Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cunninghan"" "subject:"cunninghamin""
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Factores condicionales de rendimiento deportivo en corredores jóvenes de trail runningSanchez-Garcia, Luis Fermin 15 June 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo trata de analizar diferentes aspectos relacionados con el trail running o carreras por montaña, principalmente en temas relacionados con el rendimiento y el perfil de los practicantes más jóvenes (entre 15 y 23 años). El estudio consta de cuatro capítulos: En la primera parte se realiza una revisión de toda la bibliografía que se ha llevado a cabo sobre la temática del trail running que se encuentra indexada en las bases de datos más importantes como son WOS, SCOPUS o PubMed. Desde la primera publicación en 1987 hasta diciembre de 2020, encontramos un total de 222 artículos, los cuales han sido analizados y clasificados en diferentes categorías según su campo de estudio. Se observa como en los últimos 2-3 años se ha producido un crecimiento importante en cuanto al número de publicaciones, llegando a encontrar que prácticamente la mitad del total han sido llevadas a cabo en este periodo. Se puede ver como la mayoría de las publicaciones suelen tratar en sus trabajos la modalidad de ULTRA distancia. Este primer capítulo aporta una visión general de todo lo llevado a cabo en este campo y ofrece a futuros investigadores un importante trabajo de campo, encontrando así una clasificación de todos los estudios con sus metodologías y conclusiones más importantes. También se aprecia que, entre todos los estudios analizados, tan sólo uno de ellos habla de los corredores en las edades mencionadas. En el segundo capítulo se analizan las lesiones más frecuentes sufridas por los corredores de trail en edades tempranas. Un total de 51 jóvenes pertenecientes a diferentes regiones del territorio nacional fueron entrevistados y se calculó el número de lesiones sufridas por cada 1000 horas de práctica deportiva. También se investigó sobre el origen de estas lesiones, la región anatómica, el segmento corporal, el tipo de lesión y el periodo de baja que supusieron. Además se realizó un análisis diferenciado por género. Los resultados muestran una media de lesiones de 2,2 (±1,8) por cada 1.000 horas de práctica, con un 92% de ellas sufridas en el tren inferior, destacando los tobillos con un 49,5%, seguido de las rodillas (17,9%). Se sufre un mayor número de lesiones entrenando que compitiendo, pero las diferencias no son excesivas lo cual indica mayor riesgo durante la competición, puesto que el volumen de horas dedicadas a esta es muy inferior. Los hombres refieren más lesiones por impacto, mientras que las mujeres por uso. Las lesiones suelen hacer parar a los deportistas entre 8-21 días o más de 21 días, por tanto, intentar minimizar estas lesiones debe ser un aspecto clave para evitar el coste económico, personal y deportivo que esto supone. En el tercer bloque se analiza el perfil antropométrico y cardiorrespiratorio de los corredores y corredoras jóvenes tecnificados de la Comunidad Valencia, entre 2018 y 2020. Se analizaron 65 muestras y se observó que los hombres muestran, como media, un IMC de 20,6 ±1,8, un %MG=13,0±2,9% y %MM=44,3±3,4%, con cierta tendencia al ectomorfismo y un VO2max medio de 59,4±7,1 ml/kg/min y las mujeres un IMC medio de 21,5±1,6, con un %MG=18,9±5,0%, y %MM=40,0±2,1% con tendencia al endo mesomorfismo y un VO2max=52,16 ±3,17 ml/kg/min. Se encuentra una correlación significativa inversa entre el %MG y el VO2max. Cabría continuar con la investigación, incrementar el volumen de la muestra y analizar la evolución de los datos. En el cuarto y último capítulo se analiza el perfil de fuerza de los corredores y corredoras jóvenes tecnificados de la Comunidad Valenciana y se buscan posibles correlaciones entre los test de fuerza y los test carrera en diferentes pendientes. 18 participantes (13 hombres y 5 mujeres), realizaron test de salto CMJ, SJ, DJ+40cm y Multijump de 15" en plataforma de salto, así como también test de 1RM en sentadilla con encoder (Chronojump ®). También se tomaron datos de carrera en diferentes pendientes: test en llano (2.000m), en subida (2.300m 417 m+ 18%) y de bajada (2.300111 417 m- -18%). Se encuentran resultados de salto algo más bajos que en otras modalidades deportivas. En cuanto al test de 1RM los hombres mueven una media de 110,9±24,1 kg que corresponde a 1,76±0,43 veces su peso corporal, mientras que las mujeres alcanzan los 55,8±5,3 kg, que representa 1,02±0,04 veces su peso corporal. Los resultados de los test de fuerza explosiva y fuerza máxima muestran correlación significativa para la muestra general, pero no así al segmentar por género. Existen correlaciones significativas entre los test de fuerza en salto (CMJ, SJ y DJ) y el test de 2.000 m, pero no con los test en subida y bajada. Los valores de 1RM/peso correlacionan con los test en subida y bajada para la muestra general. Todos estos resultados pueden ayudarnos a conocer mejor el perfil de corredor y cómo afectan los diversos factores analizados en el rendimiento de los y las deportistas en estas edades. A su vez, estas investigaciones pueden contribuir a mejorar la enseñanza a los futuros entrenadores y licenciados en ciencias de la actividad física, teniendo aplicabilidad en asignaturas como "Teoría y práctica del entrenamiento deportivo", "Planificación y desarrollo del entrenamiento deportivo" y, sobre todo, en "Actividad Física en el Medio Natural".
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Metrics, Models and Methodologies for Energy-Proportional ComputingSubramaniam, Balaji 21 August 2015 (has links)
Massive data centers housing thousands of computing nodes have become commonplace in enterprise computing, and the power consumption of such data centers is growing at an unprecedented rate. Exacerbating such costs, data centers are often over-provisioned to avoid costly outages associated with the potential overloading of electrical circuitry. However, such over provisioning is often unnecessary since a data center rarely operates at its maximum capacity. It is imperative that we realize effective strategies to control the power consumption of the server and improve the energy efficiency of data centers. Adding to the problem is the inability of the servers to exhibit energy proportionality which diminishes the overall energy efficiency of the data center. Therefore in this dissertation, we investigate whether it is possible to achieve energy proportionality at the server- and cluster-level by efficient power and resource provisioning. Towards this end, we provide a thorough analysis of energy proportionality at the server and cluster-level and provide insight into the power saving opportunity and mechanisms to improve energy proportionality.
Specifically, we make the following contribution at the server-level using enterprise-class workloads. We analyze the average power consumption of the full system as well as the subsystems and describe the energy proportionality of these components, characterize the instantaneous power profile of enterprise-class workloads using the on-chip energy meters, design a runtime system based on a load prediction model and an optimization framework to set the appropriate power constraints to meet specific performance targets and then present the effects of our runtime system on energy proportionality, average power, performance and instantaneous power consumption of enterprise applications. We then make the following contributions at the cluster-level. Using data serving, web searching and data caching as our representative workloads, we first analyze the component-level power distribution on a cluster. Second, we characterize how these workloads utilize the cluster. Third, we analyze the potential of power provisioning techniques (i.e., active low-power, turbo and idle low-power modes) to improve the energy proportionality. We then describe the ability of active low-power modes to provide trade-offs in power and latency. Finally, we compare and contrast power provisioning and resource provisioning techniques.
This thesis sheds light on mechanisms to tune the power provisioned for a system under strict performance targets and opportunities to improve energy proportionality and instantaneous power consumption via efficient power and resource provisioning at the server- and cluster-level. / Ph. D.
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New Dilemma Zone Mitigation StrategiesZaheriSarabi, Donia 22 March 2016 (has links)
Drivers' mistakes in making immediate decision facing yellow signal interval to stop or go through the intersection is one of main factors contributing to intersection's safety. Incorrect decision might lead to a red light running and a right-angle Collison when passing through the intersection or a rear-end collision when failing to stop safely.Improperly timed traffic signal intervals result in the inability of the drivers to make the right decision and can place them in the dilemma zone. Advance warning systems (AWS) have been used to provide information about the downstream traffic signal change prior to approaching the intersection. On the other hand, advance warning systems increase drivers approach speed according to the literature. However, effect of AWS on dilemma zone has not been studied before. The goal of this thesis is to minimize the number of vehicles caught in dilemma zone by determining more precise boundaries for dilemma zone and to reduce the number of red light violations by predicting the red light runners before arriving to the intersection. Here, dilemma zone boundaries at the presence of AWS has been reexamined with the aid of a large dataset (more than 1870 hours of data for two different intersections). Upper dilemma zone boundaries found to be higher for the intersections with AWS. This is due to vehicles' increasing the speed at the flashing yellow sings to escape the dilemma zone.Moreover, an algorithm for predicting red light runners and distinguishing them from right turners is presented. / Master of Science
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Changes in Running Technique At Shod and Barefoot Running Condition : - An analysis of Muay Thai FightersSjöholm, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Background: everal studies mean that individuals accustomed to running barefoot and habitually barefoot individuals choose a fore foot or mid foot strike rather than a rear foot strike when running. This is partly to do with the proprioceptive feedback given from the soles of the feet. The common denominator of the barefoot runner and the Muay Thai fighter would be this proprioceptive feedback due to general bare foot training. A contributing factor to a non heal strike pattern could perhaps also be found in the sport specific movement pattern of Muay Thai where the athlete is trained to execute several actions from the fore foot. Aim: The first aim was to analyse differences in angles of the knee, ankle and foot at initial contact while running shod compared to barefoot in Muay Thai fighters accustomed to training barefoot. A second aim was to investigate if there was a difference in running technique regarding foot strike pattern when running shod compared to bare foot. The foot strike pattern is defined as heal strike, mid foot strike or forefoot strike. Method: Seventeen Muay Thai fighters (13 male 4 female) volunteered to participate in the test of the cross- sectional experimental study. The study took place at PT-Studion Halmstad. The participants performed 2x3minutes of running shod and barefoot respectively at a subjective speed equal to a 12 on the Borg scale. Both conditions were video recorded from a sagittal plane using an iPhone 6. The dominant leg defined as the non-weight bearing leg at the preferred boxing stance was analysed. Data was collected two-dimensionally of the angels of the knee, ankle and foot position to horizontal. Foot strike pattern was also determined. Landmarks were marked to ease the analysis. T-tests of paired samples were used to examine whether there were any differences between the angle of the knee, ankle and foot at barefoot and shod conditions. The significance level for this study was set to be statistically significant if p ≤ 0.05. Foot strike frequency distributions were compared between shod and barefoot runners using chi-square (X2) analysis. Result: A significant difference at the angle of the foot (p=0,034) at initial contact with the ground while running between shod (12 ± 9) and barefoot (17 ± 9) was found. No significant difference in the angle of the knee (p=0,076) or ankle (p=0,081) was found. Changes in foot strike pattern were observed. At shod condition 88% used a rear foot strike, 6% used a mid foot strike and 6% used a forefoot strike. At barefoot condition 41% used a rear foot strike, 0% used a mid foot strike and 59% a fore foot strike. Conclusion: This study shows that the there is a significant difference in foot strike pattern when running shod and barefoot which confirms previous studies. The test group have in common that they train Muay Thai although; their sport specific training doesn’t appear to in this case have any impact on the foot strike pattern. / Bakgrund: Flera studier menar att individer vana att springa barfota samt individer som lever barfota väljer en framfota insättning vid löpning snarare än en hälisättning. Detta har delvis att göra med den proprioceptiva återkopplingen från fotsulan. Den gemensamma nämnaren mellan barfotalöparen och Muay Thai atleten skulle kunna vara denna feedback beroende av barfotaträning. En bidragande faktor till en icke hälisättning skulle kunna förklaras av det idrottsspecifika rörelsemönstret i Muay Thai där flera moment utförs stående på den främre delen av foten. Syfte: Ett syfte var att analysera skillnader i knä, ankel och fotvinklar vid initial kontakt i löpsteget vid skodd och barfota löpning av i Muay Thai-fighters vana vid träning barfota. Ett andra syfte var att undersöka eventuella skillnader i fotisättning vid barfotalöpning samt löpning med skor. Fotisättning definieras som framfot, mellan fot eller bakre/häl-isättning. Metod: Sjutton (17) Muay Thai atleter (13manliga 4kvinnliga) ställde frivilligt upp att delta i tvärsnittsstudien. Studien ägde rum på PT-Studion Halmstad. Testpersoner utförde 2x3minuter av löpning med och utan skor vid en subjektiv hastighet lika med en 12 på Borg skalan. Båda förhållandena filmades i sagitalplan med iPhone 6. Det dominanta benet definierat som det icke viktbärande benet vid den föredragna boxningspositionen analyserades. Tvådimensionell analys av förändringar i fotisättning, vinklar i knäled, ankelled och fotens position till det horisontella samt fotisättning dokumenterades. Landmärken markerades för att underlätta analysen. T-test användes för att undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i vinkeln av knäled, fotled och ankel vid löpning med skor och barfota. Signifikansnivån för denna studie bestämdes vara statistiskt signifikant om p <0,05. Frekvensen av fotisättningen fördelning jämfördes via chi-square (X2) analys. Resultat: En signifikant skillnad (p=0,034) i fotvinkeln vid initial kontakt med marken under löpning med skor (12 ± 9) och barfota (17 ± 9) hittades, men inga signifikanta skillnader i knäets vinkel ((p=0,076) eller ankel (p=0,081) hittades. Med skor vald 88 % en hälisättning, 6 % en mittfotsisättning och 6 % en främre fotisättning. Vid löpning barfota valde 41 % en hälisättning, 0 % en mittfotsisättning och 59 % en främre fotisättning. Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i fotisättningen mellan löpning barfota och med skor vilket bekräftar tidigare studier. Testgruppen har gemensamt att de tränar thaiboxning, dock kan inte den sportspecifika träningen förklara det valda fotisättningsmönstret.
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Trénink a výkonnostní předpoklady dvou atletů juniorů / Training and abilities of two junior athletesDubský, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Objective: Training and abilities of two junior athletes Prepared by: Bc. Petr Dubský Supervisor: PaedDr. Jitka Vindušková, CSc. The aim of the work: The aim of the work was to determine the level of performance of selected members of the training group, namely two juniors. To analyze the structure and content of their training, their performance in selected tests, and performance development in their main disciplines. Methodology: The analysis of the competitive results from 2012 to 2017 was used to analyze the performance of the individual seasons. I also analyzed the training records, where general and special training indicators were evaluated and compared with the results of similar analyzes of other athletes. I will also analyze the three measurements we have completed with the whole training group. Conclusion: The result shows that the training load in selected athletes, either according to literature or in comparison with other athletes, is insufficient in both individuals. After evaluating testing, I concluded that the test types were wrongly selected. This work has confirmed the importance of keeping track of the training records. Keywords: athletics, juniors, general training indicators, special training indicators, annual training cycle, 800 m run, 1500 m run, 400 m hurdles run
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A multi-agent based system to promote collaboration among Namibian transport stakeholders in order to reduce empty runsFransman, Logan 03 July 2015 (has links)
The main aim of transport stakeholders has always been to transport freight efficiently, as this efficiency contributes to the growth and success of their business. A country like Namibia is no different as the efficiency of transport lies in the effective utilisation of carrier capacity in any direction. Due to the various types of freight, transport operators rarely have the capacity to cover all freight movement requests. This research put the empty runs experienced by most of the Namibian transporters at 33%. Empty runs could however be reduced through collaboration and sharing of capacity among transport stakeholders.
Multi-agent systems (MAS) are various individual computer agents that are configured independently to interact with other agents to achieve one goal. These systems have been explored as an approach to achieve collaboration among transporter stakeholders. Taking into consideration the characteristics and requirements of MAS, this research was able to conduct a feasibility of its implementation within Namibia. Concluding with an evaluation of available Multi-agent based systems that could achieve collaboration and reduce empty runs in the Namibian transport environment. / Information Science / M.Tech. (Information Technology)
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The effects of compression garments on the recovery of long distance runners after prolonged exerciseBindemann, Karen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSpor)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various types of post-exercise recovery strategies have become part of the modern athlete’s
daily routine. It is a well known that inadequate recovery will prolong the time it takes for the
runner’s body to adequately adapt between training sessions and competitions. Anecdotal
claims have been made about compression garments as a beneficial method to assist recovery
after training sessions and competitions. Until now limited scientific research has addressed
the influence that compression garments have on the recovery process after sporting activities.
The benefits of compression garments, as a possible recovery modality, are that it is costeffective,
practical and easily obtainable.
This study endeavored to investigate the possible influence that compression garments may
have on middle-aged long distance runners’ recovery rate after a prolonged run. This is the
first study that has focused on compression garments as a post-exercise recovery modality for
experienced middle-aged long distance runners. The other unique aspect of this study is the
prolonged two-hour treadmill protocol that was used to induce muscle soreness.
In addressing the aims, a randomized, crossover study design was used to investigate the
possible benefits that the high pressure (CCL II 23-32 mmHg (mercury millimeter)) graduated
compression garments may bring about. Seven competitive male long distance runners
(height: 176.0 ± 8.6 cm; body mass: 92.5 ± 11.8 kg; VO2max: 45.7 ± 5.0 mL.kg-1.min-1)
between the ages of 36 to 51 years volunteered for the study. The runners had to complete a
two-hour treadmill run at 70 % of their predetermined maximum aerobic capacity, followed
by a monitored 72-hour recovery period. The first part of the prolonged run was a 90–minute
variant gradient run, followed by a 30-minute downhill run. Each subject acted as his own
control and visited the Stellenbosch University’s Sport Physiology Laboratory (South Africa)
on two occasions, separated by 7 to 28 days. One test was done with a compression garment
(23 to 32 mmHg) and the other without.
Testing included the measurement of lower limb circumferences (ankle, calf, mid- and
proximal thigh), plasma lactate, lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase concentrations and
the completion of subjective questionnaires on perceived muscle soreness (visual analog scale
(VAS)). The lower extremities’ functional ability was determined with a time to exhaustion
(TTE) step test, a vertical jump test (VJ) and modified sit-and-reach flexibility test. Preexercise
measurements were taken and immediately after and during the 72 hour after the treadmill run and repeated for the second bout.
The main outcomes of this study showed that the two-hour treadmill run induced delayed
onset of muscle soreness, with and without the compression garment. Evidence of this was a
significant rise in plasma creatine kinase (CKp) over the duration of both trials (P < 0.05). The
compression garment significantly reduced swelling in the calf muscle (41.0 ± 0.2 vs. 41.5 ±
0.5 mm; P < 0.002). Runners showed a lower perceived muscular pain and discomfort while
performing functional knee movements at 24 and 48-hours after the two-hour run with the
compression garment (1.2 ± 1.6 vs. 3.8 ± 2.4 cm and 0.9 ± 1.8 vs. 3.0 ± 2.6 cm on VAS,
respectively; P < 0.05). Significant differences in perceived muscle soreness between the
WCG and WOCG trials were observed at 24-hours after the run during rest (0.1 ± 0.2 vs. 0.4
± 0.8 cm; P = 0.02) and with stretching (1.9 ± 1.2 vs. 3.5 ± 2.5 cm on VAS P = 0.02). The
perceived pain associated with pressure was significantly lower with the compression garment
at 24 (307 %) and 48-hours (237 %) after the run (P < 0.05).
Blood lactate levels were reduced during the acute phase of recovery at 10 (1.8 ± 0.5 vs. 2.2 ±
0.9 mmol.L-1; P = 0.05) and 30 minutes (1.8 ± 0.5 vs. 2.4 ± 0.4 mmol.L-1; P = 0.01) after the
run, as well as plasma creatine kinase concentrations were statistically significantly lower at
24-hours (238.3 ± 81.3 vs. 413.3 ± 250.8 units.L-1; P = 0.005) after exercise with the
compression garment. The two-hour treadmill run and the compression garment had no
significant influence on the runners’ lower limb strength, power, endurance or flexibility (P >
Compression garments demonstrated the potential to enhance recovery after prolonged
strenuous exercise in well trained middle-aged runners. In addition, runners did not
experience additional fatigue from the moderate to high pressure garments. The effect of
higher pressure compression garments on athletic performance and the psychological
influence of the garment need further investigation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskillende tipes naoefening herstelstrategië, vorm deel van die moderne atleet se daaglikse
routine. Dit is wel bekend dat onvoldoende herstel sal beteken dat die atleet se liggaam langer
sal neen om aan te pas tussen inoefen sessies en kompetisies. Sekere bewerings word al
gemaak omtrent die voordeligheid van kompressiesokkies tydens die herstelperiode na
oefening sessies en kompetisies. Tot nou toe was daar beperkte wetenskaplike navorsing oor
die invloed van kompressie sokkies of die herstel proses van sport aktiwiteite. Die voordeel
van kompressie sokkies as ‘n moontlike herstelmetode, is dat dit koste-effektief, prakties en
maklik verkrybaar is.
Hierdie studie poog om ‘n ondersoek in te stel na die moontlike invloed wat kompressie
sokkies op middeljarige lang-aftstandatlete se herstelperiode sal hê na ‘n verlengde
hardloopsessie. Hierdie is die eerste studie wat konsentreer op kompressie sokkies as ‘n
naoefenings hersteltegniek vir ervare middeljarige lang-afstandatlete. Die ander unieke aspek
van die ondersoek is die langdurige tweeuur trapmeul protokol wat gebruik word om spierpyn
te veroorsaak.
Om die doel te bereik, is ’n lukrake oorkruis studie gebruik om ondersoek in te stel na die
moontlike voordele van die hoë druk (CCL II 23-32 mmHg) kompressie sokkies. Hierdie
sokkies toon ’n progressiewe verhooging van druk vanaf die enkle tot onder die knieskyf.
Sewe mededingende langafstand atlete (lengte : 176.0 ± 8.6 cm; liggaams massa: 92.5 ± 11.8
kg; VO2maks: 45.7 ± 5.0 mL.kg-1.min-1) tussen die ouderdomme van 36 en 51 jaar, het aan die
studie deel geneem. Die wedlopers moes ‘n twee-uur lange trapmeul toets voltooi, teen 70%
van hul vooraf bepaalde maksimum aerobiese kapasiteit. Dit is gevolg deur ‘n gemonitorde
72-uur herstel periode. Die eerste deel van die twee-uur hardloop sessie was ‘n 90-minuut
afwisselende opdraende en afdraende hardloop stel, wat gevolg is deur a 30-minuut afdraande
deel. Elke deelnemer was sy eie kontrole en het op twee geleenthede die Stellenbosch
Universiteit se Sport Fisiologiese Laboratorium (Suid Afrika) besoek. Die twee besoeke is
tussen 7 en 28 dae geskei. Een toets is met kompressie sokkies gedoen (23 – 32 mmHg) en
die ander sonder.
Die toetse het die volgende behels: laer been omtrekke (enkel, kuit, middel- and bo dy), die
versameling en ontleding van bloed monsters vir plasma laktaat, laktaat dehydrogenase and
kreatine kinase konsentrasies en die voltooing van subjektiewe vraelyste oor die graad van spierpyn ervaaring (“visual analog scale” (VAS)). Die onderlyf funksionele vermoëns is
bepaal met ’n tyd tot uitputtings traptoets, ‘n vertikale sprong toets en ‘n gewysige sit-en-strek
soepelheids toets. Data is voor die oefeninge in gevorder asook direk daarna, en gedurende
die 72 uur na die trapmeul draf. Die metings vir die tweede sessie is herhaal.
Die hoof uitkomste van die studie het gewys dat die twee-uur trapmeulsessie het spierpyn
veroorsaak, met en sonder die kompressie sokkies. Die bewys hiervan was ‘n betekensvolle
toename in plasma kreatien kinase (CKp) oor die tydperk van albei oefening toetse (P<0.05).
Die kompressie sokkies het die swelling in die kuitspiere verminder, in vergelyking met die
toetse sonder kompressie sokkies (41.0 ± 0.2 vs. 41.5 ± 0.5 mm; P < 0.002).
Wedlopers met die kompressie sokkies het minder spierseerheid en ongerief aangeteken toe
hulle knie beweegings gedoen het op 24 en 48-uur na die twee-ure trapmeul toets (1.2 ± 1.6
vs. 3.8 ± 2.4 cm op VAS en 0.9 ± 1.8 vs. 3.0 ± 2.6 cm op VAS, onderskeidelik; P < 0.05).
Betekenisvolle verskille is waargeneem tussen die toetse met en sonder kompressie sokkies,
op 24-uur na die twee-ure toets gedurende rus (0.1 ± 0.2 vs. 0.4 ± 0.8 cm op VAS; P = 0.02)
en met strek oefeninge (1.9 ± 1.2 vs. 3.5 ± 2.5 cm op VAS P = 0.02). Die pyn wat ervaar was
met drukking, was betekenisvol minder met die kompressie sokkies op 24 (307 %) en 48-uur
(237 %) na die trapmeul sessie (P < 0.05). Bloed laktaat konsentrasie in die sirkulasie was
verlaag gedurende die akute fase van die herstelings periode op 10 (1.8 ± 0.5 vs. 2.2 ± 0.9
mmol.L-1; P = 0.05) en 30 minute (1.8 ± 0.5 vs. 2.4 ± 0.4 mmol.L-1; P = 0.01) na die hardloop
sessie, sowel as die plasma kreatine kinase konsentrasie was statisties betekenisvol laer by 24
uur (238.3 ± 81.3 vs 413.3 ± 250.8 eenhede L-1; P = 0.005) na die hardloop sessie met die
kompressie sokkies. Die twee-ure trapmeul toets en die kompressie sokkies het geen
betekenisvolle invloed gehad op die wedlopers se onderlyf ledemate se plofkrag,
uithouvermoë of soepelheid (P > 0.05) nie.
Kompressie sokkies het gewys dat dit potensiaal het om met herstel te help na lang en harde
oefening in geoefende middeljarige atlete. Nietemin is daar verdere wetenskaplike navorsing
nodig om dit te bevestig. Wedlopers het nie addisionele vermoeienis van die drukking van
kompressie sokkies ervaar nie. Sterker drukkende kompressie sokkies sowel as die
sielkundige invloed van die sokkies benodig verdere navorsing.spierpyn ervaaring (“visual analog scale” (VAS)). Die onderlyf funksionele vermoëns is
bepaal met ’n tyd tot uitputtings traptoets, ‘n vertikale sprong toets en ‘n gewysige sit-en-strek
soepelheids toets. Data is voor die oefeninge in gevorder asook direk daarna, en gedurende
die 72 uur na die trapmeul draf. Die metings vir die tweede sessie is herhaal.
Die hoof uitkomste van die studie het gewys dat die twee-uur trapmeulsessie het spierpyn
veroorsaak, met en sonder die kompressie sokkies. Die bewys hiervan was ‘n betekensvolle
toename in plasma kreatien kinase (CKp) oor die tydperk van albei oefening toetse (P<0.05).
Die kompressie sokkies het die swelling in die kuitspiere verminder, in vergelyking met die
toetse sonder kompressie sokkies (41.0 ± 0.2 vs. 41.5 ± 0.5 mm; P < 0.002).
Wedlopers met die kompressie sokkies het minder spierseerheid en ongerief aangeteken toe
hulle knie beweegings gedoen het op 24 en 48-uur na die twee-ure trapmeul toets (1.2 ± 1.6
vs. 3.8 ± 2.4 cm op VAS en 0.9 ± 1.8 vs. 3.0 ± 2.6 cm op VAS, onderskeidelik; P < 0.05).
Betekenisvolle verskille is waargeneem tussen die toetse met en sonder kompressie sokkies,
op 24-uur na die twee-ure toets gedurende rus (0.1 ± 0.2 vs. 0.4 ± 0.8 cm op VAS; P = 0.02)
en met strek oefeninge (1.9 ± 1.2 vs. 3.5 ± 2.5 cm op VAS P = 0.02). Die pyn wat ervaar was
met drukking, was betekenisvol minder met die kompressie sokkies op 24 (307 %) en 48-uur
(237 %) na die trapmeul sessie (P < 0.05). Bloed laktaat konsentrasie in die sirkulasie was
verlaag gedurende die akute fase van die herstelings periode op 10 (1.8 ± 0.5 vs. 2.2 ± 0.9
mmol.L-1; P = 0.05) en 30 minute (1.8 ± 0.5 vs. 2.4 ± 0.4 mmol.L-1; P = 0.01) na die hardloop
sessie, sowel as die plasma kreatine kinase konsentrasie was statisties betekenisvol laer by 24
uur (238.3 ± 81.3 vs 413.3 ± 250.8 eenhede L-1; P = 0.005) na die hardloop sessie met die
kompressie sokkies. Die twee-ure trapmeul toets en die kompressie sokkies het geen
betekenisvolle invloed gehad op die wedlopers se onderlyf ledemate se plofkrag,
uithouvermoë of soepelheid (P > 0.05) nie.
Kompressie sokkies het gewys dat dit potensiaal het om met herstel te help na lang en harde
oefening in geoefende middeljarige atlete. Nietemin is daar verdere wetenskaplike navorsing
nodig om dit te bevestig. Wedlopers het nie addisionele vermoeienis van die drukking van
kompressie sokkies ervaar nie. Sterker drukkende kompressie sokkies sowel as die
sielkundige invloed van die sokkies benodig verdere navorsing.
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The effect of minimalist shoe training on lower limb kinematics and kinetics in experienced shod runnersSchutte, Kurt Heinrich 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Limited data exists on a transition process of minimalist shoe running, warranting longitudinally designed studies. The primary aim of this study was thus to determine whether lower limb kinematics can be adapted, whether vertical average loading rate (VALR) can be attenuated, and whether lower limb joint moments can be altered by either novice or short-term (seven-week) minimalist shoe training.
Ten experimental (EXP) habitually shod male endurance runners (age 24.10 ± 1.74; weekly training mileage 29.36 ± 8.51 km; BMI: 22.83 ± 8.55 kg/m2) volunteered to participate in a seven-week minimalist shoe transition programme. Eleven age and training matched control participants (CONT) (age 24.00 ± 2.18; weekly training mileage 24.90 ± 3.30 km; BMI: 23.78 ± 6.12) continued to run in their usual running shoes during the intervention period. All participants were provided with a pair of Vibram Fivefingers ® (VF). The VF intervention started at ~ 11% to 22% and ended at ~ 52% to 132% of the participants‘ usual shod training distance, determined by subjective lower limb comfort ratings. Lower limb biomechanics for barefoot: BF, minimalist: VF, and shod: SH were recorded with an eight-camera Vicon ® motion capture system, synchronized with a Bertec ® force plate, both prior to and after the transition programme. Twelve running trials at self-selected speeds were recorded bilaterally for each shoe condition. An inverse dynamic approach was used to calculate lower extremity joint moments. Primary parameters of interest were kinematic: step frequency (steps/min), step length (m), footstrike angles (FSA, degrees), strike index (SI,%); average vertical loading rate (VALR, BW/S) and sagittal and frontal plane peak joint moments (Nm/kg.m) of the ankle, knee and hip.
At pre-testing, the results showed that for VALR, VF running was significantly higher than SH running but significantly lower than BF running (P < 0.05). Statistically significant shorter step lengths, higher step frequencies, greater plantar-flexion FSA, higher strike index, greater knee flexion FSA, and greater ankle inversion FSA were seen in BF and VF conditions compared to SH (P < 0.05). Statistically higher plantarflexion moment peak (PFM) while lower ankle dorsiflexion moment peak (DFM) and knee abduction moment peak (KAM) was found while BF and VF than SH running.
The only statistically significant effect of the VF training intervention on kinematics was that of higher step frequency for the SH condition (P < 0.05), and greater inversion FSA in the BF condition. A trend was seen for the EXP group to increase VALR (P > 0.05). Ankle PFM peak significantly increased, while knee extensor moment peak (KEM) peak significantly decreased for the EXP group only (P < 0.05).
Contrary to the initial hypothesis, novice or short-term VF training did not result in significantly attenuated VALR. However, alterations in joint moments suggest a shift in the distribution of external loads due to the VF training. Insufficient kinematic adaptation with VF training could be attributed to inability to sense higher VALR or due to greater perceived ratings of calf-Achilles discomfort, and may indicate that more than seven-weeks are required to transition and adapt to VF running. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beperkte data is beskikbaar oor die oorgangs fase van hardloop met minimalistiese skoene, langtermyn studies is dus nodig. Die primêre doel van die studie is om te bepaal of gemiddelde vertikale ladingstempo (VALR) verminder kan word en onderste-ledemaat gewrigsmomente aangepas kan word deur ‗n korttermyn oefenprogram in minimalistiese skoene.
Tien experimentaal (EXP) manlike uithouvermoë hardlopers (ouderdom 24.10 ± 1.74; weeklikse oefen afstand 29.36 ± 8.51; BMI: 22.83 ± 8.55) wat gewoonlik in skoene hardloop het vrywillig ingestem om aan die sewe week minimalistiese-skoen oorgangsprogram deel te neem. Elf kontrole deelnemers wat gepas is volgens ouderdom en oefening, (ouderdom 24.00 ± 2.18; weeklikse oefening 24.90 ± 3.30 km; BMI: 23.78 ± 6.12 kg/m2) het in hulle gewone oefenskoene bly hardloop. Alle deelnemers het ‗n paar Vibram Fivefingers ®-skoene ontvang. Die VF intervensie het begin met ~ 11% tot 22% en geeinde met ~ 52% tot 132% van die deelnemers gewone afstande in SH. Biomeganiese aspekte van die onderste ledemate vir kaalvoet: BF, minimalisties: VF, en skoene: SH is deur middel van ‗n agt-kamera Vicon ® bewegingsisteem gesinkroniseer met ‗n Bertec ® kragplatform, voor en na die oorgangsprogram bepaal. Twaalf hardloop-pogings teen ‘n self-bepaalde spoed is bilateraal vir elke skoenkondisie gemeet. ‗n Omgekeerde dinamiese benadering is gebruik om die gewrigsmomente van die onderste ledemate te bepaal. Die primêre parameters van belang was kinematies: treefrekwensie, treelengte, voettrefhoeke (FSA), tree-indeks (SI); gemiddelde vertikale ladingstempo (VALR), en sagittale en frontale vlak piek gewrigsmomente van die enkel, knie en heup.
By voor-toetsing, die resultate toon aan dat vir VALR, VF-hardloop betekenisvol hoër was in vergelyking met SH-hardloop, maar betekenisvol laer was in vergelyking met BF-hardloop (P < 0.05). Statisties beduidende korter tree, hoër treefrekwnesie, meer plantaarfleksie FSA, hoer ―strike index‖, meer kniefleksie FSA, en meer enkel inversie FSA is gevind in die BF en VF kondisie in vergelyking met SH (P < 0.05). Statistiese betekenisvol hoër plantaarfleksiemoment pieke (PFM), en minder enkel dorsiefleksiemoment pieke (DFM) en knie abduksiemoment pieke (KAD) was gevind by BF- en VF- hardloop in vergelyking met SH-hardloop (P < 0.05)
Die enigste statistiese betekenisvolle verskil in die kinematika van die VF intervensie was ‗n hoër tree frekwensie vir die SH kondisie (P < 0.05), en groter enkel inversie FSA in die BF kondisie. Die EXP groep neig om ‗n verhoging in VALR te hê (P > 0.05). ‗n Aansienlike verhoging is gevind in piek enkel PFM, terwyl piek knie KEM statisties wesenlik verlaag het in die EXP groep (P < 0.05).
In teenstelling met die oorspronklike hipotese het onmiddellike en 'n korttermyn VF oefenprogram nie 'n bekenisvolle effek op VALR vermindering nie. Sommige veranderings in gewrigsmomente suggereer dat 'n verplasing in die verspreiding van eksterne ladings plaasvind as gevolg van die VF oefening. Die onvoldoende kinematiese aanpassing kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die onvermoë om hoër VALR waar te neem, of as gevolg van die hoër waargenome lesings in kuit-Achilles ongemak. Dit kan aandui da 'n VF oorgang proses van meer as sewe weke vereis word om aan te pas aan.
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19世紀英格蘭公學校跑步運動的發展 / The Development of Running and the Great Public Schools in 19th Century England程奕嘉, Cheng, I Chia Unknown Date (has links)
19世紀英格蘭社會,對於運動史研究來說是很重要的時期。本研究將從19世紀的英格蘭談起,藉由公學校在運動發展中的影響力,來討論與理解跑步運動在19世紀公學校內的發展脈絡以及現代化的過程為何?19世紀在有能力就讀公學校,還有劍橋、牛津大學等中上階級們的影響之下,促使了「現代運動」的形成。同時,這些在運動發展上握有權力的中上階級們,在運動發展的過程中,塑造出了「業餘精神」,藉此來強調運動的高尚和階級的優越性。本文將從19世紀初期討論到西元1908年倫敦奧運。從公學校早期具有娛樂和暴力性質的跑步運動談起,在19世紀中歷經校長改革和學生們投入後,跑步運動中娛樂與暴力性質越來越少,加入更多工業革命發展下所帶來的現代元素。19世紀後半葉,公學校內跑步運動發展逐漸成熟,討論規則制定的情況漸少,描述比賽舉辦情況漸多。在公學校外,許多田徑俱樂部和越野賽跑俱樂部在公學校或是大學校友們的支持下成立。1880年業餘田徑協會成立,統一各地俱樂部和規則紛亂的局面,負責掌管英格蘭地區有關田徑運動的一切事宜,這也是公學校內討論跑步運動規則情況減少的原因。1908年倫敦在畢業於公學校校友的牽線下舉辦奧運,並與美國在跑步賽場上因為「業餘精神」和規則發生了些紛爭。至此,我們可以看出19世紀英格蘭公學校跑步運動的發展狀況,以及了解公學校跑步運動發展與現代運動出現間,部份的互動關係和影響。 / The nineteenth cenry is an essential age for Sport history, especially in England. This research attempts to comprehend the revolutionary transformation of British sporting culture by studying running. During the Victorian era, running, as a sport category, includes hare and hounds, cross-country running, handicap, steeplechase and track events which is a little bit different from the modern Athletics. The research focuses on the public schools’ students, their relationship with athleticism, running sport and the society in the nineteenth-century England.
As its main concern is the role of the public schools played in the the transformation of British sporting culture, the dissertation begins with the education system of the public schools and the running in the old times . Then, it turns to the transformation of athleticism and the renovation of running in the public schools by discussing what, why and how it happened? The third chapter moves to the modern running games held in the public schools, and the interaction between the public schools and the amateur clubs. The Amateur Athletic Association, established in 1880, played an important role in the history of running sports and had significant effects on Amateurism. Finally, the dissertation concludes with the 1908 London Summer Olympic to see the spread of public schools’ amateurism.
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Choosing to run : a history of gender and athletics in Kenya, c. 1940s - 1980sSikes, Michelle Marie January 2014 (has links)
Choosing to Run: A History of Athletics and Gender in Kenya, c. 1940s – 1980s explores the history of gender and athletics in Kenya, with focus on the Rift Valley Province, from the onset of late colonial rule in the 1940s through the professionalisation of the sport during the last decades of the twentieth century. The first two empirical chapters provide a history of athletics during the colonial period. The first highlights the continuity of ideas about sport and masculinity that were developed in nineteenth century Britain and were subsequently perpetuated by the men in charge of colonial sport in Kenya. The next chapter considers how pre-colonial divisions of labour and power within Rift Valley communities informed local peoples' cultures of running. The absence of women’s running was not only the result of sexism translated from the British metropole to its Kenyan colony but also of pre-existing divisions of responsibilities of indigenous Kenyan men and women into separate, gendered domains. The second half of the thesis considers the impact of social change within women’s athletics internationally and of marriage, childbirth and education locally on female runners in the Rift Valley during the post-colonial period. Most women abandoned athletics once they reached maturity. Those who sought to do otherwise, as the final chapter argues, found that they could only do so by replicating the prototype of masculine runners that had already been established. Later, after the professionalisation of running allowed women to become wealthy, female patrons took this a step further by providing resources to those in their community in need, setting themselves up as 'Big (Wo)men'. This thesis uses athletics to reveal how gender relations and gender norms have evolved and the benefits and challenges that the sport has brought both to individual Kenyan women and their communities.
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