Spelling suggestions: "subject:"icture analysis"" "subject:"micture analysis""
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Proměna vizuálního stylu České televize od roku 1992 do současnosti / The tranformation of the visual style of Czech televison form 1992 to the presenceŠmejcká, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis investigates the transformation of the visual style of chosen news and journalistic programmes, chosen news programmes are Události (main news programme), Branky, body, vteřiny (sports news) and Předpověď počasí (weather forecast), chosen journalistic programmes are 168 hodin, Reportéři ČT, Objektiv and Toulavá kamera. In its theoretical part the thesis is focused on history of Czechoslovakian and Czech television. Furthermore there is a description of visual communication and visual style with detailed focus on typography and colourfulness. Next the theoretical part focuses on the characteristics of logo and its important attributes. Another chapter depicts a visual style of a television channel in the sight of selfpromotion, on air and off air applications and the graphics of a television, its current trends, effects, typography and current approaches. The last chapter of the theoretical part focuses on description of chosen programmes. In the frame of empirical part the picture analysis appended with semiotic analysis of chosen programmes and logo of Czech television were conducted. The picture analysis consists of five technical and two symbolical codes, the values of the codes are written down in tables. The transformation of each programme in tracked period is written...
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En heteronormativ diskurs i förändring : En diskursanalys av kön och genus i två läromedel för religionskunskap 1Peltonen, Måns, Hammarström, Andréa January 2018 (has links)
As teacher students, we have on many occasions come across and studied different textbooks for religion. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to research how sex and gender are presented in the textbooks for the course “religion 1” in the Swedish upper secondary school. The two thesis questions are: How are sex and gender presented in two different teaching materials in the Abrahamic religions? How does school law's demands for equality manifest in the analysed textbooks? When limiting the scope of the research to get a manageable amount of data we chose two textbooks written after the new guidelines for the Swedish upper secondary school which took effect in the year 2011 and are used in the public schools in Gävle. Further limiting the amount of data we decided to only go into detail on the Abrahamic religions, which had dedicated chapters in each book. For the method we decided discourse analysis would be fitting as what we are researching is how sex and gender are represented in the text. As both textbooks contain images on almost every page we also use some methods for analysing images from the book Reading Images (Kress & Van Leeuwen 2006). The results showed a heteronormative discourse which is present in both textbooks and is especially noticeable when describing the relationship between God and man. God is usually described with the pronoun He while humans present in the books are referred to as she. The discourse also changes depending on the topic. In the topic of describing the history of the religions men are more present, and in the rare cases when women are present the text doesn’t treat them as individuals. When discussing the present questions about feminism and changing the religions to fit the modern society are more frequent, but even here God is referred to as a man and it’s described that mankind - she - is supposed to follow and obey.
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En jämställd värld? : Innehållsanalys av The Times, Svenska Dagbladet och Iran Times International / A Gender Equal World?Bergström, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study examined by content analysis and semiotic picture analysis how gender equal the UK newspaper The Times, the U.S/Iranian nespaper Iran Times International and Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet were May 1<sup>st </sup>2009 and May 8<sup>th </sup>2009. The study had a foundation of feminist theory about patriarchy and gender theory with a contribution of research about race and its impact on patriarchy.</p><p>None of the three papers were fully gender equal. Even though Svenska Dagbladet was found to be the most gender equal when it came to the number of women represented all of the newspapers examined showed patriachal structures since women more often than men were described as victimes, trivialized, incompetent and inferior. People with a race other than white were in minority but patriarchy seems to be a stronger form of oppression than racism. White men were in majority and were less opressed than other groups and were because of that most in favour of the newspapers symbolic powers.</p>
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En jämställd värld? : Innehållsanalys av The Times, Svenska Dagbladet och Iran Times International / A Gender Equal World?Bergström, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
This study examined by content analysis and semiotic picture analysis how gender equal the UK newspaper The Times, the U.S/Iranian nespaper Iran Times International and Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet were May 1st 2009 and May 8th 2009. The study had a foundation of feminist theory about patriarchy and gender theory with a contribution of research about race and its impact on patriarchy. None of the three papers were fully gender equal. Even though Svenska Dagbladet was found to be the most gender equal when it came to the number of women represented all of the newspapers examined showed patriachal structures since women more often than men were described as victimes, trivialized, incompetent and inferior. People with a race other than white were in minority but patriarchy seems to be a stronger form of oppression than racism. White men were in majority and were less opressed than other groups and were because of that most in favour of the newspapers symbolic powers.
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Digitala speglar : föreställningar om lärarrollen och kön i lärarstudenters bilder / Digital Mirrors : Conceptions of the Teacher Role and Gender in Teacher Students PicturesSkåreus, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka visualiserade föreställningar om bildläraryrket vid Lärarutbildningen genom att analysera hur bildlärarstudenter i digital bild gestaltar sig som lärare, samt betydelser av kön i dessa bilder. Bilderna har analyserats diskursivt för att söka svar på frågorna: Vad är det i lärarrollen som kommer till uttryck i dessa bilder? Vilka betydelser av kön visualiseras? Vilka visuella grepp har bildmakarna använt? Hur kan man förstå de val studenterna gjort? Det empiriska materialet består av femtionio bilder, gjorda av fyrtiofem kvinnor och fjorton män. Bilderna producerades av bildlärarstudenter vid Institutionen för estetiska ämnen, Lärarutbildningen, Umeå universitet under en kurs i digital bildbehandling under åren 2000–2002. Samtliga har gett sitt godkännande att delta i studien. Avhandlingen består av två metodologiska linjer som båda bygger på bilder, dels bildskapande som pedagogisk metod, dels bildanalys som vetenskaplig metod. Bildskapande som pedagogisk metod baserar sig till stor del på den engelska fotografen Jo Spence arbeten. Bilderna antas då utgöra en arena för reflektioner kring och problematisering av yrkesrollen samt att de gestaltar föreställningar, förgivettaganden och förväntade erfarenheter inför läraryrket. I bildanalyserna har de individuella gestaltningarna betraktats som en repertoar av möjliga positioner vid lärarutbildningen som studenterna kan representera sig i. Bilderna har därför analyserats som utsagor inom den kontexten. I tolkningar har sedan en kombination av genusteorier, semiotiska och sociokulturella teorier använts. Collaget och montaget har övervägande utgjort bildernas tekniska grund och i de skapade bildrummen förekommer flertalet gestaltande grepp som intertextuella referenser till genrer inom konstvärlden och populärkulturen, allt från kanoniserade konstverk till filmer, fantasy och reklam, multipla jag, värdeperspektiv, primär- och sekundärbilder och att man satt samman olika bildkvaliteter och därmed skapat olika fiktionsgrader i bildrummen. Bilderna har delats upp i två kategorier. ”Professionen i centrum för uppdraget” gestaltar en lärare tillsammans med andra människor i en social situation vilken refererar till en yrkestradition. ”Personligheten i centrum för uppdraget” lyfter fram den gestaltades personlighet eller att andra aspekter kan rymmas i lärarrollen. Här visualiseras ideala figurer, motstånd och en intimisering av skolans praktik. För samtliga bilder finns ett genomgående tema, att skriva in lärargestalten i ämnet bild eller konst- och populärkulturen. Ämnestillhörigheten framstår som en central föreställning om legitimitet och auktoritet. När personligheten är i centrum för läraruppdraget, brukas i högre grad stereotypa gestaltningar. När läraruppdraget är i centrum gestaltas det som en social gruppaktivitet för männen medan kvinnorna gestaltar uppdraget som en individuell uppgift vilket framstår som olika föreställningar om hur femininitet respektive maskulinitet konstrueras i lärarpraktiker. Även reflexivitet eller ett prövande förhållningssätt till praktiken förekommer i högre grad i kvinnornas bilder vilket även tolkas som en förväntad feminin hållning. Kvinnors kroppar representeras inte i lika hög grad som mäns kroppar när uppdraget är i centrum. Här kan en samhällelig diskurs kring sexualiserade bilder vara verksam, men även representationer av makt- eller legitimitet. / The aim of the thesis is to examine visualized conceptions about the profession of art teachers in the Art Teacher Education Programme. This is accomplished through analysing how art teacher students represent themselves as teachers in digital images and recognize the impact of gender. The pictures are analysed discursively in order to search for the answers to the following questions: What in the teacher’s role is expressed in these pictures? What kinds of figures or representations are chosen? How can these choices be understood? What visual devices are used? The empirical material of the thesis is based on a selection of pictures made by art teacher students during a course in Computer graphics/Digital Image Processing at the Department of Creative Studies in Teacher Education, Umeå University, between the years 2000-2002. There are fifty-nine pictures made by forty-five women and fourteen men. Each student has accepted the conditions of participation in the study. The images may be assumed to give shape to ideas, things taken for granted and expected experiences; and subsequently constitute an arena for problemizing of and reflection on the professional role. The thesis contains two methodological lines that include images, art making as a pedagogical method and analysis as a scientific method. Art making as a pedagogical method is based to a large extent on the work of Jo Spence, an English photographer. Rhetoric, the referentiality of the pictures and their intertextuality in combination with gender theoretical tools formed the basis of image analysis as a scientific method. A combination of gender theories and semiotic and sociocultural theories was then used in the interpretations. Collage and montage largely made up the technical basis of the images, and in the created pictorial spaces most rhetorical devices occurred as intertextual references to genres in the world of art and popular culture, from canonized works of art to films, fantasy and commercial advertising, multiple egos, value perspectives, primary and secondary images, and combinations of different image qualities resulting in the creation of different degrees of fiction in the pictorial spaces. The pictures were divided into two categories. “The profession at the centre of the assignment” depicts a teacher together with other people in a social situation, which refers to a professional tradition. “The personality at the centre of the assignment” emphasizes the depicted individual’s personality or that other cultures can be included in the teacher’s role. What are visualized here are ideal figures, resistance and intimization of the practice of schools. In all the images there is an all-pervading theme, namely to engrave the teacher’s persona in the subject of art or the art and popular culture. The attachment to the subject appears as a central conception of legitimacy and authority. When the personality is at the centre of the teaching assignment, stereotypical representations are used to a higher degree. When the teaching assignment is at the centre, it is depicted as a social group activity for the men, while the women depict the assignment as an individual task, which appears as if different conceptions of femininity and masculinity are constructed in teaching practices. Reflexivity or a searching attitude to the practice also occurs to a higher degree in the women’s images, which in turn is also interpreted as an expected feminine attitude. Women’s bodies are not represented to the same high extent as men’s bodies when the assignment is at the centre. A general discourse on sexualized images may be at work here, but also representations of power or legitimacy.
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Les plantes de service : une alternative au travail du sol dans les systèmes de culture d’ananas / The service plants : alternative tillage in pineapple cultivation systemsGovindin, Jean-Claude 26 June 2014 (has links)
Pour beaucoup de cultures, un sol non travaillé est une alternative de plus en plus crédible au travail intensif du sol, en particulier pour des raisons environnementales. Mais l’ananas (ananas comosus) présente un enracinement fragile très sensible à la structure, ce qui motive souvent un travail important du sol avant plantation. L’alternative d’une plantation sans travail du sol ne va donc pas de soi. L’objet de cette thèse est de répondre à la question de la faisabilité d’une culture d’ananas sans travail du sol, en remplaçant ce dernier par une plante de service « décompactante » dont les traits racinaires seraient favorables à la (re)structuration d’un sol compact. Le travail de cette thèse a donc porté sur l’évaluation de plusieurs espèces candidates, puis sur l’étude, au champ, des effets sur le sol de la plus prometteuse (Stylosanthes guianensis ). Enfin, dans le cadre d’un essai au champ comparant un système de culture innovant ananas sans travail du sol, on a étudié l’effet de la plante de service sur le fonctionnement de la culture de l’ananas. Dans un premier essai, c’est le Stylosanthes guianensis qui, comparé à huit autres espèces (Arachis pintoï, Brachiaria decumbens, Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, Cynodon dactylon, Eleusine coracana, Pueraria phaseoloides, et le maïs), a montré les traits racinaires les plus favorables à la structuration d’un sol compact. Les valeurs supérieures du diamètre racinaire moyen et de la densité de longueur racinaire (DRL) caractérisent les principaux traits impliqués. Dans un deuxième essai, les mesures de conductivité hydraulique, d’indice des vides du sol et d’analyse d’images de blocs de sol imprégné sur la répartition surfacique des différents types de porosité ont montré que la culture du Stylosanthes guianensis avait augmenté l’indice des vides du sol et provoqué l’apparition d’une porosité fissurale de grande taille, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration de la structure du sol. Enfin, un troisième essai mettant en comparaison (i) un système de culture innovant où la culture d’ananas est implantée sans travail du sol après une culture de S. guianensis restructurante et (ii) un système conventionnel comportant un travail profond du sol (et pas de plante de service) a montré que le rendement en fruit est similaire dans les deux systèmes. Cet essai a permis de vérifier que l’enracinement de l’ananas en condition de sol non travaillé bénéficiait du précédent S. guianensis. / For many crops, direct drilling is a well-tried alternative facing the damaging effects of intensive tillage, mainly for environmental causes. But, pineapple (ananas comosus), presents a fragile rooting system which is very sensitive to soil structure. This leads frequently to intensive soil tillage before planting. Direct drilling is not so evident. The aim of this thesis is to give an answer to the feasibility of a no till system for pineapple cultivation, by using a plant with favorable roots traits for compacted soil (re)structuration. This work consisted in evaluating several candidate species, followed by the study, on the field, of the effects the most promising on soil (Stylosanthes guianensis). Finally, through a field experiment, comparing an innovating no till pineapple cultivation system we studied the use effects of Stylosanthes guianensis on the pineapple crop functioning. In a first experiment, Stylosanthes guianensis compared with eight other species (Arachis pintoï, Brachiaria decumbens, Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, Cynodon dactylon, Eleusine coracana, Pueraria phaseoloides and corn) showed better roots traits for structuring a compacted soil. Measures of average root diameter and root length density are the main implicated roots traits. In a second experiment, the measures of hydraulic conductivity, of the soil void ratio and the analysis of blocks of resin-impregnated soil on the surface distribution of the different type of porosity, all of this showed that Stylosanthes guianensis had increased the soil void ratio and had caused the creation of large-sized cracked porosity, thus contributing to the improvement of the soil structure. Finally, a third experiment involving a comparison between (i) an innovating cultivation system where pineapple is growing in a no till soil after a structuring crop of S. guianensis and (ii) a conventional system with deep tillage (without structuring crop), showed similar fruit yield. This experiment showed evidence that the rooting of pineapple in no till soil benefited from the previous Stylosanthes.
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Komparace obrazového zpravodajství v českých a dánských denících / The Comparison of Picture Coverage in the Czech and Danish NewspaperKabátová, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis called The Comparision of Picture Coverage in Czech and Danish Newspapers focuses on analysis of press photographs published in the daily newspapers Hospodářské noviny and Politiken during February 2011. The theoretical part deals with topics which are related to visual culture, photojournalism and possibilities of photograph analysis in print media. The research part of the thesis is focused on the picture analysis using a quantitative method and quantitative- qualitative approach which arise from the conception of visual grammar of Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen. The picture analysis of 352 news photographs shows specifics and differences of the Czech and the Danish ways of publishing visual information on title and news coverage pages in newspapers.
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The Spotlight is on Gender Roles : A Study of Verb Dynamics and Gender in Spotlight 7/8/9Wirgell, Linnea January 2010 (has links)
In the present study I have conducted a linguistic investigation of the textbook series Spotlight 7, 8 and 9 (Natur & Kultur 2008-2010) which is used in grades 7-9. The purpose of the investigation is to examine what gender roles are presented in the material. The theoretical approach is Halliday’s (2004) Functional Grammar Theory. The second part of the study presents a discourse analysis of three selected texts from Spotlight 7, 8 and 9 where the texts as well as the related pictures are analysed. The results from the whole study are compared to the goals on gender equality stated in the National Curriculum and the Educational Act. The result of the study reveals that the gender roles presented in the teaching material are less stereotypic than hypothesized but that, in accordance with my hypotheses, males were represented to a higher extent than females and transgenders. This result suggests that the material only partly fulfills the demands on gender equality that is found in the National Curriculum and the Educational Act.
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