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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modernização e civilização em debate: proposta(s) positivista(s), embate de ideias e ação política no Brasil ao final do século XIX / Modernization and civilization in debate: positivist(s) proposal(s), clash of ideas and political action in Brazil at the end of the nineteenth century

André Luciano Simão 12 August 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a obra de dois autores positivistas com atuação intelectual, política e social marcante durante os últimos anos do século XIX e primeiros anos do século XX no Brasil: Luís Pereira Barreto e Alberto Sales. Importantes representantes do positivismo paulista, tais autores, guiados por visão cientificista da realidade do país, elaboraram visão peculiar das necessidades de mudanças do país rumo à civilização e ao progresso. A hipótese trabalhada é a de que tais autores expressam, na esfera intelectual, um embate entre diferentes grupos e estratos nacionais interessados em impor à nação seu projeto de modernização, um embate pela hegemonia intelectual em momento de importante transição do país. Desta forma, trabalha-se com a ideia de que tais autores apropriam-se do discurso positivista com interesse sincero de colocar suas percepções e entendimentos em prática e alterar concretamente as condições sociais, econômicas e políticas do país. Discorda- se, deste modo, das análises que compreendem os posicionamentos intelectuais apenas como forma de reorganizar o discurso autoritário ou como modo de crítica ao governo, mais ou menos acentuada, de indivíduos distantes das esferas de poder. / The present study examines the work of two positivist authors with outstanding intellectual, political and social performance during the last years of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth century in Brazil: Luís Pereira Barreto and Alberto Sales. Important representatives of paulista positivism, such authors, led by scientist vision of the reality of the nation, developed peculiar vision of the changing needs of the country towards progress and civilization. A crafted hypothesis is that such authors express, in the intellectual sphere, a contest between different groups and strata national interested in impose to the nation its modernization project, a contest for the intellectual hegemony in a important moment for the country\'s transition. Thus, we work with the idea that such authors appropriated from the positivist discourse with sincere interest to put their perceptions and understandings into practice and change concretely the social, economic and political of the nation. Disagree is thus of the analyzes who understand the intellectual positions only as a way of reorganize the authoritative discourse or as a form of criticism of the government, more or less pronounced, of individuals distant of the spheres of power.

Do homem smithiano ao homo economicus : egoísmo e dissolução da moral

Avila, Róber Iturriet January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a remontar a dissolução ocorrida no tempo em que a Economia Política buscava limitar seu campo de estudo, particularmente no que se refere a percepção sobre a conduta humana e a assunção de que os homens são intrinsecamente egoístas. Para tanto, é desenvolvida a visão do homem moralmente condicionado em Adam Smith e também as modificações subsequentes originadas nas diferentes concepções dos autores da escola clássica e da neoclássica. Sendo que estas mudanças enfatizam o egoísmo do agente econômico. Neste intento, é retraçado o caminho da consolidação do postulado do egoísmo, assim como os percalços, controvérsias e conflitos desta caracterização. São explorados os elementos que auxiliaram na transformação do homem smithiano em homo economicus, tais como a leitura descontextualizada de Smith, o individualismo, o utilitarismo, o individualismo metodológico, o positivismo e a própria necessidade de abstração teórica. Adicionalmente, é verificado que a confusão de conceitos presente nesta construção metodológica traz a referência de que a ciência econômica faz apologia ao egoísmo. Esta percepção é um subproduto do desenlace da economia com as questões morais. / This research is proposed to reassemble the dissolution occurred when the Political Economy sought to limit their field of study, particularly in the perception of humann behavior and the assumption that men are inherently selfish. To do that, it is developed the perception of Adam Smith about human behavior, and the subsequent changes resulting from different conceptions of classical and the neoclassical authors. These changes emphasize the selfishness of the economic agent. In this attempt, is showed the way of the consolidating of self-interest premise, the mishaps and controversies of this path. It explores the the elements that collaborated in the transformation of Smithian man in homo economicus, such as decontextualized reading of Smith, individualism, utilitarianism, methodological individualism, positivism and the very necessity of theoretical abstraction. Additionally, it is observed that the confusion of concepts present in this methodological construction suggests that economics salutes the egoism. This is a result of the distinction between moral and economic aspects.

Carnap e a natureza da lógica / Carnap and the nature of logic

Tranjan, Tiago 28 January 2010 (has links)
Em The Logical Syntax of Language (1937) R. Carnap elabora o seu Princípio de Tolerância Lógica. Trata-se de um princípio lógico-filosófico de grande alcance, que condensa as posições mais consistentes do autor acerca do significado filosófico da pesquisa em lógica formal. A despeito do fracasso do projeto geral de uma filosofia sintática, esse princípio permaneceu como base de todo o pensamento posterior de Carnap. Mais do que isso, influenciou boa parte do melhor trabalho realizado em lógica até hoje, tendo deixado marcas duradouras sobre a filosofia analítica. Neste trabalho, buscamos examinar a origem do Princípio de Tolerância no pensamento de Carnap, como melhor caminho para estabelecer seu significado e implicações. / In The Logical Syntax of Language (1937) R. Carnap develops his Principle of Tolerance in Logic. This is a far-reaching principle for the whole philosophy of logic, and which sums up Carnaps most consistent tenets concerning the philosophical meaning of research in formal logic. Despite the failure of the general project of a syntactical philosophy, the Principle of Tolerance remained the basis for the whole of Carnaps subsequent thought. Moreover, it proved influential in a good deal of the most important work done in logic to this day; it also left permanent traces in analytic philosophy. In this work, we aim at examining the origins of the Tolerance Principle in Carnaps thought, as the best way to establish its significance and implications.


GILSON DAVID CAMPOS 12 November 2012 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação é um trabalho de teoria do direito. Como o título sugere, seu objetivo é expor alguns aspectos da contraposição entre o jusnaturalismo e o positivismo jurídico no cenário contemporâneo. Utiliza como referência a reinterpretação da teoria jusnaturalista por John Mitchell Finnis e seu diálogo com positivismo jurídico contemporâneo. Ressalvo que aqui não se tem a pretensão de demonstrar que o debate entre as duas correntes esteja definitivamente encerrado, mas de esclarecer concepções e tentar afastar alguns equívocos que o permeiam. / [en] This works is a legal theory one. As the title suggests, its goal is to expose some aspects of the opposition between natural law theory and legal positivism in the contemporary scenario. It take as reference the reiterpretation of the natural law theory by John Mitchell Finnis and his dialogue with the contemporary legal positivism. Indeed, it does not pretend to demonstrate that the debate between the two currents is definitely closed, but its purpose is to clarify concepts and attempt to remove some misconceptions that permeate it.

Mål och medel - Faktorer i konflikt? : synen på kunskap i kursplaner för Religionskunskap i Lpf94 och gy2011

Johansson, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
Jag har i denna analys granskat den nuvarande kursplanen för religionskunskap på A- och B-nivå för gymnasieskolan tillhörande Lpf94 samt remissen på ämnesplan för religionskunskap kurs 1 och 2 som är en del i Gy2011. Granskningen är gjord utifrån vilken kunskapssyns som kan skönjas i de båda styrdokumenten. Den teoretiska ram jag valt att utgå ifrån är kunskapssynen inom den positivistiska och den hermeneutiska kunskapstraditionen. Dessa två perspektiv är valda för att de enligt tradition utifrån vad som karaktäriserar dem har ställts som varandras motsatser. Resultaten av studien visar bland annat att en positivistisk kunskapssyn är dominerande både i den dagsaktuella kursplanen och också den som komma skall. I dagens kursplan finns ett hermeneutiskt inslag i dels de övergripande utgångspunkterna som beskrivs i ämnets karaktär och uppbyggnad men också i flera mål som med undervisningen ska eftersträvas. Då det hermeneutiska inslagen gör sig synliga i målen gör de detta nästan uteslutande i det tolkningsutrymme som dokumentet innehåller. I den kommande ämnesplanen är tolkningsutrymmet betydligt mindre. Innehållet uttrycks klarare vilket också var syftet med den nya reformen från början. Med detta hör till att även de hermeneutiska inslagen är ansenligt färre. Innehållet har med andra ord stramats åt och gjorts enklare att tolka.

Sellars in Context: An Analysis of Wilfrid Sellars's Early Works

Olen, Peter Jackson 01 January 2012 (has links)
Although Wilfrid Sellars's work holds a prominent place in recent analytic philosophy, little work has been done to situate his early approaches to normativity and the philosophy of language in their proper context. What little work has been done tends to emphasize Sellars's connection to a then dominant logical empiricism at the expense of marginalizing other American philosophical schools. On top of this historical issue, most scholars attempting to explain Sellars's systematic philosophy tend to ignore a developmental picture of Sellars's positions and focus on explicating the systematic character of his thought. My dissertation attempts to correct both of these tendencies by offering a historically situated account of Sellars's early papers that presents his views in relation to logical empiricism, the "Iowa School" of philosophy as embodied in Gustav Bergmann's and Everett Hall's writings, and some aspects of traditional American philosophy. By fleshing out the context of Sellars's early papers, it becomes clear that the "strong" normativist project present in his later essays developed out of his shift from his attempt to fit "traditional" philosophical problems into a formalist approach to language. My thesis acts as a "correction" to the previous interpretive points by presenting a more complex characterization of the contextual influences on Sellars's early papers and creating a foundation for a developmental account of Sellars's later views. I do this by examining evidence from Sellars's unpublished correspondence and works from a myriad of archival sources in conjunction with an analysis of his early publications.

The Hart-Dworkin debate and the separation thesis of legal positivism

Chechik, Grigorina 05 January 2011 (has links)
In the postscript to The Concept of Law, H.L. A. Hart describes the on-going debate inspired by his book, focusing on the criticisms of Ronald Dworkin. In this essay, I will discuss Dworkin’s criticisms of Hart, as well as Hart’s responses, showing that while Hart responds adequately to some criticisms, he fails to respond adequately to others. I will also reconstruct and evaluate the arguments given for and against the separation thesis by Dworkin and Hart. Finally, I will argue that the debate about the separation thesis – the thesis that morality and law are separable – is misguided, conflating as it does two distinct questions. These are the questions of what the positive law is, that is, the law that is posited in a specific time and place, and of what the natural law is, that is, the law that (if it exists) is universal and timeless. Once we distinguish these questions, we will see that the answer to the question of whether law is separable from morality depends on which sense of ‘law’ is relevant, and that there are two different answers corresponding to the two senses of positive law and natural law. Positive law is separable from morality while natural law is not. / text

Pedagoginių psichologinių tarnybų veiklos analizė / The analysis of the activity of the pedagogical psychological services

Martinėlienė, Loreta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbo santrauka. Darbe atlikta Pedagoginių psichologinių tarnybų veiklos analizė ugdymo proceso daly-vių (pedagogų, tėvų) požiūriu ir pagal vertinimo dokumentų (vertinimo 5 formų, kurias pildo PPT) turinį. Taikytas kokybinių ir kiekybinių tyrimų derinimas. Taikyti metodai: pusiau struktūruo-tas interviu ir PPT pildomų 5 formų pažymų turinio (content) analizė. Pusiau struktūruotas interviu padėjo atskleisti ugdymo dalyvių požiūrį į bendrąsias PPT veiklos tendencijas: vertinimo ir pažini-mo, konsultavimo, rekomendacijų teikimo, metodinę, tyrimo, veiklos organizavimo, visuomenės švietimo. PPT pažymų analizė atskleidė vaiko vertinimo turinį šiais aspektais: vertinamosios infor-macijos pobūdis (pozityvus ir negatyvus); vertinamosios ir rekomendacinės informacijos santykis; pedagoginės psichologinės pagalbos sritys (pedagoginė, psichologinė, socialinė) ir kryptingumas (ugdymo proceso dalyvių atžvilgiu). Darbe buvo naudoti analizės kriterijai, taikyti J. Ruškaus, A. Ališausko, O. Šapelytės tyrime. Taikyta aprašomoji statistika (procentai, vidurkiai, dažniai) bei ne-parametriniai (Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon) testai. Tyrime dalyvavo 20 tėvų, 40 mokyklų atstovų (pedagogų, specialistų), kurių vaikai ar ugdytiniai buvo vertinami ir konsultuojami Pedagoginėse psichologinėse tarnybose. Analizuota 119 PPT pildomų 5 formų pažymų, gautų iš 93 mokyklų, ku-rias aptarnavo 45 PPT. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Dominuoja palankus tėvų ir pedagogų požiūris į PPT atliekamą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary The paper deals with the analysis of the activity of the Pedagogical Psychological services based on the point of view of the participants of educational process (educators, parents) and the content of assessment documents ( 5 forms filled by PPS). Consistency of a qualitative and a quantitative research has been employed. The following methods of a semi – structured interview and a supplementary analysis of the content of the forms filled by PPS have been applied. A semi – structured interview helped to reveal the participants’ attitude towards the general tendencies of the activities of PPS including those of assessment and cognition, consulting, recommendation rendering, methodology, investigation, activity manage-ment, education of society. The analysis of the PPS forms disclosed the content of the child’s as-sessment through the following aspects: the character of the evaluative information (positive and/or negative), the relationship between the evaluative and recommendational information; the spheres of Pedagogical Psychological aid (pedagogical, psychological, and social), and the purpose (from the perspective of the participants of educational process). The criteria employed in the analysis had been used in the research by J.Ruskus, A.Alisauskas and O.Sapelyte. The descriptive statistics (per-centage, mean, frequency) and non – parametric tests (Kruskal – Wallis, Wilcoxon) have been ap-plied in the Thesis research. The presence of 20 parents, 40... [to full text]

Positivism and Lithuanian prose. The second half of the 19th century / Pozityvizmas ir lietuvių proza. XIX amžiaus antroji pusė

Židonis, Giedrius 18 February 2009 (has links)
This dissertation will attempt to present the foundations of the positivist philosophy and worldview. It will also attempt to show the spread of Lithuanian positivism in the context of the dominant positivism of Russia and Poland, and to thoroughly examine the exploration and interpretation of positivism in the mind of Lithuanian fictional literary criticism. This study raises the question as to whether one can in general speak of the adoption of certain models of literature from didactic literature to positivist literature. Aside from discussing different time periods and different literary styles of the nineteenth century (the beginning of Lithuanian didactic literature, while the Lithuanian Cultural Renaissance was still in its embryonic stage; the maturation of didactic literature and the beginning of the Lithuanian Cultural Renaissance; and positivist literature as well as Lithuania's Cultural Renaissance in full force) this work also discusses the pieces having the characteristics of the positivist literature written during the prohibition of the press. The work will also attempt to explain what positivist personalities were significant during the second half of the nineteenth century, and to what professional and social groups these people belonged, along with reconstructing their aesthetic positivist program. This dissertation about the spread of positivism in the prose from the end of the nineteenth century is the first of its kind done in Lithuanian literary... [to full text] / Disertacijoje pristatomi pozityvizmo filosofijos ir pasaulėžiūros pagrindai, nagrinėjama lietuviškojo pozityvizmo sklaida Lenkijoje ir Rusijoje vyravusio pozityvizmo kontekste, nuosekliai apžvelgiamas pozityvizmo paieškų ir interpretavimo kelias lietuvių grožinės literatūros kritinėje mintyje. Studijoje keliams klausimas, ar apskritai galima kalbėti apie literatūrinių modelių perimamumą (didaktika  pozityvizmo literatūra), šalia pasirinktų skirtingų krypčių, skirtingo laikotarpio atraminių kūrinių (atstovaujančių lietuvių didaktinės literatūros pradžiai ir Atgimimo užuomazgoms; didaktinės literatūros brandai ir Atgimimo pradžiai; pozityvistinei literatūrai ir Atgimimui) aptariami ir spaudos draudimo laikotarpio pozityvistinių bruožų turintys kūriniai, aiškinamasi, kaip XIX a. pabaigos lietuvių literatūroje veikia personažai pozityvistai, kokioms jie priklauso profesinėms / socialinėms grupėms, rekonstruojama jų estetinė pozityvistinė programa. Disertacija apie pozityvizmo sklaidą lietuvių XIX a. pabaigos prozoje yra pirmoji tokio pobūdžio studija lietuvių literatūrologijoje. Išsami pozityvistinės gyvenimo sampratos programa Lietuvoje nebuvo suformuluota, tačiau ją galima rekonstruoti iš teiginių ir minčių, išsisklaidžiusių literatūros ir kultūros darbuotojų publicistiniuose, kritiniuose, sociologiniuose darbuose, o šio tyrimo atveju – grožinės literatūros kūriniuose. Disertacijoje siekiama nuosekliai apžvelgti ir apibendrinti pavienius pasisakymus ir įžvalgas pozityvizmo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Pozityvizmas ir lietuvių proza. XIX amžiaus antroji pusė / Positivism and Lithuanian prose. The second half of the 19th century

Židonis, Giedrius 18 February 2009 (has links)
Disertacijoje pristatomi pozityvizmo filosofijos ir pasaulėžiūros pagrindai, nagrinėjama lietuviškojo pozityvizmo sklaida Lenkijoje ir Rusijoje vyravusio pozityvizmo kontekste, nuosekliai apžvelgiamas pozityvizmo paieškų ir interpretavimo kelias lietuvių grožinės literatūros kritinėje mintyje. Studijoje keliams klausimas, ar apskritai galima kalbėti apie literatūrinių modelių perimamumą (didaktika  pozityvizmo literatūra), šalia pasirinktų skirtingų krypčių, skirtingo laikotarpio atraminių kūrinių (atstovaujančių lietuvių didaktinės literatūros pradžiai ir Atgimimo užuomazgoms; didaktinės literatūros brandai ir Atgimimo pradžiai; pozityvistinei literatūrai ir Atgimimui) aptariami ir spaudos draudimo laikotarpio pozityvistinių bruožų turintys kūriniai, aiškinamasi, kaip XIX a. pabaigos lietuvių literatūroje veikia personažai pozityvistai, kokioms jie priklauso profesinėms / socialinėms grupėms, rekonstruojama jų estetinė pozityvistinė programa. Disertacija apie pozityvizmo sklaidą lietuvių XIX a. pabaigos prozoje yra pirmoji tokio pobūdžio studija lietuvių literatūrologijoje. Išsami pozityvistinės gyvenimo sampratos programa Lietuvoje nebuvo suformuluota, tačiau ją galima rekonstruoti iš teiginių ir minčių, išsisklaidžiusių literatūros ir kultūros darbuotojų publicistiniuose, kritiniuose, sociologiniuose darbuose, o šio tyrimo atveju – grožinės literatūros kūriniuose. Disertacijoje siekiama nuosekliai apžvelgti ir apibendrinti pavienius pasisakymus ir įžvalgas pozityvizmo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This dissertation will attempt to present the foundations of the positivist philosophy and worldview. It will also attempt to show the spread of Lithuanian positivism in the context of the dominant positivism of Russia and Poland, and to thoroughly examine the exploration and interpretation of positivism in the mind of Lithuanian fictional literary criticism. This study raises the question as to whether one can in general speak of the adoption of certain models of literature from didactic literature to positivist literature. Aside from discussing different time periods and different literary styles of the nineteenth century (the beginning of Lithuanian didactic literature, while the Lithuanian Cultural Renaissance was still in its embryonic stage; the maturation of didactic literature and the beginning of the Lithuanian Cultural Renaissance; and positivist literature as well as Lithuania's Cultural Renaissance in full force) this work also discusses the pieces having the characteristics of the positivist literature written during the prohibition of the press. The work will also attempt to explain what positivist personalities were significant during the second half of the nineteenth century, and to what professional and social groups these people belonged, along with reconstructing their aesthetic positivist program. This dissertation about the spread of positivism in the prose from the end of the nineteenth century is the first of its kind done in Lithuanian literary... [to full text]

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