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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AI Unleashed: The Future of Social Entrepreneurship : A relational view on the intricacies between AI and social entrepreneurship

Al Najem, Riyad, de Vré, Maurice January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is positioned within the intersection of social entrepreneurship and artificialintelligence research streams and explores a timely topic and emerging phenomenon. Whileresearch has started paying attention to the role of artificial intelligence in various aspects oforganizational life, we turn our attention to how social entrepreneurs interact with artificialintelligence to achieve their social missions. We conduct a qualitative study and use aninterpretive research paradigm with an inductive approach to enrich the current understandingof the role of artificial intelligence in shaping processes through which social entrepreneursattempt to accomplish their social mission. Our primary data are collected through semi-structured interviews with social entrepreneurs who are located in different countries andemploy artificial intelligence in their daily work. The analysis revealed that social entrepreneursengage in creating new relations or building on existing relations to enable AI in four maindimensions during the social entrepreneurial process: AI implementation and management; AIdesign and development; AI ethics and openness; and community and collaboration. To betterunderstand the role of those dimensions, we discuss those findings in light of a framework thatis developed to further understand the processes through which social mission is achieved. Thefindings contribute to the existing body of literature on both social entrepreneurship and AI,providing a comprehensive understanding of the role of AI in social entrepreneurship, andoffering practical recommendations for social entrepreneurs who want to exploit AI. Further,they demonstrate how and where AI can be a powerful entity for social entrepreneurs inaddressing social and environmental challenges. However, we also shed light on thecomplexities and challenges that are inherent in AI management and showcase that AI is not asilver bullet to address social objectives.

”Jag vill ju gå i en normal skola men det kommer aldrig att funka” Sex institutionsplacerade flickors erfarenheter och tankar om sin skolgång

Edlund, Amela January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is that the stories provide insight into and understanding of institutionalized girls experiences and views on their schooling, and from their stories also explore how schools can create opportunities for students who challenge. An overriding purpose is also that the girls’ life stories in the long run lead to a school developing work. To provide a better understanding of the girls, qualitative methods with a narrative approach have been used. In the theory chapter I have used, inter alia, George H. Mead and Aaron Antonovsky's theories; Mead's theories to illuminate and understand the interactions between people and their understanding of each other, while Antonovsky's theory highlights the importance of creating meaningfulness, manageability and comprehensibility to people in vulnerable situations. The results show that by taking in the girls' valuable experiences and wise thoughts, we can affect their schooling positively instead of continuing as we do today, which obviously is not working but rather contributes to that the girls get low self esteem, do not feel accepted and are forced out of society. One conclusion is that if we and today's politicians listen to the girls' stories, we can together through our professionalism create a meaningful existence in school, a school where girls do not have to be expelled and end up with antisocial friends, leading to abuse or criminal behavior as a result.

Ömsesidighet eller substansen i den pedagogiska relationen?

Fridman Bjurmar, Miriam January 2017 (has links)
What does mutuality mean in a pedagogical relation? This study seeks to explore one of the essential parts in a pedagogical relation, mutuality. From a relational perspective, that lifts the existential element in pedagogics, the study want to contribute with a possible understanding of the concept in order to strengthen the importance of this existential element. Through concept analysis, interpretations of Martin Buber´s relational philosophy and the relational perspective, the aim of the study has been to explore and to understand mutuality and its meaning in and for the pedagogical relation regarding the question of mutuality´s substance, in the sense of the substantial that lies in it. The results of the study shows: Mutuality as a substantive is scarcely described in dictionaries. It usually appears as equivalent to, and explained as, reciprocity. It was though possible to trace differences between the two terms. Mutuality denotes two parts who are involved in the same phenomenon, here and now, while reciprocity includes actions that can have a delay in time. Within the observed fields, the concept has been studied as a human attribute and mainly for its role for humans and society. It is usually used with a preconception where the involved parts, with the mutual action, give each other something they can benefit from. When studied closer, special characteristics were identified. Mainly depending on its context, variations were conditioned to: the origins/initiators of the actions – equally or unequally between parts. Advantage/influence between parts – direct or indirect. The reason for the action – as an obligation, an ideal or a common exchange of benefits. Time aspect – the actions could either keep a certain model or facilitate a sustainable change. The involved parts – either humans or non-human in co-actions. The concept´s essential characteristic, its own substance, could first be seen with help of the relational perspective and Martin Buber´s relational philosophy. By looking in between the parts of a relation and using Buber´s notion of a two folded way to relate to the world (as I to Thou and as I to It) mutuality could be interpreted and understood as a pre-condition, something that is there a priori. A constant abstract ground where the parts can meet each other. A substantial component of the gap in-between the parts, a pre-condition for the relation to be fulfilled. In this way, it is possible to understand mutuality in a pedagogical relation as symmetric, where parts relate to each other equally regardless of their differences, here and now. For mutuality’s manifestation is immediate. It affects and mutates – transforms us, forever. Without this existential, relational understanding of mutuality, it will be, in a pedagogical relation, at risk to be left just as an exchange between parts with an instrumental purpose, where the parts pass by each other and stay unaffected. The person may turn to be an object, pedagogics’ relational ground may be lost and the balance in education may remain deranged.

Matematikängslan : En studie om främjande undervisning för elever i matematikängslan / Math anxiety : A study promoting teaching for students with math anxiety

Ekelöf, Malin, Filipiak, Boguslawa January 2022 (has links)
During our studies to becom special teachers in mathematics development, we have developed an interest in students who show resistance to the subject of matehmatics or mathematics teaching. The purpose of the study is to investigate teaching that promotes learning for pupils in mathematics anxiety, to distinguish any challenges that the teachers might encounter in teaching and to make visible future collaboration between the teachers and the special education teachers to support learning for pupils with mathematics anxiety. This has been done through semi-structured interviews and observations of primary and middle school teachers. The method used was inspired by grounded theory. The results were analyzed using sociocultural theory. The entire study rests on a relational perspective, which sees the student in difficulties and not with difficulties. The conclusion drawn from the study was that the teachers agreed with research in the field about which teaching methods are beneficial for students in mathematics anxiety. They also agreed with the research about the challenges that can arise in working with these students. Several different examples of collaboration between the teachers and the special education teachers emerged during the interviews. However, several challenges were identified which prevent teachers from implementing these methods in everyday teaching. A challenge in this may, for example, be that the special teachers in mathematics development are few in the schools. Another challenge can be that the teachers request pedagogical guidance where didactic issues can be raised, but that forum is missing in many schools.

Socialt entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande : Hållbara förhållningssätt för skolan; och för framtiden - Elevers erfarenheter utifrån ett relationellt specialpedagogiskt perspektiv / Social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning Sustainable pedagogical approaches in school; and for the future : Pupils’ experience from a relational Special Needs Educational perspective.

Onn, Anette January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate pupils’ experiences of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning in upper secondary school, from a relational Special Needs Educational perspective. How pupils’ in difficulties are affected, and benefit from social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning is of particular interest as well as how these approaches can be related to inclusive education. A qualitative method is applied through observations, dialogues and interviews with pupils’ at two different suburban upper secondary schools. The main results show that social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning in most cases contribute to an inclusive education. However, all the pupils’ in the study expressed the most important factor for their learning to be the teacher. The empathy and concern shown by the teacher in social entrepreneurship was beneficial for meaningful inclusive education. If the processes of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning are the causes of the so called focal point, in which genuin communication take part, or if it is the teacher who is of decisive importance, or both, is difficult to discern from the results of this study. Analysis of the results hints that pupils’ in particularly difficult circumstances have problems to pass even if the education is given through social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning. To help these students the school as an educational system would most likely have to undergo significant changes in order to avoid seeing pupils’ as being stuck in special educational needs but rather as individuals in need of genuin communication and interpersonal relations. / Studien syftar till att undersöka elevers erfarenheter av socialt entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande i gymnasieskolan, ur ett relationellt specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. Specifikt undersöks hur elever i svårigheter påverkas och hur socialt entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande kan relateras till inkludering. I studien tillämpas kvalitativ metod genom observationer, samtal och intervjuer av elever på två olika gymnasieskolor, en förortsskola och en förstadsskola. Resultatet visar att socialt entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande bidrar till inkludering i de flesta fall. Emellertid uttryckte samtliga elever att det viktigaste för deras lärande var läraren. Samtliga elever ansåg att det empatiska förhållningssätt och omtanke läraren i socialt entreprenörskap hade gynnade lärandet. Om det är processerna i socialt entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande som bidrar till att underlätta förutsättningarna för att utbildningens sk brännpunkt, i vilken genuin mellanmänsklig kommunikation kan uppstå, eller om det är läraren som är avgörande för att detta ska ske eller både och är utifrån den studie som gjorts svårt att avgöra. Analys av resultatet antyder dock att elever i synnerligen svåra omständigheter även har svårt att klara undervisningen då socialt entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt förhållningssätt tillämpas. För att hjälpa dessa elever skulle skolan som system troligen bl a behöva förändras till en organisation som istället för att se elever i behov av särskilt stöd se elever i behov av genuin kommunikation och mellanmänskliga relationer.

Att arbeta individanpassat : - Hur förskollärare arbetar för att möta barns olika behov

Aybar, Ninorta Manuella, Mehdizadeh, Sonya January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to shed a light upon the pedagogues perception concerning individual work method in children group where children require different types of support. The study has two inquiries, how does pedagogues rationalize when it comes to individual based operations and how do pedagogues work to meet the needs of children i reality. The study’s theoretical frame of reference consists of the socio-cultural and relational perspective. The result of this study shows the importance of six different factors for adaptation of an operation to meet the children's need. Planning and mapping, working in groups, retrofitting of the physical and social environment for the children with special needs, the weight of a good relationship, communication as the key to adaptation of the operation to meet the needs of the children. The final results show that the pedagogues perception of a individual based approach as a good method to work from in kindergarten/preschool operations. The result shows that pedagogues believe that children’s diverseness as a contributing factor for learning and developing new knowledge.

Arbetet för en tillgänglig lärmiljö : Pedagogers arbetssätt ur ett relationellt perspektiv på en Montessoriförskola samt en Utvecklingspedagogiskt inriktad förskola.

Birgersson, Sandra, Karlsson Borg, Minnie January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning De senaste åren har begreppet utbildning och undervisning fått ökat fokus i förskolan. Samtidigt har barngrupperna ökat i storlek och barn i behov av särskilt stöd ska erbjudas en plats i verksamheten. En tydlig beskrivning av hur ett sådant inkluderande arbete ska gå till finns inte och pedagoger upplever att de inte har den kunskap som behövs för att bemöta barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Skolverket beskriver begreppet likvärdig utbildning som en utbildning som är tillgänglig för alla barn. Vårt syfte med den här studien är att utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv undersöka om pedagogerna på en Montessoriförskola respektive en Utvecklingspedagogiskt inriktad förskola arbetar lika eller olika för att skapa en tillgänglig lärmiljö. Vi har en förhoppning om att det kan skapa nya perspektiv på hur ett arbete kring att skapa en tillgänglig lärmiljö skulle kunna gå till. Teori Urie Bronfenbrenner's ekologiska systemteori där individer och miljö påverkar varandra i en dynamisk, ömsesidig interaktion används som analysverktyg för studien. Metod Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där fokusgrupp samt observationer använts som verktyg för insamling av dataunderlag. Resultat Resultatet visar att för att skapa en tillgänglig lärmiljö spelar grundläggande pedagogisk inriktning mindre roll om pedagogerna arbetar medvetet utifrån barns behov. Pedagogerna bör arbeta aktivt för en god sammanhållning i arbetslaget. Kommunikationen mellan pedagoger kring ett gemensamt förhållningsätt i arbetslaget är av vikt för att lärmiljön ska bli tillgänglig för alla barn. Pedagogens kompetens kring specialpedagogiska hjälpmedel underlättar för att möta barns behov och i större utsträckning kunna sträva efter att nå en tillgänglig lärmiljö.Resultatet tyder på att om ett relationellt arbetssätt upprättas i arbetslaget kan möjligtvis behovet av specialpedagoger ute i verksamheterna minska.

Spatial Organization Of Service Activities In Ankara

Levent, Tolga 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the last decades, the spatial organization of services has become a key issue in the urban planning literature. The basic reasons for this significance are the difficulties not only in understanding this complex and context-dependent organization, but also in developing planning interventions for this organization. Moreover, author believes that the existing theoretical frameworks have some inabilities in interpreting the spatial organization at the intra-metropolitan scale. Therefore, this study basically aims to redefine the spatial organization of service activities in Ankara with a relational perspective, and consequently, to develop an information-base for new types of planning interventions. For this purpose, first, the concepts and the fields of concepts that are integral to the spatial organization of services are examined. These concepts are the spatial patterns of concentration and dispersion and the spatial cohesiveness. Thereafter, the analytical framework that is required to study these concepts empirically, is introduced by stating the advantages of using descriptive mathematical techniques, indicators and methodological procedures in relational perspective. In the case study, the spatial organization of services in Ankara is redefined basically with reference to the spatial patterns of concentration and dispersion and the spatial cohesiveness of services. This redefinition displays the monocentric structure of Ankara and the differentiated parts within the spatial organization of services according to the activity compositions. Afterwards, this redefinition is utilized as the starting point for the reformulation of a new planning approach and new regulations directed towards the differentiated parts of the spatial organization of services. Finally, the methodological and contentual contributions, and also the possible further studies are presented as concluding remarks.

Hur var min skoltid? : Sju individers egna berättelser om sin skoltid med diagnosen ADHD. / How was my school experience? : Seven individuals own stories about their school experiences with diagnostics ADHD.

El-Ghariri, Samar, Azra, Lakvancic January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Syftet är att undersöka hur elever med ADHD har upplevt sin skoltid samt hur eleverna anser att lärare bemöter elever med ADHD. Metod: Genom kvalitativa metoder har sex vuxna personer med diagnosen ADHD intervjuats. Undersökningen utgår ifrån tre frågeställningar om hur elever med ADHD har upplevt sin skolgång, vilka relationer de haft till lärare och hur anpassning av undervisning sett ut. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för undersökningen är socialkonstruktivismen och relationella perspektivet. Analysen utgår utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats. Resultat: Utifrån respondenternas berättelser återfinns både likheter och skillnader emellan deras erfarenheter. En gemensam nämnare ses också mellan respondenternas berättelser där bemötande och förhållningssätt är av stor betydelse för respondenternas skolupplevelser. Något som samtliga respondenter uttrycker i sina berättelser är känslan av inte vara som alla andra. / The purpose of this dissertation is to study how students diagnosed with ADHD has experienced their time in school and how they regard their teachers approach. A qualitative method was used based on six interviews with adults diagnosed with ADHD. This dissertation is based on three questions, how did the students diagnosed with ADHD experience their time at school? How was their relationship to their teachers? How was the teaching adapted to their ADHD? The theoretical starting points have been social constructivism and the relational perspective. The results and analysis were processed through the hermeneutic approach. The interviews showed similarities and differences. A common denominator was however found between the respondents. This showed that the treatment and approach of the students by their teachers was very important in regards to how they experienced school. Something which showed in all respective interviews was the feeling of not being normal.

Särskilt stöd i förskolan, för vem? : Faktorer som påverkar ett barns tillgång till särskilt stöd utifrån specialpedagogens perspektiv

Björkén, Carolina, Törner, Annie January 2018 (has links)
The main purpose of the study is to examine different factors that have impact on a child's access to special support from a special educator's perspective. What needs and challenges are prominent in preschool linked to children in need of special support? What role does the special educator have on the basis of the needs and challenges in the preschool? The method we used when we conducted our material for this study was a qualitative research approach. The empirical data has been collected through interviews with eight special educators and the answers were analyzed through systems theory, the individual perspective and the relational perspective. The main result of the study shows that the individual perspective is the prominent approach managing special support in preschools. It has also shown that there is a need of the special educator guiding educators to shift focus to the relational perspective in order to create an including environment in preschools. The prominent results in the study regarding needs has shown to be difficulties of mapping special support, lack of communication and handling children who acts out. The prominent results of challenges have been the lack of time for educators in preschool to reflect on their own role in the change to the relational perspective and to get the emotional support and guiding from a special educator.

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