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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dialectique entre dispositifs pédagogiques et acquis procéduraux des élèves dans les classes technologiques et professionnelles au Gabon / Dialectic between teaching devices and procedural assets of the pupils in the technological classes in Gabon

Moudouma, Emmanuel 06 November 2015 (has links)
La problématique qui justifie ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans le paradigme de l’adéquation formation-emploi au Gabon et les conjectures théoriques qui nous ont permis de traiter de cette problématique s’inscrivent dans le paradigme socio-constructiviste en tant que paradigme épistémologique de la connaissance. En se centrant sur le volet formation, cette problématique fait état des dysfonctionnements dont le corollaire se traduit par un faible rendement scolaire des apprenants. Si toutes-fois ce faible rendement scolaire n’était manifestement plus à démontrer, il n’en demeurait pas moins que la diversité et la complexité des causes possibles n’en facilitaient point la visibilité et la lisibilité des solutions possibles. En se penchant un peu plus du domaine de réalité à partir duquel pouvaient prendre naissance les phénomènes observés et récriminés, il était question en effet d’interroger la situation d’enseignement et d’apprentissage en recherchant tous les liens de causalité ou de corrélation possibles entre la qualité des acquis des élèves et la diversité des facteurs susceptibles de favoriser ces insuffisances. Si cette indétermination nous situait entre : - une évidence des faits et - le souci d’élucidation des facteurs explicatifs, les résultats de notre thèse viennent de montrer avec cohérence et très grande significativité, l’existence d’une similarité entre les niveaux de rendement scolaire préexistants et les niveaux des acquis des élèves issus des dispositifs pédagogiques conçus et mis en œuvre par les enseignants dans les classes technologiques. / The problem which prompted this research work, registers in the adequacy between training and employment in Gabon; and the theoretical conjectures that enabled us to treat these problems are related to socio-constructivism as an epistemological paradigm of knowledge. While focusing on training aspects, these problems mention the dysfunctions whose corollary results in poor learning output. However, if these school poor outputs were obviously debatable, the diversity and the complexity of the possible causes did not facilitate the visibility, and the legibility of the possible solutions. Basing on the field from which the phenomena observed and recriminated originated, it comes out that the teaching and training situation, by searching all the possible causal or correlative links between the learners’ background knowledge and the diversity of factors likely to explain the insufficiencies. If this indetermination proves the facts to be obvious and requires clarification of the incriminated factors, the result of our thesis have just shown with coherence and very great clarification, the existence of a similarity/interdependence between the levels of preexistent school output and the levels of learners’ output resulting from the teaching devices designed and implemented by the teachers in technological classes.

Fishbowl C

06 June 2012 (has links)
Die komprimierte Darstellung der Fishbowl bietet Einblicke in die aktuelle Diskussion fachspezifischer Fragen. Drei Experten (Thomas Ott, Christian Rolle und Wolfgang Martin Stroh) diskutieren nach ihren Einzelvorträgen miteinander über Grundfragen der Musikdidaktik. An der Diskussion können sich auch Einzelne aus dem Publikum beteiligen. Die Moderation hat Anne Niessen. Die Diskussion dreht sich wesentlich darum, was verschiedene Musikdidaktiker unter ästhetischen, musikalischen, musikbezogenen Wahrnehmungspraxen bzw. –tätigkeiten und Erfahrungen verstehen, außerdem um das Verhältnis dieser Begriffe zu Bildung, Symbolbildung, Bedeutungszuschreibung und Lernen. Die Theorie wird nicht nur an den Videos, sondern auch an erzählten Unterrichtsbeispielen festgemacht. / The abridged fishbowl-discussion gives an idea of currently discussed problems in the german discourse on music education at general schools (=music didactic). In Fishbowl C three experts (Thomas Ott, Christian Rolle und Wolfgang Martin Stroh with Anne Niessen as moderator) after their lectures discuss their understanding of aesthetic, musical and music-related kinds of praxis or activities of perception and experience in different theories of music education, and they relate this to the terms Bildung, learning and construction of symbols and meaning. Experts and guests from the audience illustrate their considerations with examples from the DVDs and with explained examples.

Existentiella Möten : Att bemöta barns existentiella frågor och upplevelser på förskolan

Kollberg, Annika January 2019 (has links)
Denna essä utgår ifrån fyra gestaltningar av mitt eget dilemma i relation till bemötande av barns existentiella frågor på förskolan. Detta följs upp med fältstudie på en förskola som undersöker andra pedagogers bemötande. Gestaltningarna och fältstudien ställs mot existensfilosofiska teorier och svensk och engelsk forskning. I reflektionen undersöks hur barns existentiella frågor kan ta sig uttryck på förskolan. Här lyfts att det kan vara svårt att få syn på barns existentiella frågor vilket dels kan bero på fördomar och okunskap om hur de kan se ut och dels en konflikt emellan ett naturvetenskapligt och ett andligt/religiöst perspektiv. Denna konflikt skulle kunna överbryggas med en utvidgad syn på hur barns existentiella frågor kan se ut. T.ex. kan barn uppfatta även naturvetenskapliga frågor på ett existentiellt sätt och det religiösa språket bör kunna uppfattas symboliskt. En annan orsak till att det kan vara svårt att få syn på existentiella frågor kopplas till att vi befinner oss i en sekulär/post-religiös tid i västerlandet där vi inte har språk eller begrepp för att uttrycka eller förstå det andliga eller existentiella. Begreppet ”signature spirituality” utforskas som ett sätt att få syn på barns olika individuella uttryck för det existentiella. Uppsatsen beskriver hur vår praxis är påverkad av en naturvetenskaplig diskurs där man söker förklaringar. Ett alternativt förhållningssätt är inspirerat av hermeneutisk /fenomenologisk teori och söker istället förståelse. När det handlar om bemötande lyfts både pedagogens fronesis/praktiska klokhet och techne/produktiva praktiska kunskap som viktiga kompetenser. Ett problem i att utveckla och arbeta med de existentiella frågorna är att det inte finns något bra forum eller någon etablerad praxis för reflektion. Även där är bristen på språkliga begrepp omkring ämnet en viktig aspekt. Att ha en yrkesetisk reflektion är särskilt viktigt i detta ämne. Här lyfts ändå att pedagogen i mötet med barnens frågor kan reflektera över sitt eget förhållningssätt och sin livssyn. Två olika sätt att förhålla sig till det existentiella på förskolan utforskas och ställs mot varandra; Det ena som ett möte med ett värde i sig och det andra som en kognitiv lärandeprocess. Filosofen Gadamer ser ett möte som en konversation eller lek omkring ett ämne där man ytterst sätt kan utveckla och förena sina perspektiv. Enligt Martin Buber är det existentiella eller andliga något man har en relation till som bör respekteras som sådan. Att inta ett kognitivt lärande perspektiv på barns existentiella frågor har dock många fördelar som kan underlätta möjligheten att arbeta med och bemöta de existentiella frågorna och upplevelserna inom förskolans ram. / This essey consists of four narratives about my own dilemma concerning responding to childrens existential questions in the pre-school context. This is followed by a field- study exploring other pedagogues responses to childrens existential questions. The experiences in the narratives and the field-study is analysed through exisntialfilosofical theories and Swedish and international reserach. The essay reflects on how childrens existential questions can be expressed in pre-school. Predjudices and lack of knowledge concerning how they can express themselves as well as a conflict between a scientific/religious perspektive can make existential questions hard to notice. This conflict could be solved by understanding how children can experience scientific issues in a existential way as well as viewing religious language as symbolic. Another reason for not noticing existential questions can be lack of language and concepts due to the west being in a secular/post religious era. The concept ”signature spirituality” is a possible way to understand childrens individual way to express the existential. The praxis/practice in pre-school is, according to the essay, influenced by a scientific discourse in which explanations is sought. An alterantive discourse is the hermeneutical/phenomenological wherein one instead seek to understand. Fronesis – practical wisdom and techne – productive practicality are important competences when responding to childrens existential questions. Lack of forum for and lack of established praxis for reflection makes working with and developing childrens existential questions a problem. Lack of concepts and language to express the existential is also a problem in this. To have an ethical reflection is especially important with this subject.  But you can still have opportunities to reflect on your own views when confronting the childrens questions. Two different approaches to existential questions in pre-school are highlighted: as a meeting which is valuable in itself and as a cognitive learning process. In Gadamers view a meeting is a conversation or a play about a topic where the persons involved can develop and unite their perspectives. Accordning to Martin Buber the existential or spiritual can be seen as a relationship that needs to respected as such. But taking a cognitve learning perspective on childrens existential questions have many advantages, such as making it easier to work with and respond to childrens existential questions and experiences, whitin the frame of pre-school discourse.

Thermische und chemische Realalterung von Dieseloxidationskatalysatoren

Bahr, Mario 22 November 2022 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden Methoden entwickelt, die die Beschreibung der Katalysatoralterung verbessern. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Realalterung in Pkws und Lkws. Die ständig wechselnden Bedingungen im realen Einsatz stellen dabei eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Es wird ein physikalisches Modell entwickelt, das das Wachstum der Edelmetall-Kristallite im Washcoat beschreibt. Anhand der Kristallitgröße wird die katalytische Restaktivität des Katalysators bestimmt. Das Modell kann die Konvertierungsleistung der wesentlichen gasförmigen Schadstoffe CO, HC und sogar NOx berechnen. Es arbeitet vollumfänglich unter stationären thermischen Bedingungen einer Ofenalterung. Weitere Tests könnten es auch zur Anwendung für thermische Realalterung zulassen. Als weitere Methode wird eine empirische Korrelation entwickelt, die die Temperaturbelastung der Katalysatoren kategorisiert und diese damit hinsichtlich ihrer thermischen Realalterung zueinander einordnet. Die thermische Realalterung wird an Diesel-Oxidations-Katalysatoren (DOC) untersucht, die aus einer Edelmetall-Legierung aus Platin und Palladium bestehen. Hinsichtlich der chemischen Realalterung wird eine Diesel-AGN auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Ablagerungen und Deaktivierung durch ungerafften Betrieb mit reinem Biodiesel untersucht. Der Biodiesel drängt sich hier in den Fokus, da in diesem, im Vergleich zu fossilem Diesel, deutlich mehr Vergiftungselemente enthalten sein können. / The combustion engine is a very important drive system. An exhaust-aftertreatment system (ATS) is widely mandatory for exhaust-gas purifcation, but the contained catalysts suffer from deactivation by aging effects. To handle the catalyst aging, its description is very significant. This PhD thesis develops two methods to improve the description of thermal real-world aging. The diesel-oxidation-catalyst (DOC) executes crucial conversion-reactions with platinum and palladium as precious metals. They are spread as small particles across the washcoat. Thermal catalyst aging is driven by temperature stress, duration and exhaust-gas atmosphere. It is irreversible and usually the dominating aging-type. Main path of the thermal aging is the precious-metal sintering, at which small precious-metal particles agglomerate to bigger ones. As result the access of the exhaust-gas to the catalyst detoriates, what leads to a deactivation. Chemical catalyst aging originates from negative effect of catalyst poisons and exhibits a very individual behaviour. The developed physical crystallite-size model calculates in its 'base version' the conversion of a catalyst after oven-aging. Input is an arbitrary oven-aging scenario to calculate the resulting crystallite-size and finally to conclude to the catalytic activity. This is possible for every species, thus CO, HC and even NO. Thereby, thermal oven-aging is described by a physical parameter. Furthermore, it is to mention, that the correlation between crystallite size and conversion is explicit for all species. The model is developed at an Pt/Pd-DOC and therefore it is expected, that general catalysts, with and without precious-metal alloys, can be described. The crystallite-size provides also the advantage, that it is independent from chemical aging. So a closed look on thermal aging is possible. The 'base version' of the model can be used in research and development as well for post-mortem analysis. The enhancement of the physical crystallite-size model could allow the description of thermal real-world aging. Input is an inconstant temperature-run for the calculation of the resulting crystallite-size to conclude again to the remaining catalytic activity. A confirmation is not possible with the available data, also the potential of the enhancement cannot be proved. But if the confirmation could get achived, for completely arbitrary thermal real-world aging scenarios the calculation of the conversion for every species would be possible. The field of application would be research and development, on-board operation as well as post-mortem analysis. The developed empirical correlation for real-world aging uses as input inconstant temperatureruns of several DOCs. They are treated by a combination and ranking system. Finally the method outputs a ranking, which represents the remaining catalytic activity. Thereby, the result for the DOCs is qualitative and relative to each other. The available seven real-world aged Pt/Pd-DOCs can get sorted completely correct by the method. The field of application is research and development, on-board operation as well as post-mortem analysis. The chemical real-world aging gets investigated by three ATS, which are driven with DIN EN 14214 biodiesel. Phosphorus and calcium indicate a B100 influence for accumulation. B100 operation clearly causes catalytic deactivation. The activity of the samples at the DOC-outlet correlates with the P+Ca accumulation. But this is not valid for the samples at the DOC-inlet.

Adult education as an agent for social change: a case study in Lesotho

Matsepe, Mokone Wilfred 30 November 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate whether or not adult education acts as an agent for social change in Lesotho, especially in communities of the urban and rural poor. The importance and value of adult education as an agent for social change are highlighted. The study has employed a descriptive approach with case studies, involving samples from chiefs, the Ministry of Education and three prominent institutions: the Lesotho Distance Teaching Centre, the Lesotho Association of Non-Formal Education and the Institute of Extra Mural Studies. The samples of these constituencies totalled one hundred and forty-three. The study has used interviews, questionnaires and observations for collection of data. The researcher observed and judged the natural environment under which facilitation education occurred. Occurrences of all instances under observation were recorded and analysed. The study revealed that even though there is no government policy regarding adult education in Lesotho, the role played by adult education is important as an agent for social change. Adult education has proven its importance and value as a means of providing solutions to pressing issues and problems of the disadvantaged groups. Adult education has a wide range of achievements through which social change is visible and measurable. On the other hand, there is an equally strong opposing side that argues that adult education, as a provision of education in general, does not bring social change in Lesotho; instead, it perpetuates social inequalities that exist. Adult education, according to practices which conform to consensus and conflict paradigm principles, is used as an instrument to promote and strengthen the status quo of social inequalities in Lesotho. However, the researcher believes, through the findings of this study, that educating the urban and rural poor is a reasonable move because these groups constitute a large number of the human resource in Lesotho. With this human resource, if well developed, it is hoped that all other resources can be mobilised for the good of the nation. Lastly, the researcher believes that follow-up studies are needed in order to assess impact of adult education in Lesotho and recommends further research concerning adult education programmes and other pressing issues that are not included in this study. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Didactics)

Initiatives of the Pentecostal assemblies of God (Zambia) in response to the unequal distribution of Christian mission resources in the world

Phiri, Elisha Francis 11 1900 (has links)
The subject of “unreached people” is still debated in Christian circles. Given the vast resources of the Church, it is difficult to understand that there are still people unreached by the gospel. This study views that part of the reason for this is that there is an unequal distribution of Christian mission resources. It thus critically examines the reasons that have been advanced to explain this unequal distribution. Next, it makes an in-depth study of one particular church in Zambia, namely the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Zambia), which has more than 1400 congregations across the country, by looking at the initiatives it has taken towards reaching the unreached. Chapter 5 reveals that the lack of a clear mission policy and the autonomy of congregations contribute to an unequal distribution of mission resources in the PAOG (Z). The dissertation uses the “praxis cycle” to structure its theoretical framework and research methodology. / Christian Spiritual Church History and Mission / MTH (MSN)

Spiritual Blues: A Blues Methodological Investigation of a Black Community's Culturally Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Citizenship Praxis

Vaughn, Melissa 09 May 2016 (has links)
This interdisciplinary study devised a Blues Methodology to investigate how a historically marginalized Black community conceives, practices and theorizes about citizenship in community-based pedagogical spaces (Douglas & Peck, 2013). Guiding questions were 1) How does a historically marginalized Black community conceive and practice citizenship? 2) How does the community’s conception and citizenship praxis compare to the dominant society’s conception? And 3) How can both conceptions inform citizenship education and citizenship research? To conduct this qualitative cultural study, I extended Clyde Woods’ Blues Epistemology and Sylvia Wynter’s theoretical construct of alterity into a methodology capable of illuminating the community’s culturally indigenous knowledge (ways of knowing) using cultural tools meaningful to them. Blues Methodology is a community-based inquiry approach employing a reflective researcher strategy that positions researcher in dialogue with community members to uncover culturally indigenous ways of knowing as well as hegemonic perspectives and community agency. The historically marginalized Black community of focus is located in “The South” where inhumane violence was routinely practiced against Africans and African Americans during and after enslavement. Terrorism was particularly brutal due to the intense labor required by the agrarian economy. Marginalization is a lasting legacy of enslavement, Jim Crow and structurally other forms of embedded racism. Twelve long term multigenerational community residents ranging in age from 17 to 80 years old, participated in this study. Two types of data were collected: oral and written. Oral data were collected from conversations and interviews with participants, written introspective data were collected from journaling. Researcher reflections also consisted of conversations with fictional characters who were constructed to protect my relationship with community participants and present childhood experiences that informed the research. Findings reveal that community conceptions of citizenship foster belonging and identity. Citizens theorized about their social economic historical political selves in the context of the local landscape. In contrast, the dominant society’s citizenship conception is an inclusion/exclusion dialectic that generically defines citizens selectively while excluding swaths of the U.S. population from curricula thus devaluing certain students and communities and relegating their knowledge to the margins at the expense of human freedom.

Musik als Praxis

Uhden, Pit 07 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Der Beitrag klärt die Verwendung und Bedeutung des Begriffs der Praxis in der musikdidaktischen Literatur. Zunächst werden hierfür die Praxisbegriffe der deutschsprachigen Autoren H. J. Kaiser, J. Vogt, Ch. Wallbaum und Ch. Rolle sowie der englischsprachigen Autoren Th. A. Regelski, D. J. Elliott und Ch. Small anhand relevanter Primärliteratur herausgearbeitet und dargestellt. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die Theorien und Modelle jeweils auf ihre didaktischen Implikationen hin untersucht und ihre Eignung für die Umsetzung im Hinblick auf eine reale Lehr-Lern-Situation eingeschätzt. Schließlich werden die Praxisbegriffe der sieben behandelten Autoren in Relation zueinander gebracht, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede aufgezeigt. Entsprechungen bezüglich des Verständnisses von Praxis werden konstatiert insbesondere zwischen Regelski, Kaiser und Vogt einerseits, sowie zwischen Small, Elliott, Wallbaum und Rolle andererseits. Erstere rekurrieren auf aristotelische Begrifflichkeiten und fokussieren den ethischen Aspekt einer praxis, das „richtige“ Handeln bzw. „gute“ Leben; Letztere stellen die durch musikalische Praxis mögliche (positive) Erfahrung des „flow“ (Elliott), des Ästhetischen (Rolle; Wallbaum) bzw. idealer Beziehungen (Small) in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Betrachtungen. / This work discusses the use and meaning of “praxis” (practice) as a technical term in music education literature. Relevant texts of the German-speaking authors H. J. Kaiser, J. Vogt, Ch. Wallbaum, and Ch. Rolle as well as of the English-speaking authors Th. A. Regelski, D. J. Elliott, and Ch. Small are analyzed and compared in terms of the authors’ understanding of “praxis”. Similarities are identified among (1) the work of Regelski, Kaiser, and Vogt and among (2) the work of Small, Elliott, Wallbaum, and Rolle. While the former group of authors refers to Aristotelian concepts and focuses on the ethical aspect of praxis, the latter group reflects the (positive) experience of “flow” (Elliott), the experience of the aesthetic (Rolle, Wallbaum), or the experience of ideal relationships (Small) – each possible through musical practice (or rather “praxis”).

Lärande medarbetare : En studie om att medvetandegöra medarbetares kunskaper / Learning collaborators : A study in making experiencebased knowledge conscious

Feltsen, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Svenskt Stål Aktiebolag (SSAB) Oxelösund AB, Division Grovplåt ingår i koncernen SSAB Svenskt Stål AB och är nordens största tillverkare av grovplåt. Detta examensarbete handlar om hur utvalda medarbetare på SSAB Oxelösund AB tillägnat och befäst sina kunskaper, då det är tänkt att de i förlängningen ska föra vidare sina kunskaper inom företaget. Examensarbetet fokuserar på hur medarbetarna uppfattar sitt lärande och hur det de tillskansat sig dem.</p><p>Medarbetarna uttrycker att deras erfarenhet omvandlats till kunskap i samband med reflektion över nyupplevda händelser. De beskriver att lärandet är en kontinuerlig process som sker över tid samt att de lär sig i gemenskapen med andra människor. Medarbetarna har befäst sina kunskaper då de antingen formulerat och verbaliserat eller praktiserat sina kunskaper. De har på så sätt bekräftat och synliggjort sina kunskaper för i första hand sig själva men även för sin omgivning.</p><p>För att SSAB Oxelösund AB så småningom ska kunna överföra medarbetarnas erfarenheter och kunskap vidare till andra medarbetare krävs att de själva ges tid att reflektera över sina kunskaper. De måste bli medvetna om både vilka kunskaper de besitter och vilka kunskaper de skall dela med sig av för att de ska kunna lyckas med kunskapsdelningen.</p> / <p>The Swedish steel manufacturer Oxelösund AB is a member of the SSAB Swedish Steel Group and is the largest Nordic manufacturer of heavy steel plate. This thesis is about how selected employees at SSAB Oxelösund AB acquire and consolidate their knowledge, when it is supposed that they, in the future, will pass their knowledge on within the company. The thesis focuses on how employees perceive and gain their learning.</p><p>The employees expresses that their experience transforms into knowledge when they reflect upon recently perceived events. They describe that learning is a continuous process that is achieved over time and that they learn in their meeting with other people. Those employees were consolidating their knowledge when they both formulated and expressed themselves in words or when they practiced their skills. Thus they have confirmed and have made their knowledge visible, primarily for themselves but also for their surroundings.</p><p>For SSAB Oxelösund AB, to gradually will be able to transfer the employees experience and knowledge to other employees, it is essential to give them time to reflect upon their own knowledge. They must become aware of both the knowledge they possess and what skills are to be shared, to succeed in sharing their knowledge.</p> / QC 20100707

Signs and practices as resources in IT-related service innovation

Löbler, Helge, Lusch, Robert F. 03 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Emerging from the rapid growth of information technology (IT) in a digital world is the explosion and rapid ascent of IT-related service innovation occurring around the globe. All successful service innovation in a digital world consists of two main abstract domains: signs (because only signs can be digitized) and practices. Signs are perceivable, but practices are not. Signs are commonly understood as resources in the digital world, whereas practices are understood as providing context, not as resources. This article proposes a change in this perspective: according to service-dominant logic, both signs and practices can become resources for service and value cocreation. They become resources if they are integrated in a service offering. We illustrate how recent digital service innovations can be explained with this perspective and how it can be used to distinguish incremental from radical innovation. The article also suggests, using this perspective, that IT and innovation specialists can productively develop ideas and concepts for future service innovation. From the practices framework presented, directions for further research are discussed.

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