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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variáveis biomecânicas relacionadas ao impacto e percepção de conforto em calçados de corrida com diferentes tecnologias de amortecimento / Biomechanical impact-related variables and perception of comfort in running shoes with different cushioning technologies

Dinato, Roberto Casanova 09 May 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as relações entre a percepção de amortecimento, conforto e as variáveis biomecânicas relacionadas ao impacto (pressão plantar e força reação do solo) durante a corrida comquatro diferentes tecnologias de amortecimento de calçados esportivos. Vinte e dois corredores recreacionais do sexo masculino (18 a 45 anos) correram (12 km/h) com 4 calçados de corridacom diferentes sistemas de amortecimento: Gel, Air, Adiprene e EVA (Etil Vinil Acetato) comdiferentes densidades. Nove itens relacionados a percepção do conforto, cinco variáveis da força de reação do solo e nove da pressão plantar foram avaliadas durante a corrida. Cincovariáveis biomecânicas relacionadas à força reação do solo produzida durante a corrida foram mensuradas por meio de uma plataforma de força em ambiente de laboratório e nove variáveis relacionadas à pressão plantar foram adquiridas pelo sistema PedarX de palmilhas em uma pista de corrida. As 14variáveis biomecânicas e os nove itensde conforto foram comparados entre os calçados por meio de ANOVAs para medidas repetidas. As relações entre as variáveis da força e da pressão plantar e entre conforto geral e as variáveis biomecânicas foram investigadas por meio docoeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Análises de regressão stepwise backward foram realizadas para predizer o conforto geral e as percepções do amortecimento na região do retropé e antepé de cada calçado. A análise de correlação feita entre o conforto geral e as variáveis biomecânicas para cada um dos4 modelos de calçados apresentou relações entre fracas e moderadas, embora não significativas. A análise de regressão revelou somente para o calçado Adiprene que 56% do conforto geral percebido pelo usuário pode ser explicado pelas variáveis taxa de propulsão e integral da pressão no antepé (p=0,015) e que 33% da percepção de amortecimento no antepé pode ser explicado pelas variáveis segundo pico de força e taxa de propulsão (p=0,016). Assim, de maneira geral, não se pode predizer o conforto geral e a percepção de amortecimento dos calçados estudados por meio do impacto e da pressão plantar recebidos, já quesomente uma entre quatro tecnologias estudadas apresentou este comportamento de predição / This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the perception of comfort and impact-related biomechanical parameters (plantar pressure and ground reaction force) during running with four different types of cushioning technology in running shoes.Twenty-two men, recreational runners (18 to 45 years) ran 12 km/hwith running footwear with four different cushioning systems: Gel, Air, Adiprene e EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) com various densities. Outcome measures included nine items related to perception of comfort,five variables of ground reaction force and nine of plantar pressure that were evaluated during running. Five biomechanical variables related to ground reaction force were acquired with an AMTI force plate in the laboratory environment. Nine variables related to plantar pressure were acquired by the PedarX system instrumented insoles on a running track.The 14 biomechanical variables and the nine items of comfort were compared amongfootwears using repeated measure ANOVAs. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to investigate the relationship between the perceptions of comfort and the biomechanical variables for all the footwear. Step-wise regression analyses were employed to determine which group of the biomechanical variables could best predict general footwear comfortand perception of cushioning in the rearfoot and forefoot region of each evaluated footwear.Correlation analysis made between the general comfort and biomechanical variables for the four types of shoesshowed between low and moderate correlation coefficients,although not significant. Regression analysis revealed that 56% of the perceived general comfort can be explained by the variables push-off rate and pressure integral over the forefoot (p=0.015) and that 33% of the cushioning perception over the forefoot can be explained by second peak force and push-off rate (p=0.016). Thus, in general, one cannot predict the overall comfort and cushioning perception of a running shoe studied through impact and plantar pressure received, since only one of the four technologies studied showed this behavior prediction

Výuka orientačního běhu na 2.stupni ZŠ / Teaching of orienteering at primary school.

Procházková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Title: Teaching of orienteering at primary school Author: Bc. Zuzana Procházková Department: Department of Physical Education Supervisor: PhDr. PaedDr. Ladislav Kašpar, Ph.D. Objectives: The aim of this diploma work is to chart the teaching of orienteering at primary schools in Prague and to use a questionnaire-based approach to determine whether orienteering is included within the school curriculum and if so, then how. The secondary objective is to draw up a draft of methods for teaching orienteering. Methods: Data collection was performed using a questionnaire-based approach. The questionnaire was evaluated in the graphs and tables. The method for the secondary objective is a detailed study of the literature and results of the questionnaire. Results: Thirty four physical education teachers participated in the research study. Sixteen teachers include orienteering within their teaching curriculum. The frequency of orienteering teaching is mostly 1-3 times a year. A half of the teachers teach orienteering in PE lessons. More than half of the teachers included orienteering as a part of school trips and courses. Most of them use specialised orienteering maps. All the teachers require that their pupils know how to orientate a map based on the terrain. Keywords: Running, map, compass, terrain,...

Influência das características mecânicas da entressola e da estrutura do cabedal de calçados esportivos na percepção do conforto e na biomecânica da corrida / Influence of mechanical characteristics of midsale and upper structure af running shaes in the comjort and biamechanics ot running

Onodera, Andrea Naomi 26 August 2016 (has links)
o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a influência de duas diferentes resiliências de materiais de amortecimento e de dois tipos de cabedais de calçados esportivos na cinemática e cinética de membro inferior e na percepção do conforto durante a corrida. Também investigamos as possíveis relações entre o conforto percebido e as variáveis biomecânicas capturadas. Para tal, foram avaliados 42 corredores recreacionais adultos, com no mínimo de um ano de experiência em corrida de rua, com mínimo de dois treinos regulares por semana, e com volume de treino semanal superior a 5 km. Foram avaliadas quatro condições de calçados aleatorizadas para cada corredor (material de amortecimento de baixa resiliência e cabedal estruturado, material amortecimento de alta resiliência e cabedal estruturado, material de amortecimento de baixa resiliência e cabedal minimalista, e material amortecimento de alta resiliência e cabedal minimalista). Após avaliação antropométrica e postural do complexo tornozelo/pé, os corredores realizaram corridas em uma pista de 25 metros em laboratório. A avaliação biomecânica foi realizada usando seis câmeras infravermelhas (VICON T-40, Oxford, UK) a 300 Hz, sincronizadas a duas plataformas de força (AMTI BP-600600, Watertown, USA) para aquisição da força reação do solo a 1200 Hz, e palmilhas instrumentas com sensores capacitivos (Pedar X System, Novel, Munique, Alemanha) a 100 Hz. A percepção subjetiva de conforto em cada condição foi avaliada por meio de um questionário de conforto para calçados. As comparações estatísticas entre os calçados foram verificadas por meio de análises de variância (ANOVAs) para medidas repetidas, e correlação de Pearson para verificar as relações entre o conforto e as variáveis biomecânicas (a=O,05). Realizou-se uma análise de Machine Learning para capturar variáveis da série temporal completa das curvas de cinemática e cinética que discriminassem os calçados estudados. Construímos uma matriz de entrada nas dimensões 1080 x 1242 para a análise por Machine learning. Os resultados demonstram que há uma interação entre as condições de cabedal e material de amortecimento que faz com que as comparações de resiliência se comportem de forma distinta para cabedais minimalistas e para cabedais estruturados. Contrariamente ao esperado, para os calçados de cabedal estruturado, as resiliências não foram diferentes entre si, e para o cabedal minimalista, os corredores apresentaram impactos mais altos com o material de baixa resiliência. A estrutura de cabedal influenciou a absorção de impacto, onde o cabedal minimalista apresentou impactos mais altos que o cabedal estruturado. Sobre o conforto, a condição de cabedal minimalista e material de baixa resiliência obteve as piores notas em cinco de nove quesitos do questionário. Em alguns quesitos ele foi o pior avaliado dentre todas as demais condições (como no amortecimento do calcanhar e no conforto geral). O cabedal minimalista recebeu pior avaliação que os cabedais estrutura dos no quesito controle médio-lateral da avaliação de conforto. Observou-se que a correlação entre as variáveis biomecânicas e as variáveis de conforto considerando todos os calçados conjuntamente, apesar de apresentarem valores significativos para algumas associações, foram sempre correlações fracas, abaixo de 30%. Ao se analisar cada condição de calçado isoladamente, em algumas se observou correlação moderada entre as variáveis biomecânicas e o conforto (r >31%, p < O,05), o que não se verificou em outras condições de calçados. Cada calçado gera condições particulares que favorecem ou não a associação entre conforto e repostas biomecânicas. Sobre a análise de Machine Learning, a metodologia foi capaz de diferenciar com sucesso os dois materiais de resiliência diferentes utilizando 200 (16%) variáveis biomecânicas disponíveis com uma precisão de 84,8%, e os dois cabedais com uma precisão de 93,9%. A discriminação da resiliência da entressola resultou em níveis de acurácia mais baixos do que a discriminação dos cabedais de calçados. Em ambos os casos, no entanto, as forças de reação do solo estavam entre as 25 variáveis mais relevantes. As 200 variáveis mais relevantes que discriminaram as duas resiliências estavam distribuídas em curtas janelas de tempo, ao longo de toda série temporal da cinemática e força. Estas janelas corresponderam a padrões individuais de respostas biomecânicas, ou a um grupo de indivíduos que apresentaram as mesmas respostas biomecânicas frente aos diferentes materiais de amortecimento. Como conclusão, destacamos que o cabedal tem maior influência que o material de amortecimento quando se trata da biomecânica da corrida e conforto subjetivo. Nos cabedais estruturados, a resiliência do material da entressola não diferenciou a biomecânica da corrida. A resiliência do material de amortecimento causa efeitos importantes sobre o impacto do calcanhar (menores loading rate, frequência mediana, pico de pressão em retropé) durante a corrida em cabedais com pouca estrutura. Alterações biomecânicas devido à resiliência do material de amortecimento parecem ser dependentes do sujeito, enquanto as relacionadas à estrutura de cabedal parecem ser mais sujeito independente. Sugere-se ter cautela ao afirmar que um calçado mais confortável também gerará respostas positivas biomecânicas, pois as associações entre essas variáveis analisando todos os calçados conjuntamente foram sempre correlações fracas. As correlações moderadas e particulares de cada condição de calçado com determinadas variáveis de conforto nos levam a concluir que os materiais aplicados nos calçado favorecem mais ou menos a percepção de determinada característica de conforto / The aim of this study was to investiga te the influence of two cushioning materiais with different resiliencies and two types of uppers of sportive shoes on kinematics and kinetics of lower limb and on the subjective perception of comfort during running. We also investigated the potential relationship between the perceived comfort and biomechanical variables analyzed. For this purpose, 42 adult recreational runners were evaluated. lhey had at least one year of experience on running, minimum of two regular running workouts per week, and weekly training volume above 5 km. We evaluated four randomized shoes conditions for each athlete (Iow resilience cushioning material and structured upper, high resilience cushioning material and structured upper, low resilience cushioning material and minimalist upper, and high resilience cushioning material and minimalist upper). After anthropometric and postura I assessment of the foot/ankle complex, runners held trials on a 25 meters long indoor track. Biomechanical data were collected by six infrared cameras (VICON l-40, Oxford, UK) at 300 Hz, synchronized with two force platforms (AMll BP-600600, Watertown, USA) at 1200Hz, and in- shoe plantar pressure insoles (Pedar X System, Nove\" Munich, Germany) at 100 Hz. Subjective perception of comfort in each shoe condition was assessed by a questionnaire of footwear comfort. lhe statistical comparisons between the shoes were verified by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures and Pearson\'s correlation to verify the relationship between comfort and biomechanical variables (a=0.05). We conducted a Machine Learning analysis to capture variables from the complete kinematics and kinetics time series, which would be able to discriminate the studied footwear. We build an input matrix in the dimensions of 1080 x 1242 for Machine Learning analysis. There was an interaction between the upper structure and the resilience of cushioning material that made comparisons between resiliencies to behave differently for minimal uppers and for structured uppers. Contrary to expectation, for structured uppers, resiliencies were not different from each other, and for the minimal upper, runners had higher impact with the low-resilience material. lhe upper structure influenced the absorption of impact, in which the minimalist upper presented higher impacts than the structured upper. About comfort, minimalist upper condition and low resilience materiais had the worst grades for five of nine questions of the questionnaire. In some questions it was the worst of ali conditions (such as for the comfort in the heel cushioning and overall comfort). lhe minimalist upper received worse assessment than the structured uppers in the question about the mediolateral control. It was observed that the correlation between biomechanical variables and comfort, considering ali shoe conditions together, despite having significant values for some correlations were weak correlations (r <30%, p <0.05). When each shoe condition is analyzed alone, some footwear conditions had moderate correlation between comfort and biomechanical variables (r >31%, p <0.05L although the same behavior was not observed in other shoe conditions. Each shoe represents a specific condition that favor or not the association between comfort and biomechanical responses. On Machine Learning analysis, the method was able to successfully distinguish between the two different resiliencies using 200 (16%) of available biomechanical variables with an accuracy of 84.8%, and between the 2 uppers with an accuracy of 93.9 %. Discrimination of the resiliencies resulted in lower levels of accuracy than the discrimination of shoe uppers. In both cases, however, the ground reaction forces were among the 25 most important features. The 200 most relevant features which discriminate the two resiliencies were distribuited in short time windows along the kinematic and force time series. These windows corresponded to individual biomechanical patterns, or patterns of a group of people with similar behavior. In conclusion, we emphasize that the upper has greater influence than the resilience of cushioning material when it is about biomechanics of running and subjective comfort of the shoes. In structured uppers, the biomechanics did not differenciate the resiliencies of the midsole materiais. The resilience of the cushioning material has important effects on the heel impact (Iower loading rate, median frequency, peak pressure in rearfoot) during running on shoes with little structure on the upper. Biomechanical changes due to the resilience of the cushioning material seems to be dependent on the subject, while related to the upper structure seems to be more independent of the subject. It is suggested to be cautious to affirm that more comfortable footwear will also let to positive biomechanical responses. That is because the correlations between these variables when analyzing ali the footwear together were always weak. Moderate and positive correlations of each shoe condition with some of comfort variables lead us to conclude that the materiais applied on each footwear favors more or less the comfort perception

Efeitos do exercício físico e da suplementação com chá-verde sobre características bioquímicas e comportamentais associadas ao envelhecimento / Effects of physical exercise and green tea on behavioral and biochemical aspects of cognition in aging

Flôres, Maíra Frigo 08 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Marcos Anselmo (marcos.anselmo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2016-04-08T19:23:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maíra Frigo Flores.pdf: 606784 bytes, checksum: 320f5eb7c4c92844adfadf846bcd39d7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-08T19:23:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maíra Frigo Flores.pdf: 606784 bytes, checksum: 320f5eb7c4c92844adfadf846bcd39d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-08 / O envelhecimento causa rejuízos cognitivos e de memória que têm sido relacionados com o estresse oxidativo (EO). Descobrir formas de atenuar o EO é importante para minimizar perdas cognitivas. O exercício físico e as catequinas constituintes do chá verde são potenciais antioxidantes que podem auxiliar na proteção das funções cognitivas e de memória. Ao passo que evidências sugerem papel neuroprotetor do exercício, efeitos do chá verde durante o envelhecimento como estratégia para combater o EO ainda são bastante incipientes. Essa pesquisa verificou os efeitos do exercício físico e da suplementação com o chá verde sobre aspectos bioquímicos e comportamentais associados ao envelhecimento. Ratos Wistar com 9 meses de idade foram divididos em grupos, sendo eles: controle, exercício, chá verde, exercício e chá verde, além de um grupo controle jovem. As intervenções foram feitas por três meses, constando de exercício aeróbico e ingestão de chá verde de maneira isolada, e realização de exercício aeróbico com concomitante ingesta de chá verde. Em conclusão, o chá verde não evitou déficits cognitivos no envelhecimento, mas diminuiu as espécies reativas aumentando as defesas antioxidantes. O exercício melhorou diversos parâmetros bioquímicos e comportamentais. A falta de efeito do chá verde na cognição pode estar relacionada com as características da intervenção, ao passo que a diminuição nas espécies reativas sugere um papel de proteção do chá verde mesmo em um período curto de suplementação. / Aging is associated with cognitive and mnemonic deficits frequently reported as related to the oxidative stress (OS). There is continuous interest to minimize effects of OS in order to avoid cognitive deficits. Physical exercise and catechines from green tea are potential antioxidants helping to protect cognitive and memory functions. While there are evidences supporting the neuroprotective role of physical exercise, the effects of green tea supplementation during aging as strategy to combat OS still are quiet incipient. In this study the effects of physical exercise and green tea supplementation on biochemical and behavioral characteristics associated with aging were addressed. Wistar rats 9 months aged were organized in groups as follow: young control group; aged control group; exercise aged group; green tea supplementation aged group; exercise and green tea supplementation aged group. Interventions lasted 3 months composed by aerobic exercise and green tea, combined or not. Green tea was not effective in avoid cognitive deficits associated with aging, but significantly decreases ROS activity with significant improve in antioxidants defenses. Physical exercise improved all parameter in both biochemical and behavioral testing. The lack of effects of green tea on cognition may rely on the duration of the intervention, while decrease in the ROS suggests its effect role even during a short supplementation period.

Modelagem de interação entre sinais cinemáticos durante o exercício / Interaction modeling among kinematic signals during exercise

Giovana Yuko Nakashima 12 April 2018 (has links)
Os programas de computador têm apoiado o estudo de sistemas biomédicos em que um volume considerável de dados são empregados. Na biomecânica, a análise das influências entre as articulações pode melhorar o conhecimento das lesões relacionadas à corrida associadas ao uso excessivo durante a atividade de corrida. Compreender os padrões de interação entre diferentes articulações anatômicas, durante o movimento, pode contribuir para o aprimoramento de programas de treinamento, reabilitação e prevenção a lesões. Neste trabalho, um software personalizado foi desenvolvido para implementar a Coerência Parcial Direcionada (PDC), uma abordagem no domínio da freqüência da Causalidade de Granger (GC), adequado às especificidades da fisioterapia. Com entradas independentes e padronizadas, modularização e parametrização, as rotinas investigaram a direção de interação entre diferentes canais, registrando e salvando arquivos intermediários. Separados nos três planos anatômicos, sagital, frontal e transverso, foram utilizados dados cinemáticos para analisar as interações entre tornozelo, joelho, quadril, pelve e tronco durante a corrida. Três modificações de técnica de corrida foram abordadas: com aterrissagem iniciada com o antepé, com aumento de 10% na taxa de passo e com aumento de flexão de tronco, além da habitual. As análises foram realizadas para o ciclo completo (apoio e balanço) e com separação da fase de apoio, e revelaram que essas duas estratégias de processamento são complementares. Comparando as influências proximal e distal, os procedimentos sugeriram uma predominância das interações proximal a distal, mostrando uma origem central de movimentos. Dessa forma, destaca-se a relevância em controlar e fortalecer tronco e quadril para a minimização de lesões. Considerando os resultados e a oportunidade de configuração, o software pode ser empregado para estudar outras articulações e aplicações, bem como evoluir para um sistema automatizado de apoio à decisão. / Computer programs have supported the study of biomedical systems in which a considerable amount of data is employed. In biomechanics, analysis of influences between joints can improve the knowledge of the Running-Related-Injuries (RRI) associated to overuse during running activity. Understanding the patterns of interaction among anatomical joints during movement can contribute to the improvement of training, rehabilitation and injury prevention programs. In this work, a customized software was developed to implement Partial Directed Coherence (PDC), an approach in the frequency domain of Granger Causality (GC), adapted to the physical therapy specificities. With independent and standardized inputs, modularization and parameterization, the routines investigated the interaction direction between different channels, logging and saving intermediate files. Separated in the three anatomical planes, sagittal, frontal and transverse, kinematic data were employed to analyze the interactions between ankle, knee, hip, pelvis and trunk during running. Three running technique modifications were addressed: forefoot strike landing pattern, increasing 10% of the step rate and increasing trunk flexion, in addition to usual running. The analyzes were performed for the complete cycle (stance and swing) and with separation of the stance phase, and revealed that these two processing strategies are complementary. Comparing proximal and distal influences, procedures suggested a predominance of proximal to distal interactions, showing a central origin of movements. In this way, the importance of controlling and strengthening trunk and hip to minimize injuries is highlighted. Considering the results and the processing configuration opportunity, the software can be employed to study other joints and applications, as well as evolve to an automated decision support system.

Výuka orientačního běhu na 2.stupni ZŠ / Teaching of orienteering at primary school.

Procházková, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Title: Teaching of orienteering at primary school Author: Bc. Zuzana Procházková Department: Department of Physical Education Supervisor: PaedDr. Ivan Přibyl Objectives: The aim of this study is to present orienteering to pupils of primary school. Examine the effect of orienteering on pupils. Introduce history and the rules of orienteering, the system of competitions and the organization of trainings. Familiarize the reader with the other orienteering sports. Present developmental psychology of children aged 11 to 15. To put orienteering in curriculum for primary school. Methods: The method of questioning was used. We also organized the orienteering race for children. The results were evaluated into spreadsheets, graph and commentary was also used. Results: There are pupils from primary school in this research. Pupils are 11-16 years old. Most of the pupils knew about orienteering before this research. Most pupils ran between 15-20 minutes for one kilometre in the race. Fifteen pupils from 95 didn't find the control point. Pupils felt good after the race. Half from them want to participate orienteering race again. Keywords: Running, map, compass, terrain, orienteering, spare time, puberty

A Comparison of Motivational Differences Among Older Marathon Runners and Their Injury Status

Kaufman, Marsha Renee 01 January 2019 (has links)
Despite the high occurrence of running-related injuries, master level runners, those aged 40 years and older, account for 50% of all marathon finishers. What is not known is the common motive sustaining participation, especially among this age demographic. The self-determination theory was the theoretical framework to support how behavior is regulated by the individual. The purpose of this quantitative research was to identify a difference in the motives (psychological, physical, social, and achievement) and their subcategorical motives (health orientation, weight concern, affiliation, recognition, psychological coping, life meaning, self-esteem, competition, and personal goals) via the Motivations of Marathoners Scales by master level runners according to their injury status and gender. Two hundred and twenty-five master level runners from social media marathon running groups completed the online survey. The responses were analyzed using an independent-samples t test and an ANOVA. The results showed female master level runners statistically significant in psychological coping, life meaning, self-esteem, health orientation, weight concern, and affiliation which contributed to psychological, physical, and social motives while male master level runners were statistically significant only in the subcategory of competition. The implications for positive social change include a better understanding of motivation, its sustainment, and the adherence of physical activity behaviors to improve the positive influence among the current beliefs about aging and activity for better health of individuals and their communities.

Why is there still so much confusion about VO2 plateau? A re-examination of the work of A.V. Hill

Castle, Richard Vincent 01 June 2011 (has links)
Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is regarded as the gold standard for assessing aerobic fitness. In 1923, Hill et al. proposed that VO2max represents the maximal ability of the body to take in and consume O2 during strenuous exercise. Recently, however, controversy has arisen over the issue of whether a leveling off, or "plateau" in VO2 is necessary to verify attainment of VO2max. Purpose: To compare two different VO2max protocols and determine if both protocols show direct evidence of an upper limit on VO2. Methods: Nine runners (18-35 years old) completed a continuous graded exercise test (CGXT), followed by a discontinuous graded exercise test (DGXT). The CGXT consisted of gradually increasing treadmill running speed to the point of volitional exhaustion; the highest speed attained was labeled the peak treadmill speed. Over the next several days, participants ran at 80%, 90%, 100%, 105%, and 110% of peak treadmill speed for 10 minutes, or until volitional exhaustion was reached. Results: All participants (n=9) achieved a "VO2 ceiling" (or upper limit) on the DGXT, while only 44% (n=4) achieved a "VO2 plateau" on the CGXT. There was no significant difference between the VO2max obtained from a CGXT (57.4 ± 2.6 mL*kg-1min-1) and DGXT (60.0 ± 3.1 mL*kg-1min-1). There was no difference between oxygen uptake measured at 90%, 100%, 105%, and 110% of PTV (p>0.05). However, the highest VO2 recorded at 80% PTV was significantly lower than that recorded at all other velocities (p<0.05). Conclusion: The VO2 ceiling effect on a DGXT is inherently different than the VO2 plateau effect on a CGXT. In this study, a ceiling was always seen on the DGXT, but a plateau was not always seen on the CGXT.

Factors associated with injuries in road-runners at a local athletic club

Hendricks, Candice January 2011 (has links)
<p>Across the world, physical inactivity was found to be associated with cardiovascular and chronic diseases of lifestyle which often leads to an increased rate of various physical disabilities andpremature death. To combat these high incidences of chronic diseases of lifestyle, WHO strongly encourages people to become physically active on a daily basis to reduce the risk of&nbsp / premature death. Running has thus become the preferred choice of physical activity by thousands of people to help improve their overall health and wellbeing. Apart from the health benefits&nbsp / that running provides, it can also predispose the runner to potential injury especially when runners follow an inappropriate training programme and have inadequate knowledge about factors causing injury. Therefore, baseline data about the prevalence, incidence of injury and the identification of the aetiological factors associated with running injuries are needed to develop and&nbsp / implement preventative programmes to allow runners to optimally perform in training and races without injury. In South Africa, there is limited research available on the incidence of injury in runners yet there is an annual increase in participation in races such as Two Oceans and Comrades marathon which could lead to an increase in the number of running injuries.Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of injuries and identify the various risk factors that are associated with injuries in road runners at a local athletic club. Methods: A prospective cohort study design over a 16 week period using quantitative research methods was used. A sample of 50 runners had consented to participate in the study. The participants had to complete a self-administered questionnaire and clinical measurements of BMI, Q-angle, leglength, muscle strength of lower leg and ROM of hip and knee were recorded. The participants had&nbsp / to complete an injury report form to record any new injuries sustained over the 16 week period of the study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18 and software SAS v9 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was used for data capturing and analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were done to summarize the data and was expressed as frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. Injury prevalence and cumulative incidence was calculated as a proportion rate along with 95% confidence interval. The Poisson regression model was used to analyse the association between running injury and the independent variables of interest such as demographics, anthropometric measurements, training methods, running experience and&nbsp / previous injury. The alpha level was set as p&lt / 0.05. Results: The study found that the majority (92%) of the participants (n=46) sustained running injuries in the past prior to the study. A total of 16 participants sustained a number of 50 new injuries over the 16 week study period. Thus the prevalence rate of injuries was 32%. The incidence rate of injuries for this study was 0.67 per&nbsp / 1000km run at a 95% confidence interval of 0.41, 1.08. Furthermore, the most common location of new injuries reported were the calf (20%) and the second most common location was the&nbsp / knee (18%). PFPS was the most common type of knee injury diagnosed, followed by lumbar joint sprain. The results showed that none of the identified factors (running distance, stretching, age, Q-angle, BMI, running experience, leg-length discrepancy and previous running injuries) were directly associated with running injuries. However, a marginal significance was found for&nbsp / running distance (p = 0.08) and leg length discrepancy (p = 0.06). Conclusions: The study found a high prevalence and incidence rate of injury thus the need for preventative programmes have been highlighted. There was no statistical significance found between the identified factors and risk of injury however, there was clinical relevance found between factors identified. One major&nbsp / limitation was the small sample of participants and the short duration of study period. Thus, future research is needed to further determine possible factors associated with running injuries over a longer period and including a larger sample. The results of the study will be made available to all the stakeholders (runners, coaches and medical team) to implement in athletic club. </p>

Biomechanics of sprint running : a methodological contribution

Bergamini, Elena 08 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La biomécanique du sport décrit le mouvement humain dans le but d'améliorer la performance et de réduire les blessures. Dans ce contexte, le but des experts des sciences sportives est de fournir aux entraîneurs et médecins des informations fiables sur la technique des athlètes. Le manque de méthodes permettant l'évaluation des athlètes sur le terrain ainsi que l'estimation précise des efforts articulaires représente, à ce jour, une limitation majeure pour atteindre ces objectifs. Les travaux effectués dans la thèse vise à contribuer au développement des ces méthodes. Deux approches complémentaires ont été adoptées: une Approche à Basse Résolution - relative à l'évaluation de la performance - où l'utilisation de capteurs inertiels portables est exploitée au cours des différentes phases de la course de vitesse, et une Approche à Haute Résolution - lié à l'estimation des efforts articulaires pour la prévention des blessures - où des contraintes personnalisées pour la modélisation cinématique du genou dans le contexte des techniques d'optimisation multi-corps ont été définies. Les résultats obtenus par l'Approche à Basse Résolution indiquent que, en raison de leur portabilité et leur faible coût, les capteurs inertiels sont une alternative valable aux instrumentations de laboratoire pour l'évaluation de la performance pendant la course de vitesse. En utilisant les données d'accélération et de vitesse angulaire, l'inclinaison et la vitesse angulaire du tronc, la vitesse horizontale instantanée et le déplacement du centre de masse, ainsi que la durée de la phase d'appui et du pas ont été estimés. En ce qui concerne l'Approche à Haute Résolution, les résultats ont montré que les longueurs du ligament antérieur croisé et du latéral externe diminuaient, alors que celle du faisceau profond du ligament latéral interne augmentait de manière significative lors de la flexion. Les variations de longueur du ligament croisé postérieur et du faisceau superficiel du ligament latéral médial étaient de l'ordre de l'indétermination expérimentale. Un modèle mathématique a été fourni qui a permis l'estimation des longueurs ligamentaires personnalisées en fonction de la flexion du genou et qui peuvent être intégrées dans une procédure d'optimisation multi-corps.

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