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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem har ansvar? : En studie om institutionella logiker inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken / Who Has Responsibility? : A Study of Institutional Logics within Labour Market Policy

Striby Burman, Rebecka, Carvajal Winberg, David January 2024 (has links)
Arbetsmarknadspolitiken har historiskt sett varit både ett kommunalt och statligt ansvar som från mitten av 1900-talet koncentrerats till en statlig nivå och till myndigheten Arbetsförmedlingen. Både forskning och statliga utredningar har konstaterat att kommuner mer och mer tagit sig an arbetet med arbetsmarknadspolitik och idag har merparten av Sveriges kommuner en arbetsmarknadsavdelning med fokus på insatser för arbetssökande. Vår forskningsöversikt och de utredningar som presenterats som vår empiri visar att det råder en oklar ansvarsfördelning mellan stat och kommun inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken. Vi har presenterat tidigare forskning på området arbetsmarknadspolitik som både avhandlat ansvarsfrågan gällande Arbetsförmedlingen och kommunerna, men även mellan organisation och individ. Denna uppsats har, genom en teorikonsumerande ansats, undersökt denna oklara ansvarsfördelning med fokus på kommuner och Arbetsförmedlingen. Genom det teoretiska ramverket institutionella logiker har vi studerat offentliga utredningar gällande organiseringen av arbetsmarknadspolitiken samt remissvar från berörda aktörer. Resultatet av studien har visat att dessa aktörer formulerar ansvar utifrån olika institutionella logiker som i många fall är motstridiga. Uppsatsen bidrar vidare till att ge en bild av vad dessa logiker ger för ingång till ansvarsbegreppet och förklarar olika möjliga orsaker till att ansvaret kan ses som oklart. / Labour market policy has historically been both a municipal and state responsibility, which since the mid-20th century has been concentrated at the state level and managed by the Public Employment Service. Both research and government inquiries have found that municipalities have increasingly taken on the work of labour market policy, and today the majority of Sweden's municipalities have a labour market department focused on measures for job seekers. Our research overview and the inquiries presented as our empirical data show that there is an unclear division of responsibilities between the state and municipalities in labour market policy. We have presented previous research in the area of labour market policy, which has addressed the issue of responsibility concerning the Public Employment Service and municipalities, as well as between organization and individual. This thesis, through a theory-consuming approach, has examined this unclear division of responsibilities with a focus on municipalities and the Public Employment Service. Through the theoretical framework of institutional logics, we have studied Swedish Government Official Reports regarding the organization of labour market policy and responses from relevant stakeholders. The study's results have shown that these stakeholders formulate responsibilities based on different institutional logics, which are often conflicting. The thesis further contributes by providing an understanding of what these logics imply for the concept of responsibility and explains various possible reasons why responsibility can be perceived as unclear.

Eficacia del Programa Nacional para la Empleabilidad que mejora la empleabilidad juvenil Chiclayo 2021

Albines Llauce, Juan David January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como propósito evaluar la eficacia del Programa Nacional Para la Empleabilidad (PNPE) que mejora la empleabilidad juvenil en la ciudad de Chiclayo; para lo cual, se procedió a describir en que consiste el programa y sus líneas de capacitación que ofrecen; se evaluó a través de un cuestionario si el programa consiguió sus objetivos trazados a lo largo de un periodo determinado, y por último se identificaron las oportunidades de mejora. La investigación fue abordada bajo un enfoque cualitativo, de nivel descriptivo, por medio de una encuesta semiestructurada y revisiones bibliográficas. Se obtuvo como resultado, que El Programa Nacional para la Empleabilidad tiene un enfoque basado en mejorar las oportunidades laborales para personas en situación de pobreza y pobreza extrema, brindando capacitaciones para la inserción laboral y apoyando el emprendimiento; en la evaluación de sus resultados encontramos una brecha crítica entre los objetivos declarados y los resultados observados, ya que, a pesar de la inversión considerable, muchos participantes enfrentan dificultades para encontrar empleo; y con respecto a las mejoras significativas se encontraron que carecen de prácticas preprofesionales en el caso de los capacitados y falta de capital semilla en el caso de los emprendedores. Se concluye que, aunque el programa logró incluir a jóvenes del estrato socioeconómico D, es necesario realizar una evaluación para que el programa se ajuste a las exigencias del mercado laboral y asegure una integración exitosa al ámbito laboral. / The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the National Program for Employability (PNPE) that improves youth employability in the city of Chiclayo, for which it was first described what the program consists of and the training lines they offer; It was evaluated through a questionnaire whether the program achieved its objectives over a period, and opportunities for improvement were identified. The research was approached under a qualitative approach, at a descriptive level, through a semi-structured survey and bibliographic reviews. The result was that the National Program for Employability seeks to improve job opportunities for people in extreme poverty, providing training and supporting entrepreneurship; In the evaluation of its results we found a critical gap between the declared objectives and the observed results, since, despite the considerable investment, many participants face difficulties in finding employment; and with respect to the significant improvements, it was found that they lack pre-professional practices in the case of those trained and a lack of seed capital in the case of entrepreneurs. It is concluded that, although the program managed to include young people from socioeconomic stratum D, it is necessary to carry out an evaluation so that the program adjusts to the demands of the labor market and ensures successful integration into the workplace.

“Institutionella strukturer och organisationskultur" : “En kvalitativ analys av Arbetsförmedlingens arbete med Nystartsjobb” / Institutional Structures and Organizational Culture : A Qualitative Analysis of the Employment Service's Work with New Start Jobs

Anbar, Alaa, Nabel, Khaled January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the interplay between institutional structures, organizational culture, and the efficacy of employment initiatives, focusing on the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) and its implementation of subsidized employment programs known as "nystartsjobb."  Through qualitative interviews and analysis of existing literature, the study examines how external institutional pressures shape Arbetsförmedlingen's approach to addressing potential exploitation within “nystartsjobb” placements. Findings reveal a complex dynamic wherein the organization navigates formal and informal norms of the labor market while striving to maintain legitimacy and public trust.  Despite acknowledging the risk of employer exploitation, respondents note a lack of proactive measures to prevent exploitation, with interventions typically triggered by specific complaints or suspicions. Furthermore, the study highlights internal organizational attitudes, with nystartsjobb often viewed as a short-term support mechanism rather than a pathway to sustainable employment. The absence of systematic follow-up exacerbates this issue, hindering the program's ability to fulfill long-term employment goals.  Ultimately, the study underscores the significance of both institutional structures and organizational culture in shaping the implementation and outcomes of employment policies, while also prompting considerations for future research on program effectiveness and sustainability.

Contractualisation et emploi public / Contractualisation and public employment

Dion, Fabrice 16 July 2013 (has links)
Ce sujet de recherche appelle à s’interroger sur le statut le plus approprié pour les agents contractuels au sein de l’administration publique et par là-même, sur le régime de l’emploi public à adopter afin de l’adapter aux missions d’une administration moderne. A ce titre, deux options sont possibles : d’une part, la généralisation du statut de fonctionnaire ou du contrat à tous les agents publics ; d’autre part, la coexistence du statut et du contrat sous la forme de deux régimes strictement distincts, ou la recherche d’une harmonisation croissante entre eux, en adaptant cette coexistence à des missions spécifiques ou en les attribuant de manière indifférenciée quels que soient les postes ou les métiers exercés. Il y aura lieu d’apprécier quelle modalité de lien unira le contractuel à la personne publique, mais aussi, le cas échéant, le fonctionnaire à cette même personne. Cette étude s’attache à apporter des réponses à ces sujets. La première partie vise à déterminer les règles applicables à l’agent contractuel. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence l’existence de cet agent public particulier, en montrant l’émergence de cette notion juridique marquée par la diversité des statuts puis d’analyser le régime des contractuels, tant dans ses modalités de recrutement que dans les règles d’évolution du contrat, ce qui permettra de faire apparaître l’esquisse d’une carrière. La seconde partie analyse l’hybridation du statut et du contrat, caractérisée par une harmonisation de la protection des contractuels et des titulaires en termes de convergence des droits et de sécurisation de l’emploi, ainsi que par la nouvelle gestion de l’emploi public qui affecte l’ensemble des agents publics, selon deux logiques concomitantes, managériale et contractuelle. Il est finalement observé que si le droit de la fonction publique peut et doit conserver certaines spécificités, il ne doit pas pour autant évoluer en marge, voire à contre courant des évolutions contemporaines affectant l’emploi salarié de droit commun. / This research consists in a study about the most appropriate status for civils servants and more generally, people who work for public utilities. It appears that it is a twofold question: first, it might be possible that every worker could have the same status created by a contract or an administrative decision. Secondly, an other system could be enacted, the coexistence of a special status for some of them, and a contract for the others. If this second option is chosen, the question is which kind of harmonisation between the status and the contract. The aim of this thesis is to answer to these questions. The first part is an analysis of the conditions of the work of the people who are linked by the public administration with a contract. They are called “contractuels”. The notion and its regime are analysed (especially, the condition of the recruitment and the career of these workers). The second part of the thesis consists in a larger study. Because of the logic of competition and performance, and under the influence of Europe, public utilities have changed. Their missions are different. So the status of the people who work for these services has changed too. This new status is a mix of contract and traditional administrative rule. A new kind of management and a new public law appear. The differences between civils servants are less and less important and, in the same way, their similarities with workers from the private sector are more important.

La morale de l'emploi : Les coulisses de l'Etat Social Actif / The moral of the job : Behind the scenes of the active welfare State

Lavitry, Lynda 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les transformations du travail des conseillers du service public de l’emploi, pris en tension entre une logique d’individualisation et une logique de rationalisation du service orientée vers le renforcement des contrôles. L'analyse socio-historique de l'accompagnement des chômeurs, et la sociologie de ce groupe professionnel permettent d’envisager les reconfigurations du métier de conseiller à l’emploi comme un révélateur des mutations de l’Etat social vers un Etat social actif, qui s’exprime notamment par un projet institutionnel d’incitation à l’adaptabilité aux normes d’emploi. S’appuyant sur une longue enquête ethnographique menée dans 7 agences auprès de 87 conseillers parmi une centaine de professionnels, et sur 200 observations de rendez-vous entre conseillers et chômeurs, la thèse analyse les effets de deux visées potentiellement contradictoires : la subjectivation d’une part, et la rationalisation gestionnaire d’autre part.Une rationalisation industrielle d’un nouveau type recompose les clivages structurants entre normes socio-cliniques et socio-techniques, logique technico-commerciale et logique civique. Elle fait émerger un nouveau modèle professionnel, marqué par une gestion actuarielle des risques de chômage (qui conduit notamment à écarter de l’accompagnement les chômeurs non indemnisés), mais aussi porté par une dimension morale qui repose sur l’individualisation du traitement. Les clivages antérieurs subsistent toutefois et donnent lieu à des dilemmes et polarisations éthiques et des stratégies d’évitement ou de neutralisation des actes professionnels les plus coercitifs. / This thesis focuses on the transformation of the Public Employment Service through a social history of the National Employment Agency, and a sociological pragmatic study of discourse and practices of professional employment counselors. We consider the reconfiguration of this profession is an indicator of changes in the welfare state to an active welfare state, which is expressed in particular by an institutional incentive project to the adaptability to employment standards. This project crystallizes a recurring tension in social intervention and more specifically in policies of employability, between control and empowerment, and between customization and standardization.Based on a long ethnographic investigation in seven agencies with 87 counselors among hundreds of professionals, and 200 observations of appointments between advisers and unemployed, the thesis analyzes the effects of these two potentially conflicting targets: the subjectivation on the one hand, and the management streamlining on the other.By changing the standards, organization, training of advisers, this industrial rationalization of a new type reconstructs the structural divisions between socio-clinical and socio-technical standards, and between techno-commercial and civic logic. It brings out a new professional model, marked by an actuarial management of risks (which especially leads to remove the unemployed from the monthly appointment), but also supported by a moral dimension based on the individualization of treatment. However, earlier divisions persist and give rise to ethical dilemmas and strategies of avoidance or neutralization of the most coercive professional acts.

Tillitens stratifiering : En sociologisk studie om kapitalsammansättningens betydelse för unga vuxnas tillit till och krav på myndigheter

Davidsson, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to examine which mechanisms affect young adults' trust in authorities, with a focus on capital composition, and specifically cultural capital (education). Through this focus on capital, the study examines the underlying factors that affect what requirements that young adults feel that they can demand of/put on authorities. The data material has been collected through six interviews with young adults aged 20–30 who are, or during the past year have been, registered at the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) in Stockholm, Sweden. The reference framework that formed the basis for the analysis consists of Pierre Bourdieu's capital theory and the concept of habitus, in addition to Max Weber's theories on status and accumulation of opportunities. The results of the study shows that capital composition correlates with trust level, but that the level of trust also relates to which extent an authority meets the expectations that exist around their services. Moreover, the results show that the level of trust correlates with the level of risk the young adult must take to trust authority. / Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar unga vuxnas tillitsnivå till myndigheter, med inriktning på kapitalsammansättning och framförallt kulturellt kapital (utbildning). Dessutom undersöker studien vilka bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar vilka krav unga vuxna upplever att de kan ställa på myndigheter, även detta med fokus på olika typer av kapital. Datamaterialet har samlats in genom sex intervjuer med unga vuxna i åldern 20–30 år som är, eller under det senaste året varit, inskrivna på Arbetsförmedlingen i Stockholms stad. Den referensram som legat till grund för analysarbetet har bestått av Pierre Bourdieus kapitalteori och begreppet habitus samt av Max Webers teorier kring status och möjlighetsansamling. Resultaten av studien visar att kapitalsammansättning korrelerar med tillitsnivå, men att nivån av tillit också har att göra med i vilken utsträckning myndigheter uppfyller de förväntningar som existerar kring deras tjänster. Dessutom visar resultatet att nivån av tillit korrelerar med hur stor risk det innebär för individen att hysa tillit till myndigheten.

Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?

Karppinen, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
<p>During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure. If the public employment office can continue to exist the adaptation of the average appropriate work and appropriate job seeker must function better. This led to the essay's aim: Which differences are between the public employment office and the private employment offices with respect to change ability?</p><p>In order to reply to the aim deductive run-up and qualitative survey method with semi structured interviews on a public employment office and private employment office were used. A higher manager and two section managers were interviewed on the public employment office and a manager on Adecco with snowball selection stem to get higher results that otherwise could not have been possible.</p><p>The result showed that the public employment office is devoting too much time to administrative information and meetings that instead would give results through communicating with carried out. But the personnel is motivated and becomes encouraged to giving new proposals, but that the legislation does not permit all changes. The crew company Adecco is a profit driven company that aims itself on profitable trade groups and does not have an extensive legislation what do that changes easy can come to levels. A lot of resources are imposed carried out and the adaptation goes good.</p><p>The conclusion is drawn that the public employment office can deliver a customer value to carry out. In order to that all companies will experience a value the public employment office also needs to concentrate against companies that require university graduates.</p> / <p>Under ett halvt sekel har samhället förändrats från industrisamhälle till kunskapssamhälle. Industriföretag har standardiserade krav och företag som sysslar med produktionsutveckling har unika kvalifikationer. Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skapades under en tid som var anpassad till då generella krav var dominerande och anpassningen mellan lämplig arbetare och lämpligt arbete var generell. När monopolet avvecklades började bemanningsföretag etablera sig på marknaden som flexibelt anpassar sig till företagens numera specialiserade behov som kräver förfinad anpassning mellan arbete och arbetssökande. Företag mister förtroendet för den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och politiker hotar organisationen med stora nedläggningar. För att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skall kunna fortsätta existera måste anpassningen mellan lämpligt arbete och lämplig arbetssökande fungera bättre. Allt detta ledde fram till uppsatsens syfte: Vilka skillnader finns mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och de privata arbetsförmedlingarna med avseende på förändringsförmåga?</p><p>För att svara på syftet användes deduktiv ansats och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer på en offentlig arbetsförmedling respektive privat arbetsförmedling. En högre chef och två mellanchefer intervjuades på den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen samt en chef på Adecco med snöbollsurval för att få fram högre resultat som annars inte hade varit möjligt.</p><p>Resultatet gav att inom den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen ägnas allt för mycket åt administrativa uppgifter och möten som istället skulle ge resultat genom att kommunicera med företagen. Men personalen är motiverad och blir uppmuntrade till att ge nya förslag, men att regelverket inte tillåter alla förändringar. Bemanningsföretaget Adecco är ett vinstdrivande företag som inriktar sig på lönsamma yrkesgrupper och har inte ett omfattande regelverk vilket gör att förändringar lätt kan komma till stånd. Mycket resurser läggs på företagen och anpassningen går bra.</p><p>Slutsatsen dras att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen kan leverera ett kundvärde till företagen. För att alla företag skall uppleva ett värde behöver den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen även inrikta sig mot företag som kräver akademiker.</p>

Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?

Karppinen, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure. If the public employment office can continue to exist the adaptation of the average appropriate work and appropriate job seeker must function better. This led to the essay's aim: Which differences are between the public employment office and the private employment offices with respect to change ability? In order to reply to the aim deductive run-up and qualitative survey method with semi structured interviews on a public employment office and private employment office were used. A higher manager and two section managers were interviewed on the public employment office and a manager on Adecco with snowball selection stem to get higher results that otherwise could not have been possible. The result showed that the public employment office is devoting too much time to administrative information and meetings that instead would give results through communicating with carried out. But the personnel is motivated and becomes encouraged to giving new proposals, but that the legislation does not permit all changes. The crew company Adecco is a profit driven company that aims itself on profitable trade groups and does not have an extensive legislation what do that changes easy can come to levels. A lot of resources are imposed carried out and the adaptation goes good. The conclusion is drawn that the public employment office can deliver a customer value to carry out. In order to that all companies will experience a value the public employment office also needs to concentrate against companies that require university graduates. / Under ett halvt sekel har samhället förändrats från industrisamhälle till kunskapssamhälle. Industriföretag har standardiserade krav och företag som sysslar med produktionsutveckling har unika kvalifikationer. Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skapades under en tid som var anpassad till då generella krav var dominerande och anpassningen mellan lämplig arbetare och lämpligt arbete var generell. När monopolet avvecklades började bemanningsföretag etablera sig på marknaden som flexibelt anpassar sig till företagens numera specialiserade behov som kräver förfinad anpassning mellan arbete och arbetssökande. Företag mister förtroendet för den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och politiker hotar organisationen med stora nedläggningar. För att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skall kunna fortsätta existera måste anpassningen mellan lämpligt arbete och lämplig arbetssökande fungera bättre. Allt detta ledde fram till uppsatsens syfte: Vilka skillnader finns mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och de privata arbetsförmedlingarna med avseende på förändringsförmåga? För att svara på syftet användes deduktiv ansats och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer på en offentlig arbetsförmedling respektive privat arbetsförmedling. En högre chef och två mellanchefer intervjuades på den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen samt en chef på Adecco med snöbollsurval för att få fram högre resultat som annars inte hade varit möjligt. Resultatet gav att inom den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen ägnas allt för mycket åt administrativa uppgifter och möten som istället skulle ge resultat genom att kommunicera med företagen. Men personalen är motiverad och blir uppmuntrade till att ge nya förslag, men att regelverket inte tillåter alla förändringar. Bemanningsföretaget Adecco är ett vinstdrivande företag som inriktar sig på lönsamma yrkesgrupper och har inte ett omfattande regelverk vilket gör att förändringar lätt kan komma till stånd. Mycket resurser läggs på företagen och anpassningen går bra. Slutsatsen dras att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen kan leverera ett kundvärde till företagen. För att alla företag skall uppleva ett värde behöver den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen även inrikta sig mot företag som kräver akademiker.

Risk matters : studies in finance, trade and politics

Vlachos, Jonas January 2001 (has links)
This thesis consists of four self-contained empirical essays. In the first essays "Markets for Risk and Openness to Trade: How are They Related?" (with Helena Svaleryd), we ask if there is an empirical relationship between financial development and openness to trade. Numerous theoretical papers have noted that trade policies can be used as an insurance against shocks from international markets. It follows that the development of markets for risk should reduce the incentives to rely on trade policy for insurance purposes. Feeney and Hillman (2001) explicitly demonstrate how asset-market incompleteness can affect trade policy in a model where trade policy is determined by the lobbying of interest groups. If risk can be fully diversified, special-interest groups have no incentive to lobby for protection, and free trade will prevail. Likewise, trade liberalization might increase the demand for financial services, thereby spurring the development of financial markets. Using several indicators of both openness to trade and financial development, we find an economically significant relation between the two. In particular, the relation holds when using the well known, although criticized (Rodriguez and Rodrik 1999), Sachs-Warner index, and structurally adjusted trade, as indicators of openness. For tariff levels and non-tariff barriers, the results hold only for relatively rich countries. Causality seems to be running both from openness to financial development and the other way around, depending on which indicator and methodology are used. Due to underlying technological differences, industries differ in their need for external financing (Rajan and Zingales, 1998). Since services provided by the financial sector are largely immobile across countries (Pagano et al., 2001), the pattern of specialization should be influenced by the degree of financial development. In the second essay, "Financial Markets, the Pattern of Specialization, and Comparative Advantage: Evidence from OECD Countries" (with Helena Svaleryd), we find this effect to be strong. In fact, the financial sector has an even greater impact on the pattern of specialization among OECD countries than differences in human- and physical capital. Further, the financial sector gives rise to comparative advantage in a way consistent with the Hecksher-Ohlin-Vanek model. Large and active stock markets, as well as the degree of concentration in the banking sector, produce the strongest and most consistent effects. The results also support the view that the quality accounting standards and the legal protection of creditors affect the pattern of industry specialization, while the depth of the financial system (measured by the amount of liquidity in an economy) is a source of comparative advantage. The third essay, "Who Wants Political Integration? Evidence from the Swedish EU-Membership Referendum" looks directly at the determinants of political attitudes towards regional integration and separation. More precisely, the regional voting pattern of the 1994 Swedish EU-membership referendum is analyzed. To explain this variation, an empirical investigation based on the extensive theoretical literature analyzing the determinants of regional economic and political integration is undertaken. Since enhanced possibilities of inter-regional risk sharing is one of the main gains from integration discussed in the literature (e.g Persson and Tabellini, 1996), special attention is given to this issue. The empirical results show that individuals living in labor markets exposed to a high degree of risk were more negative towards EU-membership than those living in safe ones. It is also shown that inhabitants of high-income labor markets, with a high level of schooling and small receipts of central government transfers were relatively positive towards the EU-membership. Given the restrictive regulations limiting discretionary policies within the EU, these results suggest that inhabitants of safe and rich regions voted in favor of secession from the Swedish transfer system, rather than in favor of European integration. In the final essay, "Does Labor Market Risk Increase the Size of the Public Sector? Evidence From Swedish Municipalities", I study if a high degree of private labor-market risk is related to a larger public sector in Swedish municipalities. The theoretical hypothesis is based on Rodrik (1998), who argues (and shows empirically) that countries exposed to a high degree of external risk also tend to have larger governments. The safe public sector is expanded at the expense of risky sectors and hence provides insurance against income volatility. Several problems related to data availability and comparability that apply to cross-country studies are circumvented by using data on Swedish municipalities. Further, there is no need to aggregate the public sector across different levels of governance: local risk is directly related to the size of the local public sector. The paper is not a complete parallel to Rodrik’s study, however. Several alternative insurance mechanisms that do not exist between countries are available between municipalities. For example, the central government provides insurance against individual-specific risk such as unemployment and illness, private capital markets are better integrated within than between countries, and the central government can hand out grants to municipalities. Despite these mitigating factors, local labor-market risk is found to have a substantial impact on municipal public employment. It is also found that shocks increasing the size of the public sector across all municipalities tend to generate a larger increase in risky locations. For municipal public spending and taxation the results are, however, much weaker. Hence, labor-market risk affects the labor intensity of the municipal public sector, rather than its size. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2002</p>

Ny kutym eller ny kostym? : Etableringsreformen ur ett nyinstitutionellt ekonomiskt perspektiv / A New Custom or a New Costume? : The Establishment Reform from a New Institutional Economic Perspective

Hegart, Ellinor, Högberg, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka måluppfyllelsen av etableringsreformen, som trädde i kraft den 1 december 2010, samt aktören etableringslotsens funktion inom denna reform. Detta görs utifrån de uttalade målsättningarna i regeringens proposition 2009/10:60 Nyanlända invandrares arbetsmarknadsetablering – egenansvar med professionellt stöd. Därutöver belyses vilka hinder som finns för målens uppfyllelse. Studien baseras på rapporter och andra dokument från offentliga myndigheter, vilka bland annat kompletteras med egeninsamlad data. Primärdatan bygger på intervjuer som genomförts med fyra handläggare på Arbetsförmedlingen och fyra etableringslotsar som är verksamma i Linköping och Norrköping, samt en mailintervju med Arbetsförmedlingen på central nivå. Resultaten tolkas utifrån institutionell ekonomisk teori med fokus på teorier av Douglass North.Studien visar bland annat att likvärdigheten av etableringsinsatserna har ökat över landet och att arbetsmarknadsperspektivet är tydligare med Arbetsförmedlingen som huvudansvarig istället för kommunerna. Dock lider etableringsreformen av icke-individanpassade etableringsinsatser och en hög samordningsproblematik. Detta drabbar i slutänden de nyanlända som redan möter höga barriärer vid etablering i det svenska samhället. Även externa faktorer påverkar etableringsarbetet och de möjligheter som ges till de nyanlända. Framförallt är det bostadssituationen som påverkar olika ledtider och begränsar de nyanländas möjligheter till deltagande i etableringsinsatserna.De ekonomiska incitamenten för etableringslotsarna att fylla sin tilltänkta funktion är för låga och fokus från lotsarna läggs på socialt stöd istället för arbetsförberedande insatser för den nyanlände. Innovationer från positiv konkurrens har till stora delar uteblivit. Systemet innehåller även vissa brister som tillåter oseriösa eller opportunistiska etableringslotsar att verka, vilka sänker kvaliteten på etableringsarbetet och försämrar de nyanländas möjligheter till etablering på arbetsmarknaden. / The aim of the study is to assess the compliance between the goals and the results of the Establishment reform, which entered into force on December 1st 2010, and the role of the participant called the Introduction guide. This assessment is done on the basis of the goals in the proposition from the Swedish government 2009/10:60 Nyanlända invandrares arbetsmarknadsetablering – egenansvar med professionellt stöd. In addition the obstacles to achieving the goals are highlighted. The study is based on reports and other documents from public bodies that are supplemented by, amongst others, the primary data of the study. This primary data consists of interviews with four employees at the Public Employment Service and four Introduction guides in Linköping and Norrköping as well as of mail correspondence with the Public Employment Service at a central level. The results are interpreted using New Institutional Economic Theory, focusing on the theories by Douglass North.The study shows, among other things, that the differences between various establishment activities have diminished, and that there is a stronger labour market focus now that the Public Employment Service has taken over the responsibility from the municipalities. However, the Establishment reform does suffer from a lack of individually adapted establishment activities as well from a failure in collaboration and coordination. This ultimately afflicts the new arrivals, which are already facing high barriers while trying to become a part of the Swedish society. External factors also affect the establishment process and the possibilities for new arrivals. It is foremost the living situation that is affecting different lead times and limiting the immigrants possibilities to participate in establishment activities.The economic incentives for the Introduction guides to fill their intended function are too low and the guides are primarily providing social support for the new arrivals instead of labour market oriented activities. Innovations as a result of competition are largely absent. The system contains various flaws that allow for flippant or opportunistic Introduction guides, which in turn lowers the quality of the Establishment work and worsens the new arrivals’ chances of getting established on the labour market.

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