the cardio-respiratory system in patients who had undergone COVID-19-associated pneumonia. The study included 20 patients with COVID-19-associated pneumonia. Research methods were used in the work: assessment of exercise tolerance was assessed using a six-minute walk test, the Borg scale was used to assess the degree of dyspnea after exercise, saturation was determined at rest and after a six-minute walk test, heart rate was assessed before and after testing, as well as the severity of dyspnea during daily activities was assessed using the mMRC scale. According to the results obtained, the developed rehabilitation program influenced the increase in exercise tolerance, the improvement of the functional state of the cardio-respiratory system and the subjective exercise tolerance in patients who underwent COVID-19-associated pneumonia.

Физическая реабилитация женщин старше 40 лет с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата средствами оздоровительной гимнастики ушу : магистерская диссертация / Physical rehabilitation of women over 40 years of age with musculoskeletal disorders by means of wushu recreational gymnastics

Хорошилова, Е. В., Horoshilova, E. V. January 2022 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании проанализированы нарушения опорно-двигательного аппарата у женщин старше 40 лет, а также механизмы лечебного воздействия средств оздоровительной гимнастики ушу на опорно-двигательный аппарат. Разработана, обоснована и определена эффективность программы физической реабилитации женщин старше 40 лет с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата средствами оздоровительной гимнастики ушу. / The dissertation analyses the musculoskeletal system disorders in women over 40 years old, as well as the mechanisms of therapeutic effects of Wushu recreational gymnastics on the musculoskeletal system. The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation program for women over 40 years old with disorders of musculoskeletal system by means of wushu health gymnastics has been identified, explained and developed.

Fitness and mobility training in patients with Intensive Care Unit-acquired muscle weakness (FITonICU): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Mehrholz, Jan, Thomas, Simone, Burridge, Jane H., Schmidt, André, Scheffler, Bettina, Schellin, Ralph, Rückriem, Stefan, Meißner, Daniel, Mehrholz, Katja, Sauter, Wolfgang, Bodechtel, Ulf, Elsner, Bernhard 27 February 2017 (has links)
Background Critical illness myopathy (CIM) and polyneuropathy (CIP) are a common complication of critical illness. Both cause intensive-care-unit-acquired (ICU-acquired) muscle weakness (ICUAW) which increases morbidity and delays rehabilitation and recovery of activities of daily living such as walking ability. Focused physical rehabilitation of people with ICUAW is, therefore, of great importance at both an individual and a societal level. A recent systematic Cochrane review found no randomised controlled trials (RCT), and thus no supporting evidence, for physical rehabilitation interventions for people with defined CIP and CIM to improve activities of daily living. Therefore, the aim of our study is to compare the effects of an additional physiotherapy programme with systematically augmented levels of mobilisation with additional in-bed cycling (as the parallel group) on walking and other activities of daily living.

Perception des cliniciens, gestionnaires et usagers à l’égard des interventions de groupe offertes pendant la réadaptation en déficience physique

Bélanger, Dominique 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] A fisioterapia visa melhorar a funcionalidade física das pessoas, procurando atenuar as incapacidades causadas por alguma lesão, distúrbio ou doença. Nesse contexto, diversas tecnologias computacionais têm sido desenvolvidas com o intuito de apoiar o processo de reabilitação, como as tecnologias adaptáveis para o usuário final. Essas tecnologias possibilitam ao fisioterapeuta adequar aplicações e criarem atividades com características personalizadas de acordo com as preferências e necessidades de cada paciente. Nesta tese é proposta uma abordagem de baixo custo baseada no aprendizado de máquina interativo (iML - Interactive Machine Learning) que visa auxiliar os fisioterapeutas a criarem atividades personalizadas para seus pacientes de forma fácil e sem a necessidade de codificação de software, a partir de apenas alguns exemplos em vídeo RGB (capturadas por uma câmera de vídeo digital) Para tal, aproveitamos a estimativa de pose baseada em aprendizado profundo para rastrear, em tempo real, as articulações-chave do corpo humano a partir de dados da imagem. Esses dados são processados como séries temporais por meio do algoritmo Dynamic Time Warping em conjunto com com o algoritmo K-Nearest Neighbors para criar um modelo de aprendizado de máquina. Adicionalmente, usamos um algoritmo de detecção de anomalias com o intuito de avaliar automaticamente os movimentos. A arquitetura de nossa abordagem possui dois módulos: um para o fisioterapeuta apresentar exemplos personalizados a partir dos quais o sistema cria um modelo para reconhecer esses movimentos; outro para o paciente executar os movimentos personalizados enquanto o sistema avalia o paciente. Avaliamos a usabilidade de nosso sistema com fisioterapeutas de cinco clínicas de reabilitação. Além disso, especialistas avaliaram clinicamente nosso modelo de aprendizado de máquina. Os resultados indicam que a nossa abordagem contribui para avaliar automaticamente os movimentos dos pacientes sem monitoramento direto do fisioterapeuta, além de reduzir o tempo necessário do especialista para treinar um sistema adaptável. / [en] Physiotherapy aims to improve the physical functionality of people, seeking to mitigate the disabilities caused by any injury, disorder or disease. In this context, several computational technologies have been developed in order to support the rehabilitation process, such as the end-user adaptable technologies. These technologies allow the physiotherapist to adapt applications and create activities with personalized characteristics according to the preferences and needs of each patient. This thesis proposes a low-cost approach based on interactive machine learning (iML) that aims to help physiotherapists to create personalized activities for their patients easily and without the need for software coding, from just a few examples in RGB video (captured by a digital video camera). To this end, we take advantage of pose estimation based on deep learning to track, in real time, the key joints of the human body from image data. This data is processed as time series using the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm in conjunction with the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to create a machine learning model. Additionally, we use an anomaly detection algorithm in order to automatically assess movements. The architecture of our approach has two modules: one for the physiotherapist to present personalized examples from which the system creates a model to recognize these movements; another to the patient performs personalized movements while the system evaluates the patient. We assessed the usability of our system with physiotherapists from five rehabilitation clinics. In addition, experts have clinically evaluated our machine learning model. The results indicate that our approach contributes to automatically assessing patients movements without direct monitoring by the physiotherapist, in addition to reducing the specialist s time required to train an adaptable system.

Методика коррекции функционального состояния опорно-двигательного аппарата детей со спастической формой детского церебрального паралича : магистерская диссертация / Method of correction of musculo-skeletal apparatus functional state in youths with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis

Суфиярова, А. Р., Sufiyarova, A. R. January 2015 (has links)
Дети, страдающие церебральным параличом, имеют пораженный мозг, который изначально не может обеспечить его самореализацию в среде жизнедеятельности. Тем самым ограничивая их в движении, что сказывается в его движении и во взаимодействии с окружающей средой. Проблема состоит в необходимости оптимизировать процесс развития двигательного стереотипа школьников с ДЦП в системе физического воспитания, акцентируя внимание на формирование физических качеств и функциональных возможностей учащихся с церебральным параличом. Цель исследования – коррекция функционального состояния опорно-двигательного аппарата у детей школьного возраста со спастической формой ДЦП. В соответствии с целью и в процессе работы была выдвинута гипотеза: предполагается, что в ходе систематической, целенаправленной работы посредством использования системы разработанной программы с применением аппарата HUBER и комплекса упражнений по увеличению амплитуды движения, окажет положительное влияние на двигательное и функциональное развитие детей школьного возраста со спастической формой ДЦП. / Infants with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis (CSIP) have cerebral disorders which can’t supply self-actualization in the society. Thus, limiting the ability to move, can impact on the interaction with the environment. The main issue is to optimize the development of movement abilities of schoolchildren with CSIP during studying process, focusing on formation of physical features and functional capacities of children with CSIP. The aim of the study is the correction of functional state of musculo-skeletal apparatus of children with CSIP. It is suspected that during systematic work with the use of investigated program of HUBER Motion Lab application and exercise for amplitude movement increasing will benefit in movement and functional development in scholars with CSIP.

Préoccupations et attentes en réadaptation physique dans des contextes pluralistes : vers un cadre théorique interculturel

Gratton, Danielle 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les dynamiques interculturelles et la réactivité des institutions dans les contextes pluralistes. Le contexte clinique, un exemple parmi tant d’autres, sert à saisir les enjeux des rencontres entre personnes d’origines différentes. Le milieu de la réadaptation physique apparaît particulièrement intéressant pour étudier les enjeux induits par les rencontres interculturelles, car les interventions y sont d’une durée relativement longue en comparaison avec les soins aigus, et ce type de pratique demande une grande collaboration de la part des clients. Cette recherche sollicite trois acteurs essentiels dans ce contexte : clients immigrants, intervenants et agents tiers payeurs (CSST) ont pris la parole lors de groupes de rencontre (focus group). La recherche d’un cadre théorique pertinent en anthropologie interculturelle revisite les courants moderniste et postmoderniste, à partir d’une approche critique, et propose une épistémologie interactionniste. Ces courants qui traversent l’anthropologie sont étudiés à la lumière de la clinique, ce qui engendre un dialogue entre les intervenants et les anthropologues. Le contexte ethnographique permet de cerner différents enjeux concernant les politiques de santé dans les contextes pluriethniques, ce qui permet de saisir, à partir de la gestion, des rapports d’emboitement entre le macro et le micro. Le fonctionnement de la réadaptation physique au Québec sert de toile de fond pour comprendre les discours des acteurs sollicités par cette recherche. L’ethnographie met en lumière les convergences et les divergences entre ces trois acteurs dans les contextes pluriethniques. Selon une méthode caractéristique des relations interculturelles, je présente d’abord l’intervention dans les institutions de réadaptation. Les clients immigrants sont mis en scène avec l’intervention dans les contextes pluriethniques. Les discours de tous ces acteurs mettent en lumière des barrières dites objectives et des facteurs liés à la culture. L’analyse s’intéresse à la communication et à la circulation de l’information dans les contextes pluriethniques; elle étudie les rapports entre l’information, la connaissance et les préjugés. L’analyse offre quelques pistes qui aident à comprendre l’imperméabilité du système de santé dans les contextes pluralistes. La conclusion propose une approche complémentariste pour établir un dialogue entre les modèles de discrimination et l’interculturel. Les anthropologues sont alors interpellés en vue de répondre aux nouveaux défis générés par le néolibéralisme. / This thesis is based on the intercultural and institutional dynamics of health care in pluralistic contexts. The clinical context makes it possible to understand what is at stake in encounters between people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. The field of physical rehabilitation is a particularly interesting context for understanding these dynamics because interventions require long-term assessment and sustained collaboration on the part of clients. The current research examines three types of actors in this context: immigrant clients, health care specialists (or practitioners), and third party payers (CSST). In order to elaborate an intercultural theoretical framework, the thesis critically examines modernist and postmodernist orientations in anthropology, and through an epistemological approach proposes an interactionist orientation. These differing epistemological orientations are studied from a clinical standpoint and, the resulting analysis prepares the way for a dialogue between practitioners and anthropologists. The ethnographic context sheds light on various themes concerning the politics of healthcare in pluralistic contexts, but also the policies that influence different relationships between macroeconomics and local-level encounters in organizational settings. The system of physical rehabilitation in Quebec serves as a canvas to understand concerns and expectations of the different types actors solicited by this research. The ethnographic data presented here highlights the convergence and divergence between those who are involved in administering and receiving care. After describing the conditions and terms of intervention in the field of physical rehabilitation, there is a discussion of the specificity of immigrant clients and healthcare in pluriethnic contexts. Data collected from different actors highlights the difference between objective barriers to adequate services and factors which can be linked to culture. Analysis of the data focuses on communication in an intercultural or pluriethnic context and the flow of information, carefully examining the relationship between information, expertise and prejudice. The analysis also offers certain pathways to better understand the lack of reactivity in pluralistic contexts. The conclusion proposes a complementary approach which is intended to facilitate a dialogue between models based on discrimination and those on interculturalism. Anthropologists are presented as being particularly well positioned to answer new challenges generated by intercultural situations in an era of neoliberalism.

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