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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Five English Verbs : A Comparison between Dictionary meanings and Meanings in Corpus collocations

Sörensen, Susanne January 2006 (has links)
In Norstedts Comprehensive English-Swedish Dictionary (2000) it is said that the numbered list of senses under each headword is frequency ordered. Thus, the aim of this study is to see whether this frequency order of senses agrees with the frequencies appearing in the British National Corpus (BNC). Five English, polysemous verbs were studied. For each verb, a simple search in the corpus was carried out, displaying 50 random occurrences. Each collocate was encoded with the most compatible sense from the numbered list of senses in the dictionary. The encoded tokens were compiled and listed in frequency order. This list was compared to the dictionary's list of senses. Only two of the verbs reached agreement between the highest ranked dictionary sense and the most frequent sense in the BNC simple search. None of the verbs' dictionary orders agreed completely with the emerged frequency order of the corpus occurrences, why complementary collocational learning is advocated.

La question du figement dans les syntagmes prépositionnels sans déterminant de l’anglais et du français / The question of fixedness in French and English determinerless prepositional phrases

Violet, Alice 04 December 2014 (has links)
Bien que les travaux existants aient montré que les noms sans déterminant étaient particulièrement fréquents dans les syntagmes prépositionnels, les mécanismes régissant leur emploi dans les SP demeurent assez mal connus. Cette thèse présente les résultats d’une étude de corpus synchronique portant sur certains SP spatio-temporels sans déterminant de l’anglais et du français. Nous montrons que ces SP sont extrêmement hétérogènes sur le plan syntaxique, lexical, sémantique et pragmatique ; ils s’inscrivent sur un gradient allant d’expressions pleinement figées et opaques à des séquences transparentes, modifiables et productives. Nos données n’étayent pas l’hypothèse d’un phénomène unifié et strictement grammatical. Cependant, ces SP ne peuvent être simplement considérés comme une collection d’anomalies sans rapport les unes avec les autres ; certains d’entre eux appartiennent à des groupements productifs dans lesquels la syntaxe marquée va de pair avec un sens marqué. Les différences entre les SP anglais et français peuvent tenir soit à la productivité des groupements, soit à leurs caractéristiques sémantiques et/ou pragmatiques, qui reflètent la place et la saillance des noms sans déterminant dans les deux langues. Ce travail montre que l’application de l’analyse constructionnelle à ces SP éclaire leur intégration dans le système linguistique tout en permettant une typologie fine ; il suggère que des interactions plus importantes entre phraséologie et grammaire des constructions seraient particulièrement intéressantes pour l’étude des « moules » phraséologiques et des expressions polylexicales syntaxiquement marquées. / Although previous research has shown that bare nouns are particularly frequent in prepositional phrases, the mechanisms underlying their use in PPs remain a relatively understudied topic. This thesis presents the results of a synchronic, corpus-based analysis of several groups of English and French spatio-temporal PPs. The case studies show that determinerless PPs are syntactically, lexically, semantically and pragmatically highly heterogeneous, ranging from fully fixed, opaque expressions to transparent, modifiable and productive sequences. The corpus data does not support the hypothesis of a unified, strictly grammatical phenomenon. However, these PPs cannot be explained away as a mere collection of unrelated anomalies; some of them cluster into productive sub-groupings in which marked syntax correlates with marked meaning. The differences between the French and English PPs can pertain either to the productivity of the groupings, or to their semantic and/or pragmatic properties. In the latter case, the contrasts reflect the place and salience of bare noun constructions in each language. The application of constructional analysis to the PPs is shown to be an illuminating way of accounting for their integration into the linguistic system whilst allowing for a fine-grained typology. This thesis argues that a greater interaction between phraseology and construction grammar would be of particular interest for the study of phraseological “patterns” and syntactically marked multi-word constructs.

Nガデキル構文の研究 / Study of N-ga DEKIRU Construction

邱姿維, Chiu, Tzuwei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的於探討N-ga DEKIRU句構在何種情形下表達<生起>、<完成>以及<可能>中的其中一種語意。至今為止,N-ga DEKIRU被定位於可能表現的一種,而尚未有以N-ga DEKIRU為中心,針對其多義性分析的研究。針對動詞DEKIRU的多義性有所提及的只有針對DEKIRU的歷史上的型態與語意變化的研究以及辭典而已。因此,本論文藉由導入屬性結構(Qualia Structure),論述N-ga DEKIRU動詞句的語意是由名詞N和動詞DEKIRU兩詞組成分經由共構成的過程而衍生。又,本論文不局限於N-ga DEKIRU動詞句,也以句構單位來探討影響句子整體的要素。   本論文共7章,首先於序章闡述研究動詞及目的、研究方法與本論文的構成。於第一章,概觀先行研究,指出其問題點,並提出本論文的課題。在第二章,以認知語言學的分析方法探討動詞DEKIRU的多義性,並使用屬性結構探究其語意構造。於第三章,筆者以NINAL-LWP for BCCWJ語料庫收集與N-ga DEKIRU句構中的名詞作為本研究的考察對象,並將之分類為事件名詞(event noun)以及實體名詞(entity noun)。於第四章,筆者推論N-ga DEKIRU動詞句的語意是經由名詞與動詞兩者共構成而衍生,並探討共構成時所使用的類型強制的適用條件。最後於第五章,筆者以句構單位探討第四章所無法解決的多義性的問題。第六章為結論。   經由以上論述得到結論為,N-ga DEKIRU句構的語意,有取決於名詞的情形,也有在以N-ga DEKIRU動詞句單位時擁有兩義性的情形,而後者的語義又受附加部的有無、否定接詞nai以及時態等影響。 / The purpose of this study is to examine which meaning amoung OCCURENCE, PERFECTIVE, and POTENTIALITY is represented in case of ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ construction. In conventional research, ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ has been regarded as one of the potential expressions, but as for its polesemy, it has barely been studied yet. There is only one research focusing on the morphological and semantic change of the verb ‘DEKIRU’, and its polysemy is only mentioned in dictionaries. Accordingly, Qualia Structure is introduced into the study of N-ga DEKIRU construction to show that the meaning of N-ga DEKIRU is generated by means of the process of co-composition from its constituents, N and DEKIRU. Furthermore, I also investigate what elements affect the meaning of the whole sentence at the syntactic level. This thesis consists of 7 chapters. In the introduction, I describe the motivation and purpose of this work. In chapter 1, I point out the problems after reviewing the previous research, and present the subjects of this paper. In chapter 2, I examine the syntactical behaviors of the verb ‘DEKIRU’; meanwhile, I analyze its polysemy through cognitive linguistic approach, and stipulate its semantic structure. In chapter 3, I collect the nouns co-occuring with DEKIRU from the corpus named NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ, and categorize them into event nouns and entity nouns. In chapter 4, I assume the meaning of the verb phrase ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ to be generated by the process of co-composition, and explore the condition of type coercion which is applied in the process of co-composition. In chapter 5, I examine the unsolved problems in previous chapters at the syntatic level. Finally, in chapter 6 comes the conclusion. From the above, the conclusion is that in some cases, the meaning of N-ga DEKIRU construction is determined by the nouns; whereas there are cases that the verb phrase ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ still represents two meanings. As for the latter case, adjuncts, negation, tense and aspects are the elements affecting the meaning of N-ga DEKIRU construction.

漢語多義詞「跑」之結構及語意分析 / A structural and semantic analysis of the polysemous verb PAO in Mandarin Chinese

蔡宛玲, Tsai, Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
一詞多義是所有語言會出現的共有現象,然而,過往較少探討多義詞整體結構與其各義項間的關聯,也鮮少討論句法結構延伸的原因。本篇研究將探討漢語日常使用頻率較高的移動動詞「跑」的多義性,以中研院語料庫之語料為本,客觀的回歸到語言事實作分析,並參照Talmy(1975, 1985, 2000)提出的移動事件框架,檢視「跑」所體現的概念結構及句法結構間的關聯,試圖解釋造成不及物用法至非常規賓語用法背後所展現的機制,此外,本文根據教育部重編國語辭典、中文詞彙網絡知識庫內「跑」的定義及參照Evans(2005)的原則性多義理論,確立「跑」的獨立義項並探討概念結構中不同元素的變化和「跑」多義性之間的關聯,進一步地說明各義項間的相關性與區別性,最後,參照Lakoff(1987)的放射形範疇結構整理出屬於「跑」的語意網絡圖。 本篇研究結果顯示,「跑」共有四種不同的句法結構,分別為最典型的不及物﹝A.名詞短語+跑﹞句式,由趨向介詞帶出名詞短語的﹝B.名詞短語+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語+跑﹞句式及﹝C.名詞短語+跑+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語﹞句式、從不及物用法延伸至非常規賓語用法的﹝D.名詞短語+跑+名詞短語(斜格)﹞句式,各句式映射到的概念結構皆不同,是概念結構內不同要素的變化影響句法結構的改變,人類的自然認知過程使路徑延伸出不同種類,造成「跑」的非常規賓語用法以及延伸出不同於字面義的其他義項。此外,本文確立「跑」的七個獨立義項為「以兩腿交互快速向前移動」義、「往特定目標移動」義、「為某事忙碌奔走」義、「迅速離開、逃走、躲避」義、「兩個以上的參與者競速」義、「交通工具或物體的移動」義及「離開原有的位置」義,各義項的出現與整體句法結構、概念結構及語境有很大的關聯,總結來說,「跑」所體現的概念結構、句法結構及語意三者之間的相互影響是造成多義現象的重要因素。 / This study investigates the prevalently used polysemous motion verb PAO “run” in Mandarin Chinese. The data are extracted from Academic Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese. Under the framework of Motion Event Frame (Talmy 1975, 1985, 2000), the study explicates the mechanism of PAO’s syntactic complexities in a more plausible manner. Four different structures of PAO are detected: the most typical intransitive structure [A. NP+PAO], structures with prepostions [B. NP+P+PAO+NP] and [C. NP+PAO+P+NP], and the unconventional transtive structure [D. NP+PAO+NP(oblique case)]. Each structure manifests different conceptual structures. It is claimed that the extention of Path has caused the usage of unconventional transtive structure and the polysemous phenomenon of PAO. In addition, this paper investigates the relationship between the different senses of PAO and elements in its conceptual structure. The relevance and distinction between the different senses of PAO are built as a radial categorization. PAO is suggested to have seven different senses: move quickly with legs, move to specific places, move for specific reasons, escape, two or more participants race, vehicles or objects move and leave the original location. Each sense is related to the overall syntactic structure, the conceptual structure and different contexts. In conclusion, the interaction between the conceputual structure, the syntactic structure and semantic meanings is a major factor that makes a polysemy.

La géométrie du sens : la polysémie verbale en question / The geometry of meaning : verbal polysemy in question

Sendi, Monia 18 December 2015 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur la notion de géométrie de sens. Ainsi, l’étude de la notion de verbe occupe l’axe principal de notre thèse. Cette notion est connue par sa complexité. Cela s’explique par la forte polysémie des verbes français. Nous avons focalisé notre étude sur l’analyse syntactico-sémantique des verbes « monter» et « passer ». La notion de polysémie, malgré sa grande importance, reste toujours très difficile à formaliser. Nous avons tenté, dans cette étude, d’utiliser trois dictionnaires électroniques pour désambiguïser les verbes « monter » et « passer ». Ce travail permet de rendre compte de l’influence de la syntaxe et du lexique sur les sens de ces deux verbes. Dans notre démarche, nous avons utilisé la méthode de désambiguïsation automatique de B. Victorri qui a pour spécificité l’analyse des unités lexicales polysémiques. Ce modèle se base sur des théories linguistiques et il exploite les mathématiques et l’informatique dans l’objectif de bien décrire et de résoudre le problème de la polysémie verbale. Donc, notre travail est pluridisciplinaire. C’est là où l’informatique et les mathématiques sont au service de l’analyse des langues naturelles. / Our study focuses on the concept of geometry of sense. the study of the concept of verb occupies the main axis of our thesis. This concept is known for its complexity. This is explained by the polysemy of French verbs. We focused our study on the syntactic-semantic analysis of the two verbs "to climb " and "to pass". Indeed, the multiplicity of use involves the notion of verbal polysemy. This notion despite its importance is still very difficult to formulate. We have tried in this study using three electronic dictionaries to disambiguate the verbs "to climb " and "to pass". This work allows us to account for the influence of the syntax and vocabulary of the senses of these two verbs. We explained the opportunity to disambiguate a polysemous verb not by recourse to a list of synonyms but by a set of meanings in specific syntactic constructions. In our approach, we used an automatic method of disambiguation B Victorri that has specificity for the analysis of polysemous lexical units. We found that there is reconciliation between the theoretical analysis and the analysis given by this method. This model is based on linguistic theories and operates mathematics and computer with the aim to clearly describe and solve the problem of verbal polysemy. So our work is multidisciplinary. This is where computer science and mathematics is at the service of the analysis of natural languages.

Función-significado-forma: un modelo para el estudio de los tiempos verbales del español

Cruz Enríquez, Maura 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Neural narratives and natives: cognitive attention schema theory and empathy in Avatar

Hills, Paul R. 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study offers a fine-grained analysis of James Cameron’s film, Avatar (2009), on several theoretical fronts to provide a view of the film from a cognitive cultural studies perspective. The insights gained from cognitive theory are used to situate the debate by indicating the value cognitive theories have in cultural criticism. The critical discourse analysis of Avatar that results is a vehicle for the central concern of this study, which is to understand the diverse, often contradictory, meaning-making exhibited by Avatar audiences. A focus on the construction of empathic responses to the film’s messages investigates the success of this polysemy. Ihe central propositions of the study are that meanings and interpretations of the experience of viewing Avatar are made discursively; they are situated in definable traditions, mores and values; and this meaning-making takes place in a cognitive framework which allows for the technical reproduction and reception of the experience while providing powerful, emerging and cognitively plausible narratives. In an attempt to situate the film’s commercial success and its plethora of awards, including an Oscar for best art direction, the analysis takes a critical view of Cameron’s use of cultural stereotypes and the framing of the exotic other, and considers the continuing development of these elements over the whole series and product line or, as Henry Jenkins (2007) defines it, “transmedia”. In drawing the theoretical boundaries of the methodologies used in this study and in arguing for their complementarities, the study contributes to a renewal of Raymond Williams’ (1961) mostly forgotten claim of the cross-disciplinary cognitive dimension of cultural studies and demonstrates an affirmation of this formulation as cognitive cultural studies. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Art History)

Английские слова AS и LIKE как грамматические инструменты логической операции сравнения : магистерская диссертация / English words AS and LIKE as grammatical tools of logical operation of comparison

Чиглинцева, Е. С., Chiglintseva, E. S. January 2016 (has links)
The master’s thesis is devoted to the comparison operators as and like, comparison being their first and basic meaning. Over the course of time they have undergone various metaphorical transfers, which have led to their polysemy. According to the authors of dictionaries and English grammars, the word as can function as a conjunction (denoting comparison, time, cause, condition, concession, manner, purpose), preposition, adverb, pronoun. As regards the word like, it can function as a conjunction, preposition, particle, adverb (discourse marker). The author attempts to present the diachronic sense development of the two lexemes with the help of etymological dictionaries and books on the history of English. The word as is described as a precedent linguistic unit, which involves the transfer of meaning from basic comparison to new situations. The thesis examines the pragmatic and socio-linguistic aspects of the development of the word like, as they are presented in the works of Russian and foreign linguists. The peculiarities of grammaticalization and subjectification of the English word like, owing to which it has acquired the function of a discourse marker, are also described. The following pragmatic functions are identified: metalinguistic, emphatic, hesitational, quotative, examplificatory, approximative. The thesis also presents a comparative analysis of the usage of the words as and like in fiction and scientific prose (with reference to the British novel Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding and the journal Nature). / Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию английских служебных слов as и like как инструментов логической операции сравнения. Сравнение является их понятийной основой, из которой развились другие значения, в частности, на основе метафорического переноса. Обе единицы обладают широкой семантикой и выполняют множество функций. Согласно авторам словарей и английских грамматик, слово as может функционировать как союз (сравнения, времени, причины, условия, уступки, образа действия, цели), предлог, наречие, местоимение. Слово like может выполнять функции союза, предлога, частицы, наречия (дискурсивного маркера). Предпринята попытка выстроить порядок развития значений двух единиц с привлечением данных этимологических словарей и работ по истории английского языка. В диссертации доказывается статус слова as как прецедентной грамматической единицы, в которой реализуется грамматическая метафора и происходит перенос базового значения сравнения на новые ситуации. Рассматриваются прагматические и социолингвистические аспекты развития слова like, как они представлены в работах отечественных и зарубежных лингвистов. Особое внимание уделяется особенностям грамматикализации и субъектификации данной единицы, вследствие которых она приобрела функции дискурсивного маркера. Отмечаются такие прагматические функции like, как металингвистическая, эмфатическая, функция заполнения хезитационной паузы, функция введения в предложение прямой речи, примера, примерного количества. Кроме того, проводится сопоставительный анализ функционирования слов as и like в английской художественной и научной прозе (на материале романа Хелен Филдинг «Bridget Jones’s Diary» и научно-популярного журнала «Nature»).


[pt] Este trabalho investiga as acepções do prefixo des em substantivos de ação no Português Brasileiro por meio de uma abordagem da língua em uso e focaliza a importância do contexto para o reconhecimento do sentido que está sendo ativado pelo afixo. Inicialmente, são apresentadas as principais contribuições da Tradição Gramatical Normativa e da Teoria da Linguística Gerativa para a análise do referido prefixo. Posteriormente, são detalhadas as bases teóricas que compõem este trabalho, que se fundamentam nos pressupostos da Linguística Cognitiva, paradigma de investigação dos estudos da linguagem que enfatiza a importância do sentido em uma perspectiva não-objetivista e da investigação da língua em uso. O corpus utilizado nesta pesquisa foi constituído a partir do mega-corpus eletrônico NILC da Universidade de São Paulo do campus de São Carlos. Os resultados da análise de dados revelam que a acepção do afixo des- na língua em uso é altamente influenciada pelo contexto, de maneira que é possível uma mesma palavra possuir sentidos diferentes, conforme esteja em diferentes situações de uso. / [en] This dissertation investigates the meanings of the prefix des in action nouns in Brazilian Portuguese through an approach to the language in use and focuses on the importance of context for the recognition of the meaning being activated by the affix. Initially, the main contributions of the Normative Grammatical Tradition and the Theory of Generative Linguistics to the analysis of the referred prefix are presented. Subsequently, the theoretical bases that make up this work are detailed, which are based on the assumptions of Cognitive Linguistics, a research paradigm of language studies that emphasizes the importance of meaning in a non-objectivist perspective and the investigation of the language in use. The corpus used in this research was constituted from the electronic mega-corpus NILC of the University of São Paulo developed on the São Carlos campus. The results of the data analysis reveal that the meaning of the affix des- in the language in use is highly influenced by the context, therefore it is possible for the same word to have different meanings, depending on whether it is in different situations of use.

Approche socioconstructiviste pour l’enseignement-apprentissage du lexique spécialisé : apport du corpus dans la conception d'activités lexicales

Alipour, Marjan 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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