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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extraction de connaissances dans des textes arabes et français par une méthode linguistico-computationnelle / Knowledge Extraction from texts written in Arabic and French by a linguistico-computational method

Ben Salamah, Janan 28 October 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous avons proposé une approche générique multilingue d'extraction automatique de connaissances. Nous avons validé l‟approche sur l'extraction des événements de variations des cours pétroliers et l‟extraction des expressions temporelles liées à des référentiels. Notre approche est basée sur la constitution de plusieurs cartes sémantiques par analyse des données non structurées afin de formaliser les traces linguistiques textuelles exprimées par des catégories d'un point de vue de fouille. Nous avons mis en place un système expert permettant d‟annoter la présence des catégories en utilisant des groupes de règles. Deux algorithmes d'annotation AnnotEV et AnnotEC ont été appliqués, dans la plateforme SemanTAS. Le rappel et précision de notre système d'annotation est autour de 80%. Nous avons présenté les résultats aussi sous forme des fiches de synthèses. Nous avons validé l'aspect Multilingue de l'approche sur la langue française et arabe, et l'aspect généricité et scalabilité en testant sur plusieurs corpus de taille confédérale. / In this thesis, we proposed a multilingual generic approach for the automatic information extraction. Particularly, events extraction of price variation and temporal information extraction linked to temporal referential. Our approach is based on the constitution of several semantic maps by textual analysis in order to formalize the linguistic traces expressed by categories. We created a database for an expert system to identify and annotate information (categories and their characteristics) based on the contextual rule groups. Two algorithms AnnotEC and AnnotEV have been applied in the SemanTAS platform to validate our assumptions. We have obtained a satisfactory result; Accuracy and recall are around 80%. We presented extracted knowledge by a summary file. In order to approve the multilingual aspect of our approach, we have carried out experiments on French and Arabic. We confirmed the scalability level by the annotation of large corpus.

Accent and Grouping Structures in the String Quartets of Béla Bartók

Bocanegra, Cheryl D. 05 1900 (has links)
The music of Béla Bartók is defined in part by its unique blend of rhythmic vitality and inventiveness, and his string quartets offer a glimpse into a consistency of technique evident throughout his compositional career. Bartók's rhythmic environments are primarily metrical, but many of his rhythmic configurations are placed in such a way as to potentially override established meter. It is necessary, therefore, to institute an analytical means by which the delineation and comparison of rhythmic structures both within and without the metrical context may be accomplished. An analytical method using Timepoint Accent Structures (TAS) allows for the comparison of rhythms resulting from patterns of accent produced by pitch onset, dynamic stress, articulation or any other accentual factors. Timepoint Grouping Structures (TGS) delineate the number of timepoints present in alternating groups/blocks in a texture, thereby allowing for the recognition of patterning created by these larger groups. By applying TAS and TGS analysis, relationships of rhythmic equivalency, rotation, retrograde, complementation, augmentation, diminution, subset, superset, exchange, compression and expansion are clearly confirmed in the string quartets. In addition, symmetrical structures and arithmetic progressions are discovered. In many ways, Bartók's rhythmic organization mimics his procedures of pitch structuring.

På färd mot Kameya med Kunikida Doppo : En förfrämligande översättning av Wasureenu hitobito, samt kommentar därtill

Eliasson, Axel January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats utgörs av en kommenterad svensk översättning av den japanska novellen Wasureenu hitobito (1898) av Kunikida Doppo (1871–1908) genom en osedvanligt källtextnära översättningsprincip. I medföljande översättningskommentar redogörs för metoderna som använts för att återge vissa kulturella och stilistiska egenheter från källtexten både i den svenska måltexten och i en tidigare engelsk av Jay Rubin, samtidigt som graden av förfrämligande och domesticering i respektive översättning uppskattas. Resultaten visar tydligt på en högre grad av förfrämligande metoder i den svenska måltexten och av domesticerande metoder i den engelska. I den avslutande diskussionen om den svenska måltextens förmodade läsbarhet uppskattas att denna i viss mån har påverkats negativt som en direkt följd av den osedvanliga källtextnärheten. / This paper consists of a commented Swedish translation of the Japanese short story Wasureenu hitobito (1898) by Kunikida Doppo (1871–1908) using a translation principle unusually close to the source text. In the accompanying commentary, the methods used in conveying certain cultural and stylistic features from the source text, both in the Swedish target text and in an earlier English one by Jay Rubin, are presented, while the level of foreignisation and domestication in the respective target text is evaluated. The results clearly show a higher degree of foreignising methods in the Swedish target text, and of domesticating methods in the English one. In the final discussion concerning the assumed readability of the Swedish target text, it is estimated that this has been affected somewhat negatively as a direct consequence of the unusual closeness to the source text.

A pie in a very bleak sky? : analysis and appropriation of the promise sayings in the seven letters to the churches in Relevation 2-3

Wilson, Mark W. 11 1900 (has links)
This study of the promise sayings elucidates the motif of victory as the book's macrodynamic theme. Through intentional examination, the thesis finds the issue epitomized throughout Revelation on two levels-formally (re structure) and materially (re content). Jesus as Victor over death and the dragon desires the Asian believers to be prepared for his soon coming. The victors are promised eschatological rewards if they overcome various internal and external threats. In mapping out the dramatic scenario Chapter 1 explores afresh such background issues as authorship and audience. The pagan religious environment, represented by the Artemis and emperor cults, is demonstrated to be adversarial. Chapter 2 looks at four situations in Revelationthe rhetorical, historical, apocalyptic, and prophetic. Their composite exigences point to an early dating in the late 60s. Chapter 3 postulates that chiasmus is Revelation's macrostructure, and a chiastic model is proposed. Chapter 4 examines several proposed forms for the seven letters, such as edicts, oracles, and epistles. We conclude that they are a mixtum compositum-best called prophetic letters. Chapter 5 explores the sociological significance of victory in the Greco-Roman world. Through the use of language such as vLKaw and images like the palm branch, John motivates his audience toward the ideal of victory. Chapter 6 investigates the text of the promises and their cotexts as reflected intertextually in traditions of biblical literature. Local references are also determined to contribute to a multivalent interpretation of the promise imagery. Chapter 7 surveys the eschatological fulfillment of the promises, especially in the new Jerusalem. The rewards of spiritual provision, heavenly place, and divine person serve to incite the saints to victory. Chapter 8 investigates the appropriation of the promises for the time and the text world of Revelation. A multiplicity of functions for the promise sayings is established. This study shows that the promises function as prophetic parenesis to help the saints endure the coming tribulation. The possibility and reality of such a fulfillment and the appropriation of the promises allow us to postulate that these promises to the victors are not vain pies in a very bleak sky! / Hierdie studie oor die belofte uitsprake in die briewe aan die sewe gemeentes in Openbaring 2- 3 lig die motif van oorwinning toe as die sentrale tema van makrodinamiese omvang in Openbaring. Deur middel van 'n doelgerigte ondersoek bevind die studie dat die saak van oorwinning die twee brandpunte in die boek Openbaring vorm, naamlik, op formele vlak (re metode en struktuur van Openbaring en van die studie), en materieel (d.i. inhoudelik). Jesus as oorwinnaar oor die dood en oor die draak, koester die sterk begeerte dat die gelowiges van Asie gereed meet wees vir sy spoedige advent. Netsoos die profete van die Ou Testament waarsku Johannes die gemeentes oor die netelige situasie waarin hulle hulself bevind ten opsigte van die sosiale, politieke en religieuse situasie. In hierdie konteks word aan die oorwinnaars bepaalde beloftes van eskatologiese belonings gemaak as hulle die interne bedreigings van valse leringe en van vervolgings van buite sou oork6m. Deur vrugbare gebruikmaking van die perspektief van intertekstualiteit word die siening gesubstansieer dat Johannes se gehoor/lesers daarvan kennis meet neem dat hulle situasie geensins verskil van die lotgevalle van God se volk ender vorige vreemde onderdrukkers socs die Babiloniers nie. Hoe sal die gelowiges hierdie uur van toetsing deurstaan? Ten einde hierdie hele dramatiese scenario uit te stippel, ontgin Hoofstuk 1 opnuut die velde van agtergrond socs outeurskap, eerste gehoor/lesers, en hulle religieuse omgewing. Dit word gestel dat die heidense religieuse omgewing, socs verteenwoordig deur die Artemis en keiserkultus, baie vyandiggesind van aard is. Hoofstuk 2 bekyk en interpreteer vier situasies wat in Openbaring teegekom word, naamlik, die retoriese, historiese, apokaliptiese, en profetiese. Die samegestelde aard van hierdie noodsituasie wys heen na 'n vroee datering van Openbaring, naamlik, in die laat sestiger jare van die eerste eeu, v66r die verwoesting van Jerusalem. In Hoofstuk 3 word beredeneer dat chiasme die mees geskikte beskrywing vir die struktuurvorm van Openbaring is. Met chiasme as heuristiese instrument kan aangetoon word dat die beloftes en hulle vervulling in Openbaring 2-3 ·n beduidende rel in die struktuur van die boek speel. Hierop volg Hoofstuk 4 waarin moontlike literatuurvorms vir die sewe briewe voorgestel word, naamlik, edikte, orakels, en epistels/briewe. Daar word voorgestel dat dit beskou meet word as mixtum compositum wat goedskiks profetiese briewe genoem kan word en wat sewe samestellende uitsprake omvat. Hoofstuk 5 ontsluit die sosiologiese beduidenis van die idee en verskynsel van oorwinning in die Grieks-Romeinse wereld. In Openbaring hou dit in dat Johannes beide verbaal (re die gebruik van die Griekse werkwoord VLKaw) en beeldsprakig (re 'palmtak') sy gehoor ge-inspireer het ten opsigte van die ideaal van oorwinning. Hoofstuk 6 ontleed die teks van die belofte uitsprake, en die ko-tekste soos wat dit intertekstueel weerspieel word in bybelse tradisies. Plaaslike verwysings word oak in ag geneem ten einde tot 'n polivalente interpretasie van die belofte-beeldspraak by te dra. Hoofstuk 7 gee 'n analitiese oorsig van die vervulling van die eskatologiese beloftes, veral ten opsigte van die nuwe Jerusalem. Die belonings van geestelike voorsiening, 'n hemelse woonplek, en van 'n goddelike persoon dien om die heiliges aan te spoor tot oorwinning oar die verbete vyande. Hierop volg Hoofstuk 8 wat die toe-eiening van die beloftes binne die boek Openbaring en vir die tyd en tekswereld van die boek self ondersoek. 'n Veelvuldigheid van funksies, wat verkry word uit 'n multidissiplinere eksegetiese metodiek, word vir die belofte uitsprake vasgestel en beskryf. Hierdie studie toon aan dat die beloftes van oorwinning aan die sewe gemeentes in KleinAsie funksioneer as profetiese vermanings, waarvan die beeldspraak ontleen is aan 'n verskeidenheid van bybelse tradisies. Die vervulling hiervan kan reeds al in Openbaring 19-22 gesien word. Dit toon verder aan dat, anders as in die geval van die gevalle Rome, die heilige stad genaamd Jerusalem op die oorwinnende bruid sal wag. Die moontlikheid en werklikheid van die vervulling en toe-eiening van die beloftes van Openbaring 2-3 regverdig dit om te postuleer dat hierdie beloftes beslis nie ydele 'koeke vir die hiernamaals' (d.i. "pies in the sky") is nie! Nee, die Openbaring aan Johannes was bedoel om 'n profesie van troos vir die volk van God te wees en dit funksioneer beslis as sodanig / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Thesis (D. Litt et Phil.)--University of South Africa, 1996.

The European Court of Justice and social policy : a mixed methods analysis of preliminary references from the EU-15, 1996-2009

Sigafoos, Jennifer A. January 2011 (has links)
Although social policy was once perceived to be solely within the purview of the nation state, there has been a move toward a more European social policy. The European Court of Justice for the European Communities (‘Court of Justice’ or ‘Court’) determines the scope of European law and how it affects national welfare states. The court’s decisions will affect not only the national law of the member states with regard to social policy but also the direction of European social policy as it expands. However, the ECJ does not choose the policy areas in which it makes its decisions, but instead reacts to the preliminary references that are sent by the national courts of the Member States. These preliminary references from the Member States will set the Court’s agenda. Preliminary references are unevenly distributed across the Member States of the EU, and some Member States’ preliminary references are concentrated in particular policy areas. The jurisprudence of the Court, and consequently the social policy of the EU, could be steered by this uneven distribution. This thesis will answer the threshold question of why scholars of social policy should care about the Court of Justice, with a legal analysis of some key themes in the Court’s decisions in the area of social policy. It will then employ a mixed methods research design to explain the variation in rates of social policy preliminary references from the EU-15. First, a Time Series Cross-Section (TSCS) model will be used to test a series of hypotheses generated from the literature, and three novel hypotheses, in a dataset of social policy preliminary references from the EU-15 from 1996 to 2009. Next, a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) (Ragin 2000) will group the variables that were found to be significant into sets of conditions, or ‘causal pathways,’ that lead to higher and lower rates of social policy preliminary references. Finally, two qualitative case studies will be conducted, in the UK and France. Analysis of documentary evidence and 25 expert interviews in the two member states and at the Court of Justice will further explain and illuminate the differing usage of preliminary reference process. The analysis of the mixed methods is integrated in the final stage. Implications for the direction of EU law related to social policy and the future development of European social policy will be considered in the concluding chapter.

Prejudiciální otázky v civilním a evropském procesním právu / Preliminary References in civil and European Procedural Law

Štangová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Preliminary References in Civil and European procedural law JUDr. Štangová Eva 1 Abstract (EN) The main purpose of this doctoral thesis was to provide an comprehensive analysis of the Preliminary questions under Slovak and Czech national legislations and to provide the same analysis of Preliminary questions under Treaties and Legislation of European Union Law (hereinafter referred to as "Union law"). This analysis shall cover both, Slovak and Czech code of judicial procedure which have the same numerical designation as Act No. 99/1963 Coll. and are known as Code of civil procedure (hereinafter referred to as OSP) in Slovakia and Code of civil procedure (hereinafter referred to as OSŘ) in the Czech Republic as well. The research in this thesis is structurally divided into 5 independent chapters. Using bellow stated research methods and science procedures; each part focuses on different context of preliminary questions. The first two chapters focus the historical context, concept, importance and scope of the preliminary questions under legislation of Czech and Slovak Republic. This chapter also outlines the normative legal regulations of these issues in the "de lege lata" status. At the same time, the author pays more attention to the eligibility of preliminary questions to be considered as preliminary ones,...

Imagerie nanométrique ultra-rapide par diffraction cohérente de rayonnement extrême-UV produit par génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé / Ultrafast nanometers scale coherent diffractive imaging with extreme-UV light from high harmonics generation beamline

Gauthier, David 07 February 2012 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente des expériences d’imagerie par diffraction réalisées en utilisant une source de rayonnement cohérent basée sur la génération d’harmoniques d’ordre élevé d’un laser Ti:Sa. Elles démontrent que cette source extrême-UV de laboratoire produit un nombre suffisant de photons par impulsion pour enregistrer une figure de diffraction d’objets tests en « simple tirs ». Le signal ainsi enregistré permet l’obtention d’une image de l’objet avec une résolution d’une centaine de nanomètres. Deux schémas sont utilisés pour reconstruire l’objet : le premier utilise un algorithme itératif de reconstruction de la phase perdue pendant la détection de la figure de diffraction ; le second utilise une configuration holographique par transformée de Fourier. Les travaux réalisés comportent deux parties. La première concerne l’optimisation de la source harmonique et inclut une étude expérimentale d’un dispositif de filtrage spatial du faisceau laser de génération par propagation dans une fibre creuse. La seconde partie présente les expériences d’imagerie par diffraction, et notamment une démonstration du schéma holographique HERALDO qui est une extension de l’holographie par transformée de Fourier à des références en forme de polygones. L’utilisation de ces références « étendues » a pour avantage d’optimiser l’enregistrement holographique tout en conservant une reconstruction directe et sans ambigüité de l’objet. Une analyse signal-sur-bruit ainsi qu’une comparaison des reconstructions d’hologramme pour différentes formes de références sont effectuées. / This manuscript presents diffraction imaging experiments performed using a source of coherent radiation based on high order harmonics generation of a Ti:Sa laser. They demonstrate that this laboratory size XUV source produces a number of photons per pulse sufficient to record the diffraction pattern of test objects in « single shot ». The signal thus recorded allows obtaining an image of the object with a resolution of around 100 nanometers. Two schemes are used to reconstruct the object: the first one uses an iterative algorithm to retrieve the phase lost during the detection of the diffraction pattern; the second uses a configuration of Fourier transform holography. The work presented here is separated in two parts. The first one concerns the optimization of the harmonic source, including an experimental study of a spatial filtering device for laser beams by propagation in a hollow core fiber. The second part deals with the diffraction imaging experiments. In particular, I present a demonstration of the holographic scheme HERALDO, which is an extension of the Fourier transform holography with polygonal references. The use of these « extended » references allows the optimization of the holographic recording while maintaining a direct and non-ambiguous reconstruction of the object. An analysis of signal-to-noise ratio and a comparison of hologram reconstructions for different types of references are performed.


PAULO DE CARVALHO JUNIOR 01 April 2014 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho investiga o emprego de podcasts de programas de rádio e televisão da Alemanha nas aulas de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira em níveis B2 e C1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas no Ensino Médio. Através desta tecnologia, é possível ter acesso rápido e gratuito a materiais autênticos de áudio ou vídeo, de forma que professores passam a ter um leque mais amplo de recursos para suas aulas e alunos passam a ter contato com a língua produzida com outros fins, que não didáticos. Considerando as proposições apresentadas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio, os níveis de referência descritos no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas e os objetivos traçados no Rahmenplan Deutsch als Fremdsprache für das Auslandsschulwesen (Quadro de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira para as escolas no exterior), o trabalho discute o potencial e as limitações do uso desta tecnologia como ferramenta no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira no contexto escolar. A partir dos pressupostos da Teoria da Atividade, o trabalho procura investigar de que forma a implementação dos podcasts afeta o sistema da atividade da aula de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira nas perspectivas de professores e alunos em uma escola bilíngue da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] This dissertation investigates the use of podcasts in high school classes of German as a Foreign Language (GFL), in levels B2 and C1 of the Common European Framework of References for Languages. This technology provides for quick and free access to authentic audio or video materials taken from German radio and TV programs, so that teachers have a wider range of resources for their classes and students have contact with the language which was produced for purposes other than pedagogical ones. Considering the proposals in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National High School Curricular Parameters), the levels of reference of the Common European Framework of References for Languages, and the goals set in the Rahmenplan Deutsch als Fremdsprache für das Auslandsschulwesen (Framework German as a Foreign Language for schools abroad), this study discusses the potential and the limitations of the use of this technology as a tool for teaching and learning GFL in a bilingual school. Based on the principles of Activity Theory, this work aims to investigate how the implementation of podcasts affects the activity system of GFL classes from the teachers’ and students’ perspectives in a bilingual school in Rio de Janeiro.

O fantasma no castelo do materialismo: uma história do inconsciente Freudiano / The ghost in materialisms’ castle: a history of Freudian uncounscious

PINHEIRO, Heráclito Aragão January 2009 (has links)
PINHEIRO , Heráclito Aragão. O fantasma no castelo do materialismo: uma história do inconsciente Freudiano. 2009. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by moises gomes (celtinha_malvado@hotmail.com) on 2012-01-17T12:22:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_dis_HAPinheiro.PDF: 1002277 bytes, checksum: 98f8aa06827023a320f586b7fffbfdaf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-03-08T12:15:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_dis_HAPinheiro.PDF: 1002277 bytes, checksum: 98f8aa06827023a320f586b7fffbfdaf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-03-08T12:15:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_dis_HAPinheiro.PDF: 1002277 bytes, checksum: 98f8aa06827023a320f586b7fffbfdaf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / This research has the goal of understanding the path of Freud in his elaboration of the notion of unconscious, to realize the ways by which he got to this crucial notion to the foundation of the psychoanalytical knowing. To reach this goal I decided to deal with the models and references of Freud. The principal results were that the models which had more weight in the development of his idea of unconscious were his clinical work with the hysterics, as well as his divergence with the conventional ideas about this affection, his contact with the hypnosis and the interlocution he established with Charcot, Breuer and Fliess. And the principal references were the agnosticism and the physicalism,in relation to what it concerns the form by which he finally distanced himself. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender o percurso de Freud em sua elaboração da noção de inconsciente, perceber de que maneira ele chega até essa noção crucial para a fundação do saber psicanalítico. Para alcançar esse objetivo decidi abordar os modelos e os referentes de Freud. Os principais achados com relação aos modelos que tiveram maior peso em sua elaboração do inconsciente foram sua clínica com as histéricas, bem como seu confronto com as idéias vigentes sobre essa afecção, seu contato com a hipnose e a interlocução que estabeleceu com Charcot, Breuer e Flies. E os principais referentes foram o agnosticismo e o fisicalismo, no que concerne à forma como ele findou se afastando deste.

Surf and turf, builder’s mug och Jaffa cakes : Översättningsstrategier vid svensk undertextning av kulturspecifika referenser i anglofona matlagningsprogram / Surf and Tur, Builder's Mug and Jaffa Cakes : Transwlation Strategies in Swedish of Culture Specific References in Anglophone Cooking Shows

Hagander, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Mat, språk och kultur är tätt sammanlänkade, och i matlagningsprogram förekommer en rad olika sorters kulturspecifika referenser. Kulturspecifika referenser definieras som ”any reference to a cultural entity which, due to its distance from the target culture, is characterized by a sufficient degree of opacity for the target reader to constitute a problem” (Mailhac i Ranzato 2015:54) och kan vara sådant t.ex. som måttenheter (pint), märken (Tabasco) och maträtter (surf and turf). Denna undersöknings fokus är översättningen av kulturspecifika referenser i matlagningsprogram, och eftersom merparten av de matlagningsprogram som översätts för svensk tv är på engelska består denna studies material av 21 engelskspråkiga matlagningsprogram och deras svenska översättningar. De matlagningsprogram som undersökts är Det goda livet, Jamie Olivers smarta rätter, David Roccos ljuva matresa – Italien, Kitchen Hero och Hela England bakar. Genom att att konstruera en korpus och analysera de kulturspecifika referenserna har normerna för översättningsstrategier gällande kulturspecifika referenser i matlagningsprogram kartlagts, och jämförts med resultaten från Pedersens välkända undersökning av primetime-TV (2011). Resultaten kategoriserades sedan enligt Pedersens taxonomi. Resultaten visade att normerna för matlagningsprogram liknade dem för primetime-TV, trots att det fanns ett par domänspecifika skillnader. Eftersom språk formar hur vi ser världen är det intressant att se hur kulturspecifika referenser översätts från en kultur till en annan, eftersom det formar hur den kulturen ses och värderas, eller åtminstone dess matkultur. / Food, language and culture are closely linked and cooking shows are peppered with culturally specific references. Culturally specific references are defined as “any reference to a cultural entity which, due to its distance from the target culture, is characterized by a sufficient degree of opacity for the target reader to constitute a problem” (Mailhac in Ranzato 2015:54) and can be things such as measurements (pints), brands (Tabasco), and dishes (surf and turf) to name a few. This study focuses on the translation of culture specific references in cooking shows. Since most of the cooking shows translated into Swedish are in English, the material for this study consists of 21 cooking shows in English and their Swedish translations. This study will look at the shows 3 good things, Save with Jamie, David Rocco’s Dolce Vita, Kitchen Hero and The Great British Bake off. By constructing a corpus and analyzing the culturally specific references, the norms regarding translation strategies for the translation of culturally specific references in cooking shows have been mapped out, and compared to the results of a well known study on primetime TV by Pedersen (2011). These were categorized in accordance with Pedersen’s taxonomy (2011:76). The results showed that the norms were very similar to those of primetime TV, with the exception of some domain-specific norms. Language influences how we see the world. Thus, the way culturally specific references are translated from one culture into another is important because it affects how cultures are viewed and interpreted, at least within the food community.

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