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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας των ΔΕΠΠΣ/ΑΠΣ/νέου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. Παιδαγωγική και διαχειριστική διάσταση

Λουκόπουλος, Αριστείδης 01 July 2014 (has links)
Η εισαγωγή της διαθεματικότητας στη χώρα μας υλοποιήθηκε στη χώρα μας με την πιο πρόσφατη μεταρρύθμιση των Αναλυτικών Προγραμμάτων Σπουδών (ΑΠΣ), στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 2000, μέσω του προγράμματος παραγωγής των ΔΕΠΠΣ/ΑΠΣ/νέου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. Στην παρούσα διατριβή επιχειρείται η αξιολόγηση του συγκεκριμένου προγράμματος ως προς την παιδαγωγική και τη διαχειριστική του διάσταση. Για την αξιολόγηση της παιδαγωγικής διάστασης αξιοποιήθηκαν μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία του προγράμματος PISA 2003 στην επίλυση προβλήματος, ενώ για την αξιολόγηση τη διαχειριστικής διάστασης του προγράμματος αξιοποιήθηκαν μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία που αφορούν τη συγκριτική αξιολόγηση, τους δείκτες ποιότητας, την αποτελεσματικότητα και την αποδοτικότητα, τα διεθνή πρότυπα διασφάλισης ποιότητας και την ανάλυση κόστους. Το δείγμα της έρευνας αποτέλεσαν 496 μαθητές της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου από 62 Γυμνάσια της Αχαΐας. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας δείχνουν ότι η εφαρμογή της διαθεματικής προσέγγισης της γνώσης βελτίωσε την επίδοση των μαθητών στην επίλυση προβλήματος και στις ανώτερες νοητικές λειτουργίες, ενώ σε επίπεδο διαχειριστικής διάστασης παραγωγής του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού διαπιστώθηκε η ορθολογική διαχειριστική διάσταση της παραγωγής των ΔΕΠΠΣ/ΑΠΣ/νέου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. / The implementation of Cross Curricularity in Greece took place with the most recent reform of Analytic Programs of Study (APS), in the beginning of decade 2000 via the program of production of DEPPS/APS/new educational material. In the present dissertation is attempted the evaluation of this particular program as for the pedagogics and its administrative dimension. For the evaluation of pedagogic dimension were developed methodological tools from PISA 2003 in the problem solving, while for the evaluation of comparative developed concrete indicators. It was developed the international quality standards administrative dimension of program were developed methodological tools that concern the comparative evaluation, the indicators, the efficiency, the effectiveness, the International Standards and the cost analysis. The sample of research was 496 students of C class from 62 high schools of Achaia prefecture. The results of research show that the application of Cross Curricularity improved the student performance in problem solving and their higher mental functions, while at managing production dimension of the educational material found rationalize the production of DEPPS of /APS/new educational material.


Adams, Randy J 01 January 2013 (has links)
Today there is an increased demand for secondary agriculture education programs to prepare students to be college and career ready through a program of study. The purpose of this study was to identify risk and protective factors of preparatory and non-preparatory students within an agriculture education program at Anderson County High School in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. The results of this study did not determine that there was a difference in risk and protective factors between preparatory and non-preparatory students within agriculture education courses. The study concluded that students among both categories were equally exposed to risks such as family conflict and peers that abused alcohol and/or drugs. The study also concluded that both preparatory and non-preparatory students could benefit from increased protective factors such as understanding the relevance of coursework within agriculture education courses, increased parent involvement in schoolwork, and having contact with peers who are involved in CTSO’s such as the FFA. It is recommended that agriculture education researchers at post-secondary institutions conduct further research on retention within career pathways from various theoretical frameworks.

Let's talk! : an intervention supporting children's vocabulary and narrative development through sustained planned play and group shared storybook reading in the early years

Lake, Gillian January 2015 (has links)
An intervention, which targeted three- and four-year-old children's oral language, was developed for this study. The intervention was run over twice-weekly sessions, for ten weeks. Incorporating good Early Years practice, the first session in the week was a group shared storybook reading session with a puppet, where dialogic discussion took place and the children practised sequencing the story using visual prompts. The second weekly session consisted of planning, acting out and reviewing a planned pretend play episode based on the storybook which was read in that week's first session. Ninety-four children were randomly assigned to a control or treatment group and were tested at pre- and post-test on a battery of vocabulary and narrative assessments. The results of a Randomised Control Trial were positive in favour of the intervention. The most important of these results was a statistically significant effect on the receptive vocabulary of the children in the treatment group, with a large effect size, as measured by the standardised British Picture Vocabulary Scales (Dunn et al., 1997). There was also a significant effect on productive vocabulary, as measured by a Researcher-Designed Vocabulary Test (RDVT). This test was devised for the purpose of this study, testing one-word vocabulary, taken directly from the storybooks in the intervention. As this is not a norm-referenced, standardised test, caution is advisable in the interpretation of this result. A further positive effect concerned the narrative skills of the children in the treatment group, when compared to the children in a control group - the Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) score was higher in the treatment group, with a medium effect size. By examining the intervention by Randomised Control Trial, this study responds to the call from Lillard et al (2013) for more experimental research on pretend play and narrative. The acknowledgement of the role of the adult in the intervention coupled with the positive effect on the children's MLU and receptive vocabulary mean that the intervention, with further development, has the potential to be used as a Professional Development tool for supporting language development in the Early Years in the UK, in the future.

A Study of Persistence in the Northeast State Community College Health-Related Programs of Study.

Hamilton, Allana R. 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors that were positively associated with persistence to graduation by students who were admitted to Health-Related Programs leading to the degree associate of applied science at Northeast State Community College. The criterion variable in this study was persistence, which was categorized into two groups the persister group (program completers) and the nonpersister (program noncompleters) group. The predictor variables included gender, ethnic origin, first- (or nonfirst-) generation-student status, age, specific major program of study, number of remedial and/or developmental courses taken, grades in selected courses (human anatomy and physiology I and II, microbiology, probability and statistics, composition I, clinical I, clinical II), and number of mathematics and science credit hours earned prior to program admission. The data for this ex post facto nonexperimental design were located in Northeast State's student records database, Banner Information System. The subjects of the study were students who had been admitted into Health-Related Programs of study at a 2-year public community college between the years of 1999 and 2008. The population size was 761. Health-Related Programs of study included Dental Assisting, Cardiovascular Technology, Emergency Medical Technology -- Paramedic, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing, and Surgical Technology. A combination of descriptive and inferential statistics was used in the analysis of the data. Descriptive statistics included measures of central tendency, standard deviations, and percentages, as appropriate. Independent samples t-tests were used to determine if the mean of a variable on one group of subjects was different from the mean of the same variable with a different group of subjects. It was found that gender, ethnic origin, first-generation status, and age were not significantly associated with persistence to graduation. However, findings did reveal a statistically significant difference in persistence rates among the specific Health-Related Programs of study. Academic data including grades in human anatomy and physiology I, probability and statistics, and composition I, suggested a relationship between the course grade and persistence to graduation. Findings also revealed a relationship between the number of math and science courses completed and students' persistence to graduation.

Teacher Effectiveness In Initial Years Of Service: A Case Study On The Graduates Of Metu Foreign Language Education Program

Salli-copur, Deniz 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Since English has risen as the dominant language in the world, the demand for English language teachers has grown rapidly especially in the last three decades. Hence, English language teacher education has become an important concern in the Turkish national education system, which has forced the governments to implement a series of reforms. One of these was the Foreign Language Education (FLE) curriculum designed by the Higher Education Council (HEC), forwarded to all FLE departments in Turkish universities to be carried out starting from 1998-99. This curriculum was also used for pre-service English language teacher education in the Department of Foreign Language Education at Middle East Technical University (METU). However, a large scale evaluation study was not conducted on the effectiveness of the program or the competence of its graduates. This study primarily aimed at reaching the FLE graduates from 2002 to 2006 to investigate to what extent they perceive themselves competent as EFL teachers and to what extent they find the FLE program components successful in helping them gain these competencies. Besides, it also intended to reach the employers of FLE graduates to explore how competent these graduates are viewed and how successful METU FLE program is considered in serving its graduates gain teacher competencies. For this aim quantitative and qualitative data were collected through two graduate questionnaires, and graduate and elite employer interviews. The findings of the first graduate questionnaire revealed that the FLE graduates perceived themselves competent in most of HEC&rsquo / s competence areas, while the open-ended questionnaire items and interview data demonstrated a need for improvement for competencies of language knowledge, spoken use of English, classroom management, assessment and instruction. It was also seen in these two types of data that graduates&rsquo / perception of their strengths and weaknesses in HEC&rsquo / s foreign language teacher competencies and their need for developing other competencies depend on the level they teach, the type of school they work at and the length of experience they have. Similarly, some of the employers, according to the institution where they have elite positions, indicated a high level of satisfaction with the FLE graduates&rsquo / competence in language and subject knowledge, inclass and out-of class competencies, while some of them emphasized a need for improvement in competencies of language knowledge and use, and putting theory into practice. In addition, although the program was reported to have a strong and positive role on the development of professional competencies in the teacher candidates, it was also stated that the five components and some courses of the program need revisions in terms of their content, methodology of instruction and assessment. Moreover, the need for communication among the components of the program was also expressed, as the graduates mention unnecessary overlaps among some courses. In the light of these findings, some suggestions are made towards program improvement.

Možnosti a meze využití interaktivních elektronických výukových materiálů ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ / Possibilities and limits of using interactive electronic learning materials in primary schools

Rusová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse and provide a summary of the existing knowledge and teachers' attitudes regarding the usage and sources of interactive electronic learning materials in primary schools. Furthermore, the thesis compares the theory with real-life experience. The theoretical part introduces the current sources and possibilities of the use of interactive electronic learning materials in primary schools. Moreover, it defines the interactive electronic learning materials and the implementation of modern technologies in education. The research part analyses the opinions of the teachers and the challenges they perceive in the incorporation of interactive electronic learning materials into their teaching. Furthermore, it supports the theory with the practical application of interactive electronic learning materials in various primary school subjects. The concluding part confronts the theoretical knowledge with the practical experience. At the same time, it introduces some of the author's examples of activities using interactive electronic learning materials which can be used during elementary school classes.

Examining the College and Career Readiness Perspectives and Practices of Comprehensive High School Administrators Who Lead Career and Technical Education Programs of Study

Johnson, Jason L. 16 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Die Erforschung und Lehre interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz / Researching and teaching intercultural communication and competence

Weidemann, Arne 18 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Um interkulturelle Interaktionen verstehen und erklären zu können, bedarf es eines Ansatzes, der offen für die Selbst- und Weltverhältnisse aller beteiligten Interaktanden ist und sich dementsprechend emischer, nicht etischer, Beschreibungen von Handlungen und damit verknüpften Bedeutungszuschreibungen verpflichtet fühlt. Auf Basis (1) eines Kulturbegriffs, der von der Kulturdurchdrungenheit jeglichen Handelns einerseits und der (an individuelles Handeln gebundenen) Handlungsbedingtheit von Kultur andererseits ausgeht, wie dies in der Kulturpsychologie der Fall ist, und (2) qualitativ-sinnverstehender Methodologie und Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung ist dies möglich. Da das Verstehen von (kulturell fremden) Handlungen als Grundlage interkulturell kompetenten Handelns gelten kann, kommt der Lehre hermeneutisch-sinnverstehender Ansätze in der Ausbildung interkultureller Kompetenz somit eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Diesen Zusammenhängen widmet sich die in drei Großkapitel gegliederte – teilkumulative – Dissertation. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die Symbolic Action Theory Ernst E. Boeschs, die handlungstheoretisch und kulturpsychologisch fundierte Relationale Hermeneutik Jürgen Straubs und der Grounded Theory-Ansatzes (Glaser/Strauss) im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung für die Erforschung und Lehre interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz beleuchtet, ihre besondere Nützlichkeit für diesen Kontext begründet und zum Verfahren der ‚pragma-semantischen Analyse’ verdichtet. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit sind die acht eingereichten Schriften in Originalfassung abgedruckt. Eine Zusammenfassung der zentralen Inhalte und Forschungsergebnisse sowie eine Darstellung der inhaltlichen und entstehungsgeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge der einzelnen Schriften findet sich in Kapitel 1.3. Vor dem Hintergrund des zentralen Themas der Erforschung und Lehre interkultureller Kommunikation rücken in Teil 2 konkrete Handlungsfelder (Tourismus, internationaler Schüleraustausch und Hochschule) in den Blick, die im Rahmen von Forschungs- und Lehrforschungsprojekten untersucht wurden. „Pragma-semantische Analysen zur Erforschung interkultureller Kommunikation“ (2.1) ist eine Studie, die am Beispiel eines reisebiographischen Interviews – in konsequenter Fortsetzung des ersten Teils der Arbeit – die Leistung des komparativen Vorgehens vorführt. Dem Zusammenhang zwischen touristischen Reisen und interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz ist der Handbuchartikel „Tourismus“ (2.2) gewidmet. Die Studie „Touristische Begegnungen aus der Perspektive einer Psychologie interkulturellen Handelns“ (2.3) basiert auf vom Autor erhobenen Beobachtungs- und Gesprächsdaten in Ladakh (im indischen Teil des Himalaya). Die Studie „Experiences and Coping Strategies of Host Families in International Youth Exchange“ (2.4) basiert auf im Rahmen eines Lehrforschungsprojekts erhobenen narrativ-biografischen Interviews und analysiert Erfahrungen und Umgangsstrategien der Gasteltern im Hinblick auf kulturelle Differenz. Mit der programmatischen Betrachtung „Interkulturell ausgerichtete Studiengänge“ (2.5) beginnt der dritte Themenkomplex (Hochschule), der sich der Fruchtbarmachung der in Teil 1 und im Kapitel 2.1. dargestellten Theorien und Methoden für die Lehre im Bereich ‚Interkulturelle Kommunikation’ sowie für die Ausbildung interkultureller Kompetenz widmet. Im Kapitel „Akteure\" (2.6) wird dies mit Bezug u.a. auf die Anforderungen an Studierende, das Lehrpersonal und an die involvierten Institutionen konkretisiert. Der Text „Lehrforschung und Lehrforschungsprojekte“ (2.7) sowie die aus einem Lehrforschungsprojekt entstandene „Bedarfsanalyse“ (2.8) demonstrieren beispielhaft die enge Verzahnung von Forschung und Lehre, Theorie und Praxis und zeigen, wie das in den Kapiteln 2.5 und 2.6 formulierte Programm in der Lehre umgesetzt werden kann. In Teil 3 der Arbeit werden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse für die Ausbildung im Bereich interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz an der TU Chemnitz fruchtbar gemacht. Insbesondere der ermittelte Bedarf (2.8) an interkulturell ausgerichteten Studienangeboten an der TU Chemnitz sowie die in Kapitel 3.1 vorgenommene vertiefte Analyse der konkreten Standortfaktoren ermöglicht die empirisch und theoretisch fundierte Entwicklung eines detaillierten Konzepts zur Ausbildung Interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz an der TU Chemnitz, das in Kapitel 3.2. dargestellt ist. / If one views intercultural competence not as a set of – ultimately parameter-based – skills, but as a result of an understanding of otherness, intercultural competence cannot be taught as such. What can be taught, however, is the way one can make sense of otherness, hermeneutics. Understanding and explaining intercultural interactions requires an approach that is open to the self and world relations of interactants and thus committed to emic, not etic, description of actions and ascription of meaning to actions. This necessitates an understanding of culture that views culture as a result of individual action and all action as steeped in culture. Methodologically, this calls for qualitative interpretive methods. This – partially cumulative – dissertation consists of three parts. The first part discusses in detail two hermeneutic approaches to interculturality: Ernst E. Boesch’s Symbolic Action Theory and Jürgen Straub’s Relational Hermeneutics. Using Grounded Theory (Glaser/Strauss), these two approaches can be turned into a highly useful tool for the investigation of intercultural phenomena: Pragma-Semantic Analysis. The second part contains eight papers and articles. Starting with three papers demonstrating the usefulness of pragma-semantic analysis if applied to authentic ethnographic data, this part also explores interculturality in host families in international youth exchange and the intercultural systematics of tourism. The other four papers address various aspects of teaching the subject of Intercultural Communication at universities – degree structures, teaching/research projects and needs analysis. The recurring theme in these four papers is the necessity of a close interrelation between research and teaching as well as theory and practice. The third part, based on a case study from the second, outlines challenges and opportunities for the development of intercultural study programmes at the University of Chemnitz. The methodology employed here is pertinent to all universities wishing to implement intercultural studies programmes that suit their particular local and institutional requirements.

Die Erforschung und Lehre interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz

Weidemann, Arne 20 September 2011 (has links)
Um interkulturelle Interaktionen verstehen und erklären zu können, bedarf es eines Ansatzes, der offen für die Selbst- und Weltverhältnisse aller beteiligten Interaktanden ist und sich dementsprechend emischer, nicht etischer, Beschreibungen von Handlungen und damit verknüpften Bedeutungszuschreibungen verpflichtet fühlt. Auf Basis (1) eines Kulturbegriffs, der von der Kulturdurchdrungenheit jeglichen Handelns einerseits und der (an individuelles Handeln gebundenen) Handlungsbedingtheit von Kultur andererseits ausgeht, wie dies in der Kulturpsychologie der Fall ist, und (2) qualitativ-sinnverstehender Methodologie und Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung ist dies möglich. Da das Verstehen von (kulturell fremden) Handlungen als Grundlage interkulturell kompetenten Handelns gelten kann, kommt der Lehre hermeneutisch-sinnverstehender Ansätze in der Ausbildung interkultureller Kompetenz somit eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Diesen Zusammenhängen widmet sich die in drei Großkapitel gegliederte – teilkumulative – Dissertation. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die Symbolic Action Theory Ernst E. Boeschs, die handlungstheoretisch und kulturpsychologisch fundierte Relationale Hermeneutik Jürgen Straubs und der Grounded Theory-Ansatzes (Glaser/Strauss) im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung für die Erforschung und Lehre interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz beleuchtet, ihre besondere Nützlichkeit für diesen Kontext begründet und zum Verfahren der ‚pragma-semantischen Analyse’ verdichtet. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit sind die acht eingereichten Schriften in Originalfassung abgedruckt. Eine Zusammenfassung der zentralen Inhalte und Forschungsergebnisse sowie eine Darstellung der inhaltlichen und entstehungsgeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge der einzelnen Schriften findet sich in Kapitel 1.3. Vor dem Hintergrund des zentralen Themas der Erforschung und Lehre interkultureller Kommunikation rücken in Teil 2 konkrete Handlungsfelder (Tourismus, internationaler Schüleraustausch und Hochschule) in den Blick, die im Rahmen von Forschungs- und Lehrforschungsprojekten untersucht wurden. „Pragma-semantische Analysen zur Erforschung interkultureller Kommunikation“ (2.1) ist eine Studie, die am Beispiel eines reisebiographischen Interviews – in konsequenter Fortsetzung des ersten Teils der Arbeit – die Leistung des komparativen Vorgehens vorführt. Dem Zusammenhang zwischen touristischen Reisen und interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz ist der Handbuchartikel „Tourismus“ (2.2) gewidmet. Die Studie „Touristische Begegnungen aus der Perspektive einer Psychologie interkulturellen Handelns“ (2.3) basiert auf vom Autor erhobenen Beobachtungs- und Gesprächsdaten in Ladakh (im indischen Teil des Himalaya). Die Studie „Experiences and Coping Strategies of Host Families in International Youth Exchange“ (2.4) basiert auf im Rahmen eines Lehrforschungsprojekts erhobenen narrativ-biografischen Interviews und analysiert Erfahrungen und Umgangsstrategien der Gasteltern im Hinblick auf kulturelle Differenz. Mit der programmatischen Betrachtung „Interkulturell ausgerichtete Studiengänge“ (2.5) beginnt der dritte Themenkomplex (Hochschule), der sich der Fruchtbarmachung der in Teil 1 und im Kapitel 2.1. dargestellten Theorien und Methoden für die Lehre im Bereich ‚Interkulturelle Kommunikation’ sowie für die Ausbildung interkultureller Kompetenz widmet. Im Kapitel „Akteure\" (2.6) wird dies mit Bezug u.a. auf die Anforderungen an Studierende, das Lehrpersonal und an die involvierten Institutionen konkretisiert. Der Text „Lehrforschung und Lehrforschungsprojekte“ (2.7) sowie die aus einem Lehrforschungsprojekt entstandene „Bedarfsanalyse“ (2.8) demonstrieren beispielhaft die enge Verzahnung von Forschung und Lehre, Theorie und Praxis und zeigen, wie das in den Kapiteln 2.5 und 2.6 formulierte Programm in der Lehre umgesetzt werden kann. In Teil 3 der Arbeit werden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse für die Ausbildung im Bereich interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz an der TU Chemnitz fruchtbar gemacht. Insbesondere der ermittelte Bedarf (2.8) an interkulturell ausgerichteten Studienangeboten an der TU Chemnitz sowie die in Kapitel 3.1 vorgenommene vertiefte Analyse der konkreten Standortfaktoren ermöglicht die empirisch und theoretisch fundierte Entwicklung eines detaillierten Konzepts zur Ausbildung Interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz an der TU Chemnitz, das in Kapitel 3.2. dargestellt ist. / If one views intercultural competence not as a set of – ultimately parameter-based – skills, but as a result of an understanding of otherness, intercultural competence cannot be taught as such. What can be taught, however, is the way one can make sense of otherness, hermeneutics. Understanding and explaining intercultural interactions requires an approach that is open to the self and world relations of interactants and thus committed to emic, not etic, description of actions and ascription of meaning to actions. This necessitates an understanding of culture that views culture as a result of individual action and all action as steeped in culture. Methodologically, this calls for qualitative interpretive methods. This – partially cumulative – dissertation consists of three parts. The first part discusses in detail two hermeneutic approaches to interculturality: Ernst E. Boesch’s Symbolic Action Theory and Jürgen Straub’s Relational Hermeneutics. Using Grounded Theory (Glaser/Strauss), these two approaches can be turned into a highly useful tool for the investigation of intercultural phenomena: Pragma-Semantic Analysis. The second part contains eight papers and articles. Starting with three papers demonstrating the usefulness of pragma-semantic analysis if applied to authentic ethnographic data, this part also explores interculturality in host families in international youth exchange and the intercultural systematics of tourism. The other four papers address various aspects of teaching the subject of Intercultural Communication at universities – degree structures, teaching/research projects and needs analysis. The recurring theme in these four papers is the necessity of a close interrelation between research and teaching as well as theory and practice. The third part, based on a case study from the second, outlines challenges and opportunities for the development of intercultural study programmes at the University of Chemnitz. The methodology employed here is pertinent to all universities wishing to implement intercultural studies programmes that suit their particular local and institutional requirements.

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