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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Product development:drivers, stakeholders, and customer representation during early development

Majava, J. (Jukka) 02 September 2014 (has links)
Abstract The importance of product development in companies has increased, as competition in many industries has turned global and product life cycles have become shorter. Despite the rich literature and the significance of product development in businesses, many organisations still struggle to develop products that meet market and customer needs. Furthermore, product development for a large number of international customers involves various stakeholders with conflicting needs. Thus, product development is increasingly complex to manage. This doctoral dissertation aims to improve the outcome of product development by clarifying the factors that initiate product development in companies, the relations of different external and internal stakeholders to these drivers, and how the needs of key stakeholders are obtained. The study focuses on the early product development phases of new product development (NPD) intensive companies that are based in Finland, but have major international operations and large customer bases. The research was carried out by collecting and analysing data from companies representing product development practices in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets. The experiences of managers across different industries are utilised. This dissertation adopts a qualitative research approach, and surveys and interviews are utilised as the main data collection methods. This dissertation shows that many significant drivers for product development exist in companies. In addition, these drivers differ significantly between projects, companies, and even individuals. Based on the results, companies should clarify their product development drivers and align them among the relevant stakeholders to enhance the decision-making and focus of product development efforts. The study also reveals the relations between different external and internal stakeholders and the product development drivers, and the key stakeholders for the individual drivers. The results indicate that companies should identify the most important stakeholders based on the project drivers and allocate managerial attention appropriately. As expected, the research findings support previous studies by identifying customers as the most important external stakeholders in product development. On the other hand, the significance of product management among internal stakeholders is highlighted in the results. This dissertation indicates that companies should enable product management to lead collaboration with stakeholders close to customers in product development projects. The role of product management involves leading customer definition, representation, and customer needs identification for R&D. However, product management must also collaborate with many customer-related stakeholders in product development efforts. The main implication of this dissertation is a new managerial framework that, if successfully implemented, can significantly enhance product development outcomes by providing appropriate focus on customers and reducing unnecessary complexities through the clarification of the project drivers, the key stakeholders, and customer needs. / Tiivistelmä Tuotekehityksen merkitys yrityksille on kasvanut globaalin kilpailun ja tuote-elinkaarien lyhentymisten myötä. Lukuisista tutkimuksista ja tuotekehitystoiminnan tärkeydestä liiketoiminnalle huolimatta useilla organisaatioilla on edelleen haasteita kehittää markkinoiden ja asiakkaiden tarpeita vastaavia tuotteita. Lisäksi tuotekehityksessä isolle, kansainväliselle, asiakaskunnalle on mukana useita erilaisia sidosryhmiä, joiden tarpeet ovat ristiriidassa keskenään. Tämän takia tuotekehityksen johtamisesta on tullut entistä monimutkaisempaa. Tämä väitöskirja pyrkii parantamaan tuotekehityksen tulosta selventämällä tekijät, jotka ovat syynä tuotekehityksen aloittamiseen yrityksissä, erilaisten ulkoisten ja sisäisten sidosryhmien suhteet näihin tuotekehitysajureihin sekä miten tärkeimpien sidosryhmien tarpeet selvitetään. Tutkimus keskittyy tuotekehityksen alkuvaiheisiin Suomessa toimivissa yrityksissä, joilla on voimakas panostus tuotekehitykseen ja lisäksi merkittävää kansainvälistä toimintaa sekä suuri määrä asiakkaita. Tutkimus tehtiin keräämällä ja analysoimalla tietoa yritysten tuotekehityskäytännöistä sekä tuotantohyödykemarkkinoilla että kuluttajamarkkinoilla. Tietoa kerättiin myös eri teollisuudenaloilta. Tämä väitöskirja perustuu laadulliseen tutkimukseen ja tutkimusaineiston keräämisessä on hyödynnetty kyselytutkimuksia sekä haastatteluita. Tämä väitöskirja osoittaa, että yritysten tuotekehitykseen löytyy useita merkittäviä ajureita. Tämän lisäksi nämä ajurit eroavat merkittävästi projektien, yritysten ja jopa yksittäisten henkilöiden välillä. Tulosten perusteella yritysten pitäisi selvittää, mitkä ajurit ovat niiden liiketoiminnan kannalta olennaisimpia ja tarkentaa niitä tuotekehityksen päätöksenteon ja painopisteen parantamiseksi. Tutkimus paljastaa myös ulkoisten ja sisäisten sidosryhmien suhteet tuotekehitysajureihin sekä tärkeimmät sidosryhmät yksittäisille ajureille. Tulokset osoittavat, että yritysten pitäisi tunnistaa tärkeimmät sidosryhmät projektien ajureiden perusteella ja ottaa ajurit huomioon sidosryhmäjohtamisessa. Tutkimuksen löydökset tukevat aikaisempia tutkimuksia osoittaen asiakkaiden olevan tärkein ulkoinen sidosryhmä tuotekehityksessä, kun taas sisäisistä sidosryhmistä nousee esille tuotehallinta. Tämä väitöskirja osoittaa, että yritysten tuotekehitysprojekteissa tuotehallinnan tulisi johtaa asiakkaita lähellä oleviin sidosryhmiin liittyvää sidosryhmäyhteistyötä. Tuotehallinnan tehtäviin kuuluu asiakkaan määrittely, edustus ja asiakastarpeiden tunnistaminen. Tuotehallinnan pitää myös tehdä yhteistyötä useiden asiakkaisiin liittyvien sidosryhmien kanssa tuotekehityksen aikana. Tämä väitöskirja tarjoaa uuden johtamisen viitekehityksen, joka oikein toteutettuna voi parantaa merkittävästi tuotekehityksen lopputulosta. Projektin ajurien, tärkeimpien sidosryhmien ja asiakastarpeiden selventäminen varmistaa oikeanlaisen keskittymisen asiakkaisiin ja vähentää tarpeettomia monimutkaisuuksia tuotekehityksessä.

Selecting Appropriate Product Concepts for Manufacture in Developing Countries

Johnson, Danielle 22 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
There is a noticeable lack of production of indigenously engineered and manufactured products in Less Developed Countries (LDC's). Few products developed in these LDC's could be viable in competitive markets or even sold as components and supplies to other manufacturers of competitive goods. Assumintg that these less developed countries do not innovate and manufacture because they cannot, the next logical question to ask is why can they not? This thesis looks at the problems of manufacture and design in LDC's from the standpoint of Product Development. It begins by looking at development theories, namely top down and bottom up and assessing the difficulties encountered with either approach. It then looks at literature on product development, covering four areas: appropriate technolotgy, Product Development Cycle, QFD, and finally Design for X. These areas are analyzed for their usefulness in solving the development problem. The environment is considered and a linkage is developed between the Product Development Cycle and the environment. This is found to happen by way of Enterprise Needs which are needs that a product must fulfill to make it a viable option for manufacture. Finally, a process is outlined and demonstrated to form Enterprise Needs and take them into account within a traditional concept selection process. Environment was found to play a part in the Product Development Cycle. By clarifying Enterprise Needs as well as Customer Needs or Functional Needs, a more balanced approach can be taken to the concept selection process choosing the best concept, not only for the customer, but for the company as well.

Generativ design inom produktutveckling : En studie om datorstödd konstruktion och dess inverkan på ingenjörens roll i designprocessen / Generative design in product development : A study of computer-aided design and its impact on the role of the engineer in the design process

Andersson, Gustaf, Remanius, Julian January 2022 (has links)
Produktutvecklingen speglar samhällets teknologiska framfart och utveckling, med ständigt ökande krav på kortare ledtider, mer högteknologiska och avancerade produkter samt en högre grad av pålitlighet hos produkten. Det innebär att de processer och verktyg som styr och ligger till grund för den moderna produktutvecklingen konstant måste förnyas och förbättras för att kunna möta de ökande kraven från såväl konsumenter som företag. Det finns många olika digitala verktyg som används inom produktutveckling idag och det som tidigare endast varit ett valbart komplement är idag en nödvändighet för att kunna utveckla och tillverka de komplexa produkter och komponenter som efterfrågas. Generativ design är ett av dessa verktyg som innefattar en rad olika datorstödda verktyg som CAD, CAE, FEM och CFD. Syftet med studien är att undersöka möjligheter och utmaningar med generativ design samt hur det påverkar produktutvecklingsarbeten och ingenjörens roll i designprocessen. De aspekter som har tagits hänsyn till är projekttid, effektivitet och slutresultat. Studien har utförts genom en inledande litteraturstudie följt av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförda med två svenska företag med internationell anknytning. Studien visar att företagen går mot att implementera fler digitala verktyg och förändra sina produktutvecklingsprocesser med avseende på detta. Även då många möjligheter och fördelar förekommer vid implementering av avancerade program som kan bidra till framtagningen och utvecklingen av mer komplexa produkter så finns det utmaningar som måste tas hänsyn till. Kommunikationen mellan de olika grupperna inom utvecklingsprocessen och inte minst kompatibiliteten hos de program som används är avgörande. Slutligen visar studien på en indikation att ingenjörens roll kommer att genomgå en förändring de närmsta åren, i takt med att datorstödda verktyg blir mer avancerade och kan ta över stora delar av arbetsprocesserna. / Product development reflects society's technological progress and development, with ever-increasing demands for shorter lead times, more high-tech and advanced products and a higher degree of reliability of the product. This means that the processes and tools that are controlled and form the basis for modern product development must be constantly renewed and improved in order to meet the increased demands from both consumers and companies. There are many different digital tools used in product development and what was previously an optional complement is today a necessity for developing and manufacturing the complex products and components that are in demand. Generative design is one of these tools that includes a variety of computer-aided tools such as CAD, CAE, FEM and CFD. The purpose of this study is to investigate opportunities and challenges with generative design and how it affects product development and the role of the engineer in the design process. The aspects that have been considered are project time, project efficiency and end results. The study was conducted through an initial literature study followed by four semi-structured interviews conducted with two Swedish companies with international connections. The study shows that the companies are moving towards implementing more digital tools and changing their product development processes with regard to this. Even though there are many advantages and opportunities in implementing advanced programs that can contribute to the production and development of more complex products, there are challenges that must be considered. The communication between the different groups in the development process and not least the compatibility of the programs used is crucial. Finally, the study shows an indication that the role of the engineer will undergo a change in the next few years, as computer-aided tools become more advanced and can take over large parts of the work processes.

Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2024: Menschen, Technik und Methoden in Produktentwicklung und Design

Paetzold-Byhain, Kristin, Augsten, Andrea, Krzywinski, Jens 26 June 2024 (has links)
Die Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben adressiert aktuelle Fragestellungen, Innovationen und Herausforderungen in Produktentwicklung und Design. Die Themen virtuelle Entwicklung und menschzentriertes Design bilden die Klammer, um aktuelle Forschung aus verschiedenen Wissenschaftsbereichen und relevante Fallstudien unterschiedlicher Branchen vor dem Hintergrund des technologischen und nachhaltigen Wandels zu reflektieren. Ziel ist es, Ihnen einen inspirierenden Blick über die eigene Praxis hinaus zu bieten und damit vielfältige Impulse zu geben. Ein besseres Verständnis der menschlichen Arbeitsweise, Potenziale der Digitalisierung und Anforderungen des nachhaltigen Wandels eröffnen neue Perspektiven in Produktentwicklung und Design. Neue Ansätze, Methoden, Werkzeuge und Lösungen adressieren beispielsweise das Handeln in Entwicklungsteams, die Kooperation mit lernenden Algorithmen, die Komplexität von Produkt-Service-Systemen und cyber-physischen Systemen oder systematische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen in Entwicklungsprozessen. Forschende und Praktizierende aus Wissenschaft und Industrie präsentieren ihre Arbeit, Ihre Positionen und Ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu den Herausforderungen der Produktentwicklung.:POTENTIALE DER PERSONA-METHODE IM KONTEXT DER NACHHALTIGEN PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG Björn Kokoschko, Laura Augustin, Michael Schabacker, Ramona Träger & Christiane Beyer 1 USER-CENTERED DATA PROVISION FOR CLIMATE-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT Stephan Arndt, Frauke Hänel, Maria Dos Santos & Bernd Zimmermann 15 SUSTAINABILITY ATTITUDES AND WILLINGNESS TO BUY ECO-FRIENDLY PCRPRODUCTS: THE EXAMPLE OF LIGHT SWITCHES Nikolas Neumann, Aline Mangold & Julia Schneider 23 VERORTUNG VON PRODUKTPROFILEN IM ZUKÜNFTIGEN UMFELD DURCH ABGLEICH VON SZENARIEN Carsten Thümmel, Domonkos Kiss, Stefan Schwarz, Andreas Siebe & Albert Albers 36 WISSENSBASIERTES UND KOLLABORATIVES SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MECHATRONISCHER PRODUKTE Stephan Husung, Faizan Faheem & Zirui Li 46 ERWEITERUNG EINES ONTOLOGIE-BASIERTEN PRODUKTKONFIGURATIONSMODELLS MIT GENERALISIERTER MICROSERVICE ARCHITEKTUR FÜR DIE ENTWICKLUNG IN EINEM PRODUKTIONSDATENRAUM Erik Konietzko 59 MBSE–GESTÜTZTE BEWERTUNG VON TECHNISCHEN ÄNDERUNGSAUSWIRKUNGEN IM MODELL DER SGE – SYSTEMGENERATIONSENTWICKLUNG Alex Martin, Jannis Lützelschwab, Vanessa Michelle Clermont, Albert Albers 71 DESIGN DRAWING PARAMETERS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE EVALUATION OF DESIGN PROPOSALS Frank Mühlbauer, Julia Schneider, Jens Krzywinski & Christian Wölfel 84 ENTWICKLUNG EINES METHODENKARTENSETS ZUR STEIGERUNG DER MULTIMODALITÄT VON BEDIENKONZEPTEN Julius Röhlig, Sebastian Lorenz 99 MULTIFUNKTIONALER JOYSTICK FÜR EINEN RADLADER Lukas Fuchs, Marcel Racs & Thomas Maier 111 ADAPTIVE BEDIENSYSTEME IM ACKERSCHLEPPER Timo Schempp, Björn-Gerrit Hülle, Marcel Racs 123 DESIGN FOR ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING – APPLICATION SYSTEM BASED ON DESIGN METHODOLOGY IN INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS Florian Günther & Alexander Koch 134 ASSESSMENT SCHEME FOR PRODUCT AND PRODUCTION FLEXIBILITY – AN INDUSTRIAL CASE STUDY Julia Beibl & Dieter Krause 147 STRATEGIEN UND METHODEN DES ROBUST DESIGNS FÜR DEN EINSATZ IN FRÜHEN PHASEN DER PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG Torsten Brix & Stephan Husung 157 ANWENDUNG VON ALLGEMEINTOLERANZEN IM ISO GPS-NORMENSYSTEM – ASPEKTE DER NORMUNG Wolfgang Steger, Thorsten Engelke, Christian Lipp, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Peter Robl & Bernhard Wegner 172 A THEORETICAL APPROACH TO DESIGN COMMUNICATION IN MIXED TRAFFIC Lars Gadermann, Daniel Holder & Thomas Maier 183 KONZEPTION EINES DIGITALEN ZWILLINGS FÜR DIE PRODUKTENTSTEHUNG IN DER LUFTFAHRTINDUSTRIE Jörg Brünnhäußer, Thomas Zimmermann, Terence Larusch, Renaud Kenfack, Christoph Jurczok, Jacob Böhnke, Pascal Lünnemann, Kai Lindow 196 CLOSING THE LOOP – INTEGRATING PROCESSES AND OPERATIONAL DIGITAL TWIN DATA INTO THE DIGITAL THREAD GRAPH Nico Kasper, Michael Pfenning, Martin Eigner 206 ENTSCHEIDUNGSFRAMEWORK ZUR AUSWAHL VON WIEDERHOLKOMPONENTEN IM ANLAGENBAU Lorenz Krüger, Bernhard Saske & Kristin Paetzold-Byhain 218 ERSTELLUNG EINES EINHEITLICHEN VERSTÄNDNISSES RICHTIGER PROTOTYPEN ZUR BEFÄHIGUNG VON ENTWICKELNDEN Stefan Eric Schwarz, Raphael Grau, Rebecca Schaffrath, Tobias Düser, Albert Albers 231 KOLLABORATION IN KOMPLEXEN SYSTEMEN Gerhard Glatzel, Maike Gebker, Marius Land, Stefanie Ollenburg, Samuel Zonon 245 LESEZEIT: 14 MINUTEN – DIE GESTALTUNGSPARAMETER VON ZEIT UND IHRE WIRKUNG AUF DIGITALE PRODUKT- UND SERVICE-INTERAKTIONEN Philipp Schütz & Oliver Gerstheimer 259 TOWARDS HUMAN-DRIVEN DESIGN OF TECHNOLOGY: REFLECTING ON THREE USE CASES Tina Bobbe, Sebastian Lorenz, Emese Papp, Lisa-Marie Lüneburg, Nikolas Neumann, Helge Wanta, Jens Krzywinski 279 INNOVATION DURCH KI-DIALOG – LIVING PERSONAS & DIGITAL CUSTOMER TWINS Gerstheimer, Oliver; Schütz, Philipp; Trebbin, Stefan; Rauchfuß, Frank; Holtel, Stefan 295 MIT PARTIZIPATION WIRKUNGSVOLL GESTALTEN – IDENTIFIKATION REALER BEDARFE UNTER EINBINDUNG VIELFÄLTIGER PERSPEKTIVEN Jennifer Schubert & Sophie Knittel 311 LEHRWUNDER: MR-ANWENDUNGEN FÜR DEN UNTERRICHT Ingmar S. Franke, Paulina Groschopp, Christian Steinmann 323 BERÜCKSICHTIGUNG DER PHYSIOLOGIE UND EINSTELLUNG VON NUTZERN MITTELS INTEGRATION EXTERNER EINFLUSSFAKTOREN IN AFFECTIVE ENGINEERING METHODEN Judith van Remmen, Jörg Miehling, Sandro Wartzack 336 KIEFERSYMMETRIE NACH PRIMÄREM SPALTVERSCHLUSS – ZWEI VERSCHIEDENE AUSWERTUNGSMETHODEN Michaela Buckova, Christiane Keil, Stefan Holtzhausen, Philipp Sembdner, Winnie Pradel, Franz Tritschel, Milan Drahos, Günter Lauer 346 ROUTINEN ZUM ENTWURF PATIENTENINDIVIDUELLER SCHABLONEN ZUR OPTIMALEN EINPASSUNG VON AUTOLOGEN KNOCHENAUGMENTATEN IN KIEFERSPALTEN Tom Alexander Schröder, Philipp Sembdner, Erik Selbmann, Uwe Teicher, Günter Lauer & Anas Ben Achour 357 INTERAKTION MIT LERNENDEN ALGORITHMEN ZUR UNTERSTÜTZUNG FERTIGUNGSGERECHTER BAUTEILKONSTRUKTION Sebastian Langula, Martin Erler, Christiane Kunath, Julia Schneider, Christian Wölfel, Michael Königs & Alexander Brosius 368 KEY CONCEPTS, POTENTIALS AND OBSTACLES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Maximilian Kretzschmar, Maximilian Peter Dammann, Sebastian Schwoch, Elias Berger, Bernhard Saske & Kristin Paetzold-Byhain 381 KI-BILDGENERATOREN IM HANDWERK – ENTWICKLUNG NEUER KOMMUNIKATIONSUND ENTWURFSPROZESSE IN DER PRAXIS Anne Goldammer 394 SEMANTISCHES VR-MODELL FÜR DIE QUALIFIKATION DES BEDIENPERSONALS VON VERARBEITUNGSMASCHINEN Paul Weber, Lukas Oehm 406 BEGREIFEN. MENSCHENZENTRIERTE GESTALTUNG INTERAKTIVER WISSENSCHAFTSEXPONATE Diana Simon, Jacob Richter & Ramona Wahl 419

Utveckling och tillämpning av miljödokumentation som verktyg för produktutveckling : En fallstudie på förvaringsserien Space från Thule Möbler AB

Plahn, Maria, Olsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Thule Möbler AB in Kungsör, Sweden, is a retailer and manufacturer of furniture and fixtures for offices. They have previously worked with a general environmental declaration which describes the company’s overall environmental work, but they see a need for declaring the environmental performance of specific products. It is seen as an advantage if the environmental declaration can be used in product development to integrate consideration for environmental issues in the development process as well. The company also wish to develop and improve an existing series for office-storage, called Space. The work conducted in this paper is based on a product development process combined with a general research process which consists of a pre-study that describes the work of developing an environmental declaration and a case-study that includes the testing of the environmental declaration in the development of the office-storage Space. The methods used for developing the environmental declaration are literature reviews on standards for environmental declaration, scientific papers on the subject, environmental declarations from other companies and literature concerning productdevelopment tools and their structure. The use of the environmental declaration as product-information is tested and evaluated by trials on the intended user while the use of the environmental declaration as a product development tool is tested through the case-study. The case-study is based on a product development process that includes different product development tools, user-studies and analysis of the market. The user-studies and market-analysis are conducted as observation, questionnaires,interviews and a small literature review. The result is described both for the pre-study with the design of the environmental declaration and the case-study with the outcome of the product development. The environmental declaration consists of three documents, one template to be filled, one instruction for filling out the template, one spreadsheet containing the data to fill in and one example of a filled in declaration. The product consists of modules in the size 800x400x400mm that are connected by connection-brackets. The modules can be fitted with doors and handles, shelves and partitions, base and attachments for small-storage. The modules can be placed in six different ways in relation to each other and can be rearranged when needed. They can also be places free-standing or against a wall. The result of the case-study shows that the environmental declaration can be used as a tool for product development concerning evaluation and selection. The try-outs that are conducted indicates that the environmental declaration also is suitable for use as product-information. It is however important that the environmental declaration is continuously updated to ensure the data is correct, it should also be expanded to include other products. The developed product should be tested for strength and stability in accordance with Swedish standards. / Företaget Thule Möbler AB i Kungsör tillverkar och säljer möbler och inredning för kontor. De har sedan tidigare arbetat med en generell miljödeklaration som beskriver företagets övergripande miljöarbete men ser ett behov av att även redovisa miljörelaterade egenskaper för enskilda produkter. Det är en fördel om miljödeklarationen kan användas vid produktutveckling för att integrera miljöfrågor även under utvecklingsprocessen. Företaget vill dessutom utveckla en befintlig möbelserie, förvaringsserien Space. Arbetet baseras på en produktutvecklingsprocess kombinerad med en forskningsprocess bestående av en förstudie där miljödeklarationen tas fram efterföljt av en fallstudie där deklarationen testas under utvecklingen av förvaringsserien Space. Miljödeklarationen tas fram med hjälp av litteraturstudier innehållande standarder för miljödeklarationer, vetenskapliga artiklar i ämnet, befintliga miljödeklarationer från andra företag samt litteratur kring produktutvecklingsverktyg och dess uppbyggnad. Användandet av miljödeklarationen som produktinformation testas och utvärderas genom utprovning av användare medan deklarationen som produktutvecklingsverktyg testas i fallstudien. Fallstudien baseras på en produktutvecklingsprocess där olika produktutvecklingsverktyg, användarstudier och marknadsanalyser används. Användarstudier och marknadsanalys genomförs med hjälp av observationer, enkäter, intervjuer samt en mindre litteraturstudie. Resultatet redovisas både för förstudien där miljödeklarationens utformning beskrivs samt för fallstudien där resultatet av produktutvecklingen beskrivs. Miljödeklarationen består av fyra dokument, en mall för ifyllande av deklaration, en instruktion för ifyllande av deklaration, underlag för ifyllande av deklaration samt ett exempel på en ifylld deklaration. Den utvecklade produkten består av moduler i storleken 800x400x400mm som kopplas samman med hjälp av kopplingsbeslag. Till modulerna finns dörrar och handtag, hyllor och avdelare, sockel samt tillbehör för småförvaring. Modulerna kan placeras i sex olika lägen i förhållande till varandra samt möbleras om vid behov. De kan även placeras både fristående samt mot vägg. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att miljödeklarationen med fördel kan användas som produktutvecklingsverktyg för utvärdering och urval. De utprovningar som genomförs tyder även på att miljödeklarationen är lämplig att använda som produktinformation. Miljödeklarationen bör dock uppdateras kontinuerligt för att säkerställa informationens riktighet, den bör även utökas för att kunna tillämpas på fler produkter. Den framtagna möbeln bör testas gällande hållfasthet och stabilitet enligt Svensk standard.

Produktutvecklingsprocessen och integreringen av olika funktioner : En fallstudie vid ett större tillverkande företag

Norlund, Gustaf, Martinussen, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Today's competitive and changing market, places high demands on companies ability to develop new products and is considered crucial for their survival. 40% of all new products are estimated to fail at launch and only one out of 7-10 products have a successful sale. The product development process includes all different activities that gradually transform a product, from idea to launch. Therefore, one of the biggest challenges in the product development process is to control these functions and integrate them with each other. Through integrated product development, collaboration between different functions can be improved and they can be involved at an earlier stage in the process. The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of a more integrated work between the different functions in the product development process at a major manufacturing company. This work has been performed through a case study at a larger manufacturing company that has a complex product development process with many activities and several functions involved. To collect the empirical material, qualitative data collection methods in the form of semi-structured interviews and document collection have been used. The empirical material together with previous research in the subject has formed the study's analysis and discussion. Furthermore, the conclusion was based on the result of the discussion and analysis. The study's empirical evidence shows that the functions of the case company are in various degrees involved in the product development process and that some functions are given priority. This lead, among other things, to delayed projects, not fully utilized competence and a lack of holistic view. Furthermore, the different functions within the company have a lack of understanding of each other's work. The company needs to improve communication internally since handover in the product development process often fails. Mail has become a major part of the communication and collocation has improved the function's interaction. The company wants to standardize the activities in the product development process to create a more uniform way of working in the organization. The results of this study indicate that integrated work between the functions has a positive effect on the product development process. However, there are factors that make the integrated work more difficult. By working more integrated within the process, this study suggests that the holistic approach for functions would be improved, priorities would be better and that understanding of others' work would increase. Furthermore, a more integrated way of working would help to minimize time from idea to launch. / Dagens konkurrenskraftiga och föränderliga marknad ställer höga krav på företags förmåga att ta fram nya produkter och det anses vara avgörande för deras överlevnad. Vid lansering uppskattas 40 % av alla nya produkter misslyckas och endast en av 7-10 produkter får en framgångsrik försäljning (Cooper, 2019). Produktutvecklingsprocessen innefattar alla de olika aktiviteter som stegvis omvandlar en produkt, från idé till lansering. En utmaning som större tillverkande företag står inför är att styra och integrera involverade funktioner med varandra i produktutvecklingen. Genom att arbeta med integrerad produktutveckling kan samverkan mellan funktioner förbättras och funktioner kan involveras i ett tidigare skede i produktutvecklingsprocessen. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka betydelsen av ett mer integrerat arbete mellan ett större tillverkande företags funktioner i produktutvecklingsprocessen. Det här arbetet har utförts genom en fallstudie på ett större tillverkande företag som har en komplex produktutvecklingsprocess med många aktiviteter och flera funktioner. För att samla in det empiriska materialet har kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokumentinsamling använts. Fortsatt har det empiriska materialet tillsammans med tidigare forskning inom ämnet bildat studiens analys och diskussion. Vidare togs slutsatsen fram efter avslutad diskussion och analys. I studiens empiri framgår det att fallföretagets funktioner är olika mycket involverade i produktutvecklingsprocessen och att en del funktioner nedprioriteras. Detta leder bland annat till försenade projekt, att kompetens inte tas tillvara och att helhetssynen blir sämre. Vidare har personer från fallföretagets olika funktioner en bristande förståelse för varandras arbete. Företaget behöver bli bättre på att kommunicera internt eftersom överlämningarna i produktutvecklingsprocessen ofta brister. Mail har försvårat den interna kommunikationen medan samlokalisering har förbättrat funktionernas samverkan. Fortsatt vill företaget standardisera aktiviteterna i produktutvecklingsprocessen för att skapa mer enhetlighet i organisationen. Den här studiens resultat påvisar att ett mer integrerat arbete mellan funktionerna har en positiv effekt för arbetet inom produktutvecklingen. Däremot finns det faktorer som försvårar det integrerade arbetet. Genom att arbeta mer integrerat inom processen tyder den här studien på att helhetssynen för funktioner skulle förbättras, prioriteringar skulle bli bättre samt att förståelsen för andras arbeten skulle öka. Ett mer integrerat arbete skulle även kunna minimera fallföretags tid från idé till lansering.

En jämförande studie av två metoder för produktutveckling : För tillverkande företag inom metallindustrin / A comparative study of two methods for product development : For manufacturing companies in the metal industry

Johansson, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Det blir allt viktigare för dagens företag att diversifiera sig från konkurrenter och påvisa en god förmåga att tillfredsställa kundernas krav och önskemål. Detta kräver en hög intern effektivitet och en väl strukturerad organisation. Studiens syfte är uppbyggt utifrån detta och analyserar redan befintlig litteratur inom området produktutveckling för att visa på möjligheterna till en effektiv produktutvecklingsmetodik inom tillverkande företag i metallindustrin.  Den insamlade teorin utgör grunden för denna litteraturstudie som presenterar två olika strategier för att angripa ett produktutvecklingsprojekt. Strategierna som presenteras är PBE och SBCE, vilka båda är verksamma inom tillverkningsindustrin idag. Den stora skillnaden strategierna emellan är beslutsfattningen kring de genererade koncepten. PBE innefattar ett tidigt konceptval som sedan utvecklas via ett antal iterationer tills det att utvecklingsprojektets kravspecifikation är uppfylld. Inom SBCE utvecklas flera koncept parallellt med ambitionen att erhålla ny viktig kunskap samtidigt som koncepten optimeras innan ett slutgiltigt beslut fattas. Att etablera någon typ av strategi erbjuder verksamheten ett sätt att arbeta systematiskt och rationellt. Detta medför en medvetenhet i problemlösningen och att det slutgiltiga resultatet påverkas positivt. Vidare visar analysen av den ackumulerade teorin att flexibiliteten är viktig ur ett marknadsperspektiv samt att hanteringen av det mänskliga kapitalet är väsentligt för dagens företag, något som blir möjligt genom SBCE. SBCE är den mest effektiva strategin sett ur ett ledtidsperspektiv när graden av iteration är hög. Strategin tillgodoser också verksamhetens behov av flexibilitet samt hantering och utveckling av det mänskliga kapitalet, vilket gör den till det bästa sättet att angripa ett utvecklingsprojekt. / It is becoming increasingly important for today's companies to diversify themselves from competitors and demonstrate a good ability to satisfy customer requirements and requests. This requires high internal efficiency and a well-structured organization. The purpose of the study is based on this and analyzes already existing literature in the field of product development to demonstrate the possibilities for an effective product development methodology in manufacturing companies in the metal industry. The accumulated theory forms the foundation for this literature study, which presents two different strategies for lighting into a product development project. The strategies presented are PBE and SBCE, both of which are active in the manufacturing industry today. The big difference between the strategies is the decision-making around the generated concepts. PBE includes an early conceptual choice which then is developed through a number of iterations until requirements and requests in the specification sheet, for the specific development project, is met. Within SBCE, several concepts are developed simultaneously with the ambition to acquire new, important knowledge while optimizing the concepts before making a final decision. Establishing some kind of strategy offers the business a way to work systematically and rationally. This brings awareness to the problem solving and that the final result is positively affected. Furthermore, the analysis of the accumulated theory shows that a company’s flexibility is important from a market perspective and that the management of human capital is essential to today's business, which is possible through SBCE. SBCE is the most effective strategy seen from a lead time perspective when the rate of iteration is high. The strategy also meets the needs for flexibility in the organization, as well as the management and development of human capital, making it the best way to light into a development project.

Análise do risco e da flexibilidade do processo de desenvolvimento de produto colaborativo de uma empresa estendida / Risk and flexibility analysis in an integrated product development process within an extended enterprise

Marques, Luis Fernando Moraes 18 October 2002 (has links)
A adoção de estratégias de cooperação tem se tornado uma prática comum das empresas a fim de distribuir esforços de seus processos de negócios. Dentre eles está o processo de desenvolvimento de produto que é um dos principais focos de vários tipos de cooperação, pois a realização de seu sucesso garante a permanência mais segura da empresa e de seus potenciais parceiros no atual ambiente de elevada competição. Existem características multidimensionais desses tipos de cooperação que provocam efeitos sobre o desempenho do processo de desenvolvimento de produto, podendo alterar de modo significativo a chance de sucesso do empreendimento. Deste aspecto observado, surgiu o objetivo de pesquisa deste trabalho, que consiste de analisar os efeitos da flexibilidade organizacional e do risco sobre métricas de desempenho do processo de desenvolvimento de produto colaborativo em empresa estendida. Para isso, foi estudado um caso prático de empresa estendida, onde o foco principal é o desenvolvimento de produto colaborativo, cujo efeito da flexibilidade e do risco foi analisado. A pesquisa também foi auxiliada por uma revisão bibliográfica pertinente aos temas principais. / In order to share businesses processes efforts severaI types of strategic co-operation has been adopted by many enterprises. Among all the businesses processes product development process has increased in importance for strategic co-operation field study because nowadays the maintenance of a steady competitive business scenario is needed. As strategic co-operation formation\'s components some multidimensional characteristics might reduce odds of a succeeded new product if a side effect is not correctly monitored and causes some kind of loss in process performance. So based on such correlation this research analyses potential deviations caused by risk and organizational flexibility in the product development process\' performance within an extended enterprise. To fulfill the main objective a field study was developed together with a thorough literature review.

Análise do risco e da flexibilidade do processo de desenvolvimento de produto colaborativo de uma empresa estendida / Risk and flexibility analysis in an integrated product development process within an extended enterprise

Luis Fernando Moraes Marques 18 October 2002 (has links)
A adoção de estratégias de cooperação tem se tornado uma prática comum das empresas a fim de distribuir esforços de seus processos de negócios. Dentre eles está o processo de desenvolvimento de produto que é um dos principais focos de vários tipos de cooperação, pois a realização de seu sucesso garante a permanência mais segura da empresa e de seus potenciais parceiros no atual ambiente de elevada competição. Existem características multidimensionais desses tipos de cooperação que provocam efeitos sobre o desempenho do processo de desenvolvimento de produto, podendo alterar de modo significativo a chance de sucesso do empreendimento. Deste aspecto observado, surgiu o objetivo de pesquisa deste trabalho, que consiste de analisar os efeitos da flexibilidade organizacional e do risco sobre métricas de desempenho do processo de desenvolvimento de produto colaborativo em empresa estendida. Para isso, foi estudado um caso prático de empresa estendida, onde o foco principal é o desenvolvimento de produto colaborativo, cujo efeito da flexibilidade e do risco foi analisado. A pesquisa também foi auxiliada por uma revisão bibliográfica pertinente aos temas principais. / In order to share businesses processes efforts severaI types of strategic co-operation has been adopted by many enterprises. Among all the businesses processes product development process has increased in importance for strategic co-operation field study because nowadays the maintenance of a steady competitive business scenario is needed. As strategic co-operation formation\'s components some multidimensional characteristics might reduce odds of a succeeded new product if a side effect is not correctly monitored and causes some kind of loss in process performance. So based on such correlation this research analyses potential deviations caused by risk and organizational flexibility in the product development process\' performance within an extended enterprise. To fulfill the main objective a field study was developed together with a thorough literature review.

From Japan to Sweden; Lean Product Development System in Cultural Contexts

Preechachanchai, Oraphin, Wangwacharakul, Promporn January 2011 (has links)
Irresistibly, Lean has been well-known among manufacturers around the world for quite sometimes due to Toyota success story of Toyota Production System (TPS) or so-called Lean manufacturing. Now that many organizations are going toward the concept of Lean enterprise, this thesis tries to study about Lean Product Development System (LPDS) which is a part it. Owing to the fact that LPDS is a socio-technical system originated from Japanese cultural background, to understand and should how LPDS is adopted in Swedish organizations become our main purpose. The thesis consists of three research questions- i.e. 1) what are pros and cons of LPDS, 2) what is Swedish style LPDS and how does it compare to the original Japanese one, and 3) should Swedish companies transform LPDS into their organizations; if yes, how. This study adopts a cultural framework to analyze and compare the Swedish LPDS and the Japanese one. The thesis can be separated into three main theoretical parts- i.e. LPDS, cultures, and change management. Two managers from two companies, one LPDS consultant, and one PhD student were interviewed for empirical data. Regarding to the first research question, both primary (interview) and secondary data are used; in order to analyze advantages and weaknesses of LPDS. Then, based on a literature review and empirical findings, Swedish LPDS principles were concluded and compared to the Japanese ones according to the second research question. Lastly, Swedish cultures, creativity perspective, and change management theories were deployed to provide managerial guidelines on how Swedes interpret and adopt LPDS in their organizations.   Accordingly, there are several pros and cons of LPDS (e.g. systematic decision making enhancement, transparency of information sharing, dynamic organizational learning) and they occur along the process of LPDS transformation into organizations. For cons, conclusion as of now is that most of LPDS weaknesses come from the method level, in which no one really knows what the real "Lean" is and leads to misinterpretation of principles. Owing to the fact that LPDS is a socio-technical system, it requires firms to adapt their strategies and cultures before adopting LPDS principles. Hence, LPDS needs to be interpreted and put into use case by case, depending on organizational characteristics. There are 14 principles of Swedish LPDS as concluded in this study. They are both similar and different from the Japanese original ones. The basic principles of LPDS, which are standardization, supplier involvement, continuous improvement, and visualization, are employed explicitly in both Japanese and Swedish LPDS. Moreover, both apply set-based concurrent engineering, front-loading, leveled product development process, and cross-functional team in NPD projects in their LPDS practices. The main differences are that Swedish LPDS focuses more on enhancing creativity than those of Japanese. Moreover, leadership style differs due to different cultural background. Besides, some other minor differences are also pointed out in this report. This leads to an answer to the last research question. Swedes should adopt LPDS in incremental manners to develop their organizations into the direction lead by LPDS, while preserving the creativity which is beneficial to product development processes. Finally, some guidelines of LPDS interpretation and adoption are also suggested based on change management theories and Swedish cultures.

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