Spelling suggestions: "subject:"avrättigheter"" "subject:"köprättigheter""
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Barns rätt till utbildning : - Om svenskt socialt arbete i Togo.Nilsson, Hannes, Nyberg, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de svenska humanitära organisationerna Tam-Tam, PMU, SoUG samt Barnfonden bedriver/vill bedriva socialt arbete för att främja barns rätt till utbildning och skolgång i Togo. Vidare ämnar studien ta reda på om faktorer som bemötande och förhållningssätt har någon betydelse i deras sociala arbete i landet. Utöver detta önskar studien granska om organisationerna använder sig av olika tillvägagångssätt gällande kön i det sociala arbetet. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med nämnda organisationer. I resultatet framkommer det att organisationernas sociala arbete med att främja barns rätt till skola och utbildning utformas på olika sätt. Viktiga faktorer i arbetet är att samarbeta med lokala aktörer för att stärka individerna i samhället på flera plan. Samtliga organisationers arbete har ett särskilt fokus på att bidra till att stärka flickors och kvinnors position i samhället. Via olika projekt syftar organisationerna till att göra utbildningen och skolgången mer jämställd mellan pojkar och flickor i landet. Ytterligare en viktig del i organisationernas utvecklingsarbete handlar om att informera och medvetandegöra barnens föräldrar om utbildningens betydelse. Många familjer är fattiga och ett stort antal vuxna i landet har aldrig själva utbildat sig, vilket minskar motivationen att satsa pengar på någonting de saknar kännedom om. Organisationernas arbete med att motverka den utbredda analfabetism som finns i Togo samt att förbättra föräldrars ekonomi bidrar till att familjer i större utsträckning skickar sina barn till skolan. Studien har analyserats utifrån teorierna empowerment och kritisk teori för att identifiera och granska hur dessa synsätt kan bidra till organisationernas sociala arbete gällande främjandet av barns skolgång i Togo. / The purpose of this study is to analyse how Swedish organizations, namely the PMU, Barnfonden, Swedish Social Workers without Borders and Tam-Tam are working to promote children’s right to education in Togo. Furthermore, the study intends to find out whether factors such as attitude and approach has any meaning in their social work in the country. In addition, the study wishes to examine whether organizations use different approaches concerning gender in social work. The study employs qualitative research methods and is based on semi-structured interviews with the organizations mentioned. Our findings suggest that the organizations’ social work with regard to promoting children’s right to education has been structured in several different ways. One important factor in this social work is the collaboration with local actors to strengthen individuals` status in society, which is conducted at several levels of society. All of the organizations have focussed in particular on strengthening the social status of girls and women. The organizations have initiated various projects in order to promote gender equality in education. Another important aspect of this work involves informing the children’s parents about the importance of education. Many families are poor and a large number of adults in the country lack any education of their own. These circumstances could lessen parents’ willingness to invest money into education, as they lack knowledge about its benefits. The organizations’ efforts to counteract Togo’s widespread illiteracy and to improve parents’ finances have resulted in more families sending their children to school. The analyses in this study are based on the empowerment theory and the critical theory, and we intend to identify and review the ways in which these theories can help organizations promote children’s education in Togo.
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Globaliseringens Migration : En studie om EU:s gränsövervakningsorgan och dess arbete i förhållande till mänskliga rättigheter och immigrationPatjas, Sarah, Herrera, Arlen January 2010 (has links)
Syftets med denna uppsats har sin utgångspunkt i antagandet att globaliseringsprocessen har gett effekter i form av migration och den typ av organisation som betecknar EU och Frontex. Det huvudsakliga syftet är att utifrån en teoretisk diskussion belysa förhållandet mellan Frontex arbete och de mänskliga rättigheterna. De tre teorier som har använts är styrningsmentalitet, sociologisk globaliseringsperspektiv och mänskliga rättigheterna. Den metod som användes för att besvara undersökningens syftet har varit kvalitativ i form av textanalys. Denna teknik har gett tillfredställande resultat i besvarandet av problemformuleringen. Materialet visar att det finns ett avstånd mellan Frontex och de mänskliga rättigheterna, samt ett behov av harmonisering. Samtidigt visar materialet att det mest prioriterade strukturella området är kontroll och övervakning av dess primära grupp, de irreguljära migranterna. / The purpose of this paper originates in the assumption that the process of globalization has had an effect on the form of migration and on the type of organization that characterizes the EU and Frontex. Our main purpose is to shed light on the work of Frontex and its relationship to human rights from a theoretical perspective. The three main theories used are Governmentality, Sociology of Globalization, and Human Rights. The method followed for the purpose of the research was qualitative textual analysis, which showed satisfying results in answering our questions. The connection between the work of Frontex and Human Rights reveals their distance from each other and their need of harmonization. The most prioritized area of the agency is to control the borders of the European Union and supervision of migration, specifically the irregular migration.
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EpicNES : Tv-spelmusik framförd live med inspiration av sjuttiotalsrockKarlsson, Daniel, Wigner, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
<p>Vårt examensarbete handlar om hur man går till väga för att arrangera och göra en liveshow med tv-spelsmusik i hårdrocksstil. Med detta menas att vi arrangerade om och bearbetade tv- spelsmusiken för att passa sättningen i bandet som var keyboard, elgitarr, elbas och trummor. Konserten marknadsfördes och ett koncept har skapats kring bandet. Forskning kring rättigheter till tv-spelsmusik har gjorts för att få klarhet inom ämnet. Vårt mål under projektet har varit att utveckla oss själva inom arrangering, utveckla en liveshow och kunna ta ett steg på vägen för kunna lösa rättighetsfrågan angående tv-spelsmusik. Konserten genomfördes med ett mycket bra resultat där publiken verkade vara nöjda.Vårt examensarbete handlar om hur man går till väga för att arrangera och göra en liveshow med tv-spelsmusik i hårdrocksstil. Med detta menas att vi arrangerade om och bearbetade tv- spelsmusiken för att passa sättningen i bandet som var keyboard, elgitarr, elbas och trummor. Konserten marknadsfördes och ett koncept har skapats kring bandet. Forskning kring rättigheter till tv-spelsmusik har gjorts för att få klarhet inom ämnet. Vårt mål under projektet har varit att utveckla oss själva inom arrangering, utveckla en liveshow och kunna ta ett steg på vägen för kunna lösa rättighetsfrågan angående tv-spelsmusik. Konserten genomfördes med ett mycket bra resultat där publiken verkade vara nöjda.</p>
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The Swedish Arms Trade and the Politics of Human Rights: : A Comparative Case-study of Swedish Weapon Exports to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Russian Federation in the year of 2006Ericsson, Lina January 2008 (has links)
<p>The problem area of the study concerns the current debate and claim that much of the Swedish weapon export contradicts the Human Rights criterion and condition for non-armed conflicts set down by the Swedish regulatory framework governing weapon exports. Since these factors are crucial aspects pertaining to recipient countries in granting of ex-ports, this Bachelor Thesis investigate the context and facts relating to the two cases of munitions export to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Russian Federation in 2006. With the primary purpose of investigating if these cases pertain to the regulatory frame-work governing Swedish weapon exports, the study has been based on a deductive method of logical reasoning deriving 4 hypotheses from the regulatory framework. Over all, after testing the hypotheses, the findings show that the decisions are in clear conflict with the Human Rights criterion of the Swedish regulatory framework, but not in conflict with the framework as a whole. Thereby, the study concludes that the decisions to grant export ac-cord the regulatory framework.</p> / <p>Uppsatsens problemområde behandlar den nuvarande debatten och påståendena om hur svensk vapenexport står i strid med kriterierna för mänskliga rättigheter och icke beväpna-de konflikter, vilka är fastställda i riktlinjerna för export. Eftersom dessa är faktorer av av-sevärd vikt gällande mottagarländerna vid beslutsfattandet av export, så har denna uppsats syftat till att undersöka situationerna och empiri i förhållande till de två fallen av vapenex-port till Pakistan och Ryssland under 2006. Det primära syftet har således varit att under-söka om dessa fall är i samspel med svenskt regelverk för vapenexport. Undersökningen bygger på en deduktiv metod av logiskt resonemang som har etablerat 4 hypoteser, vilka är deducerade från svenskt regelverk. Allt som allt, efter att ha testat hypoteserna, så påvisar resultatet av studien att besluten för export står i klar strid med kriterierna för mänskliga rättigheter och icke beväpnade konflikter. Detta förklaras emellertid av andra punkter i re-gelverket, vilket ger slutsatsen att besluten är i linje med svenskt regelverk.</p>
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Skattetillägget och rättssäkerheten : Har Europadomstolens dom i målet Janosevic mot Sverige 2002 lett till förbättrad rättssäkerhet på skatteområdet?Johansson, Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>In 1972 the regulations on tax surcharge were introduced. In the new system the sur-charge are imposed by the Tax Authority (skatteverket) and not the Court. Since 1995 the European Convention on Human Rights constitute law in Sweden, which means that Sweden is forced to guarantee its citizens the human rights in the Convention. Article 6 in the Convention states that everyone, in the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, is entitled to a fair hea-ring within reasonable time. The Article also expresses the right for anyone charged with a criminal offence to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law (the presumtion of innocence). Article 4 in the seventh amendment states that nobo-dy may be tried or punished again (the principle of ne bis in idem). Another impor-tant principle when enterpreting the Convention is the principle of proportionality, which means that measures should be proportionate in relation to the legal aim.</p><p>In 1985 the question of the tax surcharge and its compatibility with the rights in the European Convention arose for the first time, when the Swedish citizen Max von Sydow complained to the European Commission that his right to a fair trial had been infringed. However, the court never gave a decision due to settlement out of court. In 2002 the European Court of Human Rights stated in Janosevic v. Sweden and Västberga Taxi AB and Vulic v. Sweden, that the regulations on tax surcharge had in-fringed the complainants’ right to access to court and to a fair trial within reasonable time. In consequence, some changes were done in order to make the regulations on tax surcharge conform to the requirements in the Convention.</p><p>An analyze is made to investigate whether the changes have improved the situation or if Sweden still is on the verge of infringement of the Convention. My analyses re-veals that the changes only led to marginal improvements. The areas where Sweden could still be in breach of the Convention are the length of the proceedings in the matter of tax surcharge, the lack of subjective elements and the situation where tax surcharge sometimes are imposed when a criminal penalty is simultaniously applied.</p>
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Clean and Safe Water : - a study of its status as a human rightLanderholm, Anna, Nilsson, Joachim January 2008 (has links)
<p>This dissertation has the intention to discuss access to clean and safe water from an aspect of human rights. The aim is to investigate how access to clean and safe water is seen upon as a human right, and if the water situation would be influenced and perhaps improved if it was declared as an independent human right. The issue is mainly discussed from an overriding international perspective, but with focus on the situation in developing countries. This because it is often in these countries that the greatest deficiency of drinking water is occurring, and where the regimes do not ensure their population sufficient access to drinking water. The study also aims to describe the current discussion about whether to make clean and safe water an independent human right or not and to give an account of the arguments held by representatives of the different standpoints.</p><p>A sort of inductive method is used in the dissertation and the analysis mainly is built upon the Indian economist Amartya Sens theories about entitlements and development. The study principally is based on literature, documents and reports on human rights and access to and legislation of clean and safe water. However, the study also includes some phone interviews and analyses in a Geographic Information System and the statistical program SPSS.</p>
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VEMS SÄKERHET? VILKA RÄTTIGHETER? : Om diskursförändringen i svensk migrationspolitisk riksdagsdebatt 1975-2002Olmsäter, Therese January 2007 (has links)
<p>Human rights and solidarity, as well as moral and legal responsibilities to protect people in need of refuge, seem to be principles of secondary importance within international migratory policies today. Instead, the predominant view seems to focus more and more on the protection of territorial borders, the welfare state and national identity. This international change in discourse can also be seen in the political trends of individual states. There are reasons to believe that this is a development that is also perceptible in the political rhetoric that is used in parliamentary debates, which constitute the main focus of this thesis. The aim of this study has therefore been to increase the understanding of this change in migratory policies by analyzing Swedish parliamentary debates between 1975 and 2002, using a theoretical framework focused on two different perspectives on security: First, the Copenhagen School and securitization of migration, and second, human security and human rights. The method consists of an interpretative and reflective method, together with a critical discourse analysis approach. The main results of the thesis show a possibility to distinguish four sets of discourses with close ties to the contemporary societal context during this period of almost three decades. However, the main arguments for such a change in discourse are first, that although the migration policies have developed in a more restrictive way since the 1980’s, the arguments and rhetoric in parliamentary debates have not changed much even though the tendencies are harder tones simultaneously with such restrictions. Second, in spite of this similarity, there have been people in parliament who have raised their voices and protested during this period when, in their view, the politics has moved outside of the ordinary framework. Finally, this thesis argues that it is possible to place the two debating sides in what could be named the security/rights- nexus, depending on each side’s point of departure according to the security framework of this thesis.</p>
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Europeiska Unionen- en demokrati? : En studie om demokratins utbredning och utveckling inom EU:s institutioner.Eriksson, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to study the level of democracy within the European Union (EU). To do so the following issues were examined: How the EU works and the efforts it has made to improve levels of democracy; and the degree to which the EU fulfils the criteria set by Robert Dahl in his theory of polyarchy.</p><p>The study is based on a qualitative text analysis. The focus of the analysis is documents released by the EU that can be connected to democracy, and human and fundamental rights. The theory of polyarchy proposed by Robert Dahl and Joseph Schumpeter’s theory of democracy are the principal theories applied. The thesis also includes theories about democracy within the EU prior to this study.</p><p>The result and conclusion after studying the documents in the light of the theories of Dahl and Schumpeter suggest that the EU could be more democratic than it is at present. The movement towards becoming more democratic is in progress but needs more time. The fundamental criterion, i.e. that citizens should to be able to choose the holders of a particular position, is weak in the EU because there are only general elections to the European Parliament, which is just one of the three main institutions.</p>
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Alla människors rätt till jämlika möjligheter i samhället : En komparativ studie av länsstyrelserna i Kalmars, Östergötlands och Västra Götalands läns arbete med de mänskliga rättigheterna.Andersson, Helen January 2015 (has links)
It is a human right to be treated equally and fairly no matter whom you are, what you like or where you are from. The United Nations addressed the important aspects of equally treatment in their declaration of the human rights. It is each conventions state’s responsibility to fulfil all the rights in the declaration. This study focuses on three Swedish county administrative organizational works with the human rights from their annual reports from 2014. The purpose of this study was to clarify each county administrative work with the human rights from an implementation perspective, and educe improvement potentials. The method which is used in this essay is a comparative study of the three organizations with a text analysis of their annual reports and a national report. This means that they initially were analysed separately and then compared in the end of the analysis. Factors such as the integration of the human rights and methods are of great importance in the presentation of each county administrative work. It is the government who is ultimately responsible for the human rights and that they are observed and worked with. To facilitate the work on a regional basis, the government have delegated the responsibility to the county administrative. Their main task is to ensure that the human rights-perspective is anchored in the organisation and that they work with the rights externally as well. The analysis compared the county administrative for what they have accomplished during the year, regardless of their geographical size and population. The results show that there are several steps left for the county administrative to use in their future work with the implementation of the human rights.
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Barns delaktighet i frågor om umgängesstöd : en studie av elva tingsrättsdomarGustafsson, Michelle, Olsson, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine children's participation in court proceedings on supervised visitation and to analyse the descriptions of children in court verdicts. Eleven verdicts concerning supervised visitation resolved in 2014 were collected from two district courts in Stockholm County and studied with a qualitative textual analysis. The material was analysed with participation levels influenced by the ladder of participation for children developed by Roger Hart and with the theory of sociology of childhood. Our findings showed that children's opinions were mentioned in eight of the verdicts. In four verdicts the children's will influenced the courts decisions. The children’s will was in none of the verdicts determinant for the outcome. The children's level of participation had no correlation with their age. The children were often described as having universal needs rather than individual needs. The will of the children was in some verdicts invalidated by the court because of their age and their perceived lack of ability to understand what's best for them in the future. Our conclusions are that the court rarely described the children as independent actors or took the children's wishes into account.
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