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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekter vid användning av elektroniska arbetsinstruktioner

Sjörén, Petter January 2007 (has links)
<p>Näringsliv och offentlig sektor står inför ständiga utmaningar att förändra och effektivisera sin verksamhet. Idag ses information som en verklig produktionsfaktor och åtkomst till lämplig informationen ses som en nödvändighet för uppnå effektivitet och produktivitet i de individuella aktiviteterna (Oehlmann, Thoben & Weber, 1997). Med hjälp av elektroniska arbetsinstruktioner på produktionsgolvet har tillverkande industrier hittat en effektiv metod för att minska variationerna, öka kvaliteten, förbättra kommunikationen, minimera kostnaderna och snabbare få ut produkterna på marknaden, den s.k. Time-to-market (Coetzee, 2004).</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om Informationslogistik genom införandet av elektroniska arbetsinstruktioner kan påverka effektiviteten och kvaliteten i ett företag vilket använder sig av elektroniska arbetsinstruktioner.</p><p>En fallföretagsstudie har genomförts på HMS Industrial Networks AB, en världsledande leverantör av fältbuss-teknologi för automationsutrustning. De har utvecklat ett IT-system för att hantera elektroniska arbetsinstruktioner vilket de använder fullt ut i sin tillverkning.</p><p>Mer praktiskt har uppsatsens arbete handlat om att undersöka hur de anställda upplever att det påverkat deras effektivitet i det dagliga arbetet, såväl som kvaliteten i arbetet, informationen och på produkterna.</p><p>Intervjuer med användare från dokumentationsteamet och produktionsmedarbetarna har gjorts och resultatet visar att användandet av PRIS och elektroniska arbetsinstruktioner har gett en rad effekter i verksamheten, både för dem vilka administrerar och hanterar produktionsunderlagen såväl som för de berörda användarna på produktionsgolvet och i övriga delar i organisationen.</p><p>Resultatet visar att Informationslogistik i allra högsta grad kan påverka effektiviteten och kvaliteten i ett företag. Dokumentationsteamet kan arbeta parallellt i de olika produktionsunderlagen, det är enklare att lägga upp ett underlag och hantera uppdateringar, innehållet är spårbart och de kan återanvända allt innehåll i nya artiklar, samtidigt som informationen snabbt når ut på produktionsgolvet. För medarbetarna i produktionen har det inneburit att de nu kommer åt informationen snabbare, de kan ta egna och snabbare beslut, de känner sig mer självständiga, de har blivit mer effektiva samt att de nu har ett samlat ställe för all produktionsrelaterad information de behöver för att kunna utföra sitt jobb.</p><p>Likaså har kvaliteten i underlagen ökat och på produkterna ut till kund. De har också fått en en säker distribution och hantering av information samt en större kontroll på tillverk-ningsprocessen.</p> / <p>Industries and governments stand before constant challenges to change and make their business processes more efficient. Information is now considered an actual production factor, and the appropriate availability of information is seen as crucial for the efficiency and effectiveness of individual tasks (Oehlmann, Thoben & Weber, 1997). With help of electronic work instructions process manufacturers has discovered an effective method for reducing variability, increasing consistency, and bringing new products to the market significantly faster (Coetzee, 2004).</p><p>The main objective of this report is to examine if Information Logistics through the use of electronic work instructions can affect the efficiency and quality in a company that uses electronic work instructions.</p><p>A case study has been carried out at HMS Industrial Networks AB, a world-leading supplier of field bus technology for automation devices. They have developed a system that handles the electronic work instructions, which they use through out the production plant. The system is called Production Resource Infomanagment System (PRIS).</p><p>The work in this report has examine how the employees experience that PRIS has affected their efficiency on a daily basis, as well as the quality of their work, in the information and on the products.</p><p>Interviews with users from both the documentation team and the production team have been carried out and the result shows that the use of PRIS and electronic work instructions have had major impacts in the company, for those who administrates and handle the production sheets as well as for the users on the production floor and in other parts of the company.</p><p>The result shows that Information Logistics can affect efficiency and quality in a company. The documentation team can work parallel in different production sheets, it’s easier to create production sheets and work with updates in them, all of the content in a production sheet can be reused in other articles and the distribution of information to the users is instant. For the production team, the use of electronic work instructions has decreased their time for information retrieval, they can now make their own decisions and in a faster way than before, they feel more independent, their efficiency has increased and they now only have one place for all the production related information they need in order to perform their jobs.</p><p>The quality of the information in the production sheets have also increased, as well as the quality of the products sent to customers. They have also got a secure distribution and in-formation management and improved process control.</p>

以啟發式方法解決具迴流性質之彈性流程式排程問題 / Developing Heuristics for the Scheduling Problem With Recirculation on Flexible flow shop

陳俊吉, Chen, Chun Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的發展,使得全球環境變遷,競爭越來越激烈,企業必須面臨快速的需求變化,以及訂單履行時間縮短的問題,因此如何有效的利用生產規劃和現場排程來幫助企業達到較高的訂單達成率和即時反應現場產能一直是製造業努力的目標。 在排程的問題中,用派工法則來解決排程問題的工廠類型,主要集中在零工式生產系統及流程式生產系統,而進一步加入平行機器概念,即是彈性零工式生產及彈性流程式生產。而現在許多的服務業也都是屬於彈性流程式生產的模式,而且還具有迴流(recirculation)之性質,而之前使用在不具迴流性質之彈性流程式生產的派工法則,在具有迴流性質之彈性流程式生產中是否仍然可以表現良好,是值得探討的。然而更進一步在此具有迴流性質之彈性流程式生產中加入多工的性質,使工作可以被兩個或兩個以上的機器或操作人員進行處理,則運用哪個派工法則讓機器或操作人員選擇工作來進行處理,可以使得選定的目標值有良好的表現,是相當值得研究之問題。 / As information technology advances, whole world environmental trend and the competition is more and more intense. The enterprise must face faster demand changes and the problem of shorter order fulfillment. Therefore, how to apply efficient production planning and shop floor scheduling to attain a better order fulfillment and real time production of shop floor capacity is the goal enterprises strive toward. The shop floor scheduling problems using dispatching rules to solve are focus on job shop scheduling problems and flow shop scheduling problems. Moreover, those problems adding the concept of parallel machine will change into flexible job shop scheduling problems and flexible flow shop scheduling problems. Many service industries also belong to this type. In addition, those service industries’ processes also contain the important characteristic of recirculation. Now, there are two problems I would like to solve. First, Whether the dispatching rules which can get good results in flexible flow shop scheduling problems will also get good results in flexible flow shop scheduling problems with recirculation. Second, I add the characteristic of parallel machine into my problem, so it means jobs in the process can be operated by two or more workers. Therefore, which dispatching rule will get better results based on chosen achievement targets in the problem is very interesting to research.

在巴拿馬市設立珍珠奶茶舖 / Crea8tive Tea: a bubble tea shop in Panama

羅道基, Loo, Robert Unknown Date (has links)
Crea8tive Tea LLC is a startup business Panama, Panama City. The main objective of Crea8tive Tea is to serve the freshest Bubble Tea and desserts using the finest possible ingredients in the market by providing different flavors targeted towards the Asian and non-Asian Panamanian market. We will provide products that are natural and of high quality to cater the segment of the population that seeks a gastronomical journey. The Bubble Tea beverage & dessert industry is currently booming and there is an opportunity to leverage this moment and maximize our profits. Fortunately, Bubble Tea is not that known yet, especially for the non-Asian population. Most of the Bubble Tea Shops prepare their drinks with additives and non-natural ingredients that are harmful to our health and Crea8tive wants to target this market. An initial investment of $28,000 is required to start the business and our initial capital investment is of $50,000 funded by two business partners. Based on the financial section, starting from year 2 we will start to see our Return on Investment (ROI). It is important to keep in mind that there is still a risk that Bubble Tea might not be a drink that can be quickly accepted by the non-Asian segment because it is a niche market. On the other hand, our marketing know-how and assorted flavors targeted to the non-Asian Panamanians will be a solution to this challenge and become leaders in the industry.

Audit webových stránek internetových obchodů deskových her / Audit of the board game e-commerce web sites

Dvořák, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the audit of the board game e-commerce web sites. Nowa-days there is a great number of websites of varying quality, so it is necessary to choose between them. The development of the Internet shifted the emphasis from quantity to quality. With this fact comes the topic of auditing web sites. The first part of the thesis concerns with the theoretical bases of audit of web sites in various sections. The second part includes the representation of the mar-ket of board games and its target group. Based on the first theoretical part the evaluation criteria are created, which are used for the audit of seven selected web sides of board games. This audit is evaluated in the next chapter, which then leads into the conclusion of the work in the form of recommendations for changes in order to increase the competitiveness of each evaluated e-commerce.

Proposta de procedimento de redução de resíduos têxteis no setor de corte em empresas de venda direta / Proposal of a procedure to reduce textile waste in the Cutting Sector in direct selling companies

Faloppa, Mônica Araújo 19 October 2017 (has links)
A venda direta é caracterizada como sendo um sistema de comercialização de bens de consumo e serviços, na qual o contato pessoal entre vendedores e compradores é realizado fora de um estabelecimento comercial fixo. O Brasil ocupa a quarta posição no ranking da World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Japão e China. Em alguns casos, os pedidos provindos das chamadas consultoras de vendas, não são compatíveis com a rotina da confecção destinada à produção em larga escala, pois, alguns produtos são específicos para um tipo determinado de público-alvo e, por isso, não tem uma aceitação em massa. Para este tipo de produto deve-se ter uma atenção especial às características dos tecidos e a tecnologia utilizada, visando a diminuição da geração de resíduos têxteis. As sobras de tecidos quando descartados de forma inadequada aceleram a degradação do meio ambiente, além de desperdiçar tempo e recursos financeiros. O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar os métodos de trabalho em empresas do segmento de venda direta, a fim de propor, a partir do estudo de encaixe, quer seja, manual ou informatizado, a otimização e aproveitamento máximo da matéria-prima, resultando na redução de descarte de resíduos têxteis. A Metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, que constitui o procedimento básico para os estudos monográficos, e a pesquisa exploratória, pois não requer a formulação de hipóteses para serem testadas. Foi feito um estudo de caso e apresentada uma proposta de encaixe dos moldes para uma empresa que comercializa seus produtos através de venda direta e que possui altos índices de descarte de resíduos. A metodologia utilizada se mostrou viável para um estudo de encaixe eficiente com possibilidade de redução do desperdício e do custo do produto final para as empresas desse segmento / Direct selling is characterized by being a marketing system for consumer goods and services to which personal contact between sellers and buyers is carried out outside a fixed commercial establishment. Brazil occupies the fourth position in the ranking of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), behind only the United States, Japan and China. In some cases, requests from sales consultants are not compatible with routine manufacturing for large-scale production because some products are specific to a particular type of target audience and therefore do not have an acceptance in large scale. For this type of product should have special attention by using the characteristics of the tissue and oriented technology in reducing the generation of textile waste. Due to this, the objective of this research was to verify the working methods in companies of the direct sales segment, in order to propose, from the study of fit, be it, manual or computerized, in the chothing cutting sector, optimization and the maximum use of the raw material, reducing the waste of commonly generated textile waste, which collaborates every day to the degradation of the environment, in addition to wasting time and financial resources. The methodology used was the bibliographic research, which is the basic procedure for the monographic studies, and the exploratory research, since it does not require the formulation of hypotheses to be tested and, after the research, it was verified that the methodology used proved to be feasible for an efficient fit study and cost reduction for the companies in the segment

RFID in manufacturing

Ivantysynova, Lenka 16 July 2009 (has links)
In dieser Doktorarbeit wird untersucht, wie Radiofrequenz-Identifizierung (RFID) zu einer Optimierung von Produktionsprozessen beitragen kann. In den ersten Kapiteln wird analysiert, welchen potenziellen Nutzen die Anwendung von RFID für Prozessoptimierungen ergibt und welche Herausforderungen daraus erwachsen. Diesbezüglich wurden sechs Fallstudien in Produktionsbetrieben durchgeführt, in denen die Autorin mögliche RFID-Szenarien untersuchte. Basierend auf den Fallstudien wertet sie sieben RFID-Anwendungsszenarien aus. Diese sind entweder ein Ersatz von Barcodes oder eine Anwendung, die nur mit Hilfe von RFID ermöglicht wird. Kap. 4 und 5 beschäftigen sich mit der Frage, wie RFID in die existierende IT-Infrastruktur eingebettet werden kann. Dafür evaluiert die Autorin zunächst generelle IT-Infrastrukturen bei verschiedenen, produzierenden Unternehmen, indem sie weitere sieben Fallstudien durchführt. Im Anschluss erstellt sie Leitlinien für eine Integration von RFID in existierende Softwaresysteme, bei der die in diesen Fallstudien gewonnenen Anforderungen erfüllt werden. Für die Produktion gibt es noch immer keine dedizierten Modelle für die Berechnung von quantifizierbaren und die Abschätzung von nicht-quantifizierbaren Nutzen und Kosten von RFID-Einführungen. Daher untersucht die Autorin in Kap. 6 quantifizierbare und nicht-quantifizierbare Kosten und Nutzen von RFID-Einführungen in der Produktion. In Kap. 7 untersucht die Autorin RFID-Anwendungen, die über die Unternehmensgrenzen hinausgehen: RFID kann, wenn es in inter-organisatorischen Systemen implementiert ist, einen Informationsaustausch in Echtzeit gewährleisten. Jedoch stellte sie bei den Unternehmen neben den unternehmensinternen auch in den inter-organisatorischen RFID-Szenarien Vorbehalte gegenüber RFID-Einführungen fest. Daher analysiert und identifiziert sie wichtige Faktoren für die Einführung von RFID in Lieferketten am Beispiel der Lieferkette der Automobilindustrie. / In this thesis, the author investigates how radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology can contribute to the optimization of production processes. In the first chapters the author analyzes potential benefits and challenges of using RFID to improve production processes. To this end, she conducted case studies at six German manufacturing enterprises in which she explores possible RFID scenarios. Based on the case studies she evaluates seven use cases for RFID. They are either a replacement of bar codes or an application that can only be realized using RFID. Furthermore, the autor evaluates which challenges the manufacturer has to face when applying RFID. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the question of how RFID can be embedded into an existing IT infrastructure. For this the author first evaluates general IT infrastructures at diverse manufacturers by conducting seven additional case studies. She then designs guidelines for integrating the RFID requirements obtained from the case studies into existing software systems, showing where RFID data processing can fit in. The manufacturing domain still lacks dedicated models for evaluating costs and benefits of an RFID rollout especially concerning the intangible, non-quantifiable aspects of such an investment. Therefore, Chapter 6 presents such a model. In Chapter 7 the author looks beyond inter-enterprise RFID applications in manufacturing: RFID can ensure real-time information sharing when implemented in inter-organizational systems along the supply chain. However, besides challenges in intra-organizational scenarios of applying RFID in production processes, the author can also observe an inter-organizational reservation of embedding RFID in supply chains. Therefore, the author analyzes and identifies important determinants of adopting RFID in supply chains; taking the automotive as an example.

SANTO EXPEDITO: ENTRE AS TROCAS ESPIRITUAIS E MATERIAIS / Saint Expedict: enter trouble spirituals and materials.

Neres, Sérgio de Souza 19 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:49:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SERGIO DE SOUZA NERES.pdf: 681748 bytes, checksum: 0939af975bf6e99c697c21b2bd3431c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-19 / These Dissertation was construct a main of pesqui of de camp in the Sacrats Stigma and Saint Expedict Church, in Goiânia, in the period of 2005 and 2006, and meaning of bibliograph, motivation for wish of untender the to clean the religious fenomen of devotion that Saint Expedict and the success actituds as of the father Divino Alves Pereira da Silva, boss, mananger of church this period, if constituation in importants elements in stimulat at this devotion. / Esta dissertação foi elaborada por meio de pesquisas de campo na Igreja dos Sagrados Estigmas e Santo Expedito, em Goiânia, no período de 2005 e 2006, e pesquisas bibliográficas, motivadas pelo desejo de esclarecer o fenômeno religioso da devoção a Santo Expedito e entender se as atitudes empreendedoras de Padre Divino Alves Pereira da Silva, pároco, dirigente da paróquia nesse período, se constituíram em elementos importantes no estímulo a essa devoção.

O uso de business intelligence para gerar indicadores de desempenho no chão-de-fábrica: uma proposta de aplicação em uma empresa de manufatura / The use of Business Intelligence to produce performance indicators in the shop floor: an application proposal in a manufacturing company

Fortulan, Marcos Roberto 07 February 2006 (has links)
A evolução pela qual passou o chão-de-fábrica no último século transformou-o numa área estratégica para as empresas, por meio da qual é possível atender e satisfazer as necessidades dos seus clientes. Esse novo chão-de-fábrica gera hoje uma grande quantidade de dados nos controles do seu processo produtivo, os quais, em muitos casos, após seu uso imediato ou de curto prazo, acabam descartados ou armazenados inadequadamente, impossibilitando ou dificultando seu acesso. Esses dados, no entanto, podem vir a ter uma importante utilidade como matéria-prima para a geração de informações úteis à gestão do negócio. Aliado à necessidade que as empresas hoje têm de possuir um adequado sistema de medição de desempenho, é possível obter, a partir dos dados históricos do chão-de-fábrica, um bom conjunto de indicadores de desempenho para a área. Para isso, esses dados precisam ser modelados em sistemas especialmente projetados para esta função. Esses sistemas vêm sendo tratados como sistemas de apoio à decisão (SAD) ou Business Intelligence (BI). Como solução para os problemas acima, foi feita então uma revisão sobre os temas: sistemas de informação, ERP, sistemas de medição de desempenho, qualidade da informação, SAD/BI, bem como uma revisão sobre os trabalhos científicos relacionados ao tema da tese. Uma vez tendo sido esses conceitos consolidados, partiu-se para o desenvolvimento de um modelo dimensional de BI que se utilizou das ferramentas de Data Warehouse, On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) e Data Mining. O software utilizado foi o Analysis Services, pertencente ao banco de dados Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Em seguida, o modelo foi testado com dados reais de uma empresa do ramo metal-mecânico, tratada aqui como “empresa A". Por meio do modelo e dos dados reais, uma série de análises foram realizadas com o intuito de mostrar a contribuição, capacidade, flexibilidade e facilidade de uso do modelo, atingindo o objetivo proposto / The shop floor evolution in the last century has transformed it in a strategic area for the companies, through which is possible to reach and to satisfy the customers needs. This new shop floor generates today a great amount of data by the productive process controls, the ones which, in many cases, after its immediate use or in a short period, are discarded or stored inadequately, disabling or making impossible its access. These data, however, can come to have an important use as raw material for the production of useful information to the business administration. Together to the need that the companies have today to possess an appropriated performance measure system, it is possible to obtain, from the historical shop floor data, a good performance indicators group for the area. For that, these data must be modeled by systems specifically designed for this purpose. These systems have been treated as decision support systems (DSS) or Business Intelligence (BI). As solution for the problems above, it was made a review over the following themes: information systems, ERP, performance measure system, information quality, DSS/BI, as well as a review about the scientific works related to this thesis theme. Once consolidated these concepts, started the development of a BI dimensional model, that used Data Warehouse tools, On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Data Mining. It was used the Analysis Services software, belonged to the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database. In the following, the model was tested with real data from a metal-mechanic company branch, called here as “company A". Through the model and of the real data, a series of analyses was accomplished with the intention of showing the model contribution, capacity, flexibility and use easiness, reaching the proposed objective

Análise do comportamento dos tempos de produção em um sistema de manufatura flexível em um problema de escalonamento em um job shop: abordagem utilizando conceito de caminho crítico

Rodrigues, Antonio Gabriel 01 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:58:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 1 / Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / Neste trabalho é abordado o Problema de Escalonamento em um job shop, considerando restrições de datas de entrega, turnos de produção e tempo de setup entre operações. Considera-se um ambiente de Sistema de Manufatura flexível, que dado ao alto nível de automação, permite a previsibilidade dos processos de carregamento dos recursos à área de processamento. O problema foi modelado através de uma Função Objetivo fn composta de três variáveis de decisão. A importância da contribuição de cada variável para o valor de fn é gerida pela atribuição de valores aos pesos associados às variáveis. Na abordagem proposta, são utilizadas técnicas de Tecnologia de Grupo e Busca Tabu. O modelo implementado é uma modificação da técnica i TSAB, proposta por Nowicki e Smutnicki, a qual apresenta bons resultados no tratamento do Problema de Escalonamento em um job shop PEJS clássico. A consideração das restrições adicionais ao PEJS aumenta a complexidade do modelo implementado, porém, deixa o problema mais próximo da realidade. / In this work the Job Shop Scheduling Problem is studied, considering due dates, production turns and tooling constraints. This problem is applied in a Flexible Manufacturing System, which possesses high degree of automation, allowing previsibility in the processes of loading and unloading jobs on the machines. The problem is modeled through a objective function fn composed by three weighted decision variables. The importance of each variable in the fn final value is managed through assignment of values to the weights of these variables. In the proposed approach, it was used Group Technology and Tabu Search techniques. The implemented model is a modification of the i TSAB technique, proposed by Nowicki and Smutniki. The consideration of adicional constraints in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem increases the complexity of the implementation, otherwise, makes the problem closer to the industrial reality. The model was validated using benchmark instances, in which the data from the addional constraints were added.

Trabalhador portuário avulso do porto de Santos : relações entre trabalho e saúde

Santos, Rogério Pereira dos 09 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-04T21:42:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rogerio Pereira dos Santos.pdf: 761509 bytes, checksum: 31646ffa1381b13ab9d961203c902b41 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-09 / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi reunir elementos estruturados, para identificar e avaliar aspectos das relações entre trabalho e saúde do Trabalhador Portuário Avulso, tendo como base a realidade específica do Porto de Santos. O estudo levanta a hipótese de que fatores de ordem biológica, social e psicológica dos trabalhadores; e das condições e organizações do trabalho, influenciam diretamente nas condições de saúde destes. É um estudo de natureza exploratória, que articula elementos reconhecidos pela Saúde Coletiva como fatores de risco ou proteção à saúde. As informações obtidas através da pesquisa bibliográfica sobre: a realidade desses sujeitos sociais; as relações entre trabalho e saúde; e direitos sociais, foram articuladas para formulação de uma investigação qualitativa, com depoimentos do próprio trabalhador, estimulados através de um questionário semi-estruturado, analisados sistematicamente. Nas considerações finais, o estudo articula as análises das entrevistas com as bases das bibliografias pesquisadas, resultando em conclusões sobre os riscos da atividade e suas interconexões com a saúde, segundo a representação dos atores os TPAs que apontam propostas para reorganização do processo de produção, e melhor adequação das condições e ambiente de trabalho portuário, com o foco na saúde do trabalhador.

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