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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss von Stressfaktoren auf Tunneling Nanotubes in kultivierten humanen retinalen Pigmentepithelzellen (ARPE-19)

Walter, Cindy 17 November 2015 (has links)
Influence of stress factors on tunneling nanotubes in cultivated human retinal pigment epithelial cells (ARPE-19). The eye as one of the most important sense organs of the human body is exposed to visible light radiation and other stress factors every day. Especially the retina (of the eye) is a sensible tissue for oxidative damage (Wu et al., 2006). The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is an important layer of the retina, which forms the outer layer and phagocytises the shed disc membranes of the photoreceptor outer segments. Furthermore, the RPE is involved in the maintenance of the visual cycle and regulates the retinal balance (Bok, 1993). To maintain those functions, a steady communication between the RPE-cells and the adjacent neighbour cells is necessary. Tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) build a newly discovered variety of cell communication and thus establish intercellular signal transduction and transport different cell components including pathogens (Rustom et al., 2004; Onfelt et al., 2006; Sherer und Mothes, 2008; Veranic et al., 2008). The formation of TNTs in the neuron-like pheochromocytoma cell line PC12 was first reported by Rustom et al in 2004. In the following years a growing number of cell types containing TNTs were described. For example a lot of TNT-reports were found between immune cells (Onfelt et al., 2004; Sowinski et al., 2008). Chinnery et al. first described TNTs in vivo in 2008. Here they found TNTs between dendritic cells in the cornea of the mouse. An important characteristic of TNTs is that they do not attach to the substratum. They contain F-actin as a characteristic feature of there structure (Rustom et al., 2004). Our study group detected the formation of TNTs between ARPE-19-cells, a human retinal pigment epithelial cell line. They contain F-actin, but no microtubules. Further it was observed an exchange of electrical signals, small molecules and even the transfer of organelles between cells via TNTs (see publication Wittig et al., 2012). It is often described in the literature, that TNTs are very sensitive against stress factors, like prolonged light excitation, mechanical and chemical stress, which then can result in rupture of the TNTs (Rustom et al., 2004; Koyanagi et al., 2005; Gurke et al., 2008a; Pontes et al., 2008; Sowinski et al., 2008; Domhan et al., 2011; Wang und Gerdes, 2012). Up to now it is widely unclear how pathological conditions influences TNTs. There are several studies, which report an induction but also an inhibition of TNT-formation by different factors. The reaction of cell-cell-interactions between RPE cells on stress factors is not jet analysed. So our motivation was, to analyse the influence of different stress factors on the number, the morphology and formation of TNTs. ARPE-19-cells were treated with blue light, with a wavelength of 470 and 405 nm, with 3000 μM glyoxal, with 200 μM H2O2, with medium without serum as well as with cytochalasin-D and latrunculin-B. With the help of differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy the formed TNTs were counted and the morphology was evaluated. A 24 hours cultivation of untreated ARPE-19 cells resulted in 15 TNTs per 100 cells on average. After excitation of the ARPE-19-cells with blue light 470 and 405 nm the number of TNTs decreased 50 % and 28,5 % accordingly in comparison to untreated cells (100 %). Furthermore, the cell culture, which was treated with glyoxal and H2O2 resulted in a reduction of 17,5 % and 53 % TNTs in comparison to the untreated cell culture. Cells which were cultured with serum free medium had an decreased TNT-number of 56.8 % in comparison with serum containing medium. TNTs of untreated ARPE-19-cells have a diameter from 50 to 300 nm (Wittig et al., 2012). Every TNTs, which were formed under named stress factors had the same diameter like untreated cells. In this study an average TNT length of 23 +/- 16 μm was measured between cells without treatment. This correlated with the TNT-lengths of cells which excitated with blue light 405 and 470 nm with 26 +/- 13 μm and 24 +/- 14 μm. In contrast the TNT-lenghts of cells treated with glyoxal and H2O2 with 16 +/- 11 μm and 15 +/- 13 μm were less and from cells cultured without serum with 34 +/- 20 μm were above the average length of TNTs of untreated cells. TNTs of ARPE-19-cells without treatment and TNTs which were treated with stress factors contained F-actin but no microtubules. Depolymerisation of F-actin, induced by addition of cytochalasin-D or latrunculin-B, led to disappearance of TNTs. This is an evidence for the importance of F-actin as an essential component of TNTs between ARPE-19-cells. Under the influence of blue light excitation the TNTs formed as good as untreated cells after contact of migrating cells. Reason for the reduced TNT-formation under stress factors could be explained by the generation of oxidative stress due to reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS induced under blue light- or glyoxal-treatment as well as H2O2 could influence cell function by inactivation of cell-mediated proteins or induction of F-actin oxidation with subsequent destruction of the actin-network and inhibition of the actin-polymerisation (Chen, 1993; Ballinger et al., 1999; Thornalley et al., 1999; Valen et al., 1999; Dalle-Donne et al., 2002; Nilsson et al., 2003; Shangari und O'Brien, 2004; Zhu et al., 2005; Knels et al. 2008; Roehlecke et al., 2009). The reduced actin-polymerisation as well as the disruption of the TNTs due to changes at the actin-cytoskeleton and at the membranes could explain the reduced TNT-formation (Valen et al., 1999; Dalle-Donne et al., 2002; Reber et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2005; Knels et al., 2008). The inhibition of the cell growth under oxidative stress conditions and under nutritional deficiency by serum free medium could lead to a reduced TNT-formation too. In this study we found a reduction of TNT-number between ARPE-19-cells under different stress conditions. It is possible, that TNTs are formed between RPE- and photoreceptor-cells in vivo, where they can exchange useful or recyclable materials between cells (Wang et al., 2011; Wittig et al., 2012). Disruption of TNTs by reactive oxygen species could cause a decreased exchange of informations. It is possible, that the cells, RPE- as well as photoreceptor-cells, die due to a deficiency of nutrients. This could be another reason in the formation of age related macular degeneration, which shows a destruction of RPE-cells and secondary of the photoreceptorcells. / Das Auge ist als eines der wichtigsten Sinnesorgane des Menschen täglich sichtbarer Lichtstrahlung und weiteren Stressfaktoren ausgesetzt. Die Netzhaut des Auges ist besonders empfindlich für oxidative Schäden (Wu et al., 2006). Eine bedeutende Schicht der Netzhaut im Auge stellt das retinale Pigmentepithel (RPE) dar, welches die äußere Schicht der Retina bildet und täglich die abgeworfenen Photorezeptoraußensegmentscheiben phagozytiert. Zudem ist das RPE wesentlich am visuellen Prozess sowie der Aufrechterhaltung des retinalen Gleichgewichts beteiligt (Bok, 1993). Um diese Funktionen zu gewährleisten, ist eine ständige Kommunikation zwischen den RPEZellen sowie zu angrenzenden Nachbarzellen innerhalb der Netzhaut notwendig. So ist über Tunneling Nanotubes (TNTs), als neu entdeckte Kommunikationsform, ein interzellulärer Transport von Signalen und verschiedensten Zellkomponenten, aber auch von Pathogenen, möglich (Rustom et al., 2004; Onfelt et al., 2006; Sherer und Mothes, 2008; Veranic et al., 2008). Erstmals 2004 beschrieben Rustom et al. die Bildung von TNTs zwischen Rattennierenzellen in vitro. In den folgenden Jahren kam es zu einer Vielzahl weiterer TNT-Entdeckungen zwischen verschiedensten Zellen in vitro. So findet man zum Beispiel vermehrt TNTBeschreibungen zwischen Immunzellen (Onfelt et al., 2004; Sowinski et al., 2008). Ein erster Nachweis an TNTs in vivo erfolgte 2008 durch die Arbeitsgruppe Chinnery et al.. Hierbei fand man TNTs zwischen dendritischen Zellen in der Mauscornea. Ein wichtiges Merkmal von TNTs ist, dass sie sich als frei im Medium schwebende interzelluläre Verbindungen darstellen, ohne Kontakt zum Substrat zu haben. TNTs sind im Wesentlichen als stabilisierendes Hauptstrukturmerkmal aus Aktin aufgebaut (Rustom et al., 2004). In unserer Arbeitsgruppe wurde die Bildung von TNTs zwischen ARPE-19-Zellen, einer humanen Pigmentepithelzelllinie, entdeckt. Neben dem strukturellen Aufbau aus Aktin, konnte ein Austausch von elektrischen Signalen sowie molekularen Stoffen und der Transport von Organellen (Mitochondrien) durch TNTs zwischen ARPE-19-Zellen nachgewiesen werden (siehe Publikation Wittig et al., 2012). Wie schon mehrfach in der Literatur beschrieben, reagieren TNTs sehr sensibel auf Stressfaktoren, so zum Beispiel auf längere Lichtreizung, mechanischen und chemischen Stress, was jeweils zur Ruptur der Strukturen führen kann (Rustom et al., 2004; Koyanagi et al., 2005; Gurke et al., 2008; Pontes et al., 2008; Sowinski et al., 2008; Domhan et al., 2011; Wang und Gerdes, 2012). Weitgehend unklar ist bisher der Einfluss von pathologischen Bedingungen auf die TNTs. Es gibt mehrere Studien, in denen durch verschiedenste Faktoren über eine Induktion, aber auch über eine Hemmung der TNT-Bildung berichtet wurde. Die Reaktion von Zell-Zell-Interaktionen zwischen RPE-Zellen auf Stressfaktoren wurde bisher in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten nicht untersucht. Dies nahmen wir zum Anlass, den Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Stressfaktoren auf die Anzahl von TNTs, ihre Morphologie und Bildung zu untersuchen. Es erfolgte eine Behandlung der ARPE-19-Zellen mit Blaulicht in den Wellenlängen 405 und 470 nm, mit 3000 μM Glyoxal, mit 200 μM H2O2, mit serumfreiem Medium sowie mit Cytochalasin D und Latrunculin B. Die gebildeten TNTs wurden anschließend mit Hilfe der Lichtmikroskopie ausgezählt sowie deren Morphologie beurteilt. So bildeten unbehandelte ARPE-19-Zellen nach 24 Stunden Kultivierung im Durchschnitt 15 TNTs pro 100 Zellen aus. Nach 24stündiger Bestrahlung der ARPE-19-Zellen mit Blaulicht 470 nm und 405 nm fiel die TNT-Anzahl auf 50 % und 28,5 % im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Zellen (100 %). Weiterhin fanden sich in den Glyoxal- und H2O2-behandelten Kulturschalen 17,5 % und 53 % TNTs verglichen mit der unbehandelten Zellkultur. In der serumfreien Kulturschale verringerten sich die TNTs 24 Stunden nach Ausplattierung der Zellen auf 56,8 % im Vergleich zu in Medium mit Serum kultivierten Zellen. TNTs unbehandelter ARPE-19-Zellen besitzen einen Durchmesser von 50 bis 300 nm (Wittig et al., 2012). Alle unter oben genannten Stressfaktoren gebildeten TNTs befanden sich in Hinblick auf ihren Durchmesser im Bereich der TNTs unbehandelter Zellen. Bei TNTs unbehandelter Zellen wurde in dieser Arbeit eine durchschnittliche Länge von 23 +/- 16 μm gemessen. Dies entsprach dem TNT-Längendurchschnitt von mit Blaulicht 405 nm und 470 nm bestrahlter ARPE-19-Zellen mit 26 +/- 13 μm und mit 24 +/- 14 μm. Unter Glyoxal und H2O2 gebildete TNTs lagen im Gegensatz dazu mit 16 +/- 11 μm und 15 +/- 13 μm unterhalb und unter serumfreier Kultivierung mit 34 +/- 20 μm über dem TNTLängendurchschnitt unbehandelter Zellen. Alle TNTs, sowohl unbehandelter als auch mit Stressfaktoren behandelter ARPE-19-Zellen, sind aus Aktin aufgebaut. Jedoch ließ sich kein Tubulin nachweisen. Nach Zugabe von Aktinpolymerisationshemmern waren keine TNTs nachweisbar, was beweist, dass F-Aktin essentieller Bestandteil von TNTs zwischen ARPE-19-Zellen ist. Unter dem Einfluss von Blaulicht 470 und 405 nm bildeten sich die TNTs, wie auch bei unbehandelten Zellen, durch ein Zusammentreffen der Zellen mit anschließendem Auseinandergleiten. Die Ursache für die verminderte Bildung an TNTs unter verschiedenen Stressfaktoren könnte in der Entstehung von oxidativem Stress durch die Ausbildung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) begründet sein. So können zum Beispiel die unter Blaulicht- und Glyoxalexposition entstehenden ROS sowie H2O2, als eine Hauptform der ROS, die Zellfunktion durch Inaktivierung zellulärer Proteine beeinflussen sowie eine direkte Oxidation an Aktin hervorrufen mit folglicher Aktinnetzwerkzerstörung und Hemmung der Aktinpolymerisation (Chen, 1993; Ballinger et al., 1999; Thornalley et al., 1999; Valen et al., 1999; Dalle-Donne et al., 2002; Nilsson et al., 2003; Shangari und O'Brien, 2004; Zhu et al., 2005; Knels, Worm et al. 2008; Roehlecke et al., 2009). Die verminderte Aktinpolymerisation, aber auch die Zerreißungen der TNTs durch Veränderungen am Aktinzytoskelett sowie an den Membranen könnten zu einer verringerten TNT-Bildung führen (Valen et al., 1999; Dalle-Donne et al., 2002; Reber et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2005; Knels et al., 2008). Auch eine Hemmung des Zellwachstums unter oxidativen Stressbedingungen sowie unter Nährstoffmangel durch Serumentzug könnte mit einer verminderten TNT-Bildung einhergehen. Wir haben in unserer Untersuchung gezeigt, dass es durch verschiedene Stresseinflüsse zu einer Reduktion der TNTs zwischen ARPE-19-Zellen kommt. Es ist denkbar, dass solche TNTs in vivo zwischen RPE- und Photorezeptorzellen ausgebildet werden, wo sie nützliches oder recycelbares Material zwischen Zellen austauschen (Wang et al., 2011; Wittig et al., 2012). Bei Zerstörung der TNTs durch zum Beispiel oxidative Faktoren könnte es zu einer Verringerung des Informationsaustausches kommen. Es ist möglich, dass durch die Minderversorgung die Zellen absterben, sowohl RPE- als auch Photorezeptorzellen. Dies könnte ein weiterer möglicher Ursachenansatz in der Entstehung der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration sein, welche als Erkrankungserscheinung den Untergang der RPEZellen und damit sekundär der Photorezeptorzellen aufweist.

Survival of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium in Vitro: Comparison of Freshly Isolated and Subcultured Cells

Uebersax, Eva D., Grindstaff, Rachel D., Defoe, Dennis M. 01 January 2000 (has links)
Cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are generated prenatally and generally survive the lifetime of the individual without undergoing proliferation or replacement. Therefore, the mechanisms promoting individual RPE cell survival and longevity in vivo may be distinct from, or a limited subset of, the mechanisms known to promote survival in proliferative cells in culture. To identify specific factors that sustain cell viability independent of effects on cell division, we studied RPE cells in low-density suspension culture, in which cell proliferation is inhibited. Single cells from Xenopus laevis eyes were plated onto a non-adhesive surface in protein-free medium, then assayed for survival using the 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Cell viability in these cultures was essentially undiminished over the initial 2 days. However, by approximately 1 week in culture, only an average of 53% of the cells remained alive. Plating cells on a fibronectin-coated substratum significantly enhanced survival, such that the number of cells alive at 1 week was 80-90% of the initial level. Essentially identical results were obtained with laminin- or collagen IV-coated substrata, or with insulin (5μg ml-1) in the medium. The absence of cell division in these cultures was confirmed by cell counting and BrdU incorporation experiments. Interestingly, in suspension cultures derived from monolayers previously established on microporous membrane filters, cells lost viability much faster (average of 80% dead at 3 days), and showed a relatively greater response to extracellular matrix proteins (five-fold increase in cell survival at 3 days). Enhanced RPE survival in response to fibronectin required spreading of the cell on a substratum, rather than mere adherence, as there was a high correlation between the percentage of spread cells and the percentage that were MTT-positive (r = 0·940). Cell spreading apparently enhanced survival by preventing the initiation of programmed cell death: unattached non-viable cells in culture exhibited morphological features expected of apoptosis, as well as positive staining by the TUNEL reaction. These studies demonstrate that, of several factors shown to maintain or increase cell number in proliferating cultures, some have their effect, at least in part, by promoting the survival of individual cells. The increased susceptibility of subcultured RPE to cell death has implications for clinical transplantation applications that may require manipulation of RPE in vitro.

Nanomatériaux hybrides TiO2/[Ru(bpy)3]2+ associés à [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ ou [Mn(ttpy)(CO)3Br] ou au pyrrole : synthèse, études spectroscopiques et applications pour la conversion de l'énergie solaire / TiO2/[Ru(bpy)3]2+ based hybrid nanomaterials associated with [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ or [Mn(ttpy)(CO)3Br] or pyrrole moiety : Synthesis, spectroscopic studies and applications in solar energy conversion

Le Quang, Long 21 December 2017 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à montrer l’intérêt de nanoparticules (NPs) de TiO2 comme plateforme pour immobiliser dans un environnement proche des complexes de coordination pouvant interagir par transfert d’électron photoinduit. Nous nous sommes intéressés à l’étude de nanomatériaux hybrides associant le complexe [Ru(bpy)3]2+ (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) comme photosensibilisateur aux complexes [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ ou [Mn(ttpy)(CO)3Br] (ttpy = 4'-(p-tolyl)-2,2':6',2''-terpyridine) comme accepteurs d'électrons. Pour immobiliser les différents complexes à la surface du TiO2, une fonction acide phosphonique a été introduite sur une des bipyridines du centre [Ru(bpy)3]2+ et sur la terpyridine des complexes [Cr(ttpy)2]3+. L’étude des processus de transferts de charges photo-induits sous irradiation en lumière visible sur le colloïde TiO2/RuII montre que l'état à charges séparées (e-)TiO2/ RuIII possède une longue durée de vie, ce qui rend possible l'utilisation des charges dans des réactions successives d’oxydation ou de réduction. Notamment l’irradiation du colloïde TiO2/RuII en présence de [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ et de triéthanolamine (TEOA) comme donneur d'électron sacrificiel permet la réduction à deux électrons du [Cr(ttpy)2]3+. Par la suite, le complexe [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ est immobilisé sur les NPs de TiO2/RuII pour former un assemblage RuII/TiO2/CrIII au sein duquel les processus de transfert d'électrons photo-induits sont étudiés. De manière à proposer un système pour la réduction photocatalytique du CO2, le complexe [Mn(ttpy)(CO)3Br] a été co-immobilisé avec le [Ru(bpy)3]2+ suivant une approche de chimie sur surface pour former le colloïde RuII/TiO2/MnI. Ce système présente une excellente sélectivité vis-à-vis du HCOOH comme seul produit de la photoréduction du CO2 en présence de 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (BNAH) comme donneur d'électron sacrificiel. Un système hybride associant le [Ru(bpy)3]2+ portant des fonctions pyrroles et immobilisé sur TiO2 a également été synthétisé et étudié. Sous irradiation lumineuse, le transfert de charges (e-)TiO2/[Ru-pyr]3+ permet d’induire la polymérisation du pyrrole. Le nanocomposite TiO2/poly(Ru-pyr) obtenu et déposé sur une électrode génère, en présence de TEOA, un photocourant anodique stable de plus de 10 μA.cm-2. L’ensemble des résultats montre que les NPs de TiO2 peuvent être un moyen d’assembler des complexes dans un environnement proche en limitant les interactions à l’état fondamental, mais permettant des transferts d’électrons photoinduits entre eux. Suivant les potentiels redox des différents composants, les transferts d’électron ont lieu soit via la nanoparticule soit en surface de celle-ci. / This thesis aims to investigate the possibility of using TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) as a platform to immobilize proximal coordination complexes that can interact with each other by photoinduced electron transfer. We have studied hybrid nanomaterials combining [Ru(bpy)3]2+ (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) as a photosensitizer and [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ or [Mn(ttpy)(CO)3Br (ttpy = 4'-(p-tolyl)-2,2':6',2''-terpyridine) as electron acceptors. To immobilize the various complexes on the surface of TiO2, a phosphonic acid functional group was introduced on one of the bipyridines of the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ center and on the terpyridines of the [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ complex. Under visible light, the TiO2/RuII colloid undergoes a photo-induced charge transfer process leading to a long-lived charge separation state (e )TiO2/RuIII, which makes it possible to be engaged in successive oxidation or reduction reactions. In particular, the visible irradiation of the TiO2/RuII colloid in the presence of [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ and triethanolamine (TEOA) as a sacrificial electron donor allows the two-electron reduction of [Cr(ttpy)2]3+. Subsequently, the [Cr(ttpy)2]3+ complex has been immobilized on the TiO2/RuII NPs to form a RuII/TiO2/CrIII assembly in which the photoinduced electron transfer processes were investigated. In order to propose a system for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2, the [Mn(ttpy)(CO)3Br] and [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complexes were co-immobilized on TiO2 NPs following a chemistry on surface approach to form a RuII/TiO2/MnI triad. Under irradiation at 470 nm, this system exhibits excellent selectivity towards HCOOH as the only product of CO2 photoreduction in DMF/TEOA solvent mixture, in the presence of 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (BNAH) as a sacrificial electron donor. Another hybrid system linking a [Ru(bpy)3]2+ unit to two pyrrole functions and being immobilized on TiO2 has also been synthesized and studied. Under visible light, the transient (e-)TiO2/[Ru-pyr]3+ species induce the polymerization of pyrrole to form a TiO2/poly(Ru-pyr) nanocomposite. The nanocomposite deposited on an electrode generates, in the presence of TEOA, a stable anodic photocurrent of more than 10 μA.cm-2. All the results show that TiO2 NPs can be used to associate different complexes in a close environment by limiting the interactions in the ground state but allow photoinduced electron transfer processes between them. Depending on the redox potentials of the different components, the electron transfer takes place either through the semiconducting NPs or on the surface.

Stories Told By The Embryonic Chick: Eye Morphogenesis & Retinal Regeneration

Han, Zeyu 03 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium in Sorsby Fundus Dystrophy

Wolk, Alyson M. 26 January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Homéostasie des fluides et pathophysiologies dans la rétine : l’épithélium rétinien pigmenté

Benoit-Bélanger, Élodie 08 1900 (has links)
Les altérations de la barrière hémato-rétinienne (BRB) sont associées à des maladies rétiniennes telles que la rétinopathie diabétique et la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA). L’intégrité de la BRB est cruciale pour maintenir un microenvironnement rétinien en homéostasie et est étroitement régulé grâce à la régulation du transport transcellulaire et paracellulaire. Ici, nous décrirons brièvement la BRB interne, en mettant davantage l’accent sur la structure et la fonction de la BRB externe dans les états sains et malades. Nous avons hypothétisé que le dysfonctionnement des aquaporines exprimées dans des composantes de la BRB est suffisant pour générer un oedème diabétique dans une rétine diabétique. Bien que les résultats indiquent qu’aucune des aquaporines ciblées n’est suffisante pour générer un oedème cystoïde dans un modèle murin - et ce même en l’exacerbant en augmentant la perméabilité vasculaire rétinienne, nous mettons à l’avant un outil de segmentation semi-automatisé ainsi que deux modèles de recherches engageants. Le modèle murin de DT1 induit via STZ a été étudié de façon longitudinale sur un intervalle de temps modéré et pourra être ajusté pour des expériences futures en mettant à profit un outil de quantification semi-automatique performant. D’autre part, le modèle in vitro de la sénescence de l’ÉPR est conceptuellement établi et partiellement mis sur pied. Finalement, les résultats sont prometteurs et incitent à approfondir des cibles alternatives dans un modèle conceptuellement similaire, mais soit exacerbé ou plus anatomiquement près de l’humain. / Alterations in the blood-retina barrier (BRB) are associated with retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The integrity of the BRB is crucial for maintaining a tightly regulated and retinal microenvironment in homeostasis through the regulation of transcellular and paracellular transport. Here, we will briefly describe the inner BRB, with a greater emphasis on the structure and function of the outer BRB in both healthy and diseased states. We hypothesized that dysfunction of aquaporins expressed in components of the BRB is sufficient to generate diabetic edema in a diabetic retina. Although the results indicate that none of the targeted aquaporin are sufficient to generate a cystoid edema in a murine model, even when exacerbated by increasing retinal vascular permeability, we present a semi-automated segmentation tool and two engaging research models. A murine model and a programmation tool were developped to efficiently assess semi-automated quantitation of retinal edema. On the other hand, the in vitro model of RPE senescence is conceptually established and partially implemented. Ultimately, the results are promising and encourage further exploration of alternative targets in a conceptually similar model, either exacerbated or more anatomically close to humans.

Etude structurale, optique et électrique de couches minces d'oxynitrure de silicium déposées par pulvérisation cathodique radiofréquence réactive

Rebib, Farida 12 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude concerne les propriétés structurales, optiques et électriques des couches minces d'oxynitrure de silicium ( SiOxNy) élaborées par pulvérisarion cathodique radiofréquence d'une cible de silicium dans un plasma argon-oxygène-azote. La zone d'instabilité de ce procédé réactif a été précisée par spectroscopie d'émission optique et par le suivi de la pression totale et du potentiel d'autopolarisation. Les conditions adéquates d'élaboration qui ont été définies, ont permis de déposer des films dont la composition varie presque linéairement, entre celles du nitrure et de l'oxyde de silicium. Ces couches sont formées par un mélange de nanophases de type SiO2 et Si3N4 incorporées dans une phase de SiOxNy amorphe. Des liaisons pendantes ont aussi été détectées sur les atomes de silicium. Les dépôts présentent des propriétés optiques (indice de réfraction, gap optique) et des propriétés diélectriques très intéressantes et variables en fonction de leur composition et de leur structure

Estudo preliminar de RPE em banda K de esmalte dental e hidroxiapatita sintética irradiados / Preliminary Study of EPR in K-Band of Dental Enamel and Hydroxyapatite Synthetic Irradiated.

Santos, Adevailton Bernardo dos 29 August 2002 (has links)
A hidroxiapatita e o esmalte dental são, na atualidade, alguns dos materiais mais pesquisados pela técnica de espectroscopia por Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica ? RPE. O esmalte dental, que possui cerca de 97% de sua massa constituída por cristais de hidroxiapatita, se apresenta como o tecido humano preferencial para dosimetria de radiação com o uso desta técnica, principalmente no caso de exposições acidentais da população em geral. A análise de hidroxiapatitas sintéticas tem por finalidade auxiliar o entendimento do espectro do esmalte dental bem como desenvolver um dosímetro de radiação com boa eficiência e eficácia. O espectrômetro em banda-K utiliza uma freqüência intermediária aos espectrômetros em banda-X e em banda-Q, possuindo uma melhor resolução que banda-X sem as dificuldades, devido à alta sensibilidade, do banda-Q. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar espectros em banda-K de um bloco de esmalte irradiado e de hidroxiapatitas sintéticas, comparando com espectros de banda-Q e banda-X presentes na literatura, e ainda verificar a possibilidade de se fazer dosimetria de radiação com o uso deste aparelho. / Hydroxyapatite and tooth enamel are, nowadays, some of materials mostly investigated by the spectroscopic technique of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ? EPR. Tooth enamel, that have about of 97% of its mass constituted by hydroxyapatite crystals, appears itself as the preferential human tissue for radiation dosimetry using EPR, mainly in case of accidental expositions by ordinary personnel. The analyses of synthetic hydroxyapatites have as the main goal to help the understanding of tooth enamel?s spectrum seeking the developing of a radiation dosimeter with good efficiency and accuracy. The K-band EPR spectrometer uses an intermediate frequency between the spectrometers in X-band and Q-band, possessing a better resolution than the X-band without presenting the Q-band?s difficulties. In this preliminary work the EPR spectra of a small block tooth enamel and synthetic hydroxyapatites irradiated were analyzed in K-band, comparing the results with X- and Q-band with published results, the possibility of performing radiation dosimetry at K-band was verified.

Monitoramento da carga interna de treinamento no voleibol durante a temporada competitiva: comparação entre períodos com número de partidas diferentes / In-season training monitoring in volleyball: comparison between periods with different number of matches

Ramos, Mayara de Faria 12 March 2019 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo monitorar parâmetros subjetivos: Carga Interna de Treinamento (CIT) e Escala de Qualidade Total da Recuperação (TQR) e objetivos: (cortisol, testosterona e razão T:C) na primeira fase da temporada competitiva, composta por 8 semanas, comparando semanas com duas ou apenas uma partida por semana, em atletas profissionais de Voleibol. Quatorze jogadores profissionais de voleibol participaram da investigação. As variáveis dependentes foram avaliadas durante as 8 primeiras semanas da SuperLiga Masculina de Voleibol, afim de estabelecer a comparação entre semanas com duas partidas e semanas com uma única partida. A CIT foi calculada por semana, pelo método da PSE da sessão, bem como, o índice de monotonia. O escore da TQR e as amostras salivares (analisadas por ELISA) foram coletados semanalmente sempre no primeiro dia útil da semana. Além disso, foi avaliado o desempenho do salto contra movimento (CMJ). Os principais resultados da presente investigação são: o comportamento da CIT refletiu o planejamento da CET. As semanas 2, 3, 7 e 8 (duas partidas por semana) apresentaram maior magnitude de CIT ~6000 UA e as semanas 1, 4, 5 e 6 (uma partida por semana) com menor magnitude de CIT ~4500; o escore da escala TQR sofreu maior redução nas semanas 2, 3, 7 e 8 (duas partidas por semana, apresentando escore de ~6,7 UA) em comparação as semanas 1, 4, 5, 6 (uma partida por semana) que apresentaram escore de ~7,8); as respostas hormonais, testosterona e cortisol, não apresentaram diferenças entre as semanas com uma ou duas partidas disputadas; a maior magnitude das correlações entre as respostas endócrinas e a CIT foi observada nos períodos com duas partidas; foi observado aumento do salto vertical após o período de investigação (TE = 0,30); a associação entre a menor variabilidade semanal na escala de recuperação e melhora do salto. Este estudo revela que o planejamento da CET foi acompanhado pelo comportamento da CIT durante atemporada competitiva, sendo que as semanas com duas partidas apresentaram maior CIT em comparação às semanas com apenas uma partida disputada, que, por sua vez, apresentaram menor CIT. O escore da escala TQR apresentou maior redução nas semanas com duas partidas em comparação às semanas com apenas uma partida. Os hormônios cortisol e testosterona não apresentaram alteração ao longo das 8 semanas de investigação. As correlações entre as variáveis do presente estudo apresentaram maior magnitude nos períodos de maior CET, reforçando a hipótese que em períodos de maior CET, há maior sensibilidade dos parâmetros subjetivos. Por fim, o planejamento adotado, durante as 8 primeiras semanas do período competitivo, foi eficaz para promover aumento do CMJ em jogadores profissionais de voleibol. Os atletas que apresentam a menor variabilidade semanal no escore da TQR apresentaram o maior aumento do CMJ. Esses resultados reforçam a relevância da adoção estratégias de monitoramento integrado, utilizando parâmetros objetivos e subjetivos. Esse constante acompanhamento pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre a forma que os atletas lidam com as demandas da temporada competitiva, auxiliando a retro-alimentação do planejamento da CET ao longo do processo / The current study aimed to monitor subjective parameters: Internal Training Load (ITL) and Total Recovery Quality Scale (TQR) and objectives parameters: (cortisol, testosterone and T: C ratio) during the first phase of the competitive season, comparing weeks with two or only one match per week in professional volleyball players. Fourteen professional volleyball players participated of research. The dependent variables were evaluated during the first 8 weeks of the Men\'s Volleyball SuperLiga, to compare the weeks with 2 matches and the weeks with a single match. ITL was calculated per week by the session RPE method, as well as, the monotony index. The TQR score and the salivary samples (analyzed by ELISA) were collected weekly on the first day of the week. In addition, the performance of the counter movement jump (CMJ) was evaluated. The main results of the present investigation are: ITL reflected the ETL planned. Weeks 2, 3, 7 and 8 (2 matches per week) with a higher magnitude of CIT ~ 6000 AU and weeks 1, 4, 5 and 6 (one match per week) with a lower magnitude of CIT ~ 4500; the TQR score had a greater reduction at weeks 2, 3, 7 and 8 (2 matches per week, presenting a score of ~6.7 AU) compared to weeks 1, 4, 5, 6 (one match per week) presenting a score of ~ 7.8); the endocrine responses did not show differences between the weeks with 2 or 1 matches played; the greater magnitude of the correlations between the endocrine responses and the ITL was observed in weeks with 2 matches; there was an increase in CMJ after the investigation period and (Effect Size = 0,30); the association between the lower weekly variability in the recovery scale (TQR) and the improvement in the CMJ. This study reveals that the ETL planning was accompanied by the ITL during the competitive season, and the weeks with 2 matches had a higher ITL compared to the weeks with only 1 match played, which, in turn, presented lower ITL. The TQR score showed a greater reduction in the weeks with 2 matches compared to the weeks with only 1 match played, following the ITL behavior. The hormonal responses were not affected during the 8 weeks of investigation, withoutdifference between the weeks with 2 or 1 match disputed. The correlations between the variables of this research showed greater magnitude in weeks of higher ETL (2 matches), reinforcing the hypothesis that in periods of higher ETL, there is greater sensitivity of the subjective parameters. Finally, the ETL periodization adopted, during the first 8 weeks of the competitive period, was effective to promote increase of CMJ in professional players of volleyball. The athletes with the lowest weekly variability in the TQR score had the highest increase in CMJ. These results reinforce the relevance of adopting integrated monitoring strategies, using objective and subjective parameters. This constant monitoring can provide valuable insight into how athletes cope with the demands of the competitive season, provinding feed-back for the ETL planning throughout the process

Atividade antioxidante de extratos vegetais da flora brasileira: estudo com ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) e teoria do funcional da densidade (TFD) / Antioxidant Activity of Plant Extracts from Brazilian Flora: Study of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Density Functional Theory (DFT).

Santos, Adevailton Bernardo dos 03 July 2006 (has links)
Há, no Brasil, uma enorme diversidade de espécies vegetais, e um conhecimento popular de várias propriedades medicinais das mesmas. Dentre os estudos realizados com extratos de plantas, há um interesse especial na atividade antioxidante. Este trabalho, focado em atividade antioxidante, é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, utiliza a técnica de RPE para estudar a ação dos antioxidantes neutralizando os radicais livres, enquanto que a segunda utiliza a TFD para, em simulação computacional, ajudar a entender os resultados obtidos na primeira parte. Foram analisados 10 extratos vegetais: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (casca de raiz), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (folhas e sementes), Didymopanax vinosum. O estudo da atividade antioxidante com RPE utiliza dois métodos diferentes: o primeiro método mede a atividade antioxidante por meio do controle da quantidade de radicais livres, TEMPOL e DPPH, em contato com o extrato vegetal, enquanto que o segundo método utiliza o spin trap DMPO em conjunto com a reação de Fenton (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) para analisar a ação dos extratos vegetais contra o radical hidroxila (OH?). A simulação computacional dos compostos TEMPOL, DPPH e DMPO é realizada em um método de primeiros princípios na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade, com uso de pseudopotenciais. O código utilizado é o SIESTA. As conclusões indicam que o extrato de Iryanthera juruensis, tanto de folhas quanto de sementes, exibe atividades antioxidantes bastante acentuadas, em todos os métodos utilizados. A simulação computacional aponta o TEMPOL menos reativo que o DPPH, devido a menor energia liberada em sua reação de redução. Sabendo que algumas destas espécies já são usadas popularmente por propriedades medicinais, estudos futuros para a correta identificação do agente antioxidante e seu possível uso, tanto na indústria alimentícia quanto na farmacêutica, deverão ser realizados. / There is, in Brazil, a great diversity of vegetable species, and a popular knowledge of several medicinal properties of the some of them. In studies carried out with plants? extracts, there is special interest in antioxidant activities. This work, focused in antioxidant activity, is divided in two parts: the first uses EPR technique to study the antioxidant activities neutralizing free radicals, while the second one uses DFT, in computational simulation, to understand the results obtained from the first part. Ten vegetable extracts were analyzed: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (bark root extracts), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (leaves and seeds), Didymopanax vinosum. The study with EPR uses two different methods: the first method measures the antioxidant activity by monitoring the amount of free radicals, DPPH and TEMPOL, that are in contact with the plant extract, the second method uses spin trap DMPO with Fenton reaction (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) for the study of the plant extract antioxidant activity against the hydroxyl radical (OH?). The computational simulation of TEMPOL, DPPH and DMPO is carried out using a method of first principles within the Density Functional Theory and pseudopotentials. The code is SIESTA. The conclusions indicate that the Iryanthera juruensis extract, as of leaves as of seeds, exhibits accentuated antioxidants activities, in all of the used methods. The computational simulation indicated that the TEMPOL is less reactive than the DPPH, because the lower energy in its reduction reaction. As some of these species are already used popularly by medicinal properties, future studies for correct identification of the antioxidant compounds and its possible use, as in the food industry as in the pharmaceutical industry, should be realized.

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