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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of MR training data on the quality of synthetic CT generation / MR träningsdatas påverkan på kvaliteten av syntetisk CT generering

Jönsson, Gustav January 2022 (has links)
Both computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have a purpose for radiotherapy. But having two imaging sessions brings uncertainty which makes it beneficial to create synthetic CT (sCT) images from MR images. In this work a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) was designed and implemented for sCT generation. The purpose of the work was to broaden the understanding of how variation in training data affects a model’s performance on generating sCTs. This was done by increasing the training sets with patients with artifacts, female patients and synthetic MR contrasts. Eight different machine learning models with varying training data were trained and evaluated. Four models were trained using T2-weighted data only while the other four used both real T2-weighted images and synthetic T1 (sT1) images in their training sets. The models were evaluated on the pixel value difference between the CT and the resulting sCTs using a mean absolute error (MAE) evaluation. Afterwards, dose calculations were made with patients’ treatment plans on both their CTs and their corresponding sCTs and compared doses to some of the structures. Finally the models were compared based on their performance on synthetic MR contrasts. This means I used a contrast transfer model to change the contrast from a T1-weighted image to a synthetic T2 or from a T2-weighted image to a synthetic T1 and then generated sCT images from the synthetic contrasts. These experiments showed that when I increased the models’ training sets with relevant patients MAE decreased between the CT and a generated sCT. Importantly, this was also true for our models trained on sT1s when evaluating on T1 weighted images. Increasing the size of the datasets also increased the performance in a treatment planning purpose and it also decreased the difference when evaluating the models on original MR images and synthetic MR images. In conclusion an improved performance was shown for models evaluated on images with artifacts, female patients and other MR contrast when including more images from those image types in the training dataset.

Att upptäcka kvinnors våldsutsatthet i nära relationer : Röntgensjuksköterskans roll i att identifiera och bemöta / Detecting Women´S Exposure To Violence In Close Relationships : The Radiographer’s role in identifying and encountering

Ahmad, Mohammad khaer, Amis, Touleen January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Våld i nära relationer är ett samhällsproblem som resulterar i allvarliga konsekvenser. Var tredje kvinna i världen drabbas av fysiskt, psykiskt eller sexuellt våld. I Sverige har under 2022 mer än 38 000 misshandelsbrott mot kvinnor rapporterats. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har en viktig roll i att upptäcka och stödja våldsutsatta kvinnor. Syfte: Att beskriva röntgensjuksköterskans roll i att identifiera och bemöta våldsutsatta kvinnor i nära relationer. Metod: Denna studie har genomförts som en allmän litteraturöversikt där data samlades in från två olika databaser, PubMed och CINAHL. Tolv vetenskapliga kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades och presenterades i form av tre kategorier. Resultat: De kategorier som uppkom i resultatet var identifikation av våldets struktur och sammansättning, hinder för upptäckt och bemötandet av våldsutsatta. Resultatet visade att våldsrelaterade fysiska skador uppstår oftast i huvudet, nacken och övre extremiteter. Dessa skador varierar beroende på våldets mekanism och allvarlighetsgrad. Psykiskt våld påverkar kvinnors välmående. Det har visat sig att brist på kunskap, riktlinjer och tid kan hindra våldsutsatta kvinnor och vårdpersonal från att arbeta mot våldsutsatthet. Ett empatiskt och respektfullt bemötande ansågs vara viktigt gentemot våldsdrabbade kvinnor. Slutsats: Kunskap om hur fysiskt och psykiskt våld visar sig är avgörande för upptäckt och hantering av våldsutsatthet. Dessutom kan ett empatiskt bemötande hjälpa våldsutsatta kvinnor att känna sig trygga och villiga att prata om sin utsatthet. Det är viktigt att ha tydliga rutiner och riktlinjer som främjar bättre arbetssätt och säkerställer att adekvata åtgärder vidtas. / Introduction: Violence in close relationships is a problem in society that results in serious consequences. Every third woman in the world suffers from physical, psychological or sexual violence. In Sweden, during 2022, more than 38,000 crimes of assault against women have been reported. Healthcare professionals have an important role in detecting and supporting abused women. Purpose: To describe the radiographer’s role in identifying and encountering abused women in close relationships. Method: This study has been conducted as a general literature review where data were collected from two different databases, PubMed and CINAHL. Twelve scientific qualitative and quantitative studies were quality reviewed, analyzed and presented in the form of three categories. Results: The categories that emerged in the results were identification of the structure and composition of the violence, barriers to detection and encountering victims of violence. The results showed that violence-related physical injuries occur most often in the head, neck and upper extremities. These injuries vary depending on the mechanism and severity of the violence. Psychological violence affects women's well-being. It has been shown that a lack of knowledge, guidelines and time can prevent abused women and healthcare professionals from working against violence. An empathetic and respectful encounter was considered important towards women affected by violence. Conclusion: Knowledge of how physical and psychological violence manifests is crucial for the detection and management of violence. In addition, an empathetic encounter can help abused women feel safe and willing to talk about their situation. It is important to have distinct routines and guidelines that promote better working methods and ensure that adequate measures are taken.

Patienters upplevelse av information i samband med en 18F-FDG PET/DT-undersökning : En kvantitativ enkätstudie

Arcos Qvarnström, Ronja, Bonde Kalén, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Nuklearmedicin är en specialitet där Flour18-fluorodeoxyglukos positronemissionstomografi/datortomografi (18F-FDG PET/DT) är en vanligt förekommande undersökning. Den vanligaste indikationen för att genomgå undersökningen är misstänkt eller känd cancer. Syfte: Syftet var att studera patienters upplevelse av information i samband med en 18F-FDG PET/DT-undersökning. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes på nuklearmedicinska avdelningen där 100 patienter som uppfyllde inklusionskriterierna tillfrågades om medverkan i studien. Efter undersökningen ombads studiedeltagarna att besvara en enkät innehållande nio studiespecifika frågor gällande informationen med fem tillhörande svarsalternativ. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att 93,4% av studiedeltagarna upplevde den skriftliga informationen som tydlig och lättförståelig. Samtliga enkätfrågor erhöll en median på 4 vilket överensstämmer med svarsalternativet 5 “Instämmer helt”. Resultatet visar att 86 studiedeltagare (94,5%) var nöjda med den muntliga informationen samt att 78 studiedeltagare (88,7%) var nöjda med den skriftliga informationen. Resultatet påvisade att informationen gällande den radioaktiva isotopen erhöll 7 "Instämmer i låg grad" och informationen efter undersökningen erhöll 3 "Instämmer inte alls". Slutsats: Majoriteten av patienter som genomgår en 18F-FDG PET/DT-undersökning är nöjda med informationsinnehållet i samband med undersökningen. Informationen gällande den radioaktiva isotopen samt informationen efter undersökningen behöver dock förbättras. En mer omfattande studie som inkluderar fler studiedeltagare under en längre tidsperiod bör genomföras för ett mer generaliserbart resultat hos den aktuella patientgruppen. / Nuclear Medicine is a speciality in which Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) is a common examination. The most common indication for undergoing the examination is known or suspected cancer. Aim: Our aim was to study patients’ experiences regarding the information during an 18F-FDG PET/CT examination. Method: A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out at the Nuclear Medicine department in which 100 patients who met the inclusion criteria were asked to participate. The participants were asked to answer a questionnaire regarding the information containing of nine study-specific questions with five options. Results: The results of our study showed that 93,4% of the participants perceived the written information as direct and easily comprehensible. All questions received a median score of 4, which corresponds with alternative 5 “Strongly agree”. The result shows that 86 participants (94,5%) were satisfied with the verbal information and that 78 participants (88,7%) were satisfied with the written information. The results showed that the information regarding the radioactive isotope received 7 “Disagree” and the information after the examination received 3 “Strongly disagree”. Conclusion: The majority of patients who undergo an 18F-FDG PET/CT examination are satisfied with the information during the examination. However, the information regarding the radioactive tracer and the information after the examination needs to be improved. A larger study that includes more participants over a longer period of time is suggested to be conducted for more generalized results.

Fler genomgår datortomografi för akut buksmärta : En retrospektiv studie av akuta DT-bukundersökningar med intravenös kontrast i Sverige / More patients undergo computed tomography for acute abdominal pain : A retrospective study of acute abdominal CT examinations with intravenous contrast in Sweden

Joborn, Emma, Nygren, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet datortomografiundersökningar (DT-undersökningar) har ökat kraftigt i Sverige och den kollektiva stråldosen till befolkningen blir allt högre. DT-undersökningar av buken är en av de undersökningarna som ger högst stråldos till patienten, därför är det viktigt att de endast görs när det krävs för att ställa diagnos. Därmed kan det vara relevant att undersöka huruvida antalet undersökningar också lett till ökat antal patologiska fynd hos patienter. Syfte: Undersöka hur många akuta DT-undersökningar med intravenös kontrast av buken som gjordes vid två sjukhus och hur stor andel av dessa som påvisade patologiska fynd. Metod: För att besvara syftet gjordes en kvantitativ retrospektiv studie där röntgenremisser och röntgensvar från mars 2013, mars 2018 och mars 2023 analyserades. Resultat: Antalet akuta DT-bukundersökningar med intravenös kontrast har ökat vid sjukhusen med i genomsnitt 49,5% mellan 2018–2023. Den mest markanta ökningen sågs i åldrarna 50–80 år. Vid Sjukhus 1 hade andelen fynd ökat från 57,5% i mars 2013 till 72,4% i mars 2023, samtidigt som andelen fynd vid Sjukhus 2 i stället minskat från 54% i mars 2018 till 46,3% i mars 2023. De vanligaste fynden vid de två sjukhusen var ileus/subileus, appendicit och kolecystit/gallsten/vidgade gallvägar. Könsfördelningen visade att något fler kvinnor än män genomgick akut DT buk med iv. kontrast, (Sjukhus 1: 54% kvinnor och Sjukhus 2: 55% kvinnor). Slutsatser: Det har vid båda sjukhusen skett en ökning av antalet undersökningar men utvecklingen av andelen fynd har gått i två olika riktningar. De vanligaste patologiska fynden som görs skulle kunna ställas med hjälp av andra modaliteter med låg eller ingen stråldos, såsom konventionell röntgen eller ultraljud. Ökningen av antalet akut DT-buk med iv. kontrast har medfört en ökad arbetsbelastning för röntgensjuksköterskor.

Feasibility of quantitative 99mTc-DPD scintigraphy SPECT/CT for assessing the burden of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis / Genomförbarhet av kvantitativ 99mTc-DPD-scintigrafi med SPECT/CT för att bedöma svårighetsgraden av ATTR hjärtamyloidos

Khalaf, Sajad Kadhim January 2023 (has links)
Background: Amyloid transthyretin (ATTR) cardiomyopathy is caused by the deposition of misfolded proteins, known as amyloid fibrils, in the myocardium. Quantitative Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (QSPECT) utilizing 99mTc-DPD scintigraphy has the potential to assess ATTR-suspected cardiac amyloidosis (CA). This method could offer improved risk stratification and therapy response monitoring compared to the established Perugini score system. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of employing a quantitative approach and correlating various parameters with LVMI (left ventricular mass index). Method: Initially, planar and volumetric sensitivity measurements were conducted, followed by verification of accuracy measurements. Several torso phantom acquisitions were then performed to evaluate the accuracy and repeatability in terms of recovery coefficient (RC) and repeatability deviation (RD). This served as the foundation for the subsequent in vivo quantification. In this retrospective study, 10 patients underwent 99mTc-DPD scintigraphy, including SPECT/CT of the thorax and echocardiography examinations, as part of a clinical routine for suspected CA. The myocardial SUVmax was determined using a semi-automatic segmentation of the entire heart, excluding the descending and ascending aortas. The bone uptake was also quantified using the SUVmean parameter within the automatically delineated volume of all bones. This enabled the determination of the normalized uptake value nSUVmax, (SUVmax to SUVmean bone). Moreover, an attempt was made to apply an automatic segmentation of the myocardium based on 26% and 36% thresholds, which were developed from the torso phantom acquisitions. This approach allowed for the utilization of the injected dose (ID). Results: The planar calibration factor (CF) exceeded the volumetric cross-calibration factor (CCF) by 3.4%. The anthropomorphic phantom exhibited an underestimation of approximately 50% in the myocardium and around 21% in the kidneys. The average RD in the myocardium and kidneys was 2.3% and 1.6%, respectively. A significant quantitative separation was observed between the ATTR and control groups, comprising 6 and 4 patients, respectively (p<0.01 for SUVmax and nSUVmax, and p<0.02 for SUVmean bone). Correlation analysis revealed a weak positive correlation between SUVmax and LVMI; however, the correlation was not statistically significant (ρ = 0.31, p = 0.39). The ID in the 26% and 36% threshold-based segmented myocardium showed a relatively lower negative correlation with LVMI; although this was observed in the small ATTR cohort and was not statistically significant. The latter outcome resulted from the automatic-delineation method, which was unable to segment grade 0 and 1 patients. Conclusion: This study suggests that both CFs can be used in QSPECT. The phantom measurements indicate good repeatability and a significant quantitative underestimation, primarily due to the partial volume effect (PVE). Size and shape-specific PVE corrections, encompassing various activity concentrations of myocardium-to-blood pool ratios, are essential in QSPECT of the myocardium. Moreover, quantitative SPECT/CT utilizing 99mTc-DPD scintigraphy can effectively distinguish between patients with grade 0/1 and those with grade 2/3. This approach has the potential to enhance diagnostic accuracy and improve risk stratification.

Visualizing osteonecrosis of jaws through neutrophil elastase : [11C]NES novel PET tracer

Dannberg, Amanda, Martinez, Theodora January 2023 (has links)
Radiation and medical drugs are used to fight head and neck cancer, but unfortunately in some cases these treatments cause development of other diseases and injuries. Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) and medical-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) are dreaded late complications in jaws from radiation therapy and medical drugs and cause great suffering to those affected. The full extent of ORN and MRONJ may be difficult to diagnose due to visualizing problems in quantifying boundaries of osteonecrosis and healthy tissues. Maxillofacial surgeons now use radiology and clinical appearance to differ affected bone, which may result in unprecise estimation of the area that is affected. As a possible adjuvant diagnostic procedure, visualizing osteonecrosis by examining neutrophil elastase (NE) activity in jaws was tested in patients. A newly developed positron emission tomography (PET) tracer specific for NE was used for observation and measurement in PET/CT images. An image processing software was used for visualization, segmentation, and analysis. Areas with osteonecrosis were identified in the ORN patients, but not in their entirety and all activity could not be equated with osteonecrosis as undiagnosed areas as well absorbed the tracer. Visualization of MRONJ displayed unexpectedly low activity in the diagnosed area.    The conclusion drawn from the results and the analysis is that NE activity can be found in osteonecrosis patients, but the activity itself does not provide complete information to visualize and quantify the diseased area and it cannot be equated with osteonecrosis. To verify NE activity as osteonecrosis, tissue samples from the affected area need to be collected for histological examination

Radiotherapy treatment strategy for prostate cancer with lymph node involvement / Strålbehandlingsstrategi för prostatacancer med misstänkt involverade lymfkörtlar

Östensson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Radiotherapy is a common and useful method for treating prostate cancer, often using gold fiducial markers in the prostate as guidance. However, when there is a high risk of lymph node involvement, the independent motion of volumes causes complications in patient positioning since there is a choice between position against the gold fiducial markers or the bone anatomy. This leads to expansion of margins for either the prostate or the pelvic lymph nodes. In this thesis two different treatment strategies were performed and compared against given treatment plans. The purpose was to evaluate the standard treatment and to be able to recommend a new clinical approach for treatment of high-risk prostate cancer. Nine high-risk prostate cancer patients with their given treatment plans were used as a baseline. The patients underwent a planning CT and five CBCTs during the treatment. Two new treatment plan setups were done, a robust treatment and a sequential treatment with three and nine different plans respectively. The baseline and the robust treatment used gold fiducial markers as reference, with a prescribed dose of 2.20 Gy over 35 fractions with a VMAT. The sequential treatment used both gold fiducial markers and bone anatomy as reference, done by 35 fractions with a prescribed dose of 0.6 Gy with a single arc and 1.6 Gy with a dual arc respectively. A total of thirteen different treatment plan setups for each patient were simulated 100 times each, resulting in 11700 simulated treatments in total. The resulting simulated treatments were evaluated by the percentage passing nine different clinical goals, as well as dose and percentage volume averages for these goals. The results from the simulated robust treatments showed a decrease in percentage passing and D98 for the prostate and an increase in percentage passing and D98 for the lymph nodes and vesicles compared to the baseline. An increase in percentage passing and D98 was seen in the sequential treatment strategy for both targets compared to the baseline. The rectum had a larger percentage passing the clinical goals and a lower V69, V74 and V59 for both the robust and sequential treatment strategies. The D2 for the external were lower in the robust treatment strategy but higher in the sequential treatment strategy, while the D2 to the femoral heads were lower for both compared to the baseline treatment strategy. In conclusion, an improved dose coverage was seen in the sequential strategy with good sparing of risk organs. The robust treatment strategy showed promising results for sparing risk organs, but with a less robust dose coverage of the prostate.

Att utvärdera samband mellan subjektivt skattad smärta och transmittorsubstanser med magnetresonansspektroskopi : - En pilotstudie

Lundmark, Hanna, Yamamoto, Helya January 2022 (has links)
Att utvärdera samband mellan subjektivt skattad smärta och transmittorsubstanser med magnetresonansspektroskopi Bakgrund: Smärta är en komplex upplevelse, som involverar olika delar av hjärnan. Regionen anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) är kopplad till upplevelsen av smärta och delas in i ett flertal mindre regioner, till exempel den pregenuala regionen (pgACC) och dorsala regionen (dACC). För att studera olika metaboliter och transmittorsubstanser kan magnetresonansspektroskopi (MRS) användas. MRS och sekvensen MEGA-PRESS kan mäta specifika transmittorsubstanser såsom Gamma-AminoButyric Acid (GABA) och glutamin-glutamat (Glx).  Motiv: Det finns kunskapsluckor kring hur individens subjektiva smärtupplevelse i relation till transmittorsubstanser objektivt kan mätas och utvärderas.  Syfte: Att med MRS och MEGA-PRESS undersöka GABA+ och Glx-nivåer i hjärnområdena pgACC och dACC samt undersöka samband mellan smärtkänslighet och GABA+ och Glx i pgACC och dACC.  Metod: En kvantitativ, experimentell pilotstudie genomfördes med tio friska deltagare. Initialt skannades deltagarna i MRT och smärtstimulerades, sedan skattade de den upplevda smärtan med hjälp av Numeric Rating Scale. MRS och tekniken MEGA-PRESS användes för att mäta transmittorsubstansnivåerna.   Resultat: Studien visade att det fanns en statistiskt signifikant negativ korrelation mellan skattad smärtintensitet och uppmätta nivåer av GABA+ i pgACC (Spearman´s rho = -0,67; p = 0,04). Det fanns även ett statistiskt signifikant positivt samband mellan skattad smärtintensitet och uppmätta nivåer av Glx i dACC (Spearman´s rho =0,73; p=0,02). Vidare fanns signifikant skillnad i Glx mellan pgACC och dACC och en icke signifikant skillnad i GABA+.  Konklusion: Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att MRS och MEGA-PRESS kan kvantifiera transmittorsubstanser vid utvärdering av smärtkänslighet och att det finns en positiv korrelation mellan Glx och skattad smärtintensitet, samt en negativ korrelation mellan GABA+ och skattad smärtintensitet. Detta kan ge fördjupad insikt i individens smärtupplevelse och kan främja den individuella behandlingen. Genom att ta hänsyn till sambandet mellan smärta och transmittorsubstanser kan det bidra till ökad förståelse kring individens smärtupplevelse. / To evaluate the relation between subjectively estimated pain and neurotransmitters using magnetic resonance spectroscopy  Background: Pain is a complex experience that involves different parts of the brain. The region anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is connected to the experience of pain and can be divided into several smaller areas, such as the pregenual region (pgACC) and the dorsal region (dACC). To study different metabolites and neurotransmitters, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can be used. MRS and the sequence (MEGA-PRESS) can measure specific neurotransmitters such as Gamma-AminoButyric Acid (GABA) and glutamin-glutamate (Glx).  Motive: There are knowledge gaps about how the individual's subjective pain experience in relation to neurotransmitters can be objectively measured and evaluated.  Aim: Using MRS and MEGA-PRESS to examine levels of GABA+ and Glx in the brain regions pgACC and dACC and to examine the relationship between pain sensitivity and GABA+ and Glx in pgACC and dACC.  Methods: A quantitative, experimental pilot study was conducted which included ten healthy participants. The participants were initially scanned in the MRI and subjected to pain-stimulation, thereafter the participants rated the perceived pain using Numeric Rating Scale. MRS and the sequence MEGA-PRESS were used to quantify the neurotransmitters of interest.  Result: There was a significant, negative correlation between rated pain intensity and measured GABA+ levels in pgACC (Spearman´s rho = -0,67; p = 0,04). There was also a significant, positive correlation between rated pain intensity and measured levels of Glx in dACC (Spearman´s rho =0,73; p=0,02). Furthermore, there was a significant difference in Glx between pgACC and dACC as well as a non-significant difference in GABA+ between regions.  Conclusion: In summary, the result shows that MRS and MEGA-PRESS can quantify neurotransmitters when evaluating pain sensitivity and that there is a positive correlation between Glx and estimated pain intensity, and also a negative correlation between GABA+ and estimated pain intensity. This can provide a deeper insight into the individual’s pain experience and promote individual treatment. Further research regarding the meaning of the different brain regions when measuring neurotransmitters is recommended.

Reconstruction of Accelerated Cardiovascular MRI data

Khalid, Hussnain January 2023 (has links)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is a noninvasive medical imaging testing techniquewhich is used to produce detailed images of internal structure of the human body, includingbones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels. MRI scanners use large magnets and radiowaves to create images of the body. Cardiac MRI scan helps doctors to detect and monitorcardiac diseases like blood clots, artery blockages, and scar tissue etc. Cardiovasculardisease is a type of disease that affects the heart or the blood vessels.This thesis aims to explore the reconstruction of accelerated cardiovascular MRI datato reconstruct under-sampled MRI data acquired after applying accelerated techniques.The focus of this research is to study and implement deep learning techniques to overcomethe aliasing artifacts caused by accelerated imaging. The results of this study will becompared with fully sampled data acquired with traditional existing techniques such asParallel Imaging (PI) and Compressed Sensing (CS).The primary findings of this study show that the proposed deep learning network caneffectively reconstruct under-sampled cardiovascular MRI data acquired using acceleratedimaging techniques. Many experiments were performed to handle 4D Flow data with limitedmemory for training the network. The network’s performance was found to be comparableto the fully sampled data acquired using traditional imaging techniques such asPI and CS. It is also important to note that this study also aimed to investigate the generalizabilityof the proposed deep learning network, specifically FlowVN, when appliedto different datasets. To explore this aspect, two different models were employed: a pretrainedmodel using previous research data and configurations, and a model trained fromscratch using CMIV data with experiments performed to address limited memory issuesassociated with 4D Flow data.

Improving Quality Assurance of Radiology Equipment Using Process Modelling and Multi-actor System Analysis / Förbättring av kvalitetsledning för radiologisk utrustning med hjälp av processmodellering och multi-aktör systemanalys

Dashti, David January 2021 (has links)
With the introduction of RIS and PACS technologies in clinical radiology, the field has become increasingly technology dependent. The quality assurance in radiology have however yet to catch on. With many quality assurance programs mainly focusing on the clinical side of radiology whilst little attention is paid to the technical aspects. This thesis serves to change that, by investigating quality assurance of radiology equipment in the workflow of hospital physicists and biomedical engineers at Södersjukhuset emergency hospital. To improve said workflows, process modelling and multi-actor system analysis was utilized in combination with the on-site inventory system Medusa. In order to model the workflows, the process modelling technique flowchart was used. To add additional information into the flowcharts, multi-actor system analysis was employed. This was done for the workflow of both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of radiology equipment. Initially resulting in a pair of pre-study models which modelled the after the existing workflows. From said pair of pre-study models, both redundancies and main objectives for improvement were deduced. This in combination with an extensive semistructured literature review, led to a list of requirements. Two pairs of improved models were then created with the list of requirements in mind. All the models were then evaluated, including the pair of pre-study models, in workshops held with hospital physicists, biomedical engineers and respective leadership staff. These workshops contained both an open discussion and a questionnaire, asking the participants to rate the alignment of the models with the different requirements in the list. Based on the results from the workshops, one of the proposed pairs of improved models were then chosen as the final solution of an improved workflow. A workflow in which redundancies were reduced, traceability capabilities added in form of digital storage, and alignment with legislative demands from SSM assured. A step in the digitalization of Södersjukhuset. Utilizing digital technology to improve quality assurance in the workflow of radiology equipment. / I samband med introduktionen av RIS och PACS teknologi i klinisk radiologi, så har fältet blivit mer teknikdrivet. Kvalitetledning av radiologisk utrustning har däremot inte förändrats. Då de flesta kvalitetslednings program har primärt fokus på den kliniska sidan av radiologi och förbiser de tekniska aspekterna. Detta examensarbete försöker bemöta detta, genom att utreda kvalitetsledningen av radiologisk utrustning hos arbetsflödena av sjukhusfysiker och medicintekniska ingenjörer på Södersjukhuset. För att förbättra arbetsflödena, så användes processmodellering och analys av multi-aktörsystem i kombination med det lokala inventariesystemet Medusa. För att skapa en modell av arbetsflödet så användes processmodelleringstekniken flowchart. För att lägga till ytterligare information i flödena så utfördes en multi-aktörsystem analys. Detta utfördes för både förebyggande- och avhjälpande underhåll av radiologisk utrustning. Vilket resulterade i ett par av förstudiemodeller som modellerade det nuvarande arbetsflödet. Baserat på detta par av förstudiemodeller, så kunde både överflödigheter och huvudsakliga förbättringsmål härledas. Detta i kombination med en semistrukturerad litteraturundersökning, ledde till en lista med krav på modellerna. Sedan så skapades två par av modeller som förslag till förbättrat arbetsflöde, baserat på listan med krav. För att utvärdera alla modeller, inklusive förstudiemodellerna, så hölls workshops med sjukhusfysiker, medicintekniska ingenjörer och respektive chefspersonal. Dessa workshops innehöll både en öppen diskussion och ett formulär, som bad deltagarna att utvärdera de olika paren av modeller gentemot de olika kraven som hade formulerats i listan. Baserat på resultaten från dessa workshops, så valdes en av de två förslagna paren av modeller för förbättrat arbetsflöde, som en slutgiltig lösning. Ett arbetsflöde där överflödigheter har motarbetats, spårbarhet förbättrats med hjälp av digital lagring, och sammanstämning med regulatoriska krav från SSM har säkerställts. Ett steg i digitaliseringen av Södersjukhuset, genom att utnyttja digital teknik för att förbättra kvalitetledningen av radiologisk utrustning.

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