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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimating causal impacts under complex conditions: Two applications in presence of multiple fixed effects and continuous multidimensional treatments

Cristofoletti, Enrico 05 October 2021 (has links)
This thesis is a collection of three essays in causal evaluation. The first chapter investigates the effects of formal ties between firms and banks on the amount of credit received. I focus on the micro-effects of ties (bank-firm level) and how they reverberate at the macro level. Results are consistent with the literature considering links as a source of favoritism. However, efficient firms are more likely to be connected to banks, thus benefiting more often than less efficient firms from connections. The comparison of Portugal’s GDP in 2017 with that produced under a hypothetical scenario where every tie was severed shows that severing links results in virtually no changes in GDP. I interpret the result as evidence that the different likelihood of being connected experienced by efficient and not efficient firms counterbalances the misallocating potential of connections.The second chapter introduces a novel Stata implementation of Egger and von Ehrlich’s (2013) econometric framework for the estimation of treatment effect when the treatment is continuous and multidimensional. After the illustration of the package, I present a simple simulation to show the capability of the method to overcome bias.The third chapter consists of an evaluation of European regional policy. It analyzes how different mixes of investments in infrastructure and productive investments affect regions’ growth rate. The main results are that allocations in infrastructure foster growth only when coupled with expenditures in productive investments. Moreover, the highest growth is obtained when investments have high intensity in both dimensions. By generating two hypothetical scenarios, I investigate how the allocation of funds can be improved. The results show that regions could allocate more efficiently. However, the actual transfer intensity is not enough to choose the mix that would globally maximize growth. The findings are consistent with Becker et al. (2012) since enforcing common support restricts the analysis to regions with low transfer intensity.

Kranskommuner och kommunal allmänkultur : Kommunala narrativ i Stockholms Kranskommuner - En fallstudie av Sollentuna och Huddinge kommun / Municipal Planning In Suburban Regions : A Narrative Case Study Sollentuna and Huddinge Municipality in the Region of Stockholm.

Ahlm, Vera January 2024 (has links)
This essay handles municipal cultural planning practices in suburban areas and compares Sollentuna and Huddinge municipality in the Stockholm Region. Citizens' accessibility to culture serves as an important catalyst in regional growth strategies. Sollentuna and Huddinge municipality are two municipalities within the region of Stockholm, yet are not integrated with the City of Stockholms cultural core. In this essay I aim to analyze disparities in how these municipalities conceive, manage, and implement cultural policies.  This research focuses on the often-overlooked domain of 'general culture' (allmänkultur) which is entirely voluntary for municipalities to administer and is thus driven solely by local policies. Through the lens of intermediary cultural actors involved in municipal planning, the study investigates prevalent narratives shaping cultural practices and collaborations with local community groups. Furthermore, narratives articulated by planners and cultural actors can uncover the challenges and aspirations unique to each municipality. The study underscores the importance of understanding local contexts and dynamics in shaping cultural planning practices, challenging conventional urban-rural dichotomies in land-use management. Key findings reveal differing approaches in cultural planning between Huddinge and Sollentuna municipalities, despite sharing similar overarching goals. While both municipalities prioritize accessibility and support for local cultural activities, their strategies differ. Huddinge emphasizes governance strategies and collaborative partnerships with community organizations, whereas Sollentuna focuses on placemaking initiatives and fostering a cultural cluster with cross-boundary appeal.  In conclusion, this research advocates for a nuanced understanding of municipal cultural planning, emphasizing qualitative assessments over quantitative metrics to capture the social impact and significance of cultural investments. By examining suburban municipalities, the study contributes to expanding perspectives on Swedish municipal cultural planning, highlighting the role of intermediary cultural actors in shaping local cultural policy.

Regional Growth in Sweden : A Study of Absolute Convergence among Swedish LA-regions

Ejsmont, Karolina, Andersson, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
The theory of economic growth predicts that poorer regions will eventually converge towards the income level of the wealthier regions (Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2004). The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to establish if absolute convergence in Gross Regional Product (GRP) growth rates exists across LA-regions in Sweden during the period 1994-2004. The variables used in the model of absolute convergence are; the level of initial GRP per capita in the year 1994 and the growth rate of GRP per capita. The authors of this thesis find support of absolute convergence among Swedish LA-regions of 1.67 percent per year. Convergence estimations are also performed for high-, mid-, and low-performing groups of regions in respect to their income level per capita. The low-performing group of regions is in fact converging faster towards the income level of the wealthier regions in Sweden than the mid- and high-performing group. Alternative measurement of convergence is the so called sigma-convergence. The authors find that it only holds for the group of high-performing regions. However, this measurement cannot be considered reliable, as the existence of absolute convergence is necessary for sigma-convergence, but it is not sufficient. / Ekonomisk tillväxtteori förutspår att fattigare regioner med tiden kommer att konvergera mot samma inkomst nivå som rikare regioner har (Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2004). Syftet med denna Kandidatuppsats är undersöka ifall det förekommer betingad konvergenstillväxt av Brutto Regional Produkt (BRP) nivåer mellan svenska LA-regioner under perioden 1994-2004. Variablerna som används i modellen för betingad konvergens är den ursprungliga nivån av BRP per capita under år 1994, och tillväxtnivån av BRP per capita under perioden 1994-2004. Författarna av denna uppsats har funnit stöd för betingad konvergens bland svenska LA-regioner med en konvergenstakt på 1,67 procent per år. En estimering av konvergens är därtill utförd för hög-, mellan- och lågpresterande grupper av regioner med respekt till deras inkomstnivå per capita. Den lågpresterande gruppen har en snabbare konvergeringstakt mot den inkomstnivå de rikare regionerna i Sverige har, än vad de mellan- och högpresterande grupperna. Ett alternativt mått på konvergens är den så kallade sigma-konvergensen. Författarna finner att detta mått endast håller för gruppen av högpresterande regioner. Emellertid kan inte detta mått räknas som tillförlitligt, då förekomsten av betingad konvergens är nödvändigt för sigma-konvergens, men det är inte tillräckligt.

Bancarización pública y crecimiento económico regional en el Perú

Burneo Farfan, Kurt Johnny 27 January 2009 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca és avaluar si la bancarització pública, definida per l'evolució del programa de préstecs Multired del banc estatal del Perú, es constitueix como un factor rellevant per explicar la dinàmica del creixement econòmic regional en el període d'octubre de 2001 a juliol de 2006. Els resultats d'aquesta recerca es poden constituir com a inputs útils per a la formulació de les polítiques públiques en l'àmbit financer. La literatura identifica la bancarització amb el grau d'intermediació financera, variable que es mesura com la ràtio de col·locacions al sector privat respecte del PIB i que es reconeix com un factor rellevant per explicar el creixement econòmic a curt termini. Tanmateix, quant a la relació entre bancarització pública (la que desenvolupa la banca estatal) i creixement, els resultats que s'obtenen de les proves empíriques no són concloents, en el sentit que la relació no és estadísticament significativa o, en alguns casos, s'observa una associació negativa entre aquestes variables. Les últimes descobertes serien coherents amb la denominada visió política. Aquesta planteja que, en l'actuació estatal en la banca, predominen els interessos individuals dels polítics responsables de dirigir-la, a part del fet que aquesta banca es beneficia d'unes condicions ad hoc favorables que no té la banca privada. Alternativament, l'altra visió, denominada visió desenvolupista, justifica el rol estatal, pel fet que els mercats financers presenten una sèrie d'errors: informació asimètrica, poder de mercat, externalitats, etc. Per avaluar la relació entre bancarització pública i creixement econòmic a les regions, es plantegen dos models: un de macroeconòmic, que utilitza les variables agregades en una estructura de sèries de temps, i l'altre de regional, que utilitza una sèrie de variables regionals en una estructura de panel data. En el cas del model macroeconòmic, la variable dependent és l'índex de creixement del PBI real per càpita, mentre que les variables explicatives s'agrupen en la bancarització (pública i privada) i les variables de control com el PBI real per càpita ressagat, la bretxa de producte, la inversió, l'índex d'escolaritat, l'obertura comercial i el resultat fiscal primari. En el cas del model regional, la variable dependent (com a variable proxy del creixement regional) és l'índex de creixement de l'impost general sobre les vendes (IGV) i les variables explicatives són el valor ressagat de l'IGV, la bretxa de producte, la bancarització pública i privada, a més dels efectes no observables per cada regió i les variables dummies temporals. Els resultats obtinguts no rebaten la hipòtesi que planteja l'existència d'una associació positiva entre la bancarització pública i el creixement econòmic, si bé en el cas del model a escala regional aquesta associació presenta un cert retard. També es troba que aquesta associació és més gran quan es tracta de la bancarització privada, diferència que es justifica pel nombre més gran de col·locacions d'aquesta respecte a la banca estatal, com també pel fet que els models presentats no capturen l'efecte de la bancarització pública sobre l'ampliació dels subjectes de crèdit que hi són incorporats com a clients per la banca privada, no tan sols per mitjà de crèdits de consum, sinó també d'altres productes financers que aquestes institucions ofereixen, possibilitat restringida legalment per a la banca estatal al Perú. / El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar si la Bancarización pública, definida por la evolución del programa de préstamos Multired del banco estatal del Perú, se constituye como un factor relevante para explicar la dinámica del crecimiento económico regional en el periodo Octubre 2001-Julio 2006. Los resultados de esta investigación se constituirían como insumos útiles para la formulación de políticas públicas en el ámbito financiero. La literatura identifica a la Bancarización como el grado de intermediación financiera, variable medida como el ratio colocaciones al sector privado respecto al PBI, reconociendo a ésta como un factor relevante para explicar el crecimiento económico en el corto plazo. Sin embargo, en cuanto a la relación entre Bancarización pública (aquella desarrollada por la banca estatal) y crecimiento, los resultados que arroja la evidencia empírica no son concluyentes en el sentido que, la relación no es estadísticamente significativa o en algunos casos se encuentra una asociación negativa entre estas variables. Estos últimos hallazgos, serían consistentes con la denominada Visión Política. Esta plantea que en la actuación estatal en banca, predominan los intereses individuales de los políticos a cargo de la dirección de esta, contando dicha banca además con condiciones ad hoc favorables que no detenta la banca privada. Alternativamente la otra visión, denominada Visión Desarrollista justifica el rol estatal, debido a que los mercados financieros presentan una serie de fallas: Información asimétrica, poder de mercado, externalidades etc. Para evaluar la relación entre Bancarización pública y crecimiento económico en las regiones, se plantean dos modelos: Uno a nivel macroeconómico que usa variables agregadas en una estructura de series de tiempo. El otro a nivel regional, usa una serie de variables regionales en una estructura de panel data. En el caso del modelo macroeconómico, la variable dependiente es la tasa de crecimiento del PBI real per cápita, mientras que las variables explicativas se agrupan en la bancarización (pública y privada) y variables de control como el PBI real per cápita rezagado, la brecha de producto, la inversión, la tasa de escolaridad, la apertura comercial y el resultado fiscal primario. En el caso del modelo a nivel regional, la variable dependiente (como variable Proxy del crecimiento regional) es la tasa de crecimiento del impuesto general a las ventas (IGV) teniendo como variables explicativas el valor rezagado del IGV, la brecha de producto, la bancarización pública y privada, además de los efectos no observables por cada región y variables dummies temporales. Los resultados encontrados, no rechazan la hipótesis que plantea la existencia de una asociación positiva entre bancarización pública con el crecimiento económico, aunque en el caso del modelo a nivel regional esta asociación presentaría un rezago. También se encuentra que esta asociación es mayor cuando se trata de la bancarización privada, justificándose esta diferencia por la escala mayor de colocaciones de esta respecto a la banca estatal como también por el hecho que los modelos presentados no capturan el efecto de la bancarización pública sobre la ampliación de los sujetos de crédito que resultan incorporados como clientes por la banca privada, no sólo a través de créditos de consumo sino de otros productos financieros ofertados por estas instituciones, posibilidad legalmente restringida para la banca estatal en el Perú. / The objective of this research is to assess whether the public bancarization which is defined by the evolution of the loan program "multired" of the National Bank of Peru is established as an important factor to explain the dynamics of regional economic growth in the period October 2001-July 2006. The results of this research would be built as an useful tools for the formulation of public policies in the financial field.The literature identifies the bancarization as the financial intermediation degree, variable measured as the ratio of credits to the private sector in relationship to the GDP, recognizing this as an important factor to explain the economic growth in the short term. Nevertheless regards the relationship between public bancarization (which is developed by the state bank) and growth, the found results of the empirical evidence are not conclusive because the relationship is not statistically significant or in some cases there is a negative association between this variables. These latest findings would be consistent with the overview called Policy Vision. This one raises that in state action in bank, there is a predominance of individual politicians interests who manage the state banks. In addition the state bank counts with ad hoc favorable conditions not held by private banks. Alternatively the other vision called Developer Vision justifies the state role because of the financial markets have a lot of mistakes: asymmetric information, market power, externalities, etc. In order to assess the relationship between public bancarization and economic growth in the regions, we use two models: One of them refers a Macroeconomic level which uses aggregate variables of the Peruvian economy in a time series structure. The other is a regional level, which uses series of regional variables in a structure of data panel. In the macroeconomic model, the dependent variable is the rate of growth of real GDP per capita, while the explanatory variables are grouped into the bancarization (public and private) and control variables as the real GDP per capita lagged, the gap of product, investment, rate of schooling, trade openness and the primary fiscal results. In the case of the regional model the dependent variable (as a proxy variable of regional growth) is the rate growth of general sales tax (GST), taking as the explanatory variables the lagged value of the GST, the gap of product, the public and private bancarization, also it includes the no observable effects for each region and temporary dummies variables.The results found do not reject the hypothesis which formulates the existence of a positive association between public bancarization with the economic growth, although in the case of the model at the regional level this association would present a lag. It also found that this association is bigger when it comes to the private bancarization justifying this difference by the scale of higher credits of this regard to the state bank as well as the fact that the models presented do not capture the effect of public bancarization on the extension of the credit subjects that are incorporated as private bank clients not only through consumer credits, but also of other financial products offered by these institutions which can be legally restricted for the state bank in Peru.

Regional Growth in Sweden : A Study of Absolute Convergence among Swedish LA-regions

Ejsmont, Karolina, Andersson, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
<p>The theory of economic growth predicts that poorer regions will eventually converge towards the income level of the wealthier regions (Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2004). The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to establish if absolute convergence in Gross Regional Product (GRP) growth rates exists across LA-regions in Sweden during the period 1994-2004. The variables used in the model of absolute convergence are; the level of initial GRP per capita in the year 1994 and the growth rate of GRP per capita. The authors of this thesis find support of absolute convergence among Swedish LA-regions of 1.67 percent per year. Convergence estimations are also performed for high-, mid-, and low-performing groups of regions in respect to their income level per capita. The low-performing group of regions is in fact converging faster towards the income level of the wealthier regions in Sweden than the mid- and high-performing group. Alternative measurement of convergence is the so called sigma-convergence. The authors find that it only holds for the group of high-performing regions. However, this measurement cannot be considered reliable, as the existence of absolute convergence is necessary for sigma-convergence, but it is not sufficient.</p> / <p>Ekonomisk tillväxtteori förutspår att fattigare regioner med tiden kommer att konvergera mot samma inkomst nivå som rikare regioner har (Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2004). Syftet med denna Kandidatuppsats är undersöka ifall det förekommer betingad konvergenstillväxt av Brutto Regional Produkt (BRP) nivåer mellan svenska LA-regioner under perioden 1994-2004. Variablerna som används i modellen för betingad konvergens är den ursprungliga nivån av BRP per capita under år 1994, och tillväxtnivån av BRP per capita under perioden 1994-2004. Författarna av denna uppsats har funnit stöd för betingad konvergens bland svenska LA-regioner med en konvergenstakt på 1,67 procent per år. En estimering av konvergens är därtill utförd för hög-, mellan- och lågpresterande grupper av regioner med respekt till deras inkomstnivå per capita. Den lågpresterande gruppen har en snabbare konvergeringstakt mot den inkomstnivå de rikare regionerna i Sverige har, än vad de mellan- och högpresterande grupperna. Ett alternativt mått på konvergens är den så kallade sigma-konvergensen. Författarna finner att detta mått endast håller för gruppen av högpresterande regioner. Emellertid kan inte detta mått räknas som tillförlitligt, då förekomsten av betingad konvergens är nödvändigt för sigma-konvergens, men det är inte tillräckligt.</p>

Externalidades do mercado de trabalho e crescimento regional no Brasil

Brito, José Wilson Aquino de 09 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-07-13T20:20:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-08T15:52:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T15:52:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-09 / O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi estimar os impactos das externalidades do mercado de trabalho analisadas por meios de graus de especialização, variedade relacionada e não relacionada da mobilidade no crescimento regional no Brasil de 1996 até 2008. Tanto a taxa de crescimento de emprego como taxa de crescimento da produtividade do trabalho foram utilizadas como medidas de crescimento. Para realizar as estimações foi utilizado o modelo de Métodos de Momentos Generalizados (MMG) devido uma possível endogeneidade entre mobilidade e crescimento regional. Os resultados indicaram que o grau de variedade de conhecimento inter-regional é um dos principais impulsionadores do nível de emprego. O grau de especialização intrarregional impacta positivamente no emprego regional. Apenas os graus de variedade de conhecimento apresentaram resultados positivos no crescimento da produtividade do trabalho. Os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho sugerem que a variedade de conhecimento proveniente da mobilidade mão de obra qualificada é um dos principais impulsionadores do crescimento regional. / The main objective of this study was to estimate the impacts of externalities in the labor market analyzed by degrees of specialization, related and unrelated variety of mobility in regional growth in Brazil from 1996 to 2008. Both the employment growth rate and the Labor productivity growth were used as growth’s measures. To estimate the equations was used Generalized Moment Methods (GMM) due to soften a possible endogeneity between mobility and regional growth. The results indicated that the degree of variety of inter-regional knowledge is one of the main drivers of the level of employment. The degree of intraregional specialization has a positive impact on regional employment. Only the degrees of variety of knowledge presented positive results in the growth of labor productivity. The results found in this study suggest that the variety of knowledge derived from skilled labor mobility is one of the main drivers of regional growth.

Créativité, attractivité et développement économique des territoires européens / Creativity, residential attractiveness and economic development in European regions

Barois, Brice 29 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse comparative de la richesse, de la créativité, de la connectivité et de l’attractivité résidentielle des territoires. Dans un premier chapitre, la hiérarchie des richesses régionales dans l’Union Européenne sur la période 2000-2015 est analysée, en se focalisant sur la dynamique de la distribution des PIB par habitant des 276 régions européennes identifiées au niveau NUTS 2. À l’aide de modèles économétriques, ce chapitre montre que les mécanismes structurels européens ne conduisent pas à un processus de convergence des PIB par habitant. Les mécanismes de rattrapage se sont avérés inefficaces et on assiste à une polarisation de performances qu’on caractérise comme l’Europe à deux vitesses. Le second chapitre, sur la période 2006-2013, étudie l’impact direct et indirect des industries créatives et culturelles et de la connectivité sur la richesse des régions européennes. Il montre que lorsque l’on tient compte des effets d’autocorrélation spatiale, l’impact de ces industries sur la richesse des régions européennes est plus contrasté et peut, dans certains cas, creuser les disparités. Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur les migrations résidentielles en France métropolitaine. En analysant les migrations résidentielles entre les zones d’emploi françaises, il constate que les jeunes (15-29 ans) migrent davantage que le reste de la population. Plus l’individu est diplômé, célibataire et locataire, plus il a de chance de migrer. Dans un même temps, les caractéristiques des territoires de localisation influent sur les décisions de migration des individus. Les jeunes préfèrent emménager dans des territoires connectés, où l’emploi créatif est présent et le taux de chômage est faible. / This thesis delivers a comparative analysis on the wealth, the creativity, the connectivity and the residential attractiveness of the European territories. In a first chapter, the hierarchy of regional wealth in the European Union over the period 2000-2015 is analyzed, focusing on the dynamics of the distribution of GDP per capita of the 276 European regions identified at the NUTS 2 level. Using econometric models, it shows that the European structural mechanisms don’t lead to a process of convergence of GDP per capita. The catch-up mechanisms have proved ineffective and we are witnessing a polarization of performances that we characterize as the two-speed Europe ... The second chapter, for the period 2006-2013, studies the direct and indirect impact of the creative and cultural industries on the wealth of European regions. It shows that when spatial autocorrelation effects are considered, the impacts of these industries on the wealth of European regions are more contrasted and may, in some cases, widen disparities. The third chapter focuses on residential migration in metropolitan France. By analyzing residential migration between the French employment areas, this work shows that young people (aged 15-29) migrate more than the rest of the population. The more an individual is a graduate, single and renter, the more likely he is to migrate. At the same time, the characteristics of location territories influence the migration decisions of individuals. Young people prefer to move to connected territories, where creative employment is present and where unemployment rate is low.

Bostad Sökes : En studie om att främja billiga bostäder i nyproduktion genom kommunal markpolitik / The quest for housing : A study of promoting cheap housing in new production through municipal land policy

Mattsson, Emil, Shahsavar, Nima January 2018 (has links)
Balansen mellan utbud och efterfrågan av bostäder har inverkan på olika gruppers möjligheter till att etablera sig på bostadsmarknaden. Trots att det byggs mer än på länge i Stockholmsregionen så tyder ändå mycket på att det blivit svårare för resurssvaga grupper att hitta bostäder. I studien framgår att nyproduktionen av bostäder inte svarar mot de bostadsbehov som finns och att arbetet med bostäder för resurssvaga grupper inte tycks stå särskilt högt upp på agendan. Frågan har uppmärksammats av flera aktörer och anses vara en av de största utmaningarna på bostadsmarknaden.  Den här studien strävar efter att undersöka vilka möjligheter som finns för kommunerna att skapa förutsättningar för en jämlik bostadsmarknad i Stockholms län genom att lyfta det regionala perspektivet inom samhällsplanering och på så sätt skapa förutsättningar för en hållbar region. Mer specifikt så avser studien att främja nybyggnation av billiga bostäder, främst i form av subventioner genom kommunal markpolitik, i syfte att underlätta möjligheterna för resurssvaga hushåll till att etablera sig på bostadsmarknaden. Tre kommuner i länet har undersökts i denna kvalitativa studie. Empirin bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstepersoner från dessa kommuner samt en dokumentstudie av kommunala policydokument. Slutsatsen är att det finns en diskrepans mellan utbudet och efterfrågan på bostadsmarknaden, när det kommer till bostäder för resurssvaga grupper. Hur kommunerna arbetar med att komma tillrätta med detta varierar, dels i form av generella insatser vilka strävar efter ett högt kvantitativt byggande, eller särskilda insatser som strävar efter att pressa produktions- och boendekostnader. Att generella insatser användes mer frekvent bland de kommuner som undersöktes i denna studie, i kombination med att boendekostnader problematiseras i mycket liten omfattning, ger intrycket av att nybyggnation inte är ett realistiskt alternativ för resurssvaga grupper och att tilltron till flyttkedjor således är mycket hög. Även om det framkom kritik mot de särskilda insatserna som sker i kommunerna, vilket grundar sig i att enkla boendelösningar med låga byggkostnader inte nödvändigtvis behöver leda till lägre boendekostnader, så kan ändå ett kontinuerligt tillskott av sådana bostadslösningar bidra till att priser och hyror på bostadsmarknaden hålls nere på längre sikt. Både det teoretiska och empiriska materialet visar på ett samband mellan produktionskostnader av bostäder och boendekostnader men om byggande av bostäder ska subventioneras är det viktigt att säkerställa att detta sker till rätt hushåll. Därför finns det skäl till att kombinera subventioner med olika former av klausuler som försäkrar kommunen mot att systemet utnyttjas. Detta ökar förmedlingsfrågornas betydelse. / The balance between supply and demand of housing has an impact on the ability of different groups to establish themselves in the housing market. Even though housing construction has the highest levels in many years, there are clear indications that it has become more difficult for low-income households to find housing. This study shows that new housing construction does not correspond to the current housing needs and that housing for low-income households does not appear to be on the planning agenda. The issue has been highlighted by several stakeholders in the housing market and housing for low-income households is considered to be one of the biggest contemporary challenges of the housing market. This study aims to investigate the possibilities for the municipality to create conditions for an equal housing market in the Region of Stockholm, by raising the regional perspective in planning and create conditions for a sustainable region. More specifically, the study aims to facilitate the construction of cheap housing, primarily in the form of subsidies through municipal land policy, in order to promote housing for low-income households in the housing market. Three municipalities in the region have been investigated in this qualitative study. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with municipal officials from these municipalities, backed up by a document study of municipal policy documents. The conclusion is that there is a discrepancy between supply and demand in the housing market, when it comes to housing for low-income households. How the municipalities work to address this varies and can be divided into general efforts, that aim for high-quantitative construction or special efforts aimed at reducing production- and housing costs. The fact that general efforts were used more frequently among the municipalities surveyed in this study, coupled with the fact that housing costs are problematised to such a small extent, gives the impression that new construction is not a realistic alternative for low-income households, and thus that the reliance on chains of residential mobility are very high. Although there is a criticism of the special efforts that take place in the municipalities, which is on the fact that simple standard housing solutions with low construction costs do not necessarily have to lead to lower prices/rents, yet a continuous addition of such housing solutions can keep prices and rents in the housing market down in the longer term. Both the theoretical- and empirical material shows a correlation between production costs and housing prices, however if housing is to be subsidised it is important to ensure that it is directed to the intended households. Therefore, there is a reason to combine subsidies with different forms of clauses that assure the municipality against misuse of the system. This increases the importance of the distribution of housing.

A Framework for Obtaining Social Acceptance in Greenfield Projects within Hard-to-Abate Industries

Larsson, Emil, Norberg, Fredrika January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to develop a framework for obtaining social acceptance in the establishment of greenfield projects within hard-to-abate industries by identifying key factors and activities related to the topic. Method: The research was based on an exploratory single-case study of a Swedish greenfield project. The study aimed to gain a nuanced understanding of factors and activities regarding various aspects of the topic. A qualitative approach was used to deepen knowledge and insights into the research gap. The empirical data was collected in three phases: through exploratory workshops, interviews with representatives from the local community, and interviews with representatives from the establishing company. Findings: We have identified several factors and activities that consist of componentfactors/activities that provide a more detailed description of each factor and activity. This identification of influential factors, coupled with the proposal of activities to attain social acceptance, provides project managers with a tangible framework to obtain social acceptance. Factors affecting social acceptance in greenfield projects are (1) Community relationship, (2) Project information, (3) Operational concerns related to the project, (4) Ripple effect concerns, (5) Regional growth, and (6) Sustainability. The key activities we have found to stimulate the factors successfully are (1) Collaborating with external parties, (2) Establishing a communication strategy, (3) Community segmentation, (4) Going above and beyond legal obligations, (5) Community engagement, (6) Create trust by genuineness, and (7) Allocate financial resources to community investments. Theoretical contribution: This study contributes to the literature by verifying that many of the factors identified by previous scholars also apply to greenfield projects within hard-to-abate industries. Even if empirical evidence does not explicitly state the same factors and activities, we have verified that they are closely related. Further on, our developed framework fills an identifiedresearch gap by offering a more comprehensive understanding of the connections between factors and activities influencing social acceptance. Managerial contribution The developed framework in this thesis is designed to guide managers through three critical phases in their work to obtain social acceptance. These phases are pre-launch, launch, and integration. The framework enables managers to identify needed capabilities and systematically address key factors influencing social acceptance. By utilizing this framework, managers can create value by mitigating risks such as operational setbacks, economic losses, reputational damage, opposition, social conflicts, and sabotage.

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