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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psicologia da pobreza e pobreza da psicologia: um estudo sobre o trabalho de psicólogas(os) na política pública de assistência social / Psychology of poverty and poverty of psychology: a study about psychologists professional practices in social assistance public policy

Lima, Vinicius Cesca de 24 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinicius Cesca de Lima.pdf: 3357123 bytes, checksum: 53645ff8a8f6ee512867685bf1f82f93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study analizes some connections between psychologist profession, social assistance policy (and, within this, specifically poverty combat) and the economical development pattern, from two questions: [1] how is produced the subjective dimension of this professional field and how this dimension determines it or, in other words, how are produced the repertories of meanings which guides, justifies and legitimizes it; [2] how these practices can concretely contribute towards the intended changes. For this, the study is based on three complementary analytical efforts. Firstly, in order to apprehend the relationship between causality and teleology in praxis, we discuss, on historical-dialectical materialism, the ontological foundation of social being. Secondly, we discuss the social and historical bases of poverty in capitalist mode of production, analyzing how poverty became politically represented as a public issue to be addressed by social policies and how these are tensioned contemporarily by the structural crisis of capital. Special attention was given to define these issues in Brazilian contemporary reality, relating social policies to "neodevelopmentalist" economy. It's also discussed the conceptions of poverty and its combat as ideological productions in subjective dimension of reality. Thirdly, we analyze the professional practices of psychologists in this institutional context, based on research involving participative observation in a Reference Center for Social Assistance and analysis of multiple documentary sources. The study revealed some of many theorical and practical challenges for psychologists in social assistance, specially the need to overcome subjectivism and politicism in professional concepts and practices that assume a professional project that aims political emancipation, but is often limited to a more abstract "subjective emancipation", reducing itself, in worst case, to adaptationist reproduction of everyday or, at the best of them, to tragic expression of an ethical intentionality with no material condictions to accomplish / A dissertação analisa algumas conexões entre as trajetórias da profissão de psicóloga(o), da política de assistência social (e, no interior desta, das ações de enfrentamento da pobreza) e do modelo de desenvolvimento econômico em curso no país, a partir de duas questões: [1] como se produz a dimensão subjetiva deste campo profissional e como esta o determina, ou seja, como se produz o campo de significados que o orienta, justifica e legitima; [2] como as intervenções realizadas no âmbito da política de assistência social podem concretamente contribuir na direção das transformações intencionadas. Para isso, a dissertação se sustenta em três esforços analíticos complementares. Em um primeiro momento, visando apreender a relação entre teleologia e causalidade na práxis, abordamos, a partir do materialismo historico-dialético, a fundamentação ontológica do ser social. Em um segundo caminho, discutimos as bases histórico-sociais do fenômeno da pobreza no modo de produção capitalista, abordando como a pobreza passou a ser representada politicamente como problema público a ser enfrentado através de políticas sociais e como estas são tensionadas contemporaneamente pela crise estrutural do capital. Especial atenção foi dada à delimitação destas questões na realidade brasileira contemporânea, ao relacionar as políticas sociais ao modelo de desenvolvimento econômico que tem sido denominado ―neodesenvolvimentista‖. Abordamos também as concepções sobre pobreza e sobre o seu enfrentamento enquanto produções ideológicas que compõem a dimensão subjetiva deste campo. Em um terceiro movimento, analisamos o trabalho de psicólogas(os) neste contexto institucional, a partir de pesquisa que envolveu observação participante em um Centro de Referência de Assistência Social e a análise de distintas fontes documentais. A análise realizada revela alguns dos muitos desafios teóricos e práticos postos para esta inserção profissional, dos quais destacamos a superação do subjetivismo e do politicismo presentes em concepções e práticas que assumem um projeto profissional orientado à promoção de emancipação política, mas que não raro se limita a uma ainda mais abstrata ―emancipação subjetiva‖, reduzindo-se, na pior das hipóteses, à reprodução adaptacionista do cotidiano ou, na melhor delas, a expressão trágica de uma intencionalidade ética que não tem condições materiais de se realizar

Dépistages des cancers gynécologiques en médecine générale - Variabilité des pratiques de soins / Screening for gynecologic cancers in general practice Variability in care practices

Rigal, Laurent 21 January 2014 (has links)
Actuellement les gynécologues sont en France les professionnels de santé les plus impliqués dans le dépistage des cancers gynécologiques, mais les généralistes, qui voient l’ensemble de la population, sont les mieux placés pour dispenser des soins préventifs à tous et de façon équitable.Ce travail visait à comprendre la variabilité des pratiques de dépistage des cancers gynécologiques (par le frottis cervico-utérin et la mammographie) chez les femmes consultant en médecine générale, en fonction notamment de la position sociale des patientes et de l’organisation du cabinet de leur médecin.Il s’intègre dans une étude menée en 2005-06 sur les principaux soins préventifs destinés aux adultes des deux sexes. Sur une période de deux semaines, toutes les patientes de 50 à 69 ans de 59 généralistes franciliens tirés au sort (taux de participation des généralistes : 39 %) ont été incluses au fil des consultations. Les données ont été recueillies auprès des patients par téléphone et auprès des médecins en face-à-face à leur cabinet. L’essentiel des analyses a été réalisé avec des modèles logistiques mixtes à intercept aléatoire pour tenir compte de la structure hiérarchique des données.Au total, 66,7 % des patients éligibles (n=4106) ont participé à l’étude, sans différence selon le sexe des patients.Même parmi des femmes utilisant le système de santé, on observe des inégalités sociales, mais uniquement concernant le frottis (n=858). Un gradient de dépistage défavorable au bas de la hiérarchie sociale existe pour la profession (indice relatif d’inégalité = 2,3), le niveau d’études (IRI = 2,0) et les revenus (IRI = 3,0). L’analyse des contributions à ces gradients de diverses dimensions de la position sociale (logement, quartier, richesse du foyer, statut vis-à-vis de l’emploi, relations sociales et assurance santé) montre que la richesse du foyer, les caractéristiques du quartier et le type d’assurance santé expliquent entre 20 et 60 % de ces inégalités.L’investissement des généralistes dans le dépistage semble restreint comme en témoignent les taux de renseignement d’une date de dernier frottis ou de dernière mammographie dans les dossiers médicaux (23 % pour le cancer du col utérin et 38 pour le cancer du sein). Les praticiens semblent mieux renseigner les dossiers des patientes du bas de la hiérarchie professionnelle et les dossiers des femmes dont ils savent qu’elles ne sont pas suivies par un gynécologue.L’organisation des consultations apparaît centrale dans notre enquête. La participation des patients à l’étude était meilleure parmi les médecins proposant des consultations sur rendez-vous (OR = 2,12 pour les patients hommes et 3,38 pour les femmes). Cette organisation jouerait aussi sur les pratiques de soins : les médecins ayant des consultations plus courtes s’impliquent moins dans le dépistage du cancer du sein (n=898, OR = 0,65). Ces aspects organisationnels permettent d’expliquer environ un quart de la variabilité des pratiques entre les médecins.Ces résultats devraient inciter les généralistes à investir davantage les dépistages des cancers gynécologiques et peut-être à opérer des changements organisationnels. Ce travail, au croisement de la recherche en médecine générale et de l’épidémiologie sociale, a fait émerger une réflexion sur l’analyse de données provenant de patients suivis sur le long cours par des professionnels de santé. Il ouvre aussi des perspectives sur la mise en place d’interventions pour réduire les inégalités sociales observées dans les patientèles. / Currently gynecologists are the healthcare professionals most involved in screening for gynecologic cancers in France, but general practitioners, who see the entire population, are best placed to provide preventive care equitably and to all.The aim of this work was to understand the variability in practices of screening for gynecologic cancers (by Pap smears and mammography) among women seeing general practitioners, especially as a function of the patient's social position and the organization of their doctor's office.It was included as part of a study conducted in 2005-06 of the principal types of preventive care for adults of both sexes. Over a two-week period, this study included all consecutive patients aged 50-69 years seen by 59 randomly drawn general practitioners in the Paris metropolitan region (participation rate of general practitioners: 39%). Data were collected from the patients by telephone and from the physicians in face-to-face interviews in their office. Most of the analyses were performed with mixed logistic models with a random intercept to take the hierarchical structural of the data into account.Overall, 66.7% of the eligible patients (n=4106) participated in the study; this rate did not differ by sex.Social inequalities were observed even among women who use the health-care system, but only for the Pap smear (n=858). A gradient with screening lowest at the bottom of the social hierarchy was observed for occupation (relative index of inequality = 2.3), educational level (RII = 2.0), and income (RII = 3.0). Analysis of the contributions to these gradients of diverse dimensions of social position (housing, neighborhood, household wealth, employment status, social relations, and health insurance) showed that household wealth, neighborhood characteristics, and type of health insurance explain between 20 and 60% of these inequalities.General practitioners' investment in screening seems limited, as shown by the rates of information in the medical files about the date of the last Pap smear (23%) or the last mammography (38%). Physicians appear to keep this information better for women at the bottom of the occupational hierarchy and women whom they know are not seeing a gynecologist.The organization of doctors' consultations appeared central in our survey. Patient participation in this study was best among the physicians who offered appointments for consultations (OR = 2.12 for male patients and 3.38 for the women). This organization also appeared to play a role in care practices: physicians with shorter consultations were less involved in screening for breast cancer (n=898, OR = 0.65). These organizational aspects explained approximately a quarter of the variability of practices between physicians.These results should encourage general practitioners to spend more time in screening for gynecologic cancers and perhaps to modify the organization of their practice. This study, at the intersection between research in general practice and in social epidemiology, leads to a discussion about the different strategies for analysis of data from patients followed over the long-term by healthcare professionals. It also opens up perspectives for interventions to reduce social inequalities in patient lists.

Travailler dans un réseau de santé : effets sur les pratiques professionnelles et la santé psychique au travail / Work in a health network : effects on the professional practices and the psychic health at work

Ferré, Marie-Frédérique 30 January 2015 (has links)
Les nouveaux besoins en matière de soins et de prise en charge des patients ont contribué à la création des réseaux de santé. En plein développement, ils font partie intégrante du paysage du système sanitaire français. L’impact, pour les professionnels de santé, du travail en réseau fait aujourd’hui l’objet de plusieurs recherches et résultats contrastés, mais a peu été étudié du point de vue de la Psychologie Sociale, du Travail et des Organisations. Cette thèse a pour objectifs d’une part, de décrire les effets de la participation à un réseau de santé au niveau des pratiques professionnelles et au niveau de la santé psychique au travail, et d’autre part, d’examiner les variables et processus pouvant rendre compte de la variabilité de ces effets. Cette recherche privilégie une approche du réseau de santé comme un lieu potentiel de socialisation et de personnalisation (Malrieu & Malrieu, 1973) pour les professionnels qui en font partie La recherche sur le terrain a été réalisée en collaboration avec le réseau de santé ville-hôpital RéPPOP Midi-Pyrénées (Réseau Prévention et Prise en charge Obésité Pédiatrique) qui a la particularité de fonctionner sur la base de Trios/Duos de partenaires pour la prise en charge de l’enfant. Autour du médecin référent, ces partenaires peuvent être des diététicien(ne)s, des psychologues, des kinésithérapeutes… Nous posons l’hypothèse selon laquelle les effets de l’appartenance à un réseau de santé varient en fonction de variables individuelles (ancienneté de l’appartenance au réseau de santé et motivations initiales d’adhésion) et de variables organisationnelles (structuration en Duo/Trio et liens avec l’équipe de coordination du RéPPOP Midi-Pyrénées). Pour autant, une variable-clé, susceptible de moduler ces relations, sera placée au centre de notre recherche : la dynamique collective des Trios/Duos, analysée en référence aux concepts de « travail collectif », « collectif de travail » et « activité collective » (Caroly, 2010).Une étude par entretiens semi-directifs de recherche a été menée auprès de 20 professionnels libéraux et membres du réseau RéPPOP Midi-Pyrénées répartis en 4 Trios et 4 Duos. L’analyse des données a permis de caractériser trois types de dynamiques collectives différenciées quant aux ressorts du travail collectif, aux étayages du collectif de travail et à l’orientation intra-RéPPOP ou hors-RéPPOP de l’activité collective. Les résultats permettent d’appréhender comment chacune peut influer sur la relation entre transformation des pratiques et évolution de la santé psychique. De nouvelles perspectives de recherche et d’action auprès des partenaires du réseau sont proposées à l’issue de ces analyses. / The new needs as regards care and taking charge of patients have contributed to the creation of health networks. As they are growing fast, they are an integral part of the French sanitation system. The impact, on the health professionals, of networking is, today, the object of contrasted research and results, but has little been studied as far as Social Psychology, Work and Organizations are concerned. The aim of this thesis is, on the one hand, to describe the effects of the participation to a health network where professional practices and psychic health at work are concerned and, on the other hand, to examine the variables and process accounting for the variability of these effects. This research privileges an approach to the health network as a place of socialization and personalization (Malrieu & Malrieu, 1973). The research on the ground is carried out in collaboration with the health network town-hospital RéPPOP Midi-Pyrénées (Prevention and Taking charge of Pediatric Obesity Network) , which has the specificity to work on the basis of Trios/Duos of partners to take charge of children. Those partners can be doctors, dieticians, psychologists, physiotherapists… However , another key-variable, able to moderate these relationships, will be taken into account : the collective dynamics will be analyzed according to the theoretical concepts of “collective work”, “working collective” and collective activity (Caroly, 2010).We assume that the effects of being part of a health network vary according to individual variables ( length of time in the health network and initial adhesion motivations ) and to organizational variables ( structuring in Trios/Duos and links with the coordination team of the RePPOP Midi-Pyrénées ). Which will be modulated by the functioning dynamics between partners of the Trio/Duo. In a clinical approach, we have carried out semi-guided interviews with twenty private professionals and members of the RePPOP Midi-Pyrénées network, divided into 4 Trios and 4 Duos. The data analysis enabled us to characterize three kinds of collective dynamics, distinguished on collective work resources, working collective stayings and collective activity orientation. The results show how each pattern can have an influence on the relationship between practices changes and psychological health evolution. The results have enabled us to identify new explanatory elements of the variability due to belonging to a health network which supports research and application prospects on the ground next to the concerned professionals.

Les "jeunes en errance" : effets et usages d'une catégorie d'action publique / « Homeless youth » : effects and usages of a public action category

Rothé, Céline 27 March 2013 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la catégorie d’action publique « jeunes en errance ». Il vise à comprendre son impact sur la mise en œuvre de l’action publique sur le terrain au travers de l’analyse des usages qu’en font les acteurs professionnels et les jeunes eux-mêmes. Après avoir retracé les étapes de la constitution du phénomène de l’errance des jeunes en problème public, nous avons analysé le rôle de l’Etat social dans la prise en charge de ce problème, au prisme de la norme instituée de l’insertion pour les jeunes. Ceci nous a permis d’en pointer les apories et notamment la bascule rapide des jeunes cumulant des difficultés depuis l’enfance vers le circuit de l’infra-assistance. A l’aune de ces constats, nous montrons en quoi la relation d’aide devient un lieu de renégociation des objectifs de l’action publique, les artisans de la relation d’aide considérés étant les professionnels de terrain et les jeunes usagers des services d’aide. L’analyse des pratiques professionnelles nous a révélé leur caractère « bricolé ». Nous avons ici pu démontrer qu’elles permettaient de redéfinir les cadres de l’action publique en direction des « jeunes en errance ». Grâce à la mise en place d’une éthique de l’intervention centrée sur la prise en compte des spécificités des jeunes accueillis, les professionnels fabriquent des ponts leur permettant d’aller au-delà des manques de l’aide publique. Nous avons également analysé les comportements des jeunes fréquentant régulièrement les structures de l’urgence sociale. Leur mode de recours à l’aide leur permet d’asseoir une identité légitime de « jeunes en errance », qu’ils valorisent au sein de la relation d’aide. Ils mettent en place des stratégies identitaires les autorisant à renégocier les cadres de l’attribution de l’aide, en y ayant recours de manière détournée ou partielle. Ils ignorent ainsi les objectifs d’insertion qui lui sont attachés, en en faisant un usage routinier, les entretenant alors dans une carrière de « jeunes en errance ». / This research investigates the French public action category “jeunes en errance” (which will be translated by “homeless youth”). It aims at understanding the impact of this category on the implementation of the public action, through the analysis of the usage that both the professional actors and the youth make of it. After having redrawn the stages of the construction of the homeless youth phenomenon as a public problem, the analysis focused on the role of the Welfare state based on the instituted norm of the youth’s integration. Paradoxes of public action have thus been identified, such as the quick turnaround towards the infra-assistance system of young people who have accumulated difficulties since their childhood. In the light of these findings, the research then shows how this “support relationship” transforms itself in an arena for the renegotiation of the public action's objectives between the professionals on the one hand, and the youth recipients of the services on the other hand. The analysis of the professional's practices puts the light on their unstable dimension. The research has shown that these practices facilitated the redefinition of the frameworks of the public action toward “homeless youth”. Through the setting of an intervention’s ethics based on the specificities of each young person, the professionals manage to compensate the shortages of public assistance. The behavior of young people who frequently resort to the structures of social emergency have also been investigated. The analysis has identified the process of construction of a legitimate identity of “homeless youth”, which young people put forward within the assistance relationship. They set up identity strategies which enable them to renegotiate the conditions of the allocation of support, by resorting to it but only in a partial or in an indirect way. Thus, they ignore the insertion objectives which are attached to these public measures and make a routinized usage of them, which contributes to maintain them in a “homeless youth” career.

Travailler en situation de communication médiatisée : dispositifs techniques d’accessibilité et dynamiques de (re)formulation des pratiques professionnelles / Working in situation of mediated communication : (re)formulating professional practices through communication devices used as accessibility tools

Henault-Tessier, Mélanie 04 September 2015 (has links)
La création d'un centre d'appel d'urgence pour les sourds et malentendants a nécessité la conception et la mise en place d'un dispositif sociotechnique ad hoc respectant la diversité de leurs pratiques de communication. Ancrée dans ce projet technique mené afin de rendre accessible une institution organisée autour de l'interaction téléphonique, cette recherche fut l'occasion de conduire une réflexion croisée sur les dispositifs techniques de communication appréhendés comme outil de travail et outil d'accessibilité. À partir de matériaux issus d'une enquête ethnographique réalisée dans les centres d'appel d'urgence que nous faisons dialoguer avec des traces de l'activité de conception, nous interrogeons, dans un même élan, le rôle que tiennent ces dispositifs dans l'écologie des situations ainsi que la manière dont ils définissent en actes la dynamique contemporaine de prise en compte environnementale du handicap. Au travers de ce questionnement deux grandes thématiques sont explorées : le travail en situation de communication médiatisée et le processus reformulation des pratiques engagé par la conception et la mise en service d'un dispositif technique d'accessibilité. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur des travaux de recherche ancrés dans la théorie de l'action située et en sociologie de la science et des techniques que nous articulons à la littérature scientifique portant sur le handicap et, plus spécifiquement, sur la surdité. Détaillant finement les multiples cours d'action en nous attachant notamment à rematérialiser les pratiques interactionnelles, nous démontrons en quoi les dispositifs techniques de communication participent d'une armature invisible qui fait système et contribue à organiser et pérenniser les pratiques ; armature que nous appréhendons à travers la notion d'infrastructure communicationnelle. Ainsi, nous proposons cette dernière notion comme outil conceptuel pour appréhender l'introduction de nouveaux dispositifs dans les organisations et pour accompagner une réflexion sur l'accessibilité-en-pratiques. / Creating an emergency call centre dedicated to deaf and hard of hearing users has required the design and implementation of a specific socio-technical system in order to take into account the diversity of their communication practices. Our research is grounded on such technical project specifically oriented towards the accessibility to an organization acting mainly through telephonic interactions and therefrom emerged for us the opportunity to conduct a cross-reflection on socio-technical devices apprehended as a working tool and an accessibility tool. Based on elements obtained through an ethnographic study conducted in emergency call centres which has given empirical material that we are bringing into discussion with traces of the process of the product design, we are questioning the place and status of communication devices in the local environment. Along with this questioning, we are also observing how communication devices practically achieve accessibility within the social model of disability. Two main themes are therefore explored: the organization of work activities in situations of mediated communication and the process, engaged by the design and implementation of an accessibility device, by which conventional practices are reformulated. To do so, we draw on conceptual tools and works from Situated action theory and Sociology of science and technology. We also mobilize Disability and Deaf Studies literature. Through a refined description of the multiple courses of action and a subtle attention to the materiality of interactional practices, we demonstrate that communication technical devices are a piece of an heterogeneous assembly, that make sense in situation, and act as an invisible scaffolding that organize and stabilize communication practices. We propose to designate this form of stabilization under the name of communicational infrastructure and to use it as a conceptual tool for approaching the introduction of new communication devices in organizations and to support a reflection on accessibility-in-practices

Des premières monographies du courant psychanalytique de la pédagogie institutionnelle à la formation des enseignants du second degré aujourd’hui / From the First Monographs of the Institutional Pedagogy’s Psychoanalytical Current to Teachers’ Training in Secondary Schools Nowadays

Dubois, Arnaud 05 April 2011 (has links)
La première partie de ce travail est une enquête historique menée à partir de sources variées. Le mouvement pédagogique habituellement nommé « pédagogie institutionnelle » est né en France dans les années 1960 et s’est rapidement divisé en deux courants, dont l’un est fortement influencé par la psychanalyse. Ce courant psychanalytique de la pédagogie institutionnelle s’est constitué autour des figures de Fernand Oury et Aïda Vasquez, auteurs en 1967 de Vers une pédagogie institutionnelle, dans lequel sont publiées six monographies commentées. L’auteur montre que l’écriture de monographies est une pratique ancienne dans le champ éducatif et prend sa source dans différentes champs. Cette pratique, largement répandue avant 1967, est renouvelée par le courant psychanalytique de la pédagogie institutionnelle à partir de 1962.Dans une deuxième partie, l’auteur inscrit ce travail dans une approche d’orientation psychanalytique. Questionnant son rapport à son objet de recherche, il s’appuie sur ses élaborations contre-transférentielles pour faire émerger ses questions de recherche. Il décrit ensuite un dispositif d’analyse des pratiques professionnelles qu’il met en place, en tant que formateur, dans le cadre de la formation des enseignants débutants du second degré. Dans ce dispositif qu’il propose de nommer « groupe monographique », les enseignants en formation sont invités à écrire des monographies. L’analyse d’un corpus de monographies produites dans ce cadre est à l’origine d’hypothèses sur les processus psychiques à l’œuvre pour les enseignants débutants dans leurs remaniements identitaires. / The first part of this study consists in undertaking a historical investigation drawing on various sources. The pedagogical movement usually referred to as “institutional pedagogy” rose up in France in the 1960’s and rapidly split up into two currents, one of them being strongly influenced by psychoanalysis. This psychoanalytical current of institutional pedagogy has been built up around the prominent figures of Fernand Oury and Aïda Vasquez, authors in 1967 of Vers une pédagogie institutionnelle, a book presenting six commentated monographs. Yet, writing monographs in pedagogy is an ancient practice that takes root in different fields. Such practice, well-spread before 1967, has been renewed by the psychoanalytical current of institutional pedagogy since 1962. In the second part, the author, from a psychoanalytical perspective, explores his link to his own research object. His research questions hence derive from countertransferential working-through. Afterwards, he describes a work group device that he has implemented as a teachers’ trainer to analyze the professional practices of newly qualified secondary school teachers. In what he proposes to call a “monographic group”, participants are invited to write professional monographs. By analyzing a corpus of monographs produced within this framework, the author then forms hypotheses on the psychical processes at work for newly qualified teachers regarding their identity changes.

Être chef d’établissement : étude clinique auprès de chefs d’établissement ayant participé à des groupes d’analyses des pratiques / Being a headmaster : a clinical survey among headmasters who experimented with group analyses of their own professional practice

Botté Allain, Françoise 13 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la fonction de chef d’établissement. Le travail s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une approche clinique d’orientation psychanalytique et s’appuie sur la mise en œuvre de six entretiens cliniques auprès de chefs d’établissement ayant expérimenté des dispositifs d’analyse de pratiques professionnelles. Dans la première partie, l’expérience de la chercheuse elle-même comme chef d’établissement est relatée dans la perspective d’affiner le questionnement à la base de l’étude. Puis, la méthodologie de l’entretien clinique utilisée pour ce travail ainsi que l’approche théorique choisie sont présentées. L’analyse des textes officiels ainsi que celle de plusieurs recherches et témoignages concernant cette fonction de chef d’établissement, sous l’angle de son évolution récente, en fait ressortir les spécificités actuelles. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’analyse des six entretiens et à leur mise en perspective. Ces analyses montrent qu’occuper un tel poste influe profondément sur l’identité professionnelle du titulaire, ce dernier se trouvant très mobilisé par l’attention à apporter aux relations humaines dans cette fonction de direction. La question de la formation à mettre en œuvre pour préparer les chefs d’établissement à cette nouvelle situation professionnelle se trouve posée. Enfin, les témoignages des praticiens sur les dispositifs d’analyse de pratiques auxquels ils ont participé permettent d’envisager que ce type de formation puisse leur procurer un accompagnement utile pour négocier au mieux les aspects relationnels de cette profession. Ce dispositif d’analyses de pratiques pourrait ainsi occuper une place plus large au sein de leur formation. / The following thesis tackles the subject of being a headmaster. This experience is related from a psychoanalytical point of view and uses six different examples of headmasters who have experimented with analysing their own practice. The first part narrates my story as a former headmaster so as to offer a better understanding of which questions to ask the other headmasters. Then, the essay revolves around the methodology and theoretical approach I used for this work. Analysing the acts of the official gazette as well as the research work and testimonies made by some of my peers on the subject allowed me to enhance the current specificities of the job. The second part details the six interviews I had with my fellow headmasters. They all said that having such a position had a deep impact on their professional identity and that it taught them to put the emphasis on human relationships in their job. This raises the question of the training one has to elaborate to prepare young headmasters to cope with their new position. Finally, the interviewees mentioned the group sessions they took part in to analyse their professional practice, insisting that these sessions helped them better negotiate the relational aspects involved by their job. Thus, this essay develops the idea that setting up group sessions to help headmasters analyse their professional practice should play a bigger part in their training.

Usages et applications du web sémantique en bibliothèques numériques / Uses and applications of Semantic Web in Digital Libraries

Melhem, Hiba 27 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche se situe dans le champ interdisciplinaire des sciences de l’information et de la communication (SIC) et a pour but d’explorer la question de l'usage du web sémantique en bibliothèques numériques. Le web oblige les bibliothèques à repenser leurs organisations, leurs activités, leurs pratiques et leurs services, afin de se repositionner en tant qu'instituts de références pour la diffusion des savoirs. Dans cette thèse, nous souhaitons comprendre les contextes d'usage du web sémantique en bibliothèques numériques françaises. Il s'agit de s'interroger sur les apports du web sémantique au sein de ces bibliothèques, ainsi que sur les défis et les obstacles qui accompagnent sa mise en place. Ensuite, nous nous intéressons aux pratiques documentaires et à leurs évolutions suite à l'introduction du web sémantique en bibliothèques numériques. La problématique s'attache au rôle que peuvent jouer les professionnels de l'information dans la mise en place du web sémantique en bibliothèques numériques. Après avoir sélectionné 98 bibliothèques numériques suite à une analyse de trois recensements, une enquête s'appuyant sur un questionnaire vise à recueillir des données sur l'usage du web sémantique dans ces bibliothèques. Ensuite, une deuxième enquête réalisée au moyen d'entretiens permet de mettre en évidence les représentations qu'ont les professionnels de l'information du web sémantique et de son usage en bibliothèque, ainsi que de l'évolution de leurs pratiques professionnelles. Les résultats montrent que la représentation des connaissances dans le cadre du web sémantique nécessite une intervention humaine permettant de fournir le cadre conceptuel pour déterminer les liens entre les données. Enfin, les professionnels de l'information peuvent devenir des acteurs du web sémantique, dans le sens où leurs rôles ne se limitent pas à l'utilisation du web sémantique mais aussi au développement de ses standards pour assurer une meilleure organisation des connaissances. / This research work deals with the interdisciplinary field of the information and communication sciences (CIS) and aims to explore the use of the semantic web in digital libraries. The web requires libraries to rethink their organizations, activities, practices and services in order to reposition themselves as reference institutes for the dissemination of knowledge. In this thesis, we wish to understand the contexts of use of the semantic web in French digital libraries. It questions the contributions of the semantic web within these libraries, as well as on the challenges and the obstacles that accompany its implementation. We are also interested in documentary practices and their evolutions following the introduction of the semantic web in digital libraries. The problem is related to the role that information professionals can play in the implementation of the semantic web in digital libraries. After selecting 98 digital libraries following an analysis of three censuses, a questionnaire survey aims to collect data on the use of the semantic web in these libraries. Then, a second interview-based survey consists of highlighting the representations that the information professionals have of the semantic web and its use in the library, as well as on the evolution of their professional practices. The results show that the representation of knowledge within the semantic web requires human intervention to provide the conceptual framework to determine the links between the data. Finally, information professionals can become actors of the semantic web, in the sense that their roles are not limited to the use of the semantic web but also to the development of its standards to ensure better organization of knowledge.

Representações sociais e práticas de psicólogos no Programa DST/AIDS no Rio de Janeiro / Social representations and practices of psychologists in the STD / AIDS Program in Rio de Janeiro

Aline Passeri Dias 05 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho está associado ao projeto de pesquisa As transformações do cuidado de saúde e enfermagem em tempo de AIDS: representações sociais e memórias de enfermeiros e profissionais de saúde no Brasil, coordenado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem da UERJ. Neste trabalho, foi feito um recorte do projeto original, tendo como objetivo fazer um levantamento das práticas desenvolvidas pelos psicólogos que atuam no Programa Nacional DST/AIDS, além de descrever e analisar o conteúdo das representações sociais dos psicólogos sobre o HIV/AIDS e sobre seus pacientes. A fundamentação teórica do trabalho consiste na Teoria das Representações Sociais, inaugurada por Serge Moscovici em 1961, e desenvolvida por outros autores desde então. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram doze psicólogos que trabalham em serviços de saúde que desenvolvem as ações do Programa Nacional DST/AIDS na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em SAES e CTAS. A coleta de dados consistiu em duas etapas: a aplicação de questionários aos profissionais que trabalham no Programa Nacional DST/AIDS e realização de entrevista com alguns dos profissionais de saúde que responderam anteriormente ao questionário. Além das questões presentes no roteiro de entrevista comum a todos os profissionais de saúde, foram inseridas algumas questões relativas às práticas e à especificidade do trabalho do psicólogo nas equipes. Para a análise dos dados brutos obtidos através dos dois roteiros de entrevista, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo temático-categorial, operacionalizada pelo software QRS NVivo. O resultado da análise do material discursivo ficou concentrado em seis categorias: 1) A memória do HIV/AIDS: o início da epidemia e sua construção social ao longo do tempo; 2) Mudanças e avanços em relação ao HIV/AIDS: conhecimento, cuidado, mentalidade e perfil dos pacientes; 3) O sistema de atendimento a pacientes com HIV/AIDS: práticas comuns e dificuldades vividas pelos profissionais de saúde; 4) A atuação dos psicólogos com pacientes HIV/AIDS: suas práticas, dificuldades e percepções; 5) Os desafios de se viver com o HIV/AIDS: adesão ao tratamento e discriminação; 6) Políticas governamentais, sociais e institucionais para o HIV/AIDS: desafios e questões epidemiológicas. As representações das psicólogas a respeito do HIV/AIDS contêm alguns elementos compartilhados com a população geral no passado, como a ideia de grupos de risco, mortalidade e culpabilização dos pacientes, mas também apresentam elementos que foram incorporados por conta de sua prática profissional, como a melhoria na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, a AIDS como uma doença crônica e a mudança de perfil dos pacientes. Em suas práticas, embora reconheçam algumas particularidades nos pacientes com HIV/AIDS, as psicólogas não reconhecem nestas particularidades uma necessidade de atendimento diferenciado a esses pacientes. / This study is associated with the research project The changes in health care and nursing in times of AIDS: social representations and memories of nurses and health professionals in Brazil, coordinated by the Postgraduate Program in Nursing from UERJ. In this study, a part of the original project was selected, in order to investigate the practices developed by psychologists at the National STD / AIDS Program and to describe and analyze social representations content of psychologists about HIV / AIDS and their patients. The study is based on the social representations theory, inaugurated by Serge Moscovici in 1961, and developed by others since. Participated in the study twelve psychologists from health services that develops the actions of the National STD / AIDS Program in the city of Rio de Janeiro at SAES and CTAS. The data collection consisted in two stages: the application of questionnaires to professionals working in the National STD / AIDS Program and an interview with some of the health professionals who answered previously the questionnaire. Beyond the questions present in the interview guide common to all health professionals, some questions about the practices and the specificity of psychologists work were inserted. With regard to the data analysis, the thematic and categorical content analysis technique and performed through the software QRS NVivo, was adopted. The analysis result of discursive material was concentrated into six categories: 1) The memory of HIV / AIDS: the beginning of the epidemic and its social construction over time; 2) Changes and progress in HIV / AIDS: knowledge, care, mentality and patient profiles; 3) The system of care for patients with HIV / AIDS: common practices and difficulties experienced by health professionals; 4) The procedure of psychologists with HIV / AIDS patients: their practices, difficulties and perceptions; 5) The challenges of living with HIV / AIDS: treatment adherence and discrimination; 6) Government policies, social and institutional for HIV / AIDS: challenges and epidemiological matters. The psychologists representations about HIV / AIDS have some elements shared with the general population in the past, like the idea of risk groups, mortality and culpability of patients, but also have elements that were incorporated because of their professional practices such as improvement in patients life quality, AIDS as a chronic disease and the change of patients profile. In their practices, although they recognize some peculiarities in patients with HIV / AIDS, the psychologists do not recognize on these peculiarities a necessity for distinguished service to these patients.

Representações e práticas profissionais de pedagogas formadas em serviço pela UFPB

Campêlo, Maria da Conceição Miranda 02 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:09:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1992091 bytes, checksum: e968de46313bf9fc343d8df016312b7f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The following work's intention is to describe and analyze a qualitative research in the field of Master's Degree's Education. This research has as its objective to identify and analyze the contributions offered by the teacher's formation policy to improve the Pedagogy graduate's (and former members of PEC/RP) professional practices. The theoretical basis used on this study was built around the works of Serge Moscovici and other authors such as Libâneo, Tardif, and Nóvoa. They, among others, discuss the teacher's formation policies and how these reflect on their professional practice. Using the ethnographical approach on education, we utilized active observation, semi-structured interviews and polls as our data collection instruments. Through those we searched for the graduate's social representations of some topics such as: teacher-student relationship; planning of pedagogical activities; teaching dynamics; evaluation processes and conceptions about initial and continuing formation. This way, we also looked at the opinions of the school's technical and administrative staff about the work of the graduates. The data collection was done during the progress of the research, which in turn lasted four (04) months. The research process included weekly visits to public schools where the graduates and former members of PEC/RP were teaching. The data collection instruments allowed us to better associate the data to the subjects of the research; the teachers shared their feelings, behavior, ideas, opinions and histories about their professional practices and the social representations of elementary school. We believe that our research reached the point of establishing a real connection between the researchers and the graduate teachers. That connection is being used to show how much the contributions PEC/RP has made have influenced in the construction of a new practice to be used in the classroom. This practice seeks to imbue in the newly-formed professional notions of respect, discipline, listening, social and politic awareness, not leaving behind empathy and friendship between peers. / O presente trabalho trata da descrição e análise de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, desenvolvida no âmbito da Pós-graduação em Educação, que teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as contribuições oferecidas pela política de formação de professores para a melhoria das práticas profissionais das egressas do Curso de Pedagogia da UFPB, ex-participantes do PEC/RP, a partir de suas representações. A base teórica adotada para a realização deste estudo foi constituída com base no referencial teórico-metodológico das representações sociais de Serge Moscovici e de autores como Libâneo, Tardif, Nóvoa, entre outros, que discutem a política de formação docente e os seus reflexos nas práticas profissionais dos professores. Através da abordagem etnográfica em educação, utilizamos, como instrumentos de coleta de dados, a observação participante, a entrevista semi-estruturada e o questionário para apreender as representações sociais das professoras egressas do referido convênio sobre: a relação professor-aluno; o planejamento das atividades pedagógicas; a didática de ensino; os processos avaliativos e as concepções de formação inicial e continuada. Para isso, buscamos verificar, também junto aos corpos técnico e administrativo das escolas, suas concepções sobre o trabalho das egressas, uma vez que, cotidianamente, acompanham os fazeres docentes. A seleção e a aplicação dos referidos instrumentos de coleta de dados se deram no decorrer da pesquisa, que durou aproximadamente quatro meses, quando, semanalmente, visitávamos as escolas da rede pública em que lecionam as professoras ex-participantes do PEC/RP. As entrevistas, as observações e o questionário nos possibilitaram a triangulação dos dados captados das atrizes sociais desta investigação - as professoras - quando nos demonstraram e descreveram, em suas falas, os sentimentos, os comportamentos, as idéias, as opiniões, as situações e os conceitos construídos ao longo da prática profissional e de seus percursos formativos inicial e continuado, sobretudo no que se refere às representações sociais constituídas no ambiente escolar da educação básica, mais especificamente, nas salas de aula das séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Consideramos que as representações sociais sobre as práticas profissionais das professoras egressas do PEC/RP, focalizadas neste estudo, possibilitaram uma interação entre pesquisadora e profissionais da educação formadas no Curso de Pedagogia, através do referido convênio, porque desvelaram as contribuições da formação em serviço, com vistas à construção de uma nova prática delineada no espaço da sala de aula, buscando estabelecer, em seu fazer profissional, posturas de: respeito, disciplinamento, diálogo e de compromisso social e político, compreendendo também a afetividade com seus pares no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.

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