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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Jaha, då föll polletten ner hos mig i alla fall, det är lite stereotyper här också” : En kvalitativ receptionsstudie av Elons reklamfilmer / “Oh, and that’s where the penny dropped, for me at least, there are some stereotypes here as well.” : A qualitative reception study of Elons TV commercials.

Öhlund, Elin, Nestor, William January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att lyfta fram mottagarnas tolkningar om reklamens budskap inom fältet TV-reklam, och dess inkludering av regionala stereotyper. Genom tillämpning av receptionsstudie, där både en semiotisk analys och respondentintervjuer får rum, bidrar studien till fortsatt diskussion inom mottagarstudier. Materialet för den semiotiska analysen är två reklamfilmer från Elons reklamfilmsserie som publicerades 2012, de titulerades Elon Norrland och Elon Småland. Filmerna används även som material för intervjuerna för att kunna framställa det empiriska materialet från respondenterna. Olika teorier används för att styra uppsatsen i rätt riktning, däribland semiotiken med de relevanta begreppen denotation, konnotation och myt. Här återfinns också begreppet stereotyp som är en bärande del i uppsatsen. Bland teorierna finns även polysemin som också är av vikt för studiens resultat. Tillsammans med Halls koder dominant, förhandlande och oppositionell delas svaren från intervjuerna tematiskt in i kategorier. Den semiotiska analysen resulterade i en upptäckt av sammanlänkande kedjor som tillsammans bidrar till en föreställning om och ett skapande av regionala stereotyperna Norrland och Småland. I receptionsstudiens andra del, respondentintervjuerna, framkom resultatet att flertalet respondenter såg reklamerna som humoristiska och många har även uppfattat de regionala stereotyperna, vilket kan tolkas som den dominanta synen. Vidare framgick det att alla inte väljer att fullt ut acceptera de budskap som visas, utan förhandlar snarare med budskapet och det reklamen vill förmedla. Sedan framkom det även att några respondenter satt sig i opposition till dessa stereotyper och förkastade dem. Vi kan konstatera att det finns en polysemisk bild av publikens tolkning. / The purpose of this study is to highlight the recipients' interpretations of the advertising message in the field of TV advertising, and its inclusion of regional stereotypes. Through the application of a reception study, where both a semiotic analysis and respondent interviews are presented, contributes the study to continued discussion within recipient studies. The material for the semiotic analysis is two commercials from Elon's commercial series published in 2012, named Elon Norrland and Elon Småland. These are used as material for the interviews in order to be able to produce the empirical material from the respondents. Different theories were used to steer the essay in the right direction, including semiotics with the relevant concepts of denotation, connotation and myth. The concept of stereotype is also of great importance to the thesis. Polysemy is also included as a theory and together with Hall's three codes; dominant, negotiating and oppositional, the answers from the interviews are divided thematically into several categories. The semiotic analysis resulted in a discovery of interconnecting chains that together contribute to a notion of and the creation of the regional stereotypes Norrland and Småland. In the second part of the reception study, the respondent interviews, the result showed that most respondents saw the advertisements as humorous and many also recognized the regional stereotypes, this can be interpreted as the dominant view. Furthermore, it appeared that everyone does not choose to fully accept the messages that were displayed, but rather negotiate with the message and what the advertisement wants to convey. And lastly some respondents emerged to oppose to these stereotypes and rejected them. We can state that there is a polysemic picture of the audience's interpretation.

Sémantique et pragmatique des verbes modaux du français : Données synchroniques, diachroniques et expérimentales / Semantics and pragmatics of French modal verbs : Synchronic, diachronic and experimental data

Barbet, Cécile 28 June 2013 (has links)
Devoir et pouvoir, comme les verbes modaux d’autres langues, ont déjà fait l’objet d’une littérature abondante. Le fait qu’ils puissent recevoir des sens différents selon leur contexte d’emploi a particulièrement suscité l’attention des sémanticiens et des pragmaticiens. Cette thèse revient sur la question de la nature des différentes interprétations de devoir et pouvoir, et tente d’établir si leur plurivocité relève de la polysémie ou de la sous-spécification. L’hypothèse polysémique, la plus répandue dans la littérature française, implique qu’au moins le sens radical et le sens épistémique soient inscrits dans la langue et donc représentés en mémoire. Selon l’hypothèse de la sous-spécification, la multiplicité de sens relève de l’enrichissement contextuel d’un unique sens sous-spécifié stocké dans le lexique mental. L’état actuel des recherches, l’examen des différentes interprétations de devoir et pouvoir et de la sous-détermination potentielle de leur sens en contexte, comme l’étude de leur évolution sémantique en diachronie, ne permettent pas de falsifier l’une ou l’autre hypothèse. Des méthodes expérimentales, développées en psycholinguistique et en pragmatique expérimentale, sont donc convoquées. Notamment, l’examen des temps de traitement en lecture, dans une expérience d’eye tracking manipulant le sens et le contexte, suggère une représentation effectivement polysémique pour devoir, mais une représentation monosémique sous-spécifiée pour pouvoir. Devoir et pouvoir sont souvent traités ensemble, les études considérant que l’un constitue, dans son domaine modal, le pendant de l’autre. Nous relevons que le parallèle effectué n’est pas aussi motivé qu’il n’y paraît. / Devoir and pouvoir, as modal verbs in other languages, have already been the subject of extensive literature. The fact that they can convey different meanings depending on the specific context in which they occur is of particular interest to semanticists andpragmaticians. This thesis focuses on the nature of the various interpretations of devoir and pouvoir and attempts to ascertain whether their meaning multiplicity is a result of their polysemy or of their underspecified semantics. The polysemy hypothesis, which is the prevalent view in the French literature, implies that at least both the root sense and the epistemic sense fully belong to the linguistic system and hence that both are represented in memory. On the contrary, according to the underspecification model, contextual enrichment of a unique underspecified meaning stored in the mental lexicon accounts for meaning multiplicity. The current state of research, the review of the several possible interpretations of devoir and pouvoir, the investigation of potential meaning underdetermination in context, as well as the study of their semantic evolution in diachrony, do not allow us to rule out any of the two hypotheses. Experimental methods, developed in psycholinguistics and in experimental pragmatics, are thus used. Notably, analysis of processing times in reading in an eye tracking experiment in which both meaning and context are manipulated favours a polysemic representation for devoir, but a monosemic and underspecified representation for pouvoir. The two modal verbs are traditionally examined together since it is assumed that one matches the other in its own modal domain. This thesis casts doubt on this assumption.

Représentation sémantico-conceptuelle et construction du sens : l'adjectif et sa combinatoire avec d'autres expressions

Rudel, Audrey 21 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a comme source une réflexion sur les problèmes liés à la complexité de lasémantique adjectivale. Puisque l’adjectif constitue le noyau de cette thèse, nous ledéfinissons et faisons ainsi ressortir ses caractéristiques, notamment la souplesse dont il faitpreuve. Nous envisageons la modification du nom par l’adjectif, puis nous considérons laplace de ce dernier vis-à-vis du substantif recteur ainsi que les changements de sens entreantéposition et postposition.Chemin faisant, notre réflexion porte non seulement sur la notion de sens mais aussisur la construction du sens que nous considérons comme un processus dynamique. Nousmettons en avant l’activation de l’information ainsi que les problèmes rencontrés lors de laconstruction du sens d’expressions Adj-N et N-Adj. La polysémie lexicale constitue un despoints sur lesquels nous nous attardons puisque ce phénomène est au centre de la langue.Nos recherches s’intègrent dans le cadre de la Grammaire Cognitive deR.W. Langacker (1987, 1991, 2008). Nous étudions donc l’adjectif de même que lacombinaison Adj-N/N-Adj à la lumière de cette théorie. Notre raisonnement nous amène ànous questionner, entre autres choses, sur la représentation sémantico-conceptuelle associéeaux adjectifs à sens multiples.Nous postulons que toute expression linguistique est associée, dans l’appareil cognitifdes locuteurs-auditeurs, à une structure conceptuelle d’informations organisées. Notreréflexion s’oriente vers la représentation des items lexicaux à sens multiples en GrammaireCognitive. Le modèle des réseaux schématiques (Schematic Network Model) permet de rendrecompte des différents sens d’un lexème ainsi que des liens les unissant. Sur la base destravaux de D. Tuggy (1993), nous proposons de répartir les représentationssémantico-conceptuelles des mots à sens multiples le long d’un continuum allant del’homonymie au vague, en passant par la polysémie et la multi-facialité. Enfin, nousproposons une analyse des adjectifs à sens multiples pauvre, cher et curieux, toujours dans lecadre de la Grammaire Cognitive. Pour chacun d’entre eux, nous établissons unereprésentation sémantico-conceptuelle et nous donnons les régularités sémantiques liées à laconstruction du sens lors leur combinatoire avec un substantif. / This work is concerned with the problems which surround the complexity of adjectivalsemantics. As the adjective is at the heart of this thesis, we firstly seek to define it and, in doingso, we bring to light its characteristics, and in particular its flexibility. We consider theadjective when used in noun modification before turning to the place of the adjective withregards to the noun and, finally, considering the changes in meaning between adjectives in theanteposition and postposition.Inevitably, our reflection concerns not only the notion of meaning but also meaningconstruction,which we consider as a dynamic process. We focus upon the activation of theinformation as well as the problems linked to meaning-construction of Adj-N and N-Adjexpressions. We pay particular attention to lexical polysemy; this phenomenon being centralto language.The framework for our research is that of R.W. Langacker’s Cognitive Grammar(1987, 1991, 2008). We, thus, study the adjective as well as the Adj-N/N-Adj combinations inlight of this theory. Our reasoning brings us to question, among other things, the semanticconceptualrepresentation associated with adjectives which offer multiple meanings.We postulate that any linguistic expression is associated, in a speaker-hearer’scognitive device, with an abstract structure of organized information. Our reflection turns tothe representation of lexical items which offer multiple meanings in Cognitive Grammar. TheSchematic Network Model is used to allow us to take into account different meanings of alexeme as well as the links between them. On the basis of D. Tuggy’s works (1993), wesuggest distributing the semantic-conceptual representations of words with multiple meaningsalong a continuum going from homonymy to vagueness, and including polysemy andmultifaciality. Finally, we offer an analysis of the adjectives pauvre, cher and curieux whichhave multiple meanings, once again within the framework of Cognitive Grammar. For each ofthese adjectives, we establish a semantic-conceptual representation and we offer the semanticregularities connected to meaning-construction when these adjectives are combined with anoun.

語境預測力對中文一詞多義處理歷程的影響:文句閱讀的眼動研究 / The influence of contextual predictability on processing Chinese polysemy: Eye movement experiments of sentence reading

高佩如, Kao, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文進行兩個眼動實驗,探討語境及多義特性在一詞多義處理歷程中扮演的角色。Frazier與Rayner(1990)認為一詞多義由於詞義間有重疊的語義屬性(sense overlap),因此處理詞義之初,會先以部分語義(partial specification)來理解,不需立即進行完整詞義的解讀,支持部分語義解讀假設(Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis)。在Frisson 與Pickering(2001)所提出詞義未定模型(Underspecification Model)中,進一步說明語境在一詞多義中扮演的角色,認為一詞多義的語義提取會先以未定意義(underspecified meaning)解釋,在語義提取完畢後,語境才會介入詞義的選擇。本論文操弄語境導引和詞義重疊性,來探討一詞多義的詞義提取與選擇歷程。實驗一操弄句子中目標詞的語境預測力(可預測語境vs.不可預測語境)與詞義數量(單詞義vs.多詞義),記錄並分析目標詞與目標詞後區域的凝視時間。結果顯示:目標詞上的凝視時間多詞義顯著短於單詞義,支持部分語義解讀假設。然而,實驗一在目標詞後區域並未看到多詞義因延遲語義解讀(delayed semantic commitments)而造成抑制或競爭效果。實驗二就此現象與「一詞多義本身的詞義重疊程度」與「語境對一詞多義有無發生語義解讀的必要性」進行進一步探討。實驗二(同實驗一)操弄目標詞的語境預測力,與詞義的重疊程度(單義詞vs.中度詞義重疊vs.高度詞義重疊),並控制語境偏向次要詞義的情形。結果顯示:目標詞上的晚期眼動指標在中度詞義重疊(中vs.單)與高度詞義重疊(高vs.單)皆看到與語境預測力發生交互作用,顯示語境預測力的影響在晚期階段發生;目標詞後區域觀察到中度與高度詞義重疊(中vs.單;高vs.單)皆在不可預測語境下發生詞義抑制效果,符合詞義未定模型預期之延遲語義解讀效果,並在目標詞晚期眼動指標看到中度詞義重疊效果與高度詞義重疊效果(單-中 vs. 單-高)受語境影響有不同的效果,顯示詞義重疊會影響詞義選擇的必要性。總結本論文的結果:首先,一詞多義的語義提取符合部分語義解讀的假設,而語境介入的影響支持詞義未定模型的看法,即語境在語義提取之初並未介入影響,在語義未定的情況下,若語境內容有進行語義解讀之必要時,則會發生延遲語義解讀。其次,詞義的促進效果與一詞多義的詞義數量多寡有關,詞義數量減少時,詞義促進效果也隨之消失。最後,當語境偏向一詞多義的次要詞義時,延遲語義效果才會發生。 / This thesis conducted two eye movement experiments with the aim to investigate the role of context and multi-sense feature in processing polysemy. Frazier and Rayner (1990) suggested that, at the beginning of semantic processing, polysemy is comprehended with partial specification. There is no immediate need to process the complete word sense due to the sense overlap between senses. This viewpoint supports the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis. In Frisson and Pickering’s (2001) Underspecification Model, further elaboration were made on the role of context in the process of retrieving and selecting one of the word senses of a polysemy. The sense that is first retrieved from a polysemy is considered to be an underspecified meaning. It is after the semantic retrieval is finished that context is involved in selecting a word sense. This thesis manipulated context guidance and sense overlap, to further research on processing polysemy in terms of word sense retrieval and selection. Experiment One manipulated contextual predictability (predictable context vs. unpredictable context) and number of senses (one-sense, monosemy vs. many-sense, polysemy) of the target words in sentences. Fixation times of the target words and post-target areas were recorded and analyzed. Results showed that the fixation times on target words were significantly shorter for polysemy than for monosemy, supporting the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis. However, in Experiment One, there is no inhibitory or competitive effect on the post-target area, indicating that there is no effect of delayed semantic commitments while comprehending polysemy. In Experiment Two, we further investigated how this phenomenon is connected with the degree of sense overlap and whether context is necessary to activate semantic commitment for polysemy. Contextual predictability of target words and the degree of sense overlap (monosemy vs. moderate-sense-overlap vs. high-sense-overlap) were manipulated, with the former designed as in Experiment One. Specifically, the context was controlled to bias toward the subordinate sense. The results showed that there were interactions of sense overlap degree (both moderate-sense-overlap vs. monosemy and high-sense-overlap vs. monosemy) and contextual predictability on target words for later-stage indices. This suggests that contextual predictability effects at later stages. On the post-target areas, there were inhibitory effects found for moderate-sense-overlap vs. monosemy and for high-sense-overlap when the context is unpredictable. This finding supports the delayed effect of semantic commitments in the Underspecification Model. Moreover, effects of sense overlap (polysemy-moderate vs. polysemy-high) were modulated by contextual predictability on target words for later-stage processing, showing that sense overlap affects the necessity of semantic commitments. In conclusion, the semantic retrieval of polysemy can be best explained by the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis and the involvement of contextual constraint supports the Underspecification Model. That is, context does not affect the beginning phase of semantic retrieval. Since the senses are underspecified, delayed semantic commitment occurs if it is necessary to make semantic commitment in the context. Furthermore, the facilitation of senses is related to the number of a polysemy’s senses. As number of senses decreases, facilitation of senses wanes and disappears. Finally, delayed semantic commitment occurs only when the context biases towards a subordinate sense of the polysemy.

Svenska partikelverb med "in", "ut", "upp" och "ner" : En semantisk studie ur kognitivt perspektiv = Swedish phrasal verbs with in, ut, upp and ner : a semantic study from a cognitive perspective

Strzelecka, Elzbieta January 2003 (has links)
I avhandlingen analyseras betydelsen hos partiklarna "in", "ut", "upp" och "ner" då dessa fungerar som verbpartiklar och tillsammans med verbet bildar partikelverb. Analysen omfattar såväl semantiskt regelbundna som lexikaliserade partikelverb och söker finna förklaringar till partiklarnas polysemi. Undersökningen är korpusbaserad och materialet består av nästan 900 olika partikelverb representerade med över 5 100 belägg. Beskrivnings¬modellen bygger huvudsakligen på den kognitiva semantiken. Verbpartiklarna analyseras i olika kontexter i såväl det fysiska rummets domän som i andra domäner varvid utgångspunkten för analysen alltid är partiklarnas prototypiska (spatiala) betydelse. Undersökningen visar att verbpartiklarnas olika, till synes disparata, betydelser är motiverade av föreställningsscheman (VERTICAL AXIS schema) och deras transformationer (vertikal axel  horisontell axel), samt av metonymier (DELEN FÖR HELHETEN) och metaforer (CENTRUM IS UP). Partiklarnas betydelser är länkade till varandra genom familjelikhet och bildar ett nätverk. Partikelverb bildade med in, ut, upp och ner uppvisar vanligen en avgränsad aktionsart, men verbpartiklarna har i de allra flesta en mer specifik betydelse än enbart den perfektiva. Verbpartiklarna upp och in betecknar i regel riktningen mot centrum och har ofta positiva konnotationer medan verbpartiklarna ut och ner denoterar rörelsen mot periferin och snarare har negativa konnotationer. Den vertikala orienteringen tycks dominera svenskans strukturering av det fysiska rummets domän; en rörelse i förhållande till en vertikalt orienterad behållare (behållare utan tak) beskrivs med de vertikala partiklarna upp/ner och inte med behållarpartiklarna in/ut. I vissa få speciella kontexter kan de undersökta partiklarna signalera talarens perspektiv.

Le pronom on entre hypothèse psychomécanique et point de vue contrastif (français-arabe) / The pronoun on between psychomechanical hypothesis and contrastive point of view (French-Arabic)

El Kak, Manar 23 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la polysémie du pronom on dans une perspective contrastive français-arabe. L’objectif de cette étude consiste à résoudre le problème de l’irrégularité dans la traduction arabe de on. Ce problème provient d’une variété d’emplois contradictoires de on en français, d’où sa polysémie. La polysémie de on a été examinée d’après le modèle interprétatif de la psychomécanique du langage de Gustave Guillaume complété par une approche énonciative. Ce cadre théorique a révélé comment, par une remontée vers l’ontogénèse de on, ce dernier est devenu un pronom intra-verbal malgré son origine substantivale. Par ailleurs, il est fait usage du Tenseur Binaire Radical (TBR) qui représente le signifié de puissance de on en langue. Ce signifié de puissance est illustré par un double mouvement qui va d’une pluralité indéfinie à une pluralité indéterminée, le point de transition étant moi-locuteur. Ainsi, le signifié de puissance de on a permis d’identifier et d’ordonner 13 signifiés d’effet, en tenant compte de la catégorie du nombre et de la notion de personne. Ces critères permettent de distinguer entre les valeurs de la 3e personne, celles de la personne 4 et les valeurs discursives d’un côté, et les effets de sens de l’autre. Mais pour traduire on, l’analyse contrastive du corpus bilingue a révélé que les traducteurs privilégient plutôt les effets de sens véhiculés par ce pronom. L’étude se termine donc par une proposition d’un ensemble de correspondants arabes pour chacun des 13 signifiés d’effet de on. Enfin, pour que la traduction de ce pronom soit adéquate, il faut que le groupe on + verbe soit considéré comme une unité de traduction. / This dissertation examines the polysemy of the pronoun on from a contrastive, French-Arabic perspective. The objective of the study is to resolve a problem of irregularity in most Arabic translations of on. This problem seems to be rooted in the variety of contradictory usage of on in French which reflects its polysemy. The polysemy of on was examined through Gustave Guillaume’s interpretative model of psychomechanics of language. Then, an enunciative approach was employed to complement the theoretical framework. As a result, the ontogenesis of on revealed how the pronoun became intra-verbal, despite its substantive etymology. Moreover, the study employed the Radical Binary Tensor that represents the potential meaning of on in tongue. This potential meaning is illustrated by a double movement: from an indefinite plurality to an indeterminate plurality, where the point of transition is moi-locuteur. Further, the obtained potential meaning facilitated the identification, and ordination, of 13 effective meanings for on by taking into consideration the notion of person and the category of number. Those criteria distinguish between the values of the 3rd person, person 4, and the discursive values on one hand, and the expressive effects on the other. The contrastive analysis of a bilingual corpus revealed a preference on the part of translators to deal with on based on its expressive effects. Finally, the study proposed a set of Arabic correspondents to each of on’s 13 effective meanings. Ultimately, the research concluded that an accurate translation of on can only be possible by considering the group on + verb as a unit of translation.

Economias criativas no Brasil: um estudo de caso das abordagens conceituais expressas nos documentos oficiais do governo, na literatura e nas agências de fomento da Bahia

Bomfim, Felipe Rodrigues 12 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by FELIPE BOMFIM (fbomfim@uneb.br) on 2017-07-04T14:50:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado - Felipe Rodrigues Bomfim.pdf: 3652875 bytes, checksum: 5bdf3ce3d9a40e24da71079e6ee707d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2017-07-07T19:16:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado - Felipe Rodrigues Bomfim.pdf: 3652875 bytes, checksum: 5bdf3ce3d9a40e24da71079e6ee707d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-07T19:16:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado - Felipe Rodrigues Bomfim.pdf: 3652875 bytes, checksum: 5bdf3ce3d9a40e24da71079e6ee707d5 (MD5) / Bolsa Programa de Apoio ao Cidadão - PAC/UNEB / As discussões e análises apresentadas nesta tese trazem à tona questões referentes à definição de economia criativa nos editais das agências de fomentos da Bahia, na gestão do Partido dos Trabalhadores - PT, tema que vem ganhando visibilidade nos espaços de discussão educacional e provocando reflexões sobre as abordagens conceituais, promoção e a gestão das economias criativas no governo Jacques Wagner e suas implicações. É uma pesquisa de investigação que tem como objetivo principal identificar e comparar as abordagens conceituais, de economia criativa, expressas nos documentos oficiais e na literatura, com vistas a propor, a partir do estudo de caso, um conceito que contemple as características brasileiras, correlacionando com as tensões existentes entre o material empírico, dos órgãos de fomento, e os Planos Brasil Criativo e Bahia Criativa. É uma tese desenvolvida com sustentação teórico-metodológica na abordagem qualitativa, tendo como dispositivo de coleta de dados, o levantamento bibliográfico e a pesquisa documental nas instituições de fomento para a economia criativa do estado da Bahia. Dessa forma, surge a questão da pesquisa: Como a economia criativa vem sendo tratada enquanto política pública do Brasil e da Bahia a partir das abordagens conceituais expressas nos documentos oficiais do Governo? No percurso da resposta a essa questão, chegamos as seguintes conclusões: i) a necessidade de aumentar a eficiência dos recursos públicos aplicados no desenvolvimento da Economia Criativa requer a adoção de definições mais claras; ii) essa clareza permitirá ampliar o escopo das políticas, de modo a alcançar atividades que vão para além da cultura; iii) a banalização do termo ‗criativo‘, torna o objeto da Economia Criativa difuso; iv) o setor carece de decisão política que tornem mais claro os limites entre a Economia Criativa e a Economia Cultural e; v) a urgência de uma estrutura política formal para articular as ações governamentais para o setor. / ABSTRACT The discussions and analyzes presented in this thesis bring to the fore questions related to the definition of creative economy in the edicts of the fomentation agencies of Bahia, in the management of the Workers Party - PT, a theme that has gained visibility in the spaces of educational discussion and provoking reflections on the Conceptual approaches, promotion and management of the creative economies in the Jacques Wagner government and its implications. It is a research research whose main objective is to identify and compare the conceptual approaches of creative economy, expressed in the official documents and literature, with a view to proposing, from the case study, a concept that contemplates the Brazilian characteristics, correlating With the tensions existing between the empirical material, the organs of development, and the Plans Brasil Criativo and Bahia Criativa. It is a thesis developed with theoretical and methodological support in the qualitative approach, having as data collection device, the bibliographic survey and the documentary research in the institutions of development for the creative economy of the state of Bahia. Thus, the research question arises: How is the creative economy treated as public policy in Brazil and Bahia based on the conceptual approaches expressed in official government documents? In the course of the answer to this question, we reached the following conclusions: i) the need to increase the efficiency of public resources applied in the development of the Creative Economy requires the adoption of clearer definitions; ii) this clarity will widen the scope of policies so as to achieve activities that go beyond culture; iii) the banalization of the term 'creative', makes the object of the Creative Economy diffuse; iv) the sector lacks a political decision to clarify the boundaries between the Creative Economy and the Cultural Economy; v) the urgency of a formal political structure to articulate governmental actions for the sector.

Sémantická dědičnost při sufixaci od polysémních slov / Sense Inheritance in the Derivation by Suffixes from Polysemous Words

Sláma, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The present thesis deals with, and elaborates on, the concept of sense inheritance (particularly with respect to suffixation in Czech). Drawing on more general remarks on lexical meaning, polysemy, and the semantic relatedness of a derived word and its base, the theoretical part of the thesis delineates the notion of sense inheritance, originating within the framework of construction grammar. It is shown that the idea of sense inheritance has at least implicitly been present in Czech lexicology (cf. the derivational criterion for identifying senses of polysemous words) and lexicography. It is argued that the traditional Czech theory of word formation relies on the assumption of the semantic transparency or even compositionality of motivated words, which can hardly be squared with empirical evidence concerning sense inheritance, nevertheless. In the empirical part of the thesis semantic relations are analyzed that hold between derivatives within 43 word families of polysemous bases (denoting body parts), and subsequently the sense-inheritance properties of the 80 most frequent (hence established and lexicalized) derivatives with the agentive suffix -tel and polysemous base verbs are contrasted with those found in 100 hapax legomena derived from polysemous bases with the same affix. This enables not...

Punning Exploiting External and Internal Metaphors : A Study of Groucho Marx's Use of Metaphor Reversal

Larsson, Kalle January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to analyse metaphorical strings which have been interpreted literally, a process referred to as metaphor reversal. This was first described by Löflund (1999:18) and the specific term was later coined by Alm-Arvius (2006:6). Metaphor reversal is basically a subcategory of the broader term polysemy punning. When a metaphor unexpectedly is interpreted literally, a humorous effect takes place and a pun is created. Especially if the metaphorisation in question has an entrenched figurative meaning, the unexpectedness of the literal interpretation is greater and the pun more obvious. The examples of these puns exploiting metaphor reversal have been taken from films featuring the verbal comedian Groucho Marx (GM), who frequently used this type and other kinds of puns in his films. The terms internal and external metaphor, coined by Alm-Arvius (2003:78), have been used in order to distinguish between two different types of metaphorisations. Internal metaphor refers to metaphors with obvious internal collocational clashes and external metaphor refers to metaphors without such clashes, which can thus be given a literal as well as a figurative reading. However, this is not a clear-cut distinction and occasional overlapping between the two categories is common. Therefore, a continuum has been given which shows the overlapping category ‘more figurative external metaphors’. These are metaphors without collocational clashes, but with entrenched figurative meanings which make them metaphorical and not literal. GM does not only revert external metaphors; he also reverts internal metaphors although this category contains collocational clashes which should make a literal interpretation impossible. Internal metaphor puns tend to be more absurd than external metaphor puns due to the collocational clashes which make the literal interpretation less probable. Reverted external metaphors are referred to as REM and reverted internal metaphors as RIM. Most examples analysed are metaphorisations with idiom status with clearly preferred figurative meanings. Consequently, their figurative meanings are deeply entrenched and should not be altered. However, these figurative meanings are altered by GM in his punning; they are reverted and interpreted literally. This indicates that one of the few occasions when it is accepted or even possible to interpret a metaphorical idiom literally is in punning.

Evidências sobre a polissemia e a gramaticalização do verbo "ver"

Matos, Priscila Teixeira 20 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-06-02T19:23:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 priscilateixeiramatos.pdf: 9761014 bytes, checksum: 8fe33f83c4a9ec2cb868ad087060614a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-06-06T12:05:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 priscilateixeiramatos.pdf: 9761014 bytes, checksum: 8fe33f83c4a9ec2cb868ad087060614a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-06T12:05:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 priscilateixeiramatos.pdf: 9761014 bytes, checksum: 8fe33f83c4a9ec2cb868ad087060614a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-20 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Este trabalho investiga a polissemia e a gramaticalização do verbo "ver", buscando identificar seus diferentes usos. Além disso, procuramos estabelecer o padrão construcional que caracteriza cada um dos usos identificados. Durante a pesquisa, operamos com as hipóteses de que (i) "ver" desenvolveria, no decorrer do tempo, funções discursivas que percorreriam um caminho de crescente (inter)subjetivização (FINEGAN, 1995; TRAUGO l I , 1995, 2010; TRAUGOTT & DASHER, 2005); e que (ii) os diferentes usos do verbo estariam relacionados semanticamente, revelando polissemia. A fim de comprovar essas hipóteses, foi realizada uma pesquisa sincrônica, que considerou a distribuição e a frequência de uso (BYBEE, 2003; VITRAL, 2006; MARTELOTTA, 2009) do verbo "ver" no português contemporâneo, mais especificamente no dialeto mineiro. Para isso, utilizamos o corpus do projeto Mineirês: a construção de um dialeto, que recobre as cidades de Belo Horizonte, Arceburgo, Mariana, Ouro Preto, Piranga e São João da Ponte. A partir da análise dos dados, foi comprovado que "ver" desenvolveu-se de um uso [- subjetivo], baseado na percepção sensorial, para usos [+ subjetivos], relacionados à percepção cognitiva. Foram, ainda, identificados outros usos [+ (inter)subjetivos], dentre os quais se destacam marcadores discursivos. / This work investigates the polysemy and the grammaticalization of the verb "ver", trying to identify the different uses of the verb. Moreover, we tried to determine the constructional pattern that characterizes each of the identified uses. During the research, we assumed these hypotheses: (i) "ver" would develop, over time, discursive functions that would run a path of increasing (inter)subjetivization (FINEGAN, 1995; TRAUGOTT, 1995, 2010; TRAUGOTT & DASHER, 2005); and (ii) the different uses of the verb would be semantically related, revealing polysemy. In order to prove these hypotheses, we accomplished a synchronic survey,, which considered the distribution and use frequency (BYBEE, 2003; VITRAL, 2006; MARTELOTTA, 2009) of the verb "ver" in contemporary Portuguese, more specifically, in dialect of Minas Gerais. To do this, we used the corpus of the "Projeto Mineires. a construcao de urn dialeto", which includes the cities -of- Belo Horizonte, Arceburgo, Mariana, Ouro Preto, Piranga and Sao Joao da Ponte. From the data analysis, we could demonstrate that "ver" came from a [- subjective] meaning, based on sensorial perception, and developed [+ subjective] uses, related to cognitive perception. We also identified other [+ (inter)subjective] uses of the verb, among which stand out the discourse markers.

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