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Systém pro monitorování spotřeby vozidel / A System for Monitoring Vehicle Fuel ConsumptionLazárek, Zbyněk January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a system that can detect fuel theft from vehicles. The systemconsists of a hardware device located in the monitored vehicles and information systemthat makes it possible to determine when and where the theft occurred. The thesis describesthe components of the hardware device and individual functionalities of the informationsystem.
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Využití sběrnice I2C pro komunikaci s externím zařízením / Communication with external devices by I2C busPrax, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
This diploma paper deals with the data bus line I2C and a supportive demonstration tool for the subject Microprocessor technology taught at the Radioelectronics faculty. The data bus line I2C is convenient when short-distance data transmission with restricted spatial possibilities is required but high velocity of data transmission is not necessary. The tool is compiled in such a way that enables it to also perform other tasks apart from those dealing with the I2C data bus line. The data bus line in the tool is utilized for transmission of date, time, temperature, data for the D/A converter, data from and to the EEPROM memory and data to 16 bits expander.
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Rozšíření analýzy rizik v systému RTC / Risk Analysis Extension in RTC SystemFiličko, Dávid January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is about the risks, what is the risk and what methods exist for risk analysis with the focus on HAZOP, FMEA, ETA and FTA. At the end of the thesis is described RTC system, design and inpmelentation of extesion for the system.
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Nya perspektiv på personlighet och förändringsmotstånd : Big Five och Dark Triads betydelse för Resistance to ChangeSöder, Linda, Hjelm, Lina January 2020 (has links)
En anledning till att mångaförändringsinsatser misslyckas är anställdas motstånd till förändring. Dispositionellt motstånd till förändring (RTC) har beskrivits som individuella tendenser att undvika eller stå emot förändringar. Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att undersöka i vilken grad en individs personlighet förklarar dess motstånd till förändring. En webbaserad enkät bestående av instrumenten IPIP30, SD3 och RTC-scale besvarades av 158 deltagare (kvinnor=70%). Bivariat korrelation och multipel regressionsanalys användes för att bearbeta datamaterialet. Resultatet visade att 41% av variansen i RTC kan förklaras med hjälp av Big Five och studiens kontrollvariabler, personlighetsdragen extraversion och neuroticism stod för de signifikanta bidragen. Studien visade att Big Five har samband med samtliga RTC-faktorer, vilket inte tidigare har rapporterats. Vidare visade studien att Dark Triad tillsammans med kontrollvariablerna stod för 23% av variansen i RTC, narcissism och Machiavellism stod förde viktigaste bidragen. Studien indikerar att det kan finnas vidare användningsområden för personlighetstestning. / One reason why many change initiatives fails is becauseof the employees' resistance to change. Dispositional resistance to change (RTC) is described as individual tendencies to avoid or resist change. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate to which extent an individual's personality explains its resistance to change. A web-based survey consisting of the IPIP30, SD3 and RTC scale instruments was answered by 158 participants (women=70%). Bivariate correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to process the data. The results showed that 41% of the variance in RTC can be explained by the Big Five and the control variables of the study, personality traits extraversion and neuroticism accounted for the significant contributions. The study showed that the Big Five is related to all RTC factors, this has not been reported before. Furthermore, the study showed that Dark Triad together with the control variables accounted for 23% of the variance in RTC, narcissism and Machiavellianism accounted for the most important contributions. The study indicates that there may be further uses for personality testing.
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Mätning av LCD-bildskärmars responstid och latens : Measurement of LCD displays response time and input lagMikkelsen, Markus, Svanfors, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Examensarbetet har utförts i samarbete med företaget LVI (Low Vision International) som tillverkar elektroniska hjälpmedel för synskadade. LVI utvärderar vid jämna mellanrum nya LCD-bildskärmar för deras produkter. LVI behöver metoder samt utrustning för att mäta bildskärmars responstid och latens. Både responstiden och latensen ger fördröjningar vilket t.ex. leder till att bilden blir oskarp, rörliga föremål får en svans efter sig eller att lju- det kommer före bilden. I detta arbete utförs en grundlig förstudie som behandlar bild- skärmars responstid och latens samt ger ett underlag för att konstruera eller köpa mätut- rustning för responstidsmätningar. I förstudien framkommer den standardiserade mätmeto- den ”grey-to-grey” som LVI kan använda för att mäta responstiden. En mätkrets konstrue- ras för att mäta responstiden samt beställs en dedikerad enhet för latensmätning. För att ut- värdera mätmetoderna utförs ett antal tester med mätkretsen för responstid och den dedike- rade enheten för mätning av latens. Mätningarna visar senare att mätmetoden ”grey-to- grey” är den som LVI ska använda men metoden behöver vidareutvecklas. Den dedikerade enheten för latensmätningar visar sig mäta en del av responstiden och bör därför endast an- vändas som komplement till responstidsmätningen vid jämförelser mellan olika bildskär- mar. Arbetet levererar en förstudie i LCD-bildskärmars responstid och latens, en vidareut- vecklad version av ”grey-to-grey”-metoden, mätutrustning för responstidsmätning samt den dedikerade mätenheten för latens till företaget LVI. / The thesis was performed in collaboration with the company LVI (Low Vision Interna- tional) that manufactures electronic devices for the visually impaired. LVI evaluates new LCD displays for their products at regular intervals. LVI need methods and equipment for measuring response time and input lag. Both response time and input lag cause delays, which results in such things as image blur, ghosting after moving objects or a delay between sound and image. The preliminary study reveals the standardized method “grey- to-grey” that LVI can use to measure response time. A measurement circuit was constructed to measure response time and a dedicated unit for input lag measurement was ordered. To evaluate the measurement methods a number of tests were conducted with the response time circuit and the dedicated input lag unit. The measurements showed that the method LVI shall use is the "grey-to-grey” method but it needs further development. It turned out that the dedicated unit for input lag measured a portion of the response time and should therefore only be used as a complement to the response time measurement when comparing displays. The thesis delivers a preliminary study in LCD displays response times and input lag, a further developed version of the “grey-to-grey” method, measurement equipment for response time and a dedicated unit for input lag measurements to the company LVI.
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A Real-Time Classification approach of a Human Brain-Computer Interface based on Movement Related ElectroencephalogramMileros, Martin D. January 2004 (has links)
<p>A Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface is a technical system classifying increased or decreased brain activity in Real-Time between different body movements, actions performed by a person. Focus in this thesis will be on testing algorithms and settings, finding the initial time interval and how increased activity in the brain can be distinguished and satisfyingly classified. The objective is letting the system give an output somewhere within 250ms of a thought of an action, which will be faster than a persons reaction time. </p><p>Algorithms in the preprocessing were Blind Signal Separation and the Fast Fourier Transform. With different frequency and time interval settings the algorithms were tested on an offline Electroencephalographic data file based on the "Ten Twenty" Electrode Application System, classified using an Artificial Neural Network. </p><p>A satisfying time interval could be found between 125-250ms, but more research is needed to investigate that specific interval. A reduction in frequency resulted in a lack of samples in the sample window preventing the algorithms from working properly. A high frequency is therefore proposed to help keeping the sample window small in the time domain. Blind Signal Separation together with the Fast Fourier Transform had problems finding appropriate correlation using the Ten-Twenty Electrode Application System. Electrodes should be placed more selectively at the parietal lobe, in case of requiring motor responses.</p>
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A Real-Time Classification approach of a Human Brain-Computer Interface based on Movement Related ElectroencephalogramMileros, Martin D. January 2004 (has links)
A Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface is a technical system classifying increased or decreased brain activity in Real-Time between different body movements, actions performed by a person. Focus in this thesis will be on testing algorithms and settings, finding the initial time interval and how increased activity in the brain can be distinguished and satisfyingly classified. The objective is letting the system give an output somewhere within 250ms of a thought of an action, which will be faster than a persons reaction time. Algorithms in the preprocessing were Blind Signal Separation and the Fast Fourier Transform. With different frequency and time interval settings the algorithms were tested on an offline Electroencephalographic data file based on the "Ten Twenty" Electrode Application System, classified using an Artificial Neural Network. A satisfying time interval could be found between 125-250ms, but more research is needed to investigate that specific interval. A reduction in frequency resulted in a lack of samples in the sample window preventing the algorithms from working properly. A high frequency is therefore proposed to help keeping the sample window small in the time domain. Blind Signal Separation together with the Fast Fourier Transform had problems finding appropriate correlation using the Ten-Twenty Electrode Application System. Electrodes should be placed more selectively at the parietal lobe, in case of requiring motor responses.
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The study of Optimal Asset Allocation of Banks after Asset-backed Securitization and write off NPL with secreturizationYen, Tsung-Yu 30 May 2003 (has links)
In the financial industry , typical indirect-financial institution attracts deposit, inter-bank loan, or issuing negotiable certificate of time deposit and bonds.¡@After collecting money from excess capital units through auditing procedure then loan to the needed parties as a financial intermediary in the market. The roles of financial institutions such as banks are acting as a financial intermediary by providing buy-sell funding to enterprises or individuals. Those banks actually take whole funding liquidity risk to exchange main resource of bank¡¦s profitability. Once failure in managing risk or facing dynamically financial environment changing, bank may engage in difficulty and cause serious financial crisis. Comparison with large international financial institutions, our financial institutions hold a lot of NPL (Non-Performing Loan; Taiwan major NPL almost came from mortgage), it not only lower the liquidity of fund, longer payment duration but also raise operation risk can¡¦t recover financial assets. The quality of asset has also been worse off rapidly. These phenomena raise financial institution operation risk and influence stability of financial system and development of financial environment. With the financial environment is changing, those developed countries mostly adopted structured finance or financial asset securitization methods. The purpose of financial asset securitization in general is to raise fund for originator. Originator is the most important participant on the securitization process.
The originators pool and reorganize those assets, which could create cash flow into small-amount unit security and sell to the investors. By this way originator don¡¦t have to wait till maturity and buyback those securities. That is why by using financial asset securitization will help financial institution to improve asset/liability management, spread asset risk and increase the ratio of equity to assets. At the same time, this will improve the effect and efficiency of finance institution¡¦s operating and open up the funding market. Mortgage securitization can raise banks¡¦ capital adequacy and current ratio. By way of asset securitization, the originators enjoy higher asset liquidity, lower funding cost, and improved capital ratio; while investors can use mortgage-backed securities to diversity their portfolios, improve liquidity and enhance yields. For originators, securitization is not only lower the cost of capital, increase the net profit but also enhances the liquidity of cash and balances the assets¡¦ structure. Assets-backed securitization has been prevailed in USA for years. It effectively controls the NPL (Non-performing Loans) problem and stabilizes financial management. Through financial asset securitization optimal asset allocation model, this thesis has the following finding:
1. Financial market funding supply shows multiple effects after Banking Financial asset securitization. In the initial stage of securitization, banks will lower risky assets and then will increase to original size.
2. After Financial asset securitization, a capital adequate ratio will rise first then become normal level.
3. Under assumption that financial asset securitization does not create any capital gain or loss; bank will lower profitability at initial stage. Then after a while, profitability will increase dramatically later.
4. After consideration of risk, this research discovers that securitization wills steeper Capital Allocation Line. It means every risk taking will compensate higher return. Improve Banking efficiency and profitability.
Securitization provides a groundbreaking tool to increase profitability and avoid risk. Under MBS structure, the commissions and fees, absolutely out of risk, is major and stable income of the bank. On the other hand, the successful development of USA RTC implement is another contribution to resolve NPL. In sum, financial asset securitization not only accelerates the efficiency of financial institutions for more balance capital markets but also avoids financial risk in the banking system. At present, the prime theme of he banking sector should be how to maintain sound operations by strengthening credit risk management and restructure assets quality. Introducing successful external professional partner system is another way to deal with NPL problems.
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Technological Acceptance of an Avatar Based Interview Training Application : The development and technological acceptance study of the AvBIT application.Dalli, Kevin Charles January 2021 (has links)
This thesis expands on previous research and designs of avatar-based child interview training software. The goal of the thesis was to identify requirements, identify technologies and evaluate the likelihood of acceptance of a distribution ready software that would enhance role-play training exercises commonly used for child interview training. After identifying the requirements needed to create this type of application the needed technologies for solving those requirements were identified and one prototype and two production ready applications were developed. The production ready versions were distributed in an official capacity through AvBIT Labs Ab. Each version was evaluated using the technological acceptance model (TAM) in order to determine likelihood of acceptance in relevant industries. The TAM survey, USE survey and correspondence with experts were used to evaluate missing requirements and the likelihood of software acceptance. The research conducted in this thesis directly contributed to the founding of AvBIT Labs AB and the distribution of the AvBIT application to both governmental and non-governmental organizations, seeking to enhance their child interview training, throughout Europe.
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Vestavný systém s komunikačním rozhraním NFC a Wi-Fi / Embedded System with Communication Interface NFC and Wi-FiBugár, Loránt January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with communication system design via the NFC and Wi-Fi interface. The thesis has two basic goals. The first goal is to create a device that is capable of storing of data and its subsequent transfer via the NFC interface. The second aim is to utilize this device for measuring various physical variables. The IoT technology is employed to fulfill the aforementioned goal. IoT technology is capable of visualizing data in real time and make them accessible via the Internet. The result of this work is an universal device, that contains the most popular communication interfaces, such as I2C, SPI and that is capable of processing measurement data from digital, analogue, and wireless sensors.
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