Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cunninghan"" "subject:"cunninghamin""
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Efeitos de dois programas de treinamento em piscina funda nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias, neuromusculares e no equilíbrio de idosos / The effects of two training programs in deep water on cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and balance responses in elderly menKanitz, Ana Carolina January 2013 (has links)
O crescimento acelerado da população idosa juntamente com o aumento da procura por atividades físicas tem motivado cada vez mais estudos que envolvam treinamento e o idoso. A corrida em piscina funda parece ser uma alternativa interessante para essa população, uma vez que não possui impacto nos membros inferiores possibilitando que o indivíduo se exercite em grandes cargas aeróbias com menor risco de lesão. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de dois programas de treinamento em piscina funda nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias, neuromusculares e no equilíbrio de idosos. Participaram do estudo 34 sujeitos, divididos em um grupo que realizou um treinamento aeróbio de corrida em piscina funda (AERO; n=16; 66±4 anos) e um grupo que realizou um treinamento de força em meio aquático seguido do treinamento aeróbio de corrida em piscina funda (FOR-AERO; 64±4 anos). Ambos os grupos realizaram um período de familiarização com o meio aquático e com a técnica de corrida em piscina funda anteriormente ao período de treinamento, com duração de quatro semanas e com frequência semanal de duas sessões. Já o período de treinamento teve uma duração de 12 semanas realizando três sessões por semana. Antes e após ambos os períodos, os indivíduos foram avaliados em parâmetros relacionados à capacidade cardiorrespiratória, às respostas neuromusculares e ao equilíbrio. Para análise dos dados pré e pós-período de familiarização foi realizado um teste T pareado, para as comparações pré e pós-treinamento foi utilizado uma ANOVA para medidas repetidas com fator grupo ( =0,05). Em relação às variáveis cardiorrespiratórias e neuromusculares não foram observadas mudanças significativas após o período de familiarização. Entretanto, o equilíbrio em todas as situações avaliadas (apoio unipodal e bipodal com e sem venda nos olhos) apresentou uma melhora significativa após as quatro semanas de familiarização (p<0,05). Após o período de treinamento, ambos os grupos apresentaram uma redução da frequência cardíaca de repouso, um aumento do consumo de oxigênio de pico e um aumento do consumo de oxigênio no segundo (VO2LV2) e no primeiro limiar ventilatório (p<0,05). Somente o VO2LV2 apresentou diferença entre os grupos no pós-treinamento, demonstrando valores maiores para o grupo AERO (p<0,05). Em relação às variáveis neuromusculares, ambos os grupos aumentaram a força muscular dinâmica máxima e a força muscular isométrica de extensão de joelho após o treinamento (p<0,05), sem diferenças entre os grupos (p>0,05). A resistência muscular dinâmica apresentou um aumento significativo (p<0,05) tanto para flexão como para a extensão de joelho, sem diferença entre os grupos (p>0,05). A atividade eletromiográfica máxima apresentou um aumento significativo para os músculos vasto lateral, reto femoral e semitendinoso (p<0,05), sem diferenças entre os grupos (p>0,05). Em relação às repostas de equilíbrio, observamos uma manutenção dos valores em ambos os grupos após o período de treinamento (p>0,05). Assim, concluímos que os dois modelos de treinamento avaliados foram eficientes para melhoras significativas nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias e neuromusculares de homens idosos, e não foram específicos para melhoras nas respostas de equilíbrio. Entretanto, o período de familiarização proporcionou melhoras significativas no equilíbrio em todas as situações avaliadas. / The accelerated growth of the elderly population together with increased demand for physical activities has motivated more studies involving training and the elderly. The deep water running seems to be an interesting alternative for this population, since it does not have any impact on the lower limbs allowing the individual to exercise in high aerobic loads with less risk of injury. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two deep water training programs on the cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and balance responses in elderly. Thirty-four elderly men were placed into two groups: deep water aerobic training (AERO; n=16; 66±4 years); and deep water strength followed aerobic training (FOR-AERO; 64±4 years). Both groups performed four weeks of familiarization with the aquatic environment and with the deep water running technique prior to the training period, twice a week. On the other hand, the training period lasted 12 weeks, with three sessions a week. Before and after both periods, the subjects were evaluated on cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and balance responses. Statistical comparisons in the familiarization period were performed by using paired T tests; and a repeat measure ANOVA with group factor was used to analyze the training-related effects ( =0,05). After the familiarization period, there were no significant differences in cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular variables. However, in all situations evaluated (one and two-legged standing with eyes opened and closed) the balance showed a significant decrease after four weeks of familiarization (p<0,05). After the training period, the heart rate at rest decreased significantly, the peak oxygen uptake and the oxygen uptake corresponding to the first and second ventilator threshold (VO2LV2) showed significant increases in both groups (p<0,05). Only the VO2LV2 showed differences among the groups after the training period, showing higher values for the AERO group (p<0,05). In addition, after training there was a significant increase in the knee extensors maximal dynamic strength and maximal isometric voluntary contraction in both groups (p<0,05), with no difference between groups (p>0,05). The dynamic muscular endurance showed a significant increase for both knee flexion and extension, with no difference between groups (p<0,05). There was a significant increase of the maximal isometric electromyography activity of vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and semitendinosus (p<0,05), with no difference between groups (p>0,05). Finally, after the training period the balance responses were unchanged (p>0,05). In summary, the two training models evaluated were effective for significant improvements in cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular responses in elderly men, and not specific to improvements in balance responses. However, the familiarization period improved significantly the balance in all situations evaluated.
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Efeitos de dois modelos de treinamento aeróbico realizados em diferentes meios sobre parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios, hormonais e metabólicos de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 – um ensaio clínico randomizado / Effects of two models of aerobic training performed in different environments on cardiorespiratory, hormonal and metabolic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus - a randomized clinical trialDelevatti, Rodrigo Sudatti January 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos crônicos de dois modelos de treinamento aeróbico realizados em ambiente aquático e terrestre sobre parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios, funcionais, metabólicos, hormonais e de qualidade de vida em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2). Materiais e métodos: Pacientes com DMT2 foram randomizados em um grupo de treinamento aeróbico aquático (n = 11) ou um grupo de treinamento aeróbico terrestre (n = 10). Ambos os programas apresentaram uma periodização de treinamento similar, diferindo basicamente no meio em que foram realizados. Estes programas tiveram duração de 12 semanas, sendo adotado o método intervalado, com intensidades variando entre 85 e 100% do segundo limiar ventilatório (LV2) e duração total das sessões de 45 minutos. Foram avaliados parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios, funcionais, bioquímicos e de qualidade de vida, todos nos momentos pré e pós-treinamento. Os dados foram descritos pelos valores de média e desvio-padrão. A comparação das variáveis dependentes entre grupos no momento pré-intervenção foi realizada através do teste t de Student para amostras independentes ou através do teste de qui-quadrado. A análise de variância de medidas repetidas com fator grupo foi usada para comparações entre os diferentes momentos em ambos os grupos, adotando-se um nível de significância (α) de 0,05. Resultados: As intervenções propostas resultaram em um aumento do percentual do consumo de oxigênio no segundo limiar ventilatório - %VO2LV2 (p = 0,032) e uma redução da frequência cardíaca de repouso - FCrep (p = 0,011) em ambos os grupos, não alterando significativamente as variáveis cardiorrespiratórias consumo de oxigênio de pico (VO2pico), consumo de oxigênio no segundo limiar ventilatório (VO2LV2), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e pressão arterial diastólica (PAD). A mobilidade funcional também melhorou em ambos os grupos, pois estes diminuiram seus tempos médios de realização do Timed Up and Go test em velocidade habitual (p = 0,019) e máxima (p = 0,014). Analisando os desfechos glicêmicos, ambos os grupos apresentaram uma redução significativa nos níveis de hemoglobina glicada – HbA1c (p = 0,035) e não sofreram alterações significativas nos níveis de glicemia de jejum (GJ) e glicemia pós-prandial (GPP) após as intervenções propostas. Este comportamento foi encontrado também na análise dos valores de insulina de jejum (IJ) e resistência a insulina (HOMA-IR), que apresentaram apenas diferença entre os grupos (IJ, p = 0,039 e HOMA-IR, p = 0,032). No perfil lipídico, apenas os valores de triglicerídeos (TG) não demonstraram alterações após o treinamento, tendo ocorrido redução significativa nos níveis de colesterol total - CT (p = 0,054), lipoproteína de alta densidade - HDL (p < 0,001) e lipoproteína de baixa densidade - LDL (p = 0,034). O mesmo comportamento ocorreu na atividade da renina plasmática - ARP (p = 0,035) e nos níveis de proteína C-reativa ultra-sensível - PCRus (p = 0,001). Ambos os grupos também apresentaram melhora significativa após o período de treinamento na qualidade de vida relacionada aos domínios físico (p = 0,019) e psicológico (p = 0,027), sem alterações significativas na qualidade de vida geral e nos demais domínios analisados. Conclusões: O treinamento aeróbico proposto ocasionou benéficos efeitos no %VO2LV2, na FCrep, em parâmetros funcionais, no controle glicêmico, nos níveis de CT e LDL, na inflamação sistêmica, na ARP e na qualidade de vida relacionada aos domínios físico e psicológico, independente do meio em que foi realizado. No entanto, mostrou-se inespecífico para melhorar os níveis de HDL e não impactou significativamente a maioria dos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios, assim como os níveis insulinêmicos e a qualidade de vida geral e nos domínios ambiental e relações sociais. / Aim: To analyse the chronic effects of two aerobic-training models performed in water and on dry land on cardiorespiratory, functional, metabolic, hormonal and quality-of-life parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Materials and methods: Patients with T2DM were randomized to a group of aquatic aerobic training (n = 11) or a group of aerobic training on land (n = 10). Both programs had similar training periodization, with training environment being the main difference between them. The training programs had a duration of 12 weeks and adopted the interval-training method, with intensities ranging between 85 and 100% of second ventilatory threshold (VT2) and total duration of 45 minute per session. We assessed cardiorespiratory, functional, biochemical and quality-of-life parameters before and after the intervention. Data were described by mean and standard deviation. Comparisons between groups in the pre-intervention were performed using the Student t test for independent samples variables and the chi-square test. The repeated-measures analysis of variance with group as a factor was used for comparisons between pre- and post-training values. A significance level (α) of 0.05 was adopted for all analyses. Results: The proposed interventions caused an increase in percentage of oxygen consumption at second ventilatory threshold - %VO2VT2 (p = 0.032) and a reduction in rest heart rate - HR (p = 0.011) in both groups, while no significant alterations were found in the cardiorespiratory variables peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), oxygen consumption at second ventilatory threshold (VO2VT2), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Functional mobility was also improved in both groups, since average time for completing the Timed up and Go test in usual (p = 0.019) and maximal (p = 0.014) speed was decreased. Regarding the glycemic outcomes, both groups showed a significant reduction in glycated hemoglobin levels – HbA1c (p = 0.035) and no significant changes in the levels of fasting glucose (FG) and postprandial glucose (PPG) after the interventions. The values of fasting insulin (FI) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) showed differences only between the groups (FI, p = 0.039 and HOMA-IR, p = 0.032). Considering lipid profile variables, only triglycerides (TG) showed no change after training, with total cholesterol level – TC (p = 0.054), high density lipoprotein – HDL (p <0.001) and low density lipoprotein – LDL (p = 0.034) being significantly reduced. The same pattern was observed for the plasmatic rennin activity - PRA (p = 0.035) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein - CRP levels (p = 0.001). Both groups also showed a significant improvement in quality of life related to the physical (p = 0.019) and psychological (p = 0.027) domains in response to the intervention, although there were no significant changes in overall quality of life and in the other domains analyzed. Conclusions: The proposed aerobic training programs elicited beneficial effects in %VO2VT2, rest HR, functional parameters, glycemic control, levels of TC and LDL, systemic inflammation, PRA and quality of life related to physical and psychological domains. These benefits did not depend on training environment. Nevertheless, this training method appears to be nonspecific for improvements in HDL levels and did not affect significantly the majority of cardiorespiratory parameters, as well as insulin levels, overall quality of life and quality of life in environmental and social relations.
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Padrão de apoio e impacto dos pés com o solo durante a corrida de corredores com história e sintoma de fasciite plantar e sua relação com o arco longítudinal medial e ângulo do retropé / Strikes patterns and impact of the foot whit the ground during running of the runners with history and symptom plantar fasciitis and relation with medial longitudinal arch and rearfoot angleAna Paula Ribeiro 13 March 2013 (has links)
A fasciite plantar, terceira lesão mais comum em corredores, apresenta como principais fatores etiológicos o alinhamento do retropé, o arco longitudinal plantar e a carga mecânica dos pés. Os únicos dois estudos que investigaram estes fatores, durante a corrida, permanecem controversos e ainda não claros, principalmente, em relação ao efeito da dor. Outra questão importante é o suporte teórico da associação entre as medidas clinicas dos pés com a carga mecânica no calcâneo, porém sem evidência científica comprovada. A compreensão dos padrões dinâmicos da carga plantar e a sua associação com as medidas clínicas do pé poderão perpetuar uma maior efetividade de recursos terapêuticos como calçados e palmilhas direcionadas a essa população. Portanto, o objetivo geral desse estudo foi avaliar o padrão de carga plantar e impacto dos pés em contato com o solo durante a corrida de corredores com fasciite plantar aguda e crônica e sua associação com o arco longitudinal medial e ângulo do retropé. Foram estudados 75 corredores adultos de ambos os sexos entre 20 a 55 anos. Destes 45 apresentavam fasciite plantar (30 com dor - FPA e 15 sem dor - FPC) e 30 eram corredores controles - GC. Para responder a questões específicas foram realizados dois experimentos. O primeiro teve como objetivo analisar e comparar as taxas de impacto estimadas e as cargas em três regiões distintas dos pés de corredores com fasciite plantar na fase aguda e crônica e corredores controle. A pressão plantar foi avaliada por meio de palmilhas capacitivas (Pedar X System) durante uma corrida de 40m a uma velocidade de 12±5%km/h, utilizando um calçado esportivo padrão. A dor foi mensurada pela escala visual analógica. As taxas de impacto e a carga plantar em retropé, mediopé e antepé foram analisadas em série temporal. Os dados foram processados no Matlab e comparados por ANOVAs (p<0,05). Os principais resultados indicam que a força máxima e integral da força no retropé e as taxas de impacto (20-80%; 10-100%) apresentam-se maiores em corredores com fasciite plantar em relação aos corredores controle (p<0,01). Porém, corredores com fasciite plantar na fase aguda apresentaram menores taxas de impacto e cargas plantares no retropé em relação à fase crônica (p<0,01). O segundo experimento teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre o arco longitudinal medial, o alinhamento do retropé e a dinâmica da pressão plantar em corredores com fasciite plantar: aguda e crônica. O índice do arco plantar e o alinhamento do retropé foram calculados no AutoCAD por meio de imagem fotográfica digital. Para análise da pressão plantar foi utilizado os dados previamente coletados no experimento 1 pelo sistema de palmilhas capacitivas (Pedar X System) durante a corrida. Uma análise de regressão múltipla foi realizada (p<0,05). Os resultados indicam que o arco plantar elevado pode predizer a integral da força (R=0,35, R2=0,15) e a força máxima (R=0,59, R2=0,35) no antepé na fase aguda e crônica, respectivamente. O alinhamento valgo do retropé prediz a força máxima no retropé na fase aguda (R=0,42, R2=0,18) e crônica (R=0,67, R2=0,45), além de predizer o aumento das taxas de impacto do pé na fase crônica da fasciite plantar, 20-80% (R=0,44, R2=0,19) e 10-100% (R=0,63, R2=0,40). Conclui-se que corredores com fasciite plantar aguda e crônica apresentam maiores cargas plantares no retropé e aumento das taxas de impacto do pé no solo. No entanto, a condição fasciite plantar aguda mostrou-se com menores taxas e cargas plantares no retropé em relação à fase crônica, possivelmente, devido ao mecanismo de proteção a dor na região do calcâneo. Além disso, o arco plantar prediz as cargas plantares do antepé de corredores com fasciite plantar e o alinhamento em valgo do retropé demonstrou ser uma medida clínica de fundamental importância para avaliação de corredores com fasciite plantar, pois permitiu predizer tanto o aumento das cargas e taxas de impacto na região do calcâneo e com isso, prevenir os sintomas e a progressão da fasciite plantar / The plantar fasciitis, the third most common injury in runners, presents as the main etiological factors rearfoot alignment, the longitudinal arch and mechanical load on the feet. The only two studies have investigated these factors during running and the results remain controversial and still not clear, specifically regarding the pain symptoms. Another important question is the theoretical support of the association between clinical measurements of the feet with the mechanical load on the heel, but without proven scientific evidence. Understanding the dynamic patterns of plant load and its association with clinical measures of foot may perpetuate more effective therapeutic resources, such as footwear and insoles that target this population. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the load pattern and impact of plantar foot in contact with the ground during running in runners with acute and chronic plantar fasciitis and its association with the medial longitudinal arch and rearfoot angle. We studied 75 adult runners of both sexes between 20 and 55 years. Of these 45 had plantar fasciitis (pain-APF 30 with and 15 without pain - CPF) and 30 controls were runners - CG. To answer specific questions two experiments were conducted. The first aimed to analyze and compare the estimated impact rates and the plantar loads in runners with both acute and chronic PF, compared to controls. Seventy-five runners with heel contact running patterns were evaluated and divided into three groups: Acute PF (n=30); chronic PF (n=15); and controls (n=30). Pain was assessed by the Visual Analogue Scale. The plantar pressures was measured by X Pedar system during 40-meter running sessions at speeds of 12±5% Km/h with standard sport footwear. The impact rates and the loads over the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot were analyzed based upon temporal series. The data were processed in Matlab and compared by ANOVAs (p <0.05). The main results indicate that the maximum force and integral force in the rearfoot and impact rates (20-80%, 10-100%) were higher in runners with plantar fasciitis when compared with control runners (p <0.01). However, runners with plantar fasciitis in the acute phase showed lower impact rates and loads plantar on rearfoot in relation to chronic phase (p <0.01). The second experiment aimed to investigate the relationship between the medial longitudinal arch, rearfoot alignment and dynamic plantar pressure in runners with plantar fasciitis: acute and chronic. The plantar arch index and rearfoot alignment were calculated in AutoCAD using digital photographic image. For analysis of plantar pressure was used previously collected data in experiment 1 by the system of capacitive insoles (Pedar X System) during the running. A multiple regression analysis was performed (p <0.05). The results indicate that high plantar arch can predict the increase: integral force (R = 0.35, R2 = 0.15) and maximum force (R = 0.59, R2 = 0.35) in the forefoot in acute and chronic phase, respectively. The alignment of the rearfoot valgus predict the maximum force on rearfoot in the acute phase (R = 0.42, R2 = 0.18) and chronic (R = 0.67, R2 = 0.45), and predict increased rates impact of the foot during the chronic plantar fasciitis, 20-80% (R = 0.44, R2 = 0.19) and 10-100% (R = 0.63, R2 = 0.40). We conclude that runners with plantar fasciitis acute and chronic have higher plantar loads on rearfoot and increased rates of impact of the foot on the ground. However, the condition plantar fasciitis acute proved loads with lower impact rates and plantar load on rearfoot in relation to chronic phase, possibly due to the protective mechanism pain in calcaneal region. Moreover, the plantar arch predicts loads plantar in forefoot of the runners with plantar fasciitis and alignment in valgus rearfoot proved to be a measure of fundamental importance for clinical evaluation of runners with plantar fasciitis because it can predict the increase of the plantar loads and impact rates of calcaneal region and thus prevents the symptoms and progression of plantar fasciitis.
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Antropometria e biomecânica comparativa da locomoção de corredores com e sem desigualdade estrutural de comprimento de membros inferiores / Comparative anthropometry and biomechanics of locomotion in runners with and without structural leg length discrepancyCarla Sonsino Pereira 25 September 2006 (has links)
Existe uma alta incidência de desigualdade de membros inferiores na população geral, podendo ser do tipo estrutural, onde existe diferença no comprimento de estruturas ósseas, ou funcional, como resultado de alterações mecânicas dos membros inferiores (MMII). A desigualdade pode ainda ser classificada quanto a sua magnitude, sendo discreta, moderada, ou grave. São muitos os métodos antropométricos utilizados para avaliar a desigualdade, entre os mais usados estão os métodos clínicos, como o uso de fita métrica para medir a distância entre duas saliências ósseas. Além destes, os métodos radiográficos também podem ser usados, porém com menor freqüência devido ao custo elevado e exposição à radiação. As desigualdades discretas têm sido associadas especificamente à fratura por estresse, dor lombar e osteoartrite. Quando uma desigualdade está presente em indivíduos cuja sobrecarga mecânica é acentuada pela sua prática profissional, diária ou recreativa, estas desordens podem se manifestar precoce e gravemente. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar diversas medidas antropométricas de comprimento de MMII usadas na prática clínica com a escanometria em corredores, e estudar a Força Reação do Solo durante a marcha e a corrida de corredores com desigualdade estrutural discreta de membros inferiores. Observou-se que a presença de desigualdade de membros inferiores foi associada à maior incidência de sintomas nos quadris e joelhos nos corredores. As medidas clínicas EIAS/MM (R=0,96; p=0,000), EIAS/ML (R=0,97; p=0,000), Crista/MM (R=0,95; p=0,000) e Umbigo/MM (R=0,92; p=0,000) apresentaram alta correlação com a escanometria. Entretanto, somente a medida clínica Umbigo/MM (0,8 ± 0,6 cm; 0,8 ± 0,5%) detectou desigualdade absoluta e normalizada entre os membros semelhante à escanometria (0,6 ± 0,5 cm; 0,8 ± 0,6%). Observou-se que quanto maior a desigualdade, maior a sobrecarga em ambos MMII, cargas estas capazes de causar em longo prazo desordens ortopédicas. Os sujeitos com desigualdade de 0,5 a 2,0 cm, durante o andar, apresentaram no MI menor maiores valores de Fzmin (0,56 ± 0,08 PC); e maiores valores de Fz2 e PO no MI menor durante o correr (2,48 ± 0,22 PC; 17,18 ± 3,35 PC/s). E os sujeitos com desigualdade de 1,0 a 2,2 cm apresentaram no MI maior uma menor Taxa de Crescimento 1 (9,19 ± 1,49 PC/s) em comparação ao controle (10,44 ± 1,72 PC/s) durante o andar; maiores valores de Fz1 no MI maior (1,70 ± 0,17 PC) em relação ao controle (1,57 ± 0,16PC), e ainda maiores valores de Fz2 e PO no MI menor (2,55 ± 0,22 PC; 17,07 ± 3,31 PC/s) durante o correr. No entanto, os sujeitos com desigualdade discreta de membros inferiores apresentaram a marcha e a corrida simétricas de acordo com os valores obtidos pelo Índice de Simetria Absoluto das variáveis da FRS vertical e horizontal. / There is a high incidence of leg length discrepancy (LLD) in general population, which could be structural, when the difference occurs in bone structures, or functional, as a result of mechanical changes at the lower limbs. The discrepancy can also be classified by its magnitude, being mild, intermediate, or severe. Many anthropometric methods are used to evaluate discrepancy, however the most common are clinical methods, which use a tape to measure the distance between two bone landmarks. Radiographic methods can also be used, although they are characterized by high cost and radiation exposure. Mild LLD has been associated with stress fractures, lower back pain and osteoarthritis. When the discrepancy occurs in subjects whose mechanical loads are increased by their professional, daily or recreational activities, these disorders might appear early and severely. The aim of this study was to compare several anthropometric measurements of LLD used in clinical practice with the scanogram in runners, and to study the ground reaction forces during gait and running in runners with mild and structural LLD. Results demonstrated an association between LLD and higher incidence of symptoms in runners\' hips and knees. Clinical measures ASIS/MM (R=0.96; p=0.000), ASIS/LM (R=0.97; p=0.000), Crest/MM (R=0.95; p=0.000) and Umbilicus/MM (R=0.92; p=0.000) presented high correlation with scanogram. Although, only the clinical measurement Umbilicus/MM (0.8 ± 0.6 cm; 0.8 ± 0.5%) detected absolute and relative discrepancy between lower limbs similar to that detected with scanogram (0.6 ± 0.5 cm; 0.8 ± 0.6%). Results also showed that increasing discrepancy leads to overloads in both lower limbs, which may lead to orthopedic disorders after extended periods. Subjects with mild LLD of 0.5 to 2.0 cm presented higher values of Fzmin (0.56 ± 0.08 BW) at the shorter limb during gait, and higher values of Fz2 and PO at the shorter limb (2.48 ± 0.22 BW; 17.18 ± 3.35 BW/s) during running. Subjects with mild discrepancy of 1.0 to 2.2 cm presented a smaller rate of load 1 (9.19 ± 1.49 BW/s) at the longer limb during gait in comparison to control subjects (10.44 ± 1.72 BW/s), and higher values of Fz1 at the longer limb during running (1.70 ± 0,17BW ) relative to control subjects (1.57 ± 0.16PC). Subjects with mild discrepancy also showed higher values of Fz2 and PO at the shorter limb (2.55 ± 0.22 BW; 17.07 ± 3.31 BW/s). Nevertheless, subjects with mild LLD displayed symmetrical gait and running according to values obtained by Absolute Symmetric Index of vertical and horizontal GRF variables.
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Variáveis biomecânicas relacionadas ao impacto e percepção de conforto em calçados de corrida com diferentes tecnologias de amortecimento / Biomechanical impact-related variables and perception of comfort in running shoes with different cushioning technologiesRoberto Casanova Dinato 09 May 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as relações entre a percepção de amortecimento, conforto e as variáveis biomecânicas relacionadas ao impacto (pressão plantar e força reação do solo) durante a corrida comquatro diferentes tecnologias de amortecimento de calçados esportivos. Vinte e dois corredores recreacionais do sexo masculino (18 a 45 anos) correram (12 km/h) com 4 calçados de corridacom diferentes sistemas de amortecimento: Gel, Air, Adiprene e EVA (Etil Vinil Acetato) comdiferentes densidades. Nove itens relacionados a percepção do conforto, cinco variáveis da força de reação do solo e nove da pressão plantar foram avaliadas durante a corrida. Cincovariáveis biomecânicas relacionadas à força reação do solo produzida durante a corrida foram mensuradas por meio de uma plataforma de força em ambiente de laboratório e nove variáveis relacionadas à pressão plantar foram adquiridas pelo sistema PedarX de palmilhas em uma pista de corrida. As 14variáveis biomecânicas e os nove itensde conforto foram comparados entre os calçados por meio de ANOVAs para medidas repetidas. As relações entre as variáveis da força e da pressão plantar e entre conforto geral e as variáveis biomecânicas foram investigadas por meio docoeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Análises de regressão stepwise backward foram realizadas para predizer o conforto geral e as percepções do amortecimento na região do retropé e antepé de cada calçado. A análise de correlação feita entre o conforto geral e as variáveis biomecânicas para cada um dos4 modelos de calçados apresentou relações entre fracas e moderadas, embora não significativas. A análise de regressão revelou somente para o calçado Adiprene que 56% do conforto geral percebido pelo usuário pode ser explicado pelas variáveis taxa de propulsão e integral da pressão no antepé (p=0,015) e que 33% da percepção de amortecimento no antepé pode ser explicado pelas variáveis segundo pico de força e taxa de propulsão (p=0,016). Assim, de maneira geral, não se pode predizer o conforto geral e a percepção de amortecimento dos calçados estudados por meio do impacto e da pressão plantar recebidos, já quesomente uma entre quatro tecnologias estudadas apresentou este comportamento de predição / This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the perception of comfort and impact-related biomechanical parameters (plantar pressure and ground reaction force) during running with four different types of cushioning technology in running shoes.Twenty-two men, recreational runners (18 to 45 years) ran 12 km/hwith running footwear with four different cushioning systems: Gel, Air, Adiprene e EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) com various densities. Outcome measures included nine items related to perception of comfort,five variables of ground reaction force and nine of plantar pressure that were evaluated during running. Five biomechanical variables related to ground reaction force were acquired with an AMTI force plate in the laboratory environment. Nine variables related to plantar pressure were acquired by the PedarX system instrumented insoles on a running track.The 14 biomechanical variables and the nine items of comfort were compared amongfootwears using repeated measure ANOVAs. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to investigate the relationship between the perceptions of comfort and the biomechanical variables for all the footwear. Step-wise regression analyses were employed to determine which group of the biomechanical variables could best predict general footwear comfortand perception of cushioning in the rearfoot and forefoot region of each evaluated footwear.Correlation analysis made between the general comfort and biomechanical variables for the four types of shoesshowed between low and moderate correlation coefficients,although not significant. Regression analysis revealed that 56% of the perceived general comfort can be explained by the variables push-off rate and pressure integral over the forefoot (p=0.015) and that 33% of the cushioning perception over the forefoot can be explained by second peak force and push-off rate (p=0.016). Thus, in general, one cannot predict the overall comfort and cushioning perception of a running shoe studied through impact and plantar pressure received, since only one of the four technologies studied showed this behavior prediction
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Running Multiple Versions of Services With Continuous DeliveryWik, Lucas January 2017 (has links)
Continuous Delivery is a software development discipline where the software is always kept in a release ready state. It has proven to be a challenge for companies to adopt the practices of Continuous Delivery, but the benefits it brings may well be worth overcoming the challenges the adoption process brings. But the problem with the challenges is that they appear to be unknown, different adoption cases report different problems, some even consider something a solution whilst another case considered the same subject to be a problem. Thus adopting Continuous Delivery is a tricky process. But the tech company IST is interested in adopting Continuous Delivery and are looking to take a soft start by adding new functionality to their service-oriented system, this functionality is to be able to run multiple versions of their services at the same time. This study has implemented this functionality in their system and then researched possible issues or benefits the functionality would have towards Continuous Delivery. Finally, a discussion was made on how the author thinks approaching Continuous Delivery should be done by any company or developer interested.
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TRAIL RUNNING GENOM CROSS-MEDIA: : En kvalitativ studie av cross-mediamarknadsföring för John Bauer Trail Run / TRAIL RUNNING ACROSS MEDIA: : A qualitative study of cross media marketing for John Bauser Trail RunSjöö, Sandra, Estlund, Anton January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine how to attract participants from all over Sweden to partake in the John Bauer Trail Run and increase the awareness of it employing a well planned cross-media strategy. To achieve this purpose a thorough study of litterature and research within the areas cross-media and marketing have been done. The method that was chosen for the study was a small-N-study which is a more quantitative type of case study. Eleven different running events have been examined and interviewed to collect the empirical data. The answers that the interviews produced have been analyzed in combination with the studied litterature and this has resulted in a cross-media strategy for John Bauer Trail Run. The key elements of this strategy is that they should have different purposes for their different marketing channels, some more brand oriented and some more call-to-action. These specific purposes should be taken in consideration each time an advert or a message is to be published in the channel and the content should be adapted accordingly. The results of the study are mainly applicable to John Bauer Trail Run but parts of it can be applied to other trail running-events with similar goals as well. This study was limited by the appointed time and resources regarding how many units that has been studied and that only one method was applied.
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Apport de l’accélérométrie pour l’étude quantifiée des dérives mécaniques de la course à pied face à la fatigue / Contribution of accelerometry for a quantified study of mechanical drift duringrunning with respect to fatigue.Provot, Thomas 01 December 2016 (has links)
La fatigue est un phénomène bien connu dans le monde du sport provoquant une chute des performances et une augmentation du risque de blessures. La communauté scientifique s’intéresse donc à la quantification de ce phénomène au moyen de différents outils d’analyse du mouvement. Cependant certains sports comme la course à pied soumettent les athlètes à des sollicitations mécaniques violentes impactant fortement sur leur santé et leurs performances. Ces sollicitations se traduisent souvent par des chocs importants, un nombre de cycles élevé et sont accompagnées de postures complexes du corps. Les outils d’analyse du mouvement ne sont alors pas toujours adaptés pour la mesures de ces données ni à l’étude du mouvement de l’athlète dans des conditions réelles de pratique. L’accélération apparait alors comme une caractéristique riche en informations. Elle peut permettre de mesurer et d’analyser la pratique de la course à pied afin de quantifier la dérive de la réponse mécanique du corps humain. Par la validation d’outils issus de l’accélérométrie, ces travaux de thèse permettront d’étudier les phénomènes mécaniques intervenant durant la pratique de la course à pied afin de quantifier et prédire leurs effets sur les phénomènes de fatigue des athlètes. / Fatigue is a well known phenomenon in the sports world causing a decrease of performance and an increase of injury risk. The scientific community is therefore concerned with the quantification of this phenomenon using different motion analysis tools. However some sports like running inflict violent mechanical loads to the athletes strongly impacting their health and performance. These loads frequently result in significant shocks, a high number of cycles and are accompanied by complex postures of the body. The motion analysis tools are then not always suitable for the measurement of this information or to study the athlete’s movement in real conditions of practice. The acceleration then appears as a feature rich in information.It can allow to measure and analyze the practice of running in order to quantify the drift of the mechanical response of the human body. By validating accelerometric tools, these thesis works will allow to study the mechanical phenomena intervening in the practice of running in order to quantify and predict their effects on the athlete’s fatigue.
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Factors associated with injuries in road-runners at a local athletic clubHendricks, Candice January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc (Physiotherapy) / Across the world, physical inactivity was found to be associated with cardiovascular and chronic diseases of lifestyle which often leads to an increased rate of various physical disabilities and premature death. To combat these high incidences of chronic diseases of lifestyle, WHO strongly encourages people to become physically active on a daily basis to reduce the risk of premature death. Running has thus become the preferred choice of physical activity by thousands of people to help improve their overall health and wellbeing. Apart from the health benefits that running provides, it can also predispose the runner to potential injury especially when runners follow an inappropriate training programme and have inadequate knowledge about factors causing injury. Therefore, baseline data about the prevalence, incidence of injury and the identification of the aetiological factors associated with running injuries are needed to develop and implement preventative programmes to allow runners to optimally perform in training and races without injury. In South Africa, there is limited research available on the incidence of injury in runners yet there is an annual increase in participation in races such as Two Oceans and Comrades marathon which could lead to an increase in the number of running injuries.Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of injuries and identify the various risk factors that are associated with injuries in road runners at a local athletic club. Methods: A prospective cohort study design over a 16 week period using quantitative research methods was used. A sample of 50 runners had consented to participate in the study. The participants had to complete a self-administered questionnaire and clinical measurements of BMI, Q-angle, leglength, muscle strength of lower leg and ROM of hip and knee were recorded. The participants had to complete an injury report form to record any new injuries sustained over the 16 week period of the study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18 and software SAS v9 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was used for data capturing and analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were done to summarize the data and was expressed as frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. Injury prevalence and cumulative incidence was calculated as a proportion rate along with 95% confidence interval. The Poisson regression model was used to analyse the association between running injury and the independent variables of interest such as demographics, anthropometric measurements, training methods, running experience and previous injury. The alpha level was set as p< 0.05. Results: The study found that the majority (92%) of the participants (n=46) sustained running injuries in the past prior to the study. A total of 16 participants sustained a number of 50 new injuries over the 16 week study period. Thus the prevalence rate of injuries was 32%. The incidence rate of injuries for this study was 0.67 per 1000km run at a 95% confidence interval of 0.41, 1.08. Furthermore, the most common location of new injuries reported were the calf (20%) and the second most common location was the knee (18%). PFPS was the most common type of knee injury diagnosed, followed by lumbar joint sprain. The results showed that none of the identified factors (running distance, stretching, age, Q-angle, BMI, running experience, leg-length discrepancy and previous running injuries) were directly associated with running injuries. However, a marginal significance was found for running distance (p = 0.08) and leg length discrepancy (p = 0.06). Conclusions: The study found a high prevalence and incidence rate of injury thus the need for preventative programmes have been highlighted. There was no statistical significance found between the identified factors and risk of injury however, there was clinical relevance found between factors identified. One major limitation was the small sample of participants and the short duration of study period. Thus, future research is needed to further determine possible factors associated with running injuries over a longer period and including a larger sample. The results of the study will be made available to all the stakeholders (runners, coaches and medical team) to implement in athletic club. / South Africa
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Biomechanical, physiological and perceptual responses of three different athlete groups to the cycle-run transitionCripwell, Devin Matthew January 2011 (has links)
The transition from cycling to running has been identified as one of the key determinants of success in triathlon, as it has been suggested that the cycle may affect subsequent running efficiency such that running performance is significantly altered or reduced. It is also suggested that athletes more adapted to the transition itself, rather than purely running or cycling, may be more efficient during the post-cycle running bout. The current study sought to investigate the effects of prior cycling on subsequent selected biomechanical, physiological and perceptual responses of three different athlete groups. Subjects were selected on the basis of their sporting background, and were divided into three groups – triathletes, cyclists and runners. Experimentation required subjects to perform a seven minute treadmill running protocol at 15km.h⁻¹, during which biomechanical (EMG, Stride rate, Stride length, Vertical acceleration), physiological (HR, VO₂, EE) and perceptual (RPE) responses were recorded. After resting, subjects were required to perform a twenty minute stationary cycle at 70% of maximal aerobic power (previously determined), immediately followed by a second seven minute treadmill running protocol during which the same data were collected and compared to those collected during the first run. Biomechanical responses indicate that the cycle protocol had no effect on the muscle activity or vertical acceleration responses of any of the three subject groups, while the triathlete group significantly altered their gait responses in order to preserve running economy. The triathlete group was the least affected when considering the physiological responses, as running economy was preserved for this group. The runner and cyclist groups were significantly affected by the transition, as running economy decreased significantly for these groups. Perceptual responses indicate that athletes more experienced with the transition may find the transition from cycling to running to be easier than those inexperienced in this transition. It is apparent that a high intensity cycle protocol has limited statistical impact on selected biomechanical responses, while physiological and perceptual responses were altered, during a subsequent run, regardless of athlete type. That said, the ability of transition-trained athletes to transition comfortably between disciplines was highlighted, which may have important performance implications.
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