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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of South Africa's obligations under the United Nations Convention against torture

Ackermann, Marilize January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / I attempt to analyze South Africa's legal position pertaining to torture, in relation to the international legal framework. Since it has been established that torture and cruel inhuman and degrading treatment (CIDT) usually occur in situations where persons are deprived of personal liberty, I examine legislation, policies and practices applicable to specific places of detention, such as correctional centres, police custody, repatriation centers, mental health care facilities and child and youth care centers. I establish that although South Africa has ratified the UNCAT and is a signatory to the OPCAT, our legal system greatly lacks in structure and in mechanisms of enforcement, as far as the absolute prohibition and the prevention of torture and other forms of cruel and degrading treatment or punishment are concerned. I submit that South Africa has a special duty to eradicate torture, since many of its citizens and several of its political leaders are actually victims of torture, who suffered severe ill treatment under the apartheid regime. I argue that the South African legal system is sufficiently capable of adopting a zero-tolerance policy toward torture and to incorporate this with the general stance against crime. In many respects, South Africa is an example to other African countries and should strongly condemn all forms of human rights violations, especially torture, since acts of torture are often perpetrated by public officials who abuse their positions of authority. I conclude by making submissions and recommendations for law reform, in light of the obstacles encountered within a South African context. / South Africa

Fragmentation and Restoration: Generational Legacies of 21st Century Māori

Malcolm-Buchanan, Vincent Alan January 2009 (has links)
The content of this thesis is premised on a reflexive examination of some historical juxtapositions culminating in critical aspects of being Māori in the twenty first century and how such aspects have informed contemporary indigenous identity. That is, the continuing acknowledgement and exponential public recognition of critical concepts which inextricably link indigenous and civic identity. The theoretical sources for this research are, in the main, derived from anthropological and religious studies, particularly on the significance of mythologies and oral histories, as well as from the oral theorising of elders in Aotearoa New Zealand. A very significant contribution from one such elder, a senior Māori woman academic, has been included in the form of the transcript of an interview. She herself had collected the views of a number of elders on myth, creating a rare and valuable resource. In the interview she married her reflections on these with her own experiences and her cogent analyses. From the outset, it was necessary to be discerning so as to ensure the thesis workload was manageable and realistic. For this reason the selected critical aspects that have been used to frame this research are (1) a developing Western validation (that is, acknowledgement and respect) of Māori, Māori culture and their mythology; (2) oral history (genealogy) and traditions that have remained constant despite the influences of modernity; and (3) notions of fluidity, negotiation and pragmatism regarding kinship legacies and cultural heritage. The thesis is comprised of six chapters starting from a subjective narrative leading through increasingly objective discourses that culminate in a conclusion which supports a belief that modern Māori require a balancing of critical aspects of cultural heritage, with a broad understanding of the world of the 'other', in order to realise and develop their contemporary indigenous identity. Ultimately, indigenous ideologies, practices and knowledge recorded and examined in the world of academia today, become potential resources for tomorrow. The intention of this research is to aggregate and discuss intrinsic aspects of the Māori past as well as developing aspects of the present, in order to better understand the significance of the future, and to add to the growing corpus of indigenous worldviews.

La tutela giudiziale e stragiudiziale del consumatore nel diritto dell’Unione europea / La protection judiciaire et extrajudiciaire du consommateur dans le droit de l’Union Européenne / The judicial and the extra-judicial consumer protection in the EU Law

Tramarin, Sara 13 June 2017 (has links)
Le travail réalisé a pris en considération en premier lieu le droit international privé de l'UE, puis des aspects plus à proprement parler de « droit international procédural », en se concrétisant par une « systémisation » et une cartographie des voies de recours proposées au consommateur par le droit européen pour les litiges transfrontaliers. La première partie, concernant la loi applicable aux contrats internationaux du consommateur et le tribunal compétent dans le droit international privé de l'Union européenne, permit d'identifier les problématiques de droit international privé sous-jacentes aux contrats et aux litiges internationaux en matière de consommation, qui sont exacerbées dans le domaine du commerce électronique. La thèse traite deuxièmement la protection du consommateur par l'assouplissement et la simplification des procédures ordinaires et la protection du consommateur par des procédures collectives transfrontalières. Enfin, la thèse concerne la protection du consommateur par les procédures alternatives au contentieux ordinaire. / The thesis analyzes, under various aspects related to private international law and international civil procedure of the European Union, the status of the protection offered to the European consumers in their international contracts, in particular in relation to the objectives and in the context of the single market. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with consumer protection in the international private law of European Union (regulation (UE) 1215/2012 and regulation (CE) 593/2008). The second chapter deals with the protection offered to consumers by european international civil procedure with reference to individual and collective litigations. The third chapter deals with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and with on-line dispute resolution (ODR) and analyzes EU directive 2013/11/UE and regulation (EU) 524/2013. / La tesi analizza, sotto vari aspetti relativi al diritto internazionale privato e processuale dell’Unione Europea, lo stato della protezione offerta al consumatore europeo nei contratti e nelle controversie internazionali, con uno specifico riguardo alle tutele di carattere processuale e giurisdizionale. La tesi si articola in tre capitoli, che investono gli ambiti in cui tale tutela può esplicarsi, ovvero, l’individuazione di un foro e di una legge applicabile favorevoli agli interessi del consumatore, la semplificazione delle regole di procedura nelle controversie individuali internazionali, la possibilità di dare luogo a procedimenti transfrontalieri collettivi e la creazione di un sistema efficace di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali in via stragiudiziale anche on-line. Il primo capitolo ricostruisce dapprima il sistema di diritto internazionale privatodell'Unione europea in materia di contratti di consumo, dando conto del contesto politico ed economico in cui si inserisce ed alla cui luce devono esserne letti gli obiettivi. Vengono quindi individuati i principi e gli obiettivi che fondano le norme di diritto internazionale privato in materia di contratti internazionali del consumatore, le quali si caratterizzano per l’essere ispirate a finalità materiali, ovvero, volte a permettere di individuare un foro competente ed una legge applicabile che siano in grado di bilanciare tra loro le esigenze dei consumatori e degli operatori del mercato, con la conseguenza di favorire l’esplicarsi degli scambi commerciali e della concorrenza nel mercato unico. Ciò avviene garantendo al consumatore l’applicazione della legge e la competenza del foro a lui più prossimi, ovvero quelli del suo paese di residenza abituale (la cui coincidenza permette peraltro una riduzione dei costi delle liti transfrontaliere) e la prevedibilità delle soluzioni agli operatori del mercato.Il capitolo traccia quindi lo sviluppo normativo e giurisprudenziale delle norme di diritto internazionale privato europee in materia di contratti del consumatore, prendendo in particolare in considerazione le più recenti sentenze della Corte di Giustizia che, dal 2010 ad oggi, hanno ridefinito l’ambito di applicazione delle norme contenute nel regolamento (CE) 44/2001 (Bruxelles I), oggi rifuso nel regolamento (UE) 1215/2012 (Bruxelles I-bis), e nel regolamento (CE) 593/2008 (Roma I), insistendo sulla definizione del concetto, volutamente aleatorio, di “attività diretta” e sul suo ruolo di preminenza nel connettere la fattispecie contrattuale allo Stato della residenza del consumatore per permetterne la competenza dei giudici e l’applicabilità della relativa legge. Viene svolta infine una analisi critica sull’interpretazione fornita dalla Corte di Giustizia che rischia, nel concreto, di rendere le norme in oggetto applicabili in maniera variabile dai giudici nazionali, garantendo alle volte una tutela troppo estesa o troppo ristretta al consumatore, senza riguardo per l’esigenza di certezza giuridica degli operatori del mercato.

Le contentieux privé des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : Étude des contentieux privés autonome et complémentaire devant les juridictions judiciaires / Private litigation of competition law (cartels and abuses of dominance) : Study of stand alone and follow-on litigations in national courts

Amaro, Rafael 05 December 2012 (has links)
L’actualisation des données sur le contentieux privé des pratiques anticoncurrentielles fait naître laconviction que l’état de sous-développement souvent pointé est aujourd’hui dépassé. Les statistiquessont nettes : des dizaines d’affaires sont plaidées chaque année. Toutefois, ce contentieux s’esquissesous des traits qui ne sont pas exactement ceux du contentieux indemnitaire de masse faisant suite àla commission d’ententes internationales. C’est un fait majeur qui doit être noté car l’essentiel desprojets de réforme furent bâtis sur cet idéal type. Trois des caractères les plus saillants de la réalitéjudiciaire témoignent de cette fracture entre droit positif et droit prospectif. D’abord, le contentieuxprivé est majoritairement un contentieux contractuel entre professionnels aux forces déséquilibrées. Ensuite, c’estun contentieux national – voire local – plus qu’un contentieux international. Enfin, c’est plutôt uncontentieux autonome se déployant devant les juridictions judiciaires sans procédure préalable oupostérieure des autorités de concurrence (stand alone). Paradoxalement, les actions complémentaires(follow-on), pourtant réputées d’une mise en oeuvre aisée, sont plus rares. Ces observations invitentalors à réviser l’ordre des priorités de toute réflexion prospective. Ainsi, la lutte contre l’asymétried’informations et de moyens entre litigants, l’essor de sanctions contractuelles efficaces, larecomposition du rôle des autorités juridictionnelles et administratives dans le procès civil ou encorele développement des procédures de référé s’imposent avec urgence. Mais s’il paraît légitime desoutenir ce contentieux autonome déjà existant, il n’en reste pas moins utile de participer à laréflexion déjà amorcée pour développer le contentieux indemnitaire de masse tant attendu et dont onne peut négliger les atouts. De lege ferenda, le contentieux privé de demain présenterait donc uncaractère bicéphale ; il serait à la fois autonome et complémentaire. Il faut alors tenter de concevoir unrégime efficace pour ces deux moutures du contentieux privé en tenant compte de leurs exigencesrespectives. Or l’analyse positive et prospective de leurs fonctions révèlent que contentieuxautonome et contentieux complémentaire s’illustrent autant par les fonctions qu’ils partagent que parcelles qui les distinguent. Il serait donc excessif de vouloir en tous points leur faire application derègles particulières ou, à l’inverse, de règles identiques. C’est donc vers l’élaboration d’un régime commun complété par un régime particulier à chacun d’eux que s’orientera la présente recherche.PREMIÈRE PARTIE. Le régime commun aux contentieux privés autonome et complémentaireSECONDE PARTIE. Le régime particulier à chacun des contentieux privés autonome et complémentaire / Pas de résumé en anglais

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