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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A importância da auditoria interna para as organizações

Wernli, Naomi Scuratovski January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar de que forma a auditoria interna pode contribuir com o atingimento dos objetivos da organização tendo em vista o seu papel atual dentro do contexto de instabilidade financeira que ocasiona o aumento dos riscos inerentes ao negócio fazendo com que este departamento seja desafiado a gerir os riscos presentes, futuros, juntamente com a pressão por reduzir custos e agregar valor à organização. A importância da auditoria interna é destacada como sendo uma área que possui alto potencial dentro da organização dados seu conhecimento acerca dos riscos e processos internos e que pode ampliar sua atuação em áreas que possuem relevância sob o ponto de vista da alta administração. / This final paper focus on identify how internal audit can contribute to the achievement of organizational goals with a view to its current role within the context of financial instability that causes the increase of inherent business risks and therefore this department is challenged to manage the present and future risks, along with the pressure to reduce costs and add value to the organization. The importance of internal audit is highlighted as an area that holds great potential within the organization given their risk knowledge and internal processes that can expand its activities in areas that are relevant from the point of view of top management.

Os riscos sobre investimentos do mercado financeiro brasileiro

Anhaia, Artur Vitoriano Gaieski de January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho envolve teoria e prática relacionadas aos riscos a que estão sujeitos os investimentos em títulos do mercado financeiro, em especial ao mercado financeiro brasileiro. Para melhor identificar os riscos relativos às aplicações no mercado financeiro, necessário se faz o conhecimento conceitual dos mesmos assim como, o importante, é a mensuração daqueles riscos, através de formas matemáticas e estatísticas, levando-se em conta ainda os cenários econômicos previstos. Com a utilização de formas matemáticas e estatísticas podem ser apurados o retorno esperado assim como a dispersão em torno da média, através do desvio padrão, por exemplo. Neste contexto, o gestor financeiro pode contar com o auxílio do controller, profissional que cada vez mais se faz presente nos ambientes corporativos, no assessoramento dos executivos quanto à escolha de ativos para formação de portfólio mediante o uso de princípios técnicos e escolha racional dos investimentos. Com os conhecimentos sobre riscos podem-se estabelecer, e por em prática, determinadas estratégias de investimentos como a não concentração de aplicações em determinados títulos, a não concentração em ações de empresas de determinados setores, a formação de carteiras com ativos inversamente correlacionados e/ou a diversificação de portfólio, que é a estratégia das mais utilizadas pelos gestores de capitais ou seja, com a adoção de tais procedimentos as decisões sobre investimentos podem ser planejadas e com isto, os riscos minimizados. / The present work involves theory and practice related to the risks which the investments in bonds of the financial market are subjected, especially to the brazillian financial market. In order to better identify the risks related to the investments of the financial market, becomes necessary the conceptual knowledge of them and, more importantly, the mensuration of those risks, through mathematical and statistical forms, taking in account the foreseen economic scenes as well. With the use of mathematical and statistical forms, the expected return can be obtained as well as the dispersion around the mean, trough the standard deviation, for example. In this context, the financial manager may count on the aid of the controller, a professional that has been more present in the corporative environments, advising the executives on choosing the assets for the formation of the porfolio through the use of technical principles and the rational choice of the investments. With the knowledge about the risks one can establish, and execute, investments strategies as the non-concentration of resources in determined bonds, the non-concentration in companies stocks of determined sectors, the formation of portfolios with assets inversely correlated and/or diversified, which is one of the most used strategies of the capital managers, which means that with the adoption of such procedures the decisions about investments can be planned and then, minimize the risks.

Riscos e benefícios de investimentos de private equity, e o potencial do setor, face à situação da economia brasileira

Cordeiro, Carlos Roberto Credidio January 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o potencial da indústria de private equity no atual momento da economia brasileira. Os recursos utilizados para subsidiar essa análise foram a reconstituição histórica do mercado de private equity nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, a descrição dos dados mais recentes da indústria local e a revisão de alguns casos de sucesso ocorridos no Brasil. A contextualização do momento econômico foi centrada no desenvolvimento econômico, nos níveis de poupança, investimento e crédito do sistema financeiro. Foi levada em conta, também, uma análise comparativa da situação do segmento de private equity em economias emergentes como Rússia, Índia e África do Sul, que de alguma forma se assemelham ao Brasil. Finalmente, a ponderação entre os principais riscos e benefícios inerentes ao private equity , tanto do ponto de vista da economia, como dos empresários e investidores, forneceu os elementos definitivos que sustentam a conclusão do trabalho. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the private equity market potential in Brazil, given the current state of its economy. The presented analysis was based on a historic perspective of the private equity market both in Brazil and in United States as well as on a description of current local private equity market data and of a few successful transactions in Brazil. The context used to define the current economic situation in Brazil was based on the economic development, internal savings, investments and capital markets' credit levels. A comparative analyses between the private equity market in emerging market countries such as Russia, India and South Africa was also used on the following work since, in a few ways, those economies resemble that of Brazil. Lastly, the weighting of risks and benefits of private equity instruments, both from an investor, borrower and economy perspective, provided the definite elements to substantiate the conclusion of this work.

The renegotiation and revision of legal transaction as the new remedies in the contracts for works: a solution to the problem of the unpredictable risks from comparative approach / La renegociación y la revisión del negocio jurídico como los nuevos remedios en el contrato de obra: una solución al problema de los riesgos imprevisibles desde una perspectiva comparada

Buendía De Los Santos, Eduardo 30 April 2018 (has links)
In terms of the works contracts as a general rule the target prices between the parties are immutable. However, in the execution of the contracts for works might well emerge unforeseeable events, which would produce costs to the contractor. To these events, what actions the parties migth take? What kind of remedies does the Peruvian Civil Code offer?. In this article, the autor analizes these issues and proposes solutions to these unforeseeable risks, all on the basis of Peruvian Civil Code and a comparative study with Italian Civil Code. / En materia de los contratos de obra por regla general los precios fijados entre las partes son inalterables. Sin embargo, en las labores del contrato de obra podrían surgir sucesos imprevisibles, que producirían nuevos gastos para el contratista. Ante estos sucesos, ¿Qué acciones podrían realizar las partes? ¿Qué tipo de remedios ofrece el Código Civil peruano?.En este artículo, el autor analiza estos temas y propone soluciones ante estos riesgos imprevisibles, todo ello sobre la base del Código Civil peruano y un estudio comparado con el Código Civil italiano.

Yungay: recent tendencies and spatial perceptions in an andean risk zone / Yungay: tendencias recientes y percepciones espaciales en una zona andina de riesgo

Haller, Andreas 10 April 2018 (has links)
The following paper focuses on the question, how Andean urban risk zones are urbanized and perceived various years after a disaster. The mortal 1970 debris avalanche from Mount Huascarán buried 5,000 inhabitants in the Peruvian town of Yungay. Four decades later, 9,500 people are living again in the risk zone beside the Yungay memorial. It is shown, that the dangers, produced by the Mount Huascarán, are still perceived. On the other hand, the perception of Yungay’s exposure to risk is dramatically decreasing. / El siguiente artículo se centra en la reurbanización y percepción de las zonas andinas de riesgo, varios años después de ocurrido un desastre. En 1970, la ciudad peruana de Yungay fue destruida a causa de una avalancha de hielo, nieve y rocas que se desprendió del nevado Huascarán. Murieron 5000 personas, es decir el 95 por ciento de la población urbana. Cuatro décadas después, la zona es habitada por 9500 yungaínos. Se muestra que los peligros que origina el nevado Huascarán todavía se perciben. De otro lado, la percepción de riesgo de la ciudad de Yungay, debido a su ubicación, está disminuyendo dramáticamente en su población.

Corporate contracts and legal evolution / Contratación corporativa y evolución legal

Escobar Rozas, Freddy 30 April 2018 (has links)
In any contractual operation, risks are presented, which have a significant cost in economic operations. In view of this, the parties, in exercise of their contractual freedom, regulate the allocation of risks in the most appropriate way to their needs, seeking efficiency. In this article, the author explains the importance of risks in contractual operations, the reason for the modification of legal provisions of risk allocation, and why contracts should be interpreted literally. / En toda operación contractual, se presentan riesgos, los cuales tienen un costo significativo en las operaciones económicas. Ante ello, las partes, en ejercicio de su libertad contractual, regulan la asignación de los riesgos de la forma más acorde a su necesidad, buscando la eficiencia. En el presente artículo, el autor explica la relevancia de los riegos en las operaciones contractuales, la razón de la modificación de las disposiciones legales de asignación de riesgo y por qué los contratos deben interpretarse literalmente.

Bekymmer och lösningar för att lagra data i moln / Concerns and Solutions of Storing Data in Clouds

Elrajeh, Dima, Issaks, Marwan January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna tekniska rapport är att studera följande aspekter: ekonomiska, återanvändning av kod och tidsåtgång för att publicera osv till flera molntjänstleverantörer för att uppnå bättre redundans. Webapplikationen kommer att publiceras till Azure, Amazon Cloud och Google Cloud. Avhandlingen täcker de vanligaste problemen som företag kan stöta på när de ska migrera sin verksamhet till molnet. De interna och yttre hot som datakorruption, skadlig insider, osäker autentisering i API: er, beteendeavbrott, dataöverträdelser, fysiska skador på datacenter och befintliga lösningar diskuteras djupt för att skapa en bättre förståelse om molntjänster är säkra för datalagring. Det praktiska projektet genomfördes framgångsrikt i tid och möjliggjorde att författarna fick en tydlig bild av de hinder som kan uppstå vid överföring av en webbapplikation mellan olika molntjänster. / The purpose of this technical report is to study the economical, code reusability and the required time for publishing a web application to multiple cloud service providers for achieving better redundancy. The web application will be published to Azure, Amazon cloud, and Google cloud. The thesis covers the most common concerns that companies have adapting cloud computing in their business. The internal and external threats such as data corruption, malicious insider, insecure authentication in APIs, denial of service attacks, data breaches, physical damage to data centers and existing solutions will be discussed in depth to create a better understanding if cloud computing is safe for data storing. The practical project was completed successfully in time and enabled the writers to give an educated description over the obstacles that were faced during the transfer of the web application between different clouds.

La responsabilité civile dans la pratique des sports alpins / Liability in alpine sports

Rey, Pascale 08 January 2016 (has links)
L’expression « responsabilité civile » désigne l’ensemble des règles qui contraignent l’auteur d’un dommage causé à autrui à « répondre » au sens étymologique du terme, à réparer le préjudice en offrant à la victime une compensation.Le célèbre article 1382 du code civil dispose :« Tout fait quelconque de l’homme qui cause à autrui un dommage oblige celui par la faute duquel il est arrivé à le réparer ». La notion de faute n’est nullement définie par le Code civil qui vise en ses articles 1382 et 1383 la faute volontaire (délit) et la faute d’imprudence ou de négligence (quasi- délit).La faute délictuelle qui est commise avec l’intention de causer un dommage sera donc rarement retenue en matière de sports alpins. En revanche, la faute quasi délictuelle qui par contraste est l’erreur de conduite, sans intention de nuisance, sera fréquemment invoquée dans les décisions de justice jugeant d’accidents de montagne.Un sportif qui commet un manquement aux règles du jeu commet également une faute. La « règle de jeu » prévue à l’article L131-16 du code du sport confère un monopole aux fédérations, pour l’élaboration de « règles techniques propres à leur discipline » ainsi que les « règlements relatifs à l’organisation de toute manifestation ouverte à leurs licenciés ».Si la notion de faute n’a pas disparu, la notion de risque s’est beaucoup développée, notamment sous l’influence des transformations sociales à partir du XIX siècle.Les tribunaux ont développé au nom d’un impératif d’indemnisation des victimes, une jurisprudence audacieuse conduisant notamment au développement des responsabilités sans faute. Ces évolutions rendues possible grâce à l'assurance de responsabilité, ont cependant trouvé leurs limites, conduisant à l’intervention du législateur, et à l’adoption de véritables lois d’indemnisation.Par ailleurs, le besoin de sécurité des consommateurs est grandissant et nous retrouvons cette revendication également dans les activités sportives même dangereuses, comme celles de la montagne.L’accès aux sommets a été considérablement facilité, si bien que toute l’année ou presque on rencontre des montagnards avertis ou non, à pied, à ski ou en raquette. Même s’il existe de plus en plus de pratiques intermédiaires, les clivages entre le skieur sur piste et l’alpiniste sont bien réels.Bien que le risque zéro n’existe pas en montagne, les principes généraux de la responsabilité civile doivent s’appliquer aux sports alpins de loisir en assurant un maximum de sécurité aux pratiquants.En revanche, la théorie de l’acceptation des risques a toute sa place dans les sports de pleine montagne où les dangers objectifs sont plus nombreux et où la notion de faute prouvée conserve toute sa vigueur.La responsabilité civile a dans les sports alpins une fonction indemnitaire mais aussi préventive, notamment par l’éducation à la montagne. / The expression « civil responsibility » refers to the all rules which compel the perpetrator of damage caused to a person to « answer », in the etymological sense of the term, and repair any harm done by giving compensation to the victim. The famous article 1382 of the Civil Code stipulates: « Any act committed by man causing harm to someone obliges the person by whom the harm was inflicted to repair it». The concept of fault is by no means defined by carelessness or negligence (almost unlawful act). The unlawful fault which is committed with the intention of inflicting damage will thus rarely be retained in the alpine sports sector. By contrast, the almost unlawful fault which is due to an error of conduct without intending harm, will however be frequently invoked in the court decisions judging mountain accidents. A sportsman who does not respect the rules also commits an error. The « rules and regulations » provided in Article L131-16 of the code of sport gives the monopoly to the federations, to determine the « technical rules corresponding to their discipline » as well as the « rules relative to the organization of any event open to their members ».If the concept of error has not disappeared, the concept of risk has developed considerably, especially under the influence of the social transformations from the 19th century on. The courts have developed, in the name of the necessity for compensation of victims, a bold case-law jurisprudence notably leading to the development of responsibilities without error. These developments made possible the civil responsibility insurance, have however reached their limits, leading to the intervention of the legislator, and to the adoption of real laws of compensation. Besides, the necessity for the safety of consumers is growing and we find this claim also even in dangerous sporting activities, like those in the mountains.The access to summits has become very much easier, so that almost all year round we can meet experienced and inexperienced mountaineers, on foot, on skis or on snowshoes. Even if there are more and more intermediate practices, the cleavages between the skier on the ski runs and the mountaineer are very real. Although the zero risk does not exist in the mountains, the general principles of civil responsibility should apply to alpine leisure sports by ensuring a maximum of security for participants. However, the theory of the acceptance of risks has its rightful place in mountain sports where the objective dangers are more numerous and where the concept of proven fault remains valid. Civil responsibility, in alpine sports has a compensatory but also preventative nature, notably through the instruction in the mountains.

"Riscos ocupacionais, acidentes do trabalho e morbidade entre motoristas de uma central de ambulância do Estado de São Paulo" / "Occupation risks, accidents of occupation and morbidity among professionally qualified first aid drivers of an ambulance center of the State of São Paulo"

Elisabete Takeda 07 November 2002 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar os riscos ocupacionais, os acidentes de trabalho e doenças que acometem motoristas de uma central de ambulância de Marília (São Paulo). Para o alcance do objetivo, utilizou-se como metodologia o estudo de caso, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por entrevista estruturada, com o auxílio de um formulário. Constituíram-se sujeitos do estudo 22 motoristas socorristas. Obteve-se a categorização dos dados direcionados pela literatura sobre riscos, acidentes de trabalho e doenças relatadas pelos motoristas socorristas. Todos os entrevistados eram do sexo masculino; 81,82% eram casados; 40,90% dos trabalhadores não concluíram o primeiro grau; 54,54% exerciam outra ocupação remunerada e 81,81% referiram ter o hábito de ingerir bebidas alcoólicas toda a semana em quantidades variadas. Os riscos encontrados foram os ergonômicos e suas subcategorias fisiológicas, psicológicas e organizacionais, riscos de acidentes, riscos biológicos e riscos físicos. Constatou-se que 13 (59,09%) dos motoristas relataram ter sofrido 19 acidentes de trabalho (AT). Dentre estes destacaram-se aqueles ocorridos em decorrência do excesso de exercícios e movimentos vigorosos e repetitivos, agressão, impacto, quedas e penetração de corpo estranho no olho. Dos 19 AT, 15 (78,94%) referem-se a traumatismos, 10,53% a dorsalgias inespecíficas, 5,26% a fratura de ossos do metatarso e 5,26% à presença de corpo estranho no olho. Quatro motoristas referiram ter adoecido, sendo que dois apresentaram traumatismos não especificados do abdome, dorso e pelve; um relatou transtorno de disco intervertebral e outro, afecção ocular devida ao vírus do herpes. No contexto estudado, pôde-se observar que se trata de profissionais que estão expostos a outros riscos alheios a sua categoria, além daqueles próprios por executarem trabalho de atendimento aos pacientes, não específico daquele prescrito para a referida profissão. Estratégias foram propostas no sentido de minimizar os riscos ocupacionais, os acidentes de trabalho e as doenças encontradas entre estes trabalhadores. / The present study has the general goal of investigating the occupational risks, accidents and diseases which drivers of an ambulance center in Marilia (São Paulo) suffer from. To achieve the goal, it was used the study of case methodology, being the data collection done by structured interview, with the support of a form. Twenty-two professionally qualified first aid drivers took part of the study. It was obtained the categorization of the data directed by the literature about risks, occupation accidents and diseases related by professionally qualified first aid drivers. All drivers interviewed were male; 81.82% were married; 40.90% did not finish elementary school; 54.54% used to have another paid occupation and 81.81% said to have the habit of having alcoholic drinks all the week in various amount. The risks found were the ergonomics and their physiological, psychological e organizational subcategories, risks of accidents, biological risks and physical risks. It was found out that thirteen (59.09%) of the drivers said to have had nineteen occupation accidents (AT). Among them, it was emphasized the ones occurred because of the excess of physical exercises and tough and repetitive movements, aggression, impact, falling downs and penetration of strange body into the eye. From 19 AT, 15 (78.94%) were about traumatisms, 10.53% about non-specific backaches, 5.26% about bone breakage of metatarsus and 5.26% about presence of strange body in the eye. Four drivers said to have came down, being that two showed non-specific traumatisms of abdomen, dorsum and pelvis; one related problem of intervertebral disc and another, ocular affection due to herpes virus. In the context studied, it was showed that it’s about professionals who are exposed to other risks out of their category, beside the ones by attending the patients, not specific of the one prescribed to the referred occupation. Strategies were proposed to minimize the occupational risks, accidents and diseases found among these workers.

Acidentes e cargas de trabalho dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital universitário do Norte do Paraná / Job-related accidents and workload of nursing professionals in a University Hospital of Northern Paraná

Iara Aparecida de Oliveira Sêcco 18 October 2006 (has links)
O processo de trabalho da enfermagem hospitalar, quando inadequado ao trabalhador que atua nessas instituições, pode trazer danos à sua integridade física e mental, por propiciar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho típicos (ATTs) e/ou desgastes de variadas naturezas a esse grupo, com repercussões pessoais, sociais e econômicas de expressiva monta. A presente pesquisa foi realizada em um Hospital Universitário da região Norte do Paraná (HU), por meio de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, desenvolvida em duas fases. A primeira, sob o referencial teórico da epidemiologia descritiva, objetivou analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos registros de ATTs notificados pela equipe, elaborar o relatório das ocorrências, estimar indicadores de risco e identificar as 5 Divisões de Enfermagem que apresentaram os seus maiores índices. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio das Comunicações de Acidentes de Trabalho e das Notificações de Acidentes de Trabalho com Material Biológico, realizadas no período entre 1997 e 2002. Para a análise e discussão dos resultados foi preparado banco de dados com a utilização do Programa Epi-Info versão 6.04 C e a Planilha Eletrônica Excel. A segunda fase, com abordagem metodológica da hermenêutica dialética, fundamentada no referencial teórico do materialismo histórico, constou de entrevistas semi-estruturadas das 5 enfermeiras Chefes de Enfermagem das Divisões que mostraram maiores indicadores de risco, da Enfermeira da Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar e da Diretora de Enfermagem, com o objetivo de descrever as contribuições que o Relatório dos ATTs trouxe para o serviço, identificar as cargas de trabalho presentes nos processos de trabalho, analisar a relação entre essas cargas e as ocorrências de acidentes, e por fim, descrever medidas preventivas institucionais passíveis de implementação. Para a análise e discussão desses resultados foi utilizado o Programa Informatizado The Ethnograph v. 5.0. Como produto da analise dos dados qualitativos foram eleitas, como categoria analítica ATTs e o processo de trabalho de enfermagem hospitalar e, como categoria empírica, ATTs e as cargas de trabalho de enfermagem. Os resultados evidenciaram que o processo de trabalho no Hospital está organizado para atender a demanda dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde, atendimento esse realizado na lógica do modelo clínico, individual, curativo. Foram notificados 392 acidentes no período, sendo 89% (349) os ATTs, cujo coeficiente de risco médio anual (CRMA) estimado foi de 9,2 acidentes para cada 100 trabalhadores. Os mais acometidos foram os técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem, com 93,9% (328) dos casos e CRMA de 10,4. Os acidentes que envolveram exposição aos materiais biológicos foram os mais presentes, com 64,2% (224) das ocorrências, mostrando o CRMA igual a 5,9; que atingiram, principalmente, as mãos dos trabalhadores no manuseio de perfurocortantes. As Divisões de Enfermagem que apresentaram os maiores indicadores de risco, em ordem decrescente, foram: Pronto Socorro, Centro Cirúrgico, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto, Divisão de Internamento e Divisão Materno-infantil. Verificou-se que o processo de trabalho de enfermagem mostrou-se dividido entre o manual, realizado majoritariamente pelos profissionais de nível médio, e o gerencial, realizado pelos enfermeiros, que estão, gradativamente, assumindo as atividades da assistência direta, especialmente nas unidades de atendimento ao paciente criticamente enfermo. As cargas de trabalho biológicas foram as que representaram os mais relevantes riscos conforme o ponto de vista da gerência, situação confirmada também nos indicadores de risco. As cargas mecânicas têm sido, aparentemente, potencializadas, dado o desgaste e o envelhecimento dos trabalhadores, chegando a impossibilitar parte do grupo de continuar na atividade laboral plena. As cargas químicas e físicas, pouco se levaram em conta, possivelmente em razão de pouco as conhecer o grupo dos trabalhadores. As cargas fisiológicas mostraram estar relacionadas à dupla jornada de trabalho, formal ou informal, às horas-extras e ao pouco tempo para o sono e o lazer. As psíquicas mostraram especial relevância, uma vez que se apresentam de maneira insidiosa, expressando a penosidade do trabalho na vida do trabalhador; ainda, a historia de vida, as dificuldades socioeconômicas pelas quais tem passado um contingente expressivo dos trabalhadores terminam por potencializá-las. O número insuficiente de pessoal, o elevado índice de absenteísmo não previsto, as contingências históricas e sociais vivenciadas na instituição pública fazem com que a realidade dos acidentes fique relegada a um segundo plano, dada a emergência de outras situações existentes no cotidiano. A instituição de espaços de discussão sobre a realidade do trabalho de enfermagem, a maior participação dos trabalhadores nas entidades de classe, as ações educativas amplamente desenvolvidas no Hospital, a implementação do trabalho desenvolvido pelo Setor de Medicina Ocupacional são algumas das medidas preventivas que podem contribuir expressivamente para a melhora das condições de vida e trabalho dessa população, que, se por um lado cuida da saúde dos outros, necessita por outro que a sua própria seja igualmente cuidada. / The work of hospital nursing, whenever inadequate to the workers in this type of labor setting, may be harmful to the mental and physical integrity of workers as it is likely to cause typical accidents and/or damages of several types with highly personal, social and economical impact. This qualitative and quantitative research was carried out in a university hospital of northern Paraná in two phases. Under the theoretical referential of the descriptive epidemiology, the first phase was meant to analyze the epidemiological profile of job-related accidents as notified by the team, to have a report of events, to estimate risk indicators, and to identify the five Divisions of Nursing with the highest risk indices. The data collection was made from the Communications of Job-related Accidents and Notifications of Job-related Accidents as caused by Biological Material in the period between the years 1997 and 2002. The analysis and the discussion of results were based on the data bank using the Epi-Info version 6.04 C program and the Excel Electronic Plan. The second phase of the research, with a dialectic hermeneutic approach and a historical materialism theoretical reference, comprehended semi-structured interviews with 5 Head Nurses from the Nursing Divisions with the highest risk indices, with a nurse from the Committee of Hospital Infection Control and with the Director of the Nursing Division, in order to identify their workload, to analyze the relationship between the workloads and the rate of accidents, and to describe the institutional preventive measures that were likely to be adopted. The computerized Ethnograph v. 5.0 program was used for the analysis and the discussion of these results. As a product of the qualitative data analysis the jobrelated accidents and the hospital nursing work were considered as analytical categories and the job-related accidents and the nursing workload, as empirical categories. The results evidenced that the work in the Hospital is organized in a way to meet the demands of patients from the Brazilian Unified Health System following a clinical, individual, and curative model. There were notifications of 392 accidents in the period under analysis, 89% (349) with average annual risk rate of 9.2 accidents for every 100 workers. Nursing assistants accounted for 93.9% (328) of the cases with 10.4 of risk rate. Most frequent accidents were related to exposition to biological material, 64.2% (224) and 5.9 risk rate, and involving the workers hands due to the use of perforating and cutting objects. In a decreasing rate, the Nursing Divisions with the highest indices of risk were: Emergency Ward, Surgery Theater, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Hospitalization Division and Maternity and Child Division. It was verified that the nursing work was divided between the manual work, most of it carried out by average level professionals, and the managerial work, performed by those nurses who are gradually taking over the duties of direct assistance, especially in the units for critically ill patients. The biological workloads presented the highest rate of relevant risks from the perspective of management and confirmed by their indices of risk. The mechanical workloads have been apparently potentialized due to workers aging and tiredness; a fact that has prevented some of them from keeping their full labor schedule. The chemical and physical loads have not been taken into account; maybe because the group knows very little about them. It was evidenced that the physiological loads related to the double shifts of work, either formal or informal, the overtime hours and the short periods of time to sleep and have some leisure. The psychic loads were seen as of special relevance as they are presented in an insidious way, expressing the hardships of the work, the workers history of life, and the social and economical difficulties a great number of them have experienced; thus these are also potentialized by the workers. The insufficient number of personnel, the high rate of unexpected absenteeism, and the historical and social contingencies experienced in the public entity turn this jobrelated accident context into a not-so-important consideration in face of other existent daily situations. The organization of moments when debates about the nursing work context may take place, a larger participation of the workers in their representative unions, the educational actions developed in the Hospital, and the implementation of the work carried out in the Sector of Occupational Medicine should be some of the preventive measures that could largely contribute for the improvement of the life and work conditions of this group who takes care of other people s health and at the same time needs to have their own health taken care of.

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