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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uncharted Territory: The Professional, Gendered Experiences of Female Rural Superintendents in the Twenty-First Century

O'Keeffe, Erica Lynn Mitchell 27 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Jordan, Teresa Lynn 27 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Adolescents' experiences and coping strategies with parental substance addiction within a rural farming community : a social work perspective

Marinus, Denise Ronelle 02 1900 (has links)
The abuse of and addiction to substances by parents of adolescents, especially in rural areas, is recognised as a major national and international social concern. South African legislation and policy documents provide a framework that emphasises the need to protect and care for children of addicted parents. Literature and recent studies, however, do not focus on how adolescents in rural communities experience dealing with an addicted parent. For this reason, this research study explored and described the experiences and coping strategies of adolescents in rural communities regarding the parents’ addiction. The study was based on a qualitative research approach and made use of the contextual, explorative, descriptive and narrative research designs. The findings illustrate the descriptions of participants’ perceptions and experiences related to living in a farming community, the nature of parental substance addiction, how it affects them, how they deal with it and their perceptions of support needed by them. Recommendations in terms of the micro, mezzo and macro levels serves as guidelines for social workers to assist adolescents of substance-addicted parents with the needed support, protection and care. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

Continuity and change after apartheid : a study of racial categories among white people in a rural area of the Western Cape

Walters, Handri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 1994 election seems to stand as a clear divide between past and present in South Africa. But while it was believed that this election would catapult South Africa into a promising new era of democracy and equality, it has become all too clear that the transition was unfortunately limited to the political sphere. Despite some progress being made in the economic sphere, we still have a visible correlation between race and class – a correlation that certainly stems from the apartheid era, signifying a definite continuity of an era long past. In the social sphere we have also struggled to achieve complete integration. We find that racial categories of old have remained an important part of the ‘new’ South Africa. While we were promised a non-racial country, government policies such as Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment have been a constant reminder of supposed racial differences – signifying another continuity of apartheid. While the post-apartheid period can be summarised as a period of change, we find that it can also be summarised by the continuities of the past. It was found that, specifically in my research area, a rural farmers’ community, the continuities of the past are visible in the everyday structures of society. For my research subjects, white Afrikaners, it was found that the 1994 election proved to be no ‘road to Damascus’ regarding beliefs about the racial other. I found that interracial social interaction is still governed by fixed racial boundaries that are rarely crossed and, if crossed, this is done so conditionally. These boundaries seemed to be reinforced by the active socialisation of a community. While many argue that the post-apartheid period has brought on an identity crisis for white Afrikaners, I found that my research subjects have failed to encounter such a crisis, as they have held on to fixed racial boundaries in an attempt to preserve and protect their identity. We find ourselves in a time where we are urged to move beyond our apartheid past, yet many are unable to do so. But the question remains: given our past, should this come as a surprise to anyone? / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verkiesing van 1994 staan as ‘n duidelike skeiding tussen die verlede en die hede in Suid-Afrika. Maar al is daar geglo dat hierdie verkiesing Suid-Afrika in ‘n belowende nuwe era van demokrasie en gelykheid sou inskiet, het dit al hoe meer duidelik geraak dat die oorgang ongelukkig tot die politieke sfeer beperk was. Ten spyte van vordering in die ekonomiese sfeer, vind ons nog steeds dat daar ‘n sigbare ooreenkoms tussen ras en klas is – ‘n ooreenkoms wat seer seker geërf is vanaf apartheid en dui op ‘n definitiewe voortsetting van ‘n era wat lankal verby is. In die sosiale sfeer sukkel ons ook om volkome integrasie te bereik. Ons vind dat die rasse-kategorieë van ouds steeds ‘n belangrike deel van die ‘nuwe’ Suid Afrika bly. Hoewel ‘n nie-rassige land belowe is, dien regeringsbeleide soos Regstellende Aksie en Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging as ‘n konstante herinnering aan sogenaamde rasseverskille – nog ‘n voortsetting van apartheid. Terwyl die post-apartheid tydperk opgesom kan word as ‘n tydperk van verandering, vind ons dat dit ook opgesom kan word deur voortsettings van die verlede. Veral in my navorsingsgebied, ‘n plattelandse boeregemeenskap, het ek gevind dat die voortsettings van die verlede sigbaar was in die alledaagse strukture van die samelewing. Vir my navorsingssubjekte, blanke Afrikaners, is dit gevind dat die 1994-verkiesing geensins gedien het as ‘n ‘pad na Damaskus’ in terme van oortuigings aangaande die ‘ander’ ras nie. Ek het gevind dat interrassige sosiale interaksie steeds regeer word deur gevestigde rasse grense wat selde oorgesteek word, en indien wel oorgesteek, word dit voorwaardelike gedoen. Dit wil voorkom of hierdie grense versterk word deur die aktiewe sosialisering van die gemeenskap. Terwyl baie outeurs argumenteer dat die post-apartheidtydperk ‘n identiteitskrisis vir blanke Afrikaners tot gevolg gehad het, het ek gevind dat my navorsingssubjekte nie so ‘n krisis ervaar het nie omdat hulle vasklou aan gevestigde rassegrense in ‘n poging om hul identiteit te bewaar en beskerm. Ons vind onsself in ‘n tyd waar ons aangespoor word om verby ons apartheid verlede te beweeg, maar steeds is baie mense nie in staat om dit te doen nie. Die vraag bly staan: gegewe ons verlede, kom dit vir enigiemand as ‘n verrassing?

Adolescents' experiences and coping strategies with parental substance addiction within a rural farming community : a social work perspective

Marinus, Denise Ronelle 02 1900 (has links)
The abuse of and addiction to substances by parents of adolescents, especially in rural areas, is recognised as a major national and international social concern. South African legislation and policy documents provide a framework that emphasises the need to protect and care for children of addicted parents. Literature and recent studies, however, do not focus on how adolescents in rural communities experience dealing with an addicted parent. For this reason, this research study explored and described the experiences and coping strategies of adolescents in rural communities regarding the parents’ addiction. The study was based on a qualitative research approach and made use of the contextual, explorative, descriptive and narrative research designs. The findings illustrate the descriptions of participants’ perceptions and experiences related to living in a farming community, the nature of parental substance addiction, how it affects them, how they deal with it and their perceptions of support needed by them. Recommendations in terms of the micro, mezzo and macro levels serves as guidelines for social workers to assist adolescents of substance-addicted parents with the needed support, protection and care. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

Exploring how internal saving and lending (ISAL) services assist households affected by HIV and AIDS to sustain livelihoods : case of households in a rural area of Zimbabwe

Hamadziripi, Alfred 15 December 2019 (has links)
The study was an exploration of how internal savings and lending (ISAL) influenced the way in which persons affected by HIV and AIDS earned and spent income. The researcher engaged with the life stories of participants belonging to HIV and AIDS support groups that practised ISAL in rural Bikita district in Zimbabwe. The negative changes brought about by HIV and AIDS were found to influence the way participants generated and spent their income. The initial illness of family members reduced the participation in productive activities of the ill and family members providing care. Compounding effects included reduced attention to and increasing abandonment of productive activities, reduction in the scale of production, the use of inappropriate inputs, forced disposal of assets, increased household debts, reliance on social networks, and dependence on begging and piecework for income. The low productivity from activities meant that households generated less produce and income. This triggered changes in the prioritisation of spending, with healthcare and associated transportation needs superseding all, followed by spending on food. Expenses that were not prioritised during the period of illness included the purchase of improved agricultural inputs, spending on education and clothing and, in some cases, food purchases. In the findings, ISAL is associated with restoring past and starting up new productive and income-generating activities. Regular access to loans allowed storytellers to invest in activities that improved the levels and frequency of income that they earned. Loans were used to directly cover daily family needs, reducing reliance on risky coping mechanisms. Lump sum payments and bulk grocery purchases helped storytellers to invest and manage their cashflow. Overall, households that practised ISAL improved and increased their incomes and ability to spend on healthcare and satisfy other daily needs to levels similar to and better than those experienced before they had to cope with the effects of HIV and AIDS. Recommendations from the study include enabling persons testing HIV positive to access social protection, adapted agriculture technologies and financial education tailored to those affected by HIV and AIDS. Areas for potential further research include a quantitative and qualitative analysis of income and expenditure changes for persons affected by HIV and AIDS and the effects on children of dropping out and being re-enrolled at school. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology) (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV and AIDS)) / 1 online resource (ix, 153 pages)

Alguns aspectos do regime juridico da posse e do direito de uso e Aproveitamento da Terra e so conflitos emergentes em Mocambique

Alfredo, Benjamin 06 1900 (has links)
Southern Africa is experiencing land conflicts themselves in very different ways between state and stakeholders, within and between communities, within families, and specially within singular persons. The conflict of interests in the right to land in southern Africa with particular reference to Mozambique becoming a major issue and evidence conflicts at various levels of society and some of them are quite destructive. The present thesis seeks to address some juridical aspects on access, tenure and land use rights. Land problems have clear roots in the dispossession of Africans under colonialism and apartheid, and the powerful legacy this has left both in terms of outright suffering and also in the historical memory. Land issues are probably the most contentious topic in Mozambique since the independence in 1975. In Southern Africa and Mozambique in particular, one of the most profound causes of such struggles has related to the tenure, the ownership and control of land. In fact the right to land is the major issue in many societies and in Mozambique the unlimited interest in land are quite similar, due the fact that majority of people are peasant or agriculturists. Land is therefore a very strategic socio-economic asset, particularly in poor societies like Mozambique where wealth and survival are measured by control of and access to land. However, land is also a state symbol and source of political influence and power. The Law in Mozambique retains the principle that land is the property of the state and cannot be sold or mortgaged, but it attempts to adjust this legacy from the socialist past to the reality of a market economy. Despite existing land law the government still not enable to control the access and right of use of land. The situation is compounded by a weak or non functioning judiciary system. / Os problemas sobre o direito de acesso, posse, propriedade, uso e aproveitamento da Terra, constituem matéria de debate actual a nível internacional, com realce para a região da Africa Austral e Moçambique em especial. É uma matéria que preocupa os governos e a população em geral, por a terra ser um bem de grande utilidade sócio-económica e política. Moçambique possui um regime jurídico sobre terra (lei nº-19/97 de 1 de Outubro, seu Regulamento e Anexo Técnico), no entanto, ela é lacunosa e carece de reforma afim de se adaptar à realidade dos problemas que se levantam no âmbito da posse, uso e aproveitamento e dos conflitos emergentes. Alguns factores do surgimento de conflitos no âmbito do processo da posse, uso e aproveitamento da terra resultam no entanto, da perda de confiança dos particulares em relação aos órgãos do aparelho do Estado que lidam com matérias sobre terras, devido a burocracia e a corrupção praticada por alguns funcionários. A terra em Moçambique é propriedade do Estado, o que implica uma maior responsabilidade por parte do governo, na sua gestão. O actual regime jurídico sobre a terra, carece de concertação de alguns aspectos fundamentais do ponto de vista legal. Trata-se da harmonização da legislação pertinente sobre terras. As leis promulgadas sobre a matéria embora defendem a necessidade de gestão da terra que beneficie os seus utilizadores, tal vontade, entretanto, não têm produzido efeitos satisfatórios. É, pois, neste contexto, que a presente tese cujo título é Alguns Aspectos do Regime Jurídico da posse e do Direito de uso e aproveitamento da terra e os conflitos emergentes em Mçambique, pretende contribuir na contínua abordagem sobre a problemática da posse da terra e dos conflitos emergentes. Bem gerida, a terra pode constituir um importante factor de paz, estabilidade sócio-política e de desenvolvimento económico. / Public Constitutional and International Law / Thesis (LL.D. )

Alguns aspectos do regime juridico da posse e do direito de uso e Aproveitamento da Terra e so conflitos emergentes em Mocambique

Alfredo, Benjamin 06 1900 (has links)
Southern Africa is experiencing land conflicts themselves in very different ways between state and stakeholders, within and between communities, within families, and specially within singular persons. The conflict of interests in the right to land in southern Africa with particular reference to Mozambique becoming a major issue and evidence conflicts at various levels of society and some of them are quite destructive. The present thesis seeks to address some juridical aspects on access, tenure and land use rights. Land problems have clear roots in the dispossession of Africans under colonialism and apartheid, and the powerful legacy this has left both in terms of outright suffering and also in the historical memory. Land issues are probably the most contentious topic in Mozambique since the independence in 1975. In Southern Africa and Mozambique in particular, one of the most profound causes of such struggles has related to the tenure, the ownership and control of land. In fact the right to land is the major issue in many societies and in Mozambique the unlimited interest in land are quite similar, due the fact that majority of people are peasant or agriculturists. Land is therefore a very strategic socio-economic asset, particularly in poor societies like Mozambique where wealth and survival are measured by control of and access to land. However, land is also a state symbol and source of political influence and power. The Law in Mozambique retains the principle that land is the property of the state and cannot be sold or mortgaged, but it attempts to adjust this legacy from the socialist past to the reality of a market economy. Despite existing land law the government still not enable to control the access and right of use of land. The situation is compounded by a weak or non functioning judiciary system. / Os problemas sobre o direito de acesso, posse, propriedade, uso e aproveitamento da Terra, constituem matéria de debate actual a nível internacional, com realce para a região da Africa Austral e Moçambique em especial. É uma matéria que preocupa os governos e a população em geral, por a terra ser um bem de grande utilidade sócio-económica e política. Moçambique possui um regime jurídico sobre terra (lei nº-19/97 de 1 de Outubro, seu Regulamento e Anexo Técnico), no entanto, ela é lacunosa e carece de reforma afim de se adaptar à realidade dos problemas que se levantam no âmbito da posse, uso e aproveitamento e dos conflitos emergentes. Alguns factores do surgimento de conflitos no âmbito do processo da posse, uso e aproveitamento da terra resultam no entanto, da perda de confiança dos particulares em relação aos órgãos do aparelho do Estado que lidam com matérias sobre terras, devido a burocracia e a corrupção praticada por alguns funcionários. A terra em Moçambique é propriedade do Estado, o que implica uma maior responsabilidade por parte do governo, na sua gestão. O actual regime jurídico sobre a terra, carece de concertação de alguns aspectos fundamentais do ponto de vista legal. Trata-se da harmonização da legislação pertinente sobre terras. As leis promulgadas sobre a matéria embora defendem a necessidade de gestão da terra que beneficie os seus utilizadores, tal vontade, entretanto, não têm produzido efeitos satisfatórios. É, pois, neste contexto, que a presente tese cujo título é Alguns Aspectos do Regime Jurídico da posse e do Direito de uso e aproveitamento da terra e os conflitos emergentes em Mçambique, pretende contribuir na contínua abordagem sobre a problemática da posse da terra e dos conflitos emergentes. Bem gerida, a terra pode constituir um importante factor de paz, estabilidade sócio-política e de desenvolvimento económico. / Public Constitutional and International Law / Thesis (LL.D. )

Factors Influencing Indiana Residents' Level of Interest in Engaging with Purdue University

Ashley E Rice (6615803) 15 May 2019 (has links)
The land-grant university system was founded in the 19th century as a public means to help improve people’s everyday lives. A century and a half later, the challenges that the public faces to live a quality life are constantly changing, creating a need for the land-grant system to respond and adapt to continue to fulfill its mission. While the literature contains a wealth of conceptual papers addressing the role and mission of land-grant universities, relatively few papers could be found that reported empirical data or proposed and tested metrics for public engagement constructs. The current study sought to address this void in the literature through the investigation of factors influencing Indiana residents’ level of interest in engaging with Purdue University. Mail survey methods were used in which up to three contacts were made with adult members of 4,500 Indiana households identified through address-based sampling. Stratified random sampling was employed to ensure adequate rural household participation for other project purposes. Usable responses were received from 1,003 households representing 87 Indiana counties for a total response rate of 26%. <br><div><br> </div><div> A theoretical perspective was developed from Public Sphere Theory and the social science writings of Jurgen Habermas and Alexis de Tocqueville. Descriptive findings revealed some to moderate concerns about community and social issues such as affordable health care, violent crime, pollution and prescription drug abuse. Moderate levels of anomie, or perceived social disconnectedness, were also reported by respondents. Several items tapped respondents’ past levels of interaction with and current perceptions of Purdue University. Nearly a fifth of respondents reported interacting with Purdue University by having visited a website for news or information, followed by interacting with a Purdue University Extension professional. Regarding perceptions of Purdue University, the results of this study revealed relative consensus among respondents that Purdue University makes a positive contribution to the state of Indiana through its educational, research and outreach programs. For a majority of the perceptual items regarding Purdue University, more than one-third of the respondents neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement, suggesting some areas in which the university might improve its reputational standing with Indiana residents in the future. Nearly one-quarter to about half of the respondents indicated interest in topical areas addressed by Purdue Extension programs as well as an interest in engaging with the university. Respondents reported the highest levels of interest in free Extension programs in their local area, followed by the topics of science and technology, health and well-being, and gardening.</div><div><br> </div><div> A predictive model of respondent interest in engaging with Purdue University was developed and tested using binary logistic regression procedures. The model was shown to be of modest utility in accounting for variance in respondent interest in engaging with Purdue University, explaining 12% to 16% of total variance. Past interaction with Purdue University, perceived level of concern for social and community issues, and highest level of education were the strongest predictors in the model.</div><div><br> </div><div> The current research was completed in 2019 as Purdue University celebrated its 150th anniversary. Results and implications of this study provide important insight into current engagement levels, concerns and perceptions of residents within the state of Indiana, whom the university is mandated to serve. One of the study’s primary contributions is the establishment of baseline engagement data on current levels of Indiana residents’ interest in engaging with Purdue University on selected topics. Findings from this study could be of benefit to university administrators, faculty, staff and Extension professionals in assessing and improving future programming and setting strategic priorities. This study also adds to the conceptual and empirical body of literature, which may help inform future public engagement efforts at other land-grant universities. Periodic social science and public opinion research is needed to keep pace with the changing needs and perceptions of Indiana residents. Different data collection modes should be utilized to reach more audience segments and add to the growing knowledge base of public engagement.</div>

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