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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autism är välbekant men samtidigt en abstrakt främling. En kvalitativ studie om hur förskolelärare arbetar och bemöter barn med autism

Gustafsson, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
Upptäckten av autism hos barn i tidig ålder kan ha stor betydelse för barnens framtid. Förskolan och förskollärarna är därför av stor betydelse i det stöd som barnen kan komma att behöva. För att förskolelärarna ska kunna ge det rätta stödet måste personalen ha kunskap om hur man arbetar och bemöter barn med autism. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur förskolelärare arbetar med barn med autism som är i behov av särskilt stöd. Frågeställningen tar upp vilka kunskaper förskolelärarna anser behövs kring autism och vilka metoder som används i arbetet med barn med autism. Förskolelärarnas bemötande och arbetssätt är av stor vikt för barnens trygghet samt utveckling. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställning har den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden semistrukturerad intervju använts. För att analysera empirin, har Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv använts samt Antonovskys känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Resultatet visar att största vikten i förskolelärarnas arbete med barn med autism ligger i tydlighet, struktur, lyhördhet och att se till varje barns behov. Det arbetas med att hitta de metoder och verktyg som kan komma att behövas för att göra barnens vardag begriplig, hanterbar och meningsfull. Stöttning, handledning, fortbildning och samverkan lyfts som det som det måste arbetas vidare med i det fortsatta arbetet med barn med autism. Studien belyser även förskolelärarnas uppfattning av sin egen roll i arbetet med barn med autism. / To discover autism at a child's early age can be of great importance for the child's future development. Pre-schools and pre-school teachers are therefore of great importance in the support that the child may need through the coming years. For pre-school teachers to be able to provide the correct support, the staff must have the correct knowledge in how to work and meet the needs of children with autism. The aim of this study is to investigate the way that pre-school teachers work with children with autism. Issues that are brought up in the study involve to see what pre-school teachers consider necessary knowledge concerning children with autism and what methods are used in their daily routines. Pre-school teachers' behaviour and working methods are of great importance for the children's feeling of wellbeing and development. To answer the aim and the issues of the study, the qualitative research method used is semi structured interviews. To analyse the empiricism, Vygotsky's socio-cultural perspective has been used, as well as Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC). The results show that pre-school teachers most important work with children with autism are clarity, structure, responsiveness and to cater for each child's individual needs. Work is done to find the methods and tools that may be needed to make the children’s daily life understandable, manageable and meaningful. Support, tutoring, continued education and collaboration are raised as things that must be further worked on in the continued work with children with autism. The study also highlights the pre-school teachers own perception of their role in the work with children with autism.

Undervisning i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare, förskolechefer och verksamhetschefer tolkar begreppet undervisning i förskolekontext / Teaching in preschool : A qualitative study of how preschool teachers, preschool managers and head of operations interpret the concept of teaching

Arnryd, Agneta, Essarraj, Nauel January 2017 (has links)
In 2011 pre-schools began reporting to the Education Department and were then subject to the school law. Pre-school’s entry into the school system meant that the concept of education became part of the pre-school’s activities. This is also to be implemented into the preschool curriculum. This study has examined how pre-school teachers, pre-school managers and heads of operations interpret the concept of "teaching" in the pre-school context. Respondents that were interviewed were familiar with the subject, due to the fact that they are part of a nationwide teaching project and they themselves work on implementing the concept of teaching in their operations. The aim has been to establish how the three professions interpret the concept and work with it in practice. The study is based on a social constructivist perspective where we chose to focus on how the concept of teaching is constructed and reconstructed using the social linguistic interaction and the interaction between respondents. As a research method, we have used qualitative group interviews. The empirical data has been analysed using the theoretical lens of social constructivism. The results showed that the term "teaching" was unclear when it is referred to pre-schools and did not have a specific definition in the pre-school context. The concept was understood differently by the three professions. The respondents argued that the implementation of the concept in the pre-schools took place in diverse ways. They confirmed that it is a long-term process that will take time to fully implement. Another conclusion that the authors drew was 2 that there was a gap between practice and theory. This was because the heads of operations and pre-school managers had a theoretical view of "teaching" while the pre-school teachers had a practical view.

Ansvar, samarbete och erfarenheter kring flerspråkighet i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie kring förhållningssätt  till flerspråkighet med en förskolechef, fyra förskolepedagoger, en chef för modersmålsenheten och en kommunal verksamhetschef

Kalala, Asnath, El-Haddad, Hanan January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en djup förståelse kring pedagogers förhållningssätt till flerspråkighet.

Följa upp och synliggöra barns lärprocesser : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger arbetar och resonerar kring hur barns lärprocesser följs upp och synliggörs

Westerlund, Annelie, Persson, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Title: Making learning visible in a preschool setting- A qualitative study of how teachers work and evaluate how children’s learning can be visualized                          Term: Autumn 2015                                                      Author: Emelie Persson and Annelie Westerlund Mentor: Maria Rosén The objective of this study is to examine how two departments at a preschool work specifically to visualize children’s learning processes, both from a Child Perspective and from the Children's Perspective. The purpose is to investigate questions concerning how teachers follow up and visualize the children’s learning process and how preschool teachers evaluate to what extent children's learning processes should be made visible. The study is qualitative and ethnographically inspired. We have conducted participating observations in order to examine how teachers follow up and visualize children’s learning processes. In addition to this we have made unstructured interviews to examine how preschool teachers evaluate how children's learning processes are visualized. The theoretical starting point we used is Dewey’s Pragmatism which is based on the assumption that children's learning emerge out of their own experiences and interests. The result shows that the pre-school teachers follow up and visualize the children's learning processes in different ways. They incorporate different steps of the process and they structure the environment by having materials easily accessible to the children in order to make learning processes based on children’s interests possible. The teachers act as role models when it comes to vocal expression and through active dialogues they create opportunities for the children to reflect on what they’ve learnt. The teachers also actively work to allow the children to express their thoughts and opinions, and to integrate these into the learning process. The most prominent result of the study showed that the teachers’ interaction with the children were shown by their attendance, responsiveness, commitment, as well as to their showing an interest in the children’s many different worlds of experiences.           Keywords: Pre-school, learning processes, children's learning  Nyckelord: Förskola, lärprocesser, barns lärande

Matematik i utemiljö : En komparativ studie med fokus på matematik i Ur och Skur förskolor

Bhatti, Sumbal Zia, Bustamante, Natalie January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to find out how pre-schools teachers use mathematics in the outdoors to promote and develop children's learning. The essay also focus on similarities and differences between pre-school teachers and their ways of integrating mathematics in the outdoor environment. A comparison is later made to the answers from pre-school teachers in two ''I Ur och Skur" pre-schools about what outdoor education is , how they use the outdoors for mathematics and what kind of mathematics activates they use practical. The survey is based on a comparative method of qualitative interviews and observations. The study builds on Lev Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory in which we have chosen to focus on the concept of '' the proximal development''. It can be summarized as learning occurs in interaction with each other and that children learn better through social relationships. Another concept that we have chosen to use in our study is ''learning by doing’’ by John Dewey's. The concept means that learning takes place through the practice.The essay then tries to analyse how '' I Ur och Skur'' pre-school teachers use mathematics in the outdoor environment. We analyze by see similarities and differences with both pre-school teachers education, outdoor as a learning room and mathematics activates. The conclusion of the study is that mathematics is infinite and therefore they are many different ways of working. We did not find such large differences in pre-schools teachers’ way of working with mathematics outdoor. We also came to the conclusion that nature is as a support tool to develop the interest in mathematics with more space for learning. At the end of our essay we want to point out that the theories helped us to highlight preschool teachers interview answers to more clearly linked to previous research and our observations

Hur förskollärare utvecklar kompetens genom reflektion

Almqvist, Daniel, Rehioui, Faycal Elias January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of the phenomenon of reflection. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the concept, we chose to interview four preschool teachers. The preschool teachers met with colleagues in their pre-school area regularly during the autumn and spring terms 2014-2015, to develop their skills through reflection. We wanted to examine whether these meetings influenced their understanding of the concept of reflection, as well as their ability to reflect. We tried to get a hold of these two elements through the questions in our interview. Our three most interesting findings in this study are. The preschool teachers in our study makes a fundamental theoretical difference between how you look at and define the reflection with children and how they look at peer learning. A distinction is difficult to justify theoretically. Our second interesting finding was the importance and the difficult task to keep the reflections away from mainly be about giving each other "tips and advice". Our last finding is the need of good leadership skills of the one who have the task to lead the reflection.

Förskolebarns tankar om döden / Pre-school pupils´ thoughts concerning death

Claesson, Linda January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med det här arbetet är att få en insyn i vad förskolebarn har för tankar om de frågor som berör döden.</p><p>Frågeställningen som besvaras är: ”Vad har förskolebarn för tankar om döden?”</p><p>Kvalitativa intervjuer har skett med tio förskolebarn i åldrarna fyra till sex år vilka ligger till grund för undersökningen i arbetet. Även teckningar av barnen som förtydligar deras tankar ingår i undersökningen. Förskolebarnen tillhör samma förskola i Värmland.</p><p>Det som sägs i intervjuerna kan inte generaliseras att gälla alla förskolebarn, utan gäller enbart för de förskolebarn som intervjuerna är utförda med.</p><p>Undersökningsresultatet påvisar att förskolebarn har en öppen syn på döden. Barnen har haft tankar om det mesta som berör ämnet. Deras teckningar visade också en bred variation av tolkningar av döden.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to gain an insight into pre-school pupils’ thoughts concerning death.</p><p>The question at issue is: “What thoughts do pre-school pupils have concerning death”?</p><p>Qualitative interviews have been done with ten pre-school pupils of four to six years of age which are the foundation of this work. Drawings by the children that clarify their thoughts are also included in the thesis. The pupils all go to the same pre-school in Värmland.</p><p>Everything that is said in the interviews is only applicable to the pre-school pupils that have been interviewed and can not be generalized to apply to other pre-school children.</p><p>This thesis proves that pre-school pupils have an open mind regarding death. The children have had a wide range of thoughts on the subject. Their drawings also showed a wide range of interpretations regarding death.</p>

Imigrantų vaikų ikimokyklinio ugdymo ypatumai Lietuvoje / Immigrant children in the pre-shool features of festering Lithuania

Laskauskienė, Jūratė 07 July 2010 (has links)
Lietuvai tapus Europos Sąjungos nare, į šalį atvyksta vis daugiau užsieniečių, pvz., specialistų (migruojančių darbuotojų), imigrantų, pabėgėlių (gavusių leidimą nuolat guventi Lietuvoje), kurie turi ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų. tad Lietuvos švietimo sistema turi sudaryti sąlygas šių vaikų ugdymui, ugdymuisi, socializacijai ir integracijai. Šio darbo tikslas: Atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų ugdymosi ypatumus Lietuvoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti tarptautinės migracijos Lietuvoje statistinę situaciją ir imigrantų vaikų ugdymosi ypatumus; 2) Atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų ugdymo Lietuvoje ypatumus; 3) Ištirti tėvų nuomonę apie vaikų ugdymą ikimokyklinėse įstaigose Lietuvoje. Tyrimo metodai: 1) Vaikų stebėjimas; 2) Tėvų apklausa raštu; 3) Pokalbis su vaiku; 4) Grupės aplinkos aprašas. Apebendrinimas. Tyrime dalyvavo 10 imigrantų vaikų iš Rytų europos ir Azijos; 10 tėvų; 22 pedagogai; 150 bendraamžių. Imigrantų vaikų stebėjimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad grupės aplinkoje bendraudami tiek su pedagogais, tiek su bendraamžiais imigrantų vaikai efektyviai naudoja neverbalinį bendravimą, kurio pagalba siekia išvengti nepatogumų ir įtampos, negalėdami apsikeisti žodine informacija. Tėvų nuomone, ypač svarbu yra vaiko protinių galių ugdymas, bendravimo įgūdžių tobulinimas, imigranto vaiko kultūrinių tradicijų ir gimtosios kalbos puoselėjimas. Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose svarbu analizuoti įvairių šalių patirtį daugiakalbių vaikų ugdyme ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuania joined the European Union, coming into the country more and more foreigners, such: Professionals (migrant workers), immigrants, refugees (received a permit for permanent residence in Lithuania) who have preschool - age children. Lithuania education system to enable these scildren, education, socialization and integration. The aim of disclose pre - school age children features Lithuania. Objectives of the study: 1) Analysis of integration migration situation in Lithuania statistical and educational aspects of the children of immigrants. 2) Disglosure of preschool education for children of immigrants Lithuania charagteristical. 3) Explore parent's views children's education preschool Lithuania. Methods: 1) Child observation; 2) Parent's written survey; 3) Interview with the child; 4) Description of the environmental group. Generalization. The study included 10 children of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Asia; 10 parents; 22 teachers and 150 children of peers. Immigrant children in the monitoring results revealed that the group environmen and communicate vith teachers and peers vith immigrant children to effectively use non-verbal communication, though which to seek to avoid the inconvenience and stress, beig able to exchange focus. Parents think it is particularty important child mental powers of education, communication skills of immigrant children's traditions and native language. Preschool education services are important to analyze the different experiences of... [to full text]

Toy Preference of Pre-School Children

Wattner, Pauline Miller 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine toy preference of pre-school-age children as a guide for parents and for homemaking students in the selection of toys.

The Feasibility And Validity Of Novel Dietary Assessment Methods In A Pre-School Setting

Eriksen, Harley 01 January 2016 (has links)
To properly evaluate initiatives targeting children's fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption, we need feasible and valid dietary assessment methods that are time, cost, and resource effective. The objectives of this study were to test the feasibility and validity of two methods, digital imaging (DI) and aggregate plate waste (APW), for assessing children's FV consumption. UVM dietary assessment team graduate students prepared and distributed FV snacks in two pre-school classrooms over 30 consecutive school days. Feasibility of APW was tested by recording the frequency and weight of waste sorting errors by pre-school children and performing paired t-tests comparing uncorrected and corrected FV waste. Feasibility was tested for DI by determining the total number of individual FV snacks from which FV consumption could be estimated using the digital images. Validity was tested for DI using paired t-tests to compare FV consumption as assessed by DI against actual consumption as assessed by weighed plate waste (WPW). A total of 159 cluster APW weights were recorded during the 20 days of APW collection, with an overall mean difference of 0.57 grams (p=0.440) between uncorrected and corrected FV waste. Researchers were able to capture 100-percent usable digital images, effectively displaying 214 individual FV snack servings over the 10-day DI study period. Percent agreement between the two digital image coders was 99.1-percent. DI estimations for individual FV item and cumulative consumption were strongly correlated with WPW (all above r=0.97). Overall FV consumption as estimated by DI differed from WPW by less than one gram, and DI estimations for individual FV items differed from WPW by no more than two grams. Paired t-tests revealed no significant difference between DI estimations of clementine (p=0.954) and peapod (p=0.806) consumption and WPW measurements. However, paired t-tests indicated statistically significant differences between DI and WPW measurements for overall (p=0.001), grape (p=0.031), carrot (p=0.008), and pepper (p=0.027) consumption. Both methods were feasible for assessing mean FV consumption. DI estimations for individual FV items and cumulative consumption were strongly correlated with WPW, suggesting that despite statistical significance between DI and WPW measurements in some cases, the DI method is still precise for mean FV consumption evaluation. APW may be especially advantageous for rapid and efficient evaluation of behavior change in response to interventions targeting children's FV consumption. Due to ease of administration and instantaneous results, the APW method reduces the need for trained research staff to be present, drastically increasing accessibility to group-level dietary assessment.

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