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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La santé publique globalisée

Lapaige, Véronique January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Heterogenität – Belastung oder pädagogische Herausforderung?

Wittig, Marietta-Titine Ve 27 March 2015 (has links)
Die Schwerpunktsetzung der Dissertation fokussiert die lehrkraftorientierte und berufsschulbezogene Auseinandersetzung mit Heterogenität; dabei werden bereits existente Lösungsansätze berücksichtigt. Ein Ziel der Arbeit ist, den Lehrkräften theoretisch fundierte adäquate Umgangsformen mit Heterogenität von Jugendlichen in den Klassen und Lerngruppen zu offerieren. Als theoretische Grundlage dient die Beschreibung von Heterogenitätsmerkmalen von Schülern, die in der einschlägigen Literatur für das erfolgreiche Lernen als signifikant relevant eingeschätzt werden. Des Weiteren rückt die Arbeit die Lehrkräfte mit ihren subjektiven Theorien, Kompetenzbündeln, Belastungsempfindungen und die lernförderlichen Umgangsformen der Lehrkräfte mit Heterogenitäten ins Zentrum sowie die kritische Betrachtung von Konzepten der inneren Differenzierung als mögliches Lösungskonzept. Die empirischen Untersuchungen erfolgen in ausgewählten staatlichen Berliner beruflichen Schulen im Berufsfeld Wirtschaft und Verwaltung mittels Leitfadeninterviews und deren Analyse in Anlehnung an die dokumentarische Methode in vertikaler und horizontaler Richtung. Ergänzt wird der qualitative Forschungsansatz durch eine statistische Dokumentenanalyse. Ein Ergebnis der Arbeit ist, dass Lehrkräfte Heterogenität nicht eindeutig als entweder Belastung oder als pädagogische Herausforderung empfinden, sondern dass der jeweils wahrgenommene Belastungsgrad stark durch die Intensität der jeweils vorliegenden Schülervarianzen in der Klasse/Lerngruppe geprägt ist. Es geht deshalb in den unterrichtsnah formulierten Hilfestellungen, die mittels einer Checkliste ermittelt werden können, um individuell zugeschnittene Handlungsempfehlungen, die sich entweder auf den Kern der Heterogenitätsvorstellung, auf die Reflexion der eigenen Handlungskompetenz, auf spezielle Heterogenitätsdimensionen, auf konkrete Hilfen für die Umsetzung der inneren Differenzierung oder auf die Belastungsreduktion im Berufsalltag beziehen. / The present thesis focuses on the ways in which vocational school teachers address student heterogeneity, giving due consideration to existing approaches. One of the goals is to provide teachers with theoretically well-founded, adequate forms of accommodating adolescent heterogeneity in various class and learning groups. The theoretical basis of this study is provided by a description of student heterogeneity features deemed to be significantly relevant to successful learning in the literature. Another primary concern is with teachers’ professional activity, including their subjective theories, their individual sets of competences, their feelings of stress and learning-conducive ways of addressing heterogeneity. Critical attention is given to differentiation by activity or outcome as a potential approach to dealing with heterogeneity. Empirical studies were conducted in a selection of Berlin-based vocational schools specializing in business and administration, using guided interviews and analyzing these by means of a methodology borrowing from the documentary method and availing itself of both vertical and horizontal perspectives. This qualitative approach is complemented by a statistical document analysis. One finding is that teachers do not view heterogeneity unambiguously as either a stress factor or a pedagogical challenge; rather, the degree of stress felt by teachers is heavily dependent on the extent of student variance inside the class or learning group. Instead, this study offers a checklist that teachers can use to obtain support and recommendations tailored to their individual needs and readily applicable to classroom settings. These recommendations concern the core of teachers’ perceptions of heterogeneity, their ability to reflect on their own ‘action competence’, specific dimensions of heterogeneity, concrete support for implementing differentiation inside the classroom, and stress reduction in day-to-day professional practice.

La santé publique globalisée

Lapaige, Véronique January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

The transformative power of T’xwelátse: a collaborative case study in search of new approaches to Indigenous cultural repatriation processes

Campbell, Emmy-Lou 13 July 2010 (has links)
This collaborative study investigates the events that led to the repatriation of the Stone T’xwelátse from the Burke Museum of Natural History, University of Washington Seattle, USA to the Noxwsá7aq people of Deming Washington, USA and to the Stó:lō people of Chilliwack, B.C. Canada. Stone T’xwelátse is the first ancestor of the Chilliwack people who was transformed to stone by the transformer This research grew out of the desire to learn about and share the positive lessons learned during the repatriation process and to investigate if these experiences could benefit repatriation processes in Canada, specifically the province of B.C. This work establishes the current legal setting for cultural repatriation processes in Canada, the United States, and internationally, tells the ancient and contemporary story of Stone T’xwelátse, and examines the impact of Indigenous law, differing worldviews, community capacity, and relationships on cultural repatriation processes. An analysis of the conflict is presented through the identification of the key challenges and successes. The events of the repatriation, as told by the research participants, support the argument for the implementation of John Paul Lederach’s Conflict Transformation Theory practices in future cultural repatriation processes. Using Participatory Action Research and Indigenous Research methodologies data was gathered through participant interviews to form the result of the study: How to Work Together in a Good Way: Recommendations for the Future for Museums, Communities, and Individuals from the Participants of the Stone T’xwelátse Repatriation Research Project and Museum Professionals. These recommendations were formed to share the lessons learned from the Stone T’xwelátse repatriation and also to state changes that the participants would like to see implemented in cultural repatriation processes in Canada. Stone T’xwelátse is now with the Stó:lō people fulfilling his role to teach the people “how to live together in a good way.”

Managing and implementing occupational health and safety policies in selected Tshwane South primary schools, Gauteng Province

Ferreira, Jenet 01 1900 (has links)
Occupational Health and Safety focuses on the well-being of individuals or groups of people in the workplace. Barnett-Schuster (2008:1) states that Occupational Health and Safety is a concept compiled from many different disciplines. Among others, it includes: biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, mechanical/electrical hazards and psycho-social hazards. The employer has to understand that Occupational Health and Safety should follow a holistic approach. Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative – a command, - not a request. Chapter 2 of the Constitution of South Africa no. 108 of 1996, The Bill of Rights provides protection to such an extent that human dignity may remain intact. Therefore, compliance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation is of cardinal value to any organization or business. An organization or business can also improve their financial standing and public image by complying with Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace is guided by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa no. 85 of 1993, which was implemented in 1994. The Occupational Health and Safety Act further aims to present clear explanations on concepts related to Health and Safety and enables both employers and employees to gain an understanding of their distinct responsibilities. Occupational Health and Safety is a concept that has been around for decades – especially focusing on the mining sector of South Africa. Occupational Health and Safety is observed in the South African technical schools. Statistics from the Children’s Institute show that 350 000 of these children are currently not attending school. In most cases, many parents/guardians do not take the time to assess the safety of their children at school before enrolling their child. This assessment should not only be looking at security measures applied in the school, but if and how true Occupational Health and Safety measures are in place. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is measures put in place so that learners/children are free from risk, injury, disease or harm. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is in direct conflict with the Constitution of South Africa. As stated earlier, Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative which is the responsibility and the right of each individual in South Africa. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is a human rights issue based on the dignity of children. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools can be seen as a policy flaw. This study intends to create a holistic view of the managing and implementing Occupational Health and Safety in the South African school environment. Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of teaching and learning. The research problem addressed in this study is: “How School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools?”. The main aim of the research is to investigate how School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools. By exploring Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools, this study would strive to obtain clarity on whether enough is being done to ensure the health and safety of learners in the school environment by means to explore the current Occupational Health and Safety management in the South African schools, identify the guidance provided on the Occupational Health and Safety implementation policy, investigate provisions for continual assessment of the process of the Occupational Health and Safety policy and provide recommendations for the lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Relevanz der Antidotagabe für das notärztliche präklinische Management von Vergiftungen unter Berücksichtigung der Bremer Liste - eine Analyse von 633 Fällen / Relevance of medically given antidotes in emergency prehospital management of intoxications considering the Bremer Liste - an analysis of 633 cases

Schmidt, Melanie Julia 29 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Редакторский анализ пособий по компьютерной верстке : магистерская диссертация / Editorial analysis of desktop publishing study aids

Полещук, Ю. В., Poleshchuk, Y. V. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена проблеме подготовки учебного издания по компьютерной верстке, отвечающего требованиям специалистов и удовлетворяющего потребности читателей. Цель исследования – на основе редакторского анализа разработать рекомендации для учебного пособия по верстке. Объектом исследования стали пособия по компьютерной верстке. Предметом – структурно-содержательные особенности пособий по компьютерной верстке. Магистерская диссертация «Редакторский анализ пособий по компьютерной верстке» состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и библиографического списка, включающего 71 наименование. В первой главе диссертации учебное пособие охарактеризовано как вид издания, определен ряд критериев, отличающих учебное пособие от учебника. В ходе работы с научными источниками были выделены и проанализированы требования специалистов к структуре, содержанию, языку и стилю учебных изданий, а также выявлены важные характеристики учебной книги с точки зрения читательской аудитории. На основе сравнительного анализа этих точек зрения сделаны выводы о роли, которой наделяют учебные издания специалисты и читатели. Вторая глава содержит характеристику структурно-содержательные особенности шестнадцати пособий по компьютерной верстке, представленных на рынке и доступных для обучающихся. Выявленные особенности соотнесены с требованиями к учебным изданиям, сформулированными в первой главе. На основе собранного материала представлен список рекомендаций по подготовке учебного пособия по компьютерной верстке. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы как при создании учебного пособия по компьютерной верстке по заказу кафедры Издательского дела, так и для подготовки современных и качественных изданий по другим дисциплинам. / Master’s thesis is devoted to the matter of preparation of desktop publishing study aid which meets specialists’ requirements and satisfies readers’ needs. The purpose of the research is to develop recommendations for desktop publishing study aid basing on editorial analysis. Research object is desktop publishing study aids. Subject matter is structural and content features of the desktop publishing study aids. Master’s thesis “Editorial analysis of desktop publishing study aids” consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography containing 71 source materials. First chapter characterizes study aid as a types of publication, defines a set of criteria differentiating study aid from textbook. During the process of working with scientific sources, specialists’ requirements for structure, content, language and style of study publications were identified and analyzed; in addition significant features of study aid from reader’s perspective were identified as well. Basing on the comparative analysis of these points of view conclusions on the role assigned to the study aids by both specialists and readers were drawn. Second chapter comprises characteristic of structural and content features of sixteen desktop publishing study aids found on the market and available for students. Detected features are compared to the requirements for study aids formulated in the first chapter. The list of recommendations for preparation of desktop publishing study aid is formulated in accordance with the gathered material. The research results may be used for both creating desktop publishing study aid on request by Faculty of Publishing and preparation contemporary high-quality publications dedicated to other disciplines.

Assessing foresight to advance management of complex global problems

Berze, Ottilia E. 15 April 2019 (has links)
Many people do not like thinking about the future. If they do, over 50% of Canadians think “our way of life” (p. 7) will end within 100 years and over 80% of Canadians think “we need to change our worldview and way of life if we are to create a better future for the world” (Randle & Eckersley, 2015, p. 9). There is a good reason for this. Alarms have sounded over global urgent complex problems with potential for catastrophic consequences such as the development of artificial intelligence, climate change, mass extinction, nuclear war and pandemics (Marien & Halal, 2011). Society is also increasingly fragmenting as imminent crises build on lack of understanding, the sense of incapacity to act, fear, distrust, blame and a lack of hope. This struggle for humanity’s survival is complicated by the turbulent global environment in which institutions continue to follow path-dependent trajectories set forth in a different time and context. Governments at various levels face a problem of “fit” between current structures and processes, that have not progressed sufficiently to meet changing needs of a global society mired in complexity and governance challenges. However, hope exists. Incremental progress on many fronts and a massive amount of efforts and resources are being engaged worldwide. There are emerging fields, lenses and tools that can potentially alleviate complex problems and address this emergency. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand and assess dialogue-based foresight practices being applied towards complex problems in Canada to provide insights into how these practices can assist society to alleviate global urgent complex problems and their impacts, within this backdrop of looming crises. Foresight, alternatively known as future studies or scenario-building, is a forward-looking practice recognized and used globally with over 100 research organizations focused on foresight, widespread usage by firms and over 18 countries involved in foresight activities (Berze, 2014b). Overall literature findings suggest foresight is widely and at least incrementally effective with a number of impacts in various areas (Calof, Miller, & Jackson, 2012; March, Therond, & Leenhardt, 2012; Meissner, Gokhberg, & Sokolov, 2013) but the extent of this effectiveness, the mechanisms involved, and the specific foresight benefits per type of project needs further research and evidence. For instance, limited literature exists on whether foresight can transform complex situations and if so, under what conditions. Thus, opportunities exist for assessing and increasing foresight’s impact. This dissertation is a contextualized, systematic empirical study that taps into transdisciplinary literature and practice, case studies of how foresight has been used to address specific types of complex problems in Canada, as well as surveys and interviews with foresight experts and participants. This dissertation uses a foresight community scan and a comparative case study approach to provide practical and theoretical benefits to foresight and complex problem area stakeholders. The research focuses on studying the broad interactions of foresight and identifying the impacts of dialogue-based foresight projects on people and the outcomes of complex problems. The dissertation concludes that dialogue-based foresight is a valuable and unique practice for ameliorating complex problems and their consequences. Insights are offered towards dialogue-based foresight’s potential contributions within the context of other efforts directed at humanity’s struggle for survival and global complex problems. These insights can then foster the further development and application of dialogue-based foresight on a global scale to alleviate complex problems and their effects. The dissertation outlines recommendations on key next steps to realize these potential contributions. / Graduate

Aspects of money laundering in South African law

Van Jaarsveld, Izelde Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Money laundering involves activities which are aimed at concealing benefits that were acquired through criminal means for the purpose of making them appear legitimately acquired. Money laundering promotes criminal activities in South Africa because it allows criminals to keep the benefits that they acquired through their criminal activities. It takes place through a variety of schemes which include the use of banks. In this sense money laundering control is based on the premise that banks must be protected from providing criminals with the means to launder the benefits of their criminal activities. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (‘FICA’) in aggregate with the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (‘POCA’) form the backbone of South Africa’s anti-money laundering regime. Like its international counterparts FICA imposes onerous duties on banks seeing that they are most often used by criminals as conduits to launder the benefits of crime. In turn, POCA criminalises activities in relation to the benefits of crime and delineates civil proceedings aimed at forfeiting the benefits of crime to the state. This study identifies the idiosyncrasies of the South African anti-money laundering regime and forwards recommendations aimed at improving its structure. To this end nine issues in relation to money laundering control and banks are investigated. The investigation fundamentally reveals that money laundering control holds unforeseen consequences for banks. In particular, a bank that receives the benefits of crimes such as fraud or theft faces prosecution if it fails to heed FICA’s money laundering control duties, for example, the filing of a suspicious transaction report. However, if the bank files a suspicious transaction report, it may be sued in civil court by the customer for breach of contract. In addition, if the bank parted with the benefits of fraud or theft whilst suspecting that the account holder may not be entitled to payment thereof, it may be sued by the victim of fraud or theft who seeks to recover loss suffered at the hand of the fraudster or thief from the bank. Ultimately, this study illustrates that amendment of some of the provisions of South Africa’s anti-money laundering legislation should enable banks to manage the aforementioned and other unforeseen consequences of money laundering control whilst at the same time contribute to the South African anti-money laundering effort. / Criminal and Procedural Law / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Clients' Service Expectations and Practitioners' Treatment Recommendations in Veterinary Oncology

Stoewen, Debbie Lynn 18 May 2012 (has links)
Service provision in veterinary oncology in Ontario was examined using a mixed methods approach. First, an interview-based qualitative study explored the service expectations of oncology clients at a tertiary referral centre. Next, a survey-based quantitative study established an understanding of oncology service in primary care practice and investigated the treatment recommendations of practitioners for dogs diagnosed with cancer. The first study, which involved 30 individual and dyadic interviews, identified “uncertainty” (attributable to the unpredictable nature of cancer and its treatment) as an overarching psychological feature of clients’ experience. Consequently, “the communication of information” (both content and process) was the foremost service expectation. For clients, it enabled confidence in the service, the ability to make informed patient care decisions, and preparedness for the potential outcomes of those decisions; it also contributed to creating a humanistic environment, which enhanced client resiliency. Findings suggest that services can support client efforts to manage uncertainty through strategic design and delivery of service, and incorporate intentional communication strategies to support clients’ psychological fortitude in managing the cancer journey. The second study, a vignette-based survey of primary care practitioners across Ontario (N=1071) which investigated veterinarian decision-making in relation to oncology care, determined that 56% of practitioners recommended referral as their first choice of intervention, while 28% recommended palliative care, 13% in-clinic treatment, and 3% euthanasia. Recommendations were associated with patient, client and veterinarian factors. Specifically, referral and treatment were recommended for younger dogs, healthier dogs, and dogs with lymphoma versus osteosarcoma; for strongly bonded clients, and financially secure clients; and by veterinarians who graduated from a North American college, had experience with treating cancer, felt confident in the referral centre, and believed treatment was worthwhile, with variation in relation to practitioner gender and the type of medicine practiced. The human-animal bond appeared to be the primary factor associated with practitioners’ advocacy for quality of medical care for patients. Through a blend of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, this thesis contributes to the evidence upon which best practices may be built so as to enhance the quality of patient and client care in veterinary oncology. / Ontario Veterinary College Pet Trust Fund 049406 and 049854

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