Spelling suggestions: "subject:"retirement comes"" "subject:"retirement homem""
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Mezigenerační vazby u seniorů žijících v domovech pro seniory a jejich rodin a přátel ve městě Humpolci / The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of HumpolecVESELSKÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of Humpolec Aging and senior citizens are currently topical subjects. The population is aging and society should be prepared for this phenomenon. This shall bring about changes in various spheres and fields, such as health care and social services, and also in the relationships in and functioning of today{\crq}s family. The thesis ``The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their children and friends in the town of Humpolec{\crqq} is devoted to the functioning of intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their families and friends. The theoretical section deals with, first of all, the definition of the term senior citizens, their standing in society and the increasing number of senior citizens of a greater age. It emphasizes important health and mental changes that accompany old age and also characterizes the importance and types of activities and aging. It presents the results and findings of up to now research dealing with intergenerational relationships. For greater clarity and distinction, it divides these relationships into intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their children, senior citizens and their grandchildren, senior citizens and their siblings, and senior citizens and their friends. Intergenerational relationships are primarily formed within a family, which is why one chapter is devoted to families, their functioning, and their importance. The next to last chapter in the theoretical section emphasizes the importance of the quality of life, which significantly influences and affects intergenerational relationships. The last chapter is devoted to retirement homes for senior citizens, and also the important changes that were brought about by Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on Social Services. The empirical section is devoted to the carrying out of qualitative research. An in-depth interview was the method that was utilized. Interviews were carried out with ten senior citizens in two retirement homes; in the Blessed Bronislav Retirement Home and the Humpolec Retirement Home on Lužická Street. Interviews with six senior citizens took place in the first named retirement home and the remaining four interviews took place in the latter named retirement home. The findings of the research reveal how intergenerational relationships function, and what affects and forms them. The findings present the relationships between senior citizens and their children, their quality and frequency, their relationships with their grandchildren, and in some cases their great grandchildren, and with their siblings and friends. The findings show the stress of first coming to a retirement home and the importance of a family and/or friends when taking this step in life. The findings of the research emphasize the importance of activities in old age and the important areas of changes in one{\crq}s health and mental state, when changes in one area affect other areas and the quality of life of senior citizens. The quality of life is also assuredly affected by the financial situation of senior citizens, which this thesis also deals with. Another factor is the surroundings in which senior citizens living in retirements homes live in. This thesis also deals with this issue. Read more
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Financování vybraných sociálních služeb pro seniory / Funding of selected social services for seniorsVardanová, Magda January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis Funding of selected social services for seniors deals with the system of funding of the social services for the elderly - retirement homes and homes with a special regime in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the analysis of costs and earnings for these services and possible measurement of efficiency during providing of services. For the area in the nonprofit sector there are specific features of financing, which enables providing of social services. Attention is also paid to proposals for changes in the current system of financing. Sources of data analysis are internal data of regions of Ostrava and Zlin, internal data providers gathered for benchmarking and report on the performance of individual service providers.
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”Det är därför vi alltid försöker undvika att prata om sådana grejer, så de inte ska känna den lusten igen. För deras eget bästa.” : en kvalitativ studie om vårdpersonals arbete med äldres sexualitetKärnhagen, Camilla, Levin, Freja January 2017 (has links)
Detta är en studie vars syfte ämnar till att undersöka vilken roll vårdpersonal har i att ge de äldre möjligheter till sexualitet under tiden de är boende på äldreboende samt hur de arbetar med äldres sexualitet. Vår ambition är att ta reda på hur vårdpersonal bemöter och arbetar med frågor som rör de äldres sexualitet samt vilka förutsättningar det finns för intimitet på äldreboenden. För att utforska detta valde vi att genomföra semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med vårdpersonal yrkesverksamma vid ett antal olika äldreboenden i Stockholm med omnejd. Den insamlade empirin har därefter analyserats med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus teori om fält och doxa. Studiens huvudresultat visar att äldres sexualitet ses som en ickefråga och att frågan därför inte aktivt arbetas med. Studien visar även att det går att lokalisera en rådande doxa på det här fältet som i sin tur påverkar vårdpersonalens bemötande. Vårdpersonal ser äldres sexualitet som privat och undviker därför gärna att prata om det. Eftersom vårdpersonal har denna syn påverkar det även vilka anpassningar det görs i den fysiska miljön för att äldre ska kunna uppleva intimitet och fysisk närhet. Slutligen visar studien att för att kunna bemöta och arbeta med frågor rörande sexualitet måste vårdpersonal ha relevant kunskap vilket vidareutbildning inom sexologi skulle kunna ge. / The purpose of this study is to investigate what role nursing staff have in providing the elderly with opportunities for sexuality while living in retirement homes and how they work issues regarding the sexuality of older people. Our ambition is to find out how nursing staff respond to and deal with issues related to elderly people's sexuality and which possibilities for intimacy there is in retirement homes. To investigate this, we chose to conduct semi-structured qualitative interviews with nursing staff at a number of different retirement homes in Stockholm and surrounding areas. The collected data has then been analyzed using Pierre Bourdieu's theory of field and doxa. The study's main findings show that elderly people's sexuality is seen as a non-question and therefore not a subject nursing staff actively work with. The study also shows that a prevailing doxa can be located in this field, which in turn affects the treatment given by nursing staff. Nursing staff see elderly people's sexuality as something private and therefore avoids talking about it. Because nursing staff have this view, it also influences what adjustments are made in the physical environment in order for the elderly to experience intimacy and physical proximity. Finally, the study shows that in order to respond to and work with issues related to sexuality, nursing staff must have relevant knowledge which further education in sexology could provide. Read more
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Hyressättning av samhällsfastigheter / Rent-levels, Social real estatesBjörck, Alexander, Sivertson, Carl-William January 2015 (has links)
Under de senaste tio åren har ett nytt segment öppnats på fastighetsmarknaden, nämligen marknaden för samhällsfastigheter. Politiska beslut från tidigt 90-tal har gjort det möjligt för privata aktörer att etablera friskolor och äldreboenden. Reformerna har möjliggjort att även investera i verksamheternas lokaler. Vid dessa förvärv brukar ett relativt långt hyreskontrakt medfölja och det finns ett starkt samband mellan den förhandlade hyran och försäljningspriset. När förvärvet är genomfört och kontraktet sedan löper ut kan det bli problematiskt att avgöra vilken nivå den nya hyran bör ligga på. Hyresgästens betalningsförmåga är en central del i analyserna i denna uppsats. Uträkningen av kommunens så kallade skolpeng respektive omsorgspeng kartläggs för att dra slutsatser om vilka marginaler respektive part har att förhålla sig till och hur det påverkar den förväntade hyran. I denna uppsats diskuterar vi också huruvida hyressättningen av samhällsfastigheter kan återkopplas till olika kombinationer av hyresrelationer. Incitament till att ta ut en viss hyra kan variera beroende på fastighetsägarens syfte med innehavet. Betoning läggs särskilt på kommuner och privata aktörers tillvägagångssätt vid hyressättning samt dess konsekvenser. En stor skillnad mellan marknaden för samhällsfastigheter och en traditionell marknad för kommersiella fastigheter är att den förstnämnda utgör en så kallad kvasimarknad, det vill säga en kommersiell marknad där icke normala förhållanden råder. Huruvida även denna är en mogen marknad belyses samt vad det får för inverkan på hyressättningen, idag och i framtiden. Slutligen diskuteras om alternativa metoder jämfört med dagens skulle vara tillämpbara vid hyressättningen samt under vilka förutsättningar det i så fall skulle vara möjligt. / Social real estates, i.e. real estates for activities that are financed through taxes, have recently become a largely discussed topic in various Swedish debates. Political reforms from the early 90s has made it possible for private owners to establish schools and retirement homes, where purchases of municipally owned properties are commonplace today. With these transactions a relatively long rental-agreement is usually included, which becomes a major influencing parameter when it comes to the amount the acquirer is willing to pay for the Real Estate. Once the acquisition is completed and the included contract expires, it can be problematic to determine what the new rent should be due to various factors, such as lack of knowledge about the tenants’ economy. The tenants’ margins when paying rent have a central part in this analysis. The municipality indirectly determines these margins since they are the ones funding these social real estates. Thus, the municipalities’ calculations of the school-funding and retirement home-funding are being explained. Something that is also discussed in this paper is whether the rents of social real estates can vary depending on which one of the various combinations of ownership is taking place. I.e. a private owner with a governmental tenant, vice versa or a situation where both the owner and the tenant is governmental/private. These different circumstances may affect the rent due to the fact that different relations can lead to dissimilar incentives to charge certain amounts of rent. Consequently, emphasis in the essay is placed especially on the descriptions of the actions of the municipalities, the private owners and the tenants. A big difference between the social real estate market and a regular office market is that the former is a so-called quasi-market, a commercial market that lacks normal conditions. The maturity of this market is highlighted as well as whether the maturity has an impact on rents today and in the future. Lastly, a discussion is held on whether alternative methods would be applicable when deciding rent levels and under which conditions this would be possible Read more
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Možnosti péče o osoby s kombinovaným postižením v domovech pro seniory / Care and support of the elderly with multiple disabilities in retirement homesKantorová, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis, named "Care and support of the elderly with multiple disabilities in retirement homes," focuses on the potential admission of these persons to retirement homes in the Czech Republic. The aim of this study is to find out whether and under what conditions seniors with multiple disabilities are admitted to the standard type of retirement homes. The empirical section deals with the legislative basis for retirement homes in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, it deals with sight, hearing, movement and cognitive functions in old age. For each of these monitored areas, this section contains descriptions of the greatest functional changes in the daily life of a senior citizen. The research section of this thesis is based on the testimonies of individual retirement homes. Sixteen randomly selected retirement homes were sent an application for the admission of a grandmother with diagnosed deafness and blindness. Based on their answers we can observe the attitudes of the individual facilities regarding this issue, and their conditions for admission. KEY WORDS Retirement homes, multiple disabilities, seniors, registry of social service providers, old age
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Seriál Život je ples očima seniorů: recepční analýza zobrazených témat / Senior's view on the seraial Life is a ball: reception analysis of captured topicsHöschlová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on reception analysis of Czech TV series "Život je ples". It is a family TV series produced by Česká televize. Its central topic are lives of clients of a retirement home, their families and employees of the facility, who are taking care of them. The analysis of reception is mainly devoted to how elderly, the social group which this TV show is about, perceived the series. The theoretical part introduces three approaches of audience research, the most emphasis is put on sociocultural research, which refused the power of text and admitted, that media texts are open to several possible interpretations in dependence on particular social context of every recipient and other conventions. From this approach arose reception research, which this thesis also introduces. It also describes problems of lives of the elderly and therefore puts forth a theoretical basis for subsequent analysis. The final point deals with construction of identity based on media fiction. In the empirical part the thesis focuses on several selected topics, which came from qualitative content analysis of individual episodes of the series. It is about dreams and education, family ties, relationships of elderly and specifics of a life in retirement home. This thesis through the method of focus groups... Read more
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This thesis focuses on the personality of social workers and their view of the quality of the nursing home in which they work . The first part is generally concerned with quality, problems caused by the quality implementation, different views of quality evaluation and finally with quality evaluation by social workers themselves. The second part is dedicated to research performed by interviewing the social wor-kers working in retirement homes and subsequently comparing the results with the theo-ry.
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Boendekoncept baserat på eddan ”människan är människans största glädje” : En fallstudie – hur ska ett nytt bostadsområde i Åre utformas för att tilltala generationen 55+?Wiklund, Carolina January 2021 (has links)
Samhällsplanering är en stor fråga med många olika perspektiv. I Agenda 2030 beskrivs två mål som är direkt applicerbara på samhällsplanering. Mål 3 innebär att alla människor, oavsett ålder ska ha förutsättningar för att leva ett gott liv med gott välbefinnande där mötet med andra människor är en viktig faktor. Det andra målet, Mål 11 innebär att bostadsområden och städer ska vara inkluderande och hållbara. I Sverige har vi en växande befolkning som är 65 år och äldre. Detta som en effekt av den ökade livslängden och gäller även i Åredalen. Intresset för att tillbringa tid i Åre växer och en effekt av detta är att efterfrågan på både fritids- och permanentbostäder ökar. Under 1980-talet flyttade många till Åre och av de som blivit kvar i Åredalen sedan dess är det flera som bor i villor. Dessa villor skulle kunna vara intressanta för de yngre generationer som börjat bilda familj och etablerar sig i dalgången. Idag saknas boende som riktar sig till generationen 55+ trots att undersökningen i studien visar på att behovet finns. En slutsats av studien är att ett boendekoncept som riktar sig till bland annat målgruppen 55+ skulle kunna stimulera flyttkedjan i dalgången. Syftet med studien är att ta fram ett koncept för exploatering av en 45 000 kvadratmeter stor fastighet i Åre by med det sociala perspektivet som utgångspunkt. Fastigheten ingår i fastighetsbolaget Diös bestånd idag och de befintliga byggnaderna inrymmer olika typer av verksamheter. Några av de verksamheter som finns på fastigheten är vård, polis och coworkingytor. Eddadikten ”Människan är människans största glädje” har använts som utgångspunkt vid framtagningen av förslaget. För att skapa ett förslag med anknytning till det behov som finns i dalgången baseras förslaget på den enkätundersökning samt de intervjuer och platsbesök som genomförts under studiens gång. / Urban planning is challenging and includes many different perspectives. Agenda 2030 describes two objectives that are directly applicable to urban planning. Objective 3 means that all humans, regardless of age, should have the prerequisites to live a good life with good well-being where meeting with other people is an important factor. The other objective, Objective 11, means that residential areas and cities should be inclusive and sustainable. In Sweden, we have a growing population that is 65 years and older. This is an effect of the increased length of life and also applies in Åredalen. The interest of spending time in Åre is growing and one effect of this is that the demand for both holiday and permanent housing is increasing. During the 1980s, many people moved to Åre. Of those who have remained in the valley since then, several lives in villas. These villas could be of interest to the younger generations who have started to establish their family life in the valley. Today, there is no accommodation aimed at the generation 55+ even though the study shows that the need exists. One conclusion of the study is that an accommodation concept aimed at, among other things, the target group 55+ could stimulate the moving chain in the valley. The purpose of the study is to develop a concept for the development of a 45,000 square meter property in Åre based on the social perspective. The property is part of the real estate company Diö's portfolio today and the existing buildings house different types of businesses. Some of the activities carried out on the properties are healthcare, police and coworking areas. The eddic poem "Man is man's greatest joy" has been used as a starting point in the preparation of the proposal. In order to create a proposal related to the needs of the valley, the proposal is based on the survey as well as the interviews and site visits conducted during the study. / <p>Betyg 2021-06-04</p> Read more
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“Vi gör det för deras eget bästa” våldet inom äldreomsorgen : Omsorgspersonalens upplevelser av övergrepp och försummelse mot äldre personer inom äldreomsorgen. / “We’re doing it for their own good” The violence in elderly care. : Caregivers' experiences of abuse and neglect toward elderly in elderly care.Frida, Sandström, Katarina, Särström January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka förklaringar till varför äldre omsorgstagare blir utsatta för övergrepp och försummelse av omsorgspersonal. För att fånga omsorgspersonalens subjektiva och kontextuella uppfattningar delades en semistrukturerad kvalitativ enkät ut till valda omsorgsverksamheter i tre kommuner i Sverige. Materialet bearbetades med tematisk analys vilket resulterade i tre teman: organisationens ansvar, den äldre individen och den omsorgsgivande individen. Därefter analyserades resultatet utifrån två teoretiska ramverk och en teoretisk modell: makttekniker, våld- och maktlöshetsteori samt den ekologiska tolkningsmodellen och jämfördes med tidigare forskning. Resultatet visade att omsorgspersonal kan använda olika makttekniker för att hantera komplexa omsorgssituationer och att övergrepp och försummelse inom äldreomsorg i stor utsträckning verkar hänga samman med kvalitén på arbetsmiljön och omsorgspersonalens utbildningsnivå. Vidare visade resultaten att även individuella egenskaper hos omsorgstagaren påverkade förekomsten av övergrepp och försummelse, så som sjukdomsbild och stark integritet. Känsla av vanmakt utifrån egna tillkortakommanden och att inte veta hur man ska hanterar komplexa omsorgssituationer visades öka risken för övergrepp på och försummelse av de äldre. Slutligen diskuteras vikten av en god arbetsmiljö, aktivt ledarskap, vidareutbildning och handledning för omsorgspersonalen och förslag till framtida forskning inom ämnet. / This study explores possible explanations for physical and psychological abuse and neglect carried out by caregivers towards elderly care recipients within elderly care. A semi structured qualitative questionnaire aimed at caregivers within especially chosen domestic services and retirement homes in three municipalities in Sweden was handed out. To sort the material a thematic analysis was chosen which resulted in three themes: the organization's responsibility, the elderly individual, and the caregiving individual. The empirical analysis was made using two theoretical frameworks and a theoretical model: power techniques, the theory of violence- and powerlessness and the ecological interpreting model and was then compared to previous research related to the subject. The results showed that caregivers could make use of different power techniques to handle complex care situations and that abuse and neglect within elderly care could depend on the working environment and the caregivers’ level of education. Furthermore, the results showed that the elderly’s individual attributes could affect the prevalence of abuse and neglect, such as the elderly’s clinical picture and strong integrity. Also, frustration regarding one’s own shortcomings and not knowing how to handle complex care situations was shown to increase the risk of abuse and neglect for the elderly. Finally, we discuss the importance of a good working environment, active leadership, further education and professional guidance for caregivers and suggestions for future research regarding the subject. Read more
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