Spelling suggestions: "subject:"caising"" "subject:"denoising""
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Zur Entwicklung der steigenden Sequenz bei Arcangelo CorelliEdler, Florian 17 October 2023 (has links)
Bei den steigenden Sequenzen, die im Œuvre Arcangelo Corellis vorkommen, lassen sich drei Grundtypen unterscheiden, die unterschiedliche formale Funktionen innerhalb der Kompositionen erfüllen. Die steigende Quintfallsequenz tritt in Corellis Triosonaten op. 1 bevorzugt in Zwischenspielen fugierter Sätze auf. In späteren Opera etabliert sie sich an drei Positionen im Verlauf zweiteiliger Sätze: in deren erstem Wiederholungsteil als Fortspinnung, zu Beginn des zweiten Wiederholungsteils als modulierendes Satzmodell sowie in der den Satzschlüssen vorausgehenden Phase, indem die Grundtonart gefestigt und eine Klimax herbeigeführt wird. Die seltenere Quintanstiegsequenz dient im Frühwerk zunächst der Modulation, während sie sich in späteren Kompositionen dank ihrer reizvollen Kanon- und Syncopatio-Wirkungen für die ausführliche Darstellung einer einzigen Tonart empfiehlt. Um ein Sequenzmodell, das sich ebenfalls mit einem Oberstimmenkanon darstellen lässt, bei dem die Sequenzierung aber quartweise abwärts verläuft und das auf Molltonarten beschränkt ist, handelt es sich bei der über Zwischendominanten vermittelten Quintanstiegsequenz. Der Dur-Moll-Parallelismus spielt in Corellis späteren Kompositionen zunehmend eine Rolle bei der Inszenierung des Kontrasts zwischen einer Moll- und ihrer parallelen Durtonart. Bevorzugte verwandte Satzmodelle sind die 9–8- sowie die 7–6-Konsekutive. / In the works of Arcangelo Corelli, three basic types of rising sequences occur, fulfilling different formal functions. In Corelli’s trio sonatas op. 1, the “rising sequence of falling fiths” usually appears in the episodes of fugal movements. In later works, it establishes itself in three positions over the course of a two-part movement: as a continuation in the first repeated section, as a modulating “Satzmodell” at the beginning of the second section, and as a climatic affirmation of the basic key in the phrase preceding the end of the movement. In the early works, the rarer rising fifth sequence is initially used for modulation; in later compositions its charming canon and syncopation effects make it ideal for exploring a single key in detail. The rising fifth sequence with inserted dominants can also be employed with a canon in the upper voice in which the sequence moves downwards by fourths, but this is limited to minor keys. In Corelli’s later compositions, what Carl Dahlhaus termed “Dur-Moll-Parallismus” increasingly plays a role in creating the contrast between a minor key and its parallel major. Consecutive 9–8 and 7–6 “Satzmodelle” are commonly used, related options.
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Flytslam i Lövsta avloppsreningsverk : påverkande faktorer och potentiella åtgärder / Rising Sludge in Lövsta Wastewater Treatment Plant : Influencing Factors and Potential SolutionsKamp, Matilde January 2016 (has links)
Ett avgörande steg i avloppsvattenrening med aktivslammetoden är att slammet kan avskiljas från det renade vattnet. Detta sker oftast i sedimenteringsbassänger. Sedimenteringsproblem är dock vanliga på många avloppsreningsverk, vilket kan leda till att föroreningar följer med utgående vatten. Studier om slamegenskaper är därför viktiga för att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer som påverkar sedimenteringen och vad som kan göras för att minska problemen. I detta examensarbete har ett mindre avloppsreningsverk i Lövsta utanför Uppsala studerats. Ungefär en tredjedel av flödet till verket kommer från ett närliggande slakteri. Verket har återkommande problem med flytslam i slutsedimenteringsbassängen. Syftet med arbetet var att – genom litteraturstudier, provtagning, fullskaleförsök och analys – identifiera orsaker till flytslamproblemen. Även förslag till åtgärder skulle läggas fram. En utvärdering av reningsprocessen genomfördes dels utifrån befintliga mätdata, dels genom utförligare provtagningar och mätningar som gjordes under en treveckorsperiod i oktober. Höga nitrathalter observerades i vattnet, särskilt i den utjämningstank där flödesutjämning och förbehandling av slakterivattnet sker. De höga nitrathalterna, i kombination med en lång slamuppehållstid i slutsedimenteringsbassängen, bedömdes vara orsaken till flytslambildningen eftersom båda dessa faktorer gynnar uppkomsten av kvävgas genom denitrifikation. Det är denna gas som lyfter slammet från botten av bassängen till ytan. Två möjliga åtgärder för att lösa flytslamproblemen bedömdes vara genomförbara. Den ena var att öka bortpumpningen av slam från botten av slutsedimenteringsbassängen, för att förkorta slamuppehållstiden. Den andra var att denitrifiera vattnet innan det når slutsedimenteringen. Av dessa förslag ansågs det senare vara mer tilltalande ur både ekonomisk och miljömässig synvinkel. En strategi för att denitrifiera vattnet bedömdes vara intermittent luftning av utjämningstanken. Denna luftningsstrategi tillämpades under en försöksperiod på tio veckor. Nitrathalterna mättes en eller två gånger i veckan under försöksperioden. En sänkning av nitrathalterna observerades: från 182 mg/l till som lägst 60 mg/l i utjämningstanken och från 65 mg/l till som lägst 18 mg/l i luftningsbassängen. Sänkningen var dock inte tillräcklig för att förhindra flytslambildning i sedimenteringsbassängerna. Den ofullständiga denitrifikationen berodde troligtvis på för låga BOD-halter i utjämningstanken. Vidare undersökningar behövs för att utvärdera och optimera kvävereningen genom intermittent luftning. / One of the most crucial steps in wastewater treatment with activated sludge is the separation of sludge from the treated effluent. This is most often done by sedimentation in clarifiers. Sedimentation problems are, however, common in many wastewater treatment plants, causing higher concentrations of pollutants in the effluent. Research on sludge characteristics is therefore important to increase the knowledge about which factors affect the sludge settling properties and what can be done to minimize problems. In this master thesis a small wastewater treatment plant in Lövsta outside Uppsala, Sweden, was investigated. About a third of the influent water to the plant comes from a slaughterhouse situated nearby. The plant suffers from recurrent problems with rising sludge in the secondary clarifier. The purpose of this thesis was to – through literature studies, sampling, full scale experiments and analysis – identify causes for the rising sludge problem. Also, suggestions to remedy the problem were to be presented. An evaluation of the treatment process was conducted from existing measurement data and from sampling and measuring done for three weeks in October. High concentrations of nitrate were found in the water, especially in the equalization tank, where flow equalization and primary treatment of the slaughterhouse wastewater takes place. The high concentrations of nitrate, in combination with a long sludge retention time in the secondary clarifier, were judged to be the reason for the formation of rising sludge. Both of these factors stimulate the development of nitrogen gas through denitrification. This gas lifts the sludge from the bottom of the clarifier to the water surface. Two possible solutions to the rising sludge problem were considered feasible. One was to increase the pumping of sludge from the bottom of the secondary clarifier, to decrease the sludge retention time. The second was to denitrify the water before it reaches the clarifiers. Of these two suggestions, the second was regarded as more appealing from both an economical and an environmental point of view. One method to denitrify the water was deemed to be intermittent aeration in the equalization tank. This aeration strategy was implemented for ten weeks. Nitrate concentrations were measured one or two times a week for this period of time. A decrease in nitrate concentrations was observed: from 182 mg/L to at its lowest 62 mg/L in the equalization tank, and from 65 mg/L to at its lowest 18 mg/L in the aeration tank. The decrease was, however, not enough to prevent formation of rising sludge in the clarifiers. The incomplete denitrification process was thought to be due to low concentrations of BOD in the equalization tank. Further studies need to be carried out to evaluate and optimize the nitrogen removal through intermittent aeration.
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The effect of molecular composition on the properties of linear low density polyethyleneKeulder, L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / In this study linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), a copolymer consisting of ethylene and 1-butene, was fractionated by the use of temperature rising elution fractionation (TREF). These fractions were then analyzed by crystallisation analysis fractionation, 13C NMR, high temperature size exclusion chromatography and DSC. The molecular distribution of the polymer was investigated. It was found that the polymer had a very broad distribution in its chemical composition. From these results it was also clear that the catalysts used for the polymerisation consist out of different active sites, producing chains with different molecular architecture.
Subsequently the polymer was fractionated again by TREF and certain fractions were removed and the remaining material recombined. The removed fractions and recombined material were analyzed by 13C NMR, high temperature size exclusion chromatography, DSC and DMA. The results were compared with the bulk material and from this we could conclude the influence of the fractions removed on the material properties. This gave us more information on the influence of the chemical structure of the polymer on its mechanical properties. It was clear that by removing certain fractions with a certain chemical composition, the properties of the polymer are significantly influenced.
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Tourisme de nature et financement de la préservation des sites naturels et aménités par leurs usagers : le cas de l'estuaire de la Gironde (France) / Nature-based tourism and natural sites preservation funding by their usersBen Othmen, Asma 04 September 2013 (has links)
Les services de tourisme de nature fournis par le patrimoine naturel sont des produits composites et le plus souvent non marchands. Financer la préservation de ce patrimoine par ses usagers est donc tributaire d’une connaissance fine des préférences des touristes et de la valeur qu’ils accordent à la nature. Cette thèse vise de contribuer au débat sur le financement de la préservation des espaces naturels et leurs aménités par les touristes en considérant comme point d’entrée l’hétérogénéité des comportements individuels selon une double perspective. D’abord, nous examinons les déterminants de cette hétérogénéité en termes de la demande de séjours de tourisme en pleine nature, ensuite nous nous penchons sur l’analyse de l’hétérogénéité en termes du mécanisme de contribution choisi par les agents, à savoir, un mécanisme de contribution volontaire ou un mécanisme de contribution contre une service rendu. Les motivations non-économiques de contribution et plus globalement les facteurs cognitifs, en lien avec d’autres caractéristiques individuelles des touristes structurent notre réflexion tout au long de cette thèse. Enfin, les résultats obtenus via cette analyse sont mis en contraste avec ceux issus de la mis en exergue d’un instrument de participation des touristes déjà mis en oeuvre: la taxation. Nous proposons une application aux séjours d’été effectués dans la région de l’estuaire de la Gironde en France. / Tourism services provided by natural environment are composites goods and often non-market. Funding the preservation of this heritage by its own users depends on a profound knowledge of the preferences of tourists and the value they place on nature. This thesis aims to contribute to the debate on the funding of natural areas and amenities preservation programs by tourists. To do so we consider as an entry point the individual’s behavior heterogeneity from two perspectives. First, we examine the determinants of heterogeneity in terms of the demand of nature tourism stay, and then we focus on the analysis of heterogeneity in terms of the contribution mechanism chosen by the agents, e.g., voluntary contribution mechanism or contribution mechanism against a service. The non-economic motivations for contributing and overall cognitive factors, considered in conjunction with other tourists’ individual characteristics, is the main thread structuring our reflection throughout this thesis. Finally, the results obtained through this analysis are contrasted with those from an instrument of tourists contributions already implemented: taxation. We propose an application for summer stays in the region of the Gironde estuary in France.
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Les "clubs" de puissances "émergentes", fonctions objectives et usages stratégiques : le cas du forum de dialogue IBAS (Inde-Brésil-Afrique du Sud) / Functions and strategic aims of rising powers’ clubs : the case of the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) forumSoulé-Kohndou, Folashadé Ayodélé 21 May 2014 (has links)
A partir de l’étude de cas du forum Inde-Brésil-Afrique du Sud (IBAS), cette thèse aborde la construction sociale de l’émergence en relations internationales, et la dynamique de prolifération de clubs sélectifs entre puissances émergentes comme expression de l’émergence internationale. A travers une approche pluridisciplinaire, mobilisant la sociologie de l’action collective au service des relations internationales, cette thèse démontre que les fonctions des clubs d’émergents, s’élèvent au nombre de trois: la consultation et la coordination politique sur des sujets internationaux d’intérêt mutuel; l’intensification des relations sud-sud multidimensionnelles; et la mise en place de mécanismes financiers communs. A travers ces trois fonctions, les puissances émergentes, se servent de ces clubs, à trois usages stratégiques transversaux, notamment la légitimation, l’autonomisation et la socialisation afin de renforcer leur intégration internationale. L’action des clubs d’émergents aboutit cependant davantage à l’inclusion, sous forme de cooptation de ces puissances, dans les processus décisionnels de gouvernance globale, qu’à leur intégration. Favorisant des stratégies de différenciation, à travers une action séparée des autres Etats du Sud, le défaut d’association des voisins régionaux et sociétés provoque des stratégies de contestation et d’obstruction de la part de ces derniers. Cette action collective des clubs d’émergents apporte enfin des changements institutionnels systémiques amenant les organisations internationales à se réadapter stratégiquement aux pratiques réformistes apportées par ces puissances, et à profiter à leur tour de l’émergence internationale. / What are the incentives of cooperation in rising powers groupings ? What are the underpinnings of club diplomacy by rising powers ? Through the case study of the India-Brazil-South Africa(IBSA) forum, this thesis explores the concept of ‘emergence’ in international relations – described here as a social construction – and the proliferation of selective clubs between emerging/rising powers as an expression of the rise of these powers. Following a pluri-disciplinary approach and mobilizing the sociology of collective action, this thesis defends that IBSA’s objective functions (political coordination, promotion and increase of south-south cooperation) obey to strategic aims (legitimization, autonomization, socialization) in order to further their international integration. The growing tendency of collective action through selective clubs in the South acts as a means for social differentiation between rising powers groupings and traditional developing countries groupings like the Non-Aligned Movement and the G77 although they often defend similar positons. However rising powers clubs ‘collective action does not necessarily result in sustainable integration of these emerging powers by established powers in global governance decision-making process ; but they cast light on the evolving institutional dynamics and institutional adaptation on the global level.
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A Associação de Moradores de Sol Nascente (DF) : e a luta pelo direito à moradiaMaia, Alexsandro Dantas 19 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-02-22T12:52:34Z
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Alexsandro Dantas Maia_.pdf: 5539206 bytes, checksum: 1bb51804b7e3a921d44bff69a326a041 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-22T12:52:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-19 / Nenhuma / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as formas de atuação e as demandas/reinvindicações da Associação de Moradores em sua luta pelo direito à moradia na comunidade Sol Nascente, localizada no Distrito Federal. O objeto de estudo é a Comunidade Sol Nascente, tendo como foco a Associação de Moradores Mãos Solidárias, localizada na região administrativa de Ceilândia. É uma pesquisa na área das Ciências Sociais mas com uma perspectiva interdisciplinar por trabalhar com alguns teóricos do campo do Direito, História e Filosofia. O trabalho está inserido em uma vertente de consolidação de direitos constitucionais e no princípio da dignidade. Propõe-se a mostrar através de entrevistas com os principais líderes comunitários as principais demandas e reinvindicações relacionadas ao processo de regularização fundiária da localidade, e um dos pontos que mais teve destaque foi o reconhecimento como cidadão e pessoa com dignidade. / This dissertation aims to analyze the forms of action and demands / claims of the Residents' Association in their struggle for the right to housing in the Sol Nascente community, located in the Federal District. The object of study is the Sol Nascente Community, focusing on the Association of Solidary Residents Residents, located in the administrative region of Ceilândia. It is a research in the area of Social Sciences but with an interdisciplinary perspective for working with some theorists in the field of Law, History and Philosophy. The work is part of a consolidation of constitutional rights and the principle of dignity. It proposes to show through interviews with the main community leaders the main demands and claims related to the land regularization process of the locality, and one of the most important points was recognition as a citizen and a person with dignity.
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Re-building a nation-state : Iraq's reconstruction after SaddamAl-Abadi, Ghalib January 2017 (has links)
This is a study of the development of post-war Iraq after the downfall of former President Saddam Hussein in 2003. The thesis examines the actions and consequences of the coalition led by the United States to facilitate the re-construction of Iraq as a democratic nation-state. The thesis examines the geo-political, economic and ideological motivations behind the US actions in Iraq in order to explain why the coalition plans to reconstruct the country along the lines of a democratic nation-state have failed so profoundly. The thesis develops a typology of policies that lead to successful nation-state building in post-authoritarian and post-conflict scenarios and applies this typology to the actual policies implemented by the US-led coalition after the fall of Saddam in 2003. The thesis illustrates that many of the policies implemented by the coalition undermined successful nation-state building. These policies failed to ensure the security and stability of Iraq after the invasion and thereby hampered economic development. Rather than re-defining Iraqi nationhood in democratic terms, the implemented policies enshrined ethno-sectarian divisions in the political landscape and in the social fabric of Iraq. The new Iraqi state lacked a stable constitutional and legal foundation and a functioning judiciary to ensure the rule of law. Finally, the political order established by the US-led coalition is marred by partisan conflicts and Kurdish independence tendencies which weaken the central government and the operation of its various departments and further threaten the territorial integrity of the Iraqi state. The thesis argues - based on evidence gathered through a nation-wide survey, in-depth interviews with influential stakeholders in the public sectors and other material - that Iraq after 2003 has become a failed state.
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Gest?o de Parcerias no Terceiro Setor: um Estudo de Caso sob a Perspectiva das Dimens?es das Parcerias de James E. Austin. / Third Sector partnership Management: A case study based on James E. Austin Partnership Dimensions.Souza, Marcelo Po?a de 29 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2006-Marcelo Poca de Souza.pdf: 1291201 bytes, checksum: f22000fa61d7cfe4e1f2ae05c493a553 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-06-29 / This research is based on a case study, rise the application of partnership management
methodologies between non-governmental organizations (NGO) and companies. From this
point, a bibliographic revision tried to present the partnerships evolution on companies side
and intersectorials, which is the object of this research. It tried too evaluate the demand
factors which enforce NGO as companies partner emphasizing a potential synergy framework
verified by some authors. The research used the James E. Austin (2001) collaboration
continuunm dimensions framework, who is a reference due his research and the theories about
partnerships between NGO and companies. From the case study, unique type, which
represents the typical NGO universe, it was observed the circumstances and conditions a
NGO would have applied methods of relationship management by his own, and identify what
are the strength points and challenges the NGO faced to maintain this relationship
management process. Then, it was observed that the dimensions presented by Austin are
consistent on the management structure in a NGO, but it suffers by the informal management
style of its more valuable and intangible resource: the partners. / Esta pesquisa, baseada num estudo de caso, levanta a aplica??o de metodologias de
gest?o de parcerias entre organiza??es n?o governamentais (ONG) e empresas. A partir de
uma fundamenta??o te?rica que buscou apresentar a evolu??o das parcerias empresariais e
intersetoriais, que ? o principal objeto da pesquisa. Buscou-se tamb?m avaliar os fatores de
demanda que levariam as ONG a formarem parcerias com as empresas destacando um quadro
potencial de sinergias verificado por diversos autores. A pesquisa utilizou as dimens?es do
continuum da colabora??o preconizado por James E. Austin (2001), autor que ? refer?ncia em
pesquisa e teorias sobre administra??o de parcerias entre ONG e empresas. A partir do estudo
de caso tipo ?nico, t?pico do universo de ONG, as circunst?ncias e condi??es que uma ONG
teria aplicado seus m?todos pr?prios de gest?o de parcerias foram observadas e, a partir da?,
identificou-se os pontos fortes e os desafios da ONG em manter sua administra??o de
relacionamento. Percebe-se que as dimens?es apresentadas por Austin s?o consistentes na
estrutura de gest?o de uma ONG, mas que esta ainda sofre pela gest?o informal de seu recurso
intang?vel mais valioso: a parceria.
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Estudo da influência do levantamento de eixos em veículos comerciais no desempenho na frenagem e na estabilidade direcional / Study of commercial vehicles elevated axle influence on braking performance and on directional stabilityVianna, Eduardo Piquera 22 March 2006 (has links)
Os sistemas que elevam os eixos dos veículos comerciais foram inicialmente desenvolvidos com o objetivo de economizar pneus. Até o final da década de 90, o uso destes sistemas era restrito, não causando um efeito estatístico sensível na segurança veicular. Devido a um acordo entre concessionárias rodoviárias e o governo, os veículos comerciais pagam nas praças de pedágio o valor correspondente ao número de eixos em contato com o solo naquele momento, minimizando as tarifas dos veículos que fazem uso deste sistema. Esta prática se difundiu rapidamente e poucos estudos técnicos foram realizados focando sua influência na segurança veicular. A elevação dos eixos altera de forma significativa a margem de estabilidade do veículo e a distribuição ideal das forças de frenagem, podendo elevar os riscos de acidentes. Este trabalho consiste num estudo aprofundado do desempenho dos veículos comerciais com estes sistemas de elevação de eixos, sob o ponto de vista técnico e operacional, focando a segurança veicular. Para tanto, são utilizados como metodologia modelos matemáticos já desenvolvidos na literatura científica em veículos exemplos. Parâmetros como a margem de estabilidade, gradiente de esterçamento, eficiência da frenagem dentre outros são analisados; também os efeitos na resposta direcional durante o período transitório em manobras e nos instantes iniciais da frenagem. As influências da elevação dos eixos são analisadas conforme normas e requisitos estabelecidos pela ABNT e ECE R13, inclusive anexo 10, pois a prática da elevação dos eixos pode estar infringindo requisitos impostos por estas normas. Como conclusão é visto que o levantamento dos eixos é prejudicial ao desempenho dinâmico do veículo. Em virtude disto, o seu uso deveria ser fundamentado tanto nas fases conceitual e de desenvolvimento quanto na legislação vigente no país. / The systems that elevate the axles of the commercial vehicles were initially developed with the objective of saving tires. The use of these systems was restricted, not causing a notable statistical effect in the vehicle safety. Due to an agreement between road concessionaires and the government, the commercial vehicles pay toll value according to the number of axles in contact with the soil on that moment, minimizing the taxes of the vehicles using this system. This practice was diffused quickly and few technical studies were accomplished focusing its influence in the vehicle safety. The elevated axles alters in a significant way the vehicle static margin of stability and the ideal distribution of the braking forces, increasing the accident risks. This work consist in deepened studies of the commercial vehicles with these systems of elevation of axles, of the technical and operational point of view, focusing the vehicle safety. For this is used as methodology mathematical models developed already in the scientific literature in vehicles examples. Parameters as the margin of stability, steer gradient, braking efficiency and others are analyzed. Likewise, the effects in the directional response during the transient maneuvers and in the initial instants of the braking. The influences of the elevation of the axes are analyzed according to norms and established requirements for ABNT and ECE R13, including annex 10, because the practice of the elevation of the axes can be infringing requirements imposed by these norms. As main conclusion these systems are prejudicial to vehicle dynamics and handling and its use could be anticipated in conceptual and design phase and in brazilian transport laws.
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Mandalans mittpunkt : Arketyper och symboler i Susan Coopers Mörkret stigerNygård, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to analyse the archetypical patterns and symbols in Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising. An archetype is, in literary studies, a concept used to describe an image, symbol or narrative pattern which is very frequently occurring , for example the Hero archetype. Archetype theories today are mainly based on the work of psychiatrist C.G. Jung or literary theorist Northrop Frye.</p><p>The Dark is Rising is a series of five fantasy books for children, in which an old struggle between two cosmic forces, Light and Dark, is about to reach its final battle. This study shows how The Dark is Rising follows an archetypical narrative pattern in which the aim is to create a whole – the Self, in Jungian theory. The conception of the world in The Dark is Rising is an archetypical one. The world was once whole, but later divided in two opposing forces – Light and Dark. In the final book, when the Dark is defeated and the Light leaves Earth to the humans, the world is whole again. The life of main character Will Stanton also follows this pattern, making him an archetypical Hero. His development can be seen as the process of individuation, which in Jungian theory is the process of creating a whole, unified Self by integrating the conscious and the unconscious. Also the Mandala, which is a very important symbol in the books, is an archetypical symbol for unity and the Self.</p>
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